The Hardest Healer in Endwalker!
2 сағат бұрын
The Hardest Tank in Endwalker!
12 сағат бұрын
[FFXIV] Five Mistakes Melees Make!
@kurumaki7539 3 минут бұрын
The bard in Matoya's Relict didn't trigger the cutscene because he was waiting in the wrong spot. If he waited in the correct spot he would be down by the boss before you could walk up.
@knightofxentar 36 минут бұрын
This regards level 50 and below content. I have no issues using Scholar, Astrologian, Sage. For the life of me I'm having tanks die or just melt when I'm running White Mage. All the other healers I can monitor a tank and figure out what is the safe percentage of their health before healing is needed depending on their play style. But as White Mage Cure 2 is too slow, Cure 1 can mostly keep up but "I'm casting Cure 1". Sometimes I can get tanks that I can squeeze in a Cure 2. But when running White Mage the only thing I can do is spam heals for the first half of a mob pull. I am precasting regen once the tank gets agro, or out of agro range just before they start pulls. I'm using holy when it's available once the tank stops to deal with the pulls. I'm using the oGCD if it's available. Is this just an aspect of pre-50 level content for White Mage, or am I the baddie?
@AnthroLizard 59 минут бұрын
I wish I would see myself in a mentor roulette video sometime, I wonder how hard I would get roasted ^^
@CaetsuChaijiCh 56 минут бұрын
Hopefully not much! But you'd certainly know what you could improve on I suppose! 😁
@Zinkhal1 Сағат бұрын
6:10 in that situation i have to be honest ... if you arent sure if you have to heal ... maybe try to not heal sometimes in that situation ... to be honest even if the tank dies you could simply say "sorry miscalculated that :(" or something .. and i would even bet on it that 95% of all tanks will not be angry at all ... of course IF that just happens once or maybe twice in one dungeon ... and of course its a "better excuse" the lower level you are .. but in fact you could even have nearly every job at 90 and just came back to the game 2 weeks ago ... most people will support you with tips if you tell them .. but at the same time i understand ... healing in FF14 is a weird topic compared to other games .. its often "attack if no heal is needed" but in FF14 its more like "attack till healing is REALLY needed" and especially if you dont play heal that much it can be hard to know the "edge" how much you have to heal or how less you could heal before the tank dies and no you dont want me as healer im a whm main and especially if i know the content the chance to get heal from me if you as a tank are over 30% hp is ... pretty low ;D 10:20 but thats not fair .. you are warrior xD but that is one reason why i most of the time just use sprint as healer .. if the tank is using it ... unless if i die and have to run back to the group ... maybe ... maybe not ... some tanks just dont care about that and just going to kill themself if the healer cant sprint and refuse to run a few steps back to even try to get in range for a heal in case its needed
@PrinceSarah1 2 сағат бұрын
My friend tried that healer rescue with me in Shisui once and got me killed. I was genuinely crying laughing instead of hitting the accept rez button
@biggrayalien4791 2 сағат бұрын
Today I learned it's pronounced "kerruh kohly/lay" and not "kerruh choal"
@ThisismineIguess 3 сағат бұрын
y y........... y?????????????????
@user-ob4kn3rp3j 3 сағат бұрын
Seeing bad tanks annoys me so much. I want to play DPS but am forced to play tank since there's so many bad ones who don't listen. It's annoying.
@dolphuscolon9101 3 сағат бұрын
I am the most wasteful white mage. Regen on tank and medica 2 then dps
@firby7341 4 сағат бұрын
i would love to see pulls from other jobs perspectives: healers vote which tank they prefer to see in roulettes, tanks vote with which healer they feel safest when get paired etc
@whitemagick4 5 сағат бұрын
I'm Greek and I love Sage :D
@GarredHATES 5 сағат бұрын
War makes me the hardest
@kevinwade5399 5 сағат бұрын
Main Healer here! All my healers are 90..For me (easy to hard) whm ast sch sge
@BLiTzCoMETWoLF 6 сағат бұрын
what are the top and bottoms the girl to the right in the thumbnail have on
@ofanichan 6 сағат бұрын
As someone who plays ast and sch. The amount of mana consumption sch takes makes that job so much harder in my opinion. It can be rough some times. I rarely ever go out of mana on ast, but sch its pretty much every dungeon
@fuzzwobble 7 сағат бұрын
One thing I'll say about White Mage healing that isn't being mentioned when it comes to leveling is that Regen is extremely good for those levels before you get Holy, and Holy carries entire dungeons once you get it. The one problem Regen had was it pulling aggro when the tank was gathering mobs, but the devs removed that interaction for Regen, faeries, and Kardia. A White Mage can heal an entire dungeon with just Regen and Cure II easily if they don't care about being perfect with damage output; a Regen spotted onto a DPS when it drops to 2/3rd HP is enough to prop it back up to full health over time. These two spells are efficient enough that you can maintain using them plus Stone/Glare spam as needed with your Lucid Dreaming. It only gets easier once you have Medica II, which (as its reputation is deserved) is extremely strong group healing. It's strong enough that stacking a Medica II and a Regen on a tank before they wall-to-wall can compensate for a huge amount of the damage your tank would suffer on-the-go. I suppose what makes the job have the reputation of being so ridiculously easy is that all the other healing jobs can't really get away with this simplicity. A White Mage can just use Regen and Cure II and do its core job from level 1-90. Anything from there is 'extra'. Admittedly you *should* try to DPS as much as you can, and *should* use other healing/shield options that are more efficient, but you don't *have* to. I'll throw my 2 cents in for each job as I watch the video.
@fuzzwobble 7 сағат бұрын
I would argue that Sage and Scholar need to be swapped due to the nature of Kardion. Proper use of Kardia requires dancing the buff around with weaving to move the healing, which is something a faerie does automatically without input. The faerie also performs its healing automatically without requiring input; if there's somebody in range to heal, it heals. It's such a no-fuss system. A Sage has a strange healing system compared to the others. Ideally you want to perform all your healing with OGCDs and Kardia, meaning you want to be highly aware of your cooldowns and how to efficiently space them. This is due to the nature of Kardia vs the faerie; a faerie will keep healing while you heal, but Kardia stops providing its bonus healing if you stop and perform healing/shielding. Due to this, you are punished a lot more for having to hard-cast healing at any point as a Sage. This is somewhat complicated by addersgall. It incentivizes you to use your shields and charge it, but putting up your shields at any point except before pulls or during fight downtime is a loss. This means that a Sage has to learn when dropping a Eukrasian shield is a net gain. Scholar also has the advantage of Art of War being so damned good for pulls that they don't have to do anything else. Use Sacred Soil, weave Lustrate as needed, be near the tank, and slam Art of War on the enemies, and they can perform almost the entire game's content. Swap Art of War for Biolysis/Broil on single targets and you're fine. People like to huff and say that it's a choice between Lustrate and Energy Drain, but they're being ignorant or dishonest a lot of the time; usually you're using your charges on Sacred Soil and spotting heals with Lustrate, because if you don't spot heals with Lustrate you have to perform the odd hard-cast heal, and (since Energy Drain is only 100 potency) that's a net loss. It's only a 'thing' when you have a co-healer. Sage, on the other hand, has an array of things to do during the pull. They can't rely on just Sacred Soil, their faerie, and one weaved heal in Lustrate to handle it all. They have to think like a reverse tank and stagger their cooldowns, all while tracking a larger array of AoE damage spells. One thing you also didn't touch on was how Sacred Soil is a lot more powerful that Kerachole due to the hidden mechanic of buff application. Sacred Soil actually applies a secret instant tick for 100 potency, meaning its healing is 100 potency higher, and the damage reduction lingers for 2-3 extra seconds after the area fades, meaning its mitigation lasts longer. This might not sound like much, but with how powerful Kerachole and Sacred Soil are before taking this into consideration, it bumps Sacred Soil up to ludicrous levels.
@fuzzwobble 6 сағат бұрын
Astrologian is an odd healer in the sense that if you only do what a White Mage does (Aspected Benefic, Benefic II, Aspected Helios) you can mimic what makes a White Mage simple, and complicate it in steps to get comfortable with it. Once you take into account Essential Dignity, I would argue that Astrologian is one of the easiest healers to play at skill floor. Where Astrologian gets difficult is when you do anything more than that, and it suffers from severe button bloat. I believe one of the most difficult aspects of the class is finding enough comfortable key bindings to not click your abilities. It's simply that engorged with things to do. In practice, however, if you just dole out your cards with a priority system, use Essential Dignity, and heal like a White Mage, you'll do fine. Smatter in the other spells and weaves slowly as you get comfortable and it becomes second nature. It is definitely the hardest healer if you try to reach the skill ceiling, absolutely, but if you're not doing things like, say, monitoring the Dark Knight's burst phase to card them, or using some sort of abacus to monitor your party's DPS to determine the best Samurai to put physical cards on, then Sage honestly can compete in difficulty. A lot of the late-game healing just becomes "Place star, throw blue cards on melee and purples on casters, be a White Mage with Essential Dignity". I would argue that ED is so damned good that it is worth the card business just to have it in your kit. Anything else you do feels 'extra'.
@ZackVuldin 7 сағат бұрын
omg. ty for this video. ive been studying it. i understand most things, but im confused on Plentiful harvest. Am I only able to use it after Arcane Circle?
@CaetsuChaijiCh 2 сағат бұрын
Yes, plentiful harvest is only usable once per arcane circle and can only be used around 5-6 seconds after arcane circle as well 😅
@raventhorX 9 сағат бұрын
Confused what the point of this video is. Just gives me the impression you are shit talking healers. You aued for mentor roulette right? Isn't the point of that roulette to pair mentors with possibly I experienced players? Of course you're going to encounter people who do t k ow what the hell they're doing. Level skip is a thing which gives a person less experience with a class than if they played more legit and even then I've been around for a long time and still learning new shit. I'm also unsure but isn't there an option to remove the novice status as well? In other games such statuses can cause a player to basically be ostracized due to toxic communities and if they are coming from such a game their perception of what to expect from FF is clouded, then doing a video like this only confirms their clouded perception. I feel as a mentor myself my job is to help in any way I can to instruct players how to play the game and having a great deal of patience is very important to that as well as not trying to give them a hard time if they aren't doing something correctly. Considering this seems to be targeting healers as well this might be taken out of context for healers and could potentially make these rumors of a healer boycot worse for when DT drops. After all if people are just gunna shit on healers and the devs make the content so easy that it can be cleared without one they why do you need one?
@KaguyaEne 2 сағат бұрын
It sounds heavy handed and shit talk heavy when taking it at face value and not seeing the systemic pattern across a lot of the series. In isolation it looks and sounds pretty bad but across the 14 videos of the series it tells of a systemic problem with the game when it allows players to skip absolutely everything up till the start of current expansion, doesn't adequately explain basic core mechanics to roles in an either intuitive or mandatory way (guildhest and hall of the novice is all optional), nor really encourage players to read their tooltips to get an idea how their job, or role, functions. Then we have to consider players being reinforced by their previous experiences to come to a conclusion that what they currently, and in the future, are doing is good and are reluctant to change it in fear of doing something wrong or just feel entitled to the way they play is the right way and anyone else trying to teach/tell them how to play is wrong and isn't the one playing their game for them. It feels like that too many players end up too reluctant to adapt and change after having the initial core part of their kit because "if it worked for me then it'll always work" ends up being the default mentality especially in the case of healers because they haven't necessarily been forced to adapt and move on. And about the Healer Strike, the original thread creator for the strike has not completed anything past Extremes with pretty verifiable proof of it. Does it necessarily invalidate the strike? Not really, but quite a number of the points start falling apart because jobs should be tuned to the highest level of content and while dungeon content has been getting seemingly easier it has more so been the product of Tanks gaining more and more defensive power compared to offensive as a result of time as well as a direction to make many dungeon boss mechanics be avoidable damage. But MSQ dungeons are also the bottom level of battle content that everyone should be able to clear through no questions asked so it should be easier. Also it is 400 people in "active participation" in their dedicated Discord and the 3400 posts in thread looks like a lot of back and forth flaming/discussion. It's getting more and more discussion cause a number of smaller creators are jumping in on it as well as Zepla sticking her neck into something she never had a stake in.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 2 сағат бұрын
I think you completely misunderstood the video Raventhor. 😊 You can see in the actual chat log in the footage that if I say something, it is well meaning and positive first of all. Second, when I point out the mistakes, it might sound a bit aggressive if the mistakes are particularly bad, but that is because it reaches a point where I try to make it a joke instead because of how bad it is. However, the key here is that most often, the problem isn't that the players (for example healers) are making mistakes, the problem is that they do so, and also don't take advice. As a mentor, sure, my task is also to help players through, but it isn't to be some god gamer that carries, that is not how this works. As a mentor, my task is also to give advice and help the other players. But if they ignore it or refuse it, then not much i can do. But I CAN teach other new players about these mistakes in a video highlighting it. And I think you should consider that I do have a lot of new players watching this channel that regularly voice their appreciation for this advice 😊 if you think what I said in the video qualifies as toxic, then I think you've been very lucky! 😅 Edit: also you saying "what is the point?"... It's a gameplay video showcasing my journey of doing mentor roulettes.... I say that at the start 😂
@CaetsuChaijiCh 2 сағат бұрын
@KaguyaEne thank you for that detailed analysis! I had heard about the healer strike, but not much further so thank you for the further insight 😊
@raventhorX 2 сағат бұрын
@@KaguyaEne I do agree with many of your points but it seems the points you've made are indication of the issue with the system and not specifically the player. While the player still has a hand in the choices they make when playing the game it seems the system is still designed in a way that doesn't encourage these players to adapt and that's really the issue. This video seemed to focus on the issues the system created as though they were the players fault when they aren't and that's my issue. Blaming the wrong thing basically.
@raventhorX Сағат бұрын
@@CaetsuChaijiCh I believe it may be an issue of the presentation then. To me it almost feels like you are trying to call people out when doing a mentor roulette when the purpose of that roulette is to pair mentors with less experienced players and thus you can expect various issues to pop up due to the players inexperience. Calling them out for their refusal to listen and heed your advice however is definitely a different story and is an indication of their own toxic behavior. In the case where they do this blatantly I can't blame you for that, but if they just don't respond there might be another reason why this is the case. In my years playing FF I have encountered people who have this perception of FF that it's a single player game and because ffxiv was the newest out at the time there have been issues where players have played it as such. Another similar issue is those who might be playing on ps4 yet do not have a keyboard. The game does not support voice chat either nor explains that these players are playing with people not on ps4 which can make communication difficult. I have one such friend that if I wasn't currently educating him on these issues he would be like many of these players you are encountering in mentor roulette.
@Sentifray 10 сағат бұрын
As a clicker, and a mentor, I really do appreciate your message in Antitower Been kicked out of quite a few groups because I click, never even let me enter an instance with them XD
@dazzlemasseur 10 сағат бұрын
can you enhance shields by using Mantra before it's applied ?
@iPlayOnSpica 10 сағат бұрын
When I play WAR at a high enough level to use Nascent Flash, I show some "unspoken disrespect" to cure bots by putting it on the healer in a w2w pull and not only burying their puny healing on my screen, but flooding their screen with massive heals, too. If they still cure bot, I dunno what they're thinking lol. "I'm still doing my small part" maybe?
@moofy69 10 сағат бұрын
As a tank main, I've noticed a significant uptick in cure 1 (or equivalent) usage lately. Must be a ton of people coming back for DT who don't really know the game
@GaryTaro45 11 сағат бұрын
I got a lot of extreme fight from mentor roulette recently.... smh 😪
@CaetsuChaijiCh 11 сағат бұрын
I wish I got more extremes, maybe not A LOT, but I'd take a few more than what I've been getting at least! 😅
@ditzyhere3138 11 сағат бұрын
If you’re in Shisui as a healer it’s good to watch when seduce is being cast and going for a box early to where the transformation ends before the aoe goes off. Then you can rescue if needed and also avoid people taking your box.
@Scerttle 12 сағат бұрын
8:00 I had this exact thing pictured happen when I got ARF the other day: healer was locked down, I ran to them and then so did the MCH and we all almost died lmfao Conversely, another time when I was healer I stood with the tank, got the mechanic and they ran away from me and I almost died lol It just about trips up EVERYONE.
@Scerttle 12 сағат бұрын
Both these times none were sprouts btw
@CaetsuChaijiCh 12 сағат бұрын
Yeah most players have no idea how this mechanic works! In fairness, it doesn't happen much in casual content certainly!
@Scerttle 11 сағат бұрын
@@CaetsuChaijiCh Yeah I think the first time it shows up in casual content is Alexander.... which you get access to AFTER ARF lmao
@WuphonsReach 12 сағат бұрын
You should really be hiding first/last names in your party in videos like this.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 12 сағат бұрын
I feel when you only have initials on the players, it makes people view them as less real, and somehow justifies being meaner. Also, if someone actually wanted to seek any of the people in these videos out, initials a race and a region can absolutely be enough to find them. So I feel this idea of using only initials is a false sense of anonymity anyway
@BlancaTsukiai 12 сағат бұрын
For Byakko's State of Shock actually two sets play in tandem, in case you want to give an update for it in the next video: The first part: Where he grabs the player, puts them in an 'untargetable' state, which does NOT move the player's position, but the camera of the player. Similar to how Dragoon's jump works(worked) in putting you forward and then back to your spot. The second part of the actual SLAM is forcefully MOVING the player, thus making the player 'Move' with Diamondback on - which is negating Diamondback, as it is saying. The same effect actually happens and can be tested out, if you cast Diamondback and Jump as it finishes. It flashes up shortly, actively applying Diamondback, then removing itself almost instantly. It still consumes 3000 Mana, but the duration is cut short from the movement. Thus, I suspect that the movement from Byakko's active throw is cancelling the effect of Diamondback. I hope it helps in the next video, maybe :)
@firby7341 12 сағат бұрын
i have all healers at 90, casual player, and to me whitemage feels the hardest when the group doesnt know what theyre doing. i feel way more comfortable to re-stable the group with astro and scholar, and some extent sage, tho to me AST and SCH are the most comfortable, while i acknowledge WHM and SAG are easier to pick up edit: i miss noct ast
@FubukiShiromiya 13 сағат бұрын
I’ve been seeing a lot of Cure I white mages lately and it just makes me wonder if it is a new issue or if I’m just noticing it more.
@Philip027 13 сағат бұрын
I'm not usually going to fault WHMs for using Cure 1 (I've had many instances where I tried, or had, to rely solely on Cure 2 and ended up OOM), but something I would fault them for (and saw some of in your video) was them not making liberal use of Regen. Seriously, it's good, guys. Even better nowadays since you can apply it to tanks before they pull and not risk pulling aggro with it!
@asl9555 13 сағат бұрын
whm is so unpredictable i've got a whm who only decided to use holy when the mobs are UNDER HALF HP
@WolfmanXD 13 сағат бұрын
Bro, the amount of time those stupid bubbles or whatever takes to register you as inside them, in any dungeon is AWFUL. I JUST had this happen to me in vanaspati yesterday. It's awful.
@cali4806 13 сағат бұрын
Dual weaving sux on my ping sadly
@benjaminfast5496 13 сағат бұрын
As someone who has leveled SCH, SGE, and WHM to 90, I can only speak to those 3. But, here's my thoughts, briefly: SCH: This was a fun leveling experience because Eos (RIP Selene, but no one used you anyways...) was very useful for quick heals. At the higher levels though, I found some of the additional skills didn't click with me. I always forgot which is the emergency skills to use in what situations. The Fairy skills sometimes didn't feel as impactful. But overall, it was a solid healing class. SGE: Once I got past the confusing colours/names of the skills (yes, this was overwhelming at first and deterred me from playing it for a LONG time), I found a great flow with SGE. Even starting at level 70, it doesn't really start to "work" until closer to 80. I've also found that more than the other 2 healing classes I've played, SGE has a much higher APM. Needing to press Eukrasia to add shields becomes a lot, especially when trying to upkeep it on the tank so you can get Addersting to do high damage, I feel like it has become arthritis inducing. Lol. I do find it more challenging than the others due to the APM, but I think it flows more smoothly once you get used to it. WHM: Honestly, a very straight forward class, with not much going on, even at high levels. So many of the added features at the higher levels feel "meh." Aside from spamming Holy (the ONLY AOE attack that also requires a cast time, unlike SCH and SGE) to get the stun, I get bored with it. The being said, it's not a bad class. I just slowly lost the desire to play it.
@benz8133 13 сағат бұрын
The nature of the game revolves around versatility and role responsibilities. You can see this in all jobs, not just tanks. Ex. A job that is highly versatile, doesn't do its role to the absolute highest levels compared to a job that solely focuses on its role with no versatility. In this case, emnity is the managable resource and pallies have the best versatility as a tank, so they fight with that aggro all the way through content. Damage is the secondary concern. All tanks hover around the same damage output level.
@sethytheredpanda 14 сағат бұрын
I learned to heal as an AST, it was the first healer I really wanted to try and its now my main healer, I couldn't mesh with SCH... maybe I will try it again in DT...
@chernobyl169 14 сағат бұрын
ARF is such a party wiper, and it tickles me pink that you call it that.
@CaetsuChaijiCh 12 сағат бұрын
It is a surprise, just like an arfing dog! 😁
@xWolfspridex 14 сағат бұрын
Your way of addressing issues you see with asking if you can give a tip seems effective, and something I will try - but do you have tips for people who immediately become defensive or passive aggressive? As a WAR, I'm sure it's a shrug, but when playing a tank that needs a little more attention at low levels, it can make the experience harrowing. I'm sure it's just because of the uptick in people prepping for DT, who aren't chronically online like me, but I also have been having a rough time in roulettes with Healers especially. Including a "SGE Main" (self proclaimed when asked) who only used Diagnosis for pulls lol. Having a better way to deal with these things that isn't one mob at a time would be preferred.
@sixthaxis5236 15 сағат бұрын
I've had healers who will pretty much never use AoE and sometimes even stand around spamming cure 1 on me in lvl 90 dungeons, AS A WARRIOR! I've also had times where the paladin will use Clemency on themselves at 90% hp when im the healer. I swear the pool of ill informed and lackluster players has risen drastically. Before it was a once in a blue moon where you'd have ass teammates that are either single pull or "You pull, you tank" tanks, heals only healers and buffs on bosses only peeps, but now its like 60% - 80% of my runs are with these people...
@gabrielturcato1235 15 сағат бұрын
I'll be here, just waiting for the day when I can hear "did you know that warriors CAN'T solo...", I think it will be a long journey
@CaetsuChaijiCh 14 сағат бұрын
Warrior can't solo arf synced due to a dps check! 😂
@Tecoep 15 сағат бұрын
so that's what TP does, so glad they got rid of that annoyance
@4Leaf 15 сағат бұрын
Cure 1 spam is so common in roulettes it hurts my soul
@StarGeminiZ 16 сағат бұрын
I feel the level 80 boosts are the cause of the high level character with low level class knowledge and game sense. (No ice Black Mage or heal only healers)
@StarGeminiZ 13 сағат бұрын
Also the fact that they are on a 50% off sale right now.
@bluefish239 16 сағат бұрын
Healing and just sitting there doing nothing in between seems...incredibly boring. I say as someone that used to be that healer lol. I don't know what I was doing in the down time kind of makes me wonder....
@oltro15 16 сағат бұрын
I noticed most of the mistakes people made in this video were casters. I think its because there's more room for error with the freedom with what you can cast at any given moment.
@ditzyhere3138 11 сағат бұрын
It’s also obvious when a caster makes mistakes but not as clear when physical dps are.
@FreyFantom 16 сағат бұрын
I have mained all healers since the beginning of time. Im almost an 11 year vet. White Mage is... boring. I actually call it braindead. So out of all the healers, I just personally avoid playing that one. I could care less for its Raw healing, an Astro when you know what you are doing is superior. I agree this is the easiest healer. Sage is also very easy. The fact you can just lego in whatever shit you need at any time without pre planning, minus the shields you gotta put on at the right times, the class is stupid easy. So yeah, definitely second easiest. Its super hard to fuck this one up. I agree Scholar is the 3rd hardest because of the aetherflow management and needing to understand mechs to pre plan, but lets be honest, its still a neutered class. You've got these great options as a shield healer, but still I miss the old system where fairy management was much harder. I loved having to swap between Eos and Selene. I loved the whole "needing to REALLY know your shit to play this class effectively" challenge to it. Now to me, its watered down. Still a strong shield healer, still more difficult to manage than Sage, but I miss the old stuff. It was at its best in stormblood overall imo. Astro, that is what I main the most. That class is also neutered. People thinking this shit with the cards is difficult blows my mind. Its not... back then when cards were specific was more difficult and I honestly think they need to bring the former cards back. All they gotta do is fix Spire since that was originally for TP regen. Astro tho is a beast. With lightspeed, macrocosmos and card buffs that pump your MP back up when you draw, dude the recovery on that class is dumb as shit. Its very strong. You in a team full of morons? Raising the party is no problem with that class. Sure, you are gonna it enrage, but my God Astro is a beast. Sure, WM is SE's favorite in terms of raw healing, but that shit is made up by MP recovery, the fact you can buff your team, and if you know what you are doing, preplanning can make it to where you carry that WM. Every time I have a WM, Sage, or Scholar with me, my Astro carries them all in healing and damage. Just give me my old cards back and im gtg. DT needs to make these healer classes HARDER to play. Not easier. They are already white bread.
@SaraAliciaCaster 16 сағат бұрын
When my bf is on his whm, im usually playing tank I have a macro for it, And it goes as followed "The healer and i are a pair, if YOU have an issue with his healing, you can either leave the party, or get over it. If you HAVE to make it an issue, and i am the group leader, you will be kicked" One time i just left the group due to someone being extremely toxic about his healing, i wasnt going to help the lala lvl up Im completely fine with whatever healing spells my bf gives me, EVEN IF ITS CURE 1 did i die, no, have i been reported for that macro, no, only one person had to make it an issue out of the 6 months of me tanking Again, i have ZERO issue of my bf using cure 1 on me, even if hes lvl 90
@ditzyhere3138 11 сағат бұрын
Uh, if you had to make a macro because it happens so often I don’t think the other players are the problem.
@SaraAliciaCaster 11 сағат бұрын
@@ditzyhere3138 and I'm not going to tell my boyfriend to change how he plays he game
@halosaft 5 сағат бұрын
That sounds like quite the bad behaviour for a partner. I got my wife into XIV and she likes healing, as a healer and tank main myself, I teach her and give her information about her job so she can improve. You obviously know that Cure 1 at level 90 is bad practice, but instead of helping your partner improve you choose to hold him back and instead of helping him you pretend like the other people are the problem. That's just sad to hear. Also, you can't kick people just because you are party leader in roulettes, you still need to vote for it. Party leader makes literally no difference at all.