Air Flow and coil placement tutorial for RDAs: Fine tuning

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Morten Oen

Morten Oen

6 жыл бұрын

This video is for RDAs where the air comes in horizontally from the sides. There is no absolutely correct placement, but changing the coil placement half a millimeter up or down from the agreed upon optimal perpendicular points (3 or 9 o'clock), you can change the flavor characterisitics very much. I'm afraid you'll have to watch it all this time to get the concept of it, but what's more fun than watching vapor rushing by in slow motion?
If the air is comming in at an angle in your RDA, no fine tuning will correct that or have any significant influence. Just make shure the flow hits the coils perpendicular, and use the clock as a referance. If the air is comming in at an angle of 60 degrees from top or bottom, it should hit the coil at respectivly 1 or 5 o´clock (or 11 or 7 o'clok).

Пікірлер: 55
@richardlarsen5626 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Morten, since watching your videos I am constantly adjusting coil positions to find that sweet spot.
@Daniel_S. 6 жыл бұрын
This was very informative, nowhere else I found so good information about the flow in an atomizer. Thank you very much for your efforts Morten!
@mrcringe7732 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for all of your videos and your work. Really informative. You have gained another subscriber.
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Greetings! Thank you for your enthusiasm!
@mrcringe7732 6 жыл бұрын
No, thank you. Love what you are doing for us vapours. A little science goes a long way. And thanks for your very prompt response, wasn't expecting one at all to be honest. Is that you playing the guitar for the intro music?
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks! Yes, but it's not a guitar, it's a ukulele I made from koa tree. I used french polish (a craft in its own right) and bone to make it sound better. Nice instrument. When played right it can sound as two guitars playing together. I just composed some Norwegian folk music. Had a nice ring to it. Thanks for noticing that!
@mrcringe7732 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I can hear that now. Should have noticed it sooner, as my son plays the ukulele. Its really nice. Beautiful tone, and you made it yourself. Impressed. Man of many talents. Nice piece of music too. Well done.
@alexkontoulhs3643 6 жыл бұрын
Hello morten! Today i have build my avocado bottom airflow with very Hard wicking and ino wire ss304L pararel...every time i was carefoul for my coil to be at the center of airflow.. Today i did everything you said in this Video and your others videos ass well.. One word... THANK YOU!!!! Glad to find you.. Sorry for my English, not my native lanquage.. Greetings from Greece!!!!
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Alex! Your English is very good by the way :-)
@johnyewdall398 6 жыл бұрын
HeHe. Back in 1972 I was invited to undertake a PhD in Fluidics. Watching these videos makes me wonder why I declined the offer. Thank you for another fascinating video.
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks John! My favorite theme in fluidics is now Vorticity. Found an old NASA video from the 50s on the subject! Oh, regrets! What would life be without them :-)
@johnyewdall398 6 жыл бұрын
Aagh, you have done it again. Set me reading up on stuff I could have understood in my youth but now make me realise my brain is addled by age and alcohol. So what will be the next experiments - the effect of vorticity on vapour flow through different chambers. We all accept domed chambers give the best flavour but do they really and what shape dome. Why not a continuous change in cross section from coil to mouthpiece.
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but yeah... The name Picasso springs to mind 😃
@ianhutchinson6168 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video my friend
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
I am glad you find it interesting:-)
@rcsendandblast1579 6 жыл бұрын
This is a great view of how when the air is hitting the coil in the right spot that the coil will be getting proper cooling when pulling air past the coil. I am NO Expert and only go by how my coils look and I have had some coils go dirty on the bottom of the coil. Side airflow atomizers with side/ under airflow is key to getting the best flavour plus it's the best design for keeping the coils adequately cooled therefore keeping them in good shape for a longer period of time. This is from my experience in which I've been Vaping for almost 5 years. Happy vaping. 🙂 PS : Not Every One Will Have The Same Results.
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Having direct air on the coil from two or more directions are key. I agree:-)
@sakisdiyprojects1911 6 жыл бұрын
hey mister Oen. first of all i want to thank you for all this interesting and usefull information. (flats vs clapton, positioning, wicking etc.) THANK YOU!!! i have a suggestion for one last experiment. i am curious of whats going on when the coils are not placed parallel with the deck but at a slight angle. lets say about 10 or 15 degrees in a typical side airflow chamber. any thoughts on this?
@catwhisperer911 6 жыл бұрын
Morten, allow me to commend you on your airflow videos. I believe these will be regarded as a seminal study of airflow and vaping. Now for my question regarding Clapton and twisted wire coils, are you planning a similar study for them as well that will take into account their unique and dynamic airflow properties?
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Jeff, and thank you for the view of my videos! I have thought about a similar video for the claptons/ twisted coils, but the only way out seemes to be re-designing most RDAs to deal with the problems. In the Aeronaut RDA both coils get the same(-ish) flavor and cooling. If clapton/twisted coil users does not want the hot, dense, bottom note flavor most of them have now, the Aeronaut RDA is the only option. There are no other RDA out there for them. Yet :-). A flat wire coil user can get the best of both worlds by simply lower or rise the coil by 1mm. The core of the problem is that coarse coils does not have air flow properties. There can be no flow around them, because there are no continued surface a flow can addhere to. Consider this: 4 different air holes, all offset from each other, like a swasticka, hitting a vertical coil in the center, offset. Then you at least get a directional turbulent drift that can circum navigate the coil to some extent. I even have a drawing of one, but it's very complicated, and the user has to be very precise in her building skills. But I'll think some more on the subject😀
@warefairsoda 6 жыл бұрын
Morten, thanks to Abby Vapes who mentioned your 'wicking' video series I have gone from a fairly mediocre RDA vaping experience using dual Clapton coils to a magnificent vape with a single flattened coil 0.75 Ohm/50W. This has all happened in less than 48 hours. Thank you very much indeed.
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
You are most welcome! Thank you for the feedback!
@korgeth 6 жыл бұрын
Another nice one. Just wondering if you have seen the design of the new Wotofo and SMM the Nudge RDA? Looks promising, to me anyway. It is the triangle block they have in the center that interests me. I haven't had a chance to pick one up yet but plan to as soon as I can.Matt from SMM said he has a single coil RDA of similar design, on the way as well.
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, The triangle block is nice. More designers should do that. But from SMM's video it looks like he does not know how this stuff works. The coils should be much lower, and the triangle lower and taller, but the way it is designed the triangle will actually make this perticular RDA perform worse no matter what coils you use. You see, even the angeled air holes is a great idea, like the rest of his ideas, but everything looks to be in the wrong place. I have to get my hands on one, but I am pretty confident that it's not possible to do a great build on this one, and that is really a pitty. It's like, if this build deck was on a MadDog RDA, you would pretty much have a perfect RDA (as far as single air holes and dual coil RDAs goes.)
@scottsterling4167 6 жыл бұрын
Hey the vids, thanks for doing it...I have one thing to say though. With an RDA with blocks in the middle that stops airflow and makes it more turbulent, did you take into account that sometimes it's better to have the coils higher than the airflow?
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Scott! And a Yes to your question. Look at my MadDog RDA review, where I'm talking about this option. I call it "the second chamber effect". In my video "Air flow in single coil RDAs" I'm talking about the effect and how to use it in depth. It all depends on the wire you use, and the outside diameter of the coils.
@JRbiker1 6 жыл бұрын
I've been running a 5mm Notch coil in a Pulse 22 with surprising results. Wondered if you have ever used them? Your videos are confirming a lot of what I've found in positioning coils in single coil RTAs and Rdas.
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
The notches will act as a severe trip wire and separate the flow from the coil where they are transversal. On a pulse 22 you can manipulate it in a way that it does the least amount of "harm" because of the asymmetrically angled air holes. I would never have used the Notch coil with a single air flow device.
@JRbiker1 6 жыл бұрын
I had the Notch coils left over from the disappointing Theorem RTA and wanted to experiment with them in Temp Control mode. I don't know if it is an anomaly but they have out preformed most other coils I've had in it while running in standard wattage mode (35w is sweet spot). I run almost exclusively single coil RTAs and RDAs.
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I can imagine that they perform great in single coil atomizers, fast, lots of flavor, lots of vapor even at low watts. Perfect!
@resultsofchange 6 жыл бұрын
JRbiker1 I have some notch coils on the way from fasttech. I've always been curious about them. I plan on running them in a limitless rdta and in a pulse 24. Single coil of course in the 24.
@JRbiker1 6 жыл бұрын
It might be a bit of a tight squeeze in the limitless because of the posts, the coils I have are 5mm dia by 10mm long. No problem in the Pulse 24. Run tight cotton, 20-40w they heat up very fast. If you got the SS316 coils they work in temp control 30w/420'f. Be careful if you dry burn them, they are very fast ramp up.
@mikdeomulia2464 6 жыл бұрын
How about the coil placement with semi-bottom airflow like MadDog rda or battlestar rda? Where should i put mine? Thanks
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
The MadDog is comming up very soon 🙂 For now, just place a steel wire along the angled intake, and make sure you hit the coil at 5 o'clock on the underside (or 7 o'clock on the other side.)
@mikdeomulia2464 6 жыл бұрын
Whoaaa, glad to hear that. Can't wait to see. Thanks, i'll start from coil placement 😃
@Jethu262 6 жыл бұрын
I have been using a Goon 22 for over a year now and I've always placed my coils according to how most people say; with the bottom of the coil visible through the air holes. I can't deny that the flavor from this thing is the best I've ever tasted, but I'm going to lower them a little bit and see what changes...I'll let you know the results.
@Jethu262 6 жыл бұрын
Ok...I rebuilt the Goon 22 with the coils much lower in the deck, centered with the airflow as much as I could, and it changed everything. I've vaped 3 of my favorite juices that I know very well, and my goodness they are so much better like this. One of my favorites is called The One, and it's Strawberry, Fruit Cereal, Donuts, and Milk in flavor profile. It has always been really tasty, but now the Strawberry is really coming through strong, and I'm getting a cereal flavor that I've never gotten from it. Also, the bottom end (the donuts and milk) are still there and bring it all together. Absolutely perfect! The other two flavors also brightened up considerably and I'm tasting subtleties in them that I had never tasted before. Simply amazing! This is a simple Kanthal Round wire build that comes out to .36 ohms and I'm vaping it at 62 watts, and it's wicked VERY tight with Rayon Fiber. The top cap does get warm if I chain vape, but not too hot to touch. This is a much better flavor experience than any clapton, flapton, unicorned helixed stapled lip scorcher that I've ever installed. Kudos to you my friend. Your info is hands down better than anyone else out there.
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this report! Now the last step is to make yourself a flat wire coil :-) Test first with a parallel 28g or 26g coil. If you like that, the flat wire will be even better. Stawberry fields forever!
@Jethu262 6 жыл бұрын
I will bring a nice hard piece of steel home from work tomorrow and give it a shot...don't know how it will work in such a small deck, but I can fire down to .05 ohms on my mod if I have to, though I generally like to stay over .15 ohms. I imagine the flat wire will cool a bit faster than round wire, so that just might cut down the top cap heat. I'll let you know how it goes. Edit: if the flat wire doesn't fit in the Goon 22, I will definitely try it in the Medusa...plenty of room in that little RTA!
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Keep us informed! Thanks!
@jordanwhalen107 6 жыл бұрын
So what do your coils look like through the airflow, I have the same rda.
@arncj18 6 жыл бұрын
is the smoke blown in from the outside or left to be sucked in by the vacuum?
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Vacuum cleaner is mounted above the coil. Air is sucked in from the sides:-)
@arncj18 6 жыл бұрын
ok, that's what i thought, cause if the smoke was blown in from the outside by a device, the experiment wouldn't be true
@roid465 5 жыл бұрын
Correct me if I am wrong, but this test seems inaccurate. My personal rta deck has two air flow slits which both pill towards the coil, your video assumes that only one is pulling. Also you do not account for the third source of suction, i.e. from the drip tip and vaper. In my head the solution is that the coil be placed slightly above the middle point between the two airflow slits to create a sort of triangle of air floe when the device is toked. To me if you place the coil dead in the middle, airflow will skirt up and around the coil in its path to the users mouth. To compensate by raising the coil slightly means that the middle of the air "cones" coming from the air flow slits come to rest central on the coil then up into the man chamber
@mortenoen434 5 жыл бұрын
This is the fine tuning video. Suction is from the top of the chamber. For other air flow patterns, look at other videos. You are wrong in your assumption. All my experiments and testing and even proxy evidence point towards that a dual coil RDA with air from two sides perform best being hit dead on or higher up, i.e. the coils should be placed lower. This will remove spatter and the slight burnt flavor notes in the vape. Please look at other videos. This physics has been known for at least 2 centuries.
@roid465 5 жыл бұрын
@@mortenoen434 Right I will try out what you're suggesting next time I change my coils. However I still maintain that this is not an accurate test, and if your other experiments and tests are as flawed as this one; having a catalog of results from similar tests does not mean much to me I'm afraid. I agree with what you are trying to achieve aka the optimal placement of airflow on a coil, I just refute this test as evidence of your conclusion.
@mortenoen434 5 жыл бұрын
@@roid465 Thats ok :-) I do not run a lab :-) But the way people draw their breat, and their lung capacity is extremely different, so the human factor is a huge source of error all around. There has also been a debate how much the 10:1 scaling plays a role, but the concensus on that seems to be, not so much at the speeds and volumes we are talking about. So I know the capacity range of human adults` lungs, because I come from a medical field, and I can scale up both the flow rate and air speed (which are not the same) you need two experiments for that to see if they differ. Then you have the heat fropm the coil, the moisture in the chamber and so on, untill you end up with air temperature and air humidity. I am not ironic here, but I know of no brand of RDA/ RTA that are willing to pay a lab $25.000 for a test of every product they make. In this field everybodu wings it, and talk a lot of nonsense. I was hoping to limit that, and I am glad to see that you have noticed it too. Thank you for that! I too like to be a sceptic whenever I can:-)
@RockyDeMocky 6 жыл бұрын
I really interest your test, why dont you make video for the most common rda to help much more people n to increase your subscriber, like goon rda, reload rda, icon rda, thanks Bro
@mortenoen434 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Kwan! The Icon is on my list :-) We'll see in 2018!
@MK-dh2jg 4 жыл бұрын
I will tell u one thing. The size and shape of the deck volume & inhaling pressure & how many ejuice gets vaporized per time all matters in the actual shape of the air flow. If u cant reproduce the vaporization if the e liquid, u should have considered the scale of the model of the experiment and some basic dimensionless quantities such as Reynolds number. I am highly dissapointed that this experiment is being considered as an enlightment. Physics is not easy man, u need to study before u say things in fluid mechanics. There were alsi many flaws in the video saying wicking hard is better, because the total amount of ejuice getting sucked up per time obviously increases if u put more cotton in it since capillary reaction is all about it(smaller the space, higher the liquid goes), and if the space between the cotton lines are not narrower on the thicker trials, than definitely u are sucking up more ejuice at the end cuz u are using MORE COTTON!! The point in wicking is, not only the cotton sucking e juice, but how well the coil gets the liquid. These to arent going together if you put tons of sotton. If u wick the cotton very hard, liquid tends to be more on the cotton side not in the coil(capillary effect). There are many more complex things going on between coil and the cotton. Being ignorant itself is not bad, but I hope people in 2020 do not watch your videos and say 'this is enlightening!'
@mortenoen434 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for input. I'm a practical person, and people who follow my advice, 99 out of a 100, report dramatic improvement in their vaping experience. That is good enough for me. I don't have a lab, I state many times that I don't do science by todays standards, but study effects in a photographic way. I have a lot of videos about Reynolds numbers, laminary flow and turbulent flow, by the way:-) I have also had scientists check my flow rate scaling, and this is all mesured wihtin the human lunge capasity (I have a medical education). I have also many videos where space is much tighter, to simulate an actual RDA deck. But: The results are all open four your personal interpretation. Regarding Jurins law of capillary effect, not one single person has reported that wicking harder in a RDA has worsened their vaping experience, quite the opposite. (RTA's need a snorkle in the juice channels. Look in the comments if you use RTA). So wick hard, don't fluff. Stay safe!
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