Different Player Styles - Web DM

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Web DM

Web DM

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Some players are Power Gamers, some can be Rules Lawyers, and others are always ready to be the Martyr.
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Welcome to WebDM. Join Pruitt and Jim as they talk some serious Dungeons & Dragons. 5th Edition is here to stay, and our hosts size up the new rules and features. Join us every Wednesday for new episodes!
Hosted by
Jonathan Pruitt
Jim Davis
Produced, Directed & Edited by
Travis Boles
Shot by
Corey Gray
Travis Boles
Music by
Kyle Newmaster - kylenewmaster.com
Motion Graphics & Logo Design by
Ryan Wieber - ryan-w.com

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@WebDM 6 жыл бұрын
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@frankrobinsjr.1719 8 жыл бұрын
I only played one paladin. Being the stoic, heroic bastard that he was, he held a door and died while the others escaped. I loved that guy's stats, but, I role played him the way I had created him.
@manticore6963 7 жыл бұрын
Hodor is a Paladin?
@holycheeseduck4729 7 жыл бұрын
@toprak3479 7 жыл бұрын
... >This comment chain
@devlincarter1446 7 жыл бұрын
@General12th 6 жыл бұрын
You know who else held the door to let others escape? Aaron Feis. Peter Wang.
@MidnightAge 7 жыл бұрын
I... really like the even-handedness and thoughtfulness to this approach here. I like that you take these terms that most people would take negatively and express the value to them at the table and the way to balance the good tendencies against the less positive ones. This was a wonderful video and one I think I'm going to share with some of my friends!
@brothaman4578 7 жыл бұрын
Just DMed my first game, fiance was a player. Favoritism? Lol! First battle her PC tripped over the bar, vomited on the steps and healed the rogue for 1 HP. She forgot to loot the bodies and everyone else picked them clean.
@cyruslevirus22 9 жыл бұрын
This video is funny for me. As a DM, I play with 3 players. One are a "Powergamer", the other one (my brother) are a "Rules Lawyer", and the last one are new to D&D and he's a fantastic Roleplayer. :)
@Sabasanosiss 7 жыл бұрын
I love my players right now, they just want to have fun and adventure.
@brothaman4578 7 жыл бұрын
Mine are one session deep, and they keep doing the, "Could I bring the store down?" - "You can try" *Long pause* "I''ll just walk away." lol
@si2foo 7 жыл бұрын
thats the type of player who likes seeing the world burn soo throw them into a campaign where the world is already burning
@davidrahn9903 7 жыл бұрын
Best advice you could ever give to a dm with players like that. My last group was so apathetic to the world I built that two sessions in I had a catastrophe happen that ruined everything they took fro granted in the world. No more shops, no more guards, all the wells were poisoned. Just made sure that the world was wrecked and they had to fix it if they wanted to stay alive. 6 Sessions later the world was saved and they were no longer apathetic characters.
@TheGnuAddict 7 жыл бұрын
i started my first dnd game ever 2 weeks ago, great dm with a awesome world is hosting us, its a group of four of us all brand new to the dnd games. I'm having a lot of fun with it and the story telling is pretty good and rping is getting fun, the 2 women we have are a bit shy but are getting more comfortable with speaking out. our group consists of a female-elf-Bard, female-elf-Clecric, male-human-Fighter and male-cat-Wizard with a male human rogue npc. the bards a performer ( like most), as the wizard is also, though he uses gimmics with his magic, chilling drinks and trys poorly executed card tricks. I'm the fighter and working part time at a smiths making bad pay but goals are to become a great hunter and strategist, but hes young and a bit of a goofball, and still trying to find the good balance between alcohol and responsibilities, but hes earnest caring and very motivated. one part last week we sent the ladies off to gather intel while we sat around at the tavern to finish our drinks, when they came back i tried doing a backflip off the table onto the chair in excitement for our upcoming job, needless to say i had disadvantage and ended up folding back ways over the chair just as they walked through the door. and had a bit of a movement impeedement for our mission.
@Deltazero260 9 жыл бұрын
This series is interesting. Just stumbled across it, and it's actually good advice. Filling in the gaps for me, as a DM
@boxant 7 жыл бұрын
being a LG rules lawyer is a hard path, for to be true, one must call out rules that the DM forgot that hurt your own character. Otherwise you risk turning into a LE rules lawyer... a vile creature.
@PMMagro 3 жыл бұрын
"One must..". Why?
@GoblinLord 2 жыл бұрын
I got very frustrated and confused when an old dm was trying to make me metagame, they were trying to see if my Shield spell would work "before I waste the spell slot" when the only thing that keeps the spell balanced is that the trigger is "when you're attacked" and not "when a creature successfully hits you" or something, if you don't let them waste it, you might as well just assume they always have +5 AC
@NeflewitzInc 7 жыл бұрын
In regards to the favoritism. I've learned that if I'm going to introduce loot or a boon or design a special item then I do that for everyone in the group or make sure that everyone else also has something cool happening with them.
@96Logan 7 жыл бұрын
I had a different problem but it was similar to the "favorite player". My wizard was what i would say a "not favorite character" lol. Everyone else including the dm just wanted to wack things and not describe anything in combat other than. Friend: "AC 20?"... dm: "hits"... Friend" I deal 5 dmg to the goblin"... Dm "goblins turn, AC 14"... Friend: "misses"... Dm: "alright, next person"... So I liked to try to talk to the dm's npcs in character for the fun of it. We walked up on some hunters cooking food and eating it over a fire and I asked them if they liked the way their food tasted, because if they didn't, I would be able to change the flavor to something they may like more (using prestidigitation). Right away everyone at the table sighed and laughed because of the question. The dm responded "if we didn't like it, we wouldn't be eating it". Everyone at the table thought it was a stupid question :/ how am I able to know if they liked it or not? Maybe they were eating it because that's the only thing they could find that day. Maybe some of them would have liked to eat venison instead of the rabbit they caught. Maybe it was bland. Maybe one of the people overcooked it and it tasted terrible. I was just trying to be friendly and it turned into everyone at the table thinking my character was stupid for asking that question... I continued to be friendly with every other non hostile npc, thinking that eventually, I would run across someone that would like their food to be seasoned or drink to taste a little different. But I was met every time with rejection. Not a "no thanks" or a "eh, no I am just fine with this" but with stuff like "if i didn't like it, I wouldn't drink it" or "I wouldn't be eating this if I didn't like it"
@HawkThePhoenix 7 жыл бұрын
Logan sounds like the group you play with play d&d differently, you should try and find a more role playing oriented group. I think you would have more fun and the other players would also do things like this
@iconocast 6 жыл бұрын
sounds like a flavor based conspiracy to me, some kind of spice monger or flavourmancer mabey
@shoeberrypie 3 жыл бұрын
Are they English? That could explain it
@vikashv1 7 жыл бұрын
Jim you seem so chill, the best quality for a DM in my mind although i hope you get to be a PC too.
@ChBoler 7 жыл бұрын
Being my friend or S.O. as a DM just means I can get away with putting you through harder encounters without you getting mad ;)
@GodlikePoet 5 жыл бұрын
The bit about the DM's partner is interesting, because In a recent game my DM's partner got the Big Bad down to 1HP (after a long fight and of course we didn't know how much HP it had until after, but he was describing it as being on it's last legs (or fins it was a merrow)) and then as the Rogue I leapt up and sneak-attacked it in the face, after two previous unsucessful hits when I used my Cunning Action to disengage but still ended up getting hit for 2/3 of my HP in ONE HIT. Afterwards she was like "You should have fudged that to let me kill it." And the DM to his credit was like "No. You didn't do enough damage." I ran up and stabbed the damn thing through the eye, flipped it over and in its death throes used it's tail like Legolas used the Oliphaunt's nose in LotR to land.
@wuzzy41123 7 жыл бұрын
This is what I try to do to help solve some of these problems. I tell my players to run their characters by me when they level up and tell me why they chose the things they chose. This helps offset the power gamers and gives me a bit more insight into the character's motivations and path. I give the players a list of resources they can pull from. If they want to go outside of it, they must run it by me first and I reserve the right to say no or to tweak it to better fit my campaign and/or houserules. I tell my players to share the spotlight and that none of them are truly main characters, but that they are all supporting characters to each other's stories. I tell my players that I reserve the right to make a mechanics ruling on the spot and to change a mechanic as a houserule. This helps combat rules lawyers. I am a bit of a rules lawyer myself, but I try to be civil about it and understand that the DM has the final call on a ruling. I don't mind rules lawyers like that. The ones that yell or pitch a fit are the ones that I will NOT deal with.
@DemonLordPANDA 7 жыл бұрын
thing for a power gamer. dont use a big bad use A LOT OF THINGS. You can get a level 17 party to run from kobolds.
@damianlaughlin7063 8 жыл бұрын
I love the content on this channel, especially the one where you guys talk about whether orcs and goblins are actually evil, you have earned my subscription!
@GTFenn 5 жыл бұрын
Really dig the pop up commentary on this. A lot of the newer content comes across with more casual rigor which, for some of the trickier stuff like the monster explorations which is nice but doesn't stick i my head as well as some keywords.
@danielwarren6698 9 жыл бұрын
Good vid, thanks guys! Also, love the Peach Trees shirt x
@jamalcolmson 8 жыл бұрын
I think D&D could achieve world peace...
@thecliffwall4636 7 жыл бұрын
My favorite, recent encounter was this: our group was waiting in a closed room and I (the wizard) sensed a strange innate magic coming from the bottom of the well. Lo and behold, our 2nd level party came face to face with a basilisk we all flipped our shit and had no idea what to do. Somehow, the rogue and I finished it off after the cleric, paladin, and druid went down with no deaths or petrifications. It was the suspense and the horror that was so fun.
@jamiebuzick4911 7 жыл бұрын
You missed a number of player types. Like the specialist, method actor, the tactician and storyteller types. Great channel, keep it up!
@L8ackrose 7 жыл бұрын
I am all three. I have a character that can hit hard, yet doesn't get into fights unless the fight drags him in. Also when the character sees their companion(s) in trouble will push back his turn and go and swap places taking a attack of opportunity. Will also use a prepared move action to move to their companion and push them out of the way to take the blast or put body in front of the attack. Now I don't know how to properly put things into words so hopefully most players understand what I wrote.
@pblackcrow 8 жыл бұрын
Yes, agreed. At a point in every GM's game, it happens...And as the PC's progresses into the upper levels, the more and more powerful the character gets. Wizards especially!
@whiskeyfur 6 жыл бұрын
WoD mages have a habit of just breaking the rules, but the main premise of world of darkness is story first anyways. My mage decided to go the whole hog and activate his kinfolk gene.. though to his surprise, he wasn't a werewolf but a bastet. WHOOPS (OOCly, already knew he wouldn't be a garou... did it to punish my character for his hubris, which is a theme with mages anyways). End result is he got a better soak against damage, but that's as far as he's taken it.. plus falling a 100' without any damage just to snub his nose at the other shifters was kinda cool too. And it was a very, VERY strong lesson against thinking he knew it all. It was fun to see the fianna and nuwisha try to pin the cat down in the middle of his first change... thankfully they were far better at brawling then I was at dodging. :) the image of a coyote and werewolf sitting on a werecat, too funny...
@blahlbinoa 9 жыл бұрын
Jim looked liked he had some other choice words to say about power gamers and rules lawyers. Great video as always!
@Daredhnu 7 жыл бұрын
every DM/GM has choice words to say about those sorts of players :P the worst is the combination rules lawyer/power gamer, they know the rules and are willing to bend them to breaking point to get an advantage, though ultimately it's a pointless pursuit since they are getting in an arms race with somebody who literally has no limitations on what he can throw at you. :P
@mbalazs3544 6 жыл бұрын
1:58 power gamer ...being one I think I know how to handle them :D
@Micras08 7 жыл бұрын
That ending was the best! ^^
@edschramm6757 6 жыл бұрын
power gamer - this is me, but i make sure im not stepping on everyone else to get my picks done, i try to fill slots the party might be missing, or just be useful in combat so everyone else can get to their fun, if its out of combat stuff, but usually im not the only one trying to excel in combat, so we can get everyone through
@ocallaghandesign 8 жыл бұрын
I tend to be the comedian, nothing annoying, but just little things that keep things fun during tedious parts of the game.
@mikepaquette153 7 жыл бұрын
On with it.
@skipperjosh 6 жыл бұрын
congratulations on your cat catroon
@haleyw5677 2 жыл бұрын
I had to become a DM because I am too much of a rules lawyer. I can handle it if a DM makes a specific consistent homebrew rule, but I tried playing in a game with a DM who was a bit fast and loose with the rules and I just couldn't enjoy it. But I can be a great DM for new players because I remember almost everything and how every class and ability works so I can help my players out. I definitely add in a few specific homebrew rules, but they are extremely purposeful, and I love being able to bring that consistency, clerity, and predictability to the rules of my game. I definitely have some OCPD traits that I think are part of the reason I care so much about the rules.
@angelomassaro4487 7 жыл бұрын
I have played as a peasant once it was semi comic relief but a cool charecter to rp
@TitoRigatoni 9 жыл бұрын
Great video as always! But what happened to the episode that was previewed at the end of last week's? I was looking forward to a discussion on metagaming!
@finnweber2388 7 жыл бұрын
I'm a rules lawyer and a power gamer oh god
@tebrak12 7 жыл бұрын
I really like my group, but there is a huge problem. I have 2 rules lawyers with semireliable knowledge. Which means atleast once a session we have a discussion about the rules which goes on until somebody is fed up and looks the stuff up.
@LAJackson123 6 жыл бұрын
Good stab a lot of famous archetypes!
@amazingdevin1472 7 жыл бұрын
if everyone was power gamers, then...
@SavantApostle Жыл бұрын
Haha how am I just finding this video. I read a 3rd edition that was about the styles of play and personality. I read through part of it and found it enlightening and it taught me how to be a better friend. I have no idea what the title was, does anyone know?
@DatsVatSheSaid 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a hybrid rules lawyer/power gamer, but i'm that thing by necessity because my group often times gets stuck on these things or makes really not good builds or doesn't play their combat very well because they get rules confused all the time and I play that way so we can get through these frustrating moments really quickly.
@2ndGenBen 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like the best characters are always Spell-casters. A level 10 wizard/sorcerer is always significantly better than a fighter or a barbarian.
@cannedstarfish6194 6 жыл бұрын
Our current campaign have a powergamer in the team. She has excessively high level in some skills (mainly spot and search), if she could fail something others won't have a chance to win. She's not (that) overpowered in combat and actually quite good in roleplaying, so now we still don't have much problem about it. However, she's a vampire mage and we are playing 3.5e in which mages are already quite overpowered. As the DM, I'm worrying she may become some master-of-all character later on. Honestly, this is more of a class balancing problem. Maybe I will ban some gamebreaking spells to deal with that.
@Je_suis_Jefe 7 жыл бұрын
i like to be the undersog. i am a good player i don't need stats or special items. I just like to do cool things like doing push ups as a bonus action while the opponent is proned. Ask a beholder if it might be interested in a staring contest. Let a child Vampire master grapple me while I jump into a church.
@kendrajade6688 6 жыл бұрын
Your speed is 0 when they grapple you. You can grapple THEM.
@Wimikk 2 жыл бұрын
You’re so young. So full of life.
@aaron527 7 жыл бұрын
Where can I get that castle DM screen?
@delravinger2740 4 жыл бұрын
Can you do an episode on weapons?
@00ironskull 6 жыл бұрын
Im really bad about shining rhe spotlight normaly every session one group gets the main focuse but my players almost never wanna be in one single party its just 10 people in groups of 3ish going in diffrent directions
@caseygray2328 6 жыл бұрын
my old group didn't have to worry about favoritism because the DM had us all roll for our own actions, though sadly the DM's little brother tended to think that he was always being targeted (which he wasn't).
@alexandredesouza3692 7 жыл бұрын
That neck beard is glorious. I feel pitiful beside your presence as my face is near hairless and baby-like. I feel like a weakling.
@itsjonesh 7 жыл бұрын
I play with an group where beeing an rule lawyer or an powergamer is viewed with extreme prejudice. I can't even do evil characters or play evil campaigns with them because all of them are good suckers. While i do have a ton of fun playing with them, i'm also an guy who roleplays to the letter. If i am a righteous paladin, i AM a righteous paladin, and i will act like, doesn't matter what the party may think of my actions, y'know? And most of the time i get caught having to cut down some features from my characters personality just not to counter the will of the party. I may be an powergamer side, but i take my roleplaying seriously. And getting to trim my character actions and overrall personality just because it goes against the will of the party kinda makes me unsatisfied (I do get tons of fun playing those campaigns and i find them awesome, but still... :\).
@evanturner3206 7 жыл бұрын
João Baptista i feel you man, it always seems ends up this way for me- i have to change my characters morals and personality to abide being with the party, or find and excuse for them to not know about it. Then again, i have a tendency towards 'good' alignment characters so maybe its just that that clashes to much with chaotic neutrals...
@BorisTheGoose92 7 жыл бұрын
João Baptista I find the main point of playing with a mixed party is for them ALL to eventually slowly change some of their thoughts. The amount of time they spend together can help them change thoughts and ideas of more minor things. Obviously major things will probably not change, but feeling like you are completely changing medium-small aspects for the good of the party is normal and realistic.
@James-ep2bx 7 жыл бұрын
just like to point out that a lot of powergamers are rules lawyers and vice versa
@SkyNinja759 7 жыл бұрын
Being a power gamer/rules lawyer isn't a bad thing. It's what you do specifically that matters. You can be a super combat power gamer if you're the leader or tank of a group, if it would fit the character. Pick a fighter and role play the ex-military commander that just wants to complete the mission. Don't step on anyone but write it into how your character is for continuity. The other players are more accepting if your play style and character mesh in-game. Sure the fighter has the spotlight in an open combat but if it's stealth as a power gamer myself I would openly say "hey rogue, you're good at this, show me what you got". The only problem you'll ever have in D&D is when you step on the other players' toes. Everything boils down to "is everyone having their fun", so what if you're min/maxing your average damage per turn, let the wizard fuck about with turning this guy into a slug.
@justinc882 7 жыл бұрын
Agree with you on the power gamer.Disagree with your take on rules lawyer. I had a player that was a power gamer that knew the rules forwards and backwards, but he rarely argued rules at the table. He was an excellent resource for me if I didn't know something. The problem with rules lawyers is when they stop the game to argue every little detail because of something stupid. For example I had a player literally stop the game to argue because we had a monk that wanted to pray for guidance and his goddess was Chaotic (Desna from pathfinder) because his order traveled frequently so they paid tribute to her domain. The rules lawyer lost his mind because no lawful character would ever pray to a chaotic god. It ruined the game and nearly broke the group up.
@fhuber7507 5 жыл бұрын
I want to MOVE THE GAME FORWARD. Just milling about endlessly to no effect is boring. Either accept the plot hook, or run off in the opposite direction. Don't just stand there. So, when I see an opportunity, I'll take an action intended to draw the rest of the party in that direction
@seanibarra1242 3 жыл бұрын
Know thy enemy.
@Keylogen 8 жыл бұрын
Im always that one crazy guy with high int that behaves like an idiot xD.
@AlexBermann 8 жыл бұрын
I have a very easy way to deal with a powergamer being in the group: I just add a bit of sword fodder but not increase the difficulty much. The powergamer will notice that enemies aren't challenging to them and I won't do anything about that since this is what they chose by having their character being stronger than anyone elses. For me, the diplomacy/bluff powergamers are a bigger problem which require house rules. If you don't set a limit to the application of those skills, those players can solve every situation which deals with creatures solo.
@Daredhnu 7 жыл бұрын
there is only so much that can be done with words, you can't make something which is set upon killing you anything better than unhelpful, not without prolonged contact anyway and extreme effort. also they need to be able to speak the same language (not really a problem for bards, sorcerers, etc.) and they need to have an intelligence score higher than 3, your silver tongue doesn't work on undead, constructs or animals nor will it help you against a monster that doesn't speak the same language, quite frankly there are a ton of ways to make life difficult for the diplomacy/bluff builds since they tend to be rather squishy in combat and have little ability to deal with any situation that doesn't involve talking. but it is important to give them a win every now and again so they don't feel left out or useless.
@AlexBermann 7 жыл бұрын
Unhelpful usually is good enough. Language barriers are an issue unless they know tongues. It's true that constructs, animals and undead remain a problem for a social character. But with many adventure genres, the dominant kind of possible opponents will be humanoids. You generally don't want to rob the group of the possibility to play that genre. This is when a character being OP in a versatile field can become a problem
@romdogg1994 7 жыл бұрын
I feel I am a powergamer at heart. I want to make a character with a good story, but not at the expense of stat efficiency. I think of characters that could end up being legends, I'd want my group to eventually reach 'Hero' status. I've seen some commenrs saying things like "if you want to powergame go play a video game". These people are dumb asf. I'm a gamer and I like the idea of being able to MAKE your own backstory and have it show in gameplay. Videogames just don't do let you do that. D&D lets you play your character EXACTLY like you want them to, that one unique tabletop RPG "mechanic" is what draws me to game. I've downloaded numerous PDFs and read through them multiple times, so that when the time comes I will be ready. I'll be that new guy that doesn't ask how everything works, I'll even try to be the guy that takes the least amount of time during combat turns, but I'll still have fun with the social aspects of the game cuz I don't want to just save the kingdom, I want the poeple to regard me as a true hero. The only thing I expect would expect from my DM is to let me know their houserules so that I know where to start building my power chadacter. Oh, and just because I'm a powergamer doesn't mean I'll be going the boring route. I want to kick ass, but I also want to look damn good doing it. If I ever have the option to Eldritch Blast or move up to Shocking Grasp someone's face, I'll move up, Grapple the enemy by the face and either burn Action Surge/ SP to Quicken Spell to fry their skin off while I drag them along the ground, and if DM allows, throw them as far as the rules let me- upwards, and uppercut them on their way down. And I would know that it would take an Attack Action with 2 Extra Attacks, a class feature (Fighter/Sorcerer), and a high Strength score to be able to pull all of that off ahead of time. I'd even forgo physical dice rolls and use a dice app if allowed, just to shave off some seconds on my turn.
@romdogg1994 7 жыл бұрын
*I was all jacked up on Mountain Dew* that I didn't even bother to proof read till after the post. Damn.
@TwoGoblinsInATrenchCoat 5 жыл бұрын
I like "For The Greater Good" characters- "sure, i'll kill that kitten, if I know it saves a thousand lives," but throwing in a sprinkling of hypocrisy- "I will save my own skin first. Better me alive to sow brutal good into the world then me dead without purpose."
@RagingKarma2 7 жыл бұрын
Is it bad that I have a character in my campaign that gets the spotlight that seeming seems like the favorite only because he got lucky early on and is the only original character that lived?
@420xanatos 7 жыл бұрын
If his turn takes as long or longer then all other players combined then yes
@RagingKarma2 7 жыл бұрын
Steve Block The only reason his turn takes a long time is because he cast meteor swarm and that is 20d6 fire and 20d6 blegoning.
@VioletDeliriums 7 жыл бұрын
power gamers... i just don't get it... the primary source books are enough to be creative , and you can win most fights simply by positioning your characters smartly and working as a team.
@AJ-kj1go 8 жыл бұрын
Still don't quite understand what a powergamer is. In video game terms is it a min/maxer?
@GameNubQuin 8 жыл бұрын
It's a min/maxer who views the game more as a game where you make a character who can obliterate at a particular thing (usually combat) rather than make a character for the purposes of roleplaying who makes sense. Note though it is different than a player making the best fighter and claiming he should get such and such magic item the party finds because he makes the most sense to get it statwise while also making sure everyone can have fun and that his character is interesting and makes sense. I think a good example of a power gamer would be a player who clearly abuses things like errors in the rules, tries to force players to do actions they dont want to take, and claims the majority of magic items simply because it makes them stronger rather than helps the party.
@AJ-kj1go 8 жыл бұрын
GameNub Quin helpful, ty
@Micras08 7 жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong with powergaming, just don't put the pursuit of the most optimal character in front of the actual game :) I enjoy min/maxing characters between games, but I seldom use those characters because they don't fit the games I play in, but I most definitely use aspects of them ^^
@lazaruslong697 7 жыл бұрын
GameNub Quin: Your example is definitely not a power gamer, its just a giant jerk who gives us powergamers bad name. Powergamer just wants to be the strongest of course, but mostly in boundaries of the game, because you want to be the best in the scenario or ruleset presented. Why do you think we would automatically go and abuse rules or people and such???? That just does not make sense. By the way, everyone else is allowed to have fun in the game by their own means, so why shouldnt we have fun by our means (even if it is just stat-padding)?
@HastyJane88 3 жыл бұрын
lol I'm so mean to my SO at the table. No favoritism here lol
@Wolfphototech 3 жыл бұрын
*Just me wondering through and watching the oldest Web DM videos .*
@Goblinerd 8 жыл бұрын
#Half-ElvesMatter XD
@nicholasmartin6526 7 жыл бұрын
That wasn't epic that was just stupid.... that pretty much described every character death I've ever had... ever.
@doctortequila5268 8 жыл бұрын
World peace... But Hatfilms exist...
@NitoriKun 8 жыл бұрын
What's this, a fellow scrubscriber? What's a filfy charity like you doing around these parts?
@doctortequila5268 8 жыл бұрын
Just checking out the D&D scene :D
@NitoriKun 8 жыл бұрын
Migario Lamplight That's cool. It's pretty fun stuff. I just started playing earlier this year. These videos have helped me a lot too. Small world, though. lol
@doctortequila5268 8 жыл бұрын
I started this year too! I've been setting up a homebrew campaign for a while, and it looks to be really fun.
@NitoriKun 8 жыл бұрын
All my group has done so far is homebrew. I've been elected DM recently and homebrew is pretty tough, but when it all comes together it's very satisfying as a DM.
@nidtub3446 5 жыл бұрын
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