Treasure: How Much Is Too Much? - Web DM

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Web DM

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From gold coins to magic items, cash rules everything around us, especially in Dungeons & Dragons. But can too much treasure break the game?
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Welcome to WebDM. Join Pruitt and Jim as they talk some serious Dungeons & Dragons. 5th Edition is here to stay, and our hosts size up the new rules and features. Join us every Wednesday for new episodes!
Hosted by
Jonathan Pruitt
Jim Davis
Produced, Directed & Edited by
Travis Boles
Shot by
Corey Gray
Travis Boles
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Kyle Newmaster -
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Ryan Wieber -

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@WebDM 6 жыл бұрын
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@tidalgrunt6549 6 жыл бұрын
Web DM this video is slander there is NO such thing as too much treasure.
@xeltanni8999 7 жыл бұрын
"Do not put on a magic item until you have properly identified it." I was running a PF campaign and there was an Order of Paladins who all wore special magic rings which forced their alignments to be Lawful Good and kept them from being able to lie, just to ensure their purity. A couple had died long ago in a sort of mini-crusade against a tyrant in the desert. Time skip to a few hundred years later and my group of basically chaotic evil murder hobos comes along dungeon crawling, finds a dead body in gleaming plate and wearing a magic ring, and rather than hand it to the Wizard (probably afraid he wouldn't give it back because that was happening a lot with these greedy villains) for identification, one of them puts it on immediately. Then the "do I feel any differently" question comes out and I pass them a note explaining the alignment shift and inability to lie. Everyone wants to know what it does but he stoicly maintains his seething rage and just says they should press onward. Then the group comes across the second Paladin and the other murder hobo in the party (who seemed to think the ring must be amazingly powerful since the first player didn't reveal its ability) leaps on the corpse and tears the ring off before stuffing it on his finger instantly. I ask the previous player to pass the note to him as well. You, dear reader, may never know the glee of turning the two evil party members into (basically) Paladins through nothing but their own greed, but I pray that one day you do.
@paulreadsthebible6584 7 жыл бұрын
I would love to hear more. Was it a 2 v 2 fight after the second player with the ring settled into the effects. Or was it much, much more interesting?
@xeltanni8999 7 жыл бұрын
Paul Fischer I like to think it was more interesting than a mere fight. The characters were: a female fire mage who was basically good and definitely the smartest party member yet unfortunately rarely heeded; a catfolk ninja/ronin samurai who rode a giant chameleon and would have said he was good but was clearly your average murder hobo; Human Fighter #23681, who was just there to kick in the door and didn't care who he had to kill to loot the room; and the Obitu (a sort of living skeleton) Warlock worshipper of The Death Goddess who was entirely incompetent yet the most evil of the bunch. Their first adventure together was trekking through the desert to find an ancient fortress buried in the sand where they had heard there was a grand treasure lost there ages ago. They got lost of course but the mage had a ring of sustenance so she was fine and the warlock had barely half the requirements for food and water the others did so his meager supply of rations was good. However the ninja and the fighter were SOL about two weeks into the trip and began to slowly start starving and dehydrating to death. Before that happened, however, they reached the crypt/fort and discovered it was at the edge of a great cliff. Instead of climbing down they searched for another way in so basically entered the dungeon from the end and would be moving to the start. I run games pretty sandboxy so whatever... but this did mean they ran into the blue dragon almost immediately. This was when they found the rings, one near the beginning and the other near the end. So they were chased by the dragon through the tomb and only clever use of an illusory wall and rapid lockpicking saved their lives, and they managed to get out of there with bags and bags of gold. Like in the double-digit thousands of gp. And they are level 5 or something, so this is a huge windfall. So there they are, injured and collapsing over each other from starvation, dragging two litters stacked high with bags of gold. So first the ninja collapses, literally too weak to go on. So the group beseeches the warlock to eat his chicken. A bit of backstory here: the warlock had purchased a chicken in town and decided that it was the only connection he had to "the living", so it became very important to him. Because his party was clearly not enough to anchor him to the mortal coil. Anyway, with the group literally dying at his feet, he made the most difficult choice of his unlife.... he told them to die and leave his chicken alone. So they had to dump several thousand gold in the sand to put the ninja on the litter so they could drag him back to town. A few days later and the fighter's Con finally gives out, so the rest of the gold is dropped in the desert so they can pull him now. By the time they get back to town, seriously, these characters were almost dead and in all my years of gaming, I have never seen anybody die from the elements or starvation. The cost of getting them back on their feet more than eats up what small amount of gold they managed to save. Before they can lynch the warlock, however, they start to notice how weird everyone in town is acting. I can't remember the exact series of events, but basically they realize the mayor either is replaced by or just is a vampire and they decide to step in and destroy him. Despte the warlock using his summoning power to continually drop horses on the vampire (in what is generally agreed to be the silliest and dumbest possible misuse of his power yet), he proves to be too strong for them and they flee for their lives. During all of this, the catman has picked up another ring and, again, put it on immediately without having the mage check it. So while they are camping in the woods (more like squatting as they have no gear at this point since it's all back in town) he is compelled to attack them! Despite nearly killing both the fire mage and the warlock, he is eventually subdued and they decide that it must be the ring forcing him to attack. They find they can't remove either of his rings because they are cursed, of course, so the only option left is cutting off his finger. Unfortunately they can't remember which of his rings was which (they happened to both be very plain) but they chance that they can reason it out and sever one of his fingers. After that, just to be on the safe side, they cut off the other finger as well. So this ninja who is specced as a dual wielder suddenly finds himself with penalties to attack, but he thanks them for freeing him from the curses... ... because he is actually Dominated by the vampire which extends over any distance, and he doesn't want anybody to know. Which, let me tell you, was almost as much fun to sit and watch knowing all this as the ring thing in the first place. Anyway his new orders are to act helpful until a proper time to screw the party over arises. So they make an elaborate plan (which the vampire gets to overhear thanks to Dominate ^_^ ) and rush back to town after a night of healing up, determined to see things through. Almost immediately the vampire and the ninja throw a monkey wrench into the works. See they were going to stop the execution of a Cleric PC who was an on again-off again member of the party and had been captured, but that was just a ploy to draw them out of course. The Cleric was locked in a cage so when they tried to free him, the ninja attacks the fighter (because I'm not a monster and wouldn't kill the warlock or wizard like that.... right away) and right away it's a very epic battle because he's a very good ninja but the fighter is armored and... well... a fighter. While they go at it like The Matrix, the warlock creates a little magic house and locks himself inside of it (you can imagine how happy the party was he kept himself safe...). This leaves the fire mage as the only PC left to face the vampire. Now up until this point the fact she was a fire mage was mostly just fluff and background; she wore red robes with flame motif and her magic missiles were little sparks of flame and so on. However, now that it was on, she stopped being utility and went all-out fire power (pun intended). The mayor turned into his true form as a giant bat monster (think Gary Oldman from Dracula) and was slinging spells as he flew while she threw fire all over in mid-air as well like The Human Torch. After she hit him with a fairly impressive fireball, he tackles her to make sure that doesn't happen again and starts to drain her life... which, as you can imagine, won't take long to suck the Con out of a Wizard. In desperation she hits herself with a fireball (her robes actually provided SOME protection, but it was still ballsy) so he releases her and flies (while on fire) through the huge stained glass window of the church to Pelor. Instead of regrouping and whatnot, she just hurls her last fireball inside and the whole thing explodes, destroying the church and killing the vampire. Thankfully this releases the ninja because he and the fighter were nearly dead by now, and there was much rejoicing. In the aftermath, the mage realizes that her spellbook was destroyed by her own fireball, the catsamurai finds his lockpicks were destroyed as well, and the townsfolk hail the PCs as saviors of their town. With no major figures left, they are asked to lead and this dungeon crawling adventure suddenly turns into kingdom building. Which everyone seems very excited for and I was totally interested in running, so we decided to do it! But how the gods destroyed the town in a series of plagues due to the actions of one man is a tale for another time...
@paulreadsthebible6584 7 жыл бұрын
Nice, thanks Xel...
@xeltanni8999 7 жыл бұрын
Paul Fischer Any time, Paul.
@wesleyhobbs4797 7 жыл бұрын
THAT IS TOTALLY AWESOME. May I use that idea?
@palpytheemperorofelevators4937 8 жыл бұрын
One time, a player in my group decided his leprechaun would immediately don a mask that he found. I established a bit of foreshadowing to the sinister nature of magic items in this setting beforehand, but he was blinded by greed. This led to an impromptu scene where the character's face melted right off of his skull. Needless to say he was a bit surprised. Despite this, we still had a fun campaign with his horribly disfigured leprechaun, terrorizing any who were unlucky enough to pull down his hood. He ended up establishing a goblin cult because of it. Oh... good times.
@SetzerII 8 жыл бұрын
Now that's how to deal with stuff like that. He kept rolling with his mistake and RP/hilarity ensues. Sounds like you run a good game.
@palpytheemperorofelevators4937 8 жыл бұрын
Well, thanks. I certainly hope he had as much fun as I did. Have you played/DMed D&D 5e? I'm getting ready to run my first game of it, soon. Looking forward to what looks like a good edition.
@SetzerII 8 жыл бұрын
Palpy the Emperor of Elevator Shafts Haven't played 5e, what with settling into the d20 vibe and going from 3/3.5 to Pathfinder, but all the best to ya and have fun.
@muninrob 7 жыл бұрын
I scale campaigns based on the level, knowledge, influence and wealth of the party. I.E. That dragon's horde just made you unbelievably wealthy, so much so that kings, thieves guilds, grifters, even temples dedicated to good (serving "the greater good") and other such just noticed you and began scheming up ways to make your wealth their own by hook or by crook. Adventurers becoming extremely wealthy should IMO not be uncommon - average adventurers remaining wealthy, that's a different story
@mrs.w5539 3 жыл бұрын
As they say: You cant escape death and taxes
@erikschaal4124 3 жыл бұрын
I beg to differ. If I ended up with more gold than I could spend, I would invest that money where ever I could. (Starting with a merc company to protect those interest. ) And if those kingdom's, temples, and guilds eyeball your money, you play them against eachother.
@williamwontiam3166 3 жыл бұрын
And this is why you randomly bribe people in every organization.
@muninrob 3 жыл бұрын
@@williamwontiam3166 Or follow the Rothschild example, and loan it all out to nations - becoming "the geese that lay platinum eggs", while at the same time avoiding all of those hooks and crooks. (I was annoyed that the next 3 adventures I had planned got side-stepped, but DAYUM, that was clever.)
@KurNorock 8 жыл бұрын
I'm DMing a 3.5 campaign right now and I have decided to make my world the same as the real world in that life is not fair, people are not equal, some people are just bigger/faster/stronger/smarter than others, and things that are powerful exist and are available to anybody willing to get them, regardless of whether those people are "strong enough" to have them or not. As a result, I have a party of 6 players, most of which are things like werewolves, lizardmen, half-nyphs, half-dragons, and warforged, and one standard dwarf fighter. they have a multitude of magical items at lvl 6 that most DMs would not allow until much higher levels, but they earned every one of them. Are they powerful? yes. Are they balanced? no. Are they "overpowered"? no. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. the enemies they fight have just as much opportunity to gain power and items as the PCs have so as a result they are often well equipped, and put up a good fight or even overpower the PCs in some cases. I've got my players dreading the name "Gortug" as if he is going to do them actual harm in the real world and he is just an orc. Imagine how epic the fight with a mind flayer or a black dragon will be down the road? I highly recommend trying a campaign like this some time. Throw balance out the window. throw a lvl 15 wizard at your lvl 3 party and see if they recognize the danger and run away before it is too late. on the flip side, let your party encounter a group of bandits that are MUCH weaker than they are, just to see how they respond. Show them that this world works like life, that they are going to encounter easy obstacles, hard obstacles, and maybe even obstacles they can't overcome at all. If they have 25,000gp at lvl 3 let them buy that powerful magic item that they normally wouldn't get until lvl 10. It's not like powerful items don't exist until the PCs get to the appropriate lvl. And having the world work like this is the BEST motivation I've found for a plot hook. It is one thing to just offer them 10,000gp to go slay a hydra, but it is that much more of an incentive when they know that brings them that much closer to buying that +5 mythril plate armor with the damage reduction 10/- and blink enchantments for their lvl 5 paladin.
@palpytheemperorofelevators4937 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent point. Sounds like a pretty fun campaign. The leveling part reminds me of Morrowind vs. other Elder Scrolls sequels. Restraint is only present if you allow it to be; creativity can liberate any circumstance.
@brettcardon4552 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a newbie DM and I get a thrill out of giving my players items they actually want so I can beef up my monsters and have more epic encounters. My current DM is the opposite, he's very guarded about giving his players items so they don't become OP. We've butt heads a few times, but we still play together. It's interesting to see the different philosophies that DMS have. Personally, I like your way of thinking more.
@deathtolife43 7 жыл бұрын
my group's dwarves, a fighter and a paladin, found three rings with one being evil, the other magical but indifferent and the third we can't identify, botched my detect magic and came to the conclusion all the rings are phylacteries, so I'm carrying the mysterious ring, the paladin has actual phylactery and his indifferent magical ring and the fighter has his evil ring stuck on a carrot. needless to say we've yet to have a next session but the DM has taken extreme interest in me holding my mystery ring
@Postmann88 7 жыл бұрын
I really wish you guys would have gone more in depth on this topic. In general how much gold are you giving out at any given level? How many magic items are you giving out on day one, day two... day 12? Do you wait for players to hit certain levels before you give out certain items? Are there staple magic items you you find yourself giving out across multiple campaigns? Do you switch from gold to gems at some point? How do you manage heroes and mass wealth, are there banks in Forgotten realms? Just some questions that come to mind. I would love to see a video that explores this more thoroughly.
@benyblancofrbx 6 жыл бұрын
Dominic Wenger I was thinking the same was helpful...I was just hoping for more.
@fluff_thorrent 6 жыл бұрын
I think they skipped most of those issues because that's up to the group dynamic and story - there might never be a "staple" set of items per level per class, because there's no "staple" DnD campaign or story. Saying that the party SHOULD have a Bag of Holding at 8th level might work in some games but capsize others. It would have been nice to know what their item dynamic looks like, but it's hazardous to tell factual examples of play online, as that might be construed as solid opinion by many.
@huruey 5 жыл бұрын
I might be able to help when it comes to the question fo how much. I made a custom DM screen and boiled down the treasure roll tables in the DMG to a simple table of expected average gold per monster by CR. (Keep in mind that these are averages and the amount should vary a lot monster by monster) It's just a guidline, but it makes it much easier to inprovise loot on the fly without the fear of unbalancing the game. CR ---- Average Loot 0-4 3gp 5-10 65gp 11-16 950gp 17+ 8500gp
@erikschaal4124 3 жыл бұрын
Trust me if there were no banks, my players will be the first to establish one. If the dragon hoard is to big to carry, you establish the bank right there. Ideally if you make large purchases, you could write checks that are redeemable at your bank. And with any luck, those checks become banknotes. (The beginning of paper money.)
@MagicManAleister 4 жыл бұрын
Damn, you guys always great vids, even this many years later. Right on!
@hellbach8879 6 жыл бұрын
Back when Pruitt had hair lol
@philomenadoyle5720 7 жыл бұрын
One innovative solution I've come across is the currency converter approach. A party carries X thousand gold pieces back from a dungeon. The problem is that some hoards are quite old and these gold pieces aren't a currency that any merchant recognizes where they want to buy stuff, so it must be converted by the local goldsmith or local bank. This really helps depreciate any excessive hoards. I remember a campaign where I had amassed something like 1,200 gold pieces, I moved on to the next town where I hoped to set up shop and was told "oh...oh, I'm sorry but these ancient gold coins you have were notoriously untrustworthy. the gold content was actually fairly low, so in order to use these, you must convert them to the local florens...the exchange rate is X." Maybe the old coins were debased, maybe they weren't, but if I wanted to buy anything I was forced to convert.
@Bluecho4 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, that's one of the things that fantasy RPGs often overlook: not all gold coins are created equal, or will just be casually accepted by anyone.
@argentarcadium4489 6 жыл бұрын
But it's a dragon's horde, the dragon usually will only collect the best of treasure so they'd probably quite heavy on the gold content And even if they aren't work much as antiques You've got a fuck ton of gold to melt down and sell
@NoActuallyGo-KCUF-Yourself 6 жыл бұрын
Any time one of my games broke down, it was because of too much treasure (or from too much magic, which was often a result of too much treasure). Keeping the treasure light keeps the PCs motivated to keep going on quests and being creative and resourceful.
@rogerfarley7823 8 жыл бұрын
I am DMing Rise of Tiamat and was concerned about players raiding dragon hoards and upsetting local economy. I had a nice idea that the 1st Council meeting that asked the party to do those raids specified that any loot recovered was to be brought back to the council to help raise and fund an army and help rebuild the destroyed towns from the dragon cult activity. I did allow the players to trade an item 1:1 with anything they found and obviously kept to the attuned limit. I will probably use this type of restriction in future games where I know a hoard is awaiting the party. I just don't want treasure to become meaningless in my games.
@paulcoy9060 7 жыл бұрын
Of course, there's nothing stopping you from ruling that EVERY magic item requires attunement, or can only be properly used by a specific race, right? Sure, there's 10 swords in the Horde, but you can only use one at a time. Sell the rest to some rich dude. Then later in the campaign, you find out that the rich dude outfitted a team of mercs with those swords, and it's your fault the kingdom was overthrown. Whoops!
@nathanieljernigan1147 4 жыл бұрын
My group recently just lost all our magic items to a looney machine from the OotA book. Fun times, fun times. What's sad is one of our players deeply tied an item into their backstory (we're level 8, and he joined late. So the DM gave some riches and magic swag to help even any disparities) and now it's gone. Of course it isn't so bad, since my DM is pretty liberal with goodies anyways, and the group can share in the pain. Well most of the group. I was almost spared. My DM has some cool Homebrew things he has implemented. From Overlays (basically prestige classes whose abilities are gained through RP and Downtime, not leveling). One was a school of magic that allows for the physical manipulation of space through magic, which my Old One Warlock gained access too. Just so happens one of the few new spells I actually took was Aport Object. The name alone should give away what happened after the group got a short rest 😆
@Zupiter8 7 жыл бұрын
really helpful channel. thanks guys :D
@badasunicorn6870 4 жыл бұрын
I sometimes deliberetly avoid picking identify, so that I don't remove tension of wheather an item is going to kill me.
@bexh6181 4 жыл бұрын
Only problem I find with character specific magic items is that DMs don't always get them to the intended player. I've seen a magic weapon that was clearly created with a character in mind being claimed by another party member who got to it first. It was a cool custom item that obviously had time and thought put into it and it ended up sitting in a characters bag because he wasn't proficient in it and was already attuned to 3 items but still refused to let anyone use it.
@erikschaal4124 3 жыл бұрын
I think there are ways around this issue. It could be a sentient item that only attunes to a particular person. And I might just fiat that only said person noticed said item. (Regardless of their search role.) Though if you have a player who's going full munchkin and hoarding items they arnt even proficient with, that's probably best handled out of game.
@SuperKernel32 7 жыл бұрын
Hey great channel. I know this has probably been asked, but where did you get your castle screen?
@watcher314159 7 жыл бұрын
In my own game, because of the specific, high powered tone I'm going for, I run a number of very specific house rules. They're pretty heavily based on Frank&K's Tomes series of 3.5 homebrew. Combined with a version of the classic Tippyverse. First is that I change the magic item prices to something actually sane. There's a thread on giantitp; Google it. It's not mine, but I wholeheartedly recommend it. I especially like the categorization system, especially 'Items I Refuse to Price' (if the DM wants you to have a TARDIS, you get a TARDIS, if not, not), and 'Gamechanging Items' (which I encourage my players to consider, for maximum creativity). Secondly, I added magic item creation rules. Each XP needed to gain a level is worth virtual gold that can be spent on magic items. I use milestone leveling so this is pretty thoroughly under my control. Basically, a 5th level character has a pool of just over 6000 GP that they've probably already mostly spent on items. This is, aside from Wish, the only way to make magic items in the setting. This virtual GP can only be used to make magic items, and only one source can be used per item. This means that weak magic is ubiquitous, enough so that the government doesn't really bother with the trinkets that peasants can make. Village stockpiles of emergency potions and the like, or some quality of life enhancing family heirlooms. Wish can also only make weak items, to a cap of 15000 GP. Any magic item worth more cannot be bought for mere gold, or even things that can be bought for mere gold. Either make it yourself or go on a major quest. Such grossly decoupled economies are very much what keeps things sane. A given character can only attune (short rest, excepting 'oh crap' consumables) to 8 magic items at any time. This, combined with the action economy and stacking rules, limits what can by done with the eventual batcaves these guys will accumulate. Preparation and versatility, but not raw power, are what this permits. Basically, the massive amounts of gold get invested into cities and kingdoms, powerful magic items are national resources, politics and economics are even more important than adventuring, and magic items are what allow Heroes to compete with Team Monster.
@KeenKreen 7 жыл бұрын
By the 5e DMG's cursed items section, Identify no longer reveals if an item is cursed. So what now is the point to Identify? I might as well just attune to the item and have it ready to go since I won't know if I shouldn't even if I cast the spell. I guess it could save me an hour re-attuning to something else if I'm at my limit but that's about it.
@georgemercer402 3 жыл бұрын
My campaign has only one problem with the magic items I want to award: several will be needed in order to combine (in some way) in order to vanquish the BBEG in it. I'm saying that now because it'll be pretty much apocalyptic if not, though I DO intend to have only one be awarded at a time because of the journey; the only exception would be the Dragon Slayer which would be a pair instead of just 1 of its variety.
@onetruetroy 7 жыл бұрын
All that treasure can become a tremendous burden of responsibility for the characters and an accounting nightmare for the gaming group. Just as dungeons full of monsters and treasures are an attractive nuisance, so are a powerful adventuring party brimming with loot and magic. As a DM, I always had a story for every major treasure and magic item: someone or something did create those at great expense and probably for specific reasons. No item was ever random and the characters (players?) had more respect for all the treasure and magic obtained.
@kingduckie9135 3 жыл бұрын
Friend of mine had a game where he picked up a super cool sword and used it to kill someone then realized it was the cursed sword of a serial killer and now everyone in the world saw this guy as this infamous killer who was wanted in every kingdom in the world and he had to use the sword at least once a day or he'd get aged by 200 instantly
@thelowmein9143 7 жыл бұрын
One thing I miss about pathfinder and the older d&d systems is that there was an absolute number for treasure. This encounter is worth x amount of gold in treasure.
@tabletopfanatic9480 6 жыл бұрын
I have literally never had to take a player to the side and tell them they are to op because I gave them something and then ask them to nerf the item. The way I have always handled magic items is keep them rare for one and use the monsters intelligently. For instance if a monk was springing everywhere the monsters would use bottle necks and try and take out the weakest member of the party. Also always have a spell casting monster in groups of monsters intelligent enough to have access to spell casting. Furthermore magical items are pretty obvious and high level thieves are normally very interested in taking them. You can also have powerful enemies looking to relive the party of said items because they need them for themselves and then you're looking at bands of mercenaries who have specialized to face and researching your party intent on defeating the magical items you possess just so they can take them. IDK I've never had an issue with magical items in any of my campaigns and this is coming from someone who loves the Deck of Many Things and has recently used it and had a key antagonist wished out of existence but guess what.... Who takes his spot? Is there a vacuum of power? Does his absence cause some city's economy to collapse due to the fact that he brought in stolen goods to be sold there attracting adventures? For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is just my opinion but I think people worry to much about the out come of giving out a powerful item. That is one of the few times that the DM doesn't have full control and for most DMs it's to much to handle.
@craftmineSB 7 жыл бұрын
I was playing Balduurs gate and put on a magic belt with out identifying it...Belt of gender change.
@blubasaur9053 7 жыл бұрын
craftmineSB XD
@basilharpham9372 6 жыл бұрын
i made a character who is a reverse trap trap (genetically female with male parts that looks effeminate)
@jjs7650 6 жыл бұрын
the shadbelt
@nathanieljernigan1147 4 жыл бұрын
@@basilharpham9372 my brain is still trying to unravel this yarn ball of trapdom.
@griffonos0987 7 жыл бұрын
Could you give the full story about your paladin getting possessed by a demon? That sounds like an amazing story.
@Funnyfan321 7 жыл бұрын
Are Crown Royal bags popular for D and D? I use one for my dice and I find it funny Jonathan has one too.
@talldorf6445 7 жыл бұрын
personal tip of mine is look at Premade adventures and see what is perfect amount of treasure, when magic items should be given out and at what level. ( +1 ammunition is perfect level 1-2 magic items, but only hand out like 3 or 4 through a dungeon so they save them for important fights.) also depends on the system and/or edition: 3rd/3.5 and PF require everyone to at least have a plus 1 item by level three, while 5e and earlier editions (AD&D/Basic) not so much, so plan accordingly.
@adrenalineunlimited 7 жыл бұрын
Man I would love to see y'all's personal campaigns
@KaiserK88 6 жыл бұрын
HAHAHA I just commented on the last video about our TPK with the Gelatinous Cube. After two of us died to the cube, our fighter ran away. Before leaving the dungeon she decided to disguise herself with a mask she found and it possessed her. Lesson Learned: Do not put anything on until you have properly identified it!
@tylerh2548 7 жыл бұрын
I'm curious about the implementation of the possession. Did it become npc? or just add 2 levels of fiend pack warlock, maybe with DM occasionally forcing CHA saves to keep from letting the demon take control?
@soasteven1638 6 жыл бұрын
0:07 aaaayyy I see what you did there.
@parapotato 7 жыл бұрын
Another pitfall to totally random treasure generation is one character can end up getting stacked and others don't get anything. My current Barbarian has a family heirloom greataxe that the DM is making slowly more powerfull as I level. And I have a legendary magic long sword that only I can use because I'm the only Chaotic Good character in the party. Meanwhile our paladin is still using his starting equipment and feels totally left out.
@thebiggestbigmacever6315 6 жыл бұрын
I have one character in my campaign that has boots that makes him super fast and lets him attack so many times but it’s kinda balanced because every time there’s a major encounter the big monster gets a crit on him and he goes down.
@zalandercalander 5 жыл бұрын
So say I gave my campaign party 100,000 gp and I will make an encounter so that when they enter a area, say a goblin Forest, that two goblins steal a large chunk of the gold. So when they enter the goblin fortress, they will encounter a gold construct that attacks them(such as a golem).
@WingedVlog444 6 жыл бұрын
A friend took a magical sword, not knowing what it did, and ended up stuck with his hand on the handle. This prompted the party to go on a quest to figure out how to get his hand unstuck.
@jeremybrooks7415 4 жыл бұрын
Where did you get a Peach Trees shirt?
@sol2544 6 жыл бұрын
You guys talk about how great your campaigns were, do you ever record or stream em?
@Wolfphototech 3 жыл бұрын
*How much is to much is largely defined by the economy of the region the characters are in .*
@zombieswolking1711 5 жыл бұрын
Also get potions/magic edibles identified. Spent a portion of a session high as a kite and shrunken.😂
@OstravaTheBrave 6 жыл бұрын
I had an idea about making magic Gauntlets that look like the Infinity Gauntlet. But it basically has the power of the eyes of a beholder. I don't know how to going about making it. I know I want it for late game(17lvl) so how would I go about balancing it.
@AGrumpyPanda 6 жыл бұрын
To be honest, that sounds like the kind of item that you *don't* go about balancing it. The trick then is just to make sure that everyone else has something equally dumb. (Note: I say 'dumb' in the vein of 'so good it's dumb')
@jacksonl.2201 6 жыл бұрын
Have a villager who found it and went on a power trip become a villain and have the party as a way to get it.
@LAJackson123 6 жыл бұрын
I have a few PC's that seem to fall for it ALL the time. Doesn't matter what item I put in front of them. Once had a Monk open up a huge jar of alchemist fire. Nearly destroy the party through suffocation in a small dungeon room.
@fhuber7507 5 жыл бұрын
We used to have huge "treasure sinks" Taxes. The Empire wanted 10% to 50% of anything you took into town. Cost of gaining levels... training was expensive. Actually keeping track of costs of food and staying in the Inn... Armor and weapon maintenance. Each month pay 10% of the value of your armor and weapons to a blacksmith. *Yes, I made them pay the 10% value of magic armor and weapons or they would degrade. "Donations" to their houses of worship. God, evil... didn't matter. The church wants their cut or you risk the displeasure of the gods. (we had chances for anyone to try to make a deity call and if you were behind on donations, your chances dropped to: No.) Making the party pay for research to get new spells for the mage. Research and manufacture of any special magic items they may have heard of and want. Npe, no magic shop with anything ready made. Pay in advance and then % chance of fail or partial success or full success or even something better than what was ordered. No refunds. No exchanges. Want a + 1 weapon? Bring the special metals and the other stuff the blacksmith and mage who run the shop demand. Pay the fee... wait days to months.
@JacobBeau99GAMING 7 жыл бұрын
how did that work with having a character being possessed by a demon. like where did the character develop from there?
@pblackcrow 8 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@delravinger2740 4 жыл бұрын
Can you do an episode on weapons?
@dicedoom7162 8 жыл бұрын
well for me the question still is what is too much? 1 magic uncommon item fo each character at lvl 5 is that normal? idk
@joshuareynolds23 8 жыл бұрын
yes according to the dmg pg38
@williamwontiam3166 3 жыл бұрын
While I’d like to make them all super specific(like swords of dragon slaying) and just give them the regular benefits of being a magic item.
@fhuber7507 5 жыл бұрын
Track encumbrance and the PCs can't carry half of the loot they find.
@kirkh5820 7 жыл бұрын
ps. your the best
@SpidermanandhisAmazingFriends 5 жыл бұрын
Am I a bad player because I always put on unidentified magical items, to see if something bad happens?
@WebDM 5 жыл бұрын
Every table needs a player who will keep the game moving forward at the expense of their character's safety...
@GamerM1235 8 жыл бұрын
So if your possessed by a demon as a paladin? Why do I feel like you just became a fallen paladin. Hell I would have just kept going. Sure you loose your powers. But now you can get cool new ones!! And the dark side has cookies.
@AGrumpyPanda 8 жыл бұрын
+GamerM1235 A possessed paladin would just be an atonement and a sidequest away from being restored as soon as the possession is over, as opposed to outright falling which is the paladin themself choosing to abandon their path.
@GamerM1235 8 жыл бұрын
Ah, so there is a difference. Cool, thank you.
@AGrumpyPanda 8 жыл бұрын
One thing a lot of people forget is that a paladin can be forgiven and go back to paladin-ing, it goes with the whole being a good guy following the path of righteousness thing.
@GamerM1235 8 жыл бұрын
Right. Kind of how sometimes you need to do something evil if its for the greater good.
@Viktor16161616 8 жыл бұрын
+GamerM1235 As you have no control of yuor actions you would indeed lose your paladin powers. But once you are no longer possessed you should regain your powers again. Unless as a lingering effect of being possessed your characters mannerisms, moral compass and so on was disturbed on a deeper, more permanent level.
@alzaronwayne5255 6 жыл бұрын
I really want to know what item he acquired that made him possessed by a demon lol
@everlett1122 8 жыл бұрын
could have been more specific maybe a suggested wealth per level + magic items per level
@SetzerII 8 жыл бұрын
While not familiar with 5e, 3/3.5/Pathfinder has just such a chart for "standard" progression games in the core or DM books. In terms of video time vs. content, it would be unnecessary.
@everlett1122 8 жыл бұрын
5ed does not have the chart. Hence why im asking for a suggestion from Matt.
@joshuareynolds23 8 жыл бұрын
5e dmg pg. 38
@joshuareynolds23 8 жыл бұрын
+Everlet t it does its just hidden on a stupid page I linked it above
@everlett1122 8 жыл бұрын
ah its tiny but good enough ty
@00ironskull 6 жыл бұрын
I tend to just let my characters carry as much gold as they can hold
@00ironskull 6 жыл бұрын
I like to make custom magic items like lets say you stole a dagger from some bully wogs if it crits a enemy it turns it to a frog
@comrade1158 7 жыл бұрын
My party and I, a wizard, found a shriveled up severed hand in a room on a pedistle. The door to enter it was trapped and it cut of the bards hand be he used the hand to keep the door open. I did a knowledge arcana check and the DM said it looks like the hand of vecna. The bard did not want to put on so we used the Paladins dwarven heavy axe and cut of my left hand(smart right). Let's just say I may have failed my first will save. So I was turning evil. My DM was nice so he let it be gradual. But when I tried to use the hand, nothing happened. As if it was not the hand of vecna. I thought maybe it was a placebo effect and my character said out loud "I am good", practically yelling it. Then I heard a voice I'm my head, not the crazy one, and it happened to be the hand of an ancient great paladin. So I became a better paladin the our paladin. So the moral of this story is if you see a severed hand, cut off yours and put it on. No, it was a joke don't do that unless you are sure what it is. But because if my idiocy, I could cast level 4 paladin while I was a level 3 wizard. Oh and he can posses me.
@bobkaminski3782 5 жыл бұрын
We use to play every other Saturday from like 2pm till 3 am. Sometimes we would go an extra 3 hours to finish oart of an adventure to kill a monster. At the end we would force the DM to roll up the loot. Then one day duri g a fight a player out an artifact like item. The DM was like "Were in thd heck did you get that." He then realized we all had items like that. The expression on hus was was funny. A bunch of erasers died that day as he scaled all theitems down. After that we started every session with the DM being, "OK what was the loot you got last time." Ge was right because the encounters were fun and challenging. A good DM will see overpowered items and scale them down or see an under powered item an scale them up. And a good player will work with the GM.
@ZoraleePvP 5 жыл бұрын
Why is the default mode: I as a GM cant challange you, can you please nerf yourself because XYZ? My suggestion is: how can I as a GM learn to challange players in a way thats fun for everyone? By taking the default mode the GM dont evolve past the default mode and that is fine, its worked since the early days of rpg. But maybe the next level is learning to handle all sorts of players without being against their behavior and instead...while writing this comment Jim just answered my question. Gg
@mbalazs3544 5 жыл бұрын
2:55 if you get possessed by demon or another wort faith than death maybe its time to kill your character and start a new one :D
@benben1530 6 жыл бұрын
this whole video seemed like build up to a point you didnt get to, unless the point was dont give your players to much and if you do ask them if its cool to nerf them
@benben1530 6 жыл бұрын
on the other hand these comments are fantastic so at least you got people talking who had points
@pawthorne7089 5 жыл бұрын
well yes, but actually no.
@ihalloway 7 жыл бұрын
thought they will give good answer, they told me nothing new and even less than dm guide...
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