Five Leg Surgeries In 1 Year Ch. 4

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Megan King

Megan King

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dealing with being left to find a surgeon to help me & facing another 2 surgeries 3 months apart.

Пікірлер: 48
@patrikpersson9446 Жыл бұрын
It's absolutely crazy how much pain you hade to put up with...and still can put a lovely smile up for us!!!
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
I try 😊 A long time ago I realized & eventually accepted that I was going to have deal with chronic pain in my life. I don't want to miss out on life so I try to make the best of it
@amorris1970 Жыл бұрын
I just saw your channel. You're a very brave young lady. I to have had numerous spine surgeries. I have had 2 neck fusions and 4 lumbar spine surgeries. To hear you describing the struggles that you have gone through. Makes me realize that my struggles are nothing like you had gone through. Young lady you give me courage to continue to live. I'm 53 yrs old and I also struggle with depression and anxiety. You are my hero and very brave and continue to live your life.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Everybody in this world struggles. Those who haven't just haven't hit that phase in life yet. My struggles don't minimize anything that you've endured & vice versa. The pain I experience doesn't minimize or takeaway any of the pain you feel. The beautiful thing that comes out of struggling is where we get to meet in the middle. For example, pain. You know what it's like to live with pain. 6 spine surgeries is anything but easy. I know pain from my experiences. By opening up a bit we know that we're not alone. There are other people in this world who can sympathize with us, in their own way, what we go through. We aren't alone. I struggle with anxiety & mental mind games. Continue to fight as best you can to live your life. I'm rooting you on 💕
@amorris1970 Жыл бұрын
@@MeganKing19 Thank you. And you do the same.
@johndunaway7452 Жыл бұрын
Please keep sharing your story/life please
@johndunaway7452 Жыл бұрын
You are very talented with your drawings
@SlapHappyPants Жыл бұрын
This is so incredibly relatable god. I have hEDS, POTS, and MALS and have just in the last 3ish years started figuring everything out. Two huge surgeries in and so many more small procedures. Doctors can be the cruelest people, and I’m so sorry you’ve had experience with them. I can certainly sympathize. I had one say “stop trying to be special” to me before I was diagnosed with anything and he straight ghosted me on an appointment that was scheduled three months in advance after he found out he was wrong about everything XD thanks for sharing your story, it makes being a zebra a little less lonely 🦓
@kallisti667 Жыл бұрын
The thing that really gets my goat is, there are times in life where it's NORMAL to be somewhat depressed. When you are a teenager and have had 5 surgeries in a year, have had to give up all the activities you love and had to battle every moment just to get basic treatment for injuries, who wouldn't be at least a little depressed?? Believe yourself, believe your body.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely, true. We have highs in life, lows in life & a rollercoaster combo. My frustration was/is it wasn't depression that was causing the pain that I was trying to explain. Unfortunately, healtcare professionals can be quick to label an injury or other physical ailment as depression. It's one of the main reasons I try to emphasize being your own patient advocate, believe yourself & belief your body 👊
@kallisti667 Жыл бұрын
@@MeganKing19 Could not agree more - physical health issues can lead to mental health issues, but the tendency for healthcare professionals to jump to this outlandish idea that depression could cause (for example) pain on the level that you have had is something that needs to be strongly addressed in the training process. Yes, people can benefit from therapy when it comes to developing coping strategies when dealing with chronic severe pain, but treating people as if their pain is 'in their head' is almost as damaging as the conditions themselves in many ways.
@dopeontapproductions1317 Жыл бұрын
Megan I'm sorry you have had to endure so much. Just know I'm praying for your healing. God is with you. ❤🙏
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! He is always with me💛
@JulesUS8386 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. We have similar stories. I feel for you. It’s really hard to see the light. Mine was one jump too. Jumped off a fence after feeding my horses. Landed on my feet, did not fall but broke my pelvis. Have you shared your story with a geneticist? My one thing that led to over 30 surgeries. Also the depressing knowledge to know so many genetic issues will never go away. As far as Depression it’s more like bc of the situation I was in causing depression for me. Always trust yourself!! It’s your body and we know our bodies and minds better that healthcare workers…and I am a disabled RN who believed this even before my health problems. I also keep all of my medical records well most of them and radiology films. I have now filled two tall filing cabinets with paper files, a pile of MRIs about three foot tall, and a grocery bag of CT discs. Oh this doesn’t count one of my surgeries where my organs in abdomen ruptured out of the blue and I was told by the three surgeons I am lucky to be here. I was just to sick, lost four dress sizes way too skinny and could not go get that set of documents. I have also no records from over 75 hospitalizations that do not involve surgery. If I got those too, I would have to buy a bigger house. 🥹 Everyone know you’re not alone. 🤝 My daughter has the same genetic disorderS. It’s awful. Some days there’s just too much to deal with. When you have trouble with words….I get that also. Having CCI, refused to get repaired, a fractured neck, all of the stuff to follow plus medications brain fog as we just call it is common, I also have one inner ear canal on the circular part only seen by CT torn a hole in it and the surgery for that is going behind or above the ear into the skull which involves the brain so the surgeon said I was too high risk for that surgical repair…..the symptoms of that is a lot of sounds are so painful they elicit a fight/flight response in me). I also have both shoulder rotator cuffs torn which I’ve had repaired 3 times each and the third time the surgeon put cordage stuff around my shoulder joints to try and keep them from dislocating/tearing again…so no more surgery there for me, over 10 abdominal surgeries to fix torn soft tissue in organs including blood vessels resulting in being left with only the organs I need to survive…all else was removed, both hip ligaments and Labral tears fixed three times torn again so not repaired, both knee tears(one has bilateral meniscus tear/quad muscle tendon tear, the other knee has meniscus tears neither repaired), bones in feet sawed in two and screwed, bilateral ankle tendon tears one repaired then just retore again. I chose to stop the surgeries unless life threatening bc I kept tearing and hurting so why bother. I feel once it all started that one day it snowballed into hell. I was also once very active healthy, played sports, in school in marching band. I played competitive racket ball three times a week, and danced four hours a day and four times a week. Now I don’t get out unless I have too. Since Christmas I’ve been out of my house four times. Sucks. I can barely do anything even daily living like showers, and getting in and out of bed is agonizing. Everyone in the support groups also say they were very active when younger. None of my issues began until after my first pregnancy. This goes along with the genetic disorders which present either after a girl’s first period, or after first pregnancy. In guys it presents at birth or after puberty. They think the big hormonal shift during those times somehow activates the genes to begin screwing up our bodies. Now I am dealing with not being able to eat most food without my intestines swelling shut resulting in more hospital stays and my bloodwork showing i am now malnourished but I want to eat😢 I find myself saying I took care of people in the hospital before all of this worse off than I am so I should feel lucky. Except I don’t feel lucky. Sleep is only a luxury due to so much pain. My pain management Dr keeps trying to get me on stronger pain medication but there are too many side effects and when I want a break off the meds it’s very hard to wean down. Btw…don’t ever stop pain medication cold Turkey bc withdraw is intolerable. You look like you are feeling better? One of the things with the genetic disorders I deal with is we call them invisible disorders bc to anyone else…they can’t look at me and tell something is wrong unless I am fresh Post op. One woman in the support group had a person at the grocery store call police bc she parked in handicap (as I do with a placard). The lady did so bc the person in my group “DIDNT LOOK LIKE ANYTHING WAS WRONG WITH HER SO SHE SHOULDNT BE PARKING THERE”. This happens often and she didn’t need the spot. Sad that others are so judgmental at times. How do people not think that under her pretty clothes or ugly sweat suit doesn’t exist a huge incision complete with drains pinned to our undergarments! Too quick to judge I guess. What’s going on in this world today? Oops that will open up a whole new can of worms. Thanks for letting me vent. It wasn’t my intention. Your story brought up a lot in me. I pray you get back to your healthy self so you can enjoy life…putting medical problems behind. ❤
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
I was eventually diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in 2015. It was "ruled out" by genetics in 2007.. Reading everything now makes the diagnosis so blatantly obvious. You've endured so much. My heart goes out to you. I sympathize in my own way. I had CCI, spine instability, fractured neck, shoulder trouble here to high heaven, shouldn't be alive, but I am & variety of other things. I understand invisible illness & how hard it can be. It's hard being misunderstood & people not realizing how much effort it can take for the most basic thing. I've had my share disability parking stories. Idk, I'm more of the mindset of giving benefit of the doubt. I know what it's like to struggle with the invisible issues. I hope things will improve for you in one way or another; your daughter too. Medication is what has given me the ability to keep going out. It took time to figure out what was best for me but it has given me the ability to live my life vs. once upon a time just existing. I'm better than I was even just a month ago. I recently had a CT guided injection & it has helped me incredibly. I can walk/sit much easier. We're buying time trying to postpone surgery & allowing me to get my body stronger. Hang in there. Keep trying your best every day. Try to find something that makes you smile every single day. The smallest things can bring joy. All the best to you.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Bumped send. I'll be praying for you! I can honestly say, despite the medical, I do enjoy my life. It's not an easy life but I do have joy & hope. Thank you for sharing some of your story 💛
@SaraNerys Жыл бұрын
You’re a warrior 💛💛💛
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
So kind of you!
@SokottoMightKnow 11 ай бұрын
The Lord is with you along this journey, as are we. Your strength gives us strength. ❤
@johndunaway7452 Жыл бұрын
Remember God will not put more on you than you can handle and you are so strong
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
He has been with me every step of the way
@MrValenzuela07 Жыл бұрын
Im your new fan you are a warrior
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Welcome! Thank you so much!
@MrValenzuela07 Жыл бұрын
@@MeganKing19 You really change life for me now I see life happy, I had a severe stroke by the way thanks for your replay
@he-mansuncle7661 Жыл бұрын
Got me beat by one! I think I had 9 or 10 right knee surgeries in 4-5 years. I went to Rush for one of the surgeries with the Bulls team doctor. All my other surgeries were done in Indianapolis. I’m 4-5 hours from Chicagoland and 2.5 hours from Indy.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
I hope your knee is doing better! That's a lot to have to go through. Sounds like you've really had to fight your way through the storm. Keep up all the hard work! I hope there's less medical going on in your life!
@marywarrior47 Жыл бұрын
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! I'm glad you can see that! It's very, very true 💕
@marywarrior47 Жыл бұрын
@robertso6665 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story. Will add you to my prayer list. God gave a gift for me too. Photography. I didn't know I had a gift until a church friend taught me photography and said I am a natural. My photo portfolio link is in my bio. I hope you're doing better these days.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
That would be great. I appreciate all the prayers I can get. I love when hidden gifts become apparent like that! I'm going to check out your portfolio link!!! I'm still in the medical but I can honestly say I have joy in my life. It has been a really siffixult few years. I was attacked by a loose dog. The rods in my spine broke & I injured my pelvis. It has been a journey. I've been advocating so much. I'm loving that I've been able to walk the past month. It's a gift from God & hope for improvement.
@peggypegg8204 Жыл бұрын
Are you on Lyrica? That can cause difficulty with finding words. If on it, could be adding to your mental quirks.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Nope- good thought though!
@ARTWV Жыл бұрын
Hi, I have a spinal cord injury which causes me pretty bad pain every day. I wouldn’t sweat the doctors comment on the pain meds. He was probably just letting you know. I take them daily and they do effect my moods but not as bad as it was in the beginning. I know by experience that daily 24/7 pain causes depression. I feel for you an I hope and Pray you get some relief. God Bless
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!! How long ago did your injury occur? Don't feel like you have to answer! This video was referring back to 2006/2007. At the end, I did a brief recap & the comment is just an annoyance. To this day, I don't get why healthcare professionals jump straight to medication being the reason for feeling a certain way vs looking at what the patient has been going through. I've been in severe pain since 2014ish & have been on pain medication 24/7. Like anyone, I have my days that are harder than others & but I don't have a clinical depression. Severe pain changes a person no matter how hard one tries. I'm grateful for my pain management doctor because without the medication to take the pain down I wouldn't be able to live my life. He has helped so much. I'll be praying for you! I hope there's some kind of treatment to help you combat the pain that you experience. God bless you, as well!
@ARTWV Жыл бұрын
@@MeganKing19 Hi Megan, it was 4-20-16 when it started for me. I’ve always been pretty physical the way I lived and I think that’s what made some disks to collapse in my neck. I agree with all you said and others don’t understand how it changes a person. I’m definitely more blunt and I guess I’m a bit assholish at times lol. I stay in a pretty good mood for the most part. A lot of my pain is my sternum. My chest feels like a rib injury every day. Hurts to breathe and move. I’m ok if I don’t take a deep breath lol. You have been through a lot Megan. I think your a badass. I don’t mind telling my story. Thank you for the Prayers. When you first wake up is pain the first feeling you have? I understand that. God Bless
@robertsmith987 Жыл бұрын
I’m new hello 👋
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Welcome!! Hi 👋
@procta2343 Жыл бұрын
Megan i wonder if the doctor got it wrong about the ankle, and all this is a chain reaction due to that.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Wrong in which aspect? It's vague which is why I'm asking. I think the doctors got it wrong with diagnosing & delaying treatment ended up making me worse. I've always said it was a domino effect & body crumbled.
@procta2343 Жыл бұрын
@@MeganKing19 Yeah that's what i was meaning, the very 1st doctor i suspect got it wrong, so you could be in for a few ££/$$
@cyh4031 Жыл бұрын
I can't even imagine dealing with the 3 surgeries, nevermind the other ones you have yet to tell us about. Believing Dr. Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) has a supernatural healing for you!!! I am aware of people who have had fusions disappear but the power of God.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
It has been quite the journey. It has been hard but I've learned so much. Going through everything I've been has brought me closer to Him. I'm so thankful for Him & all He has done for me.
@juanitavillarreal9934 Жыл бұрын
God will heal you!
@weswright3187 Жыл бұрын
You shouldn’t say that. God might heal her, but he might not. The truth is that all Christians will be healed and made perfect when we reach heaven. In this this world we will have persecution and trouble. Those are the words of Jesus 🙂.
@juanitavillarreal9934 Жыл бұрын
Wes I believe he will heal her. It just come to be that I had to say it. Jesus heals!
@weswright3187 Жыл бұрын
@@juanitavillarreal9934 There’s no question that I hope you are right.
@abderrahmanazzam2738 Жыл бұрын
I invite you sister to learn about islam and other life if you persuie what the prophet has told us you will go to heaven inshaaalah may allah heal you
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