I'm NOT Drug-Seeking Ch. 3

  Рет қаралды 3,166

Megan King

Megan King

Жыл бұрын

I couldn't believe that after my ankle surgery I developed symptoms in my knee & then my hip. This couldn't be happening to me. It was hard enough dealing with theh physical pain but the mental pain began as well. On more than 1 occassion I was told I was "drug-seeking" because I went back to the doctor complaining of additional symptoms. I wasn't drug-seeking! I had legitimate symptoms for legitimate injuries. I couldn't believe what I was experiencing.

Пікірлер: 36
@Tm___ Жыл бұрын
My family has elhers danlos, every insulting degrading thing has been said to them by medical professionals. We feel your pain ❤️
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
I bet you do. Medical personnel told me so many degrading things. Hopefully with more research & knowledge about eds there will be less degrading comments towards eds patients.
@Dreez76 Жыл бұрын
I think you're just an extraordinary intelligent and smart girl who rolled a really bad dice in life and you try to make the best of it. Don't listen to all the haters who don't understand your situation. Keep your chin up.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. That's very nice of you to say. I just want to take what I've been through & be able to help someone else. I remember feeling so alone & like nobody understood. I hope by sharing it will help in some way.
@8e11e Жыл бұрын
I’m 2:52 minutes in and I’m already triggered af lol I’ve been called crazy, a drug seeker… one tried to tell me that I was just missing my husband?! Yep. I missed him so much I grew three tumours in my middle ear that ate through my skull. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I try to be patient because everyone is only human but sometimes I wonder how some doctors get their medical license 😅
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you were called all those things too. It's infuriating! I'm like you with trying to be patient because everyone is human buuuuuut there are definitely many a doctors that I wonder how in the world they received their medical license. I hope you're doing better!!!
@8e11e Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I have good days and bad to be totally honest lol. I got my Ehlers Danlos diagnosis at 33 so my body is showing all the wear and tear from years of trying to function like a “normal”person. I can’t stress enough how much your videos help me feel valid. Being medically complex can be very isolating. My family are wonderful and very supportive. Unfortunately my friends didn’t really get it and most expected me to live like I did before everything (my body) really went to crap. I have had to let most of them go which has probably been the most painful part of all. BUT life goes on and I will say that the past three years have taught me to live in the moment which is such a blessing! I hope you are doing better? I’ve been keeping you in my thoughts after the dog attack. All the best!!
@thewilltowalk6651 Жыл бұрын
I really wish that your experience was rare, but those of us with complex or multiple medical problems have to deal with gaslighting all the time. And as a Chronic Pain Patient with end-stage CRPS as well as being a below knee amputee due to the condition burning off my foot & lower leg, I still get the “med seeking” judgement. Undergoing 14 major surgeries over the last 5 years (several due to medical error) has been agonizing and frustrating. Desperate for independence, when I tried to use the bathroom instead of my bedside commode last month, I ended up on the floor screaming. I had broken my hip and femur. Adding insult to literal injury, they accidentally tested my TSH while I was in the ER, and further testing revealed that I had Graves’ Disease that would’ve killed me by the end of summer had this not been caught. I appreciate you sharing your story and experiences ❤️ When life keeps throwing you off a proverbial cliff, it’s hard to keep fighting, and I feel like I’m reaching the end of my rope
@he-mansuncle7661 Жыл бұрын
I have a similar story when I was 17 in 2001, playing HS football. I blew my knee out and damaged nerves. Had 10 Right knee surgeries, developed CRPS, countless procedures, and now have a Medtronic pain pump that sends fentanyl to the spinal cord. Smoking cannabis also helps with the mental and physical pain. Good luck with your journey!
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Life-changing injury you didn't see coming. You've been through so much. I hope your pain pump provides you with relief. Hopefully something will come around that can help improve your quality of life. Continue to stay strong! Good luck with your medical journey as well!!!
@darla218 Жыл бұрын
If I knew where you lived I would just knock on your door and give you a hug. ((No I’m not a weirdo lol. Just a genuine caring person) ((HUGS)) I’m watching your videos with tears down my cheeks. My heart hurts for you. ❤
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
It has been quite the journey but I've learned so much through it all. I know I'm better for what I've been through. Do I miss not hurting, kicking a soccer ball & the freedom to do what I want when I want? Yes. But I've been able to help other people by sharing my experience. 🤗
@robertso6665 Жыл бұрын
New subscriber here. I had Myelitis at 2013 on right spinal cord. Today I’m recovered but slight weakness on my right arm and leg. I got into photography because a friend said I was talented. I relate to you in a way. Thank you for sharing your story.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Wow! I'm so glad you recovered & I hope with time the weakness you have will improve. I'm not familiar with what exactly myelitis does & lasting effects. I'm glad you found photography. Art is therapeutic imo. I'm an artist & it has helped me recover through the years. Wishing all the best for you.
@peggypegg8204 Жыл бұрын
You are one amazing person with amazing parents! I cringe just thinking what your next Chapter will be! You have something special in your nature, a spark that is nothing short of inspirational. As painful as this is, I know you are helping a lot of other people. Thanking you for sharing!
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
That is all very, very kind of you to say. My parents are phenomenal. They've supported me in so many ways my entire life. They continue to stay by me as an adult. It has been interesting reading comments because all of this is just the very beginning. All the twists & turns have barely begun. I'm planning on reading next chapter tomorrow 😊
@wandalester8624 Жыл бұрын
You hang in there girl, you are amazing!
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your encouragement!
@wandalester8624 Жыл бұрын
​@@MeganKing19Dear Megan, l have tried for forty three years to find help for my legs and hips. I carried my last baby on my pelvic floor the whole nine months. My son started growing in my right hip groin area due to damage a forced double procedure abortion, 20 minutes apart. My 14 week old unborn baby turned and turned for fifteen minutes between the two procedures. So when I felt baby's feet kicking in my right groin area at about six or seven weeks gastation, l didn't go to the doctor for 7 months because I knew they would tell me l couldn't carry a baby there. After l delivered my 7 lb baby boy, l couldn't walk for 4 days, and even after, l would get so fatigued walking around. Fast forward to 2019 l finally had a physician's assistant, listen to me. I told her l had went through two test over the years for muscular dystrophy, which thank God l didn't have. I thought if l had a right hip replacement all would be great and l'd be able to at least run. Because of nerve damage and muscle weakness, l now have no control over my right hip. I walk like a one year old trying to learn how to walk. If you watch me walk in my yard, you would think l was drunk. Where can l get the wrap around that you have. I think that would make me more stable. Thank you Megan for being an awesome inspiration.
@heathersplants5708 Жыл бұрын
I am so happy you are continuing to update us on your story. I just found your channel this evening and have binge watched all your videos already. You are strong and beautiful! I also am going through some health issues and your strength to pursue a better ending and not just settle for what a doctor tells you has given me the strength to not give up as well. I have been laughed at by one doctor when I told him I knew something still wasn't right so I went and seen another surgeon that had given me hope. But now after 9 months there is still something not right and I was ready to say "well I guess this is just how things are going to be for the rest of my life" but deep down I know this still isn't right. Thank you for the courage and strength to continue looking for an answer even if it means seeking yet another doctor. After 6 surgeries in 2 almost 3 years I also am looked at like I am just seeking pain meds. I live off 800mg of ibuprofen every 4-6 hours just to be able to function and move. I miss my old life, I feel like I took that old life for granted. But I am not ready to give up. I am not ok with sitting on my behind for the rest of my life watching the numbers rise on the scale because I can't function. Please continue to add updates and continue to tell your story. You have gained another faithful fan this evening that sends all the comforting hugs and prayers your way. You are an amazing person!
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Always listen to your gut. Doctors are human & sometimes things get overlooked. My track record for myself is 100%. Every single time my gut screamed something is wrong I continued to advocate & seek answers. It can be intimidating to speak up but can make such an important difference. I hope someone will come on your path who will further evaluate your symptoms. You're strong. Don't forget how strong you are.
@rocioacosta517 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this I had a trimalleolour fracture after roller skating !! Life changing for reals ! Worst recovery , I develop an infection, allergic reaction and nerve damage it’s been 4 months and I’m still not myself . I have weakness in my ankle and after being an active and gym person this has been the hardest . I totally understand you . I kept telling them my feet felt like fire and they assume I wanted pain meds not realizing I had an infection in my wound which was caught on time but I could of lost my foot or worse . Greatful for life and appreciate the smallest things in life . Your such a strong soul ❤ I hope everything gets better for you 😢 what a hard and long recovery you had !!! God bless you your inspiring and strong 💪
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
You're so early out. Even though 4 months sounds like it has been long, in the big picture you're still early in recovery. After my ankle surgery I remembering complaining about my the top of my foot feeling on fire. They loosened my cast but it didn't help. I developed cellulitis but fortunately it was caught early enough through advocating. I'm so glad your infection was still caught early enough. Learning to appreciate the smallest things is a gift. While I wouldn't ask for the medical I've faced in my life I'm thankful for the perspective of appreciating the small things. Keep doing your best through recovery. Resting doesn't equate to being lazy. Your body is trying to heal. I'm wishing you all the best.
@rocioacosta517 Жыл бұрын
@@MeganKing19 thank you so much 😊 your words are so uplifting!! & yes taking it day by day 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@JM-rc7se Жыл бұрын
That’s the first thing they always say about you being a drug seeker. One time I went into the ER because I have a problem with severe dehydration. I know the symptoms. I told the ER dr I needed a saline bag. Oh btw Dr. I have a history of severe edema because they always needed that info, but I didn’t have any right now. Which the ER dr scornfully said to me wow you could be an ankle model. I told my husband that he basically said I was lying. And that encounter made me feel so bad that I wouldn’t go back one time until my husband put me in the car. I don’t remember a lot. But they feared I was having a stroke. Long story. Ended up hospitalized. Anyway he said to me straight up I can’t give you pain meds. I looked at my husband and said did I ask for pain meds? And then I was so p/o when my husband went to the ER for sciatic pain and before he even went in they asked him if he wanted a shot of dilaudid? They really treat women horribly. Same thing with my heart I had been complaining for some time that I got terrible pains near my breast bone and terrible antacid (women do not have the typical symptoms as men. My cardiologist said that heartburn was my cue) they acknowledged that I had abnormal ekg but no big deal. I started thinking that I was a hypochondriac (mind you I have fibromyalgia, chronic mono, chronic shingles, tailbone break that never healed properly because the radiologist read the films wrong, erosive osteoarthritis, those are the highlights) I finally had a cardiologist say well let’s find out why they are abnormal. My tests came back so severe that they immediately had me come in for a cardiac catheterization. And even then 2. Different drs said I should just up my heart med. I said my dr wanted me to have the procedure, I’m having it! Then the dr who was performing it said to my husband and I there probably wasn’t a problem. My husband said he came out an hour later and said I had a 99% blockage and needed 2 stents. Women are not believed. They immediately label you a drug seeker and suggest that my obesity (which a lot of the medications made me gain weight) was the culprit. Just lose the weight. I have actually turned down opiates from ER dr because I’m on pain management. He was surprised and said oh okay thanks for letting me know. Though the ER is the hospital affiliated with all my drs and complete chart notes are in the system! All we want as patients especially when we have autoimmune problems and have actually researched everything, is to be believed! Don’t make judgements! Like you with your young age should not have hip problems. Listen to us. Believe me we have researched all the meds, procedures and what to expect and to do. Just because you look healthy doesn’t mean you are. “Chemo light” is what I describe my meds I take once a week for my arthritis. So my hair is thin but I haven’t lost enough to think I need to shave it. Other drs question why I’m on it? Sigh I hope you find a Dr that actually believes you and listens. Not give you the brush off.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
You've certainly been through a tremendous amount. I'm sorry for all the medical gaslighting you've experienced. It's definitely not easy to experience multiple times. It does make you appreciate the doctors who do listen & go the extra mile. It's weird reading my past outloud. So much has happened & continues to happen. In ways it feels like a lifetime ago but other times just yesterday. I hope you'll have better encounters with any future doctors. Continue to stay strong & remember how far you've come.
@KarenLevine-om6iz Жыл бұрын
It infuriates me in 2023 that those of us with genuine understanding physical pain & proof of our injuries are still accused of drug seeking!
@lizzzzzzzz Жыл бұрын
a family member of mine also had this happen, she tore her labrum but they kept missing it and by the time it was diagnosed she had already missed out on two seasons of cross country and never returned to the sport. it was exactly the same thing - stubborn doctors saying it would be evident on the mri but they kept missing it. she did need surgery and it was her labrum.
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
I sympathize with her! It's hard when your body forces you to leave your sport vs making the decision yourself. Injuries & other problems being missed can be so harmful. I hope your family member has found a new hobby/passion that she loves. Also hoping her labrum is doing better!
@lizzzzzzzz Жыл бұрын
@@MeganKing19 thanks for the reply! she really has been kind of lost tbh because then she felt like she had to just focus on school itself and a lot of things academically are very difficult for her and she doesn't enjoy it like she did with sports. she is graduating next year and i'm not sure what she will decide to do. i hope she feels she can take time off if she needs to and find what is best for her. but yeah the doctor that finally figured out it was the labrum injury was doctor number 3, 4, whatever, and he was like DUH it's obvious right here that it's her labrum. the other doctors couldn't seem to figure it out. fortunately it was caught and now she is no longer in pain but she got all kinds of compensation injuries from how she had been moving around. it just all has really screwed up her world, but she has a bright future and i'm so excited for her to be able to move on from this injury business. it all seems to be going in the right direction.
@lizzzzzzzz Жыл бұрын
also now she knows a lot about how to advocate for herself and others having gone through a complicated and disappointing experience within medicine. i myself have had my own journey with it since i have a bunch of issues and you just learn you have to be a bulldog with it because there's just no other option a lot of the time.
@SaraNerys Жыл бұрын
@robertsmith987 Жыл бұрын
I’m curious if that Jump didn’t happen how would u be ?not trying to sound disrespectful just curious
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
No worries. I didn't take it as disrespectful & I welcome questions. Obviously idk for sure how I would be if that exact jump/landing didn't happen but I don't think my life would have been filled with as much medical as there has been. With that said I don't think I would have been able to make as much of an impact on the lives of others if I didn't jump. I'll never know for sure the answer to your question.
@robertsmith987 Жыл бұрын
Hello new sub here 25 year nurse
@MeganKing19 Жыл бұрын
Hi! Welcome! Thanks for subscribing!
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