Halo PRO's TEAR 343 Devs APART - RANKED is TRASH + MORE ANGER - Halo Infinite Guide

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GameLeap Halo Infinite Guides

GameLeap Halo Infinite Guides

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@GameLeapHaloInfiniteGuides 2 жыл бұрын
@AndyTF141 2 жыл бұрын
That's it I'm unsubing, cant you do a different video for once?
@HawkeyeVoid 2 жыл бұрын
Snipedown’s take is so true...if you’re carrying your team and still lose, your skill rating goes up while your rank stays the same. That means your next matches will be more difficult despite the fact that you lost, and also makes your rank inconsistent from your skill.
@Total_LegendXbox 2 жыл бұрын
Happened me yesterday, carried a team with 27k-12d and next 5 or 6 games was up against all High Diamond and I had all golds and low plats on my team
@metalheadfred5 2 жыл бұрын
I have lost so many rank points because of this very problem. I have not seen a shooter with so many Platinum ranks that have such horrible K/D ratios. I understand there are objectives, but K/D always matters somewhere along the line. This current Ranked system does not encourage positive K/D either.
@happyliltre3721 2 жыл бұрын
@@Total_LegendXbox then you carried against golds/low plats that one game and got challenged the next 5 or 6 against your true rank which I’m guessing may be low-mid diamond. This system will absolutely Smurf players and when they meet their real rank it can feel like a wall. Saying it gave you golds against high diamonds for games on end is completely cap however, system simply does not work that way. We’d be seeing Lucid paired with silvers every game if that was even near accurate.
@Total_LegendXbox 2 жыл бұрын
@@happyliltre3721 it's fine going up against Diamonds when you have similar ranks in your team. But going against them when you're carrying silver and gold and they watch your crosses, call out or communicate is exhausting. When you have a team of all similar ranks it's fun and engaging but when you're a solo slayer or objective carrier it's terrible.
@happyliltre3721 2 жыл бұрын
@@Total_LegendXbox best thing you can do is be in a 4 stack if you aren’t using solo/duo que. most matches are atleast 2-4 teammates in open, I don’t play open rank with less than 2 friends myself. Start sending messages and linking with good teammates you get, the system is too broken to run your head into over and over like you’re talking about. Good luck, go get some domes bruddah👍
@SNRTALES 2 жыл бұрын
This is just sad seeing my fav franchise in this state
@tariqmuhamed1562 2 жыл бұрын
No game deserves this treatment
@stayathomedad4830 2 жыл бұрын
@@tariqmuhamed1562 lmao what? That's like saying Biden doesn't deserve the ridicule hes getting...
@shellshockedant2356 2 жыл бұрын
@@stayathomedad4830 horrible analogy, and what they meant was that Halo doesn’t deserve to be made into a shitty game, not that the game doesn’t deserve hate
@minte4674 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s go Brandon
@cheporestrepo 2 жыл бұрын
343 doesnt deserve this franchise, halo is kinda too much for them,
@LOTW1 2 жыл бұрын
I was an Onyx player before the reset. I stopped playing exactly because how hard I had to carry almost every game I played. It is very exhausting. My state with Halo infinite right now is that I'm burned out. Season 2 is not even enough motivation for me to jump back in. There's never been a gane were I get burned out that I return to after stepping away from it. I think there's a huge chance that 343 might have ruined Halo for me.
@karstenh3381 2 жыл бұрын
Exact same thing here. Only reason I put up with it first time through was because I wanted the Onyx Emblem and Charm. It was getting really tiring going game after game with like 25-30 kills and 10ish deaths while also playing objective average or above average on the team and still losing a significant number of games somehow.
@LOTW1 2 жыл бұрын
@@karstenh3381 , me too brother. Once I got the emblem I played for a little while and then just stopped playing. The game is fun. I love Halo. But like I said, carrying almost every single match burned me out. Now they reset the ranks and I'm not in the mood of climbing again.
@adeksicoer Жыл бұрын
I know is imposible carry every team. Sometimes one guys play good but make a disaster of spawn for going to the front and just shoot every guy they seen and going to pursuit around all the map and forgot the objetive. No sense carry this type of people and do you said something to help of them mistakes in a good way and got mad with you. I think this game need a solid sbbm like halo 3 or 2. Imagine do you need carry the matches in social and ranked Is desperaring
@krispybowgod9656 2 жыл бұрын
I’d be raging if I made a living off halo
@the710salmonuwu7 2 жыл бұрын
I think 343 needs to be fired and we need a whole more dev team, they don’t know what halo is at it’s core and never have for 10 years. So the amount of time bungie had and 343 is still fucking it up for all the true fans. I officially quit playing ranked last night after carrying in 11 games and barely making up any csr and had two losses and lost my entire rank
@keithc8706 2 жыл бұрын
This CSR and MMR ranking system has been a problem since H5!! As player population falls, it only gets worse.
@olivergasior8005 2 жыл бұрын
Winning should be incentivized beyond all else, because that’s what brings the team together for a common objective, and makes it fun to play. Those nail biter matches down to the last seconds/ flag capture/ frag are what made the games exhilarating
@Evilbob1555 2 жыл бұрын
@DeusVult1683 That's why Gameleap suggested that Winning and Losing should be the only thing that matters after you reach a higher rank (diamond or higher). If the ranking system is fixed such that diamond means you're a good player, then a diamond playing with other diamonds or higher can't blame his teammates all the time.
@TacticalReaper56 2 жыл бұрын
@DeusVult1683 theres wasn't such a emphasis on fair lobbies. Like back then they were happy to just have the multiplayer functional and feeling fun.🤷‍♂️ sbmm has always been in games but they've fucked it. At the end of the day pub or be pub-stomped.
@adeksicoer Жыл бұрын
@JimmyJoeMcGurl 2 жыл бұрын
They need to separate casual lobby MMR from Ranked CSR. Period. We can't allow them to not address this and they need to get it done ASAP. We don't want Trueskill2 (aka Determinism) in Ranked. A good ranked system will organically get the players to the right place over time, that is the fun of it and the whole point.
@cheporestrepo 2 жыл бұрын
What makes u think they will do that, they launched the game like that, so they wont
@JimmyJoeMcGurl 2 жыл бұрын
@@cheporestrepo I'm hoping if enough of us communicate to them that we want it done correctly, they'll change it. They launched it this way without being open about it and people figured it out, that's why they've now addressed it, but they're not apologizing or talking about overhauling it, they're instead spinning the narrative to act like this system makes sense.
@xxjuicemanxx1984 2 жыл бұрын
Halo 2/Halo 3 rank system worked pretty damn good. It’s beyond me at this point how this has dragged on for so long. There are less people playing by the day and I don’t think it will get better for a long time.
@athanmcg5277 2 жыл бұрын
They’re using the used car salesman technique
@XieonGaming 2 жыл бұрын
This is such a joke. 343 is just reacting to whatever they can get away with.
@leong3760 2 жыл бұрын
absolutely! I don’t play this game anymore just watch this blokes videos for updates on the game but man, this game is so bad and 343 is so complacent it’s not funny
@johngonzalez2495 2 жыл бұрын
@@leong3760 the worse part is the rabbid fan boys defending it
@NewWorldFungus 2 жыл бұрын
CRT meets MMR. 343 is trying to protect everyone from competition. It's woke modern gaming
@atomic_hok 2 жыл бұрын
No matter what rank you're in bronze or onyx the system should be a static +15 for a win -15 for a loss.
@bradleyoconnor9735 2 жыл бұрын
I swear to fucking god if this continues anymore then it has already 343 will kill its own game...
@skryze6381 2 жыл бұрын
Seeing people still complain about the things that were complained about since release is sad. There was so much hype for this game, and now it’s dead not sure if I will come back. Once I hit 1700+ in S1 I noticed everygame is like this, everyone wants to stat pad for MMR and you are stuck playing the objective everygame getting less points than if you just went for kills. Even losing isn’t bad if you stat pad and have top kills you will lose 0 MMR maybe sometimes even gain alittle.
@Bytrl 2 жыл бұрын
I just want the Halo 3 ranking, xp, and service record system with pre game lobbies, and a couple additions. Instead of 0-50 it should be 0-100, there should be 10 ranked playlists, and an overall rank that equates to the sum total of all current highest ranks, with the max overall rank being 1000. It should be nearly impossible to achieve. Furthermore, there must be a pregame lobby where opponents can click on your name and view your service record easily. This is how you give a game legs. Give players something to work for. All sub communities of halo were bound together under the unsc banner, giving the game soul. Lobby hierarchy was established within seconds in pregame because of military ranks. Everyone knew what kind of game they were about to have. Which teammates would drag ass, and which opponents would be an issue. It was glorious. Gameplay is not what carried halo 3. With 30fps and notoriously awful hit detection, the gameplay was actually quite infuriating. But people like me still grinded thousands of hours. It was map/gametype variety, the near perfect progression system, and a phenomenal ui/ux design. Halo infinites lobbies are a baron, uncomfortable, meaningless, nightmarish place to be. Bring back lobby hierarchy, fire the ui/ux design lead, drop 10 good maps.
@L3thalShad0ws7 2 жыл бұрын
All of what you said, and throw in FORGE FOR FFS
@NotYourBusiness117 2 жыл бұрын
100% true
@sallydrum7156 2 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised a lot of these pros are still sticking with Halo. 343 probably paid them out in desperation not to quit. Won't last much longer though with 1 new arena map in S2.
@KnucklesWTD 2 жыл бұрын
Some took a gamble and lost
@AbortedLobster 2 жыл бұрын
@@KnucklesWTD I think there is going to be a huge bump when the TV show comes out.
@AndrewMillerTV 2 жыл бұрын
Most of the pros are pros in Halo. They waited for this game. Not everyone can dominate in multiple FPS titles like some of the bigger names can. It’s honestly horrible to have to think about what might happen to a lot of them if this game gets scrapped.
@user_Z- 2 жыл бұрын
This is so frustrating but it makes sense why I was stuck at diamond 5 and 6 for almost an entire month. Slaying out is really making it more difficult for me to gain CSR. I’m about ready to just give up on the game for good now. This completely tarnished my win percentage as well from 65+ to now below 50
@krispybowgod9656 2 жыл бұрын
I mean they have medals in the game already. Can’t they just reward people for getting medals that revolve around objectives? I’m not a developer but it seems super basic
@dynestis2875 2 жыл бұрын
*I swear if I ever become a millionaire I'm starting my own gaming studio just to bring out a PROPER FPS game.* *My priorities are as follow:* - You pay once and receive the entire game; campaign AND multiplayer. - The game is COMPLETE on launch. - No season pass bullshit, no forced yearly expansions, no "life service". - Cosmetics are EARNED through gameplay; you will earn cosmetics for rank progression, for certain performance feats, and some will be hidden throughout campaign and multiplayer maps to incentivise exploration Hayabusa style. - Expansions will be less frequent; there will be no story expansions as story stuff is reserved for part 2 and part 3 of the game. Instead, expansions will focus on introducing free new map packs and map modes. _(They are free because having paid multiplayer DLC splits up the player base, which is unhealthy for a game)_ - There might be some monetization like some cosmetics being available in a shop, but this is OPTIONAL; these cosmetics can also be earned and won't be locked behind a ridiculous grind which is so tedious that you're going to buy the cosmetics out of spite. HOWEVER, cosmetics that are granted for certain performance like reaching max rank, discovering secrets throughout the game and amazing killstreaks, will NEVER be available through the shop.
@kirkdawgg5618 2 жыл бұрын
Problem isn’t a performance based ranking system, the problem is there’s no incentive to play objective and performance is valued over wins versus with wins. Add mmr points for oddball time, strongholds captured, flag captures, flag pulls, and flag returns. Then make it so your rank points are based 50% on winning and 50% on performance. Right now it’s 100% performance, with no factor of objective work. For example Apex’s ranking system, while not perfect has struck a good balance of rewarding players for wins while also rewarding them for performance with kills and assists. So performance based ranking systems can work, they just need to be balanced appropriately so performance isn’t valued OVER wins. Also they need to remove MMR from social completely.
@depressionmedications 2 жыл бұрын
0:25 thank you so much for the better plug. i love it
@jutc1010 2 жыл бұрын
I'm tired of getting unranked people or golds in my matches that quit
@karstenh3381 2 жыл бұрын
Lol acting like you wouldn’t quit to if your unsuspecting non-ranked or Gold ranked ass got dropped into a lobby with high diamonds and Onyx’s. I know I would, pre reset Onyx speaking.
@OneProN00B 2 жыл бұрын
At this point... I don't pay ranked and I just accept that the game will be shit for atleast another 6 months
@cooldbz12mach1padilla 2 жыл бұрын
Just bring back what worked. Bring back the 1-50 ranking system.
@Nes-xm3pf 2 жыл бұрын
Great way of explaining this, I agree how can personal stats be rewarded more than actually winning with your team? I see why Pros are so heated to be honest. For the casual player obviously just more content is needed but the game has been fun for me but I play casually.
@rmaloy1817 2 жыл бұрын
I'm d6 trying to break into onyx solo duo and it matches me with and agaisnt a 2k onyxs. So many of my games are based on who's 1800+ onyx carries harder or who's d2s have thumbs. Super tilting.
@JonezBBQ 2 жыл бұрын
The game is about winning and losing, period. If you win a game, you should go up in rank regardless of how you do. If you lose a game, you should go down in rank, regardless of how you do. The amount of times I’ve won our ctf matches by going for obj and not fragging out and gaining a millimeter of rank is crazy
@brett444 2 жыл бұрын
Your intro was so on point. I play with a friend who is so terrible and can't break 10 kills and goes negative every match and it's cost me 4 levels of rank
@WhatsaMOUN 2 жыл бұрын
Only 1 arena map? Ahaha wow 343 is so out of touch with the halo community 😑
@kingstongary9103 2 жыл бұрын
I barely touch Ranked unless it's a weekly challenge. I win way more with less of the consequences. Yes ranked may be more fun but I've found regular game types without all the smurfs and bots clashing, it feels like classic halo
@nemiw4429 2 жыл бұрын
I just realised I barely play Halo. 3 weeks ago I'd wake up on weekends and the first thing I'd do was a match ranked Halo. But the fun just disappeared. I dont even know the ressons. I THINK: same maps, same same meaning every match feels the same. "Brr brr brr, kill, die, respawn, brr, brr... respawn.........brr..............nobody cares about objectives, just K/D, .... zZzzZzZzZz. Compare that to a game like Apex where you have 10000 options on how to start and end a game. Oh end dont forget you killed off a big percantage of players by making the aim assist redicilous strong.
@CapnBlackJackFlint 2 жыл бұрын
So, after watching this, it sounds to me like 343 is gaslighting all of us in their responses.
@Z_114 2 жыл бұрын
343i killed halo and they killed the ranked grind we all love to do.
@GIJoe-nk2pt 2 жыл бұрын
This is not a problem for me because I’m only a plat one player.
@jacobhacker1265 2 жыл бұрын
Even if they used halo 3's ranking system or had a separate Playlist like they did for mlg it would be better than what they have now.
@Aquatica87Heaven 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve noticed this for a while. I don’t play anymore unless I have a for sure team.
@feijoatree 2 жыл бұрын
100% agree. Thanks for this. The problem is the ranked system favours slayers and stats, not wins. The meta for Halo has always been around a mix of modes to determine who the best 'team' is. The HCS proves this point, which is how ranked should be. Imagine if HCS was decided on ranked stats as opposed to win/loss. It's so basic. The fact 343 doesn't understand this has me pulling out my hair. If 343 persist with this just do away with objective games and have a ranked Slayer. Which is what it is now. The other problem is their teaming mechanic. Trying to balance teams so there is 50/50 result has disastrous for me. They can't get it right. One match I'm being stomped, the next match I'm doing the stomping and so my rank stays pretty much still. And to compensate I get team of decent plats and verse unranked only to get stomped on by guys who were probably Onyx before the reset, wiping any gains in rank. It's just all over the place. I play objective when there's an objective mode because that's the game, there's already a Slayer mode. 343 seriously needs to address this.
@sam8257 2 жыл бұрын
the mmr system feels the exact same as before the February reset, what was the point, just further driving players away taking away their rank
@RGrant2504 2 жыл бұрын
I mean they're not wrong. Just uninstalled Infinite tonight. Best decision I've made in a long time.
@eaglefreedom5361 2 жыл бұрын
The Halo community is not in a good place IRL if uninstalling a free to play game is heralded as “The best decision I’ve made in a long time.”. Lol But I guess that goes back to the video games to escape reality trope.
@PcCAvioN 2 жыл бұрын
The better players should be matched with and against better players, simple as that. In the old days, 50s matched with 50s, 30s matched with 30s, etc. Now we have teams with a 50, 30, 20, 10 all in the same game. Wtf?
@itsGuevara 2 жыл бұрын
DUDE, THAT'S WHAT IVE BEEN DEALING WITH! I keep matchmaking with sh!tty people; after the update I have been losing 65%-70% of the time. Before I was winning 55% of matches, this is crazy.
@robertbanks4763 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly why we need a Ranked Slayer
@AndrewMillerTV 2 жыл бұрын
I just wish halo would take a page out of splitgates playbook when it comes to the challenges / cosmetics etc
@shannonjones8877 2 жыл бұрын
I find this interesting because i don't consider myself to be that great, but there are so many (too many) instances where this game puts me on a team where i'm the only member with a positive k/d. Even just yesterday, i had to get 26 kills to win a Slayer match; meaning my 3 teammates combined for the other 24 kills. So yeah, it's pretty frustrating to be pretty average at the game while also having the game fairly consistently expect me to carry my entire team. It's honestly making me wonder how exactly this game is performing these calculations.
@KO_infamous 2 жыл бұрын
The system is still royaly screwed. Had a match last night and had 18 caps, teammates had 9, 6 and 1, and I went well positive, but teammates did absolutely nothing to help me win. I had previously won 3 matches and went up a total of MAYBE 5 MMR we lost 250-246 and I got deranked 24 MMR from Diamond 5 to well into Diamond 4. As good as I can play, I feel like the system will consistently punish you for trying your best. What else am I supposed to do? Takeover my teammates consoles/PCs and play all 4 players at the same time? This happens constantly, that my losses hold far more impact than my wins. Don't remember the last time I got more than 5 MMR for a win, but every loss is 10 or more. Complete shit.
@acoustic_sh33p49 2 жыл бұрын
This is a big problem but I think desync is a much bigger issue. Just played a single ranked match and I have 7 desync clips from it. Ranked was already bad before this stuff.
@bdev5988 2 жыл бұрын
I used to think that de sync was worse, but if this continues to remove people from the game, then there won’t be anyone to fix the desync for.
@AFlyingMayMay 2 жыл бұрын
Got into 3 games and I’m Plat 3. Matched with an Onyx 1853 on the opposite team with 2 unranked and a Gold on my team. Shit is broke.
@adukeken861 2 жыл бұрын
Designing systems that take away your freedom to chose are not fun. I want to compete on a fair playing field and either get my ass whooped fair and square Or whoop some ass fairly of course. That is showing "trueskill" the lure of competitive shooters is to compete fairly, Brag/cry and go to sleep, that sounds like fun to me. But no we can't have that because now 343 has created analytic fun in a computer lab.
@Madjicle 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a mid level onyx player I usually sit around the high 1600's, I dont have time to grind these days like I used too 💔 My current situation is as follows. Played placement matches, got D5, play till I got to onyx, yo yo'd in and out of onyx untill getting to 1600 again. Lost 16 out of 20 games due to horrendous teammates and deranked to low D5 in one session 😳 after 5 losses in a row I was playing trash too. I'm currently experiencing now that it's completely impossible to get up the ranks as my MMR (which is usually mid level onyx, perhaps above) is placing me against people around 1700 and above every game. This is because that's where I usually am. My KD is 1.15 and I have a win rate of 55.1% so I'm not trash and can preform at this level. What I'm noticing though is that there are no easy games for me to bounce back and gain back CSR against players around the diamond level. Which is of course where I currently am. I'm not loosing a lot when I loose but I just can't win games anymore because I'm getting grabage teammates and playing good players in to4's. As my teammates are not at that level most games they completely ignore the objective even if you're slaying so inevitably you have to do objective and do not get amply rewarded for the carry. So I'm a diamond 5 who is actually a 1600-1700 onyx player stuck in limbo. Looks great....not
@TheGirthwormJim 2 жыл бұрын
Set CSR gains/losses would be ideal, with a small variance based on your rank vs. the opponents' (although if the system works correctly, this shouldn't matter because you shouldn't be playing anyone too far above or below where you are). There should also be some sort of bonus CSR gain for going on a winning streak. For example, it could keep a rolling 20 game history, and if your winrate over that rolling 20 games is well over 50%, you climb more. If it is way lower than 50%, you start losing more. 50% meaning +/- 2-3%.
@Texx_OG 2 жыл бұрын
Viewership and overall player count has gone down so much there’s no recovering at this point. 343, had a solid foundation for a great game, and absolutely ruined it with all the countless problems that they still have yet to fix.
@geminauthcs 2 жыл бұрын
Ranked should be based of wins and losing if you perform well but lose your rank should not go down by a lot. If you perform bad and win your rank should increase a little
@BenjaminKing1 2 жыл бұрын
so, that is how it works. The problem here is that the game tries to balance the next match based on how well you played in the previous. ex: you absolutely dominate but your team loses, your rank drops only a little, BUT the game sees you personally did amazingly so it calls your skill higher. In the next game, to try and balance the teams it sees your visible rank and then your hidden rank and then says, "Oh we need to put a more shitty person on your team to balance your hidden rank to be closer to your visible rank" and then you get even worse teammates than before. End result, you are more likely to lose again, and this time you might not crush it hard, so you drop more CSR. You still did well, so it does the same thing the next round... over and over. its almost like it thinks you are doing great if you go positive in a game, so it nerfs you with worse players. It is so demoralizing.
@futurebr87 2 жыл бұрын
343 needs to have the next competition be like their ranked system, best of 5 games and once the teams are done competing then just throw the wins out the window and give the win to the highest kda team. See how stupid that’ll be.
@dokusoeth2904 2 жыл бұрын
You shouldn't be in Onyx if you have a 38 win %. The ranks are all messed up.
@_itsmunah 4 ай бұрын
Idk. You can’t rely on randoms until a certain rank. As someone that can get this high kills and still play objectives it’s a kick in the teeth to rank down when teammates have no clue what they are doing. Example- had 20+ kills on ctf. Ran two flags. It was tied 2-2 I ran the third flag back but was killed right before capping. My teammate had grabbed the flag and started to run it BACK to the enemy base while I was in respawn. Comms did nothing. He was past the 50 yd line by the time I spawned. Now idk if they guy did it on purpose or just got turned around and made a mistake but the enemy team ran flag while he did that and easily killed him before anyone could help. that’s the stuff I’m talking about. I went -8 for that. Why? Some random that doesn’t know what he’s doing and doesn’t listen to comms. 100% out of my control.
@luketown702 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with the incentive part but as a counter point. Don’t you need kills to win ? Regardless of the game type fragging out should count towards something especially if you win and you have way more kills than your teammates.
@AnthonyAnalog 2 жыл бұрын
"Real pro would frag out while holding the Oddball" - Mister Chief probably
@SuperJazzPotato 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly I'm taking a long break from halo infinite until large updates start rolling out. I hit onyx and finished the season pass months ago, and will happily comeback once they start adding content and updates. Looks like I'll be waiting a while. Always love these vids though
@Bill109. 2 жыл бұрын
Increase the points for objective plays. Flag caps should be worth way more. Glad grabs/steals should be worth more. That would help a bit. At least if your team sucks you can grab the flag a few times from the base and gain point to minimize your loss.
@dignaward6005 2 жыл бұрын
Fix it really, 343 has Trashed the halo experience. Morphing into a crappy mix of too many weapons in 5, completely different weapons in 6. The mmr craps out when a player quits and new player joins.
@ZstheDeal420 2 жыл бұрын
The ranking system is 110% the reason why I stop playing Halo. Once I got to diamond it was just terrible I kept getting gold and platinum players on my team. While the other team had three onyx's and a plat. When I even had a full team of diamonds and we would play oddball I would go negative but I would have over 2 minutes of holding the ball and I wouldn't go up anything even if we won. 343 drop the ball big time on the Halo they shouldn't even be making games if this products they're going to be producing. Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves.
@DirtyKoolAid 2 жыл бұрын
I swear whenever I play ranked I can barely win a game because my team is always fucking trash like why do I always get the garbage people
@dargis49 2 жыл бұрын
This is exactly why I quit playing ranked. The leveling up system is fucking stupid. It's pointless to play the objective which I do almost all the time. 343 needs to get their shit together
@ianmusgrove1814 2 жыл бұрын
Let's talk about the real issue with halo and all other games the last few years. The main issue with halo isn't even halo. It's the disgusting toxicity of the gaming community these days. According to most forums I read every game is completely broken. Sure, halo was released without full package like previous Halo's were. Most games that are coming out recently were built under different circumstances (covid restrictions, global supply shortages). Destiny, warzone, battle field, Fortnite even newly released Gran Turismo, all have major issues according to the finger warriors on forums. As gamers we always expect the bar to be raised. I personally love halo infinite. I wish it was shipped with co op campaign and have had more maps by now. I play this game regularly and I don't see the issues most people gripe about. A lot I read says "I quit playing in December" or " I'll play when it's fixed" then go on to complain about a game they haven't played since launch. Those people have no ground to stand on. Halo infinite runs like butter. I never desync, I have encountered very little cheaters if any. If they are cheating, they are shamefully bad at it. People are actually playing the objective? What ?! 343 has already made some big improvements with vehicle spawn. Store has gotten better. I have a ton of armor and accessories choices because I've played all the free events to aquire instead of just crying on forums about lack of content. What about that grapple hook with instant recharge for campaign. Halo infinite is a good game with a high ceiling. Mental health is a big issue around the world right now along with other problems. I think the gaming community needs to do some soul searching and step out and smell the roses. Be positive and play games to have fun. Remember that reason we all picked up controllers and keyboards in the first place. Play to have fun and be entertained.
@topshelfjosh9239 2 жыл бұрын
I’ll consistently lose games even when I have a kd of 33 k and 15 d, I’ll usually place second for obj points too. Frustrating when i can’t just play solo I have to always at least duo up
@parky6031 2 жыл бұрын
Something I was thinking about is if everyone is just going for kills and not objective. Then how do people plan on ranking up then? Just hoping the team plays objective? Cuz it you just slay and not play objective and everyone on your team does that then theres no guarantee your gonna win and boost your CSR anyways.
@Cognitoman 2 жыл бұрын
Not true you can still rank up, I played with people who just slayer in oddball and never picked up the ball and all players on team got experience with no ball time and let the team win try it out lol
@scoobynicker 2 жыл бұрын
6:44 you said 343 right when Frosty's timer hit 3:43
@quorke 2 жыл бұрын
One thing that astounds me is how all these studios are all about community feedback when shouldn't it be a red fucking flag when they don't even have the creative vision to design a game properly in the first place?
@kberlinquette 2 жыл бұрын
I noticed that I would carry hard till diamond and then my team were just pure bots
@Vaniniplays 2 жыл бұрын
This is what happens when people pay for a system without proper testing. Now their stuck with the expensive and bloated system. The fix is to continually adjust and add to the mountain of crap as updates or improvements. Your trying to change the oil on a car while it’s on and moving….. the occupants don’t appreciate this….
@zhoustonh1 2 жыл бұрын
Rank should be 3 things. Start at 100 and rank towards 1. Basically what % you are from bottom to the top 1%. Have a csr number and a name for each rank/symbol. The top 1% get a new break down like champ.
@mr.p.7814 2 жыл бұрын
It’s true, the friends I play with typically have more Kills than me every game and are all higher rank then me but I am playing the objective every game. I still have H2 on the brain. I am programmed to win. I am fully on board with these guys. ONCE YOU HIT DIAMOND WINS SHOULD BE THE SOLE PURPOSE!!! It literally defeats the purpose in playing and goes against what all tourneys stand for. Get this shit together. 343!
@AustinSamuelF 2 жыл бұрын
Preach. I thought John was on our side at one point, but it doesn’t appear so.
@TheJoviLovi 2 жыл бұрын
@Robert Labuda lol
@kristhekrippled4421 2 жыл бұрын
Literally the reason I don’t play ranked because you cant pick game mode so your stuck with an over all Rank rather individual Rank for game modes as they did in Halo 3.
@Elrayomac 2 жыл бұрын
Every time I play halo 1-2 teammates quit at the beginning it shouldn't be an available option to quit at least on rank and if they do a heavy punish should be applied like apex does if you quit but here should be an increasing time lapse meaning the more you quit the more the time lapse is going to be and you shouldn't be able to play anything
@Cognitoman 2 жыл бұрын
Except the game causes people to loose connection all the time , so people get banned for having a shitty server
@Elrayomac 2 жыл бұрын
and a rejoin option should be added just as other games
@patrickmc8779 2 жыл бұрын
Very good video. I agree 100%. This is why I stopped playing. I consider myself to be a team player and play objective to win but this is not rewarded. What I hate about 343 is that they are so slow and showing that they are methodological but they take ages. I would rather have a complete different rank with snipe downs suggestion rather than the stupid dripping of changes they have been doing.
@Decoraan 2 жыл бұрын
'343 NEED TO COMMUNICATE WITH US MORE' 343 communicate more by providing rationale and explaining systems. 'JUST SHUT UP AND FIX EVEYTHING STOP EXPLAINING SHIT TO US.'
@darwin227 2 жыл бұрын
The ranked problem should have been fixed during the reset. smh
@zacharynyberg7007 2 жыл бұрын
LOL. Thst makes me laugh constantly. They reset rank for no reason. That patch didn’t even do what it was intended to for the reset
@chriskid16 2 жыл бұрын
Not coming back for awhile
@pointofsidtetris8066 2 жыл бұрын
I was 1700 onyx and haven’t played in more than a month now. I looked into the recent update and there isn’t any new ranked playlist. Apparently the ranking system is still sub par as well. I’ve been playing for almost 2 decades and have no interest in playing this game now. I want to play team dubs ranked and team snipers ranked and even team slayer ranked. Fix the ranking system… hidden rank isn’t the worse concept out there. Halo 3 50s? Just do better as suppose to not enough 343, we don’t care about your work life balance at all-that is a management issue that holds no weight and shouldn’t affect halo’s legacy. Why did you release the game? Your fault
@joseycarlson3564 2 жыл бұрын
After you hit diamond the only way to rank up should be to WIN. I'm so tired of diamond games where's no one wants to play objective.
@MyName-gl1bs 2 жыл бұрын
Snipedown is such a johnny-come-lately
@Niknokinater 2 жыл бұрын
Pros vs 343 ? Man, it really be the world vs 343.
@sallydrum7156 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely agree with Snipedown's comment too
@jacoblewis9514 2 жыл бұрын
343 needs to just fucking kick rocks and give Halo back to Bungie
@endlesskillez6253 2 жыл бұрын
I am not super happy where the game is currently at BUT at least they are trying very hard to communicate with the community. They could ghost us but they aren't. They aren't perfect but I am glad they are trying to communicate and change things!
@phatdl2o3 2 жыл бұрын
Played solo/duo and match up with Onyx players, I’m a Platinum 4 😑
@vsnature7146 2 жыл бұрын
Now im convinced. Its couch smells not coach mills!!!!!
@CreateNowSleepLater 2 жыл бұрын
Here is the question, if you built a system like this, why the hell would you not have just started with a slayer rankes playlist?
@brianunknown8651 2 жыл бұрын
If only 343 admitted they needed help and teamed up with bungie halo infinite would be phenomenal
@DesignedByTaz 2 жыл бұрын
I was so livid last night that I ALMOST chucked my controller at the wall. The de-syncing is a REAL issue but what drove me into a rage was my rank dropping down when two of my teammates dropped out and the server didn't put in replacements so it was 4 on 2 and of course we got slaughtered but how is that my fault, why should I lose my rank?
@DesignedByTaz 2 жыл бұрын
@Robert Labuda I never played Halo 5 so yeah this is all new to me. Last Halo I played was Halo 4
@jadenthomas8671 2 жыл бұрын
It needs to put more weight on wins and losses and objective time. I have a 1 point something kd but I have a 63% win rate because I make the good objective plays when it matters yet I still lose more csr than I gain for a loss. So even though I win more than I lose I’m almost always at a net loss csr it’s ridiculous.
@Cognitoman 2 жыл бұрын
I played and won 15 games in row went from 1527 to like 1564 , then lost the next 2 games and dropped down to 1541.... isn’t that some bull shit ?
@jadenthomas8671 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cognitoman it’s ridiculous bro. With your wins you gained an average of like 2.3ish (head math) points a game and lost average 22.5 for your losses. Literal losing ten times as many points as gains. I want to have fun in ranked but I feel so much more punished than rewarded it’s not even worth it. After the rank reset I’m pretty over it I was onyx 1574 at my peak and now I can’t get past diamond 5 even tho I still have a 63% win ratio.
@Cognitoman 2 жыл бұрын
@@jadenthomas8671 yeah this has happened more then one time
@Cognitoman 2 жыл бұрын
@@jadenthomas8671 I think I had like 72% win rate had by the end of the day I had less exp then I started with
@jadenthomas8671 2 жыл бұрын
@@Cognitoman love to hear it… lmao it’s so broken
@roszmannmuzic658 2 жыл бұрын
Easy way to fix this is to reward 25 or 50 for a kill and 100 to 200 for objectives. But it's backward 100 for a kill and 50 for getting a strong hold..smh if I only get 50 for stronghold why would I care about it when I get double for a kill? The best reward is 300 for capturing a flag but if they lower the kill points to 25 or 50 it would make you look more at objectives if they were 100 to 200 each..
@kubetail12 2 жыл бұрын
I would think having CSR just based on winning or losing, then have MMR put a slight weight on that value to be the best. Considering the way Halo Infinite balances teams, this weight should be the a ratio average MMR of the team members for each team. This weighting scheme should probably only change the CSR at most 10% or a little more. You do not want it too high because then composition of players in a given match affect the CSR too much, especially when the there's not enough people playing around your skill level.
@kubetail12 2 жыл бұрын
Without running some number, I guess a win and loss might be weighed a little differently.
@kubetail12 2 жыл бұрын
Nevermind the average is always the same.
@Caninehandler 2 жыл бұрын
its almost as if 343 has never been a capable video game developer, hmm, i figured the model of firing the team every 15mo would work out really good especially in a company whos creation was a business decision not one based on passion, love, or art, love of competitive sport
@rabbitzr2pro862 2 жыл бұрын
They need to add some of the systems that they used in halo 5 to make it feel balanced I always remember 5 having a very balanced system minus latency issues but if they could perfect it with infinite graphics and modes they might be able to solve bolth desync and ranking issues . Not even just 5 though take some of the scripting bungie did for older halos like 3 and incorporate all of those things to make this one feel truly like halo infinite. 343 needs to go back to halo roots and see what worked and what didn’t and build on that
@smokeyops6635 2 жыл бұрын
Winning should absolutely give you hands down the best points. Doing the obj over slaying out should give the most. The pros can say what they want about not getting solutions to fixes and just getting the reason why they are they way the are. But end of day 343 had worked hard on what is here now. And they can’t just go play apex or Elden rings! Right this is it for them folks till seven years for the next halo. I do want the same as the masses though.
@StevieObieYT 2 жыл бұрын
Now i see my problem... I always play obj.. typically i go 10/10 KD and I go 3K/3K damage per game. I'm stock average in terms of analytics. But i heavily play obj. I will die 5 times just to grab the flag once. I will die 3 times just to get the oddball. But i make up for it by getting double or triple kills. Soooo.... I'm just wasting my time playing obj? I should just ignore the obj and slay out instead??
@StevieObieYT 2 жыл бұрын
@Fast Quick Why play obj? When you get more points slaying?
@StevieObieYT 2 жыл бұрын
@Fast Quick Well, thanks for the clarification. I'm a team player. So I focus on obj over everything else. My stats are even stevens. I think I need to ignore the obj and kill more and then I'll rank up faster
@Cognitoman 2 жыл бұрын
@@StevieObieYT play the oddball when you can and makes sense but let your teammates hold it, and just slay out, I was D-4 for along time, the. Quit carrying about objective and started just killing and got to a onyx in one day lol
@moneymane8246 2 жыл бұрын
NFT Projects have more active developments than Halo rn 😂
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