I’ll Spare You the Details: Chapter 20 Meghan Meets the Family

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Cheere Denise

Cheere Denise

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@lwm2374 Жыл бұрын
The whole “pretending she thought Andrew was an assistant” thing never happened. They’re coming up with this ridiculous story to combat all the yacht girl rumors. Methinks she knew Andrew quite well 🤮
@Ymadon Жыл бұрын
Watch Royal grift CDAN Very interesting on how MM knew Andrew VERY well !!
@BevHart Жыл бұрын
I think she serviced Andrew, because if you watch the body language between both of them is very cold. Andrew won't even look at her let alone acknowledge her. Both are covering up their past interactions.
@lwm2374 Жыл бұрын
@@BevHart 100%
@Polopony 18 күн бұрын
Why would M think the Queen's 'assistant' saw her to the car, then (presumably) came back into the house, (which of course was his), and presumably joined in the drinks party...? At what point did she not twig that this wasn't an assistant - possibly when Eugenie referred to him as 'papa'....?
@vickifry4582 Жыл бұрын
Regarding Harry being worried that W & K would hound Meghan for an autograph - riiiight, William and Kate (especially William because this has been his entire life), who have met Prime Ministers, Presidents, Kings & Queens, and A-listers from music, theater, TV, and movies would be excited over a 5th or 6th billed on a little watched cable TV show.
@Anna-Bernadette Жыл бұрын
This was really one of the more ridiculous and hysterical parts of this book. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I'm sure William and Catherine were also very amused by this.
@ariellagoichman3513 Жыл бұрын
So true! 😂 William is the president of BAFTA (the British Oscars), and he and Catherine attend the award show every year.
@vickifry4582 Жыл бұрын
@@lorimill187 Harry thought that comment about the spare organs was a slam on his father but it was also a dig at his mother. Whoops!
@MinThNat 23 сағат бұрын
​@@vickifry4582 If his organs had been so valuable, they would have never allowed him to take drugs or drink alcohol ;)
@annahart69 Жыл бұрын
There is absolutely no way that queen Elizabeth asked Meghan about her thoughts on american politics😏🤥
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
That was so much BS!
@retrovinyl5392 Жыл бұрын
William is a professional person greeter, there’s no way he was freaked out by a hug. He was probably freaked out because he could see the writing on the wall and could pick a narcissist a mile off! And the Andrew thing is so weird.
@heatherbishop9260 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. He'd not show how 7nc9mfortable he was. Like me I don't like hugs by strangers. Usually someone with manners would ask first to 8nvade personal space bu for me I would take the hug, against my judgement, and move on no big deal but those 2 make a huge deal out of it as I'm guessing this makes for a better victim story
@dauncey1008 Жыл бұрын
Most people would be very surprised and put out to find themselves being hugged by a complete stranger. A cynic might wonder if the purpose of the hug was to get some physical contact with William as a prelude to some kind of seduction attempt. There is footage of TV interviews pre-Harry where there was really over-the-top flirting with the chat show host. If that were the case and William spotted it, it could explain why he didn't really seem to like her from the beginning.
@FayeIL Жыл бұрын
@@dauncey1008I have a different take. I think Meghan used the hug thing as a power move - to cut William and Kate down to size. “You may think you’re the future King and Queen of England, but I’m totally unimpressed! I’m going to just come over and hug you!” Look how bent out of shape she was about having to curtsy even to the Queen! For the record, I am American, and I would not dream of hugging a stranger the first time we met. A handshake is more than enough.
@dauncey1008 Жыл бұрын
@@FayeIL You could be right. Either way, it was a gross invasion of their personal space.
@What_I_Think_Happened Жыл бұрын
It wasn't the hug that freaked out Prince William, it was her cupping his bottom and slipping her 'phone number into his pocket.
@pennytoomer869 Жыл бұрын
The whole hugging thing annoys me. Being British very few people hug randomly. It’s seen as intrusive; faulted; and bad manners to grab at someone you don’t know. I hate it. You don’t enter someone’s space without being invited. It does not mean we never hug. We just choose who and when we hug with. This hugging and kissing everyone is so artificial and pretentious show boating.
@joang2328 10 ай бұрын
So Harry never saw Suits, but William and Catherine are huge fans of the show? Not bloody likely!😂
@JelkaGartner 10 күн бұрын
I lived in Canada at the time Suits were filmed and nobody I knew watched the show. It was filmed in Toronto and Meghan was not the name anybody talked about. Duh!
@michelledrew4688 10 күн бұрын
I never believed it either 🙄🙄 Are you telling me their HUGE huge fans. And then the first time they actually meet they recoil in horror when she hugs them??? I just don't believe it 🙄🙄
@debramaki2768 Жыл бұрын
If she was "friends" with Eugenie, she'd know who her dad was.
@_S.D._ Жыл бұрын
I call bs, she knew who Andrew was. Everyone who lives in a first-world country knows who 'Randy Andy' is.
@Susan-vl8ts Жыл бұрын
Especially because she was besties with Eugenie. It's her father, Meghan! And WHY would she WANT to know who the handbag-carrier is? Did she ask who the butler was? She is such a piece of work. Oh Harry, I only know what you told me about you.
@thepunpolice11 Жыл бұрын
One of many miscalculations of Harold and Fraud is underestimating William's power and influence.
@DebbiSmithDC Жыл бұрын
She would steal William in a moment to be the next Queen and not blink an eye - hence, the hug! She went in for the hug!
@thepunpolice11 Жыл бұрын
@@DebbiSmithDC Absolutely, I'm sure she thought she could trade up to William.
@bevcrusher1971 Жыл бұрын
I'm really grateful that you read this terrbile book so we don't have to. Hearing this, I always wonder how small the self-esteem of Harry has to be that it was so easy for Meghan to get him under her thumb in such a short time. He seems to be completely brain-washed. It's actually scary.
@marywhitworth6769 Жыл бұрын
Scary, yes.
@allyw1364 Жыл бұрын
The stupid thing is that if he had of stood his ground and shown some strength she still wouldve stuck around because being a Middle aged Nobody that was/is desperate for Money and fame HE ALWAYS had ALL the Control😪 Narcissists get their foot in the door when your at your lowest and he had alot of Family support and she STILL managed to weezle her way in... He was desperate 😥
@barbaralamb2916 Жыл бұрын
She apparently had Williams poster on her wall as friends said that she had wanted to marry him. Nobody in UK had heard of Suits until she dated Harry. Did watch it but she was just there as an love interest for a character. When she was written out, never noticed that she wasn't there. Definitely not a ,Star and she was apparently disliked by the cast as she thought she something special.
@barbaralamb2916 Жыл бұрын
She used sex to get him, even gate crashing a wedding abroad after he dropped her. Probably told him she was pregnant, she was never going to let that prize from getting away.
@loubieloujones5698 Жыл бұрын
​@@allyw1364 Exactly this!
@zoorenard1101 Жыл бұрын
If Megsy really believed Andrew was an assistant, she wouldnt even acknowledge his existence 😂
@BonnieDeyo 29 күн бұрын
as if we're supposed to believe he wouldn't have been introduced
@LarissaBonaGlobal Жыл бұрын
This comment about Andrew is really mind-blowing! How come Harry takes his girlfriend to Andrew's house and doesn't introduce her to him? How come after 20 minutes of conversation with everyone, she doesn't know who the owner of the house is? How come she met Eugenie and Fergie before and I didn't know who Andrew was? Just because Harry is an id**t, it doesn't mean that the rest of the World is too. This is crazy nonsense. Only him to fall for this. Although I don't believe it happened! It's impossible for her to arrive at Andrew's house and not being introduced to him.
@Anna-Bernadette Жыл бұрын
Megs ask, "who is that man?" Harold responds "oh he's the guy that was always with Epstein when you were hanging out at the SoHo House." Megs responds, "Oh yeah, that guy." I knew I remembered him from somewhere."
@valgardener7656 Жыл бұрын
A college friend of Meghan said that Meghan had a habit of lying, but that you could always tell: Meghan's inventions were always too perfect, too ideally suited to the story she was telling. I think W&C could easily have been Suits fans. But it also seems "too perfect". It is almost exactly what would HAVE to happen in a romantic comedy about a minor actress meeting a prince.
@Cristina_504 Жыл бұрын
And their ridiculous, they all sound like rom com movie scripts from the 90’s and she’s always talking about rom coms so it’s very easy tk tell also way too many details, that’s how I know she actually wrote this book not Harry, Harry already confessed he can’t remember anything most of the time
@What_I_Think_Happened Жыл бұрын
It seems a bit much that Prince William and Princess Catherine AND Eugenie and Jack were all fans of Suits and impressed by smeg, even though Henry the ex-royal had previously dated Cressida Bonas.
@olderwiser64 Жыл бұрын
They did initially say that Fergie had to show her how to curtsy. Then they changed it to Harry showed her. As with everything they change with the wind direction.
@_S.D._ Жыл бұрын
She already knew how to curtsy. She did it on Suits. I'm of the belief that the whole teaching her to curtsy scenario was made up to make her more relatable or endearing. They really need to make sure there's no video proof of her doing things she claims she didn't know how to do.
@Wanda711 Жыл бұрын
And then in the Netflix documentary she added that Fergie was offside whispering encouragement, saying "That was great!" once it was over.
@olderwiser64 Жыл бұрын
@@_S.D._ Exactly.
@olderwiser64 Жыл бұрын
@@Wanda711 All her stories of the people who are telling her how amazing she is-The South African Lion King Actor who doesn’t exist, the airline employee on the flight who was very specifically not the pilot or a flight attendant but the one in charge-who unlike every employee now still wears a cap-or whatever ridiculous thing she said-just so many made up people telling her how amazing she is. 🙄🤔 And then in Fergie’s most recent interview she said she didn’t really know Meghan. They’d barely met or something like that. Had I been that reporter I would have asked her how quickly Meghan picked up the curtsy from her when she had to demonstrate it, or something to that effect, just to see what she said.
@sharonsmith1783 Жыл бұрын
Everyone who has spent a few days in the UK knows they usually drink it with a dash of milk, but you can ask for lemon without raising eyebrows. Dark or light so obviously means strong or weak. He was too infatuated in the early days to notice what you called over-playing her hand. After that he went from passionately defending her, to convincing himself and the public that he had made the right choices. I think drugs are shutting out what must be dawning on him. His change of tune during the 'live's therapy session, disclaiming victimhood, remarking that most other people also have difficulties to cope with, is a radical about turn. It is on a par with never having called his family racists. Maybe some of the criticism has got through to his image awareness but not, as yet, his heart and soul.
@Wanda711 Жыл бұрын
My theory about the claim that William and Catherine were huge fans of 'Suits': I think they already knew Harry was dating Meghan, and had learned her background. I think whoever provides security for the Royal Family has someone constantly monitoring Harry because he is such a loose cannon, they need to know what he does and who he associates with in order to head off any trouble. William and Catherine had to wait for Harry to bring it up himself (after all, so many of his relationships just peter out, this one could have too) and then pretended that they were learning it for the first time from him. Maybe they did watch some episodes of Suits once they realized that this one might be serious. So they could talk about her a bit more readily if Harry thought they knew about her from her TV work; if they'd said "Oh yes, Agent Whatsisname already told us about her - divorced American actress, right?' Harry would have been furious. Note that Charles already knew something about her - asking about her acting in a soap opera - so he also had been briefed on her. I don't think there were too many surprises when they finally got to meet her.
@karenrobertson2312 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree.
@jaegar67 Жыл бұрын
Fergie just did an interview for her new novel and was asked about Meg. She said she really didn't know her and only spoke to her briefly at the Queen's funeral. Also don't buy that the queen asked about Meg's interest in politics. Royal protocol is that they don't engage in politics because they are to represent everyone. So I find it hard to believe that the first thing out of her mouth to M would be what her political stance was. LOVE your channel.
@overthepond6616 Жыл бұрын
Exactly they are show no bias...
@paulacostescu1041 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Totally agree... the question on politics was sooooo awkward... they are clearly preparing from "romance movies"
@marykirby7936 Жыл бұрын
Love your long form videos and love your interpretation of the Sussexes. There are the perfect antidote for someone recovering from a shoulder replacement
@marykirby7936 Жыл бұрын
I actually read the book but it was so tedious, I couldn’t remember anything he wrote.
@Polopony 18 күн бұрын
When H was with Chelsy, for 7 years, they spent a lot of time as a foursome with William and Catherine, who both liked her very much. So what a load of bs for him to say he has been yearning to be W&C's equal with a partner of his own for years. He'd already had that, and messed it up by cheating on her.
@milliemosehla6678 Жыл бұрын
harry's just mean and angry about everything and at everyone all the time. I don't know how he gets through his days. I feel like at first the family pandered to him because they felt sorry for him but then eventually just gave up because he never changed and never grew up . Still a sulky little boy but now with a very mean streak. Ps I can't get over harry voice...it's is so funny!! Thank you for sharing.
@emv1237 17 күн бұрын
Meghan lived in Canada, you know, where The Queen is on the currency.....yet she's clueless
@MinThNat 23 сағат бұрын
Perhaps her excuse is she would use a credit card only 😅
@anj6787 Жыл бұрын
As far as not knowing who Andrew was.....she's there to meet the family. Harry didn't say, "And this is my Uncle Andy"? Eugenie didn't say, "This is my dad"? NO ONE introduced him? I'm calling BS.
@suehoult9062 Жыл бұрын
I suspect William just didn't like her. It is allowed.
@Anna-Bernadette Жыл бұрын
It's really odd how Harold never speaks about his grandfather. If the Queen popped in after church, wouldn't she be with her husband ? They always attended church together.
@Nana-Sheri Жыл бұрын
Never noticed that and you are right!
@DebbiSmithDC Жыл бұрын
Not necessarily because they stay in separate places sometimes.
@kimarmstrong1814 11 ай бұрын
By this time Phillip had retired and was living in a separate house, he wanted peace and quiet, he was also ill most of the time .
@potdog1000 Жыл бұрын
harry has gone from most peoples favourite royal to being the most whiney one who lives off his mothers legacy
@BackToNature123 Жыл бұрын
Not once as a Brit has anyone ever said second son. Normal people would say my uncle, dad's brother or her son. It's ridiculous
@thepunpolice11 Жыл бұрын
I don't buy the who was the Queen's assistant. It was Andrew's house, he didn't introduce his uncle?
@gabbyb4493 Жыл бұрын
If she had ate the calamari at lunch it would not have taken until that night to get sick if it was food poisoning! She obviously ate and drank too much at dinner!
@ryanbyrne7584 Жыл бұрын
I truly believe the 'Will & Catherine being religious fans of suites' story was the best! Better than the frozen todger, laying next to the sleepy lion, him breaking up with his gf's not the other way around, Africa airlines pilot & crew begging Smegma (meg) for pics, and the infamous dog bowl story. Will & Kate being religious suites fans made me side-hurt laughing! The audacity . . . His brain is so gone from drugs he probably thinks people will believe that bs! 😂
@LornaMusial 20 күн бұрын
She started a whole row over an eggless wedding cake as she vegeterian but was in a steakhouse wif the paramount boss 😮😮
@spaceman9524 Жыл бұрын
I think she asked who the assistant was because she recognized him from somewhere else 😅😅😅 How important was the assistant to ask who he is? The queen of English is in front of you, and you are more interested in the assistant!!!!! She never asked who the butler was!
@meyrickkretschmer260 Жыл бұрын
I very much doubt that they would be in Andrew's house and she was introduced to every one except the master of the house, the father of her good friend, uncle of Harry, second son of the queen 😳
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
Such a good point!
@DebbiSmithDC Жыл бұрын
He has no real upbringing! Oh! Maybe he was under the impression she already knew him-lol.
@elinstar6034 Жыл бұрын
Another little fairytale, to underline that she knew NOTHING about the Royal Family beforehand, and especially she didn't know Uncle Andy.
@amihill2691 Жыл бұрын
I love the longer episodes- even with the length I hate getting to the end, and can't wait for the next one.
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
Great to hear!!!!
@milliemosehla6678 Жыл бұрын
Me too!
@tatianavasquez1384 Жыл бұрын
Same here!! ❤❤❤❤❤
@catseatcookiessofiagacha5210 Жыл бұрын
I agree! She must be such a wonderful teacher.♥️
@lindaross4331 Жыл бұрын
@CRLenard Жыл бұрын
Why does this book read like Meg was Harry’s first romantic encounter? He had other long term girlfriends who he introduced to the family. But it’s like he has no reference points!
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 your comments crack me up!
@anniep855 Жыл бұрын
Maybe Meg trying to cover for her yacht girl days with Andrew by pretending she didn’t know (really know) him?!
@nellsun2521 Жыл бұрын
When Harry told William and Kate "who she is" H was dating, they were probably either a) being polite, by pretending they'd heard of MM; or b) they were joking, winding him up by pretending they were big fans. Also William wouldn't have gushed over a female actor in front of Kate like that, in case it looked like he fancied her.
@mendocinogirl Жыл бұрын
Mentally and emotionally he’s stuck at about age 14.
@Susan-vl8ts Жыл бұрын
Thanks Cheere. Firstly I don't believe anything Harry says - they met almost 7 years ago and because he was so besotted at the time, he did not see things clearly - he was like he was on a love drug, pheromones. Secondly, enough with this hug thing. Meghan should know - just by decent manners - you don't run up and hug someone that you've met for the first time, unless it's a light little touch to kiss on each cheek. He blames his family - nothing is ever her mistake. Thirdly, she googled the heck out of him and his family. She lived in a Commonwealth country (The Queen is on some of the currency!) and was friends with Eugenie - which she couldn't have been close friends because she didn't know Andrew was her father. She played Harry like a fiddle.
@shawnna6225 Жыл бұрын
I have a really hard time believing the Andrew/assistant story. Do you mean to tell me that you are introducing your girlfriend to the family for the first time & completely ignore your uncle, a royal prince, who is sitting in the same room? My BS meter is going off on that one!
@tibouzankor1997 Жыл бұрын
Another big eye roll is called for certainly! I’m sure the wife put that in the book just to quell the rumors that she’d been with Uncle before H. So if she thought he was a butler...well then..that settles it!!! And the dunderhead of course can’t see it.
@Wanda711 Жыл бұрын
And wasn't she already friends with Princess Eugenie? I find it hard to believe she wouldn't have already seen a picture of her dear friend's father, and would mistake him for the staff. In his own house.
@nikkio.9990 Жыл бұрын
It strikes me odd that Harry wouldn't reply with "that's my Uncle Andrew" who replies with "that's the Queen's 2nd son?" Again, made up story....
@Wanda711 Жыл бұрын
@@nikkio.9990 Exactly! It sounds so artificial.
@fatimaalalawi6087 Жыл бұрын
Harry sounds like it is the first time in his life that he introduces a girlfriend to Prince William. Harry just wants to make a big deal out of nothing.
@Nicstewert Жыл бұрын
I actually REALLY appreciate long episodes because I listen to them while I work. And who wants to constantly switch videos when you’re working? An hour+ is perfect.
@annemoncrieff3875 26 күн бұрын
Her pretending to not know p andrew is to cover meeting him previously on yachts!!
@kamirobey175 Жыл бұрын
I DO remember the story about how Fergie taught Meghan to curtsy, in the Oprah interview, then it changed in the Netflix documentary/reality show.
@erinnorquist5506 13 күн бұрын
Other stories say that she knew exactly who Andrew was, and needed to make it seem like she had never seen him before.
@lucyhidayat9063 Жыл бұрын
She s bent on imposing her way and doesnt care on respecting others' space & traditions unless it benefits her. Once that door is opened, she ll be offended & angry when things dont go as she desires
@catherinemorand500 Жыл бұрын
I'm Canadian and live a couple hundred miles from where Suits was filmed and never heard of it at the time.
@tishanasimon7600 Жыл бұрын
The scene with Andrew as an assistant is a cover up. To make sure her yatch girl days coming out aren't legit.
@danitetre Жыл бұрын
Just love your Harry voice. That’s how my brain hears him now 😂 sounds like Dobby!
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
🤣🤣 between him and moaning myrtle
@Eyewonder3210 Жыл бұрын
The "safety first" remark in the car, was a little reminder to him that his Mother died. I thought it was a low thing to say because it certainly doesn't do him any good.
@hopecandelori9081 25 күн бұрын
The Andrew/assistant story is ludicrous! She’s supposed to be so close to Eugenie but doesn’t realize that’s Eugenie’s FATHER?! That’s a joke!
@lisaleyendekker8305 19 күн бұрын
It's ridiculous that Harry prefaced to Meghan that she is supposed to curtsy to the Queen, or to His Father, but not to William? He didn't impress upon her that regardless of William being Harry's brother, she should still be appropriate and respectful by curtsying and offering an handshake since he is a prince and there is a hierarchy. If the Queen sticks to protocol and doesn't receive hugs from strangers, neither should William or Catherine. Heck, the Cambridge children should also be given curtsys and handshakes upon being met. Just because they are "off-duty" does not mean they stop being royalty.
@erikamassey3582 Жыл бұрын
If they’d been sitting, talking altogether in the room with the queen, fergie and Prince Andrew of course she would know who he was, doh!
@pammarie360 Жыл бұрын
Meghan used to be a "Yahte Girl" & she had met Prince Andrew long before she met Harry!
@montanacrone8984 Жыл бұрын
Of course, William had never met her, the hug shocked him
@THAT21 27 күн бұрын
Never ever heard of Suits or her before him. Also, didn’t know she was biracial.
@m.akikomayo5217 Жыл бұрын
Hugger or or not, Prince William is an heir to the British throne. One does not just go in for a hug. He regularly meets foreign dignitaries and A-list celebrities, and I doubt any of them just hug him without his consent upon first meeting. The arrogance of this woman to think that after a couple of dates with his brother, she can just swoop in and embrace the future king of England. To him, she is just some d-list actress who has known his brother for a few months. If previous girlfriends curtsied, then yes William may have expected it. Otherwise, he was probably just taken aback by her appallingly bad manners. That doesn’t make him a jerk. Does the queen really just pop by unexpectedly after church? I would imagine that people are given advance notice that she is coming to their home. Meaning there would have been time to reschedule H and M’s visit. You know, to give her some time in learning what is expected of her when she meets the Queen rather than learning it on the fly in the garden rom com style. I think if the meeting happened this way, it was them “coincidentally” coming to the house at the same time as the queen. They were the ones who just popped by. And we’re expected to believe that not one person bothered to introduce Prince Andrew to the no name actress while she was a guest in his home for the first time? Puh- lease.
@cathy3546 24 күн бұрын
Never heard of Suits or MM.
@Rando15 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love your channel. You're helping me through chemo, and I have shared you with all my chemo buddies. You rock!
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
What a major compliment!!! So happy to be of what little service I can be!!
@jomarsh6449 Жыл бұрын
Make sure you and you buddies ONLY view ...don't read the book or watch the Netflix sdries... You'll get major nausea!! There's only so much Zofran can do!!!
@Rando15 Жыл бұрын
@@jomarsh6449 True!
@judithmorganjudyteen Жыл бұрын
Sound like Will and Harry are two cockneys 🤣🤣🤣
@DuchessDelusional Жыл бұрын
Prayers and well wishes to you, your family, and friends.
@gabbyb4493 Жыл бұрын
I live in Canada and had never heard of suits or Meghan Markle! There is no was William and Katherine watched that show!
@nottosureaboutthat3292 Жыл бұрын
If it popped up on a Netflix feed they may have watched. It was a good show
@ryanbyrne7584 Жыл бұрын
Regarding the Andrew, "Who's your grandma's assistant holding her purse?" question, Harry, you simpleton, did she ask about the other 30 assistants? Or bodyguards? No, just Andrew huh? How is this man so far removed from people skills he can't see that was a setup to intentionally appear like she had no idea who he was??! He should've had some training in personalities, like hustlers, players, con-artists, etc. if anything to protect the crown. It only takes 1 and the whole house will suffer, as we're seeing now.
@user-hl6mq8zd7l 2 ай бұрын
Did Harry never introduce a girlfriend to his family before MM?
@erinnorquist5506 13 күн бұрын
One more thought, I think he was more nervous about William meeting her because his intuition is already telling him that this is not the girl for him and William would be able to see that more clearly than anyone.
@Anna-Bernadette Жыл бұрын
If you were a fan of a show and your friend told you that they were dating someone on the show, wouldn't the first question be "Oh wow, what character does she play?" Rarely do you know characters by the actors' actual name. You refer to them as Rachel, Monica, etc.
@heatherbishop9260 Жыл бұрын
W and C said last year that with work and family they don't have time to watch series. I can guarantee they did not watch Suits.
@kaitlinconnors7413 Жыл бұрын
Thank God you read this book for me. You have the ability to find the humor in it. I would have thrown the book out the window with his whinnying. Also clearly MeGain is a saint and save “H” from hisself… lol😂
@laffytaffy2916 Жыл бұрын
I think Harry is a pathological liar, the “Suits” BS kills me, I’ve never seen it, heard of it, neither has anyone I know. It takes two to tango, instead of being so disrespectful to Camilla what about Charles? He’s the one who had the family he was supposed to be committed to that he was stepping out on, I hate when the other woman is doing immediate branded with the Scarlet Letter, like men can’t control their little todgers so we can’t blame them! I agree William and Harry were best friends, it’s his jealousy and Megs influence/her own jealousy that have made him so scornful toward Will and Kate.
@maryannsy4129 Жыл бұрын
I have never seen an episode of Suits. I hadn't heard of MM until her association with Prince Harry. I wasn't racist -- I had no idea she was of mixed heritage. She is so full of herself.
@lindseyjohnstone7135 11 ай бұрын
Why would she care who the assistant is? Even if they gave her a name, if the "stranger " was an assistant, what business is it of hers?
@jomarsh6449 Жыл бұрын
I just cannot get over how immature and asinine these two are.. Or how unbelievably important she thinks she is.. And same with him now
@sabsmcdabs7139 Жыл бұрын
William has met strangers his whole life. He's friendly and can be tactile if he thinks it's appropriate. I imagine the claw just launched at him unexpectedly. This is like the arsewipes podcast and just a way to get back at perceived slights
@karensiegel6669 Жыл бұрын
MM already knew Andrew. She worked with/for him. That's how she met H. Eugenia was involved with this "organization" including Camilla's nephew. Eugenia quit in 2014.
@soulpowerful Жыл бұрын
So Harry introduced Meghan to only the Queen, Eugenie & her husband, but ignored everyone else in the room?
@DelaniaAndTheDogs 4 ай бұрын
Revisiting these “Spare” episodes every evening after work. Great insight and laughs galore... You make these two buffoons so entertaining.
@bearessentials4383 Жыл бұрын
Who’s that guy Eugenie keeps calling dad?
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
@DanYeLL2003 Жыл бұрын
I definitely think you should read “Revenge” next. It will fill in a lot of blanks that Harry leaves out and it gives context to things Harry is very vague about.
@keithmichael112 Жыл бұрын
That they never threatened a lawsuit about that book says a lot I think, it's kinda like a confirmation that it's factual
@kellygiannini3982 Жыл бұрын
I'm nearly finished reading Revenge, and all I want is "revenge" now. I can't stand this couple, but I can't stop watching the train wreck.
@mamahustru Жыл бұрын
After 4th date, he was introducing her to family. Can anyone see why W+C were cautious? And how right were they?
@kamirobey175 Жыл бұрын
I just had something hit me out of the blue. The story on Netflix was, or at least I thought it was, that the first time Meghan met William and Catherine, she was wearing holey jeans and barefooted, and now we hear that she met William before Catherine, so the story of both of them cringing when she hugged them during their first meeting, wearing said holey jeans and barefoot, doesn't add up. According to Harry she met William and then at a later date met Catherine? This rendition of the story...SHE went to meet William, and Catherine wasn't home, did she show up at their house barefoot? Why can't they get their stories straight.
@DebbiSmithDC Жыл бұрын
No, the barefoot, torn jeans episode was when they had William & Catherine for dinner. This was another (hugging) fiasco.
@kamirobey175 Жыл бұрын
@@DebbiSmithDC oh...I see, thank you so much for clearing that up for me, that way I don't have to watch that horrible show to find out for myself. ❤❤
@Polopony 18 күн бұрын
@@DebbiSmithDC But having hugged William the first time and seen his reaction, why would she do it again?
@deedeeroberts1378 Жыл бұрын
Hiya, iv literally watched hundreds of H & M videos, but i only found you yesterday, where you been hiding?? iv laughed so hard at your impersonations of them your literally spot on, and i hope to watch many more, Thanks Denise, love from the Uk xx
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!
@star_amie3679 Жыл бұрын
I personally LOVE the hour long episodes. Makes my workout just fly by.
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
@lindaross4331 Жыл бұрын
@christenedoering7720 Жыл бұрын
Fergie came out recently and said she had never met Megan before the queens funeral whos lying?i dont believe this ever happened.
@meka4425 11 ай бұрын
The harry voice is and accent is priceless…..omg. I’m just getting caught up…this is gold…😂😂😂😂
@charliewong197 Жыл бұрын
Imo she was taking a jab at Anderw, given her alleged involvement with him as a yatch girl via soho house.
@UrdVerdande-dt3ey Жыл бұрын
Who refers to their uncle as their grandmother's second son? 😆🤣
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
@kirstenanderson1435 11 ай бұрын
No wonder MM is always grinning like the Cheshire Cat. She was in a constant state of delirium because she had found the most stupid and gullible mark on the planet. It is astounding how easily she played him. Like taking candy from a baby.
@RKoz98 Жыл бұрын
Fergie as said she has never even met Meghan!
@laineyqueen Жыл бұрын
Most people in the UK hadn't even heard of suits until it was mentioned after Harry made public his relationship.
@jeanniemiller3274 Жыл бұрын
Lol "smart dog" Lupo knew...
@buttercup1765 5 ай бұрын
@Cristina_504 Жыл бұрын
Now they both have to curtsy to Queen Camilla 😂😂 I love karma and hate evil people , him and Meghan are appallingly rude
@crazyhorse5163 Жыл бұрын
None of that happened with Will and Kate and him. Another made up conversation.
@sharonkramer3225 Жыл бұрын
I love all these wonderful videos. You are an absolute delight. Every expression; voice inflection make me smile and I rarely laugh these days, but you can make me laugh out loud. Your insight into the world and all the knowledge you bring to this channel is amazing. I am so exasperated with these two “royals” and feel they will never be put in their place; but when you talk about them, you do put them where they belong. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please don’t stop reading to us. You bring sunshine into my lonely little world.
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
I'm thrilled to hear that you're enjoying the videos and deeply appreciate you taking the time to say so! It's very encouraging to hear back from viewers! We have fun over on this channel, so stick with us and we're more than happy to keep you company!!!
@nellsun2521 Жыл бұрын
She probably wanted to hug William so he could get a whiff of Diana's perfume too and become as seduced as Harry was, so she could steal William from Kate. Maybe that's why the big deal about the aborted Willy hug.
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
@bluediamond4502 Жыл бұрын
Thanks again. The feeling I get is he is so stressed introducing her to his family that the whole thing would be so uncomfortable for everyone except mm. She would just bulldoze her way forward and he would worry that someone would upset her. No wonder he always looks a nervous wreck. Why would you remember who spoke to who? Also why is this worth putting in the book nothing really happened and there was no understanding of anyone else. So predictable we could prob write it ourselves. 💎🙏💕🐨
@leonadesroches6647 7 ай бұрын
Im so confused on how she didnt know the royal family, but knew Fergie's daughter?? I dont really follow the royals, but know most of the families names.
@katykross Жыл бұрын
In the Netflix doco they say they met W & C at Nott Cot and M was barefoot in ripped jeans ???? Fact checkers day off ???
@jomarsh6449 Жыл бұрын
3.. That makes 3 different curtsy stories now...Opera interview, netflix, now book...none the same
@marileearsenault4749 Жыл бұрын
I never set eyes on the show. God bless you for getting through this vomiting 🤮 inducing drivel. But I’m enjoying you interpretation of it, I could never read or watch anything with theses two. Thank you
@mendocinogirl Жыл бұрын
Much of this dialogue in the book sounds like old 80’s song lyrics!
@johnpick8336 Жыл бұрын
We admire your oration prowess of such an unworthy book. Thank for reading this so we don't have to!
@cheeredenise Жыл бұрын
My pleasure!
@rosemaryclose1624 10 ай бұрын
Catching up here after your wonderful reading of Revenge. I still think his bedroom being turned into a dressing room is hilarious!
@jacquelinekirk5601 Жыл бұрын
Ugh! Shook my head in disbelief at most of this. It is sickening how she plays him like a fiddle 🎻 and takes advantage of his insecurities. Great commentary. I too see her fingerprints all over this book.
@bridgetmclaughlin6198 Жыл бұрын
I don’t believe she didn’t know who Andrew was. When they were doing the introductions she would’ve been introduced to him too
@hollyg3372 3 ай бұрын
Exactly why would you ask about the Queen's 'assistant" . What business is it of hers? Very intrusive.
@susanadavis3219 Жыл бұрын
I had never heard of Suits and I watch a lot of Netflix and Prime shows.
@dianaroach3093 Жыл бұрын
I tried it to watch it. I can't stand her voice.
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