Why I Don't Suggest The Piercing Bible

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Lynn Loheide

Lynn Loheide

Жыл бұрын

To read the letter featured in this video leatherati.com/an-open-letter...
To all the trans folks watching and reading this, I want you to know I see you and I stand with you. I fully believe that this can be a moment for healing and growth in the industry, and we can use this as a way to learn and change. I want to believe this industry is heading in a better and more inclusive direction- even when that means holding people in positions of power and privilege accountable.
To Elayne- I deeply encourage you to take a step back and consider the impact your actions have. I also suggest perhaps taking some of the transgender literacy courses offered through the APP that discuss why language like what you use is outdated and harmful. More than ever before trans folks need your support, and need you to stand up for us if you truly intend to be an ally.
To view my work and learn more about me check out www.lynnloheide.com/linktree
Follow me on instagram and TikTok at @lynnloheide

Пікірлер: 74
@abigailgabriel7879 Жыл бұрын
I misread this video title and thought it said “Why I Don’t Suggest Piercing The Bible” and had so questions at once
@jasperkrohn4342 Жыл бұрын
I was actually looking into textbooks and other educational material and, as a trans individual finding my way into the industry, I’m glad you brought this up! I hope that someday I feel confident in spending my money on the piercing Bible, but until then I also join you in leaving a space for apology and growth!
@priscillatorres501 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for making this video! I saw in an old video of yours you wrote a brief sentence under someone else’s comment on why you didn’t suggest “The Piercing Bible” so I’m glad you made a more in depth video on why. I do like how you were respectful and weren’t bashing anyone. This was pretty informative listening to on my way to work. Thank you!
@safirarara8489 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for releasing this topic on KZfaq. Do you consider to write a book about piercing someday, Lynn? I love your blog and your writing style, I think the piercing community deserves a good book from a good educator like you. Have a great day 🥰
@cryptozoic22 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so so much for using your platform to speak out about this. Thank you for persevering despite being told you were overreacting. This is something Ive heard my whole life when speaking out about serious issues that no one else was taking seriously and have now become enormous problems. Thank you for your voice.
@harlothex3326 Жыл бұрын
im so glad you made this!! i know i requested it a while back, right after i learned, but i didn't want to push the issue (: i also want to greatly thank you for helping out with my humble subreddit. it means more than i can ever say that you've decided to discuss this. i was so disgusted and in shock at the situation, and my heart goes out to everyone elayne pierced who was trans or otherwise queer / an ally. if i had found out later on i would have been incredibly distraught to have gotten pierced by her
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
SO many people have asked me to speak about this again but because of the past situation where I definitely let my emotions get the best of me and all the hate I got I’ve been so nervous to. But I knew I had to use my platform to try to do something because it was heartbreaking seeing everyone’s messages and bad experiences over this. I really hope this reaches the folks who need it and helps us make some meaningful change in the industry
@onedirectioninfection5756 9 ай бұрын
some of these comments are so odd. this whole video was about your opinion and why YOU personally don't recommend using this book (because it was written by transphobic person about an industry in which trans people played a huge role in its development) and people are acting as if you insulted their mother
@laurenjohnstone3404 Жыл бұрын
I had no idea about this! Thank you for making this video.
@callmemidas4713 Жыл бұрын
I'm really grateful to hear your take on this book and its author. I left an awkward apprenticeship around 2019 where the shop owner was really adamant about pushing The Piercing Bible. At the time, I didn't know that the text and techniques were outdated, but as a trans person, I had some weird feelings about things Elayne had said, so I found myself searching out alternative sources. Apparently this wasn't a totally uncommon experience! It's really good to see folks like you providing education and more inclusive resources moving forward.
@reprimand_ Жыл бұрын
Beautifully said, lynn. Thank you for finally speaking out about this. It means a lot.
@otheruser Жыл бұрын
Lynn, just wanted to say that I am so grateful for the knowledge you share with us; as someone who loves piercings, I have learned a lot from you.
@MsRedShepherd Жыл бұрын
Oh yikes, that is some truly awful stuff. I sincerely hope she learns and gets better, but to be honest I'm not sure it's worth holding out hope. Are there any alternatives to the piercing bible that you would recommend?
@yuckypup Жыл бұрын
beautifully said lynn
@thebabythesavage Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the waterworks there at the end 🥺❤️❤️❤️
@desireeoliolioxenfree7805 Жыл бұрын
I've followed her work for years and hoped to get pierced by them eventually since she specializes in the work I wanted done. First time I've heard of this and I'm grateful I did because that behavior is damaging and hurtful to the LGBTQIA+ community.
@easagepie Жыл бұрын
Tha k you so much for bringing this to the forefront. I literally just ordered the book and as an AFAB non binary trans person, this is really disheartening and one of the major reasons i want to get into the piercing industry. Thanks again!
@kennedeehartford1972 Жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you made this video. This book was in my Amazon cart, good thing I didn’t buy it.
@madtotal 9 ай бұрын
What book do you recommend instead Lynn?
@tessalane1265 Жыл бұрын
Could you make a video about books, podcasts etc that you do recommend?
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
I have a media list on my blog!
@renslartibartfast2422 Жыл бұрын
Wow, how abhorrent - thanks for making a video about this 💜 Tbh though referring to what she's done as "mistakes" feels off. She's a white cis woman worth millions using her platform to profit from *and* harm trans people *and* encourage others to do the same, while making a concerted effort to avoid taking accountability. That's not a notes app apology, make a donation kinda thing. It's not a learning moment. It's a "this person is a predator actively harming the trans community" thing. I know this is an effort to foster growth while warning people, and I really do appreciate it, but as a transmasc person it really sucks seeing people like this get the "she should do better" treatment.
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
To be honest this was my initial view point. And I was much more vocal a few years ago about this. But elayne’s response was that she was abused by buck and unable to talk about it or give a public apology. Which, as a victim of abuse myself I fully understand how difficult that can be. But a- abuse doesn’t justify turning to transphobia or racism or anything else. And b- I personally think the harm still needs to be acknowledged. But I definitely let my emotions cause me to be very rude to her. It ended up with a lot of people offering my critique on how I approached it, but some people misgendering me, spewing transphobia at me, and basically threatening me. They said I was retraumatizing an abuse victim by asking for an apology the way I did, and even went so far as to bring up and Invalidate my own abuse. Because of that I’ve hesitated talking on this more, and in this video I was definitely very gentle in how I approached it. Not because I don’t agree with the harm this causes to the community but because I can’t handle any more hate and transphobia sent my way the way it was last time. 🥲
@exploderen Жыл бұрын
@@Lynn_Loheide First off- I'm so sorry you're in that position. On a personal level, I know how hard it is to walk the line between abuse and inaction. Simply cannot imagine it at a larger scale. Secondly, I didn't (and don't) think you were in the wrong for how things were presented/handled/explained in the video. Gentle language when it comes to transphobia does make me uncomfy, but that discomfort should be placed at the feet of those perpetuating harm, not a trans person trying to educate. I'm sorry for setting a personal tone when my issue was not at all with you. While your reply is very much appreciated, I shouldn't have put you in that position to begin with. Tone policing the people on my side isn't gonna help anyone. fwiw I genuinely enjoyed the video and shared it with some friends who also weren't aware of that whole situation. I admire the strength it takes to address such a risky topic and hope I didn't detract from that accomplishment.
@annahoferer7622 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about this and helping educate myself and others on how we can be better trans allies! I was wondering if you have any suggestions of text that could replace the piercing bible within the piercing curriculum. I know from shop to shop it's certainly different what is expected, but I've noticed a lot of shops include this text as required materials for apprentices. I am new the the piercing world and want to make sure that I'm learning the necessary information that seems to be within the piercing bible without supporting this person.
@SebastianSeanCrow 10 ай бұрын
2:52 as someone with a blog with resources about piercing trans men’s genitals and things like that this is FUCKIMG YIKES like this girl renamed a piercing for a trans client and she does *this* to her husband?! The fuck 😭
@TT-it3nq 10 ай бұрын
I really wish you went into why you don’t recommend the piercing bible as it says in the title of this video. Specifically why- I get that you think it has outdated or incorrect info but going into that more would be way more interesting and helpful than focusing on her anti-trans stance or relationship issues for me.
@viceb7 9 ай бұрын
Right. They clearly just have a personal issue with Elayne. It's lame and manipulative.
@scar6758 7 ай бұрын
I agree lol
@Nooorrriii Жыл бұрын
I wasn’t aware of all this until around the time that book was released I saw you shared a post about this on your stories. What shocks me is Elayne also markets herself as a genital piercing specialist. In fact I’ve been at a studio where she was guesting and she only does genital piercings. I was going to buy the book until this came to light, hoping she sees the messages and the outcry and apologizes. Like the medical field piercing is a field where you’re forever learning and I hope she knows she still can learn and grow even as a “master piercer”. I started discovering myself more since getting out of a really long relationship and have a ton of friends who are also coming out, so it hurts to see such a big name in the industry still using the male and female label for genital piercings, it’s like when they have you fill out those forms and only have M or F as an option. I’m happy to now see more places have more options and are also asking pronouns in questionnaires, but progress is slow and even may be going in the wrong direction with people with Elayne’s attitude and different legislations coming out.
@trala8911 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t know EA and Buck had divorced, or the position she took in their settlement. I used to be active on the Tribalectic forums years ago, and there was a lady on there who was close with Elaine and who was involved in writing a piercing book with her support. At the time EA was married to Buck and they were considered kind of a significant powerhouse in the trans space, so I was kind of surprised when I started seeing Buck pop up on the Blaire White podcast, and similar spaces. This video was all very interesting to me, as it filled in a lot of information I wasn’t aware of.
@Neonmagpie Жыл бұрын
As a nonbinary trans man this is terrible to hear. Thank you for making this video.
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
It’s a really awful situation and the hardest thing is that I really don’t think some apology and accountability is that much of an ask. :(
@Aaron-kk7lf Жыл бұрын
thank you for making this.
@Dani6399 Жыл бұрын
thank you so much for this video, gives me hope, as a nb indigenous person. times are hard, we should stay together.
@moonlight_oats Жыл бұрын
unrelated but i love your pfp
@SebastianSeanCrow 10 ай бұрын
0:01 I actually follow you on TikTok I love your stuff found you on KZfaq… somehow?? Anyway on Reddit someone was talking about Elayne Angel with me cuz I was talking about genital piercings as a trans man (this was either FTMMen or like FTMbodymods or something) and they linked me this video!
@midxclappers4888 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE YOUR GLASSES!…I haven’t seen anything like them!.
@myleggg Жыл бұрын
Wow I never knew any of this. I was wanting to get pierced by her. Not anymore. I understand not cancelling but I don't think she will give an apology ever. But hopefully she will. But I won't follow someone who has done this for the trans community.
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
Maybe it’s ignorant hope but I would love to see her apologize, grow, and become a great ally for trans piercers and clients.
@myleggg Жыл бұрын
@@Lynn_Loheide I understand dear but even when you told you her about giving an apology or donating. She put herself as a victim. Making excuses on how she sees the trans community. She may in the future but I think it will only be words. Not sincere at all but we can wish for the good in people.💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@bentoske Жыл бұрын
As a trans man who's been in the trans community for a while, I've unfortunately seen a fair share of situations where a former partner of a trans person redirects their anger at the individual people to the whole community. It's not OK and it's an issue that needs to be discussed more as it (clearly) has real life consequences. Negative experiences with trans individuals seems to be very radicalizing and that's really terrifying.
@SebastianSeanCrow 10 ай бұрын
8:12 you’d think as a genital piercer she’s habe a **lot** of first hand experience in like… the MASSIVE SWATH of diversity in genitals Like yes there’s vulvas and penises but these are like Configurations on a spectrum that are also their **OWN SPECTRUMS**
@plant8452 Жыл бұрын
I wish I did some more reaserch before buying The Piercing Bible... I wanted to learn more about piercings and how to get into the piercing industry but if I had know this any sooner, I wouldn't have bought this book.
@carolzerucha7429 Жыл бұрын
Excellent post. ❤️🤗
@flupples2893 Жыл бұрын
I genuinely don't agree with not cancelling Elayne- she didn't just make a mistake, she clearly holds transphobic beliefs to this day and the pain and suffering she's caused shouldn't go unpunished.
@viceb7 9 ай бұрын
Punished for the pain and suffering she's caused? 😂 It was her divorce in a abusive relationship, you are delulu
@thejohnnyrust. Жыл бұрын
It’s meant more for people getting pierced, it’s helpful for piercers but it’s obviously not a manuel
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
It was actually written with piercers in mind and dozens of piercers have input on technique and information (who weren’t credited but…that’s another issue)
@elvishkat Жыл бұрын
This is hard, I am a non binary person but I also don't expect people who are receiving abuse to put themselves on the front line regarding this. Legal language is tricky and sometimes any angle is used to help a client. Weaponising the struggle of trans people against someone that is being abused is really harsh, and I think Buck Angel is as always getting off with relatively little criticism amongst this. And in centering this situation, maybe we are re-traumatising a new generation of folks about it... IDK I would love to see a group of cis people create a trans legal defense fundraiser, rather than abused women and trans people continue to chip bits off each other, the cis people who have a lot of privilege in this situation should step in and advocate for the future of the industry.
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately we will have to agree to disagree here. I am an abuse survivor myself and I just simply don’t agree with turning to denying a marginalized group rights or assistance to further my own legal causes. We have plenty of examples of people doing that with racism and the insurmountable harm those legal precedents caused. I just don’t think there’s ever any reason to go after someone else’s right to exist like that. Beyond that, I think context is important. If that was the only issue here, I think it would be a very different situation. But it’s not. It’s the fact that elayne said that /and/ continues to use and teach transphobic, TERF content and talking points. She uses her position and power in the industry to be able to teach classes with transphobic language and concepts to generations of young piercers, and ignore continued feedback that this language is wrong and harmful. She also continues to expressly advertise to trans clients and thus directly profit off of trans bodies. The context of these things I think directly informs this as being more relevant.
@elvishkat Жыл бұрын
@@Lynn_Loheide Thanks for the reply and elaborating.... the more I think on this the more glad I am that you are in this position and making these choices and setting this example. I think perhaps I fell into some mental traps regarding an industry that I am NOT a professional in, that I experience as a customer as a service industry and it should never, ever be acceptable to limit accessibility to marginalise folks/perpetuate discrimination. I'm sorry if my comment seemed to come sideways at this, and I appreciate the way you are standing your ground.
@sarahjackson84 Жыл бұрын
No disrespect but how does the personal life of the writer have to do with the content of their work? Maybe the partner tried to take advantage of her success and took her tried to use the court to get money from her and she fought back. Plenty of horrible trans people out there, doesn't make you transphobic to have a problem with one. If she was transphobic, she never would have dated a trans person.
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
I think it crosses over when she chooses to use transphobic language and TERF talking points when she educated in classes. I also think it crosses over when she choose to legally attempt to deny trans peoples marriage rights and then still advertise to and profit from trans clients. And again- I don’t think she needs ti be canceled. I just think she should say sorry.
@PierceTheKayla01 Жыл бұрын
Right? She’s spewing all this while sitting here with Jefree star & Lime Crime cosmetics all over her desk…
@ItsAtone Жыл бұрын
@@PierceTheKayla01 lol right
@viceb7 9 ай бұрын
THIS. Someone's personal divorce has literally nothing to do with us. They're clearly taking this personal because they're trans and obviously had bad interactions with Elayne herself, this video reads as manipulation to me and it's really disappointing
@jonathanfox4045 10 ай бұрын
I’m just gonna say something… feelings should not conflict with knowledge.
@ItsAtone Жыл бұрын
How is it transphobic if someone does not agree with your views on gender? Phobic = fear. Also she doesn’t owe you any statement or donations of her money. You are more than welcome to donate to those charities that you find resourceful.
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
Attempting to legally deny trans people their rights in court is transphobic.
@ItsAtone Жыл бұрын
@@Lynn_Loheide That is not transphobic, her actions would be considered illegal.
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
@@ItsAtone Transphobia and transmisia are when people have deeply rooted negative beliefs about what it means to be transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming. Their beliefs affect the way they, the government, organizations, the media, and society generally treat people whose identities don’t fit into typical gender roles. Transphobia results in policies that take away the rights and safety of trans and nonbinary children, teens, and adults. This results in discrimination, harassment, and sometimes violence against people who are not cisgender. Deciding to use arguments that trans people don’t deserve the right to marry to win your divorce, and continuing to use inaccurate and harmful language about trans bodies when educating, are both elements that contribute to transphobia and transgender discrimination. Is Transmisia technically a more accurate term? Yes. However, insisting so they way you are is a bit pedantic. the suffix -misia is often co-opted by fascist groups. So many people stay away from using this term due to that association. It also suffers from a lack of immediate recognition as transphobia is easily deciphered by people who have heard about homophobia. Many trans people, myself included, use transphobia to discuss not just the fear people have around trans folks but the discrimination and harm caused towards transpeople out of fear, dislike, or prejudice.
@zakattack467 Жыл бұрын
I’m not your friend
@ravenbarsrepairs5594 Жыл бұрын
I'm giving you a well deserved dislike on this. Dismissing the experience of someone who's experience goes back to the early days of body mod culture in the United Sates because a political position they hold is foolish. Personally I have the same feelings towards you the you have towards Elayne Angel as your online presence on several sites has lead me to believe your the type of person who thinks they know everything and no one could possible know more than you, or that any differing viewpoint could have any validity.
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one. She does have a long experience in the body modification community- and she built a lot of that by piercing queer and trans clients. To then turn around and try to deny trans folks legal rights to marry and exist as their chosen gender is unacceptable. And because of her platform, it has a much larger reach. Beyond that, she continues to teach using out dated and transphobia language. Despite multiple trans folks telling her her language is incorrect and harmful. When you have a platform you also have power, and that comes with responsibility, and accountability. Her history doesn’t give her a pass to continue to use harmful language nor does it allow her an exception from accountability. Fortunately the one thing I do know is that I don’t know everything. I actually learn lots of great stuff from others very often and I change and improve my viewpoints regularly. Learning and growth is important- and I actually quite enjoy engaging with different viewpoints and growing from that. As you yourself mention- you have these feelings toward my online presence. Not who I actually am as a person. I also removed a fairly transphobic comment of yours you made to another commenter here trying to invalidate trans non-binary folks. So feel free to hold any opinion of me you’d like, online or offline, but know that transphobia doesn’t fly in my comment section.
@finnleybogart2474 Жыл бұрын
Respecting Trans identities is not a political issue. It's a human respect issue.
@rhodayackez9570 Жыл бұрын
I'm being respectful. I really like minimal piercings and constantly want more. I had a Monroe which I took out and it left a scar. I have 7 ear piercings and I love nose stud piercings however I'm not getting one because I have major sinus problems. I believe you've done too much to yourself and you look overdone. Sorry but that's my opinion. It's no wonder you have trouble with healing. Otherwise I find your channel interesting.
@PierceTheKayla01 Жыл бұрын
Girl like I get that it’s horrible to say such things, but to write off a great tool in the piercing world over this? Especially as you sit here with lime crime all over your desk… like you can separate the creator from the product in something as trivial as makeup, yet in regards to useful educational material you can’t? Doesn’t make very much sense to me
@Lynn_Loheide Жыл бұрын
A few key points- I don’t justify any of the awful things these companies have done along with what elayne has done. Limecrime absolutely did some awful things. I think it is worth noting that while their apologizes were lackluster- they still apologized. Not only has elayne not apologized for her attempt to legally dent trans peoples rights, she has doubled down in refusing to use inclusive language in her classes and instead intentionally misgendering folks. I’m typing this response from my iPhone- apple being another notoriously terrible company. I will be the first to admit that we all will need to find where we personally feel comfortable drawing the line at who and what we support. For me, as a trans person, in such a small industry, and an industry that is founded on queer and trans folks….this is a big deal. We are currently seeing sweeping anti trans legislation across America and trans people are being attacked at every turn. To see this happening and to uphold actions set to further deny trans people their rights….that’s where I personally draw my line. (Also re- it being a great tool- a lot of the information in the book was taken from other piercers and not properly credited! You can find that information for free in forums from the original writers, and also read more from the piercers that information was taken from about that issue)
@zakattack467 Жыл бұрын
I’m not your friend
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