Discussing Xenomorph's Counterplay - Dead by Daylight

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Scott Jund

Scott Jund

10 ай бұрын

/ scottjund

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@exxon101 10 ай бұрын
Scott the thing you aren't considering is how the flamethrower turrets go *boo-boo-beep* and then they go *fwoosh* and the alien goes *scrraawww* and it makes me giggle.
@t4k3ntf 10 ай бұрын
Most real comment
@mattwoo556 10 ай бұрын
Then giggle turns to hook scream bc ms.alien doesn’t want her buns toasted
@TheTeleporter101 10 ай бұрын
@adamstapley6995 10 ай бұрын
Tee hee energy xD
@raidenstokes1026 10 ай бұрын
Point proven, 10/10 scraww funni
@KazumiKiguma 10 ай бұрын
The funny thing is that going back into a tunnel immediately after getting flamethrowered is exactly the kind of behavior the xenomorph actually does
@SneakyAlba 10 ай бұрын
I suspect that's exactly why the power is designed that way. The flames force it to retreat or push on with a disadvantage. Very well designed imo.
@agentmustache 10 ай бұрын
It's cool that it's lore accurate, but in terms of gameplay it feels unbalanced. Xeno literally gets his extremely strong power pretty much for free due to how fast it charges in the tunnels, and survivors have to waste so much time setting up a turret that only might work, but more likely than not will just be a minor annoyance at best even if the Xeno player fails and loses their power? Sorry, but I don't think that's very fair...
@Chillin998lol 10 ай бұрын
@@agentmustacheshut up omg
@HeyImCas 10 ай бұрын
@@Chillin998lol He had a fair point. You need to shut up tbh
@bigfelig64 10 ай бұрын
@@Chillin998lol its a game dude gameplay goes first u just mad theyre making sense
@samuelmillar770 10 ай бұрын
Xeno missing his tail is like spinning a good killer, it's cool that it happened but you can't rely on that as solid counterplay for his power.
@NinjapowerMS 10 ай бұрын
Honestly not even comparable since spinning a killer might get you enough distance to reach a window or pallet while this cheeseball would most of the time hit you anyway because the margin for error heavily favors her.
@203lue9 10 ай бұрын
@@NinjapowerMSno one should be this upset lax up😂
@NinjapowerMS 10 ай бұрын
@@203lue9 Good argument.
@BoatFullOfSeamen 10 ай бұрын
​@@NinjapowerMSYou expect DBD players to have good arguments? Don't you know we can barely read properly?
@Seoul_Soldier 10 ай бұрын
@@NinjapowerMS Yeah because DBD players (like you) are known for being so open to other people's opinions, right?
@MythicTF2 10 ай бұрын
I think what should be done is the secret 4th option: Make the turrets not as punishing to carry. They slow you a lot and because of that it feels tedious on the survivor side. It makes sense logically because you're carrying a heavy piece of machinery but they should change the hinder from like 15% (idk what it actually is) to like 5%. Make it less of a time investment to USE smart turret placement. I also think his add-ons for reducing turret effectiveness should just be outright removed or nerfed. Not even made partially basekit. Make it so the helmet reduces stagger by 35% still, but increases turret range by 1m. The range add-on makes it so turrets have 2m less range, but stagger you 20% quicker. That way the effect evens out and still gives you more time to react overall, but not nearly as much. This way they can also be stacked together in order to gain a bit of what we have rn but its not nearly as oppressive with a green & a yellow add-on. In terms of reacting to the tail, I'm all for saying the turrets are the counter-play. Good turret placement knocks you out of your power and as such I think it should take longer, even when going into a tunnel, to recharge your power. It just makes using the turrets more rewarding. Maybe if you lose crawler mode because of a turret it takes 25% longer overall. EDIT: Comments have told me the hinder is actually 35%, which is stupidly slow and should definitely be toned down to maybe 15%-10% instead. My point is still ultimately the same even if the numbers aren't quite accurate.
@LeFisheboi 10 ай бұрын
Gordon Ramsey out here
@atrozzorta9602 10 ай бұрын
It's not really surprising though that they made turrets super punishing for survivors because look at what happened with The Singularity. He came out and everyone complained that survivors made his power useless and he was an M1 killer because of it. BHVR has since nerfed the EMPs twice, I think it's twice now right?, along with the boxes that spawn them and people STILL say The Singularity is a killer without a power if the survivors play well and use the EMPs effectively. To me it just seems like BHVR is afraid of making another The Singularity mistake of having a killer without a power because the counter play option is too strong. Having said that I do agree with you and that it's too punishing and needs to be fixed and honestly it probably will be after this DLC sells a bit more and BHVR is happy with the money they have made off it. Why release a weak ass killer like The Singularity or a killer that everyone hates like The Skull Merchant and charge people real money instead of in game currency to get that killer when nobody would because they are too weak or too hated. It's a very common thing from companies to make something new over tuned so it sells and then they fix it. League of Legends is a great example of that. New champions are usually too strong and get nerfed patch after patch for a bit. And whenever new skins come up they are usually accompanied by buffs to the champions that are getting skins.
@dearcastiel4667 10 ай бұрын
Currently it's 35% hindered. 17.5% sounds reasonable.
@BunnychanFarabee 10 ай бұрын
They are also EXCESSIVELY finnicky as to where they can be set up. I end up spending more time wiggling around to get the turret in the spot I want it than I do actually deploying the damn thing, and that's a problem.
@linkholder 10 ай бұрын
Scott @MythicTF2 is cooking
@AirLight1646 10 ай бұрын
I think it’s weird how getting shot at by a turret is worse if you actually have your power compared to if it’s at 99%. If it’s 99% the turret will just make your power take a couple of seconds to activate rather than the risk of being kicked out if you were already in crawler mode.
@xrad3269 10 ай бұрын
@dumblenutz5561 10 ай бұрын
Yeah it's really awkward and nonsensical. I think the power drain should be higher.
@decenthumanbeing67 10 ай бұрын
​@@dumblenutz5561it shouldn't drain but rather act the same as when you're in crawler mode. If you let it flame you for too long, you get set back to zero, but if you don't, you don't lose anything. This would be a slight nerf, but it would make the power make more logical sense and it would be a fair nerf imo
@AirLight1646 10 ай бұрын
@@decenthumanbeing67 I absolutely agree
@soulbounddoll1826 10 ай бұрын
@@decenthumanbeing67I'd be completely okay with that, just leave that tail strong as it is. I'm completely fine with only having the tail every now and then. I'd rather it be a special thing than just another thing that sorta happens.
@SpookySkeletonGang 10 ай бұрын
I felt like I was going INSANE reading reddit threads about this but your take is exactly what I was thinking about turrets. They take too long to setup for too little payoff. One of these things need to budge. Either his tail needs to not be as good as it is, turrets need to be quicker to place, they need to be better at taking xeno out of power, or they need to take him out of power for longer. Change any one of those things and I'd be totally fine with xeno. As it stands I don't even think they're OP, but it just feels like there's not much of a point in bothering with turrets.
@thepinkprintt 10 ай бұрын
dbd reddit is mostly killer mains so the takes may not be the best
@Maybe_Saber 10 ай бұрын
@@thepinkprintt that and the dbd forums
@Seoul_Soldier 10 ай бұрын
@@Maybe_Saber The DBD forums and Twitter are full of bad survivor main takes.
@keys5595 10 ай бұрын
@@thepinkprinttThis comment is so untrue based off the post I’ve seen on there lmao
@Aki...544 10 ай бұрын
Turrets are definitely useful. Worst case scenario, Xeno loses distance on you cause of the scanner and loses time breaking the turret
@samuraituff9653 10 ай бұрын
This is like old death slinger where you couldn't tell if he was going to shoot you because you couldn't react but at least he had reload which was good Xeno cooldown is just quick
@Aki...544 10 ай бұрын
Xeno has less than half the length of the shot and has a windup animation, it's just not very noticeable
@dryanaa4474 10 ай бұрын
@@Aki...544the cooldown on alien doesn’t even fucking matter, he can literally move so fast after missing that he catches up to you before the cooldown ends
@Aki...544 10 ай бұрын
@dryanaa4474 I didn't say anything about the cooldown? I agree that it should be changed. They shouldn't really have touched that from ptb
@gaj7062 10 ай бұрын
​@@Aki...544bur he hits under pallets and windows, deathslinger is bad against dropped pallets unless it's a really shitty one whereas xeno moves at 115, has a traversal and tracking power, and instantly injures or downs the survivor he hits
@soulbounddoll1826 10 ай бұрын
@@dryanaa4474Except not? That's very exaggerated, Xeno still slows down somewhat, survivor is still faster than Xeno during the cooldown.
@skrub91 10 ай бұрын
It’s weird how we have killers like singularity where it’s so easy to deny power and then we have xeno who is in their power 90-95% of the game
@DerrickMayFan 10 ай бұрын
licensed killers are usually better bc they wanna make money
@fel524 10 ай бұрын
I think singularity was almost like a test for Xeno. I admit that having your power essentially taken hostage feels like absolute shit though
@acheron16 10 ай бұрын
​@@fel524I feel that the last 3 Killers were iteration on how make survivors interact more with killer powers: Skullmerchant was their first attempt and failed spectacularly by being a lose-lose situation for survivors, so now, no one facing a Skullmerchant really cares to hack her drones, making her power non-interactive - Singularity went to exact opposite, where survivors have too much power, to the point that Singularity, unless snowballing hard, has no power for most of the match. - Now we have Xeno, where at present, survivors need to work hard to try and mitigate an extremely strong power but the mitigation just isn't really there.
@Unlimited-D-Works 10 ай бұрын
That’s like saying demogorgon is OP because you can’t knock him out of his shred power. Like wtf. Power isn’t strong enough for it to be on a long cooldown.
@alexthecreature 10 ай бұрын
this is quite reassuring bc ive been feeling really stupid on the survivor side not finding a way to counter xeno
@ciggydemon 10 ай бұрын
meeee too it’s been rough
@bmo7259 10 ай бұрын
Unless you do the giga boring play of just predropping before they even get a chance to use their tail. Since trying to bait tail attacks is just a waste of time with how little they slow down.
@Leaf__22 10 ай бұрын
They really need to add an animation before the tail attack and also punish people more from missing. Dodged 5 attacks yesterday at a pallet but it didn't matter because i couldn't make it anywhere else
@morningshade2347 10 ай бұрын
Agreed, I would say give the tail a wind up animation like Huntress or Wesker with an audio indicator, so the survivor has the ability to outplay it.
@203lue9 10 ай бұрын
Yah all are complaining for alien bein cañón to the films which is laughable lol he’s supposed to be extremely agile, fast, smart etc for crying out loud alien was created by predators to prove to humans that they where worth being labeled as gods and backfired when they couldn’t stop the aliens so that should say how powerful alien is and yah just want him to be a regular mid killer😂 but yah got nurse who been running dbd sense day one lol can’t make this up
@blightedcat2137 10 ай бұрын
Yeah it's really dumb af how little distance you get from xeno missing
@samuelmillar770 10 ай бұрын
I don't think it needs a windup, as it's supposed to be overpowered - hence the flamethrowers as counterplay. They just need to undo the weird recovery buff.
@Pokemon_Doge 10 ай бұрын
@@203lue9 bro nurse would canonically eat the entire alien species for breakfast you trippin
@ryanlutes9833 10 ай бұрын
personally I think one thing that's super strong that not a lot of people are talking about is how insanely fast you can go across the map and start your first chase, usually with multiple survivors. Every other killer is locked out of using their mobility power for the first few seconds of a match; sadako, dredge, freddy. Or they need to set up like hag or demo. I think xeno would be a lot less oppressive if it was the same for them, to give survivors at least a little head start on placing turrets. And it wouldn't feel too rough for the xeno player either.
@hinatasninetailedfox 10 ай бұрын
This. It feels crazy all the tunnels come out like an inch from most generators. By the time you hear the turret beep the Xeno can already be out and on you as you try to move to a loop and they can just keep rechecking a gen much faster than most killers. 😭
@randalloses2748 10 ай бұрын
I personally just dont want another singularity scenario, where having ur power is basically a luxury due to survs getting rid of it its super easy, but i would be fine if they change the turret addons
@gamingcantina9157 10 ай бұрын
@kaib6998 10 ай бұрын
it shouldn't be a luxury but it shouldn't be basically basekit either. Unless you have the tail aim of a drunk mole you have your power 90% of the match
@gemain609 10 ай бұрын
Singularity can instant replace emp'd orbs though. But Yea he's a super early game snowball killer. The moment survivors get their hands on EMP's and you haven't gotten a hook or two, you're in for a world of hurt
@Seoul_Soldier 10 ай бұрын
@@kaib6998 That's how killer powers are supposed to be. Imagine if survivors could break huntress hatchets before huntress could reload.
@lolmcswagger7247 10 ай бұрын
@@Seoul_Soldierhuntress players have to actually use tactics to keep their hatchets from running out in chase, so pretty bad comparison
@Supperhfjf 10 ай бұрын
Just grab the tail and snap it in half
@MimiExVolt 10 ай бұрын
You could just eat it like a crab too
@taragnor 10 ай бұрын
Another horrible thing about the turrets is that you get them from the same place the Xeno pops out of. And unlike grabbing a Sadako tape, it doesn't shut down the vents. So you're now holding something that slows you down and are in constant danger that the Xeno could come out at any time. Also unlike Sadako, the Xeno gets an immediate killer instinct when it comes out of the vent so it knows you're around. And you can't put the turret right near the vent, because the alien shuts down the turrets magically near any vent it comes out of, so you're encouraged to go haul the thing over to some nearby loop, which wastes more time that could be spent on a gen. Yeah, they're trying not to repeat the situation with Singularity EMPs, but they went way too far in the killer's favor. Singularity EMPs are in safe parts of the map, something you can easily carry around at no penalty, fast and easy to use and shutdown the killer's only power. Turrets are dangerous to pick up and hold, are time consuming to use, only shut down part of the Xeno's kit and aren't even reliable at doing that. For the kind of risk/time investment of using the turrets, they need to be a lot better.
@dirtywookie9868 10 ай бұрын
My first game ever with alien I tried to pick up a turret and as soon as I touched the box he came out.. Not a fun fair killer to go against AT ALL
@epticmaniac5764 10 ай бұрын
Singularity is too weak for a newer killer the emps are too easy to get and turrets are not that strong there good as is
@deathwish1668 10 ай бұрын
im glad someone made the no downside huntress comparison, ive had people super salty when i mention it
@CodPatrol 10 ай бұрын
Killer mains who think every ability they have should be guaranteed hits. Next we’ll have deathslinger with auto aim
@deathwish1668 10 ай бұрын
@@CodPatrol aim assist slinger lol, but nah seriously even watching this video some of the hits are insane, there is no punishment for respecting or missing hits no more
@dumblenutz5561 10 ай бұрын
Dbd players hate it when someone complains about something that isn't currently socially acceptable to complain about in the community, even if it's right. I'd know, since i'm not biased and often talk about design issues nobody talks about such as Huntress/Nemesis being an annoying 50/50 at pallet or Blight having too little downtime even by basekit. Of course, if i DARE bring these up, no matter how good my argument everyone's gonna go "lmao look at this survivor main crying about a B tier killer😂" and the like.
@deathwish1668 10 ай бұрын
@@dumblenutz5561 huntress and nem are okay because they punish bad gameplay or poor judgement/skill, alien zones and downs from 8m
@dumblenutz5561 10 ай бұрын
@@deathwish1668 Uhuh, it was my fault that i ran around the corner and got hit by a semi truck hatchet. Or that a zombie randomly wandered into a gen i was about to complete and ruined everything because fuck you. Huntress is mostly ok despite her 50/50s and Hitreg but Nemesis is a nightmare of design and nobody talks about it. For starters his Zombies either shouldn't exist or should be reworked, their design is awful. They can make or break the match and neither side has much control over it, if any.
@PacoReer 10 ай бұрын
Maybe reducing the survivor slow% when carrying a turret can make using turrets more worth
@XenoVT 10 ай бұрын
This is the one I lean more towards, allows for better plays and time to think for awesome strategic placement, would make it feel like the movies.
@EncryptedLiberty 10 ай бұрын
I think the main reason that the turrets should be buffed in some way is that it's the most unique aspect of this killer. Xenomorph is fun to go against because you get to play with the turrets and burn the killer. They really need to hang on to that aspect.
@poi55 10 ай бұрын
my problem is that he can so freely m1 you even if he is in crawler mode and you cant tell whether he is gonna use m1 or m2. Its literally like 4.6 huntress with your hatchet ready and you can also m1 wiithout having to bring down your hatchet
@callatruce2386 10 ай бұрын
@BecketTheHymnist 10 ай бұрын
Yup, it's SO oppressive at certain tiles. Pair that with the fact that you get NO DISTANCE if the killer misses or hits make this killer absolutely insane to go against. I'm at the point where I'd almost rather play against a Nurse. At least I can usually find a nearby rock or tall tile to at least TRY to counter play there. I really hope they do something to make playing against it not feel so bad.
@kidscast5842 10 ай бұрын
But if you are close enough for an m1 any killer would just swing and hit you?
@poi55 10 ай бұрын
@@kidscast5842 but theres no delay for xeno to do that bc when a huntress wants to do that shes gonna have to bring down her hatchet and slows down a bit or a nemesis is kinda the same too
@BecketTheHymnist 10 ай бұрын
@@kidscast5842 Imagine if Huntress was a 115 movement killer and suffered no speed penalty for winding up a hatchet or having a hatchet up. Also at ANY moment they could M1 without bringing the hatchet down. That's how strong the Xenomorph is in it's current state. There's almost no down side to taking a shot with your M2 since the miss and hit cooldown is so small, and if you have the distance to M1 you can do that too. The survivor has to worry about both M1 and the tail power simultaneously. For Huntress or Nemmy that is not the case since they have a wind up and move slower while holding the power. Something HAS to change here for this killer's power to be fair.
@shadowboy0126 10 ай бұрын
The turrets also act as proximity alarms too if you didnt notice. It beeps faster the closer the Xenomorph gets, even if he's underground. So i guess you could consider the advanced warning a part of the counterplay, letting you get to a loop or hide before it gets to you.
@ghostflame9211 10 ай бұрын
The problem is then survivors can’t hide. Alien gets killer instinct when he emerges from the tunnels so the survivors can’t stealth away. I think that part should be removed and maybe he gets killer instinct by destroying a turret before it takes him out of his power.
@RoyalCrest-LetsPlaysAndMore 10 ай бұрын
I think the biggest issue is relegating the counter to a direct power (the tail) with an indirect method (an item). It just doesn't work well. With the exception of Singularity, every power with an item component counteracts a passive effect, not a direct effect (Nemesis and Wesker's vaccines/sprays vs. infection, Pinhead's box vs. chain hunt) which is a much better balance since it falls entirely on the survivor to make good use of their time and anything that happens as a result is moreso their fault than it does some unfair balance of the power. Additionally, having item interactions with powers runs the risk of being too strong or too weak, and one side feeling like it's not a fair balance. We saw how EMPs were handled with Singularity, and they do not feel good. They started off too strong, so were nerfed repeatedly, and they feel bad to use. Sure, disabling the biopods are fine, but Singularity can still use them to track survivors so unless you're very far away, he can still walk to disrupt the generator and generally aren't disabled long enough that it provides you much protection (because, ultimately, making him power walk towards you instead of teleporting, that alone is not going to win you the game). Moreover, Singularity can just remove and replace disabled biopods, rendering the EMP useless during chase unless you're W-keying across the map. But if you buff them again, then you're back to square one with them being too strong and Singularity having like, no power. I think it's definitely an issue of the tail just being too strong. There needs to be greater drawback to using the tail because missing a tail whip is tantamount to missing a lunge, except the tail is obviously much stronger. I did the math, and the survivor gains ~2m of distance more when Xeno misses a tail whip (which in DBD terms is half a second of running) compared to a missed lunge attack. In contrast, the PTB when the cooldown movement speed of a missed tail whip was 1.2m/s, the survivor gains like ~5m, which is a little more than a second of running, which I think is more fair considering how strong the tail is. You need to make the tail more punishing to miss to encourage skillful use, because as it stands, there's little drawback to spamming the tail, as opposed to other killers who suffer more if they try to force a special attack, because, ultimately, direct powers should have direct counterplay.
@PackproYT 10 ай бұрын
Finally someone else that's not blind to this killers flaws. I swear everyone is blind to the problems they have. Just gotta go look at the subreddit to see the smoothbrained takes I have no idea why they changed him the PTB xeno was better then the one we have now.
@AnotherDempsey 10 ай бұрын
Finally someone addresses how stupid the "just use turrets" counterplay is. Any time I get knocked out of power, just go into a tunnel for less than 5 seconds and all of that turret placing was useless. And that's IF it even knocks me out of power.
@24-7_DBD 10 ай бұрын
Yes but you completely lose the chase ur in. Is that not enough of a punishment?
@AnotherDempsey 10 ай бұрын
@@24-7_DBD You can be in a chase again in a few seconds, it's nothing.
@leiah6514 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@24-7_DBDWhen you have tons of mobility and free tracking, that still doesn’t matter. Xeno can catch up or head straight for a gen quickly. A survivor wants to kick them out of power at the beginning of chase, which is the easiest time for the killer to drop chase. They can’t just be spammed with the big cooldown they have. It’s just not really a punishment or downside, especially when you can just bring 1 of the low tier heat resistant addons to completely negate it.
@imjustaguy1590 10 ай бұрын
@@AnotherDempsey You realize the tunnels are at specific spots on the map that you have to travel to first?
@AnotherDempsey 10 ай бұрын
@@imjustaguy1590 It's almost like 95% of them are within 10m from a gen or a key point on the map...
@HMOBALI 10 ай бұрын
I agree with this video (it hasn’t even been 2 mins it’s out)
@chambombman 10 ай бұрын
@klinkadink1345 10 ай бұрын
I don't think he really needs any nerfs so long as blight and nurse still haven't been brought to justice, nerfing alien would be like jailing a drug dealer while letting a serial killer walk free
@CodPatrol 10 ай бұрын
Blight isn’t that bad it’s just his add ons.
@klinkadink1345 10 ай бұрын
@@ThatFooLoops am I wrong?
@dannyskybox293 10 ай бұрын
I dont think xeno should be able to m1 when the tail is out. Huntress and nemi have to be put their special away breifly before they can m1 again
@tobydaniels461 10 ай бұрын
i find placing turrets in tactical locations to be really fun, maybe thatll wear off over time but right now i think its quite cool and unique
@Korhi 10 ай бұрын
It's fun until your turret placement doesn't matter because it has little to no impact.
@Seoul_Soldier 10 ай бұрын
@@Korhi If the turrets end up buffed to the point that this killer turns into another Singularity I'm going to blame you.
@CodPatrol 10 ай бұрын
Yes I agree but I have no idea how effective they are, from basic observations it doesn’t look like it has much effect. Is it worth setting them up when you can use those seconds on gens…
@PackproYT 10 ай бұрын
I find placing the turrets a fucking nightmare. Yay I went down before they wouldn't let me put it anywhere in RPD tight corners.
@user-nn1fx1nc7e 10 ай бұрын
@@Seoul_Soldier It absolutely will BHVR doesn't do nerfs properly they just completely gut the thing they intended to change or barely affects it at all. Xeno is going to be so dog ass because of the complaints. All they need to do is give a longer windup or windup animation maybe make the stun after a failed hit longer but knowing BHVR they'll fuck it up💀
@The_Nocturnal_Raven 10 ай бұрын
I wouldn't mind buffing turrets... if turrets weren't invulnerble when stunned. It frustrates me to no end when I leave a tunnel, there's a turret that is invulnerable, and there's no downside to placing it there. And the turrets reactivate, and I hit it and it doesn't register (even with an M1)... It would make them less optimal to be near tunnel entrances, but make them stronger away from them, if that makes sense.
@madithevampirequeen9316 10 ай бұрын
i genuinely only run cereal rations (the brown add on that reveals all turrets while in the tunnels) and then some other non turret related add on and even that has been making turrets redundant
@randymarsh4748 10 ай бұрын
just cause you know where there are doesnt mean u can avoid them always especially on mkaps like midwich
@ToniToniChopaaa 10 ай бұрын
@@randymarsh4748if you know where they are you can just hit them if you need to
@brianferris8396 10 ай бұрын
I think Xeno could enter crawler but her tail would be down (like the post-game screen) and they would have to wind up and activate it to attack like Nemesis - where they bring the tail up and hiss [or something like that] it would give audio and visual cues to survivors whether or not the were looking at the killer in chase. I also very much agree with trying to balance out turrets and adding accordingly
@sapphicseas0451 10 ай бұрын
With nemesis tentacle, the closest comparison to xeno's tail. you have to build up two tiers to have it be useful, and even then it doesn't injure first hit. with xeno, you get it immediately and repeatedly and it injured immediately, and don't even get a warning like you do with nemesis that hes going to strike
@bmo7259 10 ай бұрын
nah nemisis can do the same thing with his tenticle if he insta swings it, it comes out deceptivly fast. Its just that his animation is much clearer and he suffers a bigger slowdown if he holds it, xeno's start up is basicially impossible to tell unless you are staring at them.
@independentmissile200 10 ай бұрын
this is such a moronic comparison. nemesis tentacle has a much better range weapon
@sapphicseas0451 10 ай бұрын
@@bmo7259 yes but the audio cue is louder and further before the swing. I have probably 2k hours on nemesis alone. The range also isnt that mich different and nemmy cant injure immediately still, also hitbox cant hit over things as much as xeno can (cant hit over tall walls)
@blackestmamba 10 ай бұрын
I'd love an option to dismantle a turret as survivor because ATM it's very possible to make it so a certain turret is in a corner and it was once useful but now it's a dead zone away from anything. Tail is all sorts of bugged and needs hitbox fixing. Missing an M2 attack should be punishing. At the moment It feels like being followed by a pyramid head or an artist that has their M2 perpetually primed
@BartekAlfirion 10 ай бұрын
Current Xeno is pretty much if Pyramid Head had constantly his M2 without a cooldown after an attack
@thelastgamer1 10 ай бұрын
Expecting solo que survivors to set up the perfect coordinated turrets is ridiculous. Also since turrets don’t stack anymore it’s even worse. I really don’t understand why they buffed him he was absolutely fun and fine for both sides in the ptb
@knarledfuwuig5847 10 ай бұрын
Do you think the new chase music is better Scott jimmy? I personally think the last one has more personality to it and fit the character more. The one now sounds like a basic horror theme you could slap on over half the killers.
@SebTheSamMarten 10 ай бұрын
Scott said in a previous video that he hated the original chase theme because it was just a one second loop that never changed and was grating on the ears.
@1nfiniteVo1d 10 ай бұрын
They could’ve just extended the ptb chase music and everyone would’ve been cool with it.
@XenoVT 10 ай бұрын
I wish they would of used the one they use in the trailer, it's basically a mix of both old and new but sounds like actual music and can definetly see it being anxiety inducing when chased.
@diegoparodi3854 10 ай бұрын
I would like for them to just rework the turret related add-ons and see how it goes, because i like the idea of being able to "counter the counter" as killer if you have a good reaction time, the problem is that it's just too easy if you have any turret add-on. In fact, I think even the add-on that lets you see the turrets when you are in a tunnel is a bit too much, since if you know where a turret is beforehand there's no way you're getting burned out of your power by that turret.
@svellarch8830 10 ай бұрын
Hey Scott, IDK if you'll reply or see this, but I love playing like you do. I try to make sure I hook everyone at least once. I got a question, though, I'm trying to play generous, but at times, you know, you can only find the guy who is on death hook at 3+ gens, you find someone clearly struggling..... Is slugging the best choice for them? You know, at least apply pressure, but not outright ruining their time, or is just hooking and killing them the more merciful way to you? I'm curious on what you do in such situations, I try to give people chances, but at times, when I can only find one person, or just the same two.... I feel bad just killing them, but I feel like slugging may be just rude seeming, when it's me just trying to give death hook person a chance.... I'm unsure, I'd love to hear what you do in such situations!!! I'm a new person to DBD, and loved your vids for years!!! Ifeel I'm skilled enough at it from a standpoint of knowledge, but I'd love to know how you make sure it's fair for everyone. I took your attitude, I don't give a single fuck on wins or losses LMAO, I just want us all to have fun while trying!!!! Thanks in the end for such amazing videos, you've made playing Wesker a blast from just memeing with people. They don't meme back or anything, but it's been so much fun actually playing, and let alone, playing like you!!! Thanks for the videos, I hope you keep it up, and I hope just knowing some random baby killer is just trying to make it fair like you play, because fuck, like how you play, is so fun!!!!!!!!!!
@Grippod 10 ай бұрын
It feels like singularity was the precursor for alien here. The counterplay for nemesis, a prolonged wesker, singularity, and now alien is setup with the special item. Personally, I wouldn’t mind a longer turret print in exchange for 1-2 more turrets, and a base kit of the brown turret aura addons in exchange for more hinder from flames.
@XenoVT 10 ай бұрын
Honestly, I wouldn't mind increasing movement speed with turrets abit more, I like the idea of smart survivors setting up choke points like in the movie, cause currently every survivor just leaves it at the tunnle for it to be broken immedietly, or they just don't set up anything at all. Keep everything the same, but increase movement speed for better set up, just not TOO much, I like being able to punish them for trying stupid cheeky shit, like trying to put one down in my face instead of getting to a loop.
@kalemroseland7973 10 ай бұрын
Sadako rework too. It's obvious BHVR is trying to give survivors secondary objectives, I think Xeno is a tad overturned I think we can all agree he could use a slight nerf in some form but nobody I've seen says it needs to be crazy which is good!
@bmo7259 10 ай бұрын
@@kalemroseland7973 Yeah, most of the time when a killer is slightly overtuned people are calling for them to get the freddy treatment. Hopefully bhvr don't go wild and ruin the only well designed killer they've made in the last 9 months lol
@Despresso-ht6ce 10 ай бұрын
I feel like the buffs he got on release were a little too much. He wasnt feeling that bad on PTB personally, so i think that taking away a little of what they gave on release (not everything probably) would make it feel better for survivor
@shadowofsecracy 10 ай бұрын
As you said, without add-ons you have to react immediately or get taken out your power and it'll get you to like, 90% out. Any buff to turrets will make them guaranteed power off stations and require the killer to run the add-ons similar to the PTB. Add-ons might need to be reworked, but basekit would need a smidge more time for casual/average level play.
@michaelmyers3507 10 ай бұрын
My friend wants Xeno to have a stun animation when he is taken out of his power but idk if id go that far but yea change something
@cuddle899 10 ай бұрын
Me doing my victory dance as I’ve been saying EXACTLY all of this since their release. Especially about those 2 addons removing their only weakness and them being potentially top 5 due to little or no counterplay. Like this entire video is the essays I wrote my friends and on Twitter ❤❤❤
@bensoontm5244 10 ай бұрын
You can place turrets behind dropped pallets, the flamethrower shoots through the dropped pallets or even windows
@mizark3 10 ай бұрын
The math for the add-on less M2 is an average (worst case scenario) 1.38s, when it takes 1.5s to be burnt out of power. The worst case being if you are running parallel to the turret, and you didn't know where it first started blasting you with the average .25s human visual reaction time (instead of the faster audio reaction time). You essentially have to be 50% slower than the average human to fail at reaction M2'ing in the worst case scenario. Latency doesn't appear to factor in because the burn bar doesn't fill after the Xeno breaks the turrets, so it doesn't appear to double check with the server. Also the funny thing is the yellow shorter turret add-on is more effective than the green flame resistant add-on (by a tiny bit).
@samburgess5122 10 ай бұрын
Why don’t we have the tunnels slowly strip away the power? That way people don’t just sit underground all game, camp hooks, or go back down for two seconds to get power back
@steelrice3974 10 ай бұрын
Very fair take. As much as I love to always be in tail mode, survivors should be rewarded for setting up the turrets in good spots. There's alot of options for this to go so we should be open to ideas on how to balance the oppression of the tail attack and the relief turrets bring.
@soulbounddoll1826 10 ай бұрын
I like actually not being in tail mode so I'd also like a buff to turrets. Keep the tail strong though.
@TheDeenoh 10 ай бұрын
I realize if they give his tail a windup, he becomes too similar to huntress, slinger, demo, etc. But at the same time, I hate that it's just a guessing game of if he'll use the tail or not
@dylanwatts8818 10 ай бұрын
Great video, I agree with all the points and hopefully he can be balanced without getting nerfed to the point where he is unplayable
@XenoVT 10 ай бұрын
We all know he will be nerfed to the point of unplayability, so I'm going to enjoy him as is until that happens.
@joeboyd5997 10 ай бұрын
I think a better option possibly would be to make it so the turrets require a short animation to destroy rather than an attack, make the stagger base kit, change the add ons to reduce breaking time on turrets and make it so the turrets don't take away your ability any more while in animation. This makes it so Xenomorph has to choose to either destroy the turret, walkthrough and lose the power or go around it. There's more counterplay but it's not too big of a change to the overall kit. The animation could literally be as short as snuffing a totem or something like that
@XenoVT 10 ай бұрын
I could get behind that, as a counter make the add on of turrets auto destroying once out of your power basekit so survivors punish themselves for cheeky plays by stacking a bunch of turrets in one room. Now they have to wait for an entire cooldown to get more. Would make having an animation worth it, and cool to see him just grab one and break it.
@PeglegSmitty 10 ай бұрын
Counterpoint - encouraging survivors to set up turrets more often turns everyone into Skull Merchant. 😂
@VileVamp 10 ай бұрын
I think he's fine, people need to learn how to use the turrets properly. If you drop the turrets just by the gens and dont drag them to where you will run, you are throwing.
@ScottJund 10 ай бұрын
not sure how many times i have to reiterate that it doesnt matter where your turret is or how good it is, i can kill it before it does anything to me
@VileVamp 10 ай бұрын
​@ScottJund You have to waste time hitting it, or you will never catch me. I think it's way too soon to be crying nerf, you're severely overstating the strengths of the killer while downplaying the weaknesses.
@bobaet7683 10 ай бұрын
You could make it so instead of hitting you go up to and you have a prompt similar to snuffing a boon that way your forced out of your power
@eclipscycle 10 ай бұрын
I think the idea of "earning the power" was completely overlooked. Like you said xenomorph does NOTHING to earn their power. If you run the brown egg addon its just an easy 25ish second recharge which is nothing since you only have to wait that out every now and again. I think the counterplay is fine but if it took maybe 10 seconds of tunnel traversal and 1 minute outside of tunnels it would probably be fine. You spend a good amount of time in tunnels anyway, its just weird how you can get knocked out of your power, destroy the turret, and then get back into your power mid chase because of how short the cooldown can be.
@Seoul_Soldier 10 ай бұрын
"Earning" the power isn't true for all killers. What does Nurse do to earn her power? Or Deathslinger? Or Huntress? The only killers in the game that earn their power are Oni, Myers and Ghostface.
@eclipscycle 10 ай бұрын
@@Seoul_Soldier okay except for nurse they all have some lengthy drawbacks, huntress and deathslinger have reloads that majorly set them back. Like huntress basically has to drop chase to reload and deathslinger loses a shit ton of distance
@tylerbeisbier2499 10 ай бұрын
I think a pretty good counter option could be to make the torrent have a tiny bit more range so approaching it means you'll probably lose your power. You are also slowed while on fire as well but only after being hit by it for about half a second Then after being burned by the turrets your power burns out like wraith or nurse and doesn't come back for about 10 seconds or so.
@mohsaic3489 10 ай бұрын
So you’re saying you want him to be power powerless pretty much. I see why BHVR is so terrible at making changes, because people make dumb suggestions like this
@marcovazquez-ou2pv 10 ай бұрын
​​@@mohsaic3489 the amount of time it takes to set up a turrent is so long and tedious. Even getting just one takes 5 seconds to retrieve, 5 or 7 seconds to actually deploy and God forbid you want to move them to a loop like most of you killer mains suggest because that can easily add 10 or 15 seconds with how slow you are. Low-ball you are wasting 20 seconds to set up just 1 turrent only for it to get shot in 2 seconds and gain no distance whatsoever. How biased can you be. Do you not see the issue with this? And you can't even play the turrent in most places because of the space requirement. If you think this is fine, you need to get your brain checked.
@mohsaic3489 10 ай бұрын
@@marcovazquez-ou2pv whenever you’re on a gen with a turret set up and it’s by a tunnel. Do you wait until the last second to run? Or do you buttfuxk the gen like every other survivor bc they can’t hear the loud beeping from the turret INDICATING that the xeno is underneath you. Instead of wasting that time humping the gen, you should use that time to run so you don’t give them an earlier hit coming out of the tunnel. Now just imagine if every survivor had the common sense to do that? You could say “well that only 10 seconds of time saved” but if every survivor does that, all those 10 seconds add up. Constantly bitching about killers is the reason nurse blight and Wesker are played the most. Turrets are counter play. A counter shouldn’t completely shut down a killers power. Talk about not using your brain
@shawntornow9096 10 ай бұрын
Maybe if the turret does knock you out of crawler mode it shuts down the tunnels for like 10 seconds?
@narvalo3630 10 ай бұрын
this whole thing just feels like the singularity’s emp but in reverse
@3AHoles 10 ай бұрын
The tail is like Nemmys tentacle. It can be dodged in the open but narrow corridors, its very hard. Ive seen people still do the spin dodge if the killer insists on the tail whip instead of M1.
@JakeobE 10 ай бұрын
Honestly, my biggest complaint about Xeno is that him going from no power to crawler mode during chase has no sound queue or anything. So I say I want to go vault a window against a Xeno with no power, then right as I go to vault, he gets his power back and instantly tail attacks and there was nothing I could've done to know that was going to happen. Pretty lame. Though most Xeno's won't get kicked out of power anyway.
@blorg7174 10 ай бұрын
I'm going to be real, it would be more interesting to make the tail whip a more avoidable attack (and more punishable on miss) than to look at turrets themselves. If I'm playing survivor against a xenomorph, I'd rather there be counterplay mid chase than in the boring macro game.
@independentmissile200 10 ай бұрын
yayy let’s nerf a B tier killer! if you’re going to make the tail more avoidable and more punishable on a miss you better also make it stronger overall. more range for example
@elija_hernandez457 10 ай бұрын
Doesn’t xenomorph have a significantly longer cooldown time?
@PackproYT 10 ай бұрын
People who dont think xeno needs a rework/ nerf are just killer players who are not good at the game or they have nostalgia goggles on for Alien chapter. There is obvious flaws with this killer. This video states them pretty good. I would rather verse a twins then xeno because at least victor has counterplay.
@jessewilkin 10 ай бұрын
Another factor though us the slight delay between pressing the attack and the attack happening wjere the killee needs to predict the survivor especially at pallets
@Pierdylionn 10 ай бұрын
I think making the runner mode harder to get would be a bad idea. The whole experience feels like Alien Isolation with the dynamic of going back to the tunnel when burnt but it happens rarely. I think the turrents should have more power or at least be faster to deploy.
@zachtemoro2116 10 ай бұрын
I’d honestly be down for them to experiment a little bit, making runner mode a lot more earned through stealthy plays after emerging from tunnels, basic attacking, or breaking pallets. He wouldn’t get any progress through tunnels anymore tho, and while in his M1 stance he is actually slowed to Nurse movement speed when out of chase. There needs to be some sort of shift with runner mode to feel more powerful and less frequent, and his M1 mode needs to feel a little more relevant but also weaker
@cartoonclips_if 10 ай бұрын
i think just moving the sound cue a bit earlier for his whip would be just fine
@eattherich5409 10 ай бұрын
imo thebiggest part of theturret is it tells you xeno is underneath it, letting you hide or dip
@davidcorodeanu4535 10 ай бұрын
i actually hit the turrets with basic lunge attack most of the time and still doesn't get me out of the power WITHOUT any addons , the only issue i see with turrets is the weird hitboxes they have , sometimes i attack right on them looking down and it's still a miss and the turret doesn't break , they are really wonky
@LynxRecruit 10 ай бұрын
I think BHVR should make minor tweaks. One of which being to increase the time you need to be in the tunnel to acquire crawler mode. I don’t know the actual time it takes, but I think something like 1.5 or 2.5 extra seconds. Possibly revert the movement speed in tunnels? Idk, there’s a lot of things they could do, but I don’t want to see them go over kill.
@EvelinaNinudottir 10 ай бұрын
I like the lore-accurate idea that the Xeno retreats to the tunnels after being hit by the flames, but I think it would be better if they made it so that it needs to spend more time in the tunnels in order to get the power. Then, the Xeno player might actually decide to traverse the map and look for a victim elsewhere instead of just waiting or moving back and forth.
@shaneboyer3533 10 ай бұрын
I don’t think that the turrets were intended to be the counter play in the way that they are used. If you run sprint burst, place a turret down near a generator. I treat it more as an informational item/deterrent. it beeps and tells you right before the killer gets there. You can run away with sprint burst before the killer can do anything if the killer chooses to chase you then the turret knocks it out of its power if the killer decides to hit the turret, you gain size able distance.
@Badboy20400 10 ай бұрын
Yeah more turrets more stagger would be good, but I also think quicker turret placement would be good or at least being able to run at full speed when not in a chase or maybe in 16 or 10 meters of him so people can't do it mid chase or support a teammate actively
@XenoVT 10 ай бұрын
This sounds cool, would give chances for awesome turret placement and punish cheeky plays and mistakes.
@FangelicVive 10 ай бұрын
I feel like the biggest issue is that turrets need to be more consistent. Currently the turrets feel like if Dredge could choose the individual locker he teleports to instead of having a criteria for grouped lockers. As of right now, it can feel a bit clunky as the killer but at least it's balanced. Flame turrets currently feel really chunky with hardly any reward. I think the turrets should be the focus of any change. One thing I'm baffled by is the fact that your crawler mode still charges when you're being burned by a turret. I've had plenty of times where I carry someone to a hook, get burned after hooking them, and then a second or two after I'm in crawler mode. The flame turrets really should revert crawler mode progress if you aren't actively in crawler mode to force more tunnel usage. I also think that flame turrets should be breakable while stunned. That would at least create more scenarios of creative turret placements rather than always setting them up right outside a tunnel.
@technicallypsycho5370 10 ай бұрын
One thing that could be done to address how weak turrets are compares to how readily available runner mode is would be to add a cooldown period after getting burned where you can't get into runner mode or use tunnels, something like that.
@adamkant439 10 ай бұрын
Not being able to use tunnel or enter runner mode after getting hit by a turret would probably turn this killer in to like b rank tier max
@Seoul_Soldier 10 ай бұрын
Just freeze the crawler mode cooldown after you get burned but leave tunnels alone. If getting burned would remove crawler mode and tunnel traversal then this killer would go from A to F.
@XenoVT 10 ай бұрын
@@Seoul_Soldierthat's what they want lol, people ar even saying turrets should make Xeno drop survivors and that would make it "fair"
@technicallypsycho5370 10 ай бұрын
@@Seoul_Soldier Sorry I realize now that I worded that weird, I didn't mean burning would temporarily disable both, I meant just one or the other. Xeno would definitely suck if that disabled both.
@431anipred8 10 ай бұрын
my counterplay is that most xenos dont actually use their m1 so i sort of stand right next to them and make then whiff their tail, unfortunately their recovery is like the same as basic m1 when imo it should be longer, closer to a bit over a lunge or sum
@bigdaddysquare7278 10 ай бұрын
I haven't been playing enough of both sides to have a solid opinion on the actual balance of turrets, but I love the very strong powers that can be hard countered by specific items that Singularity and Xeno have had. It adds so much depth to playing as and against the killer and I'd hate for it to become like Dredge where the items are more overkill than anything
@aPumpkn 10 ай бұрын
They need to nerf the shit out of that power recovery inside the tunnels. I feel like I'm playing with an iri addon every time I do that
@trevorstevenson8231 10 ай бұрын
I think the flamethrower should take longer to pull xeno from their power, but it should slow them down more and possibly prevent the tail attack that way turret placement is a lot more impactful without feeling too detrimental on the killer side
@TheDustyPeaches 10 ай бұрын
I have no clue if this would be good but maybe slow the turret stun but make it drain the power rather than build up a stagger. If the power fills up with the red bar from a turret the xenomorph gets stunned like a pallet stun but if the bar fills half way when it wears off you will exit crawler mode with half charge. I think this would make turrets more impactful while still being a threat your reaction to the turret decides how long until your power comes back while also threatening a stun if you are greedy and don't manage to get your hit in time.
@XenoVT 10 ай бұрын
This actually sounds cool like maybe the stun would be the turret auto exploding cause of over heating once the bar is full. Would keep survivors from spamming the turrets.
@adabong 10 ай бұрын
i agree with the add ons part they should def do something about the turret add ons a little bit but other than that i really don’t have a problem with xeno. would rather go against him than a knight and sm
@mylesrobinson9300 10 ай бұрын
I think a good fix is A. revert the punishment for missing a tail attack, and B. youre only able to destroy turrets with m1's. makes turrets more of a threat when survs place them right, or mean nothing when they dont. it isnt a get out of jail free card but there is counterplay to both sides
@occasionallydom 10 ай бұрын
ive found that if you have a team that sets up turrets consistently and you are able to loop around the turrets it makes xeno more sufferable, but as the players get better the turret becomes a non-factor, like Scott said. Crawler mode lets Xeno zone survivors out of a loop just by existing. They've made yet another killer where the only effective thing to do is predrop and hold w. if I had to pick a solution to the oppressiveness of crawler mode off the top of my head I would make crawler mode a timed power, and to take away the m1's while in that state. If I'm running to a window and my only option is take the window and get hit, or dodge to the side and maybe the killer misses, then every time the xeno can just continue moving at me and m1 me instead which makes it feel like a lose-lose scenario. we already know that a killer that leaves no room for interactivity from the survivors leads to boring gameplay. for a power so oppressive and so good in chase, its not something xeno should have access to for 90% of the match.
@A_Very_Hairy_Canary 10 ай бұрын
maybe make it to where you can put turrets back into the case.
@scytheleaf 10 ай бұрын
while it's incredibly easy to obtain your power, i feel like turrets should do more to the xenomorph when *not* in crawler mode. i don't know the lore or the movies, but even when the turrets are blasting flames at the xenomorph they do absolutely nothing to it. your power meter decreases ever so slightly, but it's barely noticeable. honestly why do they shoot at all if they don't do any damage
@ginol1443 10 ай бұрын
I don't use Torret add-ons and I swear those sneaky little fuckers caught me off guard more than times than not. and making reaction adjustments with a Joystick is rough
@shaniquejefferson 10 ай бұрын
They need to reduce the turret spawn cool down and make it to where you can return to the same control tower to set up a safe zone with 2 turrets
@vry6946 10 ай бұрын
In my opinion, I just don't want xeno to get his power so fast when entering tunnels maybe some sound to tell you when he's going to use his power or a bigger penalty for failed tail attacks many xenos I played against yesterday lost their powers because of the turrets and it only took them half the time to recover their powers compared to what it took to place the turrets.
@Nolandiscool 10 ай бұрын
The only counterplay that seems effective is playing TCM. I've had no complaints since. Hope this helps!
@aidreinhorn1534 10 ай бұрын
I’ll be honest I really don’t mind going up against xeno. When I’m playing as him I’ve had several people dodge my tail attacks before. I think it’s still to early to tell if he needs a nerf or not.
@drewhoffmaster2969 10 ай бұрын
While I understand wanting to be able to counter a power in chase I think nerfing the tail itself would lead to Pyramid Head type play where the power is only used when animation locked which is boring. Slowing down Xeno a bit (maybe 1.5 instead of 2) would help, but I lean more towards making turrets more punishing. Maybe make power loss cumulative over time (no regression), a mandatory amount of time out of power after getting burned (20 seconds?), or a severe debuff/stun after getting fully burned? Not all of the above, maybe one or two. Also, make it impossible to enter and exit from the same tunnel possibly.
@brad1426 10 ай бұрын
I actually think a stun would help a lot. It could allow a survivor to create distance, make the xeno want to hop in a nearby vent and recover power, maybe track that survivor but it does give them a shot to get somewhere safe. It would do that without making the killer feel extremely weak as well, which I like.
@Chewy_Piranha 10 ай бұрын
Tail needs a noticeable wind up and I don’t think xeno should m1 when in tail mode unless they put the tail away
@Freyaundergrowth 10 ай бұрын
I think flamethrower should just be a handheld item it forces survivors to choose between power counter play or items which help with pressure it would also slow a survivor like a flash light beam For xeno power I think the red bar stays and doesn’t go down or it goes down very slowly and make it slower to get the power
@azur7362 10 ай бұрын
yea but what if there is a quentin in the game
@V123_5 10 ай бұрын
Ive had survivors block me so i cant hit another survivor, this killer has some serious play and counter play, ppl just dont want to learn the killer and how to counter it
@Jalswim 10 ай бұрын
The problem I have with his counterplay isn't how strong the turrets are necessarily but more of a Pinhead issue with random teammates. It can feel super punishing to fight a killer where your teammates need to use an item to help you in chase. With Nemesis and Singularity I can at least syringe or EMP for myself in chase to cut off their power, but I can't do the turrets all myself, the time efficiency just isn't there. Even if they make double turrets stronger like you suggested it would still lead to randoms needing to coordinate the turrets which can suck. I wish that they had a bit less punishment for a single survivor doing turrets, like making you able to take multiple turrets quicker out of one box or not slowing you down as much. I don't want them to be midchase items or anything, just not as time consuming for one survivor to dedicate themselves to, because as it stands a lot of my solo queue teammates seem to ignore turrets or just place them blindly on generators that are in the open without any thought.
@yucklets7007 10 ай бұрын
The tail strike should function more like a nem whip, hold m2 to coil the tail up and then m1 to launch it out. It would better telegraph when a tail strike is about to happen. From the survivors POV the tail is dragging behind the xenomorph until it starts to coil it, then it would look like how it always does in runner mode.
@SirBM-TTV 10 ай бұрын
If you don't do tapes against Sadako or box against Pinhead etc, you'd think they were broken. As long as the team keeps up with turret pressure the Xeno has no power. You said you haven't played against them much. I suggest you do. It's important to play as and against a good amount of time before forming opinions. The other thing is that you forget the game is asymmetrical. The time investment of setting a turret shouldn't be equal to the killer countering it. There's 4 Survivors so the killer time is far more precious. Survivors actually doing the turrets helps slow down, and if they don't, well that's why Xeno feels oppressive.
@3AHoles 10 ай бұрын
I dont even use the turrets to get Xeno out of their power. I use it as a built in Alert.
@junysempai1135 10 ай бұрын
Totaly agree with you, they need to add a slowdown when deactivating or destroying turrets, or a slowdown when using the tunel
@cornpop838 10 ай бұрын
Lmao you already have to m1 to remove them. If you need a slow down on top of that its literally a skill issue 💀
@zenkrome 10 ай бұрын
burn time def needs to be reduced. not saying for sure that they should go this far but imagine they could make it to where the second any flame at all touched him it took him out of his power and he would still be really strong especially considering turrents are disabled when he comes out of a tunnel.
@SquidLips413 10 ай бұрын
Having played a lot of Xeno, the counter is flame turrets. If the turret burns out Xeno, the killer now has a difficult choice: Chase the survivor as a basic M1 killer or go into the tunnels to get power back. 35 seconds is a long time to chase without a power. It takes about 4 seconds in tunnel, which is plenty of time for the survivor to get away. The problem is if killers are able to break the turret without losing power or much distance. If anything, that is a balance issue with turrets rather than the rest of Xeno's power. The other counter is sharp corners. Pretty much anything that makes Nemesis tentacle hard to hit will make the tail attack hard to hit. The two powers are remarkably similar but with some very important differences. Xeno's tail feels faster because it is always ready and has an invisible wind up. It also doesn't lock out M1, which negates some usual Nemesis counterplay. Overall, buff turrets and/or nerf the power charge rate out of tunnels. Survivors should be rewarded by using the killer's built in counter rather than simple jukes.
@welshcrusade1562 10 ай бұрын
How about if the flame turrets got a bit of a buff, and Alien could only regen his power while in tunnels (needing more than 3 seconds ofc.). then they could make the crawler mode a threatening ability in chase, without feeling like he's always in it
@piralos1329 10 ай бұрын
Honestly my ideal would be weaking the tail, bc at current if you are at a loop with the Xenomorph, you are stuck not able to do anything. You have to just keep on winning alleged 50/50s, whilst not being able to make it anywhere bc Xeno recovers too quickly, and has no wind up on the tail attack. You just end up with old Pyramid Head, where he can just use his power or basic attack with no issue or shifting between the two.
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