Teachers, what's the worst thing you've had to confiscate?

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27 күн бұрын

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@DavidFMayerPhD 25 күн бұрын
When I was a kid, ALL the boys carried pocket knives, and NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENED because of the knives. The worst was the carving of initials in desks.
@arcanegale285 25 күн бұрын
in my elementary school pretty much every boy's initials were carved into a piece of either furniture or walls, often multiples it was kind of a rite of passage, like "this school will remember me" and well, mine still stands on the walls on the outside of the school where we have gym class during warmer weather
@JasonAizatoZemeckis 24 күн бұрын
Yeah, that happens all the times with kids who are trained with hunting and guns too, but i want to know what happened that didnt include the knives
@mamakevgaming7093 24 күн бұрын
Right. I remember my principal borrowing my knife to peel and cut fruit during our ag fruit sales. Never an issue. Always carried one and even when I’d get into fights knives not a big deal.
@kaidanariko 24 күн бұрын
Are you Genx or boomer. Because with that survivor bias it has to be one of them.
@annasstorybox7906 23 күн бұрын
Exactly what my grandpa told me and what was the case for after school freetime during my dad's childhood. Everyone had a knife. Mostly boyscout fixed blade types... People carved, used them as tools to open, cut and peel things or they did some knife throwing. Obviously they got into arguments but knifes stayed in their sheathes all the time even when argument ls became shoving matches or the one or the other punsh were exchanged. No one ever drew their knife in anger and even the fistfights ended without real injuries and a fair acceptance of winner and looser. Yes, it definitely happened that someone accidentally cut themselves but it was always known that it's not the knives fault but rather misfortune or a lack of caution. They all grew into responsible, mature and social adults fir to be an active part of society.
@SailorLavender 24 күн бұрын
Story 4: That teacher was impressive to keep confiscated items for that long and know where it was years after the original promised return date.
@brambleheart 24 күн бұрын
Is nobody talking about how the teacher fully intended to keep an 8 year old’s cards for at least 3 YEARS? Extreme much. My parents would have rioted if that happened to me or my classmates!
@zekova 20 күн бұрын
Seriously, wtf. These teachers are sabotaging any chance their students will respect them. -_-
@joshuaburroughs2175 16 күн бұрын
Yeah! And I’m pretty sure that was illegal
@user-yg2uy8bc8q 13 күн бұрын
Actually at our school they never gave what they confiscated. A spinner, a toy car whatever it is no matter how innocent it is, if they take it you won’t get it back.
@joshuaburroughs2175 13 күн бұрын
@@user-yg2uy8bc8q Wow! That’s just asking for a lawsuit from angry parents
@user-yg2uy8bc8q 13 күн бұрын
@@joshuaburroughs2175 it was pretty normal there actually, in most of the schools. Now that I think back of it, it’s awful actually.
@BunnyBeau_ 25 күн бұрын
Still salty about this one: back in 6/7th grade I went out hunting partridge with my dad. He let me shoot his .22 and then i grabbed the shells off the ground just so i wasn't littering and such. I stuck them in the same hoodie that i wore to school the following monday. at recess i pulled them out of my pocket because i had forgotten they were in there, promptly sent to the principal, she threw them away and i got scolded even though they were completely empty spent shells.
@JasonAizatoZemeckis 24 күн бұрын
I woukd be salty too man, something like that actuallt happened to me too, but it was with a carving knife, albeit, i do have a habit of carrying a few knives around to open boxes and cut vegetables, so its more concerning in my case
@Flying_Shark_Bait 24 күн бұрын
Idk. I tend to disagree. Obviously this was a different time but like if someone were to come to my school today and accidentally bring in an empty shell the school should definitely still confiscate and give some type of scolding. It’s crazy dangerous in our time and it would make sense for them to do so.(just trying to say my opinion also this was a bit rushed so hopefully you may be able to understand the main idea)
@Flying_Shark_Bait 24 күн бұрын
Also what I mean by disagree I mean it as if u sound like the punishment you got was crazy and doesn’t make sense and that’s where I would disagree
@JasonAizatoZemeckis 24 күн бұрын
@@Flying_Shark_Bait that's true, but I think what he was really salty about was that it wasn't even his fault that the shells were in the same jacket he happened to be wearing, I can understand his situation, but you are completely right in the punishment and situation
@annasstorybox7906 24 күн бұрын
​​@@Flying_Shark_Bait I'm from a country with pretty strict gun laws and I guess even here an empty shell wouldn't be an issue In fact empty shells aren't regulated by any law. One can just have them and it wouldn't even be illegal to hand an empty shell to a kid So I highly doubt I would even be confiscated as far as I can imagine. It's a piece of metal, not a dangerous object... But hey... I've heard US kids get in trouble for drawing a butt or for forming finger guns so.... Yeah... Apparently a piece of brass that would likely not even hurt when thrown at someones head is a big deal...
@gnomeathome1736 24 күн бұрын
My freshman year of high school, an English teacher confiscated a book I brought titled "F*ck" (it wasn't even the full word, it had the 'U' covered up with fake white-out). I tried to explain to the teacher that the book was about the power of words, and how things like cuss words only have the power we choose to give them; how there is nothing inherently inflammatory about any particular arrangement of letters. The irony of her confiscating the book anyways was not lost on me (though it seemed to be lost on her)
@NiaJustNia 25 күн бұрын
A vape from a 6 year old who found it down the couch at home (older sibling hiding it from parents) and thought it was a bubblegum scented air freshener and was passing it around the class for everyone to sniff. The other week, a "bracelet" was confiscated from a 9 year old. It was a piece of tape studded with tape thumbtacks to use as a weapon against anyone she deemed annoying or stupid.
@user-kw2rl8df2s 19 күн бұрын
If your in the U.S. self defense is legal, those are completely legal school items, are you dictating HOW STUDENTS TRANSPORT MATERIALS? Sounds like a case for the Supreme court.
@NiaJustNia 19 күн бұрын
@@user-kw2rl8df2s I mean the materials were stolen from the teacher's store cupboard, so it was never the student's materials. Also no, not US. It's also not self defence if you're making the first move to attack people. This kid made it to assault another child in the taxi home, because they figured they could get away with it if it was outside the school gate
@thorodenson2070 18 күн бұрын
​@@user-kw2rl8df2sself-defense is legal for adults not children. Independent on what state you live in depends on whether or not you're allowed to defend yourself any more democratic controlled States you don't have any rights. But thankfully here in Texas you have all rights I can literally walk down the road with a pistol on my hip a rifle over my shoulder a sword on my back and a switchblade in my pocket and be completely 110% legal. There Are the states that take away your rights make you less human my state doubles down on it😊
@ARKdeEREH 25 күн бұрын
When I was in 4th grade, my friend carried a moldy lunch in a Tupperware container around the playground at recess. He waved it in random kids' faces while saying "behold the mold." Eventually, a teacher saw him doing that and confiscated it.
@JasonAizatoZemeckis 24 күн бұрын
Alas, lord mold has had his rites of passage usurped by feeble minded authorities, but i will not let his efforts be wasted, BEHOLD THE MOLD
@TheShire26 24 күн бұрын
@3days_left 24 күн бұрын
Some cartoon villain.
@Toaster6008 16 күн бұрын
@@TheShire26 B E H O L D THE M O L D
@GhostBear3067 25 күн бұрын
When I was younger we just scooped bees out of trash cans with chip bags for the hell of it, no objectives beyond "put bee in bag".
@lukejohnston5566 24 күн бұрын
Me too, we used Gatorade bottles. Only purpose was collection.
@GhostBear3067 24 күн бұрын
@@lukejohnston5566 not a lot of Gatorade in Brazil in the 1990s. 😅
@theojames2581 13 күн бұрын
Wait, why were they in trashcans?
@GhostBear3067 13 күн бұрын
@@theojames2581 heck if I know, nor did I or any of my friends particularly care.🤷‍♂️
@theojames2581 13 күн бұрын
Oh nice
@Dr._Weiner 25 күн бұрын
Someone brought a hedgehog to my little sister’s middle school
@whitelion7976 25 күн бұрын
Common when I was in school around autumn when they look for a place to hibernate. I found my dog barking at one in the garden. I made it a nice place to hide and hibernate in the garden shed. This was in Belgium during the 80s
@0palOpal0pal 25 күн бұрын
@JasonAizatoZemeckis 24 күн бұрын
@PandoraFoxxBurlesque 24 күн бұрын
Oh that poor hedgie 😔 it would've been so cold and so stressed
@3days_left 24 күн бұрын
Was he blue?
@skybreak07 25 күн бұрын
So, I am a teacher. I believe this year, a student brought a cattle prod, or something to that effect. At our staff holiday party every year, they give away the confiscated items as joke gifts. Lots of vapes. Lighters. Sometimes pocket knives. Shirts with very inappropriate anime girls on them. The cattle prod was not there, sadly. There was, however, a kazoo.
@TheShire26 24 күн бұрын
Kazoo person won
@mkuti-childress3625 24 күн бұрын
Oh my God, all schools should do the confiscated item holiday gift exchange!
@TyrannoTeeth 25 күн бұрын
When i was in 6th or 7th grade (about 11-12 yrs old) we had a teacher confiscate a vibrator that some girl bought into school lmao. Not one of those little discreet ones you can stick in a pocket either-- it was big and purple and she brought it in a grocery store bag
@ginaran8921 24 күн бұрын
... what? what the fuck?
@alluriusmusic 25 күн бұрын
Although it's terrible to hear about the kid and the lighter, I hope that the mother got a good kick back to Reality from the incident so it doesn't happen again...
@TheMasqueraiden 16 күн бұрын
well she's probably dead, so.
@yas6616 23 күн бұрын
Story 20: That “friend” that told the gym teacher is such a POS.
@mattsceilingfansandmore2573 22 күн бұрын
Well to be fair the "friend" thought he was joking
@yas6616 21 күн бұрын
@@mattsceilingfansandmore2573 this is why you take life seriously not everything is clearly a joke.
@damonminnix4660 2 күн бұрын
I thought the same. The staff really freaked out over nothing, too. The kid wasn’t doing anything, nor wanted to. Irritated me
@skellious 25 күн бұрын
When cooking you have many different things cooking at once, all of which need attention at various times. So each one gets it's own timer.
@96ethanh 25 күн бұрын
I got a good laugh out of the "let's go home device"
@augustedozorec865 Күн бұрын
Can you explain what “let’s go home” device means? I’m so confused and I can’t figure it out online
@lovelysakurapetalsyt 25 күн бұрын
47:40 What kind of an idiot lets their kid play with mercury, especially a BUCKET OF IT
@Findecommie 24 күн бұрын
Someone with the unique combination of being smart enough to know that simply touching elemental mercury isn't particularly dangerous and dumb enough to not realize that it very quickly becomes dangerous when particles are aerosolized, as could very easily happen during children playing with it
@Iuxinterior 25 күн бұрын
as a type one diabetic i gasped out loud at the diabetic story what the hell
@MNcit 24 күн бұрын
This is not the first time I've run across this sort of story. One teacher was even told that it was a medical device, then snuck up behind the student and cut the wires.
@llamawalrushybrid 18 күн бұрын
Something like this never happened to you?
@andrewwebb917 25 күн бұрын
If you're cooking more than 1 thing at once you need multiple tikers
@JenniferMonimambo 25 күн бұрын
Or if you are cooking something that requires you to cook certain things simultaneously.
@Sensansenkai 22 күн бұрын
Oh my god I DIED at the "lucky rabbit's foot" one XD
@midnighthope6029 25 күн бұрын
39:45 take a mask's string, hold the ends, and rub it back and forth over something really fast. source: was in a high school class full of troublemakers
@D.S69 25 күн бұрын
@doctorwyvern9992 25 күн бұрын
I’m glad to hear that the kid in story 52 was able to get the encouragement to help him make good use of his talents. Too often we hear it going in the opposite direction where the kids are treated as misfits and potentially dangerous in some cases, which just destroys any bright future they may have had.
@Psychology105 18 күн бұрын
Two liter bottle of Canada Dry. Full of piss. This student was in a class where it’s split by lunch. On returning from lunch, he’s keeping a really straight face. Very out of character. He slides into the chair, makes eye contact, and plants the Canada Dry on his desk. He tells me how he collected his urine at a friend’s house and just found it again. The color was so dark, sediments at the bottom. Just gross. He did try to wrestle it from me as it was confiscated. Luckily this story doesn’t have a messy ending. Later in the day he walks in, so proudly. He’d made me a pin, which I wore on my bag for years. It stated the date and “Never forget”, with an image of Canada Dry. I was so impressed with how quickly he designed and made it.
@kimhohlmayer7018 25 күн бұрын
My kid made one of those crossbows and it was amazing. He’s in his 20s now. Don’t think he builds things like that anymore.
@ExSharkV 18 күн бұрын
When I was in twelfth grade I had a teacher confiscate my container of saxophone reeds because she thought the were some kind of drug paraphernalia. She refused to believe that they were saxophone reeds because "you play flute in band what do you need reeds for," and trying to tell her that I played saxophone for the school's jazz band got me threatened with in-school suspension. I had to get the head of the school to get them back for me because I had roughly $40 worth of reeds in that container (which was like 6 reeds) and couldn't afford to buy more at that time. The teacher did get reprimanded.
@AWizardAndaMouse3432 25 күн бұрын
Story 44: my elementary school did the what’s in the sack poem for show and tell. And when the description “Darling Little Farm Boy” came up, it reminded me of myself. That may have been me, but I don’t remember much of my elementary school years. I have no clue, however.
@BearFlagRep 25 күн бұрын
Baker here : we usually have several timers at work, and it's always not enough. Remember that in a kitchen, you're not cooking just one meal, but enough meals for a commercial amount of people. In a bakery, at any given time, there's things in the oven, bread dough rising, bread dough resting and needing to be "folded" at certain times, stuff you might want to take out of the fridge or freezer at a specific time (so it can rise in time for the after-work bread-buying rush here, for example), etc. I usually keep track of a lot of things in my head, but ringing timers do help. It's also helpful when your shift is over and the next baker has to keep track of it all. I suppose in kitchens it would be the same, with a lof ot meals and foods being cooked all at once.
@lightning_11 3 күн бұрын
Stories like this are why I make sure to give proper respect to any teachers I meet. Especially teachers who work with young or special education kids. Even parents are pretty impressive, to be honest. Those people have skills I can't even dream of mastering.
@robertdemare6140 24 күн бұрын
39:45 apparenetly the strings of the masks make pretty good saws... yeah i mean i never wouldve thought tbh, never tried it myself
@matthewpolocoser1304 25 күн бұрын
the bees made me laugh so hard
@KHTimeProtecter 24 күн бұрын
One OP: Gets her manga confiscated for a graphic scene. Me: Teachers buy me a volume of Fullmetal Alchemist for drinking a glass of green juice. (The volume where Sloth is fighting on the Promised Day.)
@brandonsummitt7579 22 күн бұрын
18:00 I grew up with an insulin pump as a diabetic. The chill factor of this kid is that most insulin pumps have to be replaced every 3ish days. I've had many get ripped out due to door handles. That small tube goes from the pump in your pocket to your belly. It still sucks and you typically need to get insulin within the next hour or two or you're going to have a rough day or two from blood sugars. That absolutely does not take away from how wrong that teacher was. All this to say, is that it is a relatively small price to pay if it gets rid of a really bad teacher.
@lordpumpkinhead265 17 күн бұрын
The kid in the first story is a menace. I respect the prank so much.
@StarLightGem 24 күн бұрын
That fisrt kid was WILD, but yea, they need those timers to keep in track of multiple dishes at the same time, when you boil soup water you also gotta have another dish cooking etc, that's why pro chefs always use more than one timer
@thatoneedgelord 19 күн бұрын
The Halo story reminded me of how I ran a Minecraft SMP on my school's network but I thought ahead about the tech guys being able to revamp the network. During a school rally for the basketball team I snuck into the server room and hid a Lenovo laptop behind the server racks and plugged it in. That laptop was the host of the server. My little sister is a freshman there now and it's still operational and since none of the staff could figure out how to shut it down, the whole school gets to enjoy Minecraft
@KamisamanoOtaku 20 күн бұрын
For Story 34, bringing a hunting rifle to school was once pretty *normal.* So were school clubs involving firearms. Paradoxically, school shootings *weren't* as common.
@Max_Proto 24 күн бұрын
My mother and her friend, in a Home-Ec class, once made pot brownies for a project.... They got an A.
@ryangooseling 25 күн бұрын
Pretty phalic/ test tube shaped. 😅 The protein shot tastes pretty good, has a texture like unset jello and they're really convenient to carry in a backpack.
@sociallyineptsnapper 18 күн бұрын
Do you have the name?
@P1XLGEM 10 күн бұрын
What’s it called
@ryangooseling 10 күн бұрын
@@P1XLGEM 😂😂😂 at the time i was buying them they were sold under the name.... Protein Shot Oddly, i think its now sold by sunkist
@ryangooseling 10 күн бұрын
@@sociallyineptsnapper sorry, never got the notification. Protein shot
@sociallyineptsnapper 10 күн бұрын
@@ryangooseling anything more specific? Nothing I look up looks particularly off in shape
@rewto5131 14 күн бұрын
The one about butts was funny. If I was the teacher, I would have laughed then drew my own version before trashing the paper.
@dominiquefaught5116 24 күн бұрын
In 7th grade I went to a small private religious school. Our teacher taught Earth Science and would teach the 6,7,and 8th graders for different periods. After lunch, one of my classmates had noticed one of the 8th graders had left his school binder behind and held it up for the class to see. The teacher asked who it was and in the process of opening up the binder, a Playboy magazine fell out. Without missing a beat, the girl read the name in the binder. The class roared with laughter as we all knew who it was. The teacher gave a nervous chuckle and took it from her. He called down to the principal and reported it. A short time later, she came up to the class and retrieved the binder and Playboy. I had to use the bathroom later, so I saw the aftermath of the principal walking across the courtyard with the boy behind him with his head hung low.
@jeannewilson1655 24 күн бұрын
The best is when your 4th graders think they're getting by with something on their Chromebook but you have the monitoring system running and you turn off their internet access. They look around wide-eyed and clueless, then start pounding on the keyboard. When they finally look at me, I just smile and shrug. They forget that closing the tab does nothing because the system records screen history.
@rebasack21 20 күн бұрын
When i was in 7th or 8th grade i caught a small black widow spider and locked it into an empty label free prescription bottle. The next day i took it to school so i could show other kids what it was and how to recognize it. Now another thing that matters is i have bipolar and was on an IEP. I got insanely lucky that my biology teacher caught me showing it off and confiscated it. A LOT of other teachers would have tried to expel me instantly. Instead my teacher talked to me alone and explained that while my heart was in the right place that was way to dangerous to bring. Also this happened about a year after 9/11. It didnt actually hit me til my mid 20s just how bad a spot i had put myself in.
@jadedj5385 16 күн бұрын
The Jiffy Punch is so mean. The idea of someone racing to you with a handful of whatever it is that you are allergic to is horrifying and kind of funny. Glad the people involved in that story were OK.
@mkuti-childress3625 24 күн бұрын
Black widow spiders, anyone? I caught a 7th grader playing with them by his locker, letting them run all over his hands!!! I about had a heart attack, asked what on earth he was doing, and said he could get bitten horribly! His reply? “Oh, I do this all the time. They never bite me!” This kid would also rescue small animals and try to leave them in his locker until after school. The animals would always let him. I think some people actually have a Dr. Dolittle gene, and if that kid didn’t become a veterinarian, I’ll be very disappointed!
@Thekingofcrab Күн бұрын
The beastmaster!!!
@illdeletethismusic 24 күн бұрын
chefs need to prepare lots of dishes at the same time, so they need lots of timers
@vestigialace2386 25 күн бұрын
On the halo story I know with 90% certainty that it was prob the IT guys just feeding the school the game
@daedaluswriting9350 25 күн бұрын
In my HS, yeah, we played halo every day in Intro to Engineering when we had nothing else to do, thought it was my school for a second, but ours didn't have a war with the school system over it XD
@daedaluswriting9350 25 күн бұрын
Although, this was 9 years ago
@YamoYamo. 25 күн бұрын
Tell us the vodka story from 9:34 please!
@ajbaker-lz8jn 20 күн бұрын
Daycare worker here, I had a baby's diaper bag smell so strongly of pot we had to put it outside for the day. This was about 2 decades before anything was legal anywhere. There had been joints and baggies in the parking lot as well. I also found out, after the fact, we've had parents drinking during field trips (they were not driving, a second adult was with those families but really, the zoo and the pumpkin patch?) These are the parents you'll have in a few years.
@flomstuff-kk7fn 11 күн бұрын
I had a teacher who during his first year teaching, two students started doing WEED IN CLASS
@DarkKnightofIT 25 күн бұрын
All the cooking savvy people I know have multiple timers for different things, some even have them labeled for specific uses, This one's for boiling things, this one's for frying things, this one's for baking things ETC.
@Michael_Llamas 12 күн бұрын
Meh, i brought A lawn mower blade to school and it was taken up, it’s still there a couple blocks from me
@mmm1217 24 күн бұрын
This is amazing. Hilarious, and as always you put so much life and emphasis into the stories that it's a thrill to listen to. I think you said you're a drama student and voice actor or something in one of the videos? It definitely shows.
@Ferrari255GTO 24 күн бұрын
19:10 WHAT A FUCKING CHAD, I hope this man is still as amazing today as he was that day!
@Chaos_VR_VODS 25 күн бұрын
An animal adult content body pillow 36:48 Mineta is that you!?
@user-rt9mw2yt4b 22 күн бұрын
10:51 that trick is ctrl+shift+t
@feelinghealing3890 14 күн бұрын
I can see a chef needing multiple timers for like, a bunch of things happening at once.
@MsRee713 16 күн бұрын
The worst one I ever saw was a third grader had his grandfather’s heart medicine confiscated. The mind boggles. I still know his name too.
@goJi7 20 күн бұрын
For the story about the masks, the reason that they could cut the chairs using masks is because the masks had high friction bands, and so, if you use it like a saw It would cut the chair.
@charityquill4965 17 күн бұрын
The story of the guy throwing eggs: it would be annoying to have to clean up, but i have to admire the commitment to thr pun 😂
@OtakuSapien 17 күн бұрын
When my mom was in high school (70s) a kid brought a knife in to school and stabbed another student on a stairway between classes. My mom was sick that day and was so disappointed she missed out
@canadalovesanime3137 16 күн бұрын
LOL!! That story with the girl and the shotg*n. My father did something similar with me in 4th grade. I was the entire school's target, the teachers and my mother blamed me for not being "normal"(ADHD). So my father sharpened a fork and gave it to me to take to school with me. My brother told my mother and she took it away. My brother then told everyone on the school bus. I got beat up real bad and my mother blamed me for "wanting to end my classmates"; which wasn't even true. I just wanted to be left alone. I stopped going to school at all in 9th grade. My mother still thinks everything was my fault and that I was "asking for it".
@mariekatherine5238 23 күн бұрын
My aunt confiscated a bong from one of her Kindergarteners. He brought it for Show and Tell, without his mother’s knowledge, of course! Craziest thing I confiscated from a first grade girl was a jade and gold ring and bracelet set, taken from Mom’s drawer and given as a birthday gift to a friend. The nastiest thing I confiscated from a fourth grader was a matchbox that contained a pet water bug, (giant cockroach!)
@joelunchbucket 22 күн бұрын
When I was in first or second grade, I found a live shotgun shell on the ground next to my older brother's combi van. He used shotguns to hunt rabbits. I took it to school for show and tell. "Mrs Imrie, girls and boys, here I have a rabbit bullet." I explained that my brother used them in his gun when hunting rabbits. My teacher said "I'll look after that for you", and confiscated it. At the end of the day, she returned it to me to take home. No notes or anything. I was six or seven years old. That was the sixties for you.
@Its_Goobin_Time 3 күн бұрын
i love ads “and her response was- ‘HONKAI STAR RAIL IS AN ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL GAME-‘“
@CK_123 23 күн бұрын
Professional chefs probably need multiple timers so that they can keep track of multiple dishes being cooked at the same time
@jordancoleman2402 20 күн бұрын
I went to highschool in the 90's in a small town in Wisconsin and I took firearms to school many times, I once gave a report on how to clean a gun and brought my shotgun into school and cleaned it in class after firing 2 boxes of slugs thru it that morning in the woods behind the school. I guess things were a little different back then.
@thecurvysage 25 күн бұрын
When I was in elementary school a boy brought pictures to show and tell. They were naked pictures he’d taken of his sister… those were quickly confiscated
@MsRee713 16 күн бұрын
Oh, when I was in third grade, they didn’t confiscate the weird canister that a classmate had found on the way to school. It turned out to be a smoke bomb that one of the National Guard had left behind during a field exercise. It was just left on the side of the road where we walked to school. He set it off and the entire school filled with yellow smoke. I still have nightmares of being choked to death.
@user-fb5mw6en5p 25 күн бұрын
Story 71, Why just why? Why hide them in asbestos? WTF?
@timowl26 13 күн бұрын
Can you imagine that tech kid getting recruited by the CIA?
@jamiegargano2898 14 күн бұрын
Back in like 5th grade a friend brought in a furby. Teacher told her to put it away, which she did. Then during "silent reading" about 3 hours later, all the sudden we all hear "woah! It's really dark in here" coming from the closet! 😳 Furby just decided to talk randomly! 😂 The class just started laughing and the teacher made my friend give her the Furby to put in the principal's office until the end of the day, just in case it went off again. I think it creeped her out LMAO The same teacher tried to tell my mom I couldn't read 'Goosebumps' books in class anymore because they were "unholy" my mom just said "this is a public school, my daughter is dyslexic and finally found books she actually wants to read, I'll buy her every one of those books and you WILL let her read them. You don't dictate what my child reads" 😂🤣
@jordanabasham 2 күн бұрын
I had a Swiss Army knife confiscated from me and I had no idea why it was bad, I just thought it was “tiny scissors.” Got it back at the end of the year when the principal handed it back to me and told me never to bring stuff like that again. I don’t even think my mom knew about it
@aldproductions2301 15 күн бұрын
On the timers thing - you would need more than one, because you would have more than one thing going, and potentially need to start things at certain times to get them done all at the same time. If you were doing turkey, mashed potatos, and gravy, each of those things will have their own recipes and schedules, so you need at least three timers to manage them.
@ZephyrusAsmodeus 21 күн бұрын
A shank is actually pretty tame and straightforward compared to some the shit we had in school. We used to use these one specific mechanical pencils, a rubber band and a paperclip if youre lucky to make what was effectively, an autoshank, youd just pull back the top and wham, the paperclip metal stabs something or someone. They basically outlawed mechanical pencils over that at that school. Surprisingly still not as painful as tweeters (called Paper Hornets in the video) which were angled pieces of paper that were super tightly wrapped and fired by rubber band,. Imagine getting hit by a paintball that dosent pop and youre about in the ballpark of how painful that shit was, even if the autoshank broke skin, the worst that would happen is you'd bleed a little for a brief time, tweeters left giant welts, and were ranged weapons on top of it. On a happier note, I did the Halo thing as well, always been pretty tech savvy since I was a kid, I had a flashdrive full of games (back then, most games didn't require logging in and dealing with distributors like Steam, GOG, etc they could just be transferred inside a file folder, especially demos, like the Halo Combat Evolved demo) Id copy paste it across the computer lab and wed play multiplayer LAN matches whenever we could. We had this stupid site the teachers had us go to as opposed to an actual lesson called Study Island, we spent most of that time storming another Island in the Halo demo in the demo mission Silent Cartographer. A stupider, more petty item a friend of mine got confiscated was two 12 packs of Mtn Dew. Dude was selling them out of his locker for a querter each which, back then, was actually making profit. Respect. Edit: Holy shit, I first heard that seed cell biology story while I was in high school myself, I was led to beleive it actually happened at my school, the odds are well against it but man, thatd be wild.
@hungryhoss5895 24 күн бұрын
I was 7 years old and kicked off the buss for "Sexual Harassment." Me and my neighbor were playing pretend and I said "Rahh I'm gonna eat you!" Bus driver screamed at me to stop being a little pervert, Dragged me by the ear into the office, I was then screamed at by the principal for a good hour while we waited for my mom to drive the hour back to the school. I had to ask her at 7 years old what Sexual harassment meant. My mom had to explain to a 7 year old what sexual harassment was because our bus driver was herself a pervert and thought that two 7 year old kids were being sexual. The principal told my mom that "His only problem is he needs a Man(Father figure) in his life." That principal also quit because he told me I wouldn't graduate on time, and when I did, he went to work with his brother and is now sitting in federal prison for embezzling money from PACyber. :3
@3lloGuvner 23 күн бұрын
wtf, they're the perverts for projecting anything sexual onto the words of a 7yo. shouldn't be working with children if they can't keep their minds out of the gutter
@BioWorkAgency 17 күн бұрын
So you were assaulted (non-sexually) by your bus driver who thought that 2 kids under 10 years old were having sex in the bus? What the fuck.
@theaceguitarist 21 күн бұрын
So, funny story; I had an opportunity to sing as part of a choir for a concert a few months ago. Now, the arena this concert was going to be in was in a part of the city that was… not exactly known for being safe, which I knew would be fine day-of as I would be traveling with all the other kids in the choir, but due to schedule conflicts, I would be arriving to the dress rehearsal late… and alone. I also knew that, for the dress rehearsal ONLY, I would be able to leave my knife with security and pick it up on my way out. So that’s what I did. Here’s the funny part; When I went to retrieve my knife, security pulled out a bucket of AT LEAST two dozen knives and said, ‘go ahead and take yours.’ This was at one of like four entrances the choir had been using, so chances are it was the same at the other four. And it did not occur to me for a full WEEK the implication that likely a full QUARTER of the kids in that choir brought a pocket knife to a venue that DOESN’T ALLOW WEAPONS. And if that’s not indicative of the culture where I live idk what is
@alexandrialynn08 16 күн бұрын
Story 2: This one was more cute than bad, as they kept the fish alive for the rest of the year and kept it somewhere arguably better for a fish to live in
@autumnthurston5152 20 күн бұрын
Hi, not a professional chef but I am a baking student. I typically have at least three timers going so I'd be surprised if professional chefs didn't have a lot
@soulpanda98 25 күн бұрын
20:20 i did something similar but in the pltw classroom i built a fully functiniong railg!n it used allen wrenches as the ammo and in my 7th grade smartness we amied it at a cardboard box first it pierced it. me and my friend (who was just watching) stoked at our invetion amied it across the room and fired! well it bouced off the wall and hit my other friend in the back of the head! when it hit them we watched our friends life flash before our eyes (he is fine now dont worry) and then we heard a WHAT THE F%CK.. after what happened we asked him about it and he said he lost hair where it hit and had the worst pain ever. so my teacher had to compiscate a railgun (i have no regrets)
@lcoq19 23 күн бұрын
The kid made a shiv, not a shank. Shiv is the weapon. Shank is what you do with it.
@TheGamingG810 Күн бұрын
The flying fortress is a good tower in Bloons TD 6
@jansesooley833 20 күн бұрын
Those hornet wars back in the day were brutal
@davidchristian3541 24 күн бұрын
I used to be my middle school hornet dealer. I found out that if you use the semi plastic labels from bottles they don't deform and you can get a better grip without ripping them.
@Hynari96 15 күн бұрын
0:44 my dad is a professional chef and he is addicted with collecting timers. I didn't know other chefs did that too 😭
@clottedscream 23 күн бұрын
the kid who got in huge trouble for accidentally having his pocket knife on him when he went back to school might be a kid from my home town? something really similar happened to this kid who lived down the street from me, although the story i was told was that it was a camping knife. poor kid
@Cheddarman344 10 күн бұрын
3:33 Ah yes, “BAPE.” A wonderful word indeed,
@Thecoolestgalonthebeach 2 күн бұрын
Those are called paper bullets and my father got his entire school in trouble for having them, the teachers were even taking the hair ties from the girls, but my dad, the sneak, would just give the teachers three or so rubber bands and he had BAGS of them in his locker 😂
@businessburd2071 13 күн бұрын
I once had the principal himself confiscate a petition to remove a hair length rule, then tear it up. At my high school, in the deep south known as Louisiana, the entire district had a rule about hair that I still find pretty sexist. Men were not allowed to have long hair, it needed to be above the collar or you'd get a disciplinary report. They did say that you could tie it up, but the hair still had to be above the collar so if it was long enough the guys would have to put it in a bun. Now, due to a confluence of factors I will attempt to explain; I DESPISED having short hair. One; I had undiagnosed autism and found the feeling and sound of air on my ears incredibly upsetting to the point I would almost cry when walking down the hallway. Two; I hate the way my face and ears look because I think I look like a monkey and can't focus because I'm so worried about it. Three; I'm transgender, which makes sense in hindsight but I was completely unaware at the time. Long story short, one teacher cared way too much about me breaking this rule resulting in me getting an after school detention for it. I was both furious and incredibly upset at this, leading to my brilliant idea to write a petition and have the students at my school sign it. After all, nobody but this one teacher cared so I figured it'd be easy. I wrote it up, included a page on why the rule should be removed. I even roped my brother into this, since we both had long hair at the time. Basically at the beginning of classes we'd talk to our classmates and ask them to sign this petition to remove the hair length rule. About three days later, we get called into the principals office. Neither of us have any idea why, until he sits us down and shows us the papers we were handing out with about a hundred signatures on it from our classes. Now, our school was a max of four hundred or so student, so this was about a quarter of them. He gives us some bullshit about "This is a parish rule so we can't do anything about it." Then tore it up in front of us and told us if we did this again, we'd be suspended. There's no happy ending on this story, not really. I was two years from graduating and was forced to get my hair cut short so I wouldn't get in trouble while my brother decided he'd just tie his hair up for his four years at that school. It did no get easier, I couldn't stand the way I looked and while my parents let me keep my hair long enough to cover my ears, I still refused to have my photo taken for any reason. Which led to another problem with the school ID's and my graduation, but that's another story.
@stapuft 18 күн бұрын
Its ACTUALLY illegal for teachers to steal things from you. That's why they TRY and force you to willingly hand them over..... All you have to do is refuse to hand it over, then when the teacher steals it from you. You can sue they get fired and you win.
@andrewb3882 11 күн бұрын
Story 8 Cracking Jokes? More like Cracking Yolks!😂
@robertbunch7421 24 күн бұрын
Mainly 2 timers. One for fine tuned times (assuming they are analog style timers) and one that goes up to a whole hour.
@RedVRCC 3 сағат бұрын
My teacher tried to take my phone once. Normally I would straight up refuse like I've done before but this time I actually gave it to her but with a dirty little trick. I set up an app on it that would play a shrill loud alarm on full volume after 5 minutes. Then when she demanded to know how to turn it off because it was aggravating her already pretty bad headache, I told her I'd only turn it off if she gave the phone back.
@tdanville1 12 күн бұрын
Hand cuffs. 😂😂😂😂😂 A third grader took his mom's handcuffs off her bedroom dresser. 😂😂😂
@kurotsuki7427 25 күн бұрын
Man, all the people getting in trouble for knoves when my local high-school aparently didnt care so long as you weren't damaging things or people with them. Farming communities aparently are more relaxed about pocket knives i guess.
@GuitarFingers-md7tr 21 күн бұрын
I had the same setup of asbestos in my ceiling in my room as a kid so I can help explain. The asbestos are usually not fully covering the roof it’s just to one side I also hid carts up in my ceiling so the asbestos just stuck off to one single side and you could leave the carts on the other.
@simplytoocool2652 2 күн бұрын
Back in around 1st-2nd grade I was sitting on the floor when I noticed an uncomfortable lump in my back pocket. I took it out and it was a small gold painted gun shaped keychain with a functional cocking and trigger system. I fiddled around with it and the teacher noticed and took it away. I never saw it again.
@FootLucy1013 16 күн бұрын
story 1: you need a lot of timers because you are making a lot of food with different times in different places
@madisonpetri7361 21 күн бұрын
If you're a professional chef and you have multiple different ingredients cooking simultaneously, I can definitely see the need for multiple timers. Hell, I've used multiple timers home cooking before.
@Carfanboi95 12 күн бұрын
The teacher from story 23 could possibly be arrested for assault on a minor.
@ashleyhecker4148 6 күн бұрын
You can easily need multiple timers in a kitchen. Just look at chicken Alfredo as an example. The fettuccine, sauce, and chicken all need to be done at around the same time
@kariissmol9172 16 күн бұрын
the worst I ever did was taking apart sharpeners to cut myself. But that was 10 years ago
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