Would an "Operation Health" for Dead by Daylight Work?

  Рет қаралды 38,073

Scott Jund

Scott Jund

2 ай бұрын

/ scottjund

Пікірлер: 510
@cbuck1669 2 ай бұрын
"after talking to some people on twitter i actually did change my mind..." scott i think you're the first person to ever say that sentence
@rydiafan1 2 ай бұрын
That's not fair. There's also freshly radicalized alt-right incels.
@FisOffline 2 ай бұрын
Another point for "Operation Health" is that there's no reason the art team couldn't make some cosmetics in the meantime, if anything, not working on new killer/survivor/map art would free up talent for skins and whatnot
@Asin24 2 ай бұрын
This. Having the framework improved in the game and having it add a bunch of new cosmetics players can earn would be a good way to get people to want to play despite not having the typical "New Killer/Survivor/Map' cycle. It can be a special event or perhaps just a new little reward track. This is also considering if they fixed the framework and actually put in the work it should ideally make the production side of the game more effective and as such faster which can make them more productive long term as well.
@Derek_The_Magnificent_Bastard 2 ай бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. They could double up on cosmetic releases during that time to try and make up for lost revenue.
@arcarc2663 2 ай бұрын
Seriously. What's the argument that content like fucking Skull Merchant's entire chapter added any kind of new content that added value or sold jack squat.
@foggy_nights 2 ай бұрын
esp with the possibility of seeing scrapped/set-aside cosmetics getting the time to make them work in the game
@SirSabzZa 2 ай бұрын
​@@arcarc2663 i mea skull merchant was the result of a license that flopped and they had to rush a new killer
@Trident_Gaming03 2 ай бұрын
Picture This: It's 2028, DbD has a 96% of Steam, it hasn't dipped below 100k active players in over 6 months, and Huntress is in the next Super Smash Bros Title and Fortnite Season 69, Darth Vader has been announced as the next killer, and they're selling Trickster flavored energy drinks
@EyesDontCry 2 ай бұрын
And trapper still sucks 🙂
@dirac_dydx1830 2 ай бұрын
What does Trickster taste like? Asking for a friend.
@RaffoPhantom 2 ай бұрын
@@EyesDontCry The most likely of outcomes
@femboyChristmas 2 ай бұрын
@HigherDarkness 2 ай бұрын
@@EyesDontCryTrapton is pretty good with strong hex perks that you can defend
@VII002 2 ай бұрын
Keep in mind an operation health would also result with perk balance, killer reworks etc. So while we won’t have any “new” content, there will still be stuff to play for the hardcore while also being a better experience for the casuals in the future.
@arcarc2663 2 ай бұрын
Since the Nic Cage patch, BHVR has touched a grand total of five survivor perks. FIVE. That's approximately a single perk, once every two months. Two nerfs. Two buffs. One rework to a garbage perk that stayed garbage. Whether or not you think survivor perks overall nerfed, buffed, or what, they apparently aren't even interested in making even the tiniest, MOST SCANT number tweaks for the last TEN MONTHS. To say nothing of breaking the entire game over and over. Whatever the hell their priorities are at the moment, they're completely insane.
@MagorTuga 2 ай бұрын
Meanwhile League of Legends gets a patch twice a month to tweak decimal cases in order to maintain winrates perfectly at 50%. I imagine every time BHVR wants to change a variable in the code, they have to sacrifice a license contract to the Entity in order to boot up VS Code.
@retsell459 2 ай бұрын
@@MagorTugatbf League is like a hundred times bigger than DbD
@ExSuPiO1 2 ай бұрын
Hey Scott, guys here
@Deputy_Doofus 2 ай бұрын
Old but gold joke
@Al_The_mediocre 2 ай бұрын
Hey here, guys Scott
@Slaughter_Party 2 ай бұрын
Guys Scott, hey here
@raiden3295 2 ай бұрын
We have girls too. I mean I don't have any...Nvm I'm out
@thedarktyrant 2 ай бұрын
@lordsceptile6181 2 ай бұрын
IMO DBD needs a For Honor style operation health. In the second year of FH, they didn’t release new characters for 3 seasons straight. Instead each season focused on revamping the core mechanics and systems of the game, and reworking characters. These reworks where substantial as well, and where getting as much hype as a new character. They weren’t just number tweeks, they were getting new movesets. Then after the 3 seasons were done, they dropped Marching Fire. One of the greatest updates to for honor, adding the Wu Lin faction of characters and the new breach mode.
@ScottJund 2 ай бұрын
as an interesting point, i literally quit the game because of that very content drought
@lordsceptile6181 2 ай бұрын
@@ScottJundyou should’ve stuck around, marching fire into year 3 was easily the best time for For Honor
@Tsaooyoh 2 ай бұрын
L ​@@ScottJund
@panzershreck8077 2 ай бұрын
I still can't believe I played almost 3-4 years straight of for honor even in its content drought of seasons. Marchine fire was so fucking hype tho, one of the best releases for the game we had and got so many people back into the game.
@ScottJund 2 ай бұрын
@@lordsceptile6181 probably, im just hinting at what the community might do with that much inactivity
@phillipw6374 2 ай бұрын
We've legit just gone in a circle. I remember pitches like this years ago.
@bubbajoe117 2 ай бұрын
Watching Nemesis hit the griddy on survivors mid chase would be a pressure release valve like you wouldn’t believe
@lunaliciousgeek 2 ай бұрын
*Camera panning out to third person as I make Nemmy twerk like Fortnite Thanos* god the serotonin boost just thinking of it
@lorenzo1425 2 ай бұрын
Bro they tried to change the twins swap speed and accidentally added epilepsy mode, it would take like four operation healths in a row to get the game in a functional state
@anonyoutube825 2 ай бұрын
The strobing was due to the engine upgrade, nothing to do with the twins
@mckenzieschmitt2841 2 ай бұрын
Honestly, they need to do like Day z. Shortly after they celebrated their anniversary after the game had been out and extremely buggy for over 10 years, they came out day z 2 I think restarting from the ground up would be their only salvation
@lonetiger0774 2 ай бұрын
This flashing light issue happens to everyone on both sides no matter the character. I saw a clip of a flashing light because a killer hooked a Zarina in the dead dog saloon basement.
@ConnorC2023 2 ай бұрын
Depends on if it actually does end up like how Operation Health was for Siege, which was a catastrophe at the time. But for long term, might actually work out well. But then again it’s BHVR, we gave them 3 years to rework twins and look what we got.
@stevsux4442 2 ай бұрын
Maybe I'm not fully informed because I only play siege for a few weeks every year or two but a catastrophe? I remember launch siege being an absolute mess where basically none of its mechanics or balancing worked correctly and wasn't operation health the one that went through and fixed most of those?
@rileyp1506 2 ай бұрын
​@stevsux4442 operation health basically made most maps unplayable because there were spots that would instantly kill you
@ConnorC2023 2 ай бұрын
@@stevsux4442 Operation health absolutely destroyed the games framework for a short period of time. Initially ruining hitboxes, recoil patterns, bullet spread, physics, game mechanics and other bugs that as mentioned would kill you instantly.
@deacon6221 2 ай бұрын
It was a disaster but it led to the game being completely fixed overall and greatly improved everything about it.
@Maybe_Saber 2 ай бұрын
@@stevsux4442operation health had so many glitches it was insane. There were glitch spots where you could throw valk cams where they couldn’t be shot and see everywhere on a map and doc had an infinite stim glitch. The games netcode/networking was absolutely dookie which with the games shitboxes made it even worse. God I do not miss that game.
@Trident_Gaming03 2 ай бұрын
At this point, I don't even think the community cares if it works We just want them to even remotely consider doing it Plus, if they succeed, the game becomes it's best version of itself If it fails, let's be honest, we all know this game will never lose its entire playerbase, so it wouldn't matter
@mojolmao1752 2 ай бұрын
Hey man I have been playing Dead By Daylight since 1106 AD and I just wanted to say that you are completely wrong.
@mojolmao1752 2 ай бұрын
@@hewmanbeing holy shit dude you played only 362 years after the game got released? Ur a real OG
@fart63 2 ай бұрын
Veterans will keep playing dbd through the apocalypse
@thethumblessn00b19 2 ай бұрын
Didn’t Bungie go through a MASSIVE and consistent player drop after D2 released/shortly after?
@SomeFrenchDude 2 ай бұрын
The fact that this game is still alive while being this fucking horrendous is incredible.
@alexhendricks7848 2 ай бұрын
i can tell you why: because dbd as an ip is incredibly unique and interesting to players. there is hardly any other game that has the same success as dbd, and its the only pvp horror game where you can play as michael myers one match, face off against bubba sawyer the next, then play the next as freddy krueger. dbd has extremely developed lore, and they have access to a lot of horror licenses, from well known ones like pyramidhead and cheryl mason from silent hill to lesser known ones like sadako from ringu. as someone who has been playing since 2020, ive had to take some breaks, even as long as a year long one, but i find myself coming back everytime
@panzeratom695 2 ай бұрын
An operation health would be the perfect thing to bring DBD back to being my main game. I dont really get too hyped for new chapters anyway, so having a period where I can readjust to the content already there as well as perk/character/map/mechanic refreshes would be great. I dont know if it would be sustainable for their business model or the majority of players though. I imagine the bulk of their customer base plays for a bit whenever a chapter releases and then slowly peters out.
@shadowdeath3050 2 ай бұрын
6:03 I have been saying this shit for YEARS since I started playing this game. If BHVR made unique moris for every killer like how Ubisoft makes unique executions for their heroes in For Honor this game can have more options to spend iridescent shards or bloodpoints on. The moris bring out so much personality in every killer and you’d think if they’re a killer surely they’d know how to get creative with their kills, murdering survivors in different ways and what not. The fact that this isn’t already in the game when they’ve had years to do this opportunity is ridiculous to me. Good video as always and hope you are doing well Scott. I’m just glad I’m not the only one who thinks about this idea for the game often.
@qwert_511 2 ай бұрын
This update could: - Improve existing free perks - Add more free perks - balance current problem perks - bug fixes for knight and twins (and any other super buggy killers) - give add-on passes to pyramid head, twins, etc - add purchasable animations - add selectable moris - overhaul the positive props system to give a small amount iridescent shards when you receive a thumbs up - add loads of cosmetics I would personally be quite happy with this in the place of a chapter
Yes! For the love of Christ. Any player with an attention span greater than a shaken Etch-A-Sketch would realize taking a break from content would be the best thing for the game.
@serioustable8659 2 ай бұрын
If they actually buffed a bunch of shitty perks, rework or at least touch up some of the weaker killers (like Myers and Freddy), make some core changes to make the game better/more interesting, and make some overall good balance changes, I'd gladly trade a new killer and some perks for it. The buffed perks would add far more value to the perk pool than a new chapter, the buffed/reworked killers would add far more value to the killer roster than just one new killer (unless they are fuckin awesome), and making core changes big or small would be far more interesting than some new content just added to what we already got. But, that's assuming they actually do all of that. Based on the gigabotched twins dework and Myers still not having jack shit even though they said they were looking at him forever ago, I would rather take my gamble with the 6 perks and a killer
@Goose683 2 ай бұрын
Perfect opportunity for an operation health is when Shadow of the Erdtree comes out. Everyone and their mums will be playing that so that would give them a few months to get something rolling
@Chill__Soull 2 ай бұрын
I won't... I don't own the game lol
@benfowler5258 2 ай бұрын
This. If Bhvr wants to be smart even unannounced they should heavily consider exploit the month after Shadow of the Erdtree release and bombard the game with Operation health like content, gamemode or something like these.
@CaptainCastle 2 ай бұрын
​@@Chill__Soullfinding yourself maidenless?
@Cay9z 2 ай бұрын
​@@CaptainCastleThe fact that he doesn't have DBD shows your statement is false, I uninstalled DBD after nearly 300 hours of playtime, Lost 200lbs the next day and got some bitches
@kidscast5842 2 ай бұрын
@@Cay9zhe meant Elden ring you maiden less fool
@calllofdutydogs 2 ай бұрын
something I’ve sat on for a while is them possibly introducing another Shrine of Secrets slot, make it community voted (through reddit or twitter or whatever) and charge like 50-100 auric cells for it. there’s a thousand ways they can slyly monetize the game further. While i’m happy in this point in time that they don’t, i could absolutely live with it if it meant they could spend time to start unraveling the spaghetti that makes up the game
@kidninja8331 2 ай бұрын
See Scott, in regards to BHVR making new animations, that would simply be too confusing for new players!
@watchmehope6560 2 ай бұрын
Scott looks so handsome in his lil beanie
@somekinnn 2 ай бұрын
Tbh, I can't think of any survivor animations that wouldn't just look really goofy and out of place. Yeah, some cosmetics are goofy looking, but the dark lighting ingame for (most) of them and so makes them feel more natural. I cannot imagine any animations that wouldn't either kinda take me out of it or be "p2w" for solo queue for being more clear indications.
@piralos1329 2 ай бұрын
Idk, emotes like a celebration, a thanks, or a bow could be cool! Nothing game breaking, but just some silliness for people to mess around with!
@KatyaAbc575 2 ай бұрын
It's been years since the game had dark lighting. Nowadays, Dead by Daylight maps are about as bright as a cloudy summer midday, its insane.
@realquestforgreatness 2 ай бұрын
I think if bhvr does this they should have a major ptb every month with 2 minor ones in between, in this time they could add new maps, cosmetics, moris, music for basic music killers, changes and alterations etc. It definitely could work, to add they could add a permanent 2v8 mode and other temporary modifiers. Bhvr has the potential to make this game almost perfect, they just need to lock in and start changing stuff and fixing things. Imo they should start the moment the masquerade event ends and give a good bonus and special stuff to the players sticking around during a health update
@wumboacademy1925 2 ай бұрын
Hey guys, viewer here, and today we're going to be taking a look at Scott's new video
@cinderefell1399 2 ай бұрын
I want to believe that it would help. Can't say for certain unless it happens, and I see where it goes.
@leonlacroix2638 2 ай бұрын
Im all for a operation health. Been around since day 1. I love this game, but its just so incredibly frustrating now.
@Spooky1281 2 ай бұрын
I would love an emote system similar to Helldivers 2. Let a survivor use an emote and then another survivor can walk up and interact with them to continue the emote. Imagine how funny it would be to be playing killer with 2 survs left alive and you walk into shack and see them playing Rock Paper Scissors to see who lives
@vking7 2 ай бұрын
Potential thing to contrast for consideration: Payday 3's Operation Medic Bag, which, from what I've heard, has been received by some major voices as too little too late (or perhaps just "they should have started this sooner, and need to do a lot more"). I bring it up to state that if Behaviour wanted to do a big overhaul like is being discussed, they may really need to rip off the bandages and do it soon.
@alexhendricks7848 2 ай бұрын
i second this. after the horrible bugs of the 7.7.0 patch, bhvr really needs to start playing for the long game. it seems they only care about short term at the moment, with most of the fixes on balance to be bandaids
@bigbizon6416 2 ай бұрын
Let me Gangnam Style with Nemesis
@doppleganger4660 2 ай бұрын
In the same vein as paid animations i think another gold mine they're sitting on is perk/icon packs. I know as a console player. I would love to have some cool perk packs and icons and you could even make it community driven and have people sumbit their ideas for custom perk packs and then potentially sell that and then have the Creator have a portion or whatever. It's just endless possibilities
@alexhendricks7848 2 ай бұрын
they could also implement portrait icon packs for survivors and killers. i would pay good money for them as a console player myself
@alecjohnson3688 2 ай бұрын
I think it would be healthy for the game for sure, we have a lot of killers and survivors and wouldn’t be a bad idea imo
@Jalswim 2 ай бұрын
I think an important thing to keep in mind is a lot of their best people are very likely working on making the new killers each chapter, which could be why a lot of bugs happen and fixes take a while to be noticed and rolled out. At least from the outside it looks like they kind of rush each chapter, barely finish it on time, and then figure they can fix it as it soft-launches on PTB and before the midchapter. If they had an entire chapter dedicated to fixes, those people would be less rushed because they're focusing all their effort on just known bugs and testing rather than an entirely new entity being created, then tested, then rolled out.
@dynastyzero2636 2 ай бұрын
its the only thing that can bring me back now.
@xqxry 2 ай бұрын
im waiting for the moment he has an intro with "Hey all, Scott here"
@kevincanales6654 2 ай бұрын
You’re absolutely right the mori store would sell like no tomorrow
@FeltUmbrella 2 ай бұрын
Reworking bad perks into something usable, reworking outdated killers into something more viable, ex Micheal and trapper
@davidodonohoe1773 2 ай бұрын
I’d love to see trapper have 10 traps in his base kit (instead of the add on) and you can throw them like huntress hatches. Will take practice to be accurate but you can put them down super fast. Maybe players can escape quicker to balance it out but currently he’s just not fun to play as. Traps take too long to set and are easily countered.
@Hyde472 2 ай бұрын
I both do and don't want Myers reworked. The struggle is real.
@thethumblessn00b19 2 ай бұрын
@@Hyde472Ah yes. The duality of man.
@retsell459 2 ай бұрын
@@Hyde472Michael is fun and lore-accurate but he’s also weak and Tombstone is definitely super outdated and not healthy in the slightest
@Hyde472 2 ай бұрын
@@retsell459 Yes I play the game too.
@thevigilmain6628 2 ай бұрын
Never would I ever expect to see Scott mention r6 lol. I’ve wondered the same for so long
@matthewisabella8145 2 ай бұрын
I feel like Behavior would never beat the allegations by taking 6 months off of content updates and adding an animation shop. People already think they only care about the item shop. Probably would help the game in the long run, but everyone would complain at first.
@kidscast5842 2 ай бұрын
The complaints would be the minority but the silent majority who don’t care either way would bite like gremlins.
@thethumblessn00b19 2 ай бұрын
I’m going to be honest, people will complain about LITERALLY ANYTHING these days.
@scrowfunk8109 2 ай бұрын
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen the Rocko's modern life shirt, Scott. Were starving
@mojolmao1752 2 ай бұрын
based clown
@Trident_Gaming03 2 ай бұрын
I think it was League of Legends that went back and basically rewrote the entire code of the game They'd basically have to do that, which they could technically do while also adding to the main game They'd just have to hire a ton of new people, and even then, it would just take a long time
@Derek_The_Magnificent_Bastard 2 ай бұрын
But imagine the possibilties! Hit boxes that were actually fair!
@fart63 2 ай бұрын
They don’t need to rewrite the entire code. Just fix killer powers and bad perks
@Trident_Gaming03 2 ай бұрын
@@fart63 The killer powers and perks are implemented on top of spaghetti code. Yeah, they should definitely change a lot of killers and perks, but until they rewrite the code itself, any new code adds to to the games instability, leading to more bugs.
@jonathann4813 2 ай бұрын
Wait wasnt that done when they moved the game to a new unreal engine?
@Ciberstreak19 2 ай бұрын
The only thing I want in DBD is cross-save if that gets implemented Im definitely coming back
@BoostedGamer 2 ай бұрын
Omg. If they sold the old survivor animations / old dbd stuff in general I would immediately start playing the game again
@TheArcangelblanco01 2 ай бұрын
I started playing DBD January 2018 when the 6 months break from content was done to redo the store and when Kate and Clown came out; i've been considering if they should do it again too.
@TheDeenoh 2 ай бұрын
I think the biggest issue in the content area is that just on timelines of how early they start on new chapters, this would put a pause on content for much longer than 6 months and likely push closer to a year Especially if they pause any ipro chapters to rebuild in the updated framework.
@broomguy7 2 ай бұрын
Dead by Daylight bugfix patch, funded by Nic Cage and Bruce Campbell hitting the griddy and doing the orange justice dance.
@normalcarrot6361 2 ай бұрын
Dancing emotes- no Ace Finger gun pointing- yes, i'd pay twenty
@ryanlutes9833 2 ай бұрын
The one big meta shakeup patch they did forever ago was great, and at the time they said it would be a regular thing going forwards... And then they just never touched more than 1 or 2 perks every 3 months. I've always thought there should be some kind of rotating banlist for perks, something that changes which perks you can bring every week or so to mix things up more.
@DillonMeyer 2 ай бұрын
It doesn't have to be all at once. Instead, I propose a series of paragraph updates focusing on the health of the game. Within the updates they could have the animations/moris/skins mentioned in the video, but be straightforward with the intentions to the community: This set of paragraphs are to give the team time to properly work on game health so that future chapters can be enjoyed more smoothly. Them having updated to UE5 is the first step, and I have no doubts in my mind that they have ALREADY begun working on fixing the bugs that cropped up recently due to the engine change.
@adeptgopnik 2 ай бұрын
Its weird to see Scott playing Chag in the background. You gotta use those traps boyee
@ScottJund 2 ай бұрын
a real chag has no need for paltry powers
@Ignitus541 2 ай бұрын
Imagine if they did what roblox does and have entire custom animation sets for purchase for stuff like running, vaulting, repairing gens, etc.
@saihiko9967 2 ай бұрын
A good way to keep players if they do try operation health is, giving like 2x bonus to xp and 1.5x for bloodpoints, that way new players can come in and start to catch up with the game while its fixing most issues
@alienfunbug 2 ай бұрын
This B roll is pretty amazing
@DiginauterZockt 2 ай бұрын
Oh god Operation medic bag is inescapable
@ikosmic-5126 2 ай бұрын
I feel like if they added comms and then just buffed killer it would be more even instead of trying to balance a game around two different things that are on the opposite spectrum of strength
@mayuwu4408 2 ай бұрын
Perhaps an idea around them possibly not being able to address the big foundational issues with the game in just 3 months (as well as BHVR besides the recent Twins patch and other occasional things doing decently well all things considered for the last like year or so and they don't necessarilly need the good PR that a health patch would bring like it did for Siege/Ubisoft right now) is that they can slowly work on it gradually and then when they're ready to pull the trigger they can dedicate the whole patch to finishing and polishing it out. Since these problems are hard to fix quickly and without lots of playtesting, perhaps they can give smaller changes over time (kinda like they are now) to help poke and prod at them and collect data on what does and doesn't work/help these issues and further define what these issues even are exactly. Then after long enough of a time when they feel ready and prepared with their data and testing to dedicate all their resources to pulling the trigger and making a health chapter (and possibly whenever the company is in more need of good PR), they can do it. I think if done right it could work really well for the game long-term.
@CreamCheeseTho 2 ай бұрын
Yep I’ve wanted a mori store / diff moris for 3 years now. Kinda like how halo used to have multiple assassination animations.
@AWaifuSimp 2 ай бұрын
Heck, another small thing they could monetize, while doing an operation health, is the ability to toggle on or off the small items from some cosmetics (backpacks, hats, glasses, and other things that dangle on cosmetics). Make it a purchasable slot (say $5 per character). There are some cosmetics I like, but they have an extra little backpack, or hat, or hat on their back, that I don't like and don't use/don't buy the cosmetics. Yes, this would take effort to alter older skins, and probably couldn't be used for licensed cosmetics, but I would love that option so much. Sable's newest ponytail headpiece I like, but that ugly little hat is on it, so I didn't get it. My main Kate has many cosmetics I haven't got just due to small little hats or backpacks, like the top with a pink cowboy hat, I like the top, but hate the hat on the back, her linked greek outfit has a hat I don't like, and her most recent cosmetic has a little backpack with a small keyboard. Therefore, with just 2 survivors, BHVR is looking at $10 dollars from me.
@ganthc 2 ай бұрын
Operation Health release with some other kind of event with BP offerings could keep player numbers up/draw in interest from other players. Also, maybe just create some new maps as well as more cosmetics/moris would also generate interest during that time.
@TheHammockProduction 2 ай бұрын
as a tf2 player i'd love to hi5 and conga as killer with survivors :3
@punkydoo 2 ай бұрын
I think if they actually planned this and provided us with a roadmap and updates through the three months of everything they're fixing, addressing, changing, etc. that would help a lot. Also, bare minimum if they want to retain player base during that time? Give us the blood thing event the whole time, but just as the bloodpoints you can earn. That event earlier this year destroyed my desire to play the game. We were getting so many bloodpoints, that even crap games were worth sticking out. Once the event ended and we were back to legitimately getting 5-8k bp after being tunneled out at 5 gens and shit, it was like what's the point? Even for someone with 5k+ hours, there's still so many characters to put points into, especially now that p100 exists.
@ZeldaKingErik 2 ай бұрын
I mean they did make "Rango: the game: for the wii and other consoles of that era in 2011. Im not kidding
@sissyphus2926 2 ай бұрын
I think it's important to mention that operation health did have some new content. I was there and if I remember correctly they normally back then released two operators and a map every season. For operation health they released only one of the two and no map and next season the other one would be added in addition to all the normal season content (so 3 ops and a map instead of 2 ops). A big problem would be that when op health came out it totally destroyed the game, I stopped playing cuz the game was so broken, but it did improve the game in the long term as later on they fixed so many of the old bugs and the bugs that came with op health. I imagine something similar might happen with DBD and who knows how the community would react to that. Tho Siege has come back and became popular again since then so I think it would be a good idea if they still had some new content but that would probably be hard to do, especially if the limited new content was only for the survivors or only for killers which would cause issues for the community.
@loughtthenot 2 ай бұрын
Operation health was the best thing to ever happen to siege. It gave the devs time to fix serious game breaking bugs and broken mechanics in the game. I don't see BHVR doing something like this because money. It would be an amazing way to improve the game. They could focus on fixing glaring issues with individual killers/perks. I havent played this game in 3 years, but if they gave enough of a shit to actually fix their game I might come back and buy a dlc or 2
@keltonschleyer6367 2 ай бұрын
Scott, have you heard The Fake Banette’s argument for base-kit Cypress Mori? It would synergize well with your proposed Mori store.
@ScottJund 2 ай бұрын
id be down with that for sure
@vividwizard6166 2 ай бұрын
With cosmetics already being 2-3x the price of a new killer or survivor, [Characters are 5$, decent cosmetics that aren't reskins are typically 10$, 12$, or 16$] and people still buy them for characters they already have cosmetics for, adding a new type of cosmetic like emotes or mori's would guaranteed make more than a chapter release. This would give them enough time and money to start work on possibly rewriting a small portion of really nasty code where most of their bugs derive from to prevent more bugs, and also fix bugs along the way. It is also very smart to do now because UE5 coming brought so many bugs to sort out, we need them fixed or the game won't be playable. Its literally the PERFECT time for a health chapter. Taking some time to add a custom mori for most killers that you can sell for like 10$ each, add a few emotes for survivors that could easily sell for 5-10$ each at the same time as the health chapter releasing you would make more money than a new killer would generate, and you would bring back older players for 2 reasons. 1: New content like Mori's and Emotes, which can also be used as rift rewards which would be sick. 2: The game being actually playable again.
@SkaterBlades 2 ай бұрын
My first thought was yes, of course. I then remembered it's BHVR we're talking about and while i do love their work, they aren't exactly the most trustworthy in making sure their game is in a good state. I do think an overhaul of the game and maybe a new permanent game mode, or at least a constant rotating cycle of game modes we've already had, would be good. We've got over 30 killers and more survivors, the game can survive 6 months without adding to the pile, it would also hopefully give the design team a chance to make a truly amazing character for the following patch
@DCption 2 ай бұрын
What they should do in term of store would be to introduce recolor (hair/top/pant) in plenty of colors that people could buy for a low price (maybe 50-100 aurics) it would make characters way more original.
@fart63 2 ай бұрын
There are certain cosmetic pieces I would buy if they weren’t locked in outfits
@DCption 2 ай бұрын
@@fart63 yes me too, they should also unlock this
@SOLDIER1st_Class 2 ай бұрын
I think you're right about the dead content while they're fixing it but if Behavior introduced some new game modes that we could play while we're waiting for this healthy patch to come out I think it could work
@undeddjester 2 ай бұрын
I actually think the mori in the store changes in the store is a precursor to a mori sales strategy.
@nikowonoip 2 ай бұрын
I'll be honest, the perk meta shakeup that happened some time ago was more interesting of an update for me than some of the killer and survivor additions in other updates.
@sonicboomerino7281 2 ай бұрын
I was just thinking about this last night. That would be the best course of action. Work on fixing bugs, and reworking killers, add ons, and perks.
@louisloraine6660 2 ай бұрын
Do you think there would be an issue with the licensed characters and emotes? I assume that when games like Fortnite make a deal the company knows their character will be doing Fortnite dances, but it probably wouldn't have been in any of the old BHVR licensing contracts
@mondasiancyberman1268 2 ай бұрын
I believe its worth it. Especially for older platforms (and the poor switch players) and agree with these ideas to monetize it. Additionally, with the reworked store, this would be a PERFECT opportunity to bring back super old rift cosmetics that havent come back. As well as charms, since they can rotate in the shop now as well.
@Demonpickle 2 ай бұрын
I do not want shitty fortnite emotes in my horror game. I have always appreciated behaviour's commitment to the game's tone. They know how to add silly things without it breaking the aesthetic eg. Snowballs. Please keep that stuff in mobile.
@marcovazquez-ou2pv 2 ай бұрын
Lmaoo. You clearly have not seen the cosmetics in this game have you? Ace ring a bell? Seriously this isn't even a horror game anymore, it's just a hide and go seek tag with a slasher them with a objective mixed in the mix with magical abilities and a spider deity that torments everyone for no reason.
@preceptorseluvis5704 2 ай бұрын
I honestly want to see a 2 killer game mode added. That could spice the game up.
@BasementDweller_ 2 ай бұрын
Isn’t that what midchapters are?
@Jason-ji8ql 2 ай бұрын
I gotta say, the cosmetic side is kinda proof they could do custom animations for a cycle and still get by just fine.
@ellie_figure-8942 2 ай бұрын
Operation Health on Rainbow Six Siege broke the game for 1 to 2 months. After that the amount of bugs got significaly reduced even until now. The Operation came with some balancing changes, a rework for Doc (Ironic) and other new content. DBD could do this and absolutly save the game like R6 at the time.
@tedster5037 2 ай бұрын
Dang it i forgot to listen to scott i was watching the gameplay the whole time
@chandy. 2 ай бұрын
what we need is a well coded dbd 2, same type of scenario as cs:go where everything transfers over. im sure it would take way too long for it to be viable to behavior but it would realistically be the best thing for the community
@Stadtfeldi 2 ай бұрын
Just depends on how they handle it. Operation Health was done mostly to save face on Ubisoft's part because the game was being criticized for stagnating at the time. The changes it implemented were nice, but also things that could have been trickled in over the span of about a year of normal patch notes with normal content. The only thing that ended up being missing from that year's "normal" content roadmap was a single map, something that Ubisoft only adds in once every 2 or so years now. At the time it seemed kinda nice, but in retrospect it was almost entirely useless.
@Kofja 2 ай бұрын
Imagine how much money they would prob make if they threw in a new store tab, where you can buy animations. Like one idea I had that many players would buy, is the old survivor run animations, some players just liked those better compared to the current run animation on survivors.
@The_Mold_Wizard 2 ай бұрын
They could also shift their chapter output to be every four months instead of every three for a year. Divert some of the team working on the new content into the bug fix team, allowing the content team an extra month to make up for the reduced personnel. We'd end up with three new chapters instead of four, which is in no way unreasonable.
@callumlong1521 2 ай бұрын
I'd love a operation health update and I would like alot of these changes/feature you talked about minus emotes. I don't mind new gestures for example, waving but emotes like take the L is just a no go imo they don't fit in dbd
@itssevii3622 2 ай бұрын
As an R6 player that used to play dbd yes I think it's a great idea
@mistressofthenekos1743 2 ай бұрын
Hey here, Scott guys
@ShianVideos 2 ай бұрын
- Behaviour releases custom moris and emotes - Due to the game's spaghetti code, survivors get i-frames while emoting and killers can mori without getting any hooks
@ThePotchili 2 ай бұрын
Honestly I don’t think community goodwill is in their priority, regardless of the possibility
@yuikoo0613 2 ай бұрын
I think it would work. If they release chapters like Skull Merchant that bring more issues than anything
@gcelite36 2 ай бұрын
Siege and DBD are long overdue for a "Operation Health". It did very well for siege
@fart63 2 ай бұрын
It did not do well for siege at first. Siege had massive issues after their “health” update
@alexhendricks7848 2 ай бұрын
i think that bhvr should do for dbd is what blizzard did for overwatch: create a completely new game, where the foundation of its coding is completely rebuilt, all graphics are updated, maps are properly updated, perks are better balanced, etc etc, but to make up for the "content drought", to release numerous new survivors and killers when the "new game" is released. players will get hyped for it, the cosmetic team can focus on designing for longer, and they can focus on fixing the bugs and the spaghetti code. blizzard absolutely fumbled overwatch 2, but i think bhvr could actually do it with dbd. also, rather off topic, i think the biggest issue with camping/tunneling is that the devs are focusing on the sticks, rather than the carrots. if the devs revamped the emblem and pipping system to reward killers for not camping/tunneling, i think it would really help with the camping/tunneling issue
@BarnesFlam 2 ай бұрын
Perhaps BHVR isn't in a situation where they can manage a health chapter. But the game definitely needs one.
@davidodonohoe1773 2 ай бұрын
I recently figured out how to enjoy every match of dbd as killer, regardless of opponents skill or map. This is my PSA for killer mains. I had a night recently where I played multiple killers and didn’t lose once. Maybe 10-15 games. Now I love to win and I run very strong builds. Pop, corrupt, pain and something that works well with whatever killer. But the games always feel sweaty. I’m defending gens or hooks. Forcing second stages. All the stuff you need to do to win. But I’m miserable cause it just becomes stressful. I decided I’m not doing that anymore. I love huntress but I suck at her. So I put 4 aura reading perks on her and before the match even started knew I was going to lose. I concentrate solely on fun chases and throwing hatchets. I don’t care about gens and if everyone gets out I’m genuinely happy for them. All I care about is getting good at her mechanics. 4 nights later and maybe 50 games and I’ve yet to have an unfun match. I genuinely expect everyone to get out. Now oddly as my hatchets have gotten a bit better I’m losing less but it’s actually irrelevant. I genuinely don’t stress at the game. I only concentrate on what’s fun for me and that’s chases. End of PSA. I’m assuming this would work on any killers whose mechanics you like. It’s not about cross map snipes it’s just about staying in chase 100% of the time. It’s taken me about 3 years to figure this out. Lethal, nowhere, darkness and floods.
@davidodonohoe1773 2 ай бұрын
Executions would sell so well
@xSNACKERx 2 ай бұрын
if I get pallet stunned then the survivor hits the griddy i'm going to quit this game
@ethanpeeples6187 2 ай бұрын
I left this game to go Helldiving and I haven't been back in the fog since.
@jokergoat6405 2 ай бұрын
I think they could allow themselves to do it, if A : they are willing to actually give it their all, B :release a new gamemode (could be very simple), C : do it when other games are releasing and IMMEDIATELY AFTER a HUGE content drop (anniversary or something) Dat would be the best time for them to do it :D
@ravecat 2 ай бұрын
Time it for starting right after 2v8 is released, that alone is going to open up an entire new game for content creators to engage with.
@SheriffJake_ 2 ай бұрын
I think there was a whole community call for an operation health back in 2019, time is a fucking circle. Also shoutout to Deathgarden for being the first and only game i've ever pre-ordered
@Grafii2198 2 ай бұрын
I think it would be worth it theoretically. You mentioned the player count spikes high when a new chapter releases and goes down when nothing is going on, and the most important thing with that information in the content of "Operation Health" is to understand why it is the case, after all for many popular games it is not the case they usually have steady player counts, of course they go up and down through the update cycle, but it is not as extreme as it is on DBD, depending on reports from SteamDB, on average popular live service lose about 10% from the point of a new updated and to the point before next one, but for DBD it is more than 35%, over 3 times as much as usual games. So the question is why? This is not something of course that you can calculate using math or anything, but I just believe what is happening is that most player base is not following new changes (which is to be expected) and what happens is that they get fed up with the game, it gets stale and boring and then update drops, they have no idea what it is, what changes, what's the new content, and so they play and after a while they experienced everything they could so they get into this bored state again and hope the next update will be better. What contributes to this is 2 interconnected things: First is ofc course game balance, no matter the point of time, DBD always had a stale meta, only a few things were good while others are not used or even forgotten making the game not fun as it gets repetitive fast; The second thing is that if the game is not fun due to the first point then there is no incentive to play, many live service games are dealing with it by introducing events with limited content, and it works because people like to get things for free or others may want to play for them, that is mainly how players are retained, but in DBD there is nothing like that, at most there is Rift, but that's it, that is all. What I am trying to say is that if such health patch was successful and fixed the game issues in at least tangible margin, then player retention would increase massively, and as there are much more players, 3 things will happen, as there are more people there will be more people spending for the game as a whole, and second as the game is better and more fun each player individually would be more willing to spend that money and lastly, some old players will return seeing how successful it is, increasing the player number even more as well as reputation making the game more popular. Not only that but as for creators, as many aspects of the game would be changed, there would be also a lot of content to be made with new, better or reworked content. That was just in theory, what I believe would happen is that BHVR will do what they were doing for past almost 8 years and the only thing that it would achieve would be a major but temporary meta shakeup that would backfire more than help in any way.
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