@Captainpigraven 7 сағат бұрын
I love when players choose to play the Investigator at my table. Most of them have read and fully understand how to play the class. Just as important, it almost always assures me that I’ll get some creative play. It’s a pretty unique class. Listening to you rattle off and casually dismiss the different things you can do when DaS doesn’t work seems pretty telling. Sure, you have situations where sometimes you don’t need to do one of those things, which is why it’s great to be able to move on to the next. I’ve found it pretty rare that my Investigator players don’t have something functional and important to do throughout their turn. If anything I consider the class too action intensive/starved. All those things you mention are the same possibilities I’ve seen players playing other classes often choose to do with their third actions. If that’s boring to you then so be it. But not everyone wants to play a character that does the same set of actions in every combat. I will say if there is a particular knock on the Investigator I think it’s that it can be stretched way too thin from a resource perspective. Between attribute modifiers and some really bad feats, Investigator builds can feel very limiting.
@RebelThenKing 5 сағат бұрын
Investigators definitely can do some really great things if their Devise a Stratagem roll isn't going to work out - I think aiding others works out particularly well. But it does force you to always have a backup plan, or plans, and like you said, attribute modifiers can be tough, so having enough good backup plans can also be tough.
@kadmii 7 сағат бұрын
possibly my favorite class, looking forward to how it's remastered
@RebelThenKing 5 сағат бұрын
I'm looking forward to it too! I'm really hoping that Devise a Stratagem gets just a bit of a boost, though if there are even more exploration bonuses thrown in that would be amazing.
@jonathanbennison9220 12 сағат бұрын
11:29 When Devise Strat is going to miss... Throw, smoke bomb or thing that doesn't need to hit... Ball bearings or grease bombs... Or. Use that turn to draw and use a mutagen.
@jonathanbennison9220 12 сағат бұрын
I think the Medicine Subclass is perhaps the unique thing about this class. Perhaps the only one. That one thing I would consider if a PC can be viable from this class.
@jonathanbennison9220 12 сағат бұрын
7:09 That's Odd. Red Herring. If I can grab those with the Multiclass Archetype Dedication Feats. I'll stick with a functional class, and build an effective detective... And add these two things that work.
@jonathanbennison9220 12 сағат бұрын
4:30 When Devise a Stratagem is free... Against a target... It only then approaches up to the competitive abilities of the effective classes. Reducing the action tax occasionally, ... ? Not a huge selling point. In that moment the class sucks a bit less.
@RebelThenKing 5 сағат бұрын
Indeed. And since it is still limited to once per turn, even if it is a free action, you only get once chance to add extra damage to a strike in a round.
@jonathanbennison9220 12 сағат бұрын
I will say, you know I'm not a fan of the class. But. It's not unclear. I just don't think it competes well. I think it has cool flavour but mediocre buffs. Along with a relatively high action tax. But, I don't blame the tool, for the mistakes of people misusing the tool. People playing an investigator wrong, Are just people playing an investigator wrong. At a core mechanix level, it's that simple.
@jonathanbennison9220 12 сағат бұрын
I feel similar to the Swashbuckler. Don't play one if you don't enjoy the mechanics. Don't play one, and constantly complain about how Panache works. I'd much rather fluff a rogue or thauma or Monk to have Panache flavours swashbuckling like Captain Jack... Or a rogue to be the new Sherlock Holmes. Than deal with the drama over dissatisfied with the class.
@jonathanbennison9220 12 сағат бұрын
1:52 That maxim is not universally applicable. It is appropriate, where the text and examples are not clear. Devise a Stratagem is clear. Clear enough that people changing from dislike, isn't the 'teachers fault'. It's a player choice. I'm a player, and a DM. As a player, I expect myself to learn the game basics, Ie how does trip work, how does grab an edge work, etc, And my character. Ie. How does exploit vulnerability work, or how does my kineticists gate work. Etc. As a DM, I do my best to understand all the mechanics, and I do my best to learn the players. I expect the players, to have a basic understanding and acceptance of the PC they are playing. We don't all have to like the Investigator. But IMHO, after a few sessions and levels, you should know it's core well, amd you should not play it if you don't enjoy it's mechanics.
@harshpeter Күн бұрын
Summoner consistantly getting a Strike and a Spell off on the same turn to attack twice without MAP is just so good. The class isn't as confusing as people make it out to be, just something people aren't used to seeing repeatedly is all.
@OpenWorldAddict0 2 күн бұрын
builds for Alchemist is much better for level 2+ so you can grab your free archetype and allow you to pick up so more combat abilities.
@NXPhoenix3 4 күн бұрын
One other thing regarding the Alchemist and exploration: you can make alchemical tools with quick alchemy IIRC. This means that you can learn the recipes for a bunch of niche alchemical items that you would normally never carry around and quick alchemy them into existence, making certain encounters, barriers, or other difficulties much less difficult. You will usually not be a damage monster as an Alchemist: you will be Batman's utility belt. They can laugh all they want until the aquatic adventure hits and you whip out that Bat-anti-shark spray after the enemy covers you in chum.
@RexfelisLXIX 4 күн бұрын
Forever Game Master.
@Senaul 4 күн бұрын
I never thought about playing a Ninja Toxicologist but now I am feeling inclined to do so 😂
@Laufbursche4u 5 күн бұрын
I hate the oracle. Most times the curse destroys whst you are good at. Like "... but when you do act, you do so with incredible speed. You become slowed 1..." or "You can understand all languages, but you can't speak." What the point in having more focus points when you can't use them? (Like understanding languages but not able to answer or translate it for the others? No other class has such drawbacks when they use class features. And the benefit in return is most times to small to compensate.
@lincr.1988 5 күн бұрын
The one thing you're not taking in consideration about Mutagens is that almost all of them suck at lv1, the only one that's actually very good is Drakeheart Mutagen; but hey, that's not a class problem, it's an item design problem. Most Mutagens get crazy good at their 3rd tier - which is at lv11; For instance the Choker-Arm Mutagen amplify your reach by 10ft at that level (not TO 10ft, but BY 10ft). The benefits of Mutagens only improve as you level up, but the drawbacks always stay the same. Again, an item design problem, not an Alchemist problem. At lv13 if you drink Fury Cocktail + Choker-Arm Mutagen while wielding a Weapon with Reach, sure you're gonna have some nasty drawbacks but you're gonna have a 25ft Reach to hit (30ft at lv17), and that my friend - is AWESOME! That being said the class does suffer from some shitty feats (like Suble Delivery, which is a meme feat) and also the subclasses Mutagenist and Chirurgeon barely have feats of their own subclasses, which also sucks. I've played a Toxicologist from level 1 to 20 and my major problem is that most poisons require Fortitude saves (which are usually the highest) and also lots of the most common enemies are immune to poison.
@OpenWorldAddict0 5 күн бұрын
I like the flavor, but not as a class itself but as a part of something else. A Witcher can be a ranger or an investigator that uses alchemy for potions, mutagens, poisons, and oils to take advantage of their target's weakness (or to create a weakness that wasn't there.). I wish it was just an archetype that you could add to other classes. I see Inventors who are also crafters getting into Alchemy. I just don't like that all the bests types of alchemy that are useful for different types of characters are bound to being able craftable by the alchemist.
@ingenparks 5 күн бұрын
Multiclass dedications exist. Pretty easy to to splash some alchemy into a ranger, especially with free archtype.
@CristianzenV 5 күн бұрын
I really like this class, hope they improve it on player core 2
@xiezhai4162 5 күн бұрын
I'm really looking forward to the Alchemist Remaster and hoping that the mutagenist and toxicologist get some more love from the developers. Mutagenist is my personal favorite, but I like trade-off plays and love the adaptability of the different mutagens. There are a lot of things they could do to bring it more in-line power wise as the others, so I have hope. I had a toxicologist in a game I run and it was effective when they got to do their thing, but I made sure the player was aware that plenty of things are immune to poison. They didn't just focus just on damage, they had some control poisons too that came in handy. My creatures couldn't handle the Clown Monarch poison, which makes them fall prone and have to succeed at a flat check to get up or lose the action. Those were some wobbly wolves 😂 It was a ranged build so could poison ammunition ahead of time and there was another ranged character in the party as well, so they could share.
@pirosopus9497 5 күн бұрын
Ello. Just some comment regarding the video presentation. Your audio quality is great. But the text is annoyingly cut off by your camera. Would be nice if you offset the text to the other side, or use a green screen
@geoffreygeever 5 күн бұрын
I think the part people seem to miss about mutagens is, as you level, they get stronger, but the negatives stay mostly the same from level 1 on. They do not get worse as the mutagens get better. Unless I am missing something crucial about mutagens?
@RebelThenKing 5 күн бұрын
I did play as an alchemist up to Level 7, and though I was a bomber I did learn several mutagen formulas in hopes of using them to buff the party. My martials were almost never interested in using them due to the extra actions to take out and consume a mutagen and the relatively low payoff compared to the drawbacks.
@justmonica9253 3 күн бұрын
Another note is that for any 'item bonus' mutagen, the increase in power is usually illusory. Since your item bonus for whatever they boost will catch up with your mutagens for any of the abilities and skills you focus on, the mutagens usually only ever come out as a +0 or +1. For skills you have no item bonus for of course they do get stronger, but for AC, attack bonus, saves, etc. you would expect to only ever get a +1 at best.
@danielv4793 5 күн бұрын
A corrosive venom feat for toxicologist could be nice From posion damage to acid
@saeedrazavi4428 5 күн бұрын
Additional comment for the algorithm: I cannot wait for PC2 omfg
@MrTallFrog 5 күн бұрын
For the toxicologist, I'd definitely suggest taking skunk bombs since I believe they get their DC boosted like all poisons.
@saeedrazavi4428 5 күн бұрын
I really hope the Alchemist as a whole but especially the Toxicologist gets the help it needs in PC2
@BestgirlJordanfish 5 күн бұрын
God probably conceptually and at first glance a fave class, but dang I wish it delivered more. Like some things I would wish for - • “Coatings” available for the Poisoner for elemental effects because poisons require hitting but also soooo many enemies will be immune or resistant to your toxins. They simply pop, kinda like a magus but with bomb like effects • Just a bump to splash and persistent damage. Yes they’re good at popping weaknesses, but if you aren’t doing that, oof. Either add Int to that damage baked in, or add an improvised “Thrown” for Strength and a die if it collides with a target Or a focus point based or like feature could be nice too. Such a rad class that I’m crossing fingers for remaster
@amiablereaper 5 күн бұрын
Yeah I've heard Alch is getting the most significant changes in pc2 out of any class. I just hope they're good ones...
@shanebaird1496 6 күн бұрын
I’ve got a neat concept for an oracle been brewing on for a while, just waiting for PC2 and tian xia guides, tempest oracle ‘of’ Hei Feng
@RebelThenKing 6 күн бұрын
Oh yeah, definitely wait for PC2 at this point. So sooooooon!
@Rashagar 7 күн бұрын
I love the idea of the Ancestors oracle, it's such a good flavourful concept, but it feels like it'd be very scary to play eg. the party healer who can't heal when they need to.
@lincr.1988 7 күн бұрын
I've played an Ancestors Oracle and it is flavorful af! It was not scary (at least not for me), but that's the thing m8, who said you need to be the party healer?
@ankitk236 6 күн бұрын
just play an ancestor oracle with wellspring mage archetype
@Rashagar 6 күн бұрын
@@lincr.1988 true! Any details of your character/experience you fancy sharing?
@thedruski85 6 күн бұрын
Oracle is my favorite class, I've played 4 of them so far. Ancestor is not anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be, most people just haven't ever played one and only BELIEVE it'll be bad. It isn't! You just have to think about the character differently. My recommendation is just make sure you have something to do no matter which ancestor takes over. My Ancestor Oracle was a Kitsune so that gave me an easy ranged attack and I took a Sickle for melee for the trip potential. If you get the Skill ancestor, just throw out a RK or use battle medicine. Spell ancestor is self explanatory. Just remember that you can do ANY OTHER ACTION that isn't a strike/skill/spell depending on the ancestor you get. You can always Step/Stride/prep for Aid/Take Cover/etc. And don't forget that there's almost no reason outside of combat to ever stress about which ancestor is prominent. Losing an action out of combat is meh at worst.
@lincr.1988 6 күн бұрын
@@Rashagar Oh it was really fun! I played Malevolence with it. Do you want to know how the character was or specifically the mechanics?
@evrypixelcounts 7 күн бұрын
I recently talked to my GM about switching my fighter to a battle mystery oracle. I've only played them as an oracle for one session, but it was the most fun I've had with the character. I quite like complexity which is why I'm drawn to casters. I like casters with some sort of fallback option like a psychic's cantrips, a bard's compositions, or a witch's hexes. It just so happens this particular subclass's fallback is to bonk. Aside from the really clunky focus spell rules. I think I made the right decision. Oracle is a far more mechanically interesting and lore rich option for my campaign. Can't wait to see what they do with it in the remaster! Here's hoping battle oracle gets master proficiency in martial weapons!
@Nercrontyr 7 күн бұрын
Might play a time mystery one soon with a medic free archetype to really get in there with that movement and layered ac bonus vs AoO. I agree. The oracle is dripping with flavor. I do like it a lot even with its downfalls. I feel it really brings the feel of "beware of your own power least you be consumed by it" vibe. Played a life oracle for a one shot recently and found it interesting. We didnt go past early levels. Jumping to time for something different. Glad to see one of yours also went time.
@TheLocalDisasterTourGuide 7 күн бұрын
First off - that is a sweet Gnome model that you created! I have an Oracle build that I hope to play one day that takes advantage of the Tall Tale Background (which is perfect for an Oracle IMO). Goblin Cosmos Oracle who learned his magic "from the Man on the Moon." My tribes favorite goat went missing, so I climbed the World's Tallest Mountain (TM), hoped a ride on the moon, and asked the Man on the Moon to help me find our tribes goat. After bringing the goat back, I decided to use the Man on the Moon's magic to help more people find missing things! [Editor's Note: If someone asks which mountain the Goblin Oracle climbed, he will gladly identify it - and it is DEFINITELY not the world's tallest mountain.]
@RebelThenKing 6 күн бұрын
This sounds so cool. I actually really like the Cosmos Oracle quite a lot and now wished I had covered it here.
@Freeze014 7 күн бұрын
wizard's int and recall knowledge associated skills, are a big PLUS for the wizard.
@Athkore 10 күн бұрын
Great video it seems to be in line with most of what I've seen. In addition, Guardian is supposed to be THE heavy armor class, yet it still takes all the usual speed penalties from heavy armor, this works in friction with its Intercept Strike as its harder to be near your allies, a feature that negates the speed penalty completly from their armor and shields (making massive shields more viable for the class) so the Guardian won't be lagging behind their party. The way Taunt functions also clashes with the fantasy of being a heavily armoed character, buy lowering your AC all the investment the class has made into heavy armor pointless.
@ItsDeffoScott 12 күн бұрын
It's funny to me it's a given that this is your own opinion but people are still annoyed by it
@sethb3090 12 күн бұрын
The one I don't like is draconic sorcerer. It's the kind of default entry point to sorcerer and encourages new players to make the mistake to focusing on melee. Also Dragons Presence is the best feat ever
@undrhil 12 күн бұрын
Since the sorcerer is supposed to be getting some updates in the player Core 2 book you probably could have waited for that book to release before doing this video
@strdstryr 12 күн бұрын
Nice video! I looking pretty hard at a metal/earth kineticist in our next campaign. Enjoyed watching.
@kryptonianguest1903 12 күн бұрын
I like the narrative options that are opened up by an Imperial sorcerer's visions of their ancestors' lives. I just have to be careful not to take it too far and annoy my other players by making the sorcerer the main character.
@OpenWorldAddict0 12 күн бұрын
Some of the Bloodlines that you mentioned are Uncommon, which means that they won't be allowed by all gms. For healing/support, I think my favorite is Angelic. For a rebuffing sorcerer, I like Hag.
@royalsapphire1196 13 күн бұрын
Karl Marx: did I hear class struggles?
@jonathanbennison9220 13 күн бұрын
0:02 I'm not a super fan of the Sorceror as is. Its quite stock from the 3.5 era. Of course everything has evolved but. Limited spell selection remains a major compromise. That said. If you have reliable access to a staff, and scrolls, I forgive. Spontaneous staves though, do kinda suck in comparison. All that said, I love Warlocks / Kineticist, and they have iconic ally limited spell repertoire. (impulses now) Kineticist is awesome, right now, and that's great. If Sorceror were built from the ground up, by Paizo it might be awesome. Otherwise, I'll stick with Kineticist I think.
@TheLocalDisasterTourGuide 13 күн бұрын
That Harrow Sorcerer actually fits perfectly for a build I've been toying around with. I tend to overlook the Sorcerer, so thanks for the reminder.
@DrPluton 13 күн бұрын
I'm partial to the Fey Bloodline because it leans into illusions and trickery. I can't claim it's powerful, but it has a subtle charm to it.
@pollograssopollo 13 күн бұрын
The background music reminds me of Gorky 17 videogame
@RebelThenKing 12 күн бұрын
Funny enough, the music was originally written for a video game project some friends were working on that never finished up.
@eamk887 13 күн бұрын
Sorcerer is awesome, its whole blood magic mechanic is cool, but I have to admit, most bloodlines are super dull. I mean, +1 bonuses and -1 penalties aren't bad, but they're just kinda boring. And it's heartbreaking that the bloodline with the most interesting blood magic effect, the Phoenix bloodline, is uncommon.
@Rashagar 13 күн бұрын
It does make me wonder if that will change in the remaster. Eg. What have Paizo learned since it was first released.
@Iceblade269 5 күн бұрын
I wish they were like the bloodlines in 1e. They gave you bonus feats and more abilities to make the bloodlines feel like an impactful choice.
@Giozize 13 күн бұрын
You don’t mention it, but Unraveling blast also scales pretty crazy at an extra 3d4 per rank. Harrow is pretty strong overall! I do think however Phoenix is the best sorcerer though. Really cool abilities, primal is a great list, and contingency in primal might allow for some crazy shenanigans I haven’t thought of!
@IndieGoFigure 13 күн бұрын
Elemental sorcerer is the first pure spellcaster I'd recommend anyone to play in the system, alternatives anyone?
@norbertkowalczyk2197 9 күн бұрын
Should you chage bludgeoning damage of the 3 elements to better matvh the themes. Maybe lightning or cold for air?
@charyk2646 13 күн бұрын
Will be interesting to see if Player Core 2 does anything for the sorcerer bloodlines, particularly some of the more lackluster focus spells!
@IndieGoFigure 13 күн бұрын
An obvious and easy fix given the excellent rework the witch got, elemental is naturally getting an upgrade with the additions of metal and wood.
@eamk887 13 күн бұрын
Sadly, the only changes sorcerers will be getting in PC2 is a) each bloodline can get new passives as they level up, b) Elemental bloodline will be changed due to the changes to elements in RoE, and c) Dragon bloodline will be changed due to the changes to dragons in the remaster. That's it.
@AlexKlindt 15 күн бұрын
The wizard is undoubtedly more powerful due to its higher ceiling. The accessibility of learning new spells and the ability to easily slot in to crafting scrolls and other magical items gives a serious edge on top of the extra spell a day. However the wizard player needs to put the work in both in and out of table to figure out how to best apply their tools. The biggest edge the sorc player has over the wizard is access to their choice of spell list. The primal list in particular really shines on a spontaneous caster due to having a lot of the "bread and butter" spells across the traditions on it. The list has heal, fear, haste, fireball etc. along with good summoning and polymorph choices.
@hellfrozenphoenix13 15 күн бұрын
My metal Kineticist half Automation, half Leshy (basically made without the ability to photosynthesize but witj a connection to the Plane of Metal, so the Leshy made the suit so he COULD photosynthesize) is so much fun. Metal feels like such a "bag of tricks" that its kinda funny ino.