Creators Blaming Fans is a Stupid Idea
GH-057 STORY - Honest Review
My Take On Why Isom Doesn't Work
What Motivates You To Write?
The Slow Death Of Nerd Culture
@dennybarkleysoueu 9 сағат бұрын
I want make a christian superhero universe called "The LHF (League of Hyper Friends) Universe"
@TheNERDWay1 9 сағат бұрын
@@dennybarkleysoueu sounds like a great idea.
@godfoe_universe 17 сағат бұрын
Thanks so much for the review! We appreciate your time, effort, and honesty. <3
@TheNERDWay1 16 сағат бұрын
@@godfoe_universe Glad I could help. I’m sure your book will be a hit.
@Kayla-oe9wm 2 күн бұрын
Oh thank god, from the title I thought he actually might have done something bad. Maybe he just doesn't care about how being brazen about his politics effects his sales? And would rather do that than this wishy washy fake """apolitical""" thing where you try and downplay your opinions while also making them extremely obvious lol.
@LancelotDavis-jh1ox 3 күн бұрын
I have been making my own superhero universe recently with my sister drawing the characters. I have 10 superheroes so far, a few villains, and different organizations.
@markmathew1366 9 күн бұрын
I have a love hate relationship with comics. I just love Joker as a character however I am not able to enjoy his comics. I have this tendency of reading any character from the start to finish and kind of getting a complete sense of the character however I just don't like that they change the history of the character. For eg: The killing joke was a very good comic however they tarnished the legacy of Joker by bringing 3 Jokers into the mix just for some cheap thrill & entertainment
@TheNERDWay1 9 күн бұрын
I like the Killing Joke and I liked how they kept his true origin a mystery. The 3 Jokers was a mess. To be honest, I don’t think there is a good fix for comics. It might take another 50 years to correct things.
@markmathew1366 9 күн бұрын
@@TheNERDWay1 My views being exactly the same lmao even a person who wants to read Avengers comics will have a hard time finding comics from start to finish for a particular character
@Beatsofwar 13 күн бұрын
@totomen666 16 күн бұрын
You still didn't understood that Eric sells not a comics ( his comics is dogshit) he is selling merch and FRIENDSHIP with black man on internet.
@midnight-2021 18 күн бұрын
Go woke, go broke. She Hulk, Quantum Leap and eventually that Star Wars, Acolyte will be done as well. Star Wars, Acolyte is extremely bad!
@TransformersCollector 19 күн бұрын
It’s more like a PSA announcement 😅
@robwong7206 21 күн бұрын
I've started on writing my own Super Hero Team light novel, that is kind of a semi-slow build, introducing the heroes and the events that bring them together. Has a kind of Avengers/ Justice League kind of tone, rather than a X-Men/ Fantastic Four vibe. Focusing on the first volume, but did make quite a few extra characters to expand the universe in possible, future volumes, ranging from side characters, other heroes, and new villains. Already finished the prologue and starting on chapter 1 today. :)
@TheNERDWay1 21 күн бұрын
That’s great. Good luck and good writing.
@robwong7206 21 күн бұрын
@@TheNERDWay1 Thank you, and same to you on your future endeavors.
@mitchbray6637 21 күн бұрын
Today, I plan to read Avengers 1000, Justice League Last Ride, The Joe Garison Punisher-love it-even though, Joe Garison is a clone of the way Frank Castle used to be before they messed him up, you know, before they decided that he had no redeeming qualities-a person's point of view can decide when that was. Give me an anti-hero who has some sense of right and wrong-but I digress-I plan to read JLA/Avenges and then, Batman/Punisher, my Bible and a short superhero story I published in our church bulletin last year and a poem I published a number of years ago. That's what I will be reading. Oh and some Mark Twain.
@venomousmedia3370 22 күн бұрын
He should have just made like a 20-30 page book and get the feedback. Its not easy to make a 90 page comic. That takes years of experience. In over 90 pages Isom feels to tell a story. Out of the books out there so far, I think Alphacore is the most passable, because Chuck Dixon tried to salvage it, but sitlll its rough around the edges.
@franktarvee8773 23 күн бұрын
You are absolutely right sir this is no Prince Neymor with a bone in his nose, he's not cut up he's not built right this is something marvel just wanted to do, this is an insult to all marvel readers from the old school, this is an insult to Stan Lee this guy looks like he's from Hawaii they would have been better off just using the green screen to make the submariner the guy that they used it is pathetic.
@callmestorm23 23 күн бұрын
The best way to create a superhero universe or any franchise for that matter, is simply L.T.S. LONG TERM STORYTELLING
@francisconavarro4251 27 күн бұрын
I am creating a Superhero universe that I call the Phenomenal Universe. I have more that 100 characters and yeah I have some struggles with who to start the story and my main superhero team is still in development (two characters to be exact, the other five are fine), I have other superhero team that doesn’t need as much to work to work so they are easy, I think I have like 7 or maybe 8 different superhero teams, I been struggling a bit on the villains because it’s difficult to make a very specific foe for each hero and not make it repetitive. Overall considering that I alone made all this stuff, I think it’s truly amazing, I can only imagine what can I do if I have a team to develop more and more my universe. Also I am basing all my characters (well most of them) and places in things that I see an like, for example one of my main heroes is like green lantern because it can create hard light constructs, obviously his origin, costume, the tool to use his powers are totally different. But yeah thanks you for the advice.
@lorenzolobos1849 28 күн бұрын
oh i thought it was gonna be something bad.
@gddbrothers2002 Ай бұрын
I really don't kill my my characters maybe side characters and they don't come back at all I literally just started and don't need Time travel yet I have multiverse but nothing too serious maybe once in a while Villains are mostly irredeemable it depends on who the villian is in the beginning i guess kind of anti heros I have magic but i really haven't made any characters Also is there anyway i can talk to you personally i have ideas like my little brothers think they are cool i have been making up stories since i was like 10 and i try to remember all my characters but i am 19 now and i realized they don't have depth and i don't want to change them
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
You can email me. [email protected]. I work a full time job so it may be a few hours until I respond.
@gddbrothers2002 Ай бұрын
So my main villain was a hero from thousands of years ago and wants to kill all gods and become the only god believing all gods are evil kinda like Gorr and he created the hero kinda the same way he got his power and some other complex manipulation stuff
@gddbrothers2002 Ай бұрын
I made a hero i thought was perfect but so far his only motivation is his younger brother i really don't have anything to make him want to be a hero
@keithridge197 Ай бұрын
Right on
@shadowbane7401 Ай бұрын
shang chi is amazing and their called ten rings, douchebag
@dhyde9780 Ай бұрын
As he throws them ALL on the floor.
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
It’s a chair.
@dhyde9780 Ай бұрын
@@TheNERDWay1 But still. Easy sailor LOL
@BigBandelero Ай бұрын
Marvel and DC NEVER cared about the money… ever. Speaking of cults, you see how a lot of comic fans behave?
@alftanner866 Ай бұрын
I store my books between old yellow pages books. A $ saver👌
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
At this point your yellow pages might be as collectible as your comics 😄
@goingthejacksonway Ай бұрын
shall I say, that's some pretty solid advice, man. I'm about to showcase a brand new superhero type cinematic universe (there are some other concepts that I think would make this become a thing of its own eventually, so I would not call it a day), and I'd like to believe something this big could potentially inspire millions of people within the next 10 years or so, gotta be honest, there's only two ways out if it goes mainstream. one it becomes a global Pop phenomenon in the likes of Marvel's Infinity War (way more appealing I would say even) and it becomes stable for the next 15 years fair enough taking some major losses here and there, sure, but it somewhat gets considered as your whole new "cinematic standards" by current and upcoming generations. TWO, it goes awfully mediocre (i know, it sounds harsh but it is what it is) and it will go down in history as another weird experiment. Good thing is, me and the team I've built around the project for the last 5 years we are trying to put up a monumental innovation force no matter what, compelling characters are key to it I think. Creating an entire universe will give you some major opportunities to explore beyond your surroundings, but I would like to add some more insights, you could also incorporate existing established characters (yes, it's not that easy, I completely understand this) if you can properly nail what they stand for and how they serve your stories. You still may want to look after your own characters, especially if your coming up from scratch with compelling ideas, so it can stand on its own. i'm willing to check out your books and all the new stuff as we speak, You got a new sub+1 today, man! Keep it up! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
Thanks. Keep me updated on your projects. I love a good superhero story. Especially in the movies.
@cardsnark3651 Ай бұрын
Mine are all stacked in a pile of old pizza boxes
@ReworkToys Ай бұрын
That's really sad to hear. I was reminded of The Savage Dragon recently and remembered how much I loved his look and style, but that tweet is a disgrace. People may point out the obvious about Biden, that he is obviously senile and can't think or speak and should not be the POTUS, but I havent seen anyone say anything as vile as that tweet. Liberals have completely lost it, and it looks to me like they are trying to destroy Western society from the inside out. They are so far left-leaning now that they are becoming fascists at every chance they get.
@ItsKingRexx Ай бұрын
Me and my little brother are currently creating super hero’s for our universe, I have many original superpowers that not many people have used, I’m trying to be as original as I can and I think it’s going good so far, I’ve been thinking about some villains and stuff and I think it’ll be good. Once I have a few characters and villains I wanna make an official comic. Once I make that I’ll see how it goes and maybe I’ll be the next big thing 😉
@chaosiscoming9184 Ай бұрын
Want some advice? and to be frank idc if u say No. And here's how I see it.. Eric is doing his thing, he is doing very well. People liked ISOM 1 so they bought ISOM 2, people liked part 2 so they bought alphacore and people like that so they wanna buy the next one, Yair... But U.. U HATE his comics, and instead of moving on, buying and talking about the Comics U like, U wanna make hate videos on the eric and it's fandome.. and before U call me a fanboy, I'm not.. I bought then yes cos I think they are ok. I didn't continue buying them to jump on the fanboy train or anything, I enjoy reading them, and tbh I don't care at all about the guy, I enjoy the comics. But instead of working on your comic and growing your business u want to try and bring him down.. like LMAO Why is it always the small ones who can't make it are jealous of the ones who do? U hate his comics so EVERYONE should follow u and hate to? LMAO He is doing well cos the people like his comics ffs. Leave him and the fans alone.
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
No. I don’t care. And I don’t make comics. I write novels. Did you even watch this video. I talk about all 3 of my novels. For someone who claims not to care about Eric July, you’re doing a great job of white knighting for him.
@chaosiscoming9184 Ай бұрын
@@TheNERDWay1 1. No I didn't watch your video, why would I lol. 2. I'm not white kighting him, the guy has done NOTHING to u, Your hating on him cos u don't like his comics ffs x'D U could just move on but instead u want to make hate videos on him LMAO. Again U don't like him so EVERYONE must think like u in your mind :/ Can't wait to see your not hate video on him lol
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
@@chaosiscoming9184 so you didn’t watch my video, stfu rippatard.
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
@@chaosiscoming9184 never going to happen, rippatard.
@JamesBond-wo4yz Ай бұрын
Nooooooo 😡😡😡😡😡 batman solos you with no diff
@Tealpumpkinn Ай бұрын
The ones without the boards give me anxiety
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
Me too.
@josephcolosi9639 Ай бұрын
So you start off the video by saying what you "have to do" to hype up your product, but then you complain that it's getting hype without doing those things? It sounds like you are coming from a place of jealousy. Also the complaints about the artwork have no bearing considering that what you used as an example is not what the finished product looks like.
@Soultakerplays Ай бұрын
uhh you shouldnt stack your comics like that either. They should be faced each the opposite way to avoid creases. That stack gonna be ruined either way.
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
They’re safely stashed away in long boxes. I know how to store comics.
@livingyuuj Ай бұрын
Mcu is pushing female based heroes not out of necessity of a story, but rather propaganda. I don’t have a problem with female heroes, but they need to 1. Serve a purpose 2. BE LIKABLE 3.BE FEMININE. Every female hero in mcu has the “I don’t need a man” mantra and it’s getting dull. Good examples of female leads were 1.Ripley from aliens 2.Selene from the first 2 underworld series 3.Elastigirl from the incredibles 4.Sarah Conner from the first 2 terminator films. 5.Gwen Stacy from amazing Spiderman(she played a very good supportive role) All characters listed showed vulnerability, and didn’t shun help from men. Their was no contest on who did a task better than the other, it was about solving the problems they faced together. Long rant but it needed to be said.
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
You are absolutely right.
@livingyuuj Ай бұрын
When the world no longer makes sense, you make sense of it through stories. Future famous writer quote.
@comicbossone2411 Ай бұрын
@milestrombley1466 Ай бұрын
Eric is famous because his KZfaq channel and podcast helped him build a large fandom. Because they like his speeches, they want to buy his books, even if his stories are not great. It's all part of marketing. "If you hate Marvel and DC, buy my books instead."
@AmyHudler-ht9em Ай бұрын
I can hardly wait for Shattered!!
@JuliantroX Ай бұрын
Why not?
@terrellbeast7369 Ай бұрын
Just a hater...
@joshuam2212 Ай бұрын
I have been writing for about 10 year for my own enjoyment never worried about the word count just had fun then when i started looking up about writing i found by most standards I'm really good now I'm working no a book a want to get self published i am more nervous about the not reaching the word count but its still fun
@chrisgraves2892 Ай бұрын
Thank you for this amazing review! Sign up for WNP book 2 is live and we launch in august!
@johnposey3606 Ай бұрын
Dear Doctor, I cut my teeth on the show during the Tom Baker years and followed your adventures across space and time. Sure, I considered the show a B grade Syfy drama, one where each episode was a cliffhanger, and I couldn’t wait until the next episode came out. Doctor you always had class and dignity and I respected you for that. I’m ashamed of what’s become of you. Now you are an A grade well produced comedy, lacking both dignity and class. You appeared prancing around in your underwear. You, sir (I guess it’s okay to refer to you as sir) have lost your self-respect when you “bi-generated” in such a manor. They say that first impressions are lasting ones. You impressed me as a clown, a puppet on a string. I would much rather watch a poorly produced Syfy drama than a fancy, high end production that wants to pander to the WOKE. Some people are upset to see this #RIPDoctor Who movement, they haven’t grown up with the Doctor so they will never understand unless they read this letter. Maybe then, they will have a clue why some of us will no longer follow you to the corner, let alone across time and space.
@TheNERDWay1 Ай бұрын
Well said.
I do the right way so good for me
Thanks man
@Joshkie2 2 ай бұрын
11:26 Coming to the end of this sh*t show. Never going to watch another video never going to buy your books.
@Joshkie2 2 ай бұрын
10:35 I can choose to give my money to the cult or not….. how uncult like of my cult… need to talk to Eric, we can do better. 😆😆😆
@Joshkie2 2 ай бұрын
9:20 Neither does selling stuff cheaply, that’s why we as consumers determine what we think someone thing is worth and what we are willing to spend on it. Your opinion on this matters very little to me.
@TheNERDWay1 2 ай бұрын
A lot of people are giving me their opinion about this video. They mean very little to me.
@Joshkie2 2 ай бұрын
9:15 Hmmm…. So there’s a lot of people willing to buy crap… What does it mean if noone is buying your stuff… are they? Should I look up your ranking and reviews?