Modifying a graphic/concert t-shirt
EndoMarch 2016: San Francisco Speech
Endo Vlog 8/7/2014: Verbal Diarrhea
Endo Vlog 4/11/2014: Quick update!
EndoMarch 2014: Why I'm Marching
Endo Vlog 2/11/2014: Chronic Pain
@spicegoddes5593 Жыл бұрын
You need a friend ( I am here for you. ) I will put a prayer in for you.
@mrworrey Жыл бұрын
I like your colour of nails.. beautiful next time?
@mrworrey Жыл бұрын
Hello beautiful how are you ❤
@scottgarrett6780 Жыл бұрын
Let's play love
@zeinazebra123 3 жыл бұрын
my dad died from covid yesterday
@dna9571361 3 жыл бұрын
this takes so much courage! Thinking of you <3
@joanfan6324 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for your loss.
@THEONLYGORE 3 жыл бұрын
love you so much my DDR Sister. My heart goes out to you and the family. Ive had a few people close to me come down with it but this hits harder than anything.
@beauty4717 6 жыл бұрын
Has Prozac worked for you? My doctor prescribed me Prozac 20mg about 2 days ago. I hope it work for me.
@summermurray3632 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you my endosisters I rarely get all about"bad days" as they are constant....I cried with you.... I keep telling myself that all these dreams I have will be accomplished .... but endometriosis is a life taker.... how can this be fair..... I love all my endosisters .... Thank you for being so brave
@egorskavysh9208 7 жыл бұрын
I am sure the best diet ebooks you can download from WooPep website .
@nickiedoyle1731 7 жыл бұрын
I have level 4 endometriosis , I just had a surgery in June and its been two months since I finished my Lupron Injections. I finally got my cycle and Im fearing I have PMDD . This was really helpful. So thank you for sharing your expirience.
@Stephknauff 7 жыл бұрын
I go to pole fitness classes too! I haven't worked up the courage to go any aerial work, but I'm loving the classes so far (with my feet still on the ground lol)
@riahussain3032 7 жыл бұрын
Hi, I hope you are as well as you can be my Endo sister.. After having a really bad few days i was searching the net for any videos on Endometriosis and depression, and that is how i came across your video. I can completely relate to you. I have bad periods since the age of 13, how ever i was finally diagnosed in 2015 at the age of 32 with mild endometriosis. Within months my Endo progressed and i had Excision surgery this October 2016, where i was diagnosed with stage 4 Endo that was also entering my bowel. The surgeon has told me i need to start trying for children as the Endo is in my uterus which he cannot remove. I planned to find a partner, get married then try, i how ever no longer have that choice as my time is limited. I have been told to try before my uterus collapses and then consider a hysterectomy. My life has drastically changed in the last two years i just about managed to graduate from university, but since then cannot work or socialize. I am very maternal and really want to have my own child so am now considering trying for one via donor on my own. Since my 4th surgery i have tried HRT therapy which has left me even more depressed almost suicidal so i stopped and will now try birth control for the pain. This is how i am at the moment. It is comforting to know i am not alone and listen to someone like yourself who knows exactly how it feels!. Thank you for sharing Freya,
@ashtenreeavery 7 жыл бұрын
you look amazing Fiona! <3
@drhikaru 7 жыл бұрын
Aww thanks love!
@kaitorox 7 жыл бұрын
I love you Fi <3 <3
@drhikaru 7 жыл бұрын
<3 <3 <3
@katepow9961 7 жыл бұрын
I've been on depo-provera for about 2 years and I've noticed that my PMDD is getting worse. any suggestions on birth control? I also have polycystic ovarian disease so no birth control isn't an option for me. I feel I'm going insane. I have a great dr but she doesn't had PMDD and I'm afraid of whatever she puts me on is going to make it worse and i am beyond my limit of dealing with this.
@drhikaru 7 жыл бұрын
I haven't been on depo-provera, so I'm not sure what to tell you. You can try asking for continuous birth control, where you take a pill every day and have a period once every three months? I was on Seasonique and it helped for a while. You might also ask if putting you on an antidepressant would help? I was on the lowest dose of prozac and it helped wonders. I'm hoping you feel better soon. ;(
@heatherbarnes7179 8 жыл бұрын
im looking in to a simmular diet because i have andenomyosis and i cant function with the pain and i cant wait for it to get worse so its my option. im soon going to be doing a vlog thats only for andeno and pmdd. i cant do hormones because im super sensitive to medicine. so this diet and plan is my only option
@khricket 8 жыл бұрын
Adenomyosis (ad-uh-no-my-O-sis) - the mayo clinic.
@agarioversus6402 8 жыл бұрын
Cool video! I like it
@lonesaku1 8 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry that I don't get to watch all your videos or comment much, but I just wanted to say that I really admire all that you're doing. Sorry if that came out wrong.
@ashtenreeavery 8 жыл бұрын
love you sisters! especially you Fiona! xo 💛
@cyndybennett9562 8 жыл бұрын
You're such an inspiration to us Endo sufferers, we love you so so much 😘😘😘. You've helped so many people including myself, and mine has come back too. I'm going in the depo shot for 3 months and if that doesn't work I'll have the surgery again
@lizat7781 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have both and now that I'm 11 months post-excision I'm wondering if the fatigue I'm feeling is the adenomyosis.
@jaccs808 8 жыл бұрын
Oh ya, forgot to add Adenomyosis to my list of doom 😣
@jaccs808 8 жыл бұрын
Bravo, courageous warrior! I came across one of your videos a couple years ago before my surgery. The fact that you're raw, real and unfiltered is what I connected with. I like to think I'm very expressive and an open book, but there were some things that I felt were just too unbelievable in my life, that I needed to hear it from another person. So, thank you for your courage, your strength, your hope. 💕I've recently found myself in a lower place as well. Dealing with the emotions, the exhaustion, the physical pain. On top of it, my husband and I have been married 13 yrs and I just turned 35. I feel like each time my "monster" shows up, it slaps me in my face and slices me in my gut to remind me that, yet again, I am not pregnant and who knows if I will ever be. Only to go to work 6 inches full of Endo bloat with everyone asking me if I AM pregnant 😠I'm interested to hear about the diet... I've been dealing with nausea too...and constipation. I mean, I just.don't.feel.well. I've been breaking out bad, and gaining weight even though I barely eat because I'm always feeling sick. I know there's really no flow nor structure to this post, but that's kinda how my thoughts and emotions have been lately. On top of the Stage IV Endo, I have type 2 diabetes, Lupus, Hypoactive thyroid, IBS and arthritis. I just found out about the Lupus. So, idk how to feel about it yet except curious and irritated with yet another thing wrong with me. I know my husband didn't think he was getting a patient for a wife. Don't get me wrong, he's the most amazing support. We've been together since I was 17. So, he's seen me through it all. But, I always have that guilty, ashamed and insecure feeling inside.In addition to my physical and emotional struggles, there's the whole work thing. I'm trying to thrive and grow in my career, but some days I can't even stand up in a meeting because I'm afraid clots are going to run down my leg. (they've already gone up my back during a meeting). Sometimes the pain gets so intense that I throw up or even pass out. So, how reliable or promising do I look as a candidate for the next promotion?And like you, despite my rants and my moments, I just want to reach someone and bring them comfort, hope, a laugh or just awareness. If I didn't have my faith, I know i wouldn't be able to make it through. But, one can't help but to wonder when the storm will ever be over. Everytime I think it's clearing up, a new dark cloud rolls on in. So, I know how you're feeling...I know you're strong. It's ok to have a moment. The brave thing is you're expressing your emotions and using your videos as an outlet. I'm sure it's therapeutic. It is for me just watching them...even writing this.Sending lots of positive vibes, prayers and comfort your way! ~JaccieInstagram: Jaccs808
@tammiem1635 8 жыл бұрын
How are you doing now? I recently had my period become very unlike what I am use to it being. I'm going through a lot of emotions. But I don't know what it could be and it could be Endo. My Ultrasound didn't see anything unusual but it also says online the only sure way to find Endometriosis is to have laparoscopic surgery. I have survivors guilt now too, that I can't say that I have the textbook version of Endometriosis symptoms. I saw my Doctor this October because I normally always have heavy menstrual bleeding and cramping for the first two days of my period and then I have semi heavy bleeding the third and fourth day with semi heavy cramping and it ends. This October my period was about a week late. It was really light bleeding for two days and light cramping. Then heavier cramping when it was gone. Then about five days to a week later it came back again and it was light bleeding again for two days and then gone again and I was cramping heavy when I wasn't bleeding. I also told my Doctor my back has been hurting really bad lately more than it usually does. And then before the month of October ends I get my period again on October 24th and it lasts for nine days in a row not ending at all any day in-between. And then Nov. 1rst my Period ends at night. And then Nov. 3rd at night my Period began again and this time it was heavy menstrual bleeding for 3-4 hours I went through two tampons and then ... Okay well I'll stop there. I know I need to have more tests run. To be honest I'm just scared. I'm scared of Doctors. I'm scared of how unsympathetic they are. How they look at people who if they are not gonna die then they are a nutcase for not being full of vigor and enthusiasm for life. And maybe just maybe it's where my head is at right now because my hormones are so all over the place and I don't think that anyone could understand what I am going through or that they would even want to put themselves in the mindset to be able to understand. I grew up with really emotionally detached parents and I kinda see the world that way. Anyhow that's a little about my experience this year. I really hope you get on here soon and update us all on how you are doing.
@kurtwilliams6097 8 жыл бұрын
Hi,i have put on the birth control yasmin what do you think about that one?
@sarahfoyle942 8 жыл бұрын
thank you for this video. I'm in the middle of being diagnosed with endometriosis after being in so much this year. I've had to switch my obgyn, because she didn't believe me, the one I see now gave me vicoden mixed with ibprophen, and I actually felt normal for those two weeks, and then she stopped prescribing it and running tests because the five ultra sounds and four ct scans came up normal. now I got to a specialist who still won't wrote me a script until she runs her tests even though she's extremely sure I have endo. I've been in constant pain for a week now, and I feel like it's useless to even go to the hospital anymore. I feel like I can't get out of bed and it's so annoying when you call your obgyn, primary and specialist and all they do is tell you to take motrin and sit with a heating pad, when if that actually worked I wouldn't have called.. thank you for sharing about your pain during your exam because when I voiced that to my obgyn she told me it's normal because I'm so skinny... I'm really trying to stay strong but it's so hard cause I feel like I've been constantly getting the run around for over a year now. it's getting really hard, I just wanna be able to get in the shower st this point
@breannarg 9 жыл бұрын
You are so inspirational, so real and so honest. I really enjoyed watching your videos. I would like to start a vlog myself!. I agree with you - we face emotions other people don't. We aren't dramatic, we are facing a reality that is so much more difficult than most people face in their entire life. I am so glad that you are an excision marauder... I hope we can work together in the future to change the way we view this disease. To help women get the help they need. I feel like the last two years of my life have been crazy - I nearly died twice. I had a doctor do a surgery in 2011... when the pain came back they literally let me get so sick I was near death before I got the help I needed (I had a bunch of other opinions, but they were OBGYNs... not experts and I didn't know). I just want to make sure women get the right care, we aren't defined by this disease and that we deserve to be as pain free as possible. Sending my love <3
@tashawhite6071 9 жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with adenymosis and i'm really sad because now i can't have anymore kid's atless on my own and i really wanting one more but i can't have anymore 😢
@AshleyxA7X 9 жыл бұрын
I'm so shocked right now, I've been through all of this i thought i was the only one to have endometriosis and adenomyosis. I've googled gone on forums and never found anyone with a simulator story! Thank you for uploading this video, and kuddos to you on your journey!
@cyndybennett9562 9 жыл бұрын
You look good in this video, more happy I guess
@mpalka6 9 жыл бұрын
@Sakana_Ren 9 жыл бұрын
Hi, Dr. Hikaru. I'm happy that you and your doctor were able to find a treatment that works well for you. Hopefully, the medical profession will soon come up with a treatment that will work well for all endo sisters. Take care.
@brandie961 9 жыл бұрын
You did great
@hameshakhan5284 9 жыл бұрын
You did an amazing job love! -@shanakhan27
@summermurray3632 9 жыл бұрын
You did an amazing job! I'll be at that march one of these years!
@cyrenerenee 9 жыл бұрын
Love it
@thelifewriter127 9 жыл бұрын
You making these videos makes me feel strong and feel less alone. I was diagnosed March 4,2014. I am 20 and have had one lap. My endo is back worse then ever. I'm in so much pain and work on my feet all day. I can relate. I am open to any endo sisters getting ahold of me also. Support for others is the best form of help we can get!
@drhikaru 9 жыл бұрын
Kim Bee There are numerous support groups on Facebook that have been super helpful for me, I encourage for you to find one to join as well! Thank you for your kind words, and feel free to reach out to me whenever for support!
@thelifewriter127 9 жыл бұрын
You are so strong. Thank you for sharing. I will be following and can relate because I have endo, pcos, and ibs.
@GwynWalker 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Doc. It is Endo Awareness Month and I just want to check on you and see how you are doing. Miss your videos. How all is better.
@drhikaru 9 жыл бұрын
Gwyn Walker I've been preparing for EndoMarch 2015! So it's been a whirlwind through travel and my life. I'm working on getting more videos, my last one didn't quite upload and I'm not sure why. Boooo. But I am uploading my speech for EndoMarch. I hope you are well too!
@T3awaroa 9 жыл бұрын
I seriously wish i had you to listen to years ago. Im 41yrs now and Ihave been diagnosed w a scarring in the uterus. I am learning now what my sympyoms mean. Watching this vid has enlighten me sooo much
@drhikaru 9 жыл бұрын
Q TeA I'm so glad to hear that! Feeling alone is the worse. I hope you are doing better these days! Stay well and be strong!
@HealthyKyla 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!!
@drhikaru 9 жыл бұрын
Kyla Thompson You're very welcomed!
@courtjohnston6734 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video, I have just been diagnosed at 23 and really struggling with it. I feel like I have the exact same symptoms as you so good to hear I am not alone! Is there a way I can contact you? You are the first young person who I have found who has this xx
@drhikaru 9 жыл бұрын
Court Johnston Hi! Absolutely, drhikaru @ gmail . com! Looking forward to hearing from you! Sorry about the late response!
@NativeNYerChicHK 9 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU!!! Just diagnosed Adenomyosis and have the exact symptoms!! It's frustrating to always feel overwhelmingly exhausted, bloated, and emotional from the fluctuating hormones. The pain you are describing is your uterus contracting, feel just like labor pains feel. I have two children and this is the exact pain I felt then as I do now with Adenomyosis, it's more pressure than stabbing. But it hurts! Love that my doc pin pointed this almost immediately, well as fast as he could by ruling out other disorders. The only way to truly diagnose and treat Adenomyosis is by hysterectomy. We are currently trying to find out what will work best for me to avoid that major surgery, on Prometrium right now. Estrogen is not good for this disease, actually causes it to flare up worse. Talk to your doctor about getting you off any birth control with estrogen in it ASAP!!!
@ALDONZAMX 9 жыл бұрын
Hi! I was really looking forward to hear your message, but i can hardly hear you :( I am also an endosister and as you can tell , English is not my first language so ... sprry i could not know what you are saying and I was really looking forward. If you make another one with more volumen , I would appreciate ;) Thanks, hope you are feeling good.
@AlmostPorcelain 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video! I am a college student dealing with a new diagnosis of Adenomyosis. I have the fatigue and demotivation you are talking about, but I didn't relate it to the disease until this video.
@Stephknauff 9 жыл бұрын
Hello, I am slowly catching up on your endo videos....If the questionaire is still valid, I'd love to participate! I have been diagnosed with endometriosis for a little over 8 months, and I will be doing my first lap in the beginning of February for a true diagnosis. For me, it's hereditary and my mom had a very early hysterectomy as a result (not that it exactly helped, she has adhesions so bad) Enjoying the video, and I will comment on any newer videos as I watch them! Thank you so so so much for getting the word out about endo
@cyndybennett9562 9 жыл бұрын
I have blonde and blue hair too!! You rock girl!!