My Updated Thoughts On Arlecchino
@qiemyyshimee767 Сағат бұрын
what u expect? its hoyo game 💀
@mikyeediaz120 2 сағат бұрын
Having lots of characters to be leveled up isn't a problem for me because I have a lot of them built along their own artifacts. Guess my decision ever since 1.0 of building one character with their own artifacts seems to be good for me. Unfortunately for me, I hate this game-mode due to its random selection of teammates. Like sometimes you just get 4 DPS in one team. Like what? Here we are supposed to play the game where elemental reaction is important. Okay, I can endure having doing this sheer brute playstyle if I have to but they have time limit, making it so stressful for me...
@lucasfreitas2245 9 сағат бұрын
Please, include in the TC post release an eula, raiden, emelie and xinyan comp lol
@beancake 11 сағат бұрын
Interesting to hear your thoughts. I would look at it as not end-game but rather a new type of casual combat mode that lets you try out more of your characters. My biggest feedback for Genshin is to make it more like Slay the Spire! It'd be so fun to be able to plan routes in advance. And have a 4th act. I think they'll add another stage though, it looks setup that way in the UI at least. I'd love a route that's like: Enemy Combat -> Event -> TCG game -> Elite Combat -> Obstacle Course -> Boss. Personally, I had a pretty fun experience with it! Most of my characters are level 75, so I found it somewhat challenging. I liked having to think about who to save for later to make it through. I always chose the option to add another character to my team rather than boons, until I had all characters. So can't tell you much about the boons. Being able to team build just seems significantly better to me. Maybe the boons need to be stronger to counterbalance that.
@Friendfox 11 сағат бұрын
"abyss blessings feel more impactful than boons" yep, that's definitely real
@vaderglenn 15 сағат бұрын
Too many characters isn't bad because it's an "end game mode" yet Hsr has 3 different end game modes and only has you use 2 teams of 4 for each mode. Plus building characters in that game is insanely fast in comparison There is 0 reason to use this many characters for this mode. It wouldn't be as bad if I could use every element and more than just 1 unit from my friends. (1 per friend to a max of like 5? Since were going to have a stupidly high roster count.) It was fun making whacky teams but even then it was very random units and just waves of trash mobs eith hardly any difficultly. Like max characters should be 10 and not restricted elements. Less trash rounds, and more uses per characters. I want the enemies to be actually difficult, not just trash enemies and recycled bosses.
@tranlehuy4136 19 сағат бұрын
Let's be honest. No one use Shimenawa on Childe, his burst is very important and contributes a ton of damage.
@EdDrow 20 сағат бұрын
It feels less like work as the abyss does
@RichieRichJPN 22 сағат бұрын
I feel like this mode was completely convoluted and confusing to set up. I swear I used my alternate cast characters once and it was god awful. Granted, I cleared this run fully and overall it wasn't too bad, but still, it was a bit frustrating to me that most of my run was trial characters. 👎 Thanks for the primos, I guess. 🤷 However, I wholeheartedly agree that this event does depend on a broad array of built characters down to your 4-stars and griding for MORE characters built is VERY offputting as the RNG in this game sucks. I think this is could be an opportunity to start introducing a stat reroll for we can attain more valuable artifact to better built out our rosters... but we'll never get that.
@mismismism Күн бұрын
I hate it. Who asked for this, genuinely I don't understand WTF the ones running Genshin have going on in their heads. Everyone complains about Spiral Abyss being just a bad DPS check, every combat event or mode is a time trial, there is too much artificial difficulty in Spiral Abyss as a result while th open world is too easy, there's nothing in between, so they decide the best addition is essentially Spiral Abyss again, but easier but you also need a massive roster of built characters to randomly be dished out so you can't even use proper team comps... I just, I don't even know what to say, this is awful, this does not fix or address anything. It's not even really challenging, the enemies aren't hard, it's the randomness and stamina that make it "hard".
@dp8460 Күн бұрын
quick burn orverload team exist though,,
@Djax666 Күн бұрын
5 good artifacts per character require a lot of resin and luck, the more characters you need, the more resources it requires. Pyro and Electro are not the elements that make the most used reactions, especially since there is only one Chevreuse.
@HikasCorner Күн бұрын
Im pretty intrested in what's your male to female to other ratio in terms of viewership, because like, you start every video with "guys". Yes this is inspired by ludwig's clip
@TheGenshinScientist Күн бұрын
@@HikasCorner TGS: I don't understand why I have just 10% female viewers Also TGS: videogame math content
@HikasCorner Күн бұрын
@@TheGenshinScientist yeah fair enough. Im in a pretty large minority being a girl and a theorycrafter, so 10% is actually pretty surprising
@TheGenshinScientist Күн бұрын
@@HikasCorner hahahahah I see I see :)
@kingalex105x7 Күн бұрын
This video does a good job explaining its issues and some of them that i had. As for the wondrous boons being basic i think thats cuz of the limited team styles. It does seem atleast theyre willing to keep updating the theater but an issue of it is as you said lack of replayability and the fact it only resets once a month means we gotta wait a long time for updates.
@p-am9676 Күн бұрын
Imo they should have made the mode bigger as a Simulated Universe / Illusive realms with lot of achievements to get to get the whole rewards instead of doing it like a second abyss mode... Because it feels really fast and the concept of playing with 3 elements and having to chose our teams among a random pool of characters isn't really exploited at its fullest I also have the serious impression that they spent more times on working on the environment, the stage etc instead of working on the gameplay
@AJ_._._ Күн бұрын
Its funny how this mode is "team-building" focused, yet significantly inhibits how you can express your teambuilding knowledge with all these restrictions in place. A theorycrafter would almost have the same scuffed team as a casual player. It doesn't punish you for bad teambuilding knowledge because the difficulty was designed around bad teams. I expected a mode which tested how well you can adapt to the environment using your knowledge on synergies and characters
@anheld8726 Күн бұрын
4:13 And this is exactly why its poor design in such a lame ass way. Genshin's dev purposely break most characters and put other pieces of their kit in supports or cons. So this idea that "hehe, you have to think out the box and play smartly blah blah," pisses me off, because no there is not "thinking out the box when you purposely break every unit and make them hardly function as a solo unit on their own. For example, DPS's losing their infusion when they switch. Which is a design philosophy they came up with later to annoy and strong are players. I found Using keqing, felt so much better than other much more powerful chars, bc her entire kit, is a whole complete unit, even if a bit weak. SO yeah its fucking not fun. Idk why they couldnt make a fun mode.
@miscellaneous7777 Күн бұрын
7:39 that’s what I think of this game mode Turd.
@alicewalls2095 Күн бұрын
I don't understand why they never released a mode that randomly generates enemies and the goal is to see how long you last without dying or being overwhelmed, no food. It would boost the meta for healers and shielders as well as show a score of how many enemies you can kill. It can have check points that saves your health and characters. Over the course of the month you can keep going and going until all of your team is dead.
@Goujiki Күн бұрын
4:00 There is no way your Dehya is that bad. Im really starting to think these CC build Dehya bad on purpose to push their narrative. My Dehya punches for 15k to 20k, there is definitely something fishy going on here with CCs and Dehya.
@ahmadmelhem1499 Күн бұрын
Only reason I have done this shit imaginarium theater is for the primogems other than that this mode is shit and stupid
@_black_bird Күн бұрын
TGS: guys >:( Me: D: !
@batter1789 Күн бұрын
they could just bring back that corridor event with the paper man and everyone will happy-
@loomynx Күн бұрын
my biggest issue with it is that it fucks up how often the abyss runs. Why??? Why are they so against giving us rewards that they had to take away all the rewards that abyss gives and split them up between these two modes. it's not fair. other games do not do this shit.
@noreegrets1 Күн бұрын
You cursed hahah didnt expect that
@raycigar6356 Күн бұрын
U know what would be real unique and fun for thix end game mode, if they'd let us switch skills between the characters in one team xD
@Teybort Күн бұрын
6:37 I dont like random temporal buffs on my RPGs. It gets real boring real fast, in HSR i couldn't care less about Simutaled universe's modes. I want to test my character at their true colors.
@Riposte8 Күн бұрын
They could have just challenged horizontal progression with an optional mode added to Abyss. I would say three rule sets could work (perhaps stackable even) 1. Require unique weapons each chamber (up to 24 weapons). 2. No repeating characters (up to 24 characters) or characters can only be used twice (up to 16, maybe more if only a few characters can be carried forward) 3. Unique artifacts and ideally no repeating artifact set bonus combination (2pc/2pc, 4pc) - this would only work if they ever added pre-sets, which we pray they will one day. Anyway each of these options would make you build your teams differently, or even the same characters differently, while keeping the floors in mind. Depending on the rules chosen, you will have a wide use of your weapons, with ones being one and done, and you'll to do some basic farming of each artifact set (including the decent, but situational ones). It would also increase replay value for streamers. (Rewards shouldn't be more primos like theater, but rather cosmetic or smaller utility.) With horizontal progression out of the way, theater could be designed to be something more novel, perhaps were a majority of your team strength come from power ups (or make it more rogue-like). And while I am at it, hard mode for overworld, commissions, domains, bosses, etc. Buff stats so we have to do a full rotation once in awhile and maybe throw in an occasional floor 12 level challenge (such as for bounties). (Again rewards should on the minimal side or cosmetic )
@Gilyse Күн бұрын
Between this and the crappy chronicled banners and cycle of greed from hoyo, im getting tired.... I would love to see a strike from content creators. Im going from a day 1 welkin and bp player to a f2p now, but my $5 welkins and $10 bp absence wont hurt hoyo. Wanna demand change? I know it gets views but all of our favorite content creators need to go f2p for a few patches. Put the pressure on them. At minimum, c0r1 only. I'd love to see zyox, voidenigma, iwintolose, seka, you, and all of my favorite creators refuse to c6r5 anything for the next several patches. Make hoyo's natlan launch look dogshit no matter how good the constellations are. The thousand dollar spendings will be noticeable. The refusal to showcase c6 will be noticeable. Solidarity starts with the creators. We will back you up!
@Fyxxterzc Күн бұрын
Unpopular opinion. Nobody wants this harder. Your saying make the boons stronger but increase the difficulty? Why? Make it easier then artificially make it harder? Doesnt make any sense at all. The difficulty is fine. Especially for what will effectively be 3 rolls.
@kiss4542 Күн бұрын
@waddahrasengan3414 Күн бұрын
Thank God it wasn't another TCG
@Riposte8 Күн бұрын
TCG's "Abyss" is better designed.
@noctemsymph Күн бұрын
You know it true when the video starts with the low energy guys.
@edvardashres6282 Күн бұрын
How about kokomi help im f2p so if i have kokomi in this team (in furinas place) should i pull for furina or should save primos for natlan and other chars bc if i ll get furina my kokomi will go to waste i dont have space for her in any teams
@SamySamyelson Күн бұрын
Can i use emilie with wriothesley,xiangling and furina? Or furina will disturb the reactions?
@zukodude487987 Күн бұрын
I hate that i run out of healers ALL THE TIME! I dont have 10 different healers im sorry.
@FebreGundam Күн бұрын
Hoyo is clearly taking all the money they made and still make on Genshin and using it to make other, inferior versions of Genshin and I don't think they'll ever invest heavily in Genshin again. The game is what it is now and after 4 years I lost all hope it'll be significantly better in the future
@kouteipengin2go Күн бұрын
@mr.johnkun2827 Күн бұрын
I think "u need to level up so many characters" is just an excuse for being lazy. If u open the game just to do daylies, spend overcaped resin and leave, of course u will struggle! I personaly always like it to build all my characters cuz i always see the value in them, even Aloy! so yeah, if u dont have enough chars built thats on U.
@victorprietorubio7212 Күн бұрын
she build atack atack atack ?
@gamingtemplar9893 Күн бұрын
Another problem is that on top of the people who put money into the game ruining it, there are lots of idiots asking for RANDOM shit and developers put all the shit so more people play it. Basically the opposite of Souls Like games, which were niche and never cared about people who complained or didn't liked it. I'm not saying Genshin should be a souls like, should never be that shit, but the business model From Software adopted is good. Or even better, Larian studios with Baldurs Gate 3, turn based RPG loved by most people. At this point Genshin strongest point is not being WOKE like western games and being a fantasy game with "cute" characters.
@gamingtemplar9893 Күн бұрын
The problem is that the game was designed in one way, the new shit is completely contradictory and non compatible with the previous game design. The game is annoying in many ways and people don't like that, they added something even more annoying, what a great idea. No one asked for this, no player asked for this, and all the things players actually asked for, they ignored them. This are the issues. Also, forcing players into playing the game in a way that was never the point in this game, is the most stupid and unacceptable idea. They want to stop people who are F2P and saved a lot for strong characters, they want to force everyone to expend resources, and wish more on random shit. This is SCUM lvl of game design.
@gamingtemplar9893 Күн бұрын
The problem is that this game is not a combat game, and even as an RPG, which is not really an RPG like many modern games, it doesn't make sense. These mechanics are there just for the money, to create FOMO, gatekeeping, to make barriers so the players puts money into the game, that's all. Clearly this is not fun and makes absolutely no sense. What would make sense is to fix the RNG of artifacts, to remove resin limits, to remove the time limits in Abyss and make abyss 30 floors instead of 12, with weekly resets so there is combat and make it more survival instead of a DPS check. These are the fixes that would improve the game DRASTICALLY. Content creators don't say this, why? Because they don't care about good games, they just care about clicks and many players are wallet warriors who like this shit, this is why there are so many cheaters, botters, and p2w games.
@Gilyse Күн бұрын
They made a better end game type game mode back in inazuma with that dungeon event where we explored a dungeon with childe. We all begged for it to become a permanent event but they never did
@TremblingQualifier Күн бұрын
Dont agree with your first suggestion. Maybe they need to figure out how to buff suboptimal teams, it’s fun to try odd teams.
@artimis9993 Күн бұрын
Just add vagabond as the new endgame
@bjornnilsson2941 Күн бұрын
Yup they definitely left the mode undercooked. It's so bad that I have to wonder if they even beta tested it or just didn't listen to any beta feedback? I can't imagine any type of player who would actually like the mode in its current form. If you are more casual oriented or a newer player you likely won't have enough characters (or at least built), and if you are more of a hardcore player the mode just, as you said, removes the strongest part of Genshin's combat system to make it less enjoyable. In principle I 100% agree with the X post you showed. Genshin and Wuwa have very different combat systems and they're barely comparable. I would say Genshin has the far superior system *in principle* but lacks the appropriate content to make it shine. Obviously those who love Elden Ring, Dark Souls and that type of games might prefer Wuwa!