How Globalisation Fails Us
How Anarchy Works
2 ай бұрын
Why States Fail Humanity
3 ай бұрын
We Need A New Culture
4 ай бұрын
The Psychology of Political Cults
Should We Be Luddites?
6 ай бұрын
Are You An Ethical Tourist?
9 ай бұрын
What Our Cities Are Missing
10 ай бұрын
How The Barter Myth Harms Us
We Need To Rethink Justice
Жыл бұрын
Rethinking Parenting
Жыл бұрын
How To Build A Solarpunk City
Do We Still Need To Decolonise?
How To Start A Revolution
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How Degrowth Can Save The World
We Need A Library Economy
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The REAL Tragedy of the Commons
How Britain Sabotaged The Caribbean
The Problem with Hierarchy
2 жыл бұрын
The Broken Mythology of Great Men
Humanity Is Not A Parasite
2 жыл бұрын
A Quick Guide To Especifismo
2 жыл бұрын
@Quadr44t Сағат бұрын
I had exactly this "3rd place" during uni at my association where I was a member like 9 years? Well I did a board year so technically member for life. That place really shaped me socially. It's something that is missing since I've moved for a job.
@aguspuig6615 6 сағат бұрын
modern states appear in the last 500 years... So i assume that the Romans and every empire before was just chilling, and not proportionally way worse than what we have today...
@GhostOnTheHalfShell 11 сағат бұрын
A very few nations shove the remainder into a very particular economic pathway. So too their own populations. The basics of our lives, home, work and shopping are pushed into a single plan. Each is sequestered, spread thin and connected by a hideously expensive transportation system, all constructed from materials flung around the world. The problem is extreme weather makes all of these practices even more insolvent than they were.
@tavitafish 13 сағат бұрын
When I was in high school, our history teacher gave me an award for "critical thinking". Later that day we were chatting and she explained that she gave it to me for my willingness to question what I was being taught, and question the authorities around me. One of the coolest teachers I had. She also gave me thumbs up when I got kicked out of class for "being a nuisance"
@jacobpottage6938 14 сағат бұрын
I am technically an Authoritarian Leftist, theocratic socialist specifically, I care more about being Authoritarian than being Leftist.
@Doubleranged1 15 сағат бұрын
It is clear that you lack achooling as your story is not coherent and structured. Research is a results of school. Knowledge about the history you tell is a result of school. There is no effort to find counterpoints to your arguments. Something you would learn in school. Maybe being homeschooled wasnt a good idea and the school system has way more merit than you give it credit.
@borkerfieldfilms7053 22 сағат бұрын
You need to research bitcoin and bring some optimism into your life
@51max50 Күн бұрын
Why does Ralph look like me? 😢
@rafaela00002 Күн бұрын
great video!!
@michaelbillingslea4011 Күн бұрын
Everyone who watched this please go read SILENT SPRING Rachel Carson !!!
@chuck948 2 күн бұрын
You are a jew. Only a jew would quote Freud
@JS-fm4zy 2 күн бұрын
Anarchy can never work, gangs just take control then form alliances with other gangs essentially form an autocratic government that only takes from those in its sphere
@banurobymusic 2 күн бұрын
great video stint is short by definition, no need to say it's short
@amehayami934 2 күн бұрын
We all know that's BS. I was born and raised in the city apartments and condos is something I have always lived in. I live on the 3rd floor. And it's quite sure every so often I might hear sirens and maybe an occasional loud car or motorcycle. But not very often. Maybe all of you like it better out in the boonies. However I feel safe in the city maybe because it's familiar? Navigating threw it is easy, predictable and I know every short cut and back road there is. Infact I know the city so well I'm sure I could move threw it without anyone seeing me. But besides that Solarpunk isn't going to happen. Because people. People will always be consumed by greed, hate and prejudice. Maybe I'm just really jaded but take a look around you. And ask yourself if you actually have hope for humanity? Solarpunk punk fans does nothing. I mean you all want to create the "esthetic" but never really explain how would we even get there. Cyberpunk let's us know what to expect which gives people an idea how to handle the situation. Fact is Cyberpunk is already apparently none of you seem to know that. No one wants to talk about the politics of Solarpunk. Which is needed what type of government will we have or are we going to have one? How should we get there? If we don't have money how does the community work? And what help does people get if they can't work? Fact is everyone wants to bring up the esthetics of solarpunk. But never on how it will work. Cyberpunk gives you stories of people who try to get by in that world. Fact is the people you care about in that world matters a lot because in a world like that it matters. Cyberpunk gives you situation that everyone can relate to and make us wounder how we would handle it. I seen this one Cyberpunk short movie. It didn't have much dialog but it didn't need it. It was about a man, he was sitting next to his wife. His wife is sick and hooked up to machines that is keeping her alive. Then the machine shuts off and ask for more money as she was gasping for air. He frantically tried swiping card after card untill finally one worked. Then he went out to try to get more money but in the end it was for nothing because while he was away the machine shut off again and she died. That is the world we live in now. This is Cyberpunk it's everyone else who is to delusional to recognize it. Stop take a look around, look at the world and how everything is. Look at the technology we have already. Look at the income inequality. We're here babes lol Hope for the Solarpunk future all you want it's not going to happen in our life time. Mainly because of all you overly optimistic people like you. So busy on what a pretty future we want to have. No one is paying any attention to the wall we're about to crash into. Ever notice that? Everyone who wants to make a pretty future only shows the "esthetics" take star trek for example they say they got rid of money, how? What did they replace it with? And apparently they didn't get rid of all money because not all the aliens did. Nothing is ever consistent in there. Funny how syfi people always want to talk about "realism " but the syfi world's they like isn't even realistic. Nor could it ever be. Because they never get that far. As an artist and world builder I know how my economy works I know how my governments works. Like one of my governments is built on socialism. How about star trek? How about solarpunk? Solarpunk is a shallow lake it may look pretty but that's all that is, pretty nothing more. Sure my world is very Cyberpunk but at lest there are people who fight against the system and succeeds at times. My world goes deeper the just esthetics. My world could give hope. In solarpunk no one is fighting for anything it has no business having the word punk in it. What are they fight for they have a pretty world with green energy already? Who or what are they fighting against? No one that's into a solarpunk can ever tell you this. Why because they are trying to make the finish line as if it's edgy or something? Lol What is the esthetics of solarpunk? Sunshine and nature. What are the people like in solarpunk? Happy and socializing So where is the punk part? What are they fight for? Because punk was always a word to fight the system the ones who goes against authority. The ones who fights for a brighter future. Solarpunk has none of that. And funny how everyone wants to talk about esthetics but there is absolutely no stories. And even if there was I bet it's not about fighting against the system. Idk what stories can you tell in a solarpunk world? Maybe a cottage core lesbians owning a farm together and their love story? That sounds nice but It's not punk. Call solarpunk whatever else you want but not punk. Every punk genre it's always going against the status qoue. Fighting for something. Solarpunk has none of that. It's the finish line not the start or even middle.
@kimcosmos 2 күн бұрын
tech worship is called techno optimism. Add scientism to that which is an ideology. Real science is only a testing method with falsity but no beliefs
@bigbiggoblin2873 2 күн бұрын
@connermorgan2436 3 күн бұрын
Loved this one
@nikkilight2703 3 күн бұрын
I'm a licensed elementary teacher. I'm spending $ 10,000 to become a Montessori teacher. I'm sick of the education system not listening to its teachers. Maria Montessori was the first female physician in Italy and her educational model is based on science.
@Gaiandreamer 3 күн бұрын
There is an increasing amount of critics of the education system, which makes the timing ripe for change. Thank you Andrewism for posting this. I was surprised John Talyor Gatto was not mentioned as there is a KZfaq channel of his works. His book "Weapons of Mass Destruction" documents the influence of Rockefeller, Carnegie, et al on American education. As a geoscientist with a Master's degree in Education, i became aware of the shortcomings of schooling to make me a competent geoscientist, which requires a systems thinking perspective. Public schooling diminished that ability. Watching Americans in their divide over political leaders is evidence of the effects of public schooling. Their choice of who will be next President is heartbreaking, although the control of these figureheads is Corporate elites. This trend is global. Parents play a major role in pressuring their school boards to adopt programs now being offered, such as High Tech High, Moonshot Incubator, Take Me Outside, Forest Schools..... We have the ability to take back control, through real education!
@Choodcel 3 күн бұрын
You can't have this and open borders at the same time
@animal579 4 күн бұрын
this video really made me rethink home schooled kids. Most of them I've talked with have great relationships with their parents, and in this context it makes way more sense and makes it seem conversely weird that I saw them as odd seeming from their very calm and non chalant attitude. Their parents probably had a much more collaborative atmosphere (or at least less authoritative) and especially in the sense of focusing on getting through the state mandatory education vs the tumultuous nature of dragging out primary education years with memorization and busy work tasks; most of the home schoolers I know also finished their diplomas much earlier than public school kids. On the flip side I at the time had a giant anti-authoritarian chip on my shoulder that prevented me from challenging and moving past some of these toxic systems to better my own education even when I saw that we were not truly being educated for learning.
@thomasrdiehl 4 күн бұрын
Care to elaborate on "Schulfplicht"? All it both means and says is that children are required by law to go to school ("Schulfplicht" literally "school duty"). It was an important factor in eradicating child labour in Germany, but also guaranteed a common minimum level of education. It does not refer to any specific philosophy of teaching, any pupil behaviour expectations, etc.
@emPtysp4ce 4 күн бұрын
The more I think about the effects of tourism on the locals, the more I suspect that ethical travel is impossible
@jamesruscheinski8602 4 күн бұрын
sovereign God everywhere around provides free will to make choices for God
@I.ROSEofficial 4 күн бұрын
Hello ladies and gentle I’m tired of the state of things and though via this video and many people don’t advise this I want and need to start for not only myself but for others if u have information and my current research to aid and make sure I go about this tight rope action to conduct it in a way where we can start and help others thank you and god bless
@peaceleader7315 4 күн бұрын
School these days only teach intelligence and not wisdom.
@calebarcher6894 5 күн бұрын
I love this channel. I love culture also my moms is trini and my dad English and Irish. Im from NYC. Have u left Trinidad Andrewism? Culture cannot be studied in a book. I feel like a true understandimg of culture is essential for your studies. I hope u get a chance to do a lot of traveling. And def check out NYC, more cultures repped here than anywhere. I have been vey lucky to spend a lot of time with quite a few cultures. I think this greatly helps me understand humans, bc when u take away all the differences the common grounds must b human right? Every culture is a different expression of what it means to b human.
@2seconds992 5 күн бұрын
My definition: no institutional rule, violence or approbation of resources Also: when one sees (lives long enough, is able to think clearly etc.) the gigantic harm perpetrated by all government, the matter of whether government is good or bad is clearly settled; the particular subject therefore merits very little debate; 'better to advise others to merely study the harm.. OF COURSE the world is a 'bad' place, but this doesn't give anyone the right to exploit others in an organised way.
@ReggieMeisler 5 күн бұрын
I love your videos. I have been thinking about how Affinity Groups feel often too narrowly defined in their purpose. Affinity Groups, which represent small-scale collectivist practice, feel like a perfect model for day-to-day collectivist practice above and beyond direction action. In fact, I wonder if Affinity Groups are even that effective if we are not also building the necessary trust and strength of relationship through day-to-day consensus and community care practices within the group membership. I feel like constant practice of collectivism and consensus and relationship building through your Affinity Group (which could grow or shrink as needed, but should be relatively stable probably) could also be a way of combatting individualistic tendencies or narcissisms that arise as a result of the incentives and pressures of our mainstream culture. This would thus encourage us to always do things interdependently and collectively rather than individualistically. Do you have any thoughts on this?
@stephenlangsl67 5 күн бұрын
When I was 11 years old, I went to an abusive private school in New Jersey. All of the teachers in that school as well as the administrators were very manipulative, condescending, overbearing, and domineering towards Me and, not surprisingly, it made Me very much afraid to go to school. In fact, I had this fantasy about that ridiculously oppressive private school burning down to the ground and being replaced with a parking lot. It was not until the end of the school year that My Parents found out exactly what was going on in that school and, lucky for Me, I never attended that school again.
@ethangetscher1958 5 күн бұрын
How might someone looking to be a teacher make a positive change from within?
@Socabebe 5 күн бұрын
💯 such a good video.
@TheSistaWarrior 5 күн бұрын
wasn't pan-africanism started by 2 caucasoids in the 19th century or earlier in order to remove Aboriginal Americans from their original homeland, the Americas? And wasn't it utilized by so-called black pan-africanists from Caribbean and west Africa to push the same agenda in the 20th and 21st century? And aren't those RGB + clenched fist imagery actually from marxist-communist philosophy?
@therearedoors 5 күн бұрын
Great video. Thanks brother.
@darkchocolategirl51 5 күн бұрын
Excellent content. This is why the school system is broken. That's what some students are not engaged because they are not truly learning. Thanks so much and the list of books.
@HumanBeing-jj3mc 5 күн бұрын
Q: How Anarchy Works? A: IT DOESN'T.
@martinhovorka69 5 күн бұрын
The subject and information in the video are excellent, but the narrator's voice is horrible, he should use professional speaker or at least someone with cultivated pronunciation.
@bettusascaino5532 5 күн бұрын
Super interesting but please pronounce all your words!!!!
@NitishYadav-lb7zc 5 күн бұрын
It's hard to go off-grid or go to live in village bcoz u have to appear for some shitty job everday 🥲
@NitishYadav-lb7zc 5 күн бұрын
It is really absurd that you have to buy land to grow your own food aren't we all born with right of growing food on motherearth ? These capitalists have left no place to raom and grow
@OrionCanning 6 күн бұрын
I want to live in another world
@theonlymegumegu 6 күн бұрын
are you at all familiar with ecological dynamics and skill acquisition? it looks at learning as a result of experience and experimentation in contradiction to information processing, basically drilling proscribed routines. I've been becoming more familiar with it mostly from a sports coaching perspective, but i know it's got application beyond that. it feels like it fits in with what you're proposing, you might find it interesting
@se7964 6 күн бұрын
A bunch of empty rhetoric. There’s no element of nature that does not exhibit hierarchy - existence of any sort requires it
@Sirianta 6 күн бұрын
Beautiful video!
@hansnotig6250 6 күн бұрын
as teacher, I'm really worried about kids with parents that are so delusional to think they can provide a better education by letting them do and learn what the like... in my experience, living and growning up in switzerland, adults that were in private-hippie schools like steiner-schule or montesorie-schools aren't prepared for life at all, often with no work, or not the work that they like (working for the money in low payed jobs), slaving away and dreaming of a better world while allways complaining what society should be like... a lot of them I would call difficult adults having problems to fit in... I don't think you're helping your kids to have a fullfield life, when they are put in delulu schools and letting them allways, not sometimes, I mean, allways choose what they want to do...
@henriikkakamula9467 6 күн бұрын
The banking model of education sucks the life out of knowledge." Thank you for putting into words what I've been feeling for most of my life
@monilaninetynine3811 6 күн бұрын
This explains why children now talk back to teachers, even getting into physical altercations. That indoctrination method is running out.
@Lil1kv 6 күн бұрын
I am grateful to the internet, despite all of its flaws, for giving me access to so many resources and allowing me to learn about a variety of topics. Like a library, i could access what i wanted to and thus fostered in me a great love for earth and art. I also think that the ability to see the perspectives of so many people has allowed me to be more empathetic, and likely lead me to my anarchist philosophy today. Love the video as always!
@andresanguianozuniga6798 6 күн бұрын
Even when i believe Anarchism is an utopianism flawled ideology and every time we executed it we end in inner wars...and the plan of this video is litterally closer to cult mindset... I absolutely agree that ppl NEED AND SHOULD be critical with authority. ALWAYS. Because the common feelings i see in anarchists and communists are two: Frustration and opression. Being opressed doesn't make you automatically a good person...neither your war against your oppressor. However, of course we can find ppl who fight against communists and anarchists only because THEY KNOW this groups have a point...and they fear losing that power the heriachy gives them. But it is justice the one who defines who is innocent and who is guilty, who is a person who just wants to develop as person and who is an abuser, and who is a person who needs help and who is just a powerhungry narccisist. It is justice who tells the world if your fight is against oppresion and not you trying to force reality to benefit you. The problem with authority is not authority itself, its society allowing cruel ppl to get autorithy and perpetuate their will against others, whatever they consider themselves "the good guys" or not. This video is gold, Andrew.
@divetisman2835 7 күн бұрын