Sebb X Luke Belmar: The Simple Truth
Money makes you happy
2 жыл бұрын
Life is NOT fair to average people
2 жыл бұрын
@TheTruesardi 15 сағат бұрын
I have studied economics ,one of the most complete explanations I have seen so far.Great video !
@joshm3342 16 сағат бұрын
Music made me sick, couldn't watch.
@tym5583 20 сағат бұрын
I just realized it doesn't matter if gov comes up with govcoin crypto if anything like this happened cuz it would be pegged to absolutely nothing worth any value
@thesheeplelookup 20 сағат бұрын
anything that has to do with health care for aging boomers.. more booooo sters!! more trillions for billionaires. if however younger people start voting. it might change the demographic.
@nickfielding5685 20 сағат бұрын
This over spender is due to to car centric inforstutor.
@elliotds4745 22 сағат бұрын
Long time no see, now I'm curious😅 *HYPE*
@Well_Earned_Siesta Күн бұрын
Buy Au/BTC/Land + mag-7 tech stocks. Took this dude 30+ minutes of, "I'm about to tell you," to get to that.
@Well_Earned_Siesta Күн бұрын
Oh, or... If you YOLO everything into 60% BTC/Au/Energy + 40% S&P, your $100k will go to the moon, rocketing by $145M at the 20 year mark. He literally just "modeled" a 1,450x return in 20 years while keeping a straight face. There it is.... the dumbest thing I've seen on the internet today.
@davidboatman925 Күн бұрын
Trump printed money like paper was going out of style and doubled the deficit. No wonder we have inflation.
@alexansari2138 Күн бұрын
I guess that you have done a lot of homework and labored over your computer. If you want to make real money then work a job where you can make real good money. Invest your hard earned money in something that you have control over and not just throw it away on some stock or anything that has to be speculated. I bought a few rental properties and went insane trying to do all the upkeep. Not worth it pal. I got into several businesses and I never made a fortune. I found that a lot of money can be made by making You Tube videos, just like the one you are making... Just the trick is find a good topic that people want to subscribe to and build a fan base. Oops the secret is out... Keep on making videos and no one really cares about charts... unless you have a treasure map of Captain Kidd's treasure.
@chriswilkowski5400 Күн бұрын
Very light on detail
@sincerelysurfing9707 Күн бұрын
Be skeptical about those who say "here's exactly what you need to do"
@baileypratt185 Күн бұрын
Look up bear independent prepper classroom.
@lolabradley6548 Күн бұрын
Did you take into account fees and transaction costs in these returns?
@AngryWeirdo Күн бұрын
typical gen z garbage. Not only shilling for scamcoins but also peddling drop shipping in 2024. what a joke.
@AngryWeirdo Күн бұрын
ah, of course crypto shill comes out at the end
@henry5128 Күн бұрын
We are going to be in the Greatest depression the world has ever seen so buckle up GLY
@superrockgoddess Күн бұрын
Great video man! Could listen on this for hours tbh! Ty!
@MAchannel2024 Күн бұрын
Very good video, thank you. I hope gen Z listen to this and pay attention. If you think Biden is bad, Trump will be a disaster to the federal debt. Only time to vote for Trump if you don’t care about anyone and you want to reserve your $10M+ in assets.
@ADWrites24 Күн бұрын
Gr8 content
@sunilj10 Күн бұрын
Gold end of April 2024 is at $3300??? Can you please validate that ?
@BecomeAHustler Күн бұрын
Great video. Always love to look over your shoulder content where people can see the good bad and the ugly. Only question. After switching to a completely different store, why would you leave out the profit numbers considering how critical margins are to survival in ecom? You said the store did "120k to 150k and you weren't sure about the profit numbers but probably five figures or multi five figures". That's probably the most critical information, yet it's left out. Was it a 7% margin or was it 15 to 20%? The reason it matters: you guys are pros who have been doing this for a long time, and you're working together as a team. Are struggling to get 7%? And what's the hope for a newbie? So the numbers are needed to properly weigh opportunity and risk. Much props to you guys either way and look forward to more great content.
@BecomeAHustler Күн бұрын
Maybe I should have waited till the final update in the last 2 minutes.😂😂😂 Great stuff and appreciate the transparency.
@garyhennessey3621 Күн бұрын
2008 notional derivatives 780 trillion; 2024 1.2-1.4 Quadrillion
@garyhennessey3621 Күн бұрын
One thing you did not mention on a med-high risk stocks. Gold/silver stocks will no doubt increase 10 fold. I'm 68% increase this year in 6 mos. I believe over the next 3-5 yrs trading precious metal and oil stocks will be on fire. Physical silver is the most undervalued asset there is. I hate crypto.
@kenpowell3557 Күн бұрын
well done
@titussteenhuisen8864 Күн бұрын
You forget teh world is changing from fossil fuel to electricity, look at Europe and Ukrainian war
@Euro316 Күн бұрын
I was a Marine up until last year, 2023. They constantly reminded us that there’s a huge war on the horizon which will take place in the Pacific during 2025/2026 but for certain by 2030. Our Commandant even published an entire doctrine about it which we all read… Yeah dude, somethings going to kick off and it’s going to be a similar reset to WWII. It’s what the elites want. War ramps up the economy/productivity/etc. for the west.
@CraneRTW Күн бұрын
Interesting. You need time and experience to really appreciate the power of investing. There is always a bull market. Anyone came become rich with time.
@personalwatching9312 Күн бұрын
Wow, first video ive seen. Youre amazing
@chasingfun5184 Күн бұрын
2024 and fed didn’t cut rates . And you didn’t mention productivity. The only way they can suck value out of the future like that without messing up the world is because the fourth turning - new “Industrial Revolution “ They expecting AI productivity deflation boom will offset the debt and inflation.
@NetKnowHow1 Күн бұрын
Hi Sabastian, your research is sound. Assuming the real estate bubble doesn't burst and the stock markets are mostly over leveraged on balance sheet asset value don't fail, and there is no banking crisis from bad debt (real estate - residential and commercial, credit cards, student loans) and the USD doesn't collapse. You could be ok with your assessment for investments. Those that believe the worst are stacking shiny metals and ways to protect themselves. Those who are national and regional bankers who don't get the value of currency is on it last few cents will lose. 90% bank failures would be possible. It is the leveraged ripple cascading effect that ties banks to each other with interbank lending and REPOS that creates the unstable environment. There is such a thing as a bank bail in, where banks will take customer deposits to stay solvent. Funds in the bank and stock market portfolios are not the individual's assets. They are the banks in trust for your subaccount as a leger entry. There is risk here. The only way out is to go back to a gold standard with casualties along the way. That bullet was loaded when gold became the only other tier 1 asset in 2019. When the bullet fires it will be fast and loud. Central banks have been buying gold as they never have before. Why would that be? A new gold standard or something similar. Gold has no counter party risk if you hold it in your possession. Either you have planned in advance or you have not and you will lose everything for universal government care, where you will own nothing and be given what you need to live. I hope I explained it well.
@user-jo7ms4wd5d Күн бұрын
I was fine for most of this until you talked about civil unrest and shortage of food. I realised that this reflects the American culture guns and ammo. But I live in a country that’s never had a civil war and help our brothers and sisters so I have no idea. Good to see you genuinely want to help people. Enjoying your vids. Info that I heard before in 2008. I get it though, can’t keep going on this unsustainable path.
@JeremyHelm Күн бұрын
7:38 8:07 Happened was that when new money was added into circulation, expanding the denominator/ or money supply, it ended up increasing the size of how business are valued, relative to everyday people? Our purchasing power didn't go down, but the relative financialization, the dollar value of employers and any other asset increased. My government? Why are you shrinking the every day citizen? And that was 20 years ago, just think about what happened to us after we got so small…
@Emilahp 2 күн бұрын
US is dropping the FED in 2025. Going back to dollar backed by gold if DT wins in Nov. He’s going to drop Federal income tax, property tax, and wants to increase SS for elderly. Many Banks won’t make it to October 2024. If too many fail, the whole system will shut down for ten days? That’s all I know.
@gillonba 2 күн бұрын
Half way through and he still can't give us a tldr. This is starting to sound like a scam
@Champwise-xn9bb 2 күн бұрын
Awesome video, however I wonder if you have a gap. A major part of your thesis is the debt to GDP ratio. Your assumption is that GDP stays flat or at least maintains it's current rate of change as debt goes exponential to parabolic. Where do you gauge the probability that GDP goes exponential to parabolic with the advent of mass manufactured robotics and AI? What is the hedge for this? Thanks
@22tango0071 2 күн бұрын
Bull shit dream on
@matriximaster 2 күн бұрын
EVERYONE is an inflation expert on YT. This same BS has been going around since the 1970s. Stay away from these so called :expert "
@jeremysewell93 2 күн бұрын
Theres one thing wrong with this. What happens to everyone not invested correctly and the mass population bifurcates more than it is already. I dont think most people realize what happens when that happens. "CW"
@adniral4eva 2 күн бұрын
Why didn't the money from the financial sector flow into the real economy and trigger inflation there sooner?
@jamesw796 2 күн бұрын
Great explanation of Fed monetary policy , debt , and markets. Bidn admin could use your help. Sadly they know squat.
@Kaisersales 2 күн бұрын
Sell solar and you’ll become rich
@austinmink2741 2 күн бұрын
hey bro we kinda look alike
@Pantagrumiel2193 2 күн бұрын
Do you have some research paper on the effects of monetary policies over the stock market’s growth?
@xxR4in 2 күн бұрын
What happens when the rest of the world trys to get off the usd
@evocruzmr9 2 күн бұрын
For info purposes only 😅
@HumbleMinted 2 күн бұрын
Cool video bro! Nice house. Only recommendation i would give is keep your bedroom walls white. it'll help you sleep better! Look into it
@mascottie 2 күн бұрын
How did he start his business?
@rainneday13579 2 күн бұрын
Hearing this leads me to question why inflation happens at all. So please share why does inflation need to happen because money is being printed and circulated in the “real world”? What events cause this to happen? Thank you
@ichich1298 2 күн бұрын
well, you are still making the big mistake of puttin BTC together with crypto.
@saudulhassan 2 күн бұрын
Video starts at 28:00