@PomegranateChocolate Күн бұрын
The PRC did try to settle the border by offering to concede South Tibet in the 1950s, 60s but India rejected the offer because India also claim Aksai Chin as Indian's territory. That is the reason the border was never settled. As years passed the position of the PRC has hardened to the point that today the PRC has explicitly stated that South Tibet is an integral part of the PRC.
@jorgeabraham3414 4 күн бұрын
My boy Ben Norton from Geopolitical Economy Report refrenced this analyst, that brought me here, really insightful perspective
@Abe41194 9 күн бұрын
**Full disclosure, the following is the rambling of someone who works in tech and loves to solve hard problems. I find some of the AI stuff cool, fascinating at the least.** 33:12 This is the key point. I have yet to see anyone address this issue thoughtfully or logically for that matter. I think history shows us that the "interesting dynamic" Steve refers to is the fact that those capable of capitalizing on <insert latest tech fad> (here it's AI) will do so at the expense of human beings. "Different interests" to me is "making crap ton of dollas baby". Altman et al. have said "Oh yes, well, humans will just find more meaningful work." What does that mean? What does that society look like? Spending time with their children? Building...stuff? Will they be able to afford housing/food? UBI? Has anyone presented anything remotely tangible or actionable? What will give their lives meaning after the initial honeymoon phase of not being in the rat race ends? Putting the cart before the horse and filling it with bags of $$$ will surely please the very few, not the masses. Let's say we attempt to "reskill" entire industries, e.g. the large proportion of the people working in these call centers in the Phillipines. Assuming these models reach a threshold where they will be able to improve themselves, or a small group of human engineers will be able to, will the rate of re-skilling effectively be obsolete and swallowed by the rate of model improvement? This gets into the philosophical of course, but I fear we are potentially closer to needing an answer than further...
@RussianQueenIrina 10 күн бұрын
I just saw the talk of Lecunn from 6 months ago! His prediction is that noone will use LLMs in 5 years! He thinks that they are autoregressive (derogatory sense of this word) NN, not useful, hallucinate and take lots of hours of supervised learning! I will add that those scaling "laws" have been pumped by Sam Altman! Those are not laws, those are observations and they don't have to true for the next step forward because they are made up!! This bubble will burst! I also live in San Francisco
@roc7880 11 күн бұрын
Nothing makes you focus as a vague command in the army and one idiot fires on the wrong direction.
@duyataksis5210 11 күн бұрын
I don't imagine it'll be more than a couple of years before SMIC is mass producing with a Chinese EUV scanner.
@Michael-ei3vy 11 күн бұрын
Excellent episode.
@m-j107 12 күн бұрын
Please can you do something about the voice quality of the speakers? Last time there was this French guy with impossible accent, now the new guy sounds like a distorted radio call. But bad accents are much worse. You could use whisper-cpp and maybe freevc24. I literally only understand half of what is said unless I concentrate extremely hard to decypher it.
@StraightAcross 12 күн бұрын
The human brain was made by god, you cannot recreate it with your machines. A folly of featless pursuits.
@PhilipWong55 12 күн бұрын
The bubble always bursts, What goes up must come down, The spinning wheel must go round, In this cycle, truth is found.
@flashmo7 13 күн бұрын
The other guy talks like a "handler" . .
@richardleong3920 13 күн бұрын
I wish the host would shut up. The guest is saying things interesting and important.
@dadsonworldwide3238 13 күн бұрын
My understanding of super intelligence is to general over view and would never predict next step details. Super intellect would be . Dualistic tune in physical objects creste deformed nilhisms or go to 4 it enes up in whatsboutism indecension concave shapes. Grined up Socrates lol Elon appears to be tuning for Gen "X " to be 3 lines of measure = truest True known American standard of pragmatic common sense objectivism proper "groking" English longitude and latitude in a self driving Optimus network connected to Austin one day. If I'm guessing right it kinda explains some of his free speech all this falls out of nature this way. This tunes all moral law and economics and precision instruments. Use this tuned weights and measure it's going undermine other phylosphical lines of measure. Then xai to either be over time more babylonian evolutionary cosmogony or qauntom physics tuned. Not everyone had puritan movement to perfect English longitude and their They're There +Time with pilgrim to confirm it with alphabetical exodus history alignment with nature and mechanics. Maybe all the esoterica America image & llms nodes convergences step repeating what I to be very similar to how our ancestor serfs and slaves alike was anylitically taught we had value freedoms but more 2d in Z-y by thru vertical axis ✝️ bottom up faith mosaic commandments subjective space quantom ✝️" for" x horizontal axis classical physics. Models obviously use hyperbolic tensor to reach an equivalent way of ordering and cateregorizing subjective properties emerging energetic physical objects idealistic objects = salvational unification of the tripartite nature past present future eqaul measure. You can see the ancient world means of how it prescribed symbol upon objects encoded it languages. But the marduk basisn minds informed very poorly.. But if use over time it's going right undermine common sense and stuck in whatsboutisms or nilhisms. If you use the absolute strong weight and measures our economic ,court of law and successful social behavior uses it calls out everytime we prescribe realism over anti realism to further over time lines of measure. Exposes how we plagerize correlate effortlessly overcoming horizon paradoxes useing thermodynamical tools like manmade time hierarchy knowledge of good evil equations😮 My ancestors eastern star for woman Masonic lodge for men the founders all the back into England know this will one day be a new language used to play a role in a future beast of burden so America ans king James English is very much a perctly aligned puzzle that can be put together in concert with perfect phylosphy mechanics etc. It's the specific textualism methodology objectivism = technological development
@jonathanedwardgibson 13 күн бұрын
What do you do when the orbital Ai only hires the very-best robotic labor and your hungry whelps & spouse on a street corner? Remember your blasé dismissal of local economies while global-jetting for that 10% GDP ‘someone’ gets for raiding the-commons, you know, those Talking Cows - once known as labor? Good thing money is free to helicopter in/out and not people, or there would be no escaping poverty, heh? Who wants hungry people hanging around that spacious backyard or cluttering water-features? I appreciate the current-assessments. Confirms business logic is just as wretched and driven-mad as ever. We are more than DNA code, which appears more vestigial than the big genome pharma bets ever warranted. Michael Levin’s work on cellular electrical networks of breed-able flatworms show genetics completely ignored by other morphology signals - long articulated by Rupert Sheldrake.
@ai._m 13 күн бұрын
Agree, and hopefully we are very wrong about this. No one is talking about this except a few scared developers on Twitter.
@Time4Peace 18 күн бұрын
Here's a man who uses science to apply to financial issues. His grit and intelligence is just incredible. Apart from running his company, would the next stage of his life be to work out some economic/financial problems for the greater good of mankind? I believe he's up to it!
@Time4Peace 18 күн бұрын
Incredible stories that demonstrate the resilence, intelligence and analytic skills of Seo as preditors of success.
@VestalNumbre 19 күн бұрын
Spirituality effects ?
@Gunni1972 19 күн бұрын
I guess you could ask anyone in congress senate or the prez himself to explain Nuclear power and it's effects. And NO ONE could give you a close-to reality answer. So why, i ask myself, should THEY decide what to do with it? Isn't that the definition of incompetence?
@frankyeo8931 22 күн бұрын
Kishore is always learned and truthful
@Time4Peace 23 күн бұрын
How could anyone let alone an academic supposed with a critical mind draw a relationship between China's gaokao with a decline in creativity and innovation? Firstly, China's innovation is not on the decline. Research papers and patents are in many areas are on the rise and ahead of the US. They are also very broadbased. Secondly, he made no distinction between creativity and innovation. Creativity is a part of human genetic makeup. It expresses best in given environment of rewards, opportunities and times of needs. To claim that rote learning makes or break a nation is really laughable. I remember rote learning in schools was blamed on Japanese lack of creativity in the 80's and 90's during the years of Japan bashing. Look at their anime and innovative industries. It's happening in China too but on a larger scale. Thirdly, to equate gaokao with data using the imperial exam system is ridiculous. Gaokao with STEM subjects, tests the wide range of cognitive abilities: memory, logic, deduction, construction and yes, creativity in problem solving. To relegated it to rote learning is disingenuous. Fourthly, there's innovation. Innovation is transforming creative ideas into reality. Institutional infrastructure and support play a key role, absent in earlier centuries in China but widely present now. It's sad that this man is so indoctrinated that he's unaware of it. He thinks that China can only progress with the help of the West. It's really sad that he has such strong inferiority complex. The only way to allay this complex is to keep believing that China is inherently inferior for one reason or another. And he keeps trying to get data to fit his belief. It's heart breaking when he says that he has a Chinese face and accent and will always be rejected by his host. My hope is for him to turn his self hate to one to foster better understanding between China and the West to have some self pride.
@stanbimi 24 күн бұрын
Watching Phillipe Lemonie talk recalls Gore Vidal and William F Buckley Jr from a few decades earlier. Out of curiosity, just asked ChatGPT to come up with a list of 10 most prominent public intellectuals in the US for the past 50 years. Vidal and Buckley are not even on the list. I challenged ChatGPT to explain the rationale behind the list, especially in the age of the internet and social media. Suggest Steve do an episode on "how a new generation of public intellectuals are generated". For those who don't use ChatGPT, the initial list of 10 are: Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Richard Dawkins, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Judith Butler, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Camille Paglia, Christopher Hitchens, Martha Nussbaum, Steven Pinker. After prompting with the suggestion of Vidal & Buckley, factoring the impact of social media, the revised list of 11 is: Noam Chomsky, Cornel West, Richard Dawkins, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Judith Butler, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Camille Paglia, Christopher Hitchens, Steven Pinke, rGore Vidal, William F. Buckley Jr. BTW: "public intellectual" in China has become a derisive term these days. That is worth another episode to explain why.
@JameBlack 24 күн бұрын
Anothe "ukraine expert" never been here, dont know neither history nor languages😂
@skydragon23101979 26 күн бұрын
He is really intelligent and thinks broadly but he sounds too naive about the vested interests in politics and scientific research and the lengths they would go to block out dissension and block info and more like a privileged elite with a comfortable life.
@Arexack999 26 күн бұрын
Sad how google adds a disclaimer under this interesting video about how we need to listen to the CCP-subverted WHO about Covid. The beauty of science is that you can interpret data and derive models.
@ovinel 27 күн бұрын
I liked the episode until you started talking about Ukraine. You shit on fields with low scientific standards and then later go on a conjecture bonanza about Ukraine. Everybody thinks they're Mearshimer, but you're more like a low T Alex Jones.
@mistman5640 27 күн бұрын
Interesting alternative narrative
@Achrononmaster 27 күн бұрын
The policy wonk models might have been "garbage" but other models were not. The lock-downs did save lives. The real issue was the unemployment. People could have still been employed, there was no need for mass job loss. Governments issue the currency by fiat, so can always hire anyone available for public sector work if the private sector does not want them. Lock-downs meant the private sector could not have them! So even more extreme. Governments should have introduced local community job guarantees (helping the supply chain). After the lock down transition people back to full employment. (Keep the job guarantee too, why not, it is anti-inflationary.) But they did not because they lack an MMT analysis. (This comment is not about the pandemic science so much, talk to Nassim Taleb for more robust statistical analysis).
@kreek22 27 күн бұрын
MMT analysis = obfuscation of economic reality.
@Renvoxan 27 күн бұрын
I was aware that twitter addicts are nerdoids, but this guy is something else: a castrato nerdoid. Hit the gym bro.
@user-qe7fv2vo9x 28 күн бұрын
A very interesting guest. Not motivated by short-term money. Smart and intelligent, solving a society/market inefficiency systematically with academic and finance experience. Great Interview
@monaelias2154 28 күн бұрын
I'd like to go back to 1980's or sometime like that. A sweet spot, balanced. Not too many people and not overly reliant on technology.
@Champagnemeggi Ай бұрын
Loved this
@stephenyang2844 Ай бұрын
Taiwan's development stalled because the DPP disrupted legislation before they came into office, and are simply inept or corrupt and greedy over the past three decades. There were incidences of physical fights, furniture throwing, during legislative sessions, open and disgraceful graft from top to bottom, roomful of cash bundles found in president Chen's home, etc.
@stephenyang2844 Ай бұрын
I'm impressed with Mr. Huang's fluency in English. In prior centuries similar examination was used mainly on literacy, topic essay and caligraphy. Managerial ability was inferred. Only US would go to war to stop China from over-taking its hegemonic primacy.
@kooisengchng5283 Ай бұрын
Creating a storm in a tea cup. In a few years the silicon based wafers and SC will fade into history. New compounds and methods are on the way. Remember that time has not stood still. What comes over the horizon soon is not known but the Chinese are going beyond what is standard today. Graphene, photon chips, etc. China is looking over the horizon and planning for it. In 5 years, TSMC will be also-ran.
@Main.Account Ай бұрын
Quite the path into and through finance. Super discussion on a topic rarely covered. Thanks!
@Opedwriter Ай бұрын
Did Putin make a strategic mistake? Really? Firstly, it was Russia's security council, not Putin, who made the decision to invade Ukraine. Russia made it clear in 2008 that Ukraine in NATO was unacceptable. US Ambassador William G Burns warned Condi Rice that Ukraine in NATO is the brightest of all red lines for the Russian elite (not just Russian President Vladimir Putin). It is obvious that taking Ukraine from Russia's sphere of influence and turning it into a US stalwart at Russia's border armed to the teeth was unacceptable to Russia. Biden could have accepted Russia's request in Dec '21 to keep Ukraine's status neutral. Biden called that request a 'non-starter'. It is the US's endless push to expand NATO to Russia's border that has destroyed Ukraine.
@Larkinchance Ай бұрын
Carl, in describing the Tiananmen Protest when living in China and then reviewing it from within the US and how it was like day and night perspective. This is how we are seeing the Ukrainian war from the corporate media vs the internet. What is very disturbing is how angry and unwilling most Americans are to any contradicting information from the corporate media assuming that it is all lies..
@Main.Account Ай бұрын
Brilliant discussion. Really enjoyed.
@nycgweed Ай бұрын
We know what to do with the data now😊
@Main.Account Ай бұрын
And now the California State Universities aren’t requiring SAT scores. Lamentable.
@SupaSupaKewl Ай бұрын
Just listened to this episode yesterday and it got me thinking about how this applies to American subcultures. The hypergamy theory seems to play out within poorer lower class black American culture, where marriage has become optional, with about half of black women ever being married. There is a stereotype of a few hand full of men that are colloquially called ‘baby daddies’ that have multiple children with multiple mothers and they aren’t responsible for them. There are extremely negative effects that destabilise society, resulting in greater incarceration rates of black men because of the lack of fathers. The opposite is true in more religious American subcultures like Mormons and Amish, where marriage is a basic expectation. This falls in line with the other conclusion of the paper. There’s also a third outcome that’s playing out in Japan and other highly competitive Confucian cultures. Men and women not marrying and being sexually active in general, and dedicating time to other hobbies. I think this outcomes is a result of modern progress in technology and entertainment, while also preserving and conservative culture around marriage and sexuality. It’s probably going to be the case that this happens in a more slow motion way in America and the rest of the west too, but it may be divided by class. Where middle and upper classes persevere basic expectations of marriage, but lower classes degenerate and the system of hypergamy become more common, as seen in the accelerated case in poor black communities.
@GMATveteran Ай бұрын
1:10:00 - with regards to positive & negative externalities, there are certain positive externalities that actually PREVENTS GDP growth in some ways. High speed rail is a classic example. W/o HSR, people would be driving or flying all across the country (as people do in the US), both are far less fuel efficient on a per passenger-KM basis. The incremental costs of fuel consumption is therefore prevented, & no longer adds to consumption part of the GDP formula. Moreover, the pollution that is avoided as a result of HSR would inevitably decrease healthcare costs (e.g. for things such as respiratory diseases), those costs are now no longer generating GDP. This is yet another example of how GDP doesn't tell the whole story.
@annpeerkat2020 Ай бұрын
The channel owners should be calling out simone and malcom collins as barbarous, rather than hosting them.
@xushenxin Ай бұрын
"Forward deploy nuclear..." I never heard of such thing.
@untwerf Ай бұрын
I'd love to see you do an episode discussing China's Social Credit System. The details of what it is, and the pros and cons. When discussed in western media, it is invariably presented as an Orwellian dystopia ... but I would be interested to hear a more balanced discussion. It occurs to me that the system allows the government to set the incentives of its citizens in a very direct way, and so I think this aspect could be analysed through an economist's lens. ie. economists generally design policies with the aim of setting the right incentives - and so it would be interesting to consider the possibilities of this incentive-focused approach in China's Social Credit system.
@WmQ92 Ай бұрын
West got to learn from the east too because the Indian democracy is totally from the west
@WmQ92 Ай бұрын
Yes, learn the best from the west n beat them at the own game, but when becomes successful don’t be big headed
@user-ms9nh2gw4w Ай бұрын
Great conversation, do that again and more often.
@soulshocking Ай бұрын
Too many fu cking adsss
@makuohua3071 Ай бұрын
Kishore Mahbubani gotten Two Best Teachers in lifetime throughout Poverty stricken that is Visions and Insight to Creates A Wisdom to make use in Lifetime 😂❤🎉 to Spread the Fragments around the Global landscapes 👌🌈👁️😂❓🔭.