@ThalitaPontes 3 сағат бұрын
Very gooood!!!!! Love this!!!!
@user-jm7sv2de3e 4 сағат бұрын
You are allowed to question them and should and you telling people they can't is bad advice
@mannyperlt1343 7 сағат бұрын
Beautiful Nate I had the SAME experience as you. So glad we get to be ourselves today. God bless you.
@kenblevens 7 сағат бұрын
What church is this?
@ericnye7844 14 сағат бұрын
No god gave us free will it's up to us to make the right choices that we know he wants from us. Stop telling people to be ok with something that isn't ok.
@jadenebossenger4806 14 сағат бұрын
The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin (Leviticus 18v22, Leviticus 20v13, Jude 1v7, Romans 1v26, 1 Corinthians 6v9-10). We have not been created perfectly, we have been created according to the image of God, HOWEVER due to the downfall of people, we are born into sin. God is The Word and the Word is God, do not search churches or translations that will suit your sinful nature. Repent bevcause Jesus has given us the amazing gift of salvation.
@paulthomas955 23 сағат бұрын
@realchadskeen 2 күн бұрын
News flash; it's not what God wants. Don't be gay
@MB-nx9tq 2 күн бұрын
Yahweh doesn’t exist and the Bible is unreliable for truth.
@Wesleydale754 2 күн бұрын
@michaelrg3836 3 күн бұрын
I don't think it even has to be a "high control" religion. All kids are extremely idealistic and will tend to judge themselves harshly through whatever sin/hell/heaven programming they were brought up with.
@SofieSybella 3 күн бұрын
Ok…I watched the whole thing. It moved me. Your guest moved me. Thank you. As a previous evangelical pastor, then PhD professor, and now trans…while still considering myself a Christian, this was great. I’ve struggled to find any sort of welcoming faith community in SoCal (Orange County), and have felt alone. I now research on the LGBT community in an effort to help, but it’s so great to see people actively and publicly blending faith and the community. Keep it up! Lmk if I can ever help. God bless!
@lawrenceharris7369 3 күн бұрын
Awesome interview ✌🏾
@SofieSybella 3 күн бұрын
Thank you- this was wonderful. I just bought the book!
@drakedelacruz478 3 күн бұрын
So glad i've found your channel through this video. You got a new subscriber. :) I find Cade's story very relatable as a gay man who is catholic myself. I just want to comment regarding what Cade says at 23:34 regarding the chruch being infallible. There is a lot of misconception about the infallibility of the church. Actually the catholic church has never claimed to be infallible, but there is a teaching on the magisterium or what is otherwise called the infallibility of the pope (not the church). I'm not going to go into detail but it doesn't mean that the pope cannot err or do no wrong thing. In fact, the church has gotten a lot of teachings wrong numerous times in history! To name a few: the church changed its position on slavery (it was for it before!!!), the teaching on limbo, pope john paul ii, said sorry for excommunicating galileo after 350 years for saying that the sun is the center of the solar system (not the earth, which was the widely accepted belief back then, how it had religious connections, i leave to you to research. haha). I guess my point is, as a gay catholic, i still choose to be with the church not because it is perfect or that it's teachings are all correct. But because the community and support it provides is valuable to me. I hope all gays in the church find your peace and happines - inside the church or otherwise. More power to you Cade, and to this channel. Sources: The Catholic Church's biggest reversals: foreignpolicy.com/2008/11/01/the-list-the-catholic-churchs-biggest-reversals/ Galileo was right: www.nytimes.com/1992/10/31/world/after-350-years-vatican-says-galileo-was-right-it-moves.html
@jessfindlay2722 4 күн бұрын
Thank-you so much .... All of you. For creating this. This podcast and this episode feels like what church should be.💛
@kimsteinke713 4 күн бұрын
Rosario Butterfield is creating more trauma and harm creating lots of patients for you cuz her sermons she's just outright contempt for gay she's a lesbian in the closet she's preaching to massive audience that liberty You all need to take a listen to this it's terrible I've listened to it over and over just to get desensitized to it so I could speak to her I have spoken to her via comment section only. What a long battle, I'm 63. It's a long road I feel like I'm 90.
@charlesritt5088 5 күн бұрын
Fear and hate that's what a big chunk of organized religion offers to gay people, they will of coarse take our money as long as we stay in the closet, cough , Lindsay Graham
@davefitzgerald5334 5 күн бұрын
There's good religion, and bad religion. Sometimes it can be harmful and dangerous and knock a person down. And sometimes it can edify and build up and heal us with peaceful and loving messages. Mother Mary look after us. Keep us positive.
@davefitzgerald5334 5 күн бұрын
Jesus grant you His inner peace and what we're all looking for: PEACE of MIND and freedom from unnecessary anxiety. Anxiety doesn't come from God. Depression doesn't come from God either. These are negative mental states. Narratives about hell is negative thinking and unhealthy . A peace which the world can't give. I myself identify as Trans AND Christian. It's not a problem to me to pray and have a loving personal with Jesus Christ. You can be LGBTQ AND Christian. God loves everyone.
@davefitzgerald5334 5 күн бұрын
Ye are beautiful people. God bless with love.
@lionesswithin1 6 күн бұрын
My brother for over 20 years has tried to make me feel less than and that I need to change.. It amazes me that he still doesn't understand the damage his fear of me causes..
@tompabompa 6 күн бұрын
Thank god I’m Buddhist!😮
@auroraecho9128 6 күн бұрын
Thank you and great info. I too have "all the letters". I've been explaining what makes something potentially traumatic, instead of just an adverse experience, is if it's an inappropriate loss of innocence and how much agency you have. We all have to lose innocence and if we live long enough there will be many negative experiences. If we are underdeveloped because of our age or the event is so abrupt and out of context there is no appropriate preparation, then this unprocessed energy can cycle through our body/mind creating imbalance. An example of a potentially traumatic event that can be mitigated and transmuted with preparation, education and support is sex and birth. With the appropriate, measured framework these things are transcendent and literally life giving. With fear, shame and self-hatred attached at the subconscious level, it can be hell. Simply put, it was the abusive and neglectful parents at home that set the stage for the fundamentalism I was surrounded by to have such a deep and long lasting effect. Even though I could logically see through most of it since I was a child and have had a loving, spiritual relationship with Jesus since single digits. It's heartbreaking how much I can't control the shame of just being. When I seek Him in silence and usually in the wilderness, He never condemns who I am, who I love or what I prefer out of the variety and diversity of His creation. He absolute condemns my hatred and lust though. These are mostly byproducts from trauma and repression. I believe Christ guided me to that truth and not to free me from responsibility, but to teach me how to avoid it all for my son. Blessings!
@denniso.shepherd6699 6 күн бұрын
My situation is not one of shame. I deal with being a disappointment the parents, family, and friends. I always say I am too gay for the church and too church for the gay community.
@NickUncommon 6 күн бұрын
To me it is a difference to speak of Spirituality, which is deep conversation between me and the higher being, which I turned to, when the "church" unmistakenly showed me, it was not there for me, when I was going through ten weeks hospital after brain injury. The months and weeks before, there were some families, where they asked the congregation to cook and help clean the houses of families who were expecting. And there was I, needing support not only during the hospital, but also during the times at home. I was partially paralyzed, the pastor always talked about if you can not go then at least call the person in need. I got exactly three visits from friends, real friends, and no calls, visits or support of any kind from the church community . So I see a difference between, what I call true spirituality, and religion, which is the rather preach than do approach from what I experienced. So long story short, I was burnt by the apparent " non caring in times of support need " attitude. If I had one wish free, it would be that I can find a group of likeminded people, who want to explore and live spiritual development. We could be there for each other and help to spread love, community, responsibility for us and the planet we live on.
@denniso.shepherd6699 6 күн бұрын
Church and Society both have this fear which is expressed through homophobia. This is about the only issue that the Church and Society have always agreed upon. This, itself, should say a lot.
@denniso.shepherd6699 6 күн бұрын
The Church may harm us because it is made up of humans; God does not harm us - it's the difference between religion and relationship. The cause is the translation of the original writings; God's Word is true but, our translations contain human biases.
@JoOR-bq5ds 6 күн бұрын
Never miss an episode! Love you guys!
@MorganWMena 6 күн бұрын
Love this! What an incredible guest!!
@kennethbailey9853 6 күн бұрын
At 65 I had to spend my life alone and in the end the Church still expects me to and they Do Not Care as long as I live my life as they dictate. I regret spending my life still waifing for that Brownie Point. 😢
@N0tChr1s 6 күн бұрын
This guys a D1 yapper
@kennethbailey9853 6 күн бұрын
We go through so much.
@kennethbailey9853 6 күн бұрын
@kennethbailey9853 6 күн бұрын
@karlwhite2733 6 күн бұрын
Complete and utter nonsense. Prove your imaginary friend exist, first and foremost.
@MB-nx9tq 6 күн бұрын
They have nothing to stand on, the Bible is known to be unreliable historically scientifically and morally. It is objectively false ancient mythology.
@remingtonrathjen 7 күн бұрын
I love you both so much! Your are such graces to this earth and all around you ❤️🙏🏻🕊️
@Kaderade26 8 күн бұрын
the fact that i’m Kade (with a K) and i just went through the same thing
@Raddiebaddie 8 күн бұрын
@danielwilda8167 8 күн бұрын
@user-nk3tt6zt2l 8 күн бұрын
Cade's story is truly awesome. Choosing life instead of a book story. I am not sure if Cade will see this, or even care. but your relationship will organically grow advice and coaching from others is good and helpful, but there is no black and white with any relationship. take advice but let it grow and evolve organically Be most happy with groth. this is from a 63 YO life long gay man. Be well your entire life.
@darrylsanders6056 8 күн бұрын
I don’t see show notes at all??
@darrylsanders6056 8 күн бұрын
Uh, I don’t see the book info in the show notes??
@darrylsanders6056 9 күн бұрын
It’s so interesting.. I’m 62, and I remember the word Queer was absolutely not accepted and was considered the worst! Now it’s common and appropriate to use… go figure!
@d.j.7069 9 күн бұрын
It is impossible for The Catholic Church itself to coexist with modern human needs. The doctrine is way too black and white, and humanity is never black and white. We all live in the "greys" of life, and sometimes pretend that we 'believe' as our institutions, etc. believe. I've come to feel that one cannot be HUMAN and also be fully Catholic!
@user-cd8yj2ly6t 9 күн бұрын
I follow John Pavlovitz and I feel guys like you guys should start your own church online and maybe start a church that truly teaches the Love of God and Jesus! I truly believe people are hungry for the True God. Love you❤ Gary
@anthill1510 10 күн бұрын
Cade would have a blast visiting Europe. We have so much of the architectural beauty he described.
@auroraecho9128 10 күн бұрын
It's a God thing! Thank you so much for sharing and this channel! It's always me and my fear creating separation not Him.
@auroraecho9128 10 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing and for this channel. I NEED it. My first and only true love is Jesus. I also can no longer lie. It seems equally insane to deny my queerness as it would to deny my faith. Both are just my lived experience with ups and downs, break throughs and doubts. All of which seem to point to God loving all of us as we are. It's so hard to find community being queer and fully in love with a supernatural Christ. Most groups or environments seem to make me choose between the two in some way. It hurts so much because Jesus is who has saved my life over and over, encouraging me be open about who I am. Always telling me to love myself in order to love others.
@endswithme555 11 күн бұрын
1 - you guys are anointed to do this podcast 2 - every guest that you guys had on has spoken directly to my life and the way I grew up in my Christian environment. 3 - i'm gonna sound crazy here but here goes. I had the same exact experience as Britt. last year, I decided to stop running from my same-sex attraction. i changed my dating profile to guys instead of girls. And I met someone. That person has rocked my world. No sex, no lust... Everything that I want in a person He is... Our contact has touch and go, but the voice of God remained consistent regarding this relationship. I received a litany of signs and synchronicities that it was clear that I was supposed to focus on this guy. Even when I tried to walk away a couple of times, signs bought me right back to waiting until this matter is decided. One of the most amazing signs was me asking God outright on a two-day fast, who this person is. Randomly while I was walking and praying, I look on the ground and I see "the one" 4- Britt said something about the one thing that she wished that people would do is trust themselves and WOW. that is exactly what this journey has been. Drowning out the decades of noise telling me that being gay is wrong I think the most scary and surreal thing is these "signs" are the same way that God spoke to me in the past regarding other major life changes that have rocked my world in a great way (my career, my moving to another state, my cutting off friends, going to school). But getting signs regarding a person that I have been historically taught was off-limits and a "sin" is WILD and almost too-good-to-be true! 5- The craziest part of this entire experience is that I have peace. The angst and turmoil I had by suffocating this part of me gone and the fact that God told me that I indeed found "the one"....
@kukinoris8941 9 күн бұрын
Homosexuality is a sin. These signs you think are from God aren't from him. Why would God clearly state something as a sin and than then turn around and say it's not? God doesn't change for men. Men change to get a closer relationship with God. You indicating that God is accepting of sin is you stating that God is someone who changes with the times. God was the same when he was with Moses and is the same even now. He doesn't take back his words because all he says is solid and true. The devil is the biggest manipulator and knows the Bible, hence why he's able to manipulate the words to decive others. Just like how he was able to decive Adam and Eve, he is doing the same in your life. The Christain life was never called or labeled to be easy. You have to deny your self everyday to follow the will of God. Denying yourself of all your sins and sinful ways. I'm praying for you. God bless.
@endswithme555 9 күн бұрын
@@kukinoris8941 Here's the problem pharisee, you don't know crap about what God is speaking to me because you are not God nor the Holy Spririt. You are a human that interprets the word just like the rest of us. Maybe God didn't say that homosexuality is a sin. Maybe that's YOUR interpretation. The Bible says for slaves to obey their masters. So was Harriet Tubman sinning when she tried to help free the slaves? The Bible says in six places for slaves to obey their masters. i should get all the black people that have been freed over the past hundreds of years and tell them they are not of God because the Bible says for slaves to obey their masters. Also there are 619 laws in the Bible Old and New Testament. Are YOu following all 619 of them. If you aren't then shut your judgmental behind up. When you become Jesus and you create the heavens and Earth then come and talk to me about what God has spoke to me.... What a tool...be blessed!!!
@ITriedToBeStraight 7 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for all the kind words <3. Happy to be a part of shedding light on this topic, and we so loved having Brit with us.
@binghamguevara6814 11 күн бұрын
I can’t see the dislikes. Can someone tell me what they are please.