NG03 RXN - pushes me to the kerb
Driving like a Twit*
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@Fartman3000 22 сағат бұрын
Yeah ring your siren again instead of applying the brakes great idea
@JackiMathn 2 күн бұрын
these idiots give problems in every where
@alliedatheistalliance6776 4 күн бұрын
They always say they are vulnerable on their little bike to cars or vans etc, which is true but they're running red lights and if they hit a pedestrian at high speed with their bike it's like hitting someone with a metal bar with a lot of force.
@konradc12 9 күн бұрын
That is a phone zombie! This is getting more common everywhere. Not even ringing a bell can help when the person is too engrossed! Normally Cable street pedestrians are not an issue for me, but you have to be on the ball. Another thing are that phone snatches are on the rise. It could have been a Balaclava lout on an illegal electric bike! Everyone needs to be aware of their surroundings.
@themeatspot5020 10 күн бұрын
Over take then move to the left, i dont undertand the people over take and continute to cycle....move the fuck over
@mrcellophane99 12 күн бұрын
I stopped using Cable Street after a couple of weeks. Zombie pedestrians and cyclists all over the lane. Far safer to use Commercial Road or The Highway
@laszlokaestner5766 12 күн бұрын
Looks like a bad road layout/design. The pedestrians quite naturally think the light controlled crossing controls all traffic from one pavement to the other when in fact it only stops the motor vehicle element and not the cycle lame.
@CDT_Delta 12 күн бұрын
even if.. you should always look both ways
@bxck 12 күн бұрын
The usual non-white suspect
@Demonhead1 12 күн бұрын
its a crossing you doughnut
@PaulFoye 13 күн бұрын
In London it’s not cars that are dangerous but pedestrians..headphones on, texting walking zombies
@joshsa4935 12 күн бұрын
Was that London? Looked like India O.o
@goofyahhsound 12 күн бұрын
​@@joshsa4935 they're almost the same nowadays, lol
@caramelldansen2204 12 күн бұрын
​@@goofyahhsound oh shut up whytey
@joshsa4935 12 күн бұрын
@@goofyahhsound I visited about 15 years ago, was a different place back then. Still more Brits than foreigners at that stage.
@fucktheworld1207 14 күн бұрын
Phone Zombie 🧟‍♀️
@robertmcgivern6585 14 күн бұрын
Undertaking a bus says it all about this plonker.
@tonyflitton4407 20 күн бұрын
Priceless watching cyclists behave just like drivers. Have to squeeze past, have to be first. As a cyclist I don't think I'd like cycling in London. There's just too many cyclists bunched together jostling for position. When I see clips of 40 of them sat at a light I just think nope, not for me. I prefer being more or less alone on the roads of brum. If it ever got that crowded and busy it would defeat the object of cycling as a more relaxing simpler commuting option.
@user-cx6gi4pj7n Ай бұрын
cyclist are no BRAINE
@Sorento06KR Ай бұрын
Idiot wearing earphones which is illegal
@Vince62965 Ай бұрын
Wonder how Racy this track would feel with a de-restricted ebike. I reckon a road-bike with a larger chainring on the front would feel great here
@BM13590 Ай бұрын
3:18 31Mph impressive movement
@brabus343 Ай бұрын
3 douchbags 😂
@mrcellophane99 Ай бұрын
And then you speed up to 50 mph just to pass him.
@willems7454 Ай бұрын
So you break the 20 mph limit overtaking a car to the slow down to annoy the car driver? What a C
@bigblokeonabike Ай бұрын
I don't know what speed I was doing but I was probably doing 21 - 22 MPH. The reason that speed limits do not apply to bikes is because cyclists don't know how fast they are going as there is no requirement for a speedometer. I always slow down after that left turn pretty much as there is a red light at the bottom of the hill that I usually have to wait for.
@NeilFirbank-en1yd Ай бұрын
Cyclists giving cyclists advice, who would ever listen to a cyclist, laughable.
@ttblade Ай бұрын
Cyclists routinely break speed limits, ignore expensive cycle lanes as in this video, ride two and three abreast in a peloton, go through red lights including at Pelican crossings, ride on pavements to avoid junctions, have zero road manners and don't face consequences for their stupidity. The solution is mandatory testing/license, insurance, road tax and consequences exactly the same as other road users. Any cyclist that disagrees is clearly guilty of the above.
@bigblokeonabike Ай бұрын
No, that is not the solution. Actually think about how that would be implemented - how much it would cost, how much extra traffic would be on the already congested roads, how much it would impact the NHS from poor health and obesity. In a lot of cases, such as the one in this video, riding in a cycle lane is not the safest place to be. Good road sense, awareness of other road users and local knowledge of this road told me that the car was most likely to be turning left and could well left hook me. For this reason it is much safer here to be part of the flow of traffic rather than on the left where you are vulnerable. Of course this also makes it easier for the car to turn left as it no longer needs to battle through a line of cylists. In this case the car was not turning left but you plan for the worst and hope for the best. Most of what cyclists do that motorists get upset about is to deal with unsafe driving from motorist that endanger vulnerable road users.
@midhc5072 Ай бұрын
Typical car driver and judging by the comments a lot of them have watched this. Just because there’s a cycle lane, cyclists aren’t restricted to it. Cycle lanes are for cyclists uncomfortable riding in traffic or can’t reach a reasonable speed. A good cyclist can reach similar speeds to cars in inner cities and faster in congested traffic.
@philgc11111 Ай бұрын
All I see is there is a cycle lane that cyclists don't appear to be using, the bloke over takes a car then slows down and still does not use the cycle lane provided. Was all this just so he could post on here? unknown.
@bigblokeonabike Ай бұрын
and why would I do that. Why would I look for conflict and waste my time creating a situation where I would then just have to spend more time editing and uploading the video and then replying to comments like these from people who either have no idea what they are talking about or who are just trolling. For the biggest part of this video there is no bike lane - there is some blue paint on the road that is not a bike lane. Read the highway code to learn what actually constitutes a bike lane. The reason that I am in the middle of the lane rather than on the left is because this bit of road is very bad for idiot drivers overtaking you then immediatelly turning left. The best way to avoid this is to be in the lane so that cars don't go past you and so that when they do turn left you can easily go past. The fact that this car was braking made it even more likely that it was going to turn left. Aside from that as the car was going the same speed or slower than the bikes means that I would probably be in the center of the lane anyway. It's not good being along side traffic that's going the same speed as you, it's much better to be in the lane with the rest of the traffic being visible. I slowed down as this idiot obviously needed educating like you so I wanted to have a chat.
@mctrials23 Ай бұрын
@@bigblokeonabike Because clearly all cyclists only ever wheel their bikes out of the door to annoy motorists. We spend hours aimlessly wheeling around waiting for our next victim. Even a moment of thought beyond "fucking cyclists" might make them realise that cyclists do most things they do to mitigate shit driving around them or to make it safer to use the roads. The fact riding in cycle lanes seems to mean drivers don't need to give us any space when overtaking is ridiculous. The fact that drivers park over cycle lanes constantly is lost on them. The fact that you are constantly joining and leaving the "main road" when you are in our shit bike lanes is lost on them. If every driver was forced to periodically cycle on our roads for a few hours I think 95% of issues would magically evaporate.
@bombardygamer4248 Ай бұрын
This clip seems one of the ones that is probably reasonable to post online. I probably personally would've just let it go, but this clip doesn't seem to have much cyclist entitlement, unlike unfortunately too many clips out there (not saying all of them or even close by any means, just more than there should be). *cough* Jeremy Vine *cough*.
@PokerMuppet Ай бұрын
Total and utter arrogance from the cyclists as you damn well know there is a lane you can use and choose not to knowing full well the consequences. Absolutely zero consideration for other road users and you wonder why cyclists are so hated on the roads. Your whole attitude is Me, Me, Me and then you complain if others think and feel with exactly the same attitude. Hypocrisy at it's utter finest.
@bigblokeonabike Ай бұрын don't think that the motorist calling the lane "the car lane" is "me me me". As I have just replied in another comment, this is a comment from either a troll looking to cause upset and arguments or someone who has no idea what they are talking about - or both of course. This bit of road is very bad for cars overtaking then immediately turning left. I have seen many near collisions. That's why I am not on the left of the road.
@PokerMuppet Ай бұрын
@@bigblokeonabike you're making excuses to justify yourself on the road. YOU are part of the problem. Cars cutting you off when turning left is not correct but neither are your actions on the road. Furthermore, your comment and excuse is also showing how arrogant cyclists are. What do you want a car driver to do? When there is a steady stream of cyclists and not one of you slows down or even stops to left vehicles turn left? You all just keep on cycling. The same goes for the other way... I've lost count of the cyclists that go straight through red lights and then complain when a car turning right cuts across them. If the cyclists had obeyed the rules then they would have stopped at the lights and the car would have had time and space to turn. But because cyclist do as they please cars are 'expected' to endlessly sit and wait. PURE ARROGANCE! So you can shove your pathetic excuses. YOU ARE IN THE WRONG!
@bigblokeonabike Ай бұрын
@@PokerMuppet Please tell me exactly what I did that is "not correct". Seriously, please tell me what you think that I did wrong - not other cyclists - but what I did wrong in this video. I would want a car driver to not overtake and immediately turn left. Based on your attitude to cyclists then I would be ranting how ALL motorists are awful and ALL motorists are trying to kill me at every turn. No, not all motorists - some motorists. However, when you are exposed on a bycycle and have tonnes of metal moving around you at speed you have to assume that any motorist MIGHT endanger you. That's what I was doing here - avoiding the situation of a car going past me and turning left. In fact cyclists being part of the flow of traffic makes it MUCH easier for the motorist to turn left. He is not fighting through a stream of cyclists. I am part of the flow of traffic so slow down or go past him as he turns left. Can you understand that? Can you admit that this actually helps motorists or are you so blinkered and prejudice that you can't possibly admit that a cyclist is in the right in this case? Cyclists going through red light probably annoys me more than it annoys you for precicely for this reason. Ranty trolls like you use it for ammunution and casually throw out the "all cyclists jump red lights" argument as if if gives you an excuse to treat all cyclists based on the actions of some of them. SOME motorists endanger my life, SOME cyclists jump red lights.
@PokerMuppet Ай бұрын
@@bigblokeonabike Your previous points are not correct. Your whole attitude is not correct. From this video... at no point did you even attempt to ride in the cycle lane that is there for you to ride in and that you are SUPPOSED to ride in. The idea that you can do whatever you like on the road and justify it by suggesting that you are pre-empting what other roads users 'might' do... is also not correct. One of the very first and most basic rules of the road is to keep left unless overtaking. You have a specific lane on the left for you to use and you chose not to use it based purely on your own arrogance and you deny any and all responsibility.
@bigblokeonabike Ай бұрын
@@PokerMuppet ok, so now I understand your incorrect point of view. You think that cyclists have to cycle in the gutter whilst only motorists are allowed to use the "car lane". This is simple to resolve. Just give me the highway code rule that states this. It's very easy to then look it up. For example rule 61 (talking about cycle lanes) states: "cyclists may exercise their judgement and are not obliged to use them".
@eclecticcollected8570 Ай бұрын
What an obnoxious one.
@petef15 Ай бұрын
Literally going the same speed as the cars lul. I hope with the rise of ebikes and the unaffordability of cars we will start to see a situation where cars are the minority.
@Humanity101-zp4sq Ай бұрын
Dream on. You'll never be able to afford a house either..
@sing_cycle_referee Ай бұрын
I'm just confused about what was wrong with the cycle lane and the LCS in the bus lane?
@bigblokeonabike Ай бұрын
If you are asking why wasn't I on the blue paint on the left that's because this bit of road is renowned for being left hooked by cars turning left. I actually assumed he was turning left as most traffic going straight on is in the right lane. He was also braking.
@sing_cycle_referee Ай бұрын
@@bigblokeonabike I defer to your local knowledge sir.
@Humanity101-zp4sq Ай бұрын
Entitled cycle fascists like this NEVER use the bike lane. These cycle warriors are so disempowered that they have no other way of showing dominance, so choose to upset all other road users (and pedestrians) with their disregard for any but their own.
@ttblade Ай бұрын
It's a cycle lane, paid for through taxation for your convenience but you and all the others choose to ignore it. Or is it really there just to inconvenience car users?
@bigblokeonabike Ай бұрын
@@ttblade how much inconvenience was it to the car really? He ended up in exactly the same place in the queue as he would have done if there had been no cyclists on the road at all.
@WansbeckBikecam Ай бұрын
But you were in his way on his most important journey to the back of the queue. In his most precious car. In his "car lane* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@amongsamsung9656 Ай бұрын
Idiotic comment by probably an idiot
@Alfthecyclist Ай бұрын
Wait until he tries telling a wagon to get out of the car lane!
@jack1d1XB Ай бұрын
They Wanted, nay, they DEMANDED cycle lanes, then dam well use them and that's why Cyclists should be prosecuted as equally to Drivers let alone licensed!!!!!🤬
@badabing8884 Ай бұрын
Not when all it is is painted line on the road.
@jack1d1XB Ай бұрын
@@badabing8884 Why, they blind then, perhaps there should be a barrier, eh, 🤪
@cynicalpenguin Ай бұрын
There is literally no country in the world where cycling requires a licence, except possibly North Korea. Why do you hate freedom?
@davidrowe8747 Ай бұрын
Prosecuted under what part of the Highway Code?
@zachrichardson7099 Ай бұрын
Cyclists want cycle lanes, predominantly for slow cycle traffic that would be an obstruction to the road, therefore increasing danger for all. In the case of this cycle lane, it's basically just a painted section on the road where bikes would normally be cycling anyway, so not exactly the pinnacle of cycle lane design. Also, as the video poster replied to another comment, that portion of cycle lane is notorious for drivers turning left to hit cyclists having not looked in their mirrors before turning. Given all of this, there's just no reason for bike traffic travelling at (or faster than) the speed of the cars, hence causing no obstruction to traffic and minimal safety concern, to not use the regular lanes to cycle in.
@bestbehave Ай бұрын
Facking drivers, taking up the road holding up the traffic. What’s the point of spending billions on motorways when they don’t use them?
@fucktheworld1207 Ай бұрын
Oh you touched his precious steel bull 🤣🤣🤣
@KissTheGreat Ай бұрын
What a twat. Wait until he finds out that bikes aren’t subject to the same speed limits as motor vehicles.
@markedone8160 Ай бұрын
Oh look, an idiot cyclist and an idiot with a camera going around looking for attention. Look out for both, people
@Corp0ralPunishment Ай бұрын
Well said and thank you for being honest. Not just drivers but also pedestrians, imagine crossing on a green man and cyclists darting in between gaps in the people crossing to jump the RL.
@johnmartin4650 Ай бұрын
Cars are big heavy and metal …just stay out of their way……it doesn’t do to be permanently indignant and pissed off . Amen .
@copaloadofthis 2 ай бұрын
Even Cyclists hate Cyclists 😂
@Mr.1.i 2 ай бұрын
I bet its a buzz going to work everyday along with all the other cyclists not letting you get infront
@qbarnes1893 2 ай бұрын
Knobs are for drawers not the road😂😂😂
@THEANPHROPY 2 ай бұрын
Stay in the cycle lane & when you fail to do so then cease crying about people passing you because you are cycling like an inconsiderate savage!!!
@Mr.1.i 3 ай бұрын
Isnt the cyclist a tit slingshooting past the stationary cars i know about the car door rule and then they ride past traffic like that cyclists with cameras are wet grasses
@mikecochrane803 3 ай бұрын
It's only a matter of time till he proudly collects his Charles Darwin award.
@Mr.1.i 3 ай бұрын
These cyclists are on the right then on the left then in the middle it wont be long and they will be bunny hopping on the cars to the next But they only read the bits that they want to they think they have the right to pedal in the middle of the road and influncing bad driving
@themusicman4728 3 ай бұрын
Everywhere you look people behaving like pricks - If one of their kids were to be hit by a bike rider at a crossing they'd be the first to start snivelling.
@bruceclothier8238 3 ай бұрын
Ah, so these awful cyclists are shooting red lights. Oh boo, hoo, hoo. It's the end of civilisation as we know it.All those hysterical sanctimonious motorists fuming in their cars. I just love a good laugh,.
@RubyDashcamAcademy 3 ай бұрын
Hello bigblokeonabike , is it OK with you if I feature this clip "RLJ cyclist clipped by car" in a compilation I'm making? Thanks in advance!
@carlosfandango7 4 ай бұрын
All i saw was the cyclist being a complete a hole, what an idiot.
@NorthEastTrailRunner 4 ай бұрын
I always wait at red lights.
@caeserromero3013 4 ай бұрын
Every day occurrence on my route to personal favourites are the deliveroo riders who go through the lights but stop for traffic just far enough through that they can't see the lights change and then sit there (often looking at their phones) as you pass them when the lights change :)