The Abandonment Loop: Why You Push Them Away
Stop Giving Your Power Away
10 ай бұрын
@rimamalak4988 44 минут бұрын
You have great videos and you're adorable :)
@cerico76 Сағат бұрын
4 months are gone , still in contact ( we have a son together) I am doing my job , getting better myself ( which is the most important thing) . She is on another relationship ( after a month I was dumped more or less). The other day I contacted her , 'cause she really never talked to me after she left me. Why am I doing that? Because we will always be a family , and I don't like to feel this "wall" between us. I want to tell her , that I 'm ok with everything right now , even with her new relationship. Let see if we can have, at least a decent "friendship" after this. She will be the mother of my son for her entire life. Let see why she disappear from life. If she needs time , I'll give her all the time she needs , but this shit has to end. For our son especially. I want the chance to count on her if I need it. We both have no one else so fuck it. I'll go for it all in , I don't care. Right , wrong, it is what I need and it is all it matters to me right now.
@fabiang7243 2 сағат бұрын
Perfect 👌 Thank you!
@G-spot911 4 сағат бұрын
The Squidward before and after photo is insane af.
@dinuli2494 6 сағат бұрын
I think this popping on my feed was divine timing!❤️😇
@Jetflightline 7 сағат бұрын
The best explanation ive ever heard on this subject.
@antonyjoshua6547 8 сағат бұрын
Can you make a video about your hair routine and how you style it.
@andrewvanhoff 6 сағат бұрын
Step 1: Be blessed (or, depending on your perspective, cursed) with thick wavy hair genetics. Step 2: Occasionally get a haircut. I'm afraid that's about all there is to it haha
@rp7710 8 сағат бұрын
Understanding this could make everybody a better person. Keep up please ❤
@RoyOfficialChanel 9 сағат бұрын
i like you
@user-zz8hl8se6t 9 сағат бұрын
ok, what if you have already chaced, and now you want to let go, can you turn it around or is it too late?
@andrewvanhoff 6 сағат бұрын
The funny thing about letting go is you can't really fake it. For instance, from your question I can tell you're still holding on. No judgment, I've done it too, but the very words you're using show that you're not letting go at all. If you're actually letting go, there's nothing to turn around - because you're letting go of trying to turn it around. It's more about inner insight stemming from understanding why you chase in the first place. That understanding can change how you act and how you relate to people, and THAT is what will change how your relationships work.
@wockbear 9 сағат бұрын
I had to just block her. She wanted to be friends but while she’s in a new relationship… 😅 Letting go is hard but worth it. I finally never expect to reply her because she was the one messaging me daily while she was in a new relationship. Complaining about it being hard but just keeping me around. The attachment was indeed there but once you realise there is more to the world than an ex, you start healing. Now friends keep telling me that she wants to talk. No contact works. Do not do no contact just to get someone back. Heal and move on!! This guy knows what he talks about. ❤
@mightymurvin5903 9 сағат бұрын
do I need to cut contact for their family also? eventhough my situationship dosnt end well, I always care with her family 😢 idk what to do please God help me this hurt so much
@andrewvanhoff 7 сағат бұрын
I'm truly sorry to hear that you're going through so much pain. Give yourself some grace and some patience. It's gonna hurt and it's gonna suck, and that's part of the process. It's about being there for yourself throughout the process, instead of blaming/hurting/abandoning yourself throughout the process. That said, like I mentioned in the video I think it's less about cutting off contact with others and really more about reestablishing contact with yourself. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with keeping contact with exes or their families, it's just that we often do that at the expense of our own lives. So I'd say you can maintain (or cut) contact with whoever you'd like, so long as you're able to internally accept that you can't control what's going to happen, and start to move on in your own life. It's really the staying mentally stuck on the ex that hurts us the most. When we're refusing to continue our own lives, that's what does the most damage. I see no contact as a part of embracing our own lives because we are forced to sever those ties that are holding us back - but if you understand the whole process and you're okay with things being what they are, then there's no real reason you couldn't continue to occasionally talk. But part of that is accepting that the other person might not WANT to talk. And that's okay too, as much as it might hurt. Most importantly, take some time to breathe, maybe go outside, reconnect with yourself and life and nature. It's so easy to get stuck in a mental doomspiral over these things, and reestablishing contact with reality is a huge help.
@Kellys_kitten_squad 11 сағат бұрын
Amazing explanation. Have felt that energy from guys it does feel weird when people push too hard. I’m sure guys feel that from chicks too. Have always tried to appear cavalier about if things work out. Once you’re attached/bonded to someone though and they totally reject you that hurts. Had a guy a couple years ago live with me quickly after meeting him. Totally my dream guy, we are a match, he is strong, independent, sexy, intelligent, and fully capable of being a great partner. After the two weeks he left said he was going to. “You’re gonna miss me baby.” I sure did. 2 years later he did the same thing this time for 3 weeks. I so don’t get it. Won’t ever get it. Maybe he was lonely wanted some great female attention. Whatever. Live and learn. Just sad still sad about it. No explanation no note nada. Just wish I knew why.
@Khadesiax888 12 сағат бұрын
I love your videos. They are helping me tremendously. Thank you.
@m.s9819 12 сағат бұрын
@Polly1589 13 сағат бұрын
No contact might bring some of them back but they will walk away again as soon as they know they can get you back. I had multiple experiences with no contact and it actually never really bring people back who STAY.
@andrewvanhoff 10 сағат бұрын
As I said during the video, if you're using no contact as a strategy to get somebody, it won't work well. Because you're trying to get your addiction back, right? So when the person comes back, you go right back to how things were before (and how they were before was a relationship that fell apart) As I see it, true reconnection has to allow both you and the other person to allow yourselves to change and grow and reconnect in a NEW way, not to go back to the old way. Because the old way didn't work, by it's very definition. If you've broken out of craving the old way and instead embraced your new journey and the opportunity for growth, now you might relate to that person differently, allowing the relationship to not fall back into that same old pattern
@retroactively76 13 сағат бұрын
I wish I've watched this before so I did not lose him
@pritampurohit3863 14 сағат бұрын
How long is too long? I have completed 1 year of no contact and I still miss her every single day.
@enyawdgink3926 11 сағат бұрын
The point is to let go. Not for them to come back. To fill your life with so much happiness that your detach from the outcome
@andrewvanhoff 10 сағат бұрын
Firstly, I truly feel for your pain. (In fact I cried myself to sleep for about a month following the breakup I talked about in the video) That said, it's okay to miss somebody and give yourself time to grieve and feel pain. We're all human after all. What I encourage for you is some reflection on that little mental exercise I mentioned, visualizing the fork in the path, and then giving yourself permission to explore your new path. If you're still wanting her there, then ironically you're also still carrying her with you. Letting go of that person (more importantly your ideas about that person) is what will allow you to move forward. So my honest advice would be to stop pursuing no contact as a "tactic" or something you need to do for a certain timeframe and start living your own life again. No contact isn't a method as far as I see it, but rather an attitude of openness and acceptance towards life.
@pritampurohit3863 8 сағат бұрын
@@andrewvanhoff I really appreciate your support and advice. Thanks 👍
@carriersab8640 14 сағат бұрын
If we don't get attached to people then why create and maintain relationships?
@andrewvanhoff 10 сағат бұрын
Thanks for asking such a great question! There's a lot of nuance here so bear with me - there IS what is called a "secure" attachment style (as opposed to "anxious" and "avoidant" attachment styles which are characterized as "insecure") In layman's terms, it's possible to be healthily attached to somebody. It's when both partners have an "I'm okay - You're okay" attitude, and see their partner as just that, a partner and another living (beautifully flawed) human being. When we're insecurely attached, we start deriving our self-worth from the relationship. The relationship can become not a partnership, as such, but a bit of an addiction. This also damages our ability to be vulnerable and authentic with our partner because we're worried about messing with the source of our drug. Now, feeling pain over a loss is normal. Missing somebody is normal. Hurting after a breakup is absolutely okay, and I'd advocate for giving yourself a lot of time to feel through the pain and allow yourself to experience the hurt. Even if you're securely attached and love somebody, there's a very human part of you that will likely feel pain and anguish over them leaving, at least for a while. But the less secure we are, the more addicted, so to speak, then the more we can become stuck after a breakup. Stuck in a mire of emotions, past patterns, self judgments, and desperately wishing we had our ex back. Love allows you to experience who somebody really is, in all their uniqueness and beauty. Attachment (at least the insecure characteristics) is when you're basing your own worth on your ideas of somebody else. The trouble is that also leads to controlling, since we need to maintain that self worth. So to answer your question. Relationships are amazing. Discovering who somebody is, having a deep and real connection, and the capability to be intimate and authentic with people is a beautiful thing. Attachment actually gets in the way of real relationships being created and maintained because I'm so worried about ME that I can't connect with YOU. Attachment gets in the way of vulnerability and authenticity, which are the cornerstone of real relationships. If you can't be REAL with somebody, is there a relationship at all? A relationship between what, ideas of each other? Real, deep relationships are beautiful, and that's what I'd encourage people to explore creating for themselves. We also need to accept that sometimes those things end. It might be painful and hurtful. But that ending can be the start of a new journey for each person. It's when we look at that ending as THE END that we get stuck. I'm trying to help people get themselves unstuck, and to see that the ending of the relationship is merely the START of the next chapter. And we'll never learn and grow and become more comfortable with ourselves if we stay at the junction refusing to move. That's where a lot of broken people live their entire lives. TLDR: Creating and maintaining relationships is great. Too much identification and attachment actually get in the way of true relationship because we can't be vulnerable.
@carriersab8640 7 сағат бұрын
I want to thank you very much for your response, all your work helps me move towards my authenticity
@andrewvanhoff 7 сағат бұрын
My pleasure! I appreciate the genuine question. There's a lot of nuance to these things, and it's challenging to navigate. Really I think one of the best things we can do is just do our best to start with some grace and compassion for ourselves and others, because even in the most insecure relationships, people are just doing their best.
@eyereens 14 сағат бұрын
I want to make friendship with my colleague. Seems I was trying too much and overthinking last weeks. I should let go. I’ll try this strategy on her. Thanks
@andrewvanhoff 10 сағат бұрын
You likely were trying too much and overthinking - and you might still be doing that if you're seeing this as a strategy to try on somebody. Respectfully, I don't think it's a strategy to use "on somebody" at all. It's a new way of seeing things that MAY change the way people react to you, but it starts from understanding, not really "planning".
@m.s9819 14 сағат бұрын
@PraisebetoGod777 16 сағат бұрын
This hit hard… I’m 44 and my wife passed from cancer 6 months ago, we were soulmates and I’ve been struggling so badly and this video really helped me see the mistakes I made with her from childhood trauma. I don’t want to make the same mistakes again but yet i find myself trying to fill a void that I feel inside. My relationship with God is the only thing that has saved me and it’s still a daily battle between my fleshly desires and my spirit. Great information very accurate and true.
@rik-keymusic160 16 сағат бұрын
Well the harder one tries to not give a fuck is actually firing backwards… its like then you got to prove you don’t care, still caring in in the back of your mind. I think it gets easier getting older and with experience… getting used to people not fulfilling once expectations.. you need to go through it over and over again to eventually reach a point of truly not giving a flying fuck…
@anthonyeasterwood532 10 сағат бұрын
I feel like there are some differences in the meaning behind the phrase “not giving a f*ck”-one is to not actually outwardly express excitement or feelings that you are emotionally invested or to try not to get emotionally invested in the first place… the other meaning that I think is going on here is to not let external factors, situations, or people be the one’s who decide and/or dictate your own sense of well-being and worth… I think that it is healthy and great to express one’s feelings in life and to get excited about things or dating or romance (if you feel that way, you feel that way and that’s all valid!)-the other way of being is about saying-“I am the one who decides what [insert external situation/person/outcome] means for me-I will not let that be the ultimate decider of my self-worth and well-being. If something doesn’t happen, I’m allowed to feel disappointed, unhappy, etc. but I am willing to face things going wrong/awry because I will handle it and it will not be my end-all-be-all because at the end of the day I am always my end-all-be-all before anything else! I don’t know if that made sense… but I felt like the idea of not giving a f*ck also has this connotation of pretending not to care or not caring in the first place, which I don’t think was what was meant in the video
@shazsuri 18 сағат бұрын
This 18min video has literally helped me understand a breakup that I had been trying to get over in the past . It has helped me understand that whole relationship… Thank you so much
@m.s9819 18 сағат бұрын
I love your videos! Thank you ❤
@m.s9819 21 сағат бұрын
❤ thank you
@venetiafionachamithasamuel4435 Күн бұрын
@venetiafionachamithasamuel4435 Күн бұрын
Thanks a million son. I'm 52 and since birth I was not emotionally attended by both of my parents. I was abused by my elder sister. I ended up fixing problems of all the people I uncounted. Me having great problems than others I was fixing others. i hid it from the world coz I knew it was abnormal. Finally what I got is, almost all the people I fixed, walking extra miles, me having worse situations, back stabbing me, cheating me. Now I'm overwhelmed, exhausted, frightened of trying to fix people, but still unable to stop my autopilot mod. I've been working on this. This is the ultimate video that addressed my core issue. I don't have words to thank you. All my life wasted, anyway I can heal myself before my death. So much love to you!!!❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
@hayyyitstay Күн бұрын
This is the video I never knew I needed
@dorisw2507 Күн бұрын
well said man
@basil806 Күн бұрын
You're speaking truths.
@MarkSarmiento11 Күн бұрын
Thankyou siryou help me alot
@user-hp2nf2tw2e Күн бұрын
Just started talking to this girl madi and she's really cool but there's just been this lump in my heart and I didn't know what it is till I watched this video. I was scared that she won't like me and I really haven't been acting fully like myself I've said I like things that I just don't know. Thanks for this vid man ima be me tonight on facetime
@grumpymonster69 Күн бұрын
This is so stupid but true 😅
@mzzy03 Күн бұрын
Out of topic but I hope your eyes are okay, as someone with light sensitivity my eyes hurt while watching you in this video.
@omerfirer1312 Күн бұрын
the thing that is currently making it hard for me to let go from her is the fact that im still attracted to her, as much as i did when we were together if not more, being attracted to someone i cant pursue is hard for me
@ranjithvallathol Күн бұрын
You are one of the most authentic channels when it comes to personal development. Thank you 💜
@svetamusic Күн бұрын
Thank you❤! So true 👍
@JohnPickup-CDHS-ze6qd Күн бұрын
I'm always busy, but I still text people back right away. I don't like messages sitting in my inbox and a text takes 5 seconds. So the truth is it doesn't mean you have nothing else going on. I think it's just annoying for some people because they don't like having long conversations over text. They only want to respond every now and then so they have a little time to breathe. Figuring out what to say can also be anxiety inducing for some people. But my girlfriend and I both loved texting each other. We'd send each other at least 200-300 messages a day for almost 7 years (and we lived together lol) Our entire relationship up until she passed away is basically documented
@andrewvanhoff Күн бұрын
Fair enough! I'm sorry to hear she passed away. I suppose what I'm trying to get at in the video is less about texting itself and more about the energy dynamic involved. It's not so much that not responding to texts is a sign of security (it could be, but it could also be avoidance or people just not liking texting) it's more that people obsessing over "why isn't this person responding" are most often operating out of anxiety and insecurity. Of course, I have to paint in broad strokes for the sake of the video, but I agree there's more nuance to it
@ashleighwhite7083 Күн бұрын
This is the best! x
@nurseannesinspirationalwellnes Күн бұрын
@nurseannesinspirationalwellnes Күн бұрын
Thanks 🙏🏽
@rochellebartholomew Күн бұрын
I love all the positive comments here and how so many people are taking such great steps to heal their hearts and lives. Let’s GO humanity!! 🎉❤😊
@cerico76 Күн бұрын
I think acceptance of every feeling is the solution. live it , experience it , let it go. If you don't accept it , You' ll never let it go.You explained this bettter than tons of videos I have watched. Well done!
@js5189 Күн бұрын
I've been dating this woman for 2 months. Things are going well but sometimes we don't speak for 2 days. Is this weird?
@taylorbee4010 2 күн бұрын
If you accept yourself how do you grow? Because if you think nothing is wrong why do anything about it?
@ariannasuen4061 10 сағат бұрын
accepting yourself means saying “yes this is wrong with me. Now what can I do to make this better without sacrificing myself?” instead of saying “I’ll be complicit with my self destructive habits”
@TheCeri2011 2 күн бұрын
I'm grateful that this video popped up on my feed. You mentioned two things that I've been trying to work through; breaking the cycle from going into the world with a begging cup for validation & approval and instead cultivating it within myself; giving myself permission to "take up space in this world and the right to simply exist. Thank you Andrew for making me feel less like a failed fool & more like someone on an adventure. Great wisdom, great facial expressions & great visual optics💫
@xiao__mao2796 2 күн бұрын
Its all right what you say, i can completely agree, its compensation. But actually, literally no one in those videos mentions this: when there is attraction, there is also dopamine - everything seems less stressful and hard in life. The person you are projecting on, also once gave you that & every interaction with them does. This is so addictive & hard to get from somewhere else like that intense. How can we handle this?
@user-kw2bx5fw8v 2 күн бұрын
Very true
@realMartinHamilton 2 күн бұрын
Romantic love is only 1 of 7 types of love. Each needs nurturing and no single one is the answer. Letting Romantic Love dominate we suffer eventually, and many times it becomes deep suffering. I wrote an article The 7 Types Of Love You Need To Understand To Be Happy on my blog. Use the search bar at the bottom to find it.