Games Workshop Rage Comments REVIEW..

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Lords of War Games and Hobbies

Lords of War Games and Hobbies

3 ай бұрын

We look at some of the spicy comments from our recent videos and address some hot takes people have had regarding the recent GW retirement of Age of Sigmar Models.
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@kespec 2 ай бұрын
fake laughs, hiding real pain.
@andymeechan3924 2 ай бұрын
Shill like a villain == Shillain
@lordsofwargamesandhobbies3905 2 ай бұрын
Ooooo I like this
@jordancameron3584 2 ай бұрын
I thought shills got paid? YOU pay THEM! 😂
@lordsofwargamesandhobbies3905 2 ай бұрын
@montroyalbynight8107 2 ай бұрын
Fun shout out to my comment about historicals... Because I actually agree bolt action/warlord models are quite poor. The issue is that historicals companies don't compete well in an LGS environment and therefore the only ones that do sacrifice quality to piddle along. Out of the two retail oriented historicals companies Battlefront is much better than warlord at trying to put out good products but you see them constantly struggling especially with supply lines. Ironically corvus belli used to be a historicals company and likely their business model is the closest to one that could be viable for a large historicals company... however someone would need to be very imaginative about product and content creation within those historical settings.
@GreyHunter88 2 ай бұрын
I agree with you, but I actually don't find Bolt Action models that 'poor'. While obviously a Games Workshop miniature is a better display piece, they don't look all that different once they're on the table. Unless you have telescopic vision, you just see small little painted figures. The 73 scrolls, necklaces, gemstones, belt pouches, tax returns, barbecue lighters and scented candles you spent hours painting on each GW infantrymen aren't even noticeable. If you compare the two as wargaming pieces, not display models, I think Warlord historicals stack up extremely favorably. They are better value for money, easier and faster to paint, more customizable and do more within the context of their games (compared to GW units which often last one shooting/fight phase until they go back in the case). It's not even like Workshop's models are top shelf anymore, with a few exceptions. Bolt Action may have 'Pumpkin Head' guys, but GW has Uriel Ventris, that weird stilts robot, and the latest Shield Captain, who looks like someone accidentally messed with the aspect ratio of the STL before he went to print.
@montroyalbynight8107 2 ай бұрын
@@GreyHunter88 I wasn't comparing them to GW, I was comparing them to what else is available on the historical market, eg, not in the retail space, where they don't stack up as well in value or quality.
@theendofmyropemydude 2 ай бұрын
Historical wargames struggling with supply lines is actually just good meta-lore.
@SwopetheDope 2 ай бұрын
GW makes to many miniatures that very few people buy.... Which sucks because it takes away from factions that really need more units or their super old kits need to be redone with new models.... At the end of the day.... GW is a COMPANY Anyone that thinks GW makes models TO NOT SELL THEM.... XD
@Nerdgainz357 2 ай бұрын
When you guys launch your shill merch, I’ll happily buy a sticker to go on my tournament water container lol.
@EarlofChutney 2 ай бұрын
You need ‘ready for end times 2’ shirts, I know I am.
@josephjustice4553 2 ай бұрын
How is Old World doing at your shop?
@Unaidedfoot 2 ай бұрын
Love the channel guys keep it up!
@irishmarine3 2 ай бұрын
You guys are mistaken about the made-To-Order stuff, the ex-CEO of GW said recently on the Jordan Sorcery cast that MTO was making millions every year. The Kasrkin MTO alone made half a million gbp, definitely a business decision when they're strapped for capacity on the plastic side.
@garyjenson1326 2 ай бұрын
I'd like to know if you guys (all jokes aside) notice any common denominators for people who play wargames? I ask because I want to build a necromunda group. I have all the stuff but I don't want to try to teach someone only for them to not follow through.
@andymeechan3924 2 ай бұрын
Just jump in and do it. Some folks will drop out, others will become more passionate than you. Viewing demos as transactional only leads to disappointment. I learned this the hard way 😊
@klocks2543 2 ай бұрын
I haven’t watched last weeks video, and maybe I missed a detail in the article, but as much as I agree with ripping the bandaid off - I think keeping things orderable for a set duration (even if it means made to order) would be the fair move towards the customer base rather than just Last Chance to Buy. I saw the article early enough that I could have bought the Scions of Flame warband I’ve been thinking about for web retail prices, but I wasn’t prepared to fomo buy it rn and now it’s “temporarily out of stock.” I’d be quite surprised if it comes back. Sure I’ve had “plenty of time to buy it” but I’m actively trying not to add to my backlog. GW has also set a precedent that their kits have a very long shelf life, so to see some of these kits go away in less than 2-3 years is disconcerting for long time costumers.
@timunderbakke8756 2 ай бұрын
I can empathize with people who are sad they don’t have specific rules for a model they bought in the past. I’ve been hit with that myself in 40K and the great 10th Legends. I can also empathize with “these kits are not making us money, and we don’t want to keep trying to support things that are not contributing to our income.” Particularly when “hey GW this new unit you released is just the old unit” meaning all units must have some niche. We’ve seen how in the space marine range that’s very difficult at some point. The only complaint I have about GW is being cheeky about “well they aren’t coming back because …” and some silly lore. It’s ok to say “these are not selling and we have to drop the line”. That honesty feels better than the silliness. But, that’s just me
@davestorm572 2 ай бұрын
That click bait made me laugh. Well done gents!
@earnestwanderer2471 2 ай бұрын
I was sort of one of those people who walked away from GW when they dropped Fantasy back in 2015. Actually I wasn’t super happy with 8th edition so we just kept going with 6th (basically). But I did feel somewhat “betrayed” when they pulled the plug on WHF and vowed to never buy anything from GW again, especially since AoS 1st edition was as weak as it was. The other factor was that Privateer was going great guns with Mk2 and it was a really great setting and game that a lot of the WHF players gravitated towards. But I digress... there is a real emotional component to the hobby, maybe more so for younger players who have a different perspective that an old fogey like me who’s learned the hard way that GW is a business, not my pal.
@earnestwanderer2471 2 ай бұрын
Oh, I broke my vow when Kill Team ‘21 came out, and I discovered Warcry . Still not a fan of the big games, but the skirmish level games are great and GW still makes the best plastic.
@spnked9516 2 ай бұрын
Like you, I mostly washed my hands of GW when they axed Fantasy back in the day instead of attempting to fix the problems with it that they themselves created. No ill will to AoS players, but barring substantial changes to its lore and a major apology, that IP will always be a colossally disrespectful middle finger to past GW creators and to GW consumers as a whole. Personally, TOW was my absolute breaking point for any sort of tolerance for GW, though. Fantasy was, and is, still a profitable IP, when given proper love and attention, but rather than do that, GW decided to cynically regurgitate the IP in a truncated form. They never bothered to address the issues with it (they've actually compounded some of them - ie metal models are still a thing, still no convenient Combat Patrol type box, no border patrol/skirmish modes for ease of entry, the modern prices for two decade old models) and seem to desire a quick cash grab and second, and final, grave in which to fully bury Fantasy in.
@snailsnussy1070 2 ай бұрын
Oof fantasy and warmachine gone
@reloadded2959 2 ай бұрын
@@spnked9516 Id bet that with Old World dropping the things you would like to see have a pretty good chance of happening. I never played Fantasy, wish i did, but it died before I could. AoS... just didnt make sense to me, it was just an attempt to modernize Fantasy and it never made sense (it also seems to just be Fantasy 40K, where as Old World actually felt like its own individual universe). I would be willing to jump into Old World, but only if they update the models.
@spnked9516 2 ай бұрын
@@reloadded2959 I have my doubts about that. I might not give GW any money, but I still pay attention to what they do. TOW is effectively being handled by a skeleton crew, consisting of about three to five people from the Forge World studio, with a shoestring budget to boot. The odds of them producing new stuff or phasing out the metal stuff in the quantities they need to isn't likely to happen for years. Fantasy has a higher barrier to entry than 40k, but that doesn't mean it has to be impossible to enter for new comers. TOW needs to make those accessibility avenues available for both new and old players if it wants to succeed in the long run, but GW seems to show little regard to doing that. As I said, itll just be second grave until GW dedicates real resources to it, and puts some actually care and thought into it. It's worth mentioning that this is sort of why AoS ultimately found a level of sustainability. AoS is 40k wearing the skin of Fantasy, and it's treated as such. Mechanically, setting/story-wise, and commercially. That last one is particularly important because it provides a lot of convenient onboarding points for new players or existing players looking to expand (ie Combat Patrols/Vanguard boxes provide complete vertical slice of factions, Warcry/Kill team provide smaller - albeit - different games that allow people to build up familiarity with some of the more daunting aspects of the hobby). Compare that to how TOW is currently being handled. You can buy the two big $200+/300+ boxes comprised mostly of 2 decade old models, or you can buy the old battalion boxes at $100+/200+ a pop - which, while not necessarily bad, are again, comprised mostly of older models and also lack the HQ and flashy centerpiece models that make Combat Patrol/Vangaurd boxes functional vertical samples.
@ryandavidsonNZ 2 ай бұрын
I have no skin in the game with what’s been removed but this video seems like store owners trying to try convince people it’s not as bad as the feel it is and to keep buying the models their store stocks.
@vengefulelf659 2 ай бұрын
People love to complain about something they were never going to buy. I worked at a flgs for almost 20 years and we constantly had people come in and pick an item up and say OMG I’ve been looking for this for 5 years!!!!! Then just put it down and say bye and we never see that person again! lol it’s like a running joke that never gets old.
@wesleyejackson 2 ай бұрын
I've worked in the industry a long time and can 100% confirm this phenomenon.
@ColonelHoganStalag13 2 ай бұрын
And it could be that since it has been unavailable for so long they've just moved on. I would have liked certain figure ranges but if they were available now, I'm now moved in a different direction. Also, if you have certain figures, do you have the entire line that I need or just a package or two? Because if you don't have all that I need, then I'm no better off than I was when the figures weren't available.
@hughmyers8583 2 ай бұрын
Age of Sigmar product releases make zero sense to me. They keep releasing new armies with a narrow range while ignoring factions like Fyreslayers or Idoneth. It seems like they might be moving to a faction rotation model where new factions replace old factions. I could definitely see Fyreslayers, Idoneth, and Ironjawz being rotated out in 4th edition.
@rotm4447 2 ай бұрын
that has about zero chance of happening.
@rcdemoral1982 2 ай бұрын
... And today on AK... wait... where's the display?! Did we change the name of the show?!
@bryanvestal3923 2 ай бұрын
I doubt anyone remembers this but back when AOS first launched one of the rumors was that GW would start phasing out model lines more quickly and replacing the models in those lines. Buy quick or not at all. I guess folks didn't believe It. I expect they will make more stuff limited.
@gregwaugh616 2 ай бұрын
T shirt idea - Shill 1 and Shill 2, as in the cat in the hat comes back by Dr Seuss?
@HaloBrutus 2 ай бұрын
Classic GW colored dice with the 6 being replaced by “shill”. I’d buy a set
@zakmartel3022 2 ай бұрын
You guys should be sponsored by timmies.
@lordsofwargamesandhobbies3905 2 ай бұрын
I wish!
@mayofrench5170 2 ай бұрын
How about a T-shirt logo "Just shillin' with my peeps." ?
@clavooxidado9874 2 ай бұрын
We want: new emperor children, new iron warriors, new night lords, new word bearers…. Gw: naaah better female custodes
@lordsofwargamesandhobbies3905 2 ай бұрын
Did they spend any time doing this other than in the narrative? I don't feel like they actually diverted any production resources to this (I could be wrong)?
@akumaking1 Ай бұрын
Also GW: We’re double the prices, halving the model range and creating another arm variation for a Space Marine Captain.
@wesleyejackson 2 ай бұрын
I feel so much of this discourse is an import from video gaming culture and greviences specific to that industry.
@snailsnussy1070 2 ай бұрын
I mean if you think about it..... building a warhammer army is just piecing together dlc. We love dlc
@tonlito22 2 ай бұрын
What if we were to comedically pretend to be paid shills, then act in a manner identical to paid shills? Is the irony enough of a shield for this behavior?
@TheTobaccoman 2 ай бұрын
It takes them little actual effort , when you look at actual rules they put out , to keep up with rules for old models. Ideally even just make new models and have easy use for old models as them, like upgrading designs but not tossing away your old models. Not everyone lives the game , so time and money to spend on it are finite. That’s why it upsets people , it’s not that people hate new stuff people just hate wasted time and wasted money. If I could always use my old models as current units , I’d be all good but they won’t ever do that. Rules design is easy when half their rules are trash anyways. Over half a codex or army book as usually jank as they do awful with internal balance historically. I’d just say as well , I am not looking at it from GWs angle as GW isn’t buying or painting my models so yeah I care about my angle on the issue as that’s the one that matters to me. I can understand why GW does what they do but I don’t like it even if I do understand it.
@t.h.2906 2 ай бұрын
At least you guys can admit how lame you are.
@lordsofwargamesandhobbies3905 2 ай бұрын
Exactly! Gotta stay humble!
@khaleddoss1047 2 ай бұрын
Great breakdown. Too bad the rage bait is already one step ahead of you. 😂 If you were being called shills before, I cant wait till we see the Femstodes comments 😂 You prolly already off to the Tshirt printers. "Shillin Like A Villain"
@USALibertarian 2 ай бұрын
"If they quit AOS I'm not going to care." Your logic on this topic is sooo bizarre. YES, GW not caring sums up the problem. It is the criticism not a defense.
@andrewparker3996 2 ай бұрын
The hobby is pretty reasonable with good entry point products. I know people who spend my yearly hobby budget on membership fees for sports.
@user-ho6ub1xz1e 2 ай бұрын
There is still more to discuss regarding the Beasts Of Chaos. I don't think GW really tried to develop this faction in AoS. They really needed to re-imagine the aesthetic. Consider, had they introduced female Beasts of Chaos, surely there would have been a rapid surge in sales. I would expect a whole new and rather furry group would be brought into the AoS fan-base. I mean, look how successful Bakunin has been for Corvus Belli? GW, as usual, drops the ball and misses a golden opportunity by introducing female Custodes (and I mean does anyone really care about that?) when they could have instead introduced female Beasts of Chaos. No, seriously! Sort off...there could be fox girls and cat girls as well as goat girls. Would have sold like hot cakes! How is that for a business case, eh?
@jeancouscous 2 ай бұрын
You seems to be a marketing genius lol (no).
@matthewmatheny387 2 ай бұрын
GW's trend of reimagining old models had me hopeful for a Morghur glow up. The gibbering congregation was my favorite thing in the last battletome. The primordial chaos of BoC seems like such fertile ground to get weird with the range which GW has done (to a degree) in AOS. Kingdom Death/ Dark Souls/ Carpenter's The Thing weird.
@bryanvestal3923 2 ай бұрын
I really wish a company that's pro customer would come along and dethrone GW . The problem is beyond female custodians or if a product line is being squashed. The problem is a publicaly traded company that is controlled by the likes of vanguard and black rock among others. Who doesn't give a damn about the hobbyist. A company that is arrogant and believes It cannot fail. Who basically produces an incomplete product and entices you to replay for said product every three years. We all love the IP but for heavens sake folks wake the hell up ! or grow the hell Up! Whatever It takes, because they are fleecing the shit out of you.
@Kromgar1337 2 ай бұрын
Blackrock has 3% of shares they dont control the company. 100% chud detector when i see someone say blackrock controls gw lol
@USALibertarian 2 ай бұрын
You keep going with the fallacy that people are demanding GW make models nobody wants. NOBODY is demanding that. They want the models GW promoted and they brought, built, and painted to be playable and GW to stop lying that this is to reduce model bloat when they are actually just making room for new bloat. It is really this simple, do you want your models to be maximally playable or not? Obviously everyone wants their models to remain playable. When a company displeases their consumers even more than usual that is a problem.
@lordsofwargamesandhobbies3905 2 ай бұрын
New releases sell at a HUGE rate, compared to let's say, 6 year old stormcast models that no one is buying. I'm really struggling to understand the point you are trying to make.
@ColonelHoganStalag13 2 ай бұрын
@@lordsofwargamesandhobbies3905 Yes, but does this mean it is acceptable to stop having rules for previously sold models as well as stop selling the models? It costs next to nothing to produce digital rules for discontinued models but they want to force you to abandon figures and only purchase new stuff. Imagine if car manufacturers were allows to stop producing auto parts for cars already sold? The US had to have laws requiring companies to maintain parts and not force people into new cars. GW operates with how to screw over customers and force them to keep buying more and more instead of inspiring them to buy more because the new stuff is nicer. They can support the old stuff through rules even if they're not going to manufacture old products again. They choose to be jerks about it and then want people to not complain about it. Just doesn't work that way.
@Nerdgainz357 2 ай бұрын
They are making rules for those models and the rules will just be legends. Same as the heresy models for 40k or the previous legend models for AoS. Can’t use them at tournaments but everywhere other form of play is fine. What’re you even saying?​@@ColonelHoganStalag13
@dildoswaggins2907 2 ай бұрын
@@lordsofwargamesandhobbies3905I lost half my standing army because of that decision. Why would you buy more models when you have enough to field an army. Your talking sales POV and a bad POV it is
@earnestwanderer2471 2 ай бұрын
People are also demanding that the factions be balanced within a system, and that units within a faction are both balanced and unique. So it’s not just a matter of pooping out a digital rule set for a given unit, it’s the ongoing effort of trying to juggle all these units/factions and keep them playable. I wonder if it would have made a difference if GW said “Ok, we’re discontinuing production of UnitX, and no longer supporting them with rules in the next edition, BUT... UnitX will officially be acceptable as proxies for the following currently supported units.” ?
@USALibertarian 2 ай бұрын
So it is Minority Report to try to predict what people will actually buy? Interesting. Millions of marketing people, their departments, and business schools are going to be very sad to hear this news. :(... The problem is that GW products are based on hype, promotion, and FOMO instead of actual Marketing. It actually can be done.
@timunderbakke8756 2 ай бұрын
It’s only Minority Report to believe those marketing people will be 100% accurate. Mistakes happen. Large retailers make mistakes. Small shops make mistakes. When someone makes a mistake, and then tries to stop the financial bleeding, that’s when GW fans start raging that something got cancelled
@snailsnussy1070 2 ай бұрын
I think you should get a badge for #1 fan of lords
@USALibertarian 2 ай бұрын
What I "was going on about there" is YOU GUYS compared (favorably) GW model churn to video game. What you guys are doing is conflating someone else doing something or GW doing something before (which is universally hated by consumers) to it making it exactly the same and perfectly fine with them doing it WAY more. Probably because you own a hobby store selling GW bloat....ummm I mean GW products. It would cost nothing to consolidate these units into combined rules except it would cost them the revenue from future bloat that they are lying about remedying. And your response seems to be "they are a business who wants to extract as much money from you as possible" so we actually 100% agree. Except that there are different ways to run businesses and some are better than others.
@lordsofwargamesandhobbies3905 2 ай бұрын
Once again, your issue is more with modern large capitalist corporations and the structure of our economy than it is with GW specifically. Everything is ultimately about chasing short term profits. That is it. Period.
@Harby000 2 ай бұрын
They are making a call on what the market will bear in terms of their activities. Literally free market economics, which someone with the handle of USALibertarian should adore. If customers don't like it, they will spend elsewhere, GW will get the signal and have to adjust. If the customer base is fine with it and keep spending money, GW will keep doing it. And the "consolidating rules" comment; if they kept producing rules for every unit they've ever made, the Space Marine codex would be the size of a Tolkien novel. And everyone who complains about balance now would be enraged that they didn't playtest every unit combination in the codex against every other combination in other armies. Given that, it's a lose-lose, people are used to model ranges shrinking, so they chose the line that makes them more money. Easy choice for a corporation who's sole goal is creating profit for shareholders.
@Ed-ss1uh 2 ай бұрын
​@@Harby000"billion dollar rules company just can't do it" 🤡🤡🤡
@Harby000 2 ай бұрын
@@Ed-ss1uh It's a free market, if the customer base does not give the incentive (aka revenue pressure) to alter the behaviour, they won't. Corporations are not your friend
@Ed-ss1uh 2 ай бұрын
@@Harby000 That's a excellent observation I'm glad you know. Now let's look at recent examples of how that works with woke disney movie flops or failed triple A titles, they all fail. People have and will vote with their wallets, until the Blackrocks and vanguard investments run out and hurt the bottom line, you will always have movement that will be critical to that radical ideology that promotes division under guise of progress. Go ahead and shill for company that just panderd to you ideology because it tweeted out retcon in the worst way possible.
@Madnedy 2 ай бұрын
Shills? Traitors.
@digital_waffles 2 ай бұрын
Not a good look chief 😔🪦🕊️🌄
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