Gender Therapist Talk | Stop Waiting for Fear to Go Away!

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Are you waiting for your fears to go away before you can move forward with your transition?
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#gender #therapy #selfhelp
👉NOTE: I work solely with adults and all video content is marked for adults only. As such, the information shared is based from experience working with adults only.
🙋‍♀️Hello! I am a clinical psychologist or gender therapist, specializing in transgender field and I work with adults only. I provide online therapy for California, New York, Texas and Florida residents. My pronouns are she/her and you can visit my website for more info at
👍VERY HELPFUL Trans/Gender resources:
😀DISCLAIMER: Note as a clinical psychologist I created this channel to share information. Therefore I won't be providing or offering therapeutic advice. I am also not a medical doctor. When I speak on medical issues such as hormones or surgical procedures, the goal is to share information, and not to provide medical advice and you should always consult with your medical doctor. Additionally, this channel is for those seeking information, understanding, and to gain awareness.

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@IssyVoca 2 жыл бұрын
My fear can be boiled down to the question "what if people don't love/like me anymore?". So far I went through social transition and I'm in the very lucky position to haven't heard a single negative word. All the important people still like me. So, take that, fear!
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear and wish you all the best.
@shamtactics4712 2 жыл бұрын
My immediate family and my roommate rejected me. I moved and now I’m with accepting people who are arbitrarily hateful.
@jdncat 2 жыл бұрын
Same here, everyone has been exceptionally positive and accepting. I kept expecting everyone to just disown me and/or intentionally 'deadname' / misgender me but none of that happened even once. It's very eye opening to see how much fear controls you and keeps you from being yourself. It is so freeing to finally move past that and know that people CAN/WILL accept you. The fear is still there for me but it's invigorating to actually see that is completely possible to move past the fear based on recent experiences.
@leerobinson3786 2 жыл бұрын
My main fear is losing my wife who I love more than life. And if she would be on ny side, there's a good chance she could lose close friends she has known from high school. It's enough if I have to risk losing friends but for her to have to risk because of me.
@victoriamcqueen5324 2 жыл бұрын
I was afraid I’d lose my job. I did. I was afraid of loosing my family, and for a time I did… if I could go back; the only thing I’d change is I would have done it sooner. Living as the real me has allowed me to flourish in a way I didn’t expect. My life has never been better, and I am so glad I transitioned. 🙂
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Wow! Powerful sharing of how even when fears do come true, the outcome of being yourself is still priceless. Thank you for sharing.
@deegsmack 2 жыл бұрын
Leap, and the net will appear! I certainly experience anxiety (and occasional pangs of panic) when I start imagining possible consequences during my transition (be it socially, medically, etc). But ultimately, I am far more afraid of the regret that would result if I did not choose to express my authentic being. Even two months into HRT, the improvement of my mental and emotional health alone makes me absolutely certain that I've made the right choice. I know there will be unexpected challenges, but I know I have the strength to face them. Believe in yourself, and don't let bigots or naysayers deny you your dreams. Trans thriving! Happy Pride Month!
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Well said and happy Pride Month to you too.
@persephoneslair 2 жыл бұрын
I've battled the fear of my mother's reaction to my transition for about a year, beginning with the pandemic at the start of 2020. After finally coming out the way I did, I was able to move past that fear, and focus on the next: social transition. I'm moving forward by changing the clothes I wear, and putting on makeup. I keep telling myself, "The best way to face this new fear is to just own it." No one has given me a hard time about how I'm presenting myself in public, yet. Instead, I've been getting the opposite reactions. People are noticing me for who I truly am, and some have even complimented me. So, that's where I am, just trying to get the name change finalized and begin looking into surgery to complete the next step of my journey. Sorry for the long post, I just want to say I love seeing your videos, they always help me when I'm struggling.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am so glad you are moving forward. Keep going.
@FrozEnbyWolf150 2 жыл бұрын
There is a certain irony to my biggest fears. I was less afraid of whether or not others would accept me than I was afraid of being unable to accept myself. When I was coming to terms with my identity, I was less afraid of finding out I was trans than finding out I wasn't. And as I explore the options available for my transition, I'm less afraid of undergoing any changes than I am of being stuck the way I always used to be. My life has been such that I stand to lose a lot more if I let things remain the same, because my old way of doing things was not working out so well. I fear being trapped by the past. I don't fear what the future may hold.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry to hear of your fears.
@Johnny_T779 2 жыл бұрын
I lived in fear most of my life, the law in my country was very radical up until 2016. You had to live 2 years in your gender, THEN given hormones, and all the surgeries where mandatory in order to change legally your gender. I was terrified of top surgery, I absolutely need nipple sensation. Ruining my sex life just to have a flat chest, when it is already barely noticeable, was unthinkable. So I waited for the law to change. I waited sooo long. Then, miracle, I heard of the law change and went to gender consultation right away. It took one more year to take the step, because I still was afraid. What if my partner leaves me? What if testosterone gives me unwanted changes? But truth is I was so exhausted by 50 years of being invisible, this was the only thing I didn't do to try to fix myself... Turns out it was the root of all my discomfort, and once I started treatment I began to feel better and better, myself at last. Now 3 years in, I'm finally starting to see myself in the mirror, to look like what I was supposed to look like all along. Yes, the prospect of changing is scary, but now I feel it was worth pursuing transition anyway. 🤗
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
So glad to hear and I am sorry about the circumstances.
@thebatcollector1460 2 жыл бұрын
I have been struggling with gender incongruence for the last 22 years. I haven't done anything about it out of fear. I kept shoving the feelings inside telling myself that I'm a man just be a man ignore those feelings. I did this thinking they would go away they never really do. At times I didn't really experience the incongruencies. This made me feel like everything will be okay but it's like you said if you don't deal with gender dysphoria it would deal with you. A few years ago the incongruities came back and that is when I first learned about gender dysphoria and I thought about possibly transitioning. I bought a couple salmon and things and started to social transition it only lasted about a month though due to the fear. It wasn't until a few months ago when the feelings came back that I realized I have to do something about this. I told myself I don't necessarily have to transition but I have to find a way to at least cope with these feelings because ignoring them does nothing. I've realized over the last 22 years that these feelings kept coming and going but they were always there hidden inside. I have started to social transition again and I'm noticing I'm feeling happier at least when it comes to this. The fear is still there due to what you mentioned and also me being Christian. I have also made my first appointment with Planned Parenthood to discuss my gender issues and I'm really excited to finally take the first step towards getting help with this. I know now that it doesn't matter whether I transition or just learn to cope with these feelings but I can't ignore these feelings anymore. They will never go away and things will only get worse and I already have too many health problems. Thank you again so much for all your help with insight into all of this.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
So glad to hear you are stepping forward even with fear near you. I wish you all the best.
@lesfraz9043 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on the beginnings of a happier life. I’m want to share that dysphoria has controlled my life for 55 years. I’m 63 now. I have more health problems than a little bit. I have Parkinson’s, Dementia, thyroid tumors, copd, severe sleep apnea as I even use a home vent, I have congestive heart failure, pacemaker, leaking valves, have Stage 4, kidney disease, liver failure, diabetes type 2, diabetic neuropathy in legs from knees down, and neuropathy in my hands from wrist down! Now I bet I beat you😂😂😂 Been married 41 years, wife left first of the year for other crazy reasons. Now I’m free to dress like I want, started HRT, but I won’t do any surgeries other than implants possibly. I was diagnosed as being full blown gender fluid. I’m taking 1.6mg of estradiol Valerate 2 times weekly for 5 months. Have to say 100% happy with results. My counselor and psychiatrist both say the turmoil that built inside of me by not doing something 30-40 years ago most likely was the direct result of failing to do something then. However it wasn’t as accepting then as now. However I’m in the Bible Belt of the Deep South so that makes it tough also. My health has actually improved overall speaking because of not having extra stress in my life. If my wife was back life would be great. Go ahead and make the move, you’ll never regret it. Good luck and message anytime! Never to late to be happy.
@dr.redphdleasurestudies.5399 2 жыл бұрын
Good luck. I hope they can help you feel better about yourself and get those health issues in check. Holding out for a womb myself but Internal Family Systems Therapy has been a big help in sorting out the incongruities. That and an old Navajo friend who helped me to use those incongruities as an asset. Transition or no transition you really are an unappreciated force for good in the world. My sister transitioned decades ago and found a lot of relief in it but was never able to avoid leadership rolls. Deep introspection is inevitable as is being needed to help others more deeply understand themselves. This is all anecdotal of course but I have yet to meet anyone who didn't find it to be true for themselves once they fully accepted themselves.
@ZijnShayatanica 2 жыл бұрын
Last night, my partner & I were discussing our fears about my transition. I reiterated my concerns about our relationship [as well as other worries]. He discussed his worries about his attraction to me, since I won't physically resemble the person he fell for anymore. But... We both want to overcome our fears. We both know that I can't stay where I am. We both want to look ahead, together, & be the people we want to be. Whether it's a romantic partner, friend, family member, or stranger on the internet? Find someone you can talk to about your fears & they can discuss theirs [trans related or not]. Saddling up for a ride through hell is easier if you know you won't be venturing alone. 💕
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
So well put. Glad you were able to discuss your fears openly.
@jdncat 2 жыл бұрын
So true! I went through this recently with my girlfriend too, and she had the same worries and fears that she won't be attracted to me anymore. She loves me so much though and we both believe we can move past it. I firmly believe that physical attraction can evolve and change as long as you have a strong emotional love for each other. As long as you have that, anything is possible. Even reading everyone's experiences and comments on Dr Z's videos has helped me so much to not feel so alone. Such a great little community
@LeahT6317 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when you talked about fear a while back and I took it to heart. My mindset since has been as you say keep moving forward first with HRT, then coming out to family followed by work which was one of the scariest things I done! Hit the send button for a email announcing your trans and not sure what the response will be. Lucky I work in a school district that is trans friendly in a conservative state! After I sent that email the fear has been going away I told my students who will return next year and I'm 23 days away from plastic surgery. For me it was the change in mindset. I spent way too many years worrying about what others think and feel versus putting myself first for once in my life. I still have fears but like you said I'm moving forward so I can get to were I want to be! thank you Dr. Z! I wish more therapists had your mindset because you touch on topics that they don't think about but are very important for growth! ❤️💯
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
So happy things are working out for you and I wish you a great recovery from the surgery.
@Ducati_Dude 2 жыл бұрын
Ty Doc Z... I'm so close to breaking through the Fear barrier... the social 'fear barrier' has been the most difficult stage of my transition... I'm so ready to Break Free... RIP Freddie Mercury... 💕
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Wishing you all the best!
@Ducati_Dude 2 жыл бұрын
@aer2195 2 жыл бұрын
I overcame social transition, which was my biggest fear, and it is such a relief!!... But fears remain: I'd like to have breast surgery but can't take the plunge (what's holding me back is stupid: I've been told so many times that my breast was fantastic that I feel bad about doing that, although I practically live with binders). HRT is problematic, as my health would be altered by it (heart problems in my family). And I have this ridiculous fear to loose my hair... I know these are excuses...
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing and hope the fears subside.
@dr.redphdleasurestudies.5399 2 жыл бұрын
It is strange that so many of us are such admirable physical specimens in the first place. It's no wonder so many Native American tribes expected more from us rather than seeing us as defective.
@teambunnygirl3535 2 жыл бұрын
Before transition I was wracked with fear and anxiety constantly. Medicated to hell and back and I was still having weekly sobing, wrenching, panic attacks. I nearly killed myself. Please don't wait that long. I lost my job, my parents disowned me, and I needed to go no contact with my sister, yet life is so much better now I couldn't possibly begin explain. 6 months post HRT and the panic attacks were gone, a year in and I was off all anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. My life has never been better, yet each week somehow it keeps getting better. Hrt is magic.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
So glad to hear things are better now!!
@jennaozzy6863 2 жыл бұрын
I lost a lot and I am moving to get away from this transphobic area, and I am still better off by far. Fear was a massive block for me, but it really doesn't just go away if you try to wait it out though. It shouldn't have to be this hard. BUT I'm not willing to give up, and going to start a new life in a new place where people are so much more accepting of trans people
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I admire your adaptability to move forward!!!! Wishing you so much happiness at a new place 🤗
@mx.lucyfur 2 жыл бұрын
I did my first electrolysis the other day and fear *almost* held me back from it. I was naturally afraid of the pain but I imagine there was more as well... like taking that next step was "too real." But I went anyway knowing that, if I REALLY wanted to back out after the first few zaps I could. Of course, I didn't and it honestly wasn't as bad as I thought. And that's another part of fear - it's often so much bigger in our head than the reality. I remember the first time I wore nail polish or eyeliner and was afraid someone was going to get hostile with me. No one even noticed. The times someone does notice, it's to compliment my nail polish. To go back to the exercise metaphors I often use in these comments, the motivation part is like warming up when you don't feel like working out. When I'm feeling sluggish, I tell myself I'll at least warm up and then evaluate how I feel. By the time I'm 5 minutes into my warmup I'm feeling good to go. And that ties back to your video about baby steps - asking yourself what's your "warmup" or baby step that will help carry you past that lack of motivation and initial fear? As a fan of ACT, I also view the fearful mind as the brain just doing its job. It *thinks* it's helping you by concocting these fearful images, but it's really just holding you back. It's trying to freeze you in your own life, thinking it's doing it "for your own good." So I just acknowledge what it's doing and say, "Thanks, mind!" and then do what I'm gonna do anyway. But, as you pointed out, it's not easy. The fear is still there... I just unhook from it and do what needs to be done despite it being there.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing.
@kataka2654 2 жыл бұрын
Love the warm-up analogy. Definitely have used that strategy for working out when tired/unmotivated. Will steal that to help my femme side for sure. Thx!
@absolutsophia 2 жыл бұрын
I've had two major gender affirming surgeries, and each time I would want to get out of surgery because was scared! Even as they were giving me the O2, I was terrified. But I knew I had to go through with it. I'm on track to having my final surgery, and I still feel scared. I thought I would feel ok by now, but not knowing what to expect definitely causes some fear. I don't even feel motivated to do or have done any of this, I just know that I have too! And let me tell you, once you've gone through that rabbit hole, the other side is so blissful. I'm authentically happier, more confident and I'm present. My first step was finding a good therapist. It's scary, but it's worth it.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and I wish you all the best.
@imnotthatstupidlol3330 2 жыл бұрын
This literally felt like a wake up call. I might be drunk and vulnerable right now, but that might not even be a bad thing. I just hope that sober me doesn't only understand, but also realizes how important transitioning is for me and my life. Kinda forth wall breaking lol.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Wishing you all the best.
@KK-fs4zy 2 жыл бұрын
Actually I don't know What exactly I fear. It's just there. I do a little step, feel euphoric and then bam, scared af, paralyzed.. Maybe as wide horizons open after every little step, like I see more and more and it's just *too.much*. My fear grows and shrinks at the same time, strangely. The more courage I manage to have to do the next thing, the more dread I face after. Also, in my country the medical process Is not at all friendly, kind of humiliating, gatekept.. and this is my only particular fear, I just don't want to go through this hell. So I decided to begin my transition outside of the system and I'm afraid what would it lead to.
@LoganManookss 2 жыл бұрын
You sound just like me. I hate this feeling beyond words. I feel incredibly euphoric one day and the next I’m like super scared cause I think it gets sooo real in my mind like it’s happening. I wish you all the best 💕
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing and I wish you well.
@fivefingered 2 жыл бұрын
Fear is my oldest companion. I am 51 years old and only just now beginning to deal with the constant dread of being discovered, being open, being true to myself. The what ifs are killer, but therapy is finally helping me sort through and deal with it. Thank you for your videos, they are a real help.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear therapy is helpful!
@tremereowen 2 жыл бұрын
I think fear has always been there. You are seeing it more because you have built a community where people feel free to express their concerns about their gender, so congratulations to you and all of its members. That been said, obviously action blow fear away because it turns expectations to realities and they can be confirmes or denied, and you stop expecting and start discarding or suffering the consequences you expected, which un some cases will be more unreasonable than in others. Likewise, if you don't do anything it will sit there forever and you may learn to cope with it. Yet, not everyone has the same fear threshold or tolerance. The fact that the overwhelming majority of transitioned people commented they improved is a terrific data, but you don't know what share of people whithin the same group didn't comment because they didn't feel the same, so I think It would be sensible to take that trend with a grain of salt. Not withstanding the abovementioned, you are superb to me.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@junerei8148 2 жыл бұрын
The only real fear I have is the cruelty and subtle forms discrimination I’ll face from some of my co-workers. I listen quietly to the language many of them currently use and I know what’s in store when I come out. It’s not going to stop me, but damn, why people feel the need to ridicule and demean things they don’t know and won’t try to understand will forever be beyond me. As always Dr.Z I appreciate your honesty and love.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry and I too agree about others. In general, I don’t understand basic lack of kindness.
@pushumonster 11 ай бұрын
I'm not afraid of my family rejecting me after I tell them, I'm afraid of the conversation itself. I'm predicting they will try to gaslight me/ say hateful things / ask for justifications and argue with each of them. I am autistic and I have actual difficulties for communication, as well as trauma from the times I tried to express my feeling to some family members. I wish I could just jump in time to when everything is said. But instead of running away or pushing myself, I think what I need right now is to connect with the community irl, find people who will support me emotionally, I think this is the "action" that will give me courage.
@ChristinaWinter75 2 жыл бұрын
I just keep loving your videos more and more ❤❤ I'm in the exact trap that you're describing. I've started visualizing that "comfort zone" circle you described in a previous video, and that's helped so much. But I find myself waiting for fear to completely go away before trying to expand that circle again. The reminder that the fear will never go away completely is exactly what I needed to hear.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you find them helpful. Please don’t wait for it to go away, it’s like a lonely puppy that enjoys being glued to your ankle. Just find a way to live with it. 🤣🤗
@jdncat 2 жыл бұрын
Same, these videos have been immensely helpful.
@wandringgenderhuman4064 2 жыл бұрын
Fear seems to be a constant companion. The problem we have is if our individual Fear impacts our ability to lead a productive healthy and happy life. That said for me, Fear can hold me back from making connections to other people, going into a new place, or even getting out of unhealthy situations. I have learned simply take on step at time and try to be present at the moment, then repeat. It doesn't mean things are easy, but the one step at a time approach helps me escape negative thinking about the future, even 2 steps ahead.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Very well said!
@LoganManookss 2 жыл бұрын
DR.Z you are such a blessing
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
@user-xr9rr1qv1c 2 жыл бұрын
I just started T last week. I haven’t told my family because I know it will go badly, and my anxiety about going no contact with them keeps me up at night. Im happy for the changes on T and trying not to associate T with negativity from my family. Im working on regulating my anxiety and my sleep. Im in my early 20’s and have worked 40+ hours per week while getting my undergraduate degree in three years so that I can become financially independent from my family. Im moving to Europe in the fall to start grad school and that’s intimidating because idk if my family will continue to support me once they find out I’m trans. I feel like starting T also started an hourglass, and I’m watching the sand start to run through to the bottom, knowing that when it all runs out my family will realize the truth. I don’t know what life has waiting for me ahead, but I’ve already been through a lot and I know that whatever lies ahead will shape me into an even better, stronger person than I am today
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Hope your family will support you and I command you on your strive for independence.
@gediminasmurauskas7817 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Natalia! I very much appreciate your common-sense insights about facing and overcoming fear by moving forward with transition steps that make us fearful. Fear does not go away, but we cannot let fear win!
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you found it helpful. I am a huge fan of logical lucid thinking 🤗
@gediminasmurauskas7817 2 жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD Thanks! I believe that my logical lucid thinking is in large part attributable to me being on the autism spectrum. My condition was previously referred to as Asperger syndrome, and I am also characterized by the INFJ personality type.
@GabbieAbbie 2 жыл бұрын
❤ this video!!! Sooo true!
@DC-ox2zv Жыл бұрын
This video was VERY timely. The other day I finally got the courage to tell a family member about my situation. As Dr. Z stated so accurately, it merely takes courage. I was anticipating the worst/hoping for the best and all the fear I had was keeping me back for years. It certainly took courage as one can not in ring that bell once the words are spoken. As this just occurred a couple days ago my mind is doing mental gymnastics as I still haven’t processed fully how much of a weight was instantly removed. It is scary; however, I just got tired of sleep walking through life. This video was perfectly timed. Thank you again Dr. Z.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Glad you did it! Good for you.
@mpresto2661 Жыл бұрын
I had fear accepting that looking femme made me happy, but I moved through it. I had fear telling my family I was going to try presenting in public as a woman, but I did that as well. I went in public a few times, and nothing bad happened and I felt an incredible rush afterwards. I decided to try HRT to see how it made me feel and hoped it would make it easier to pass. After seven weeks, I grew noticeable, permanent breast buds, panicked and stopped taking HRT. I'm paralyzed by my fear now. I hope during this break, I will get a dose of how I felt before HRT, and decide, despite my fear, that HRT felt affirming and breasts are part of the total package that I want.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing.
@fletchling3371 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!! This was very reassuring:))
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@jessieoskins3389 2 жыл бұрын
You are a great therapist dr z! You tell people who follow you what they need to hear. You make a big difference in this community and thank you for that. But as far as fear I have a lot of fears in regards to my transition. I feared that coming out at work I would get fired and I did. I feared coming out to my mother and I did and she doesn’t support me. I’m kinda of paralyzed right now with fear. I think that people who I have came out have taken a step back from me. Which now I’m hesitant to come out to anyone else. But I think since I have come out to people I feel like a better person. So it’s kinda of a give and take situation. I’m also fearful in my state they passed a law where anyone can carry a concealed gun without a license. I’m actually pretty fearful to walk down the street anymore as my true self.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry to hear that some fears came true and your fear for your safety. Nobody should fear being themselves and sadly the truth is, some parts of the world are very unkind. Please stay safe and I wish you all the best.
@madamfreed3322 2 жыл бұрын
Social transition is the biggest fear. I am not really out at work but more than happy to tell coworkers my pronouns if they ask. Not having taken medical steps yet, most people assume i am just queer or enby, and living in the wonderful state of Florida, i feel like current events have allowed bigots to have an even bigger voice as i hear comments from customers and coworkers alike. It just gets tiring to keep repeating "please treat me this way" when people dont take me seriously because i dont fit in their binary box, and the people who are respectful enough to use they/them i feel bad correcting even though those arent my pronouns.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear about your environment. It causes much stress to so so many.
@isaacbarlow8247 2 жыл бұрын
I love it when you get real Dr. Z...I'm not going to list what I'm afraid of anymore, I'm going to start listing ways I'm overcoming that fear, I have to be me. I'm tired of being afraid. Thanks.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! How about listing all the things you have overcome so far in your life?
@jucharpentierbouilly6980 2 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for the boost of energy. I needed that. even though I transitioned socially this year, I feel like I'm at the beginning of everything (I'm young and debuting in work aspect, university, projects), and so the beginning of transition as well. Almost every new (safe) encounter will be a coming out in order to me to get confortable, and I plan to also transition medically. So once I did that; there is no coming back, no passing that could prevent me from some danger, no hiding at all in front of strangers and institutions. Once I'll be more honest with myself and the world, I will be "trapped" under the rejection of a part of my family and the emotional and financial consequences that will follow, trapped under the disgust that (even close) people may feel while looking at my body. But I will also be trapped under the truth, the things that matter to me, my voice will be loud af. your words are like a punch on the heart, it's weirdly a relief to know that this fear will not go away If I dont make a move. it means there is only ONE way to go forwards, ONE way for me to get rid of it and see what will happened, ONE way to live more freely and peacefully with myself, and screw the people and institutions that reject me. they were not made for me in the first place. the step I took today is presenting myself as I am when I applied for a job, my first job. again, thanks for our wise words, I wish you a great day/night 🔥 🔥
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. One of the thing many dont realize is how much other things including people, start coming into your life when you become more aligned with who you are. It almost as if you are wearing a magnet of attraction except in this case, sending out signals to ppl who truly get you.
@jucharpentierbouilly6980 2 жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD i hope to have this ease one day, to feel clarity around me, it's a beautiful metaphor (the magnet), thanks
@jucharpentierbouilly6980 2 жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHDi guess the more you are aligned with who you are, the more you have energy and attention for other things, and so little by little the magnet's energy become stronger and precise
@victoriaabbiemiller456 2 жыл бұрын
Since I was a kid, I had longed to transition, but was far too afraid to carry out that monumental step. I didnt think I would have had the mental strength to deal with all the negative comments and abuse that I would endure on a daily basis. January 2021 aged 54, I broke down in tears one night realizing I could not go on living as I was, It was all just too much for me and I was concerned for my own wellbeing if I carried on living this lie of a life for many more years.. 7 days later after informing my close relatives, employer & work colleagues, and anyone else I could think of about my intentions, I started living my life full time as Victoria. I changed my name legally, all the documentation, driving licence, passport, credit cards, etc, all changed within the first 3 months. Joined a huge waiting list ( in uk) to see gender specialists but went private instead when I realised how many years it would have taken me to even get a first diagnosis.. Yes it was a little scary at first, but that settles down very quickly, in all honesty I've had no negative comments from anyone, no one is bothered about you, as long as you dress appropriately, no one notices, no one cares, you just blend in.. I may have a different experience if I was wearing high heels and a mini dress to the supermarket, but if your sensible with what your doing you will be just fine. I absolutely love this new life I have, Im happy as can be these days, 12 month on HRT and its working its magic just fine on me, got my GRS surgery booked for October, Im full of confidence, made more new female friends than I have ever done in my previous 54 years. Im even off to a huge motorbike rally/party/festival in a few weeks with 7000+ bikers I couldn't possible have imagined in my wildest dreams 2 years ago that i would be living like this in 2022 Thank you Dr Z, for making these videos, they always seem to hit the nail on the head. xx regards Victoria.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Victoria thank you for sharing your life story. Wow what an incredibly life quest! I am so glad you shared to show others life does not stop if one transitions.
@evelynhensen3318 2 жыл бұрын
I transitioned in Georgia I became a cna got my state license and could not find a job I had to leave the Bible belt states in order to get a job truth.
@meganjenkins9471 2 жыл бұрын
This video felt like it was directly for me. ❤️❤️
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Hope that was a good thing 🤗
@Renacd122 2 жыл бұрын
Happy Pride Month
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Happy Pride Month and Thank you!
@lol-zu6bz 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, this comment is actually related to the video. I'm a trans man who's identified as so for 3 years now. I'm going to turn 19 this year. I've always felt like a boy and wanted to be a man. I pass really well even before HRT or any surgery. I want to be a man and wanted to be since i was a child. But since i'm from a country which doesn't offer gender therapy. I'm really scared of regretting it later, and i don't know how to overcome this. I've done everything i can. I present fully masculine, love it, and people see me as a cis boy. And i love it. But eversince watching detransition videos and listening to my family asking me if i won't regret it later, it's killing me. The thing is, i don't even know how to go back to ,,acting female"since it always caused me a great deal of distress. In fact, i have no idea how i'd act if i decided to detransition because acting female is and always was so alien to me. Thank you so much to anyone who's reading this. Sorry for bad English, I'm from slovakia
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and your English is excellent!
@lol-zu6bz 2 жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD Thank you so much! do you have any advice on how i could overcome this? Or maybe i should force myself to detransition? The whole going back and forth is very emotionally draining lol, so literally any kind of advice is much appreciated :)
@robindz8502 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, even it's been years since I started HRT and I am still afraid, but more than transition, I am afraid of acceptance, I haven't gone thru GCS, which is my last surgery, but I still get rejected from my family either directly or indirectly and that creates fears and insecurity. there is also fear from policies; we've all seen how policies are changing and I often wander, how long until they reach home.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear of your fears. Fear of policies changing is a big one now.
@aqueerchaplain 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like you are calling me Thank you! 💛🙏🏻💛
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
@skylarsoup 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. It came at a good time for me. My biggest fear right now is taking steps to move forward with GCS. I get extremely stressed and nervous when I do further research, yet I am nearly certain that it will be a future step in my transition. Bottom dysphoria affects me more and more intensely every day and I think about GCS each time it occurs. It's frequently the first thing that pops into my head when I wake up. And still... I just sit on my hands, day by day, too afraid to keep pushing and do something about it. The pain, possible complications, and potential societal consequences of GCS may very well make months of my life living hell. Yet it intuitively feels worth it despite all of the hardships associated with it. It’s kinda like… all of the negatives are trying to prevent me from moving forward with GCS, but why should I let them? This same logic applies to me beginning my transition with HRT, too. I took initiative very quickly after I came out to start HRT and I didn't want to delay that process if I could help it. I am most definitely better off because of it and I am very glad I started as quickly as I did. The difference between HRT and GCS in terms of fear--as far as I'm concerned--is the possibility of bodily complications. In the case of starting HRT, I knew the "complications" would almost all be trending in the positive direction. And, even if things didn't work out perfectly, I'd at least be better off than where I started. However, by far my biggest fear with GCS, and I was glad to hear you address this briefly, is that I simply will NOT be able to handle it if things go wrong. I don't see a scenario in which I end up having complications and am not suicidal because of it. Considering my mental state prior to realizing that I'm trans, I just don't see a way around extreme depression if that is the outcome. Of course, if the outcome is largely unproblematic, I'd be ecstatic. But it’s the fear of something majorly fucking up and me not thinking it’s worth dealing with or staying alive long enough to push through. Perhaps a consultation would help to ease these fears; I just need to find the strength to get the process started for my own benefit.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I would suggest making sure you have support for post op care that you can lean on if things get challenging so that you dont feel as if you have to handle it all alone.
@Journey-of-1000-Miles 2 жыл бұрын
This past week, I had the discussion with my child about courage. I told them that courage is being afraid and trying to do it regardless. I feel like a hypocrite, because I’m stuck, and cannot move forward.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Take one small step!
@sarahvanwynendaele2265 2 жыл бұрын
i agree , fear was always there and after most 40 years fear is still dare !
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Hope it gets better.
@sarahvanwynendaele2265 2 жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD thank you i am ok
@neowolf09 Жыл бұрын
I was afraid, but I've moved past that for the most part. At this point the only thing holding me back currently is resources. Im in a very difficult situation financially and unfortunately i think it may actually be partially caused by my dysphoria. But at least im taking on the obstacles one by one, and overcoming them. I can overcome this new obstacle as well. And if i can do it, I strongly feel that anyone else can.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Wishing you all the best.
@LunaQueeniemon 2 жыл бұрын
Looking and thinking of everything at once that I need to do to have a healthier life. (Also have Asperger’s)😵‍💫🥺💖
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Wishing you all the best.
@jwenting 2 жыл бұрын
What's holding me back is (when it comes to fear) 2 things: 1) will I lose my career and my only source of income, and probably end up homeless and unable to continue the process for lack of funds? 2) will I even be able to complete the process given my underlying medical conditions. Of these the first is what's stopped me from seeking out a doctor for now, but it's getting less and less and I've pretty much made up my mind to talk to my GP or mental health counsel the next time I see them (I do not consider it urgent enough to schedule an appointment specifically for this). The other will resolve itself when I do talk to them, and can then decide whether it's possible to go through with the process or not. And the first is reinforced by what I've seen happen with several friends when they came out as transgender, as well as news stories bragging about how "freaks" (meaning people with sexual fetishes, which transgenderism is still considered to be here by many) were fired from their jobs because they were a security risk and I'm in a responsible position where security clearances are often a necessity. Outside of work, I'm transitioning socially at a rapidly increasing pace, being held back mostly by very practical things like having no clue how makeup really works and what size female underwear I'd need (already being an oversized guy who can't male clothes from regular stores going to a female clothing store is pointless) :)
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry to hear of your challenges. I wish you all the best.
@heathermichellepetee927 2 жыл бұрын
Besides GD I was just diagnosed with NPD (Narcissism Personality Disorder) that I've used my entire life to survive - not the type that the former person in the White House had. It has me deeply afraid of the road ahead and the fear of losing even more - my defense mechanism. I know I must but it's isn't harder now.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and I wish you all the best. 2 жыл бұрын
The only fear i had was that when i start HRT and transition overall then something will happen which will make it hard to get medication and/or being financially secure. I have started in November last year, in February a war happened in my country and still goes on. Apart from that, the usual trans-stuff like self-doubt and if i really need HRT/Transition, but i know that i need it, because dysphoria ended up killing me.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry to hear of your country. The fear of not having medical access to essentials is huge. 2 жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD thanks for the reply. I am still glad i have started it, i guess if i had not living through all of this experience ended up being impossible. I still have a lot of things to work on in my life and even if i fail it's okay. At the end of the day i know i am doing and at worst case - did my best.
@dottiedurden8113 2 жыл бұрын
I hear so much about people who feel that they have made the wrong choice and I want to be sure that what I'm doing.
@kaiwannagoback5712 2 жыл бұрын
Regret has happened, but it is quite rare comparatively. There are people who regretted getting a nosejob, but strangely, there's no movement afoot to make nosejobs illegal or to raise Cain and try to persuade the public that no one should be allowed to get nosejobs because of the few people who had one and then wished they hadn't. There is a political motivation behind cherry-picking and inflaming anything to do with trans issues. I do understand wanting to take it slow and be sure. I would suggest looking on Discord for trans channels and joining one or more, for support, because we are inundated with horror stories and there is very definitely an anti-LGBT agenda underway seeking to push alarmism about trans people. There was an anti-gay panic, too, following a greater acceptance and visibility of gay rights, after Stonewall. This is similar but far worse, because there wasn't social media during the initial Moral Panic over gay rights.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is important not to make giant leaps if you feel much fear but to take small steps and to build up your confidence.
@soranightstorm9262 2 жыл бұрын
I had lots of fear from elementary to adulthood an dealing with that now an getting everything started to transition M2F
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Wishing you all the best.
@toddandrews9829 Жыл бұрын
I'm don't fear transition medically or surgically. My fear is society and people in general. I've already lost my two best friends from 45+ years and I can handle that but I just see people in general in this area treating me the same or worse.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and I wish you all the best.
@BR1967FE 2 жыл бұрын
Thx for your video, most of my now fear is losing some of my business customers, not to sure what to do there : (
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Remember there will be a gain of who you are not to mention better health.
@BR1967FE 2 жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD Thx, I try remembering that
@tdadp 2 жыл бұрын
The medical isn’t scary The fear from rejection from others is the hardest hurdle to jump over .it’s one step at time .
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Thats a big fear for many and remember, we often over exaggerate the outcome in our headspace.
@darrylclark1869 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think fear is the problem with me. I think it would be the rejection. Being rejected by friends and family would hurt me the most.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am sorry to hear that.
@leyteris8076 2 жыл бұрын
I wanna start T but it's been two month since I came out . I'm also kinda feminine and hate body hair, thus many people including a close relative told me that I'm better of as a woman...
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I'd suggest exploring this more with a local therapist.
@cassie3296 2 жыл бұрын
My fear is this I live with my grandparents I’m 18 and they don’t except me for who I am that would be fine if they didn’t threaten to kick me out my dad says their just empty threats but I’m still scared of losing a place to live and becoming homeless and I don’t know what to do start my social transition full time without constantly worrying about this
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear of your circumstances.
@shamtactics4712 2 жыл бұрын
I want to start HRT but idk how in SC.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
If you are an adult, there are online places such as folx health.
@berenisebolanos7103 2 жыл бұрын
Dr. Z, my fear is to lose my wife. She knows about my secret and she doesn't approve it... I know that it is up to me and it's my life. But, I love her a lot and our life is so wonderful with many blessings and kids... I know that loosing her and my family would be the end of my reason to live. So... keeping my secret in the closet is the price I must pay... I wouldn't be able to live (I wouldn't want to) without her and my kids 😭
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry to hear of the pain you are experiencing.
@misstanar 2 жыл бұрын
As a Genderfluid person, my biggest fear is, what if I don't like my new genitals on my female days, hence why I am aiming for partial transition right now. Top Surgery is definitely something I want to tackle soon. Body Hair is the next topic
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Wishing you all the best.
@Scott-ig6nx 2 жыл бұрын
I have read a lot of the comments, not all admittedly. I have the fear that I am not making the right decision. I have trust issues already. So I am not trusting my decision making process. What if I am jumping into this and not taking everything into consideration. I watched the paralysis analysis video too, almost all of these videos actually, but I am stuck in that phase because I am not sure.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
In that case I suggest seeking support of a local therapist to work through your fears.
@patrickhayes6126 2 жыл бұрын
I have hated my body so long I'm afraid at 57 its way too late. The papers are on my dresser for the proud center here in Somerville nj he train tracks at the end of the block. One way or the other I can't stand just going on day by day completely dead inside. I e denied my self a life trying to pretend to be what I needed to be to survive day to day life. It seems I may have autism too. What luck.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am sorry to hear of your challenges and I wish you all the best.
@patrickhayes6126 2 жыл бұрын
I wish you had a NJ license I could net you tons of billable hours with all the stuff rattling around in my head. Thanks so much for these helpful videos I wouldn't know where else to turn for comfort.
@sniffableandirresistble 2 жыл бұрын
You definitely don't have to have fuck you money but it sure helps!! (sorry for saying "fuck" Dr Z)
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Hahah f bombs are essential at times. I agree.
@leyteris8076 2 жыл бұрын
I also have a question. Is it considered gender dysphoria when you feel uncomfy and uneasy and wish you weren't curvy?
@leyteris8076 2 жыл бұрын
With not being curvy i don't mean a woman without curves, but like a man-like body or more of an androgynous body
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Not exactly. It could be body dysmorphia. I suggest seeking support of a local therapist.
@lydias0251 2 жыл бұрын
What is a (wo)man? Geniune question. I have like heard of the matt walsh documentary and it just really upsets me how many people are gonna see that and also about how much harm this documentary could cause the trans community.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
That is a million dollar question. For me a woman is a social concept based on various things, including sex differences in human species but not limited to. It is a word, used and abused to denote things of which I believe we as human race, know very little off......
@mitchself1823 2 жыл бұрын
My feae roybded out byhaving. Clergy as parents . I was so scare that i waited. 40.+ Years. Till they died. Whst a waste of Life
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry to hear. That is a regret many face.
@quantumupsets644 2 жыл бұрын
I am afraid of regret, that dark sinking pit in the bottom of your stomach.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
I would encourage you to write down exact things you feel you might regret and look closely at what's the worst part of each if that were come true.
@rebeccasam3434 2 жыл бұрын
Problem is I CAN'T deal with life even aside from this, sooooooooooo. And I'm terrified of society and how evil humans are. Literally had anti-trans bigoted garbage playing as a slick ad in another window while I was watching this.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
So sorry to hear of your struggles.
@jen8441 2 жыл бұрын
What is going on with this country? How can you offer help in a state like Florida now that they are banning health care for trans individuals. ? Who is on our side? As a Minority community our voices are small , we are blamed victimized and abused and now this? Your peers are cutting us down, this new trailer on youtube What is a woman? is so hurtful. Ifear for many . This istoo sad .
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen. It is horrible what is going on in the country and while it is horrible, the options are still many at least in other parts of US vs even 10 years ago. Also not sure what trailer you are referring to.
@jen8441 2 жыл бұрын
fear ? me 🫥😳 not me , run away run away,🤔, wait it won't go away ? oh no yikes just kidding and ya I read the comments , it is a tough read,, one day at a time , fear is a motivator. My fear was taught to me, fear of someone being hurt because of who i am. once i realized my fear was learned it made it easier to refocus that energy and through slow desensitization to my gender expression life got easier and that "fear" subsided , or shifted would be a better way of saying it. Heck everyone needs fear a little motivation , heightened awareness , too much and one becomes paralyzed. It is a good and bad thing transition is not instant , psychologically it would be almost impossible to handle if it were we didn't have time to acclimate to our new self and life. happy pride month all 🏳‍⚧ thank you as always and it is my pleasure and you are quite welcome Natalia ,Dr Z jen🦋
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I agree fear is also essential in so many ways. Happy Pride month and thanks for sharing.
@evelynhensen3318 2 жыл бұрын
I transitioned in Georgia I became a cna got my state license and could not find a job I had to leave the Bible belt states in order to get a job truth.
@DRZPHD 2 жыл бұрын
Yes sometimes one has to literally relocate.
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