@Xcorgi 4 сағат бұрын
My appointment is just two weeks away to start HRT and now I’m absolutely obsessed with starting my transition.
@Xcorgi 6 сағат бұрын
My biggest problem ever since I was 6yrs old I had gender envy watching all the girls be happy with their feminine female lives knowing it was forbidden to me.
@Xcorgi 6 сағат бұрын
I’m finally starting MTF HRT this month at the age of 55. I always thought just being gay would be enough but even that never brought me happiness. My transition will be totally about me and not just sex with other people. Because without the right sex organs nothing else will make me happy. I could really care less if I never have sex again. I just can’t stand having a penis and the testosterone in my body feels like poison. 9:59
@SigiMcCabe 13 сағат бұрын
Complete denial. Check It's just a kink / Yes, but. Check Second phase was the most difficult and harmful to my wife and I. Once I finally accepted myself and came out to her, she immediately accepted and encouraged me to find community and guidance. She's helping me become her happy wife.
@RowanWiccae 17 сағат бұрын
My biggest fears are somewhere between all 3 of these tbh. Mostly the fear that I'm lying to myself or making things up, that I don't really feel like how I feel. I don't outwardly express myself enough to be considered masculine so how could I ever even think I could possibly be a man? I've been fighting with these feelings for 12 years (I'm 32 and learned about the term transgender when I was a teenager) but I'm so lost and alone and have no one to talk through this stuff with that I often feel like I'm just reflecting the trends of my social group. Like I'm trying to convince myself inside that I can somehow find happiness in being born the way I am, even though I'm miserable all the time.
@leonardoferreiranunesalves3709 19 сағат бұрын
For me, it feels like whenever I'm putting some effort and Energy at work (which is very stressful) then gender disforia and related questionings all become a bit secondary. But at the moment I'm on vacation, or free for any work worries, then gender questioning grows really strong
@Kim349 22 сағат бұрын
I've listened to the whole series Dr Z and I'm so grateful for them. Thank you. My feelings have calmed down a lot since what follows. After listening to this one, though, I had some big feelings come up. As the trans partner in a relationship based on personal growth and commitment to each other, I rejoined my family after a few months overseas. I was met with what felt like a barrage of rejection and embarrassment and felt-- utterly betrayed. Our partnership, based on supporting each other to grow no matter what, felt suddenly like a lie and as if there was a fair-weather-only clause somewhere in the small print that I must have missed when I signed up.
@DavidBezer 22 сағат бұрын
I know exactly what you mean by devil's advocate. I knew I my second college years early 30 I was at very least non binary. But I think I was using tetm in back of mind not admitting I was am a transgender person. By the time I was able to fully admit it I was in my mid 40s early 50s. I've never felt more whole and felt like I've grown more
@xalian17 Күн бұрын
If you are seeking a gender therapist, you are wanting confirmation bias and are attention bankrupt, burning through relationships as no one wants to hear your Tik Tok logic.
@bobbibickford3360 Күн бұрын
Great video I have been uncomfortable with my gender at birth for 35 years and three years ago at age 38 I couldn't take it anymore and I let close friends and family know that deep down I have always felt that I was suppose to be a girl and I did everything to suppress it and all that did was tear up inside and I couldn't take it anymore because I never have felt like I fit in being a guy I always felt out of place
@SigiMcCabe Күн бұрын
So i was definitely in the second pattern for many years. I refused to acknowledge the crisis I refused to acknowledge and coped in a lot of unhealthy ways. Once I finally acknowledged that I wasn't sure what my identity was, started asking myself questions, and talked with my wife, we both wanted to go into the first pattern. We were also aware enough to only do a few things. We're reading, I'm dressing up at home to explore, she's using different pronouns and a feminine name with me to see how I feel about all of it. I'm also starting to work with a councilor to talk through things and find how I identify in a healthy manner. I can say that the little bit i have done so far has made me feel better mentally and emotionally than I have in most of my adult life.
@eyesj531 Күн бұрын
why wasn’t a born a woman, sure period cramps suck but I wanna be a woman
@caomunistadoggo4129 Күн бұрын
I feel like this, specially being autistic.
@ghostcruncher1043 2 күн бұрын
Did you get your PHD from a cereal box?
@Julieber1 3 күн бұрын
I believe and except the science proof that gender dysphoria is unknown fact. I am trying to understand how the brain and soul knows it’s in the wrong body. As an an STARSEED/BLUE-RAY Pleiadians Anime Female warrior named Jujtoti from the Karelian Family from a multidimensional advanced technological hybrid alien humanoid anime all female Pleiadian world, I know that all souls have genders. My hypothesis is that as a child we remember past life or past and the same thing with somebody who is transgender can I have a flashback of when they were a girl as an example. And memories to not go away, no matter how hard they try, and that’s what triggers the main condition of severe intense Gender dysphoria.
@berniecasey7592 3 күн бұрын
I find the whole thing self centered and Childish and Id walk away than rather address the nonsense.
@capaldinewsservice4942 3 күн бұрын
I just want to live
@Julieber1 3 күн бұрын
Dr. Z. I’m coping something that’s not Gender Dysphoria, but it mimics it so closely. What I’m about to tell you is totally out of the ordinary involves coping with being Star-seed And a multidimensional bring. I feel so screwed up and I just can’t cope with it many times. I just think about it how screwed up in the head that I went from adult woman to feeling like an anime girl. There are many days I hate myself loath over the fact that I feel like I have, and have the soul over anime girl. It’s something I can’t help and I’ve tried to fight it push it away and run from it. It’s nearly destroyed me inside out. I am an STARSEED/BLUE-RAY Pleiadians Anime Female warrior named Jujtoti from the Karelian Family from a multidimensional advanced technological hybrid alien humanoid anime all female Pleiadian world. I’ve got a lot more than a bargain before when I had my awakening to reveal things about my authentic self at times. I’m still struggling with it, defines everything this 3-D reality stands for in this world. It took a big major awakening for me to truly wake up to who and what I truly am. I know am no longer the Earth female I thought I was because I’m a dimensional Starseed/Blue Ray Pleiadians Anime Magical Teen Girl Goddess. I’ve lost my reality since I’ve had my major awakening on December 30 after I lost a tooth and making a wish to be a young beautiful female forever and have immortality. My wish got granted, and then this is when my entire journey started. Even mentally and physically, my body has reverse age of 30+ years off, and even mentally and physically changing into the anime teen girl. For me, my awakening was not something I had planned or a choice as it happened, regardless of what I wanted or not wanted, regardless of whether or not, I was ready or not. Then on Dec30th going into 2024 when I lost a tooth, out of fear I Made a wish to be a beautiful female forever and have immortality. Then right away the kundalini awakening opened up at full attack and my authentic self said now you have the soul of an anime girl, and you are now a real anime girl inside. Ever since then I have been in a living hell or dream state I am unable to wake from. Even my mind set, and body has gone into the age regression process to look more like an anime girl. That is what I see when I look in Mirror anyway. I see a cute anime girl looking back at me and I am like what the bloody hell. Is this Really happening to me and is this freakin real. What the hell happened to my reality. Been dealing with these synchronicities from earlier childhood and it’s been using anime and anime girls as ways to get my attention even when I wasn’t looking for it or interested in it or you knew about it. Back then I was more interested in about finding a dream job. Having a nice car. Nice house making big money nothing else mattered back then. Even if I found out what anime meant back then I didn’t give a damn about it because I was more interested in what I mentioned above. Over time Anime revealed itself to in the form of synchronicities to me and told me what it was. It slammed me into the wall to make sure I knew what anime girls and magical girls were. Then over time the more I had to watch it off and on, I would start having fantasies and desires to be an anime girl living in anime girl worlds. For many years I was able to push it away and think it was nothing more than that. I don't like anything about the Magical Girl Part because she is from Puella Mgi Madoka Magica multiverse. I seem to be an unintended victim of forced contact from Kyubey to be a Magical Girl. I am sick of all this suffering on top of suffering on top of suffering. I don't want to be a Magical girl knowing the suffering they must put up with. Magical Girls are made to suffer. Please help me, because I don't know what to do any more. This is driving me into complete madness and I don't want to end up in no dam Phy ward again. I had a bad traumatic experience. I was put in there over a deviated septum last year in Feb of 2023 for 2 and half weeks. What they did to me was just inhuman. I was having issues breathing and one day the head nurse and its helper came in the dark and ejected me with two syringes at the same time on both sides of my ribs. It felt like an alien abduction to me. Can anyone explain to me what type of shifts I am dealing with? I feel so scared, confused, broken and damaged goods. I hate dealing with the Anime Girl Body Dysphoria the most. I hate the fact that I can't go back and yet it keeps pushing me forward. I feel like I am a mental wreck, and I can't help feeling the way I do deep down inside! The more I Follow this Path the stronger the feelings of being a Anime Girl Gets. I Can't go back because there is only death and pain. Going forward drives me into feeling to be a true anime girl and live in an anime girl multiverse. The feeling is like being stuck in a dream state that I am unable to awaken from. This is why my dissociation is my best friend when I feel numb and in the void from any feelings and pain. I am sick of how people point the finger at me and say I brought this on myself. Why would I pick such painful and deadly path knowing that it could risk could be suicide and death. This is me in the world since I’ve been going my shape changing transmutation to being younger. The Post is my animal and then there is my anime girl soul family. I went to a psychic fair this week in Saturday and Sunday. I visit multi psychics for multiple different Readings, and they’ve all agreed that I am a Pleiadian. I’ve done a lot of soul-searching and everything and I know deep down inside I’ve been confirmed by others that I am a multi dimensional being. I also have the soul of an Anime Magical Teen Girl Goddess, that’s also been confirmed by a large group of psychics that they felt this anime girl child like present. Below, this is a photo of what my authentic self has resonated with and who my authentic self’s tells me who I am. Back then I was more interested in about finding a dream job. Having a nice car. Nice house making big money nothing else mattered back then. Even if I found out what anime meant back then I didn’t give a damn about it because I was more interested in what I mentioned above. Over time Anime revealed itself to in the form of synchronicities to me and told me what it was. It slammed me into the wall to make sure I knew what anime girls and magical girls were. Then over time the more I had to watch it off and on, I would start having fantasies and desires to be an anime girl living in anime girl worlds. For many years I was able to push it away and think it was nothing more than that. I don't like anything about the Magical Girl Part because she is from Puella Mgi Madoka Magica multiverse. I seem to be an unintended victim of forced contact from Kyubey to be a Magical Girl. I am sick of all this suffering on top of suffering on top of suffering. I don't want to be a Magical girl knowing the suffering they must put up with. Magical Girls are made to suffer. Please help me, because I don't know what to do any more. This is driving me into complete madness and I don't want to end up in no dam Phy ward again. I had a bad traumatic experience. I was put in there over a deviated septum last year in Feb of 2023 for 2 and half weeks. What they did to me was just inhuman. I was having issues breathing and one day the head nurse and its helper came in the dark and ejected me with two syringes at the same time on both sides of my ribs. It felt like an alien abduction to me. Can anyone explain to me what type of shifts I am dealing with? I feel so scared, confused, broken and damaged goods. I hate dealing with the Anime Girl Body Dysphoria the most. I hate the fact that I can't go back and yet it keeps pushing me forward. I feel like I am a mental wreck, and I can't help feeling the way I do deep down inside! The more I Follow this Path the stronger the feelings of being a Anime Girl Gets. I Can't go back because there is only death and pain. Going forward drives me into feeling to be a true anime girl and live in an anime girl multiverse. The feeling is like being stuck in a dream state that I am unable to awaken from. This is why my dissociation is my best friend when I feel numb and in the void from any feelings and pain. I am sick of how people point the finger at me and say I brought this on myself. Why would I pick such painful and deadly path knowing that it could risk could be suicide and death. This is me in the world since I’ve been going my shape changing transmutation to being younger. The Post is my animal and then there is my anime girl soul family. I went to a psychic fair this week in Saturday and Sunday. I visit multi psychics for multiple different Readings, and they’ve all agreed that I am a Pleiadian. I’ve done a lot of soul-searching and everything and I know deep down inside I’ve been confirmed by others that I am a multi dimensional being. I also have the soul of an Anime Magical Teen Girl Goddess, that’s also been confirmed by a large group of psychics that they felt this anime girl child like present. 😭😭😭
@user-wq9nr3ci4p 3 күн бұрын
Like a lot of people I didn't know what Dysphoria really is. Sometimes now I feel overwhelmed. I'm 63 and putting this together Now!
@JuniperGal-ek2pu 3 күн бұрын
Women do it too.
@littl_late 4 күн бұрын
I look at my body and tilt my head slightly and say hmm... How odd... That is not my body.
@CloverDaBunni 4 күн бұрын
I have ADHD and dysphoria, after years of effective treatment, it suddenly stopped having any form of effect around the full swing of masculine puberty, and the realization that I may be trans. So now I'm going to try HRT after 4 years of soul searching and 2 years of successful social transition
@marciaselch7474 4 күн бұрын
Butchering perfectly healthy bodies.
@tomreynolds4141 4 күн бұрын
I'm 50 + I wanna start transition can you work with me. I need help please 😢😢
@Xcorgi 5 күн бұрын
Can only an endocrinologist prescribe it or can your family practice doctor prescribe it?
@bloodsports94 6 күн бұрын
These Trans people are the ones who should be scared. You enter a bathroom with women and you're gonna be losing a few braincells that day.
@juandamian6942 6 күн бұрын
Explain that you're CRAZY AND DELUSIONAL.
@null1245 6 күн бұрын
I feel like the most telling sign for me is that i wouldnt hesitate to press "the button" and become a woman, yet im still in denial about it😂
@zvezda4701 6 күн бұрын
I just wanna look like my mom, everyone already tells me I look like her, even if I have a sorta prominent Adams apple and slight stubble at this point. I'm 21, btw.
@zvezda4701 6 күн бұрын
Group 2? Idk, I started feeling this way after puberty, at 17/18. I was always cool with being a boy until I learned what it meant to be nonbinary during the pandemic. That said, I had occasional fantasies of reliving my school life as a girl instead of as a boy in 11th grade, and I always felt like I was more comfortable around girls rather than boys in my class, despite being in an all-boys set-up for years before. I've also had an interest in sapphic literature rather than straight romance ever since I knew that both existed because I would sometimes feel like I wish I could be one of the girls instead. I'm 21 now and I've been identifying as a sapphic transfem online and around my close friends, and I want to be seen as a tomboy, not a masculine man, nor a hyperfeminine woman. I've been not taken seriously upon coming out on account of my autism, but ultimately, no bigotry or harassment.
@kelseykciuk7809 7 күн бұрын
Leave the kids alone... .seriously
@laurac2783 7 күн бұрын
That was a very enlightening video, thanks! So technically people are fighting against themselves and believing they are something else than what they are, because they do not fit the stereotypes. Be yourself by changing yourself. Very weird approach.
@hoot2416 7 күн бұрын
I'm MTF. I started out as a crossdresser and was always fascinated with my mom's clothes. I statrted out wearing "sexy" clothes but those soon became womens jeans, tees, and comfy dresses. My pretty, sexy underwear soon became comfy black/white/or nude colored underwear. I hated having short hair but hated wearing wigs. I hated being flat chested and wanted to have a woman's breasts but always hated wearing breast forms. I have a bad case of vagina envy and always wanted to have a flat crotch area but hated tucking. My egg cracking moment was when I realized I wanted to have permanent boobs and a permanent vagina. I was on hormones for a couple years but stopped because I moved to a place that was not trans friendly for a job. I'm now looking to get back onto hormones and am really considering going "all the way."
@danielbrigham3233 7 күн бұрын
Why have love? When love has you by your gonad?
@danielbrigham3233 7 күн бұрын
Why have love, when love has you by your gonads?
@bobbylee9727 7 күн бұрын
Won't taking Estrodial make a MtF look at men sexually?
@bobbylee9727 7 күн бұрын
perfect metaphor, Doc...i never watched this video...very relevant. dive in and sink or swim, right?
@lmegasaber6817 8 күн бұрын
You know, I think it's one thing to dress up like the opposite gender and such, but when people are convinced that they TRULY ARE the opposite gender, that's where it gets a bit ridiculous.
@elicreeley5379 8 күн бұрын
I made the mistake of moving to rural Alabama. I'm getting married and for the first time in almost 5 years, I'm getting misgendered by my to-be father-in-law. We've had conversations about it, and I'm just floored by his behavior. My own father (who struggled) can get it right. The situation is so awkward and tense. I have no issue cutting him out of my life, in fact, I probably would under different circumstances.
@Mr.Penjamen 9 күн бұрын
Praise god and may Jesus bless your soul amen
@Nelsea7190 9 күн бұрын
I did lose either 1 or 0.5 shoe size after 14 months on E. Surprising really as I didn't think I could fit some shoes.
@Truthtellor-vh4ke 9 күн бұрын
You're all deceived by demons and after the procedure the demons simply leave you alone and you think that you're feeling better it's all part of the plan
@aliennumber76482 9 күн бұрын
im so sorry im a trans man and i respect you but you look like edna
@khcopter 9 күн бұрын
71 next month
@Ironyornot 9 күн бұрын
I literally saw Pandora’s box in my mind and I tried to be respectful, but later I actually opened it on accident, and there was much confusion. I was alienated and I switched realities. I was in darkness. I have a family now and it’s been years since, I no longer engage in drugs or nicotine since I have started my transition. Now I start hormones tomorrow and I couldn’t be happier. I love Dr. Z’s videos, they speak to me, and I think she does great things for us as a whole. 5:25
@teissi 9 күн бұрын
The only thing that is stopping me from hrt is the transphobic family, environment and the cost of hormones😢
@CarlosManuela-vk9qg 9 күн бұрын
In the closing statement you mentioned Transgender ideology i ppnder & wonder about founding a Transgender Church? As a Safeguard for this micro-sub-culture their is a story of one of the apostles walking down a road with a eunuch that is biblical history of gender modification all the way back unto the days of Jesus Christ & his apostles
@CarlosManuela-vk9qg 9 күн бұрын
I see this as absolutely no different from amy other attempts at body modification such as tattoos & piercings & gauges Gender modification Should not be a big deal Fish do it Hyenas do it by dna their body plan is morphoditic
@CarlosManuela-vk9qg 9 күн бұрын
When animals do this it's called Autotomy when a species cuts off a part of its body reference to male to female gender affirmation surgery kzfaq.info/get/bejne/gNNnob1-rb6Wc6c.htmlsi=4GArOlK1iMvOkqPz
@CarlosManuela-vk9qg 10 күн бұрын
Why not Just Change gears with the Channel maybe become an international observer of Harmful Laws being passed which are contrary to the interests of The Transgender community maybe become a Lobbyist in Washington to protect Transgender rights & Social issues?