She was Sexually Harassed at Work… and the Company PUNISHED HER for it...

  Рет қаралды 32,485

Ben Askins

Ben Askins

2 ай бұрын

This story shows just how prevalent sexual harassment in the workplace still is, and the power dynamics that bosses and managers can have over their more junior employees.
What made it worse was how much this company failed her. This boss had had similar complaints at five different occasions and the company still did not view this serious enough to formalise anything.
To make things even worse they then proceeded to demote her and drop her pay when she requested to move away from this boss. She has thankfully decided to leave the company but was brave enough to share her story.
#worstboss #sexualharassment #toxicworkplace

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@jamesbell8496 Ай бұрын
We need the names of these companies that treat employees like garbage.
@demondogmom7221 Ай бұрын
It would be shorter to list the good ones. Even then, it varies by manager.
@craigj4979 Ай бұрын
Cousin had this for a big company that deals with f1 teams. Pretty much tried to pimp her out to supercar ceos to get the deals
@sharonps7510 Ай бұрын
Their should be an independent body to deal with sexualising harassment
@listey Ай бұрын
Red Bull for one
@Jay32954 Ай бұрын
Ask your union, and other unions. I guarantee they have a list.
@hannekezijlmans6578 Ай бұрын
Girl. You are NOT fine. You ARE allowed to speak and we NEED to know what company this is. Take legal action. Please.
@psychic7615 Ай бұрын
I’d sue them into oblivion, name and shame the business and the a-hole who started it all! 🤬
@UsandEveryoneWeKnow Ай бұрын
We aren't as litigious in the UK and it's not hugely common or as easy.
@jerseyjoyride1316 Ай бұрын
I agree, in America this company would be sued out of existence. Obviously letting a predator like that work at their company is encouraging horrible behavior by management. And it's so funny that she says he's stealing from the company. I would say the company deserves it, but he doesn't deserve the money!
@alexanderevanska4274 27 күн бұрын
​@@UsandEveryoneWeKnow I have sued and won twice. UK here. Always record all interactions with people above you in the workplace.
@vickyschaffner2672 Ай бұрын
Please sue the company so doesn't happen to another woman and the company learns that this culture is unacceptable. Trauma doesn't just go scars!
@EikePilt Ай бұрын
He's not a boss; he's a pimp. I would have left as soon as I heard that he was selling me. Even if he was joking at the time, it was still embarrassing. Yeesh, the craziest story yet.
@Ben-Askins Ай бұрын
Agreed, it is a shocker!
@thisbushnell2012 Ай бұрын
Pen voice recorder at the minimum.
@thatslamejehl Ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure trying to be a pimp is illegal.
@KittyDillion Ай бұрын
My sister got fired for reporting massive sexual harassment at work, the other girls told her to be quiet or she would be fired, from a STATE JOB, in Florida. She refused to be quiet and got fired and black listed, and yes, this was just in the last few months. Her boss, did/does ANYTHING he wants and gets away with it by threatening termination. And the gals keep quiet. She cannot get another job, becasue she filed the Sexual Harassment complaint.
@Mari-pz8qt Ай бұрын
This is terrible. Can she sue?
@thenerdgirl1 Ай бұрын
​@@Mari-pz8qt I bet you could for loss of income and loss of reputation. Can you imagine how desperate that company would be to settle? $$$$
@spectrelead Ай бұрын
Go to the state OIG
@jerseyjoyride1316 Ай бұрын
Can she file a civil lawsuit against him and the company?
@slappy8941 29 күн бұрын
Go to the media.
@42ayla Ай бұрын
The fact that she felt she had to put up with it is such a scathing commentary on society and its roll in our upbringing. There's a reason so many young people are walking away from these jobs.
@demondogmom7221 Ай бұрын
I've been through sexual harassment in the workplace. It's awful.
@Ben-Askins Ай бұрын
I am so sorry to hear that, hope you are ok
@svenskayami Ай бұрын
@@Marcus-Paul whats so funny?
@shireenesherry2872 Ай бұрын
I have too I was 16 at the time then at 19 in NHS my male boss back then found out I was in early pregnancy and I had a bleed at work was then sent home whilst waiting for my 11 week early dating scan my boss rang me and told me that's "in my my best interest of my job to terminate my pregnancy". Yep you you read that right I said no my daughter was fine she is now 15 years old.
@demondogmom7221 Ай бұрын
@shireenesherry2872 - Oh my. I'm sorry...
@LotsofLisa Ай бұрын
This woman should have lawyers stalking her. Her boss tried to pimp her out without her knowledge or consent. We call that trafficking on this side of the pond and an easy case if you have 5 others willing to tell their story. That man could get someone attacked! What company would want this disaster in their organization? Does his father own the company? I don’t understand this.
@Sp4c3G195y Ай бұрын
He’s a predator and this company is terrible. Completely unsafe environment.
@YKKY Ай бұрын
Girl, get a lawyer and even go to the police,these people are the plague! Sending you bag of love and good vibes ❤
@tomarmstrong3800 Ай бұрын
This is one of the most shocking stories yet, she needs to get out of there ASAP!
@melissacoelho8413 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately it isn’t as shocking as you think. Talk to women and you will see how not shocking as much as it should be.
@naomiemoore5725 Ай бұрын
​@@melissacoelho8413When I was younger, just about every job I ever had, this went on. There were three or four that didn't.
@paulafrazer-campbell4412 Ай бұрын
NAME AND SHAME ------ This is not on.
@hannahbutterfield2489 Ай бұрын
Thank you Ben for offering to help her find a new job and with support with what happened too. What an awful situation.
@Ben-Askins Ай бұрын
It is the bare minimum that I can do
@hannekezijlmans6578 Ай бұрын
​@@Ben-Askins You're right, it's not "OK" and I want to add she's not "FINE". I really hope she went the legal route here, and gets some support. Being "sold" at work then groped and being told you're the problem and sent off with a pay cut... That's too much at once, the boyfriend supporting her is good obviously, but it might not be enough. 😢
@davinasquirrel7672 Ай бұрын
The 1960s called, and want this manager back! All that was missing was a slap on her behind and "good job honey, wink wink". Six sexual harassment complaints, and still not considered worthy by HR? The fraud this guy was committing, also not surprising, he's shady all the way around. One thing I will say to the caller, when the other six (including the other woman yet to file complaint) get together, push for the company getting a huge fine. Money hurts them, it seems the only thing that will make them take it seriously so no other women have to go through it. Otherwise, it will be 'business as usual' for them. If awarded compensation, you can always donate it to a women's centre that supports SA victims.
@mwillsandthebears Ай бұрын
This is horrific. I beg the lady to report this further, not just for an apology or for compensation but to stop it happening to someone who doesn't think they have a choice but to do what has been 'offered'. That manager deserves jail time!
@user-mv5zt8qd9l Ай бұрын
Absolutely relate to the "remove the one being victimised as it's more convenient" angle companies take to deal with formal complaints and grievances. In my second job, it ended up in basically a complete reset of staff (several firings and rehirings of senior people), complete management overhaul, intervention from regional managers and then myself leaving them high and dry after I was essentially victim-blamed and shamed to my face by a regional manager for reporting an in-house manager threatening me in text messages. It never works in the long run for a business to dismiss serious allegations like this and remove the "inconvenient" victim.
@careydepass130 Ай бұрын
I'm sorry. This lady needs a spine and some self-respect. She needs to know when to get angry. She is like a lamb amongst wolves. She is perhaps too immature and unaware to be in the workforce.
@purelightapologetics4930 Ай бұрын
I’m so sorry that happened to you! They should be ashamed of themselves!
@Pokemonmatt89 Ай бұрын
I know the girl in this video, she’s a fantastic lady and it breaks my heart she’s going through this. She is so passionate about anything she is involved in and it’s just sad that this has even happened to her. I hope she sues them for everything and gets some form of justice ❤️
@PoshBeard Ай бұрын
@Pokemonmatt89 Ай бұрын
@@PoshBeard I mean I do …..
@millieoldroyd8821 Ай бұрын
@@PoshBeardI’m the lady in the video, I can assure you this person does know me
@PoshBeard Ай бұрын
@@millieoldroyd8821 oh okay I just thought he was making it up for attention
@DarkYuy Ай бұрын
This sounds like she needs to report this to whatever your countries equivalent to worksafe is.
@ruthwalton3457 Ай бұрын
He is not untouchable . This needs reporting to the police please
@immorttalis Ай бұрын
Right? The more people tell themselves and each other that people are "untouchable", they actually become it because no one does anything about it.
@OliverPriceGo Ай бұрын
This is absolutely one of the most horrific work stories I've ever heard. She needs to make sure she has multiple copies of evidence for everything that happened and take these guys to the cleaners.
@silkvelvet2616 Ай бұрын
she is not ok, you can hear it in her voice. Well, us ladies can hear it. But like always, bluff and bluster, because showing weakness perpetuates the victimisation. Just make sure she get's that psychological support. She was put in an impossible situation which resulted in her being sexually harassed by customers/clients. And when she sought support, she was punished. She needs help, and she needs to know it's not ok to be treated like that just because 'it happens across the board in all industries'. That doesn't make it ok, all it does is prove yet again, WE CHOOSE THE BEAR. And an 'apology' is not enough. It's obvious this is a business that needs it's comeuppance as the culture is lacking substance of value.
@martinhaywood8040 Ай бұрын
Surely grounds for discrimination and constructive dismissal
@davidxbuck 7 күн бұрын
Sadly, you need to be with a company for two years to claim constructive dismissal (in most cases). If they burn through female employees rapidly, they’re never at any risk of constructive dismissal claims.
@michelecox5241 Ай бұрын
I have learned that employees can never rely on HR for anything. It is ALWAYS the employees' fault. 🙄
@tomloaf Ай бұрын
Remember HR works for the company not the employees
@Ben-Askins Ай бұрын
Their job is to protect the company from behaviour like this, they failed her and the company enormously
@TheStevenWhiting Ай бұрын
@@Ben-Askins Not in my experience. I've witnessed a HR department keep a manager who's been reported several times for bully. And seen another protect an employee who'd been reported SEVERAL TIMES for sexual harrassment, who had previous from his past job. They eventually asked him to leave instead of firing and now he's in prison. But for years they kept defending him, promoting him and giving him access to data he should NEVER have had access to.
@LadyWolf6692 19 күн бұрын
​@@Ben-AskinsIn my experience here in the US, HR is there to protect the company at all costs. They do NOT help the employees. They keep the problem bosses and fire anyone who files a complaint. I've learned the hard way to never go to HR. I was physically threatened by a very toxic boss about 20 years ago, so stupid me filed a complaint with HR. Guess who was fired 2 days later? Hint - not the boss.
@FaeryFreya Ай бұрын
Would it not be possible to report this to the Police? Especially if the company's own HR have dismissed it out of hand. This guy is a predator and needs to be stopped before someone gets seriously hurt, whether physically or mentally. I have no words for the idiots who tried to take up the offer as they are just as bad, if not worse, in my opinion. Poor lass
@bcaye Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, crass and unprofessional behavior is not illegal. Maybe it is in the UK, in the US, no.
@gordocanuck666 Ай бұрын
is it not illegal? This has to be against the law?? File suit. It is irresponsible not to press charges, and puts new employees at serious risk. Shame on you Ben for not being more aggressive on getting legal action underway on this victim's behalf or at least recommending that course of action.
@Shoibyrd Ай бұрын
Sadly, money. Not everyone can afford to suit. Laws are different from country to country. Also, the biggest thing is that he says that he is going to help her. So not all details can be given as it can damage the filing.
@silkvelvet2616 Ай бұрын
unless you have incontrovertible proof, it's dismissed as she said he said, with the burden of proof on the victim. Always.
@gordocanuck666 Ай бұрын
@@silkvelvet2616 Yes I agree that is a valid point, she could have surreptitiously recorded some conversations perhaps, but too late now I suppose. I have to think that there will be some innocent young girl seriously damaged in the future it this guy is not stopped
@Shayron1989 Ай бұрын
It wasn’t overt enough. He was using implications, eye movements and hand movements to make the implication. That is very difficult to prove, even if you recorded the voices it would be difficult to prove an implication when he’s not saying it aloud. Even if she could, going to court over sexual harassment is not an easy or fun time for the victim, particularly in the UK (especially England, where this woman sounds like she is from). Even for the sexual harassment from the client, unless it’s on camera it would also be difficult, especially as there were other servers involved who I would assume would support the perpetrator and not the victim. For most women, most of the time, getting out of the situation and moving on is the most important thing.
@jaimeshort1892 Ай бұрын
Ben's not her lawyer or parent.
@howdidienduphere Ай бұрын
In the USA she would go straight to the labor board and file a complaint, then get a personal attorney for damages. I hope she can take these same steps.
@jeannetruman4380 Ай бұрын
I would call the police and have him charged with soliciting. I don't remember if he was the owner or a manager, but if the company stood behind him that company would be ruined. Especially if the other women made charges as well. Document! Document! Document!!! Everything!!!
@silkvelvet2616 Ай бұрын
@@jeannetruman4380 it's so very easy to pronounce what you would do in that situation, after the fact and as an observer. However, the burden of proof here in the UK and elsewhere is ALWAYS on the victim. And it's always easy to say what you would do in that situation, AFTER the fact. But when you are the person, and it's happening to you in real time, you're in shock, you can't believe this is happening, and the last thing you think of is recording it for evidence.
@nancyriggs8170 Ай бұрын
Damn I always hear about the awesome health care in UK.. This the first I've heard about the horrible working condition for women.. We have some serious shit going on in the US; and some of it is just shameful as hell: but I guess every country has its own big flaws..
@tcritt 19 күн бұрын
@nancyriggs8170 Europeans have far more worker rights than the US. You guys don't even get paid maternity. In my country parents get a year and can share it between them.
@nancyriggs8170 19 күн бұрын
@@tcritt You're very right.. they only give 12wks maturity leave.. But every business is different, some give less.. And that 12 weeks starts the minute you take leave; so if your doctor takes you off work a few weeks before delivery, you'll only get 9 wks after..
@Flutterbi Ай бұрын
This sounds like the type of boss I put up with in the 80's, sad that it still happens.
@silkvelvet2616 Ай бұрын
Until boys are educated that no means NO and their toxic behaviour is no longer excused with the 'boys will be boys' mantra, it WILL keep happening.
@jk7263 Ай бұрын
Should have told them your boss will be the one doing the favors.
@Mari-pz8qt Ай бұрын
If you were touched without consent, you were assaulted. Instead of going to HR you need to go the police. You're not going to get an apology, they don't care. Get a lawyer, get the other girls together, sue them and press charges. MAKE them sorry!
@CharlotteStockton Ай бұрын
She should get monetary compensation because that is the only way the corporation will get rid of him and then he will be stopped from sexually abusing women. Unfortunately, an apology in this situation is just not good enough to stop a perpetrator.
@johannayaffe2647 Ай бұрын
Back in the day...mid 70s ..I worked for a well known travel agency and we had a deputy manager in his mid 60s who had a severe case of WHS (wandering hands syndrome) I complained to the senior woman and she saiď he's like that with everyone. ...she suggested I speaķ to the manager, he was very nice about it and said he would speak to this deputy yet again about his behaviour, but that it wasn't a sackable offense, and in any case the guy was only a couple of years off retirement.. and said I'd just have to avoid him as much as possible.. Back then sexual harassment, nudie calendars, verbal inuedos / banter was par for the course, and was a "can't you take a joke" "just having a laugh" mentality, so the fact that my boss took my complaint seriously and didn't dismiss it out of hand, was actually very good.. Things have come a long way since then...
@mauk2861 Ай бұрын
Bullies also get away with this as well. The last place I worked, the IT manager bullied 50 people below him, but he had been there over 20 years, so they kept him and let the victims go... I left after 7 weeks even though I was far more qualified than him.
@juliannek3134 Ай бұрын
She needs to go to the police too and get a good lawyer to sue the company.
@carylhalfwassen8555 Ай бұрын
This is a country that did not pursue the “ groomers” in the new immigrant population targeting young disadvantaged white girls. Not surprised at all.
@robinoconnor1203 Ай бұрын
A few years ago, I knew a lady sales rep for an international car parts company. One day her Manager told her to wear shorter skirts and higher heels, it will help generate more sales!
@bloodangel1500 Ай бұрын
This is sadly just another day in the life of a woman. We need to stop saying "its ok." "Im fine." "I dont want to be a drama queen."
@elsiestormont1366 Ай бұрын
Ben, you were so kind and genuine when you asked how she was doing. Thank you for acknowledging the trauma. It would be a terrifying experience to be trafficked by your boss. He is an absolute sociopathic criminal, and his company is guilty as well.
@bcpr9812 Ай бұрын
That boss should be criminally charged with pimping her out. This really should be considered a criminal act. Also, it's time to lawyer up and sue them.
@craigy_uk Ай бұрын
Why are they allowed to stay hidden? You wouldn't allow this in the street, why at work?
@bethmcnulty4586 Ай бұрын
What is the HR dept for? Aren't they supposed to protect their employees? They should rename their HR dept Predator Protection Office.
@Ben-Askins Ай бұрын
Agreed, they have let her down so so much
@Mcnutt420 Ай бұрын
HR is not your friend, they are there to protect the company!
@ForgottenKnight1 Ай бұрын
HR will most probably do anything to fire her as fast as possible, while trying to shovel the shit under the carpet as fast as they can. HR is hired to protect the interests of the company.
@emmawilkins5755 Ай бұрын
My advice to everyone - make sure you have 2 things - the confidence to challenge inappropriate behavior and an emergency fund. If things get really bad and you have a bit of cash, you don't have to be stuck in an unpleasant / unsafe environment. Most of us put up with idiots because we need the money and they know it.
@Nyx0npaws Ай бұрын
Absolutely disgusting! This one rattled me incredibly! It's such a strange thing how much employees can take and not act. At my last job, 19 people quit just in the last few months. I was punched, kicked, cussed at, screamed at with and without profanities, I was told I'm worthless and so much more for trying to do my job and for reporting issues. I was told It's not my job to keep reporting but to shut up and focus on one thing only. My job and pretend like I don't see other people getting the same treatment. 7 years! I was there for that long.. unbelievable
@OfficialREVENGEMusic Ай бұрын
Don't chase an apology if it's not going to be sincere. go for the comp instead.
@tammystreasures8766 Ай бұрын
I’m in the US, so I do not know the laws in others countries, but in the US, you can bring charges through the government and the company cannot punish you without repercussions.
@chaoticwonder3278 Ай бұрын
Unless they're prepared to hand you a _very_ large settlement check, I'd be shouting this story from the rooftops. 6 times? I'm absolutely gobsmacked.
@ericthompson1060 Ай бұрын
Glassdoor review would be interesting....take all documentation related to this and get legal advice.
@Ben-Askins Ай бұрын
Good advice
@DavidWilliams-cm4ow 28 күн бұрын
She’s not alright, this will follow her. She needs to seek legal advice and get compensation.
@metallikat05 7 күн бұрын
I’ve said it for years: HR is not there for your interests, they exist for the interests of the company. They aren’t toothless; they just would rather not use them. They protect the company, not you. This is another prime example of that.
@Pcat12357 Ай бұрын
I’d love if they named and shamed these companies!
@jessicaroutt9070 Ай бұрын
Please sue this company, they need to be stoped
@bearswithglasses Ай бұрын
As everyone else has said, this absolutely calls for legal action.
@pixies64 Ай бұрын
that is disgusting
@Ben-Askins Ай бұрын
Agreed, unacceptable
@carlie12B 21 күн бұрын
I smell a lawsuit. They need to pay if they are going to learn. It needs to cost them!
@MTeelTeach Ай бұрын
And this is why HR should be a government position (third-party) so that companies do not get to dictate how things work there. Absolutely despicable!
@thisbushnell2012 Ай бұрын
This is why this treatment, this criminal, misogynistic behavior continues.
@rosemaryjones5550 Ай бұрын
Tell pr that they shouldn’t employ pimps and they need to get a clue Go above hr not acceptable
@xhildahysa2000 Ай бұрын
Tell that girl to publish this garbage so everyone knows Can she file a lawsuit for this company?
@lauranunez9574 Ай бұрын
In this day and age you would think men or women cannot get away with such a thing. However, her HR department is despicable in allowing this predator to continue his harassment.
@FahadAyaz Ай бұрын
Could this not have been reported to the police once HR was useless about it?
@renhoeknl Ай бұрын
Thanks for talking about such a taboo issue so that other might feel ok about coming out about their own experiences. Much bravery!
@philbayf Ай бұрын
There can’t be that many companies that offer these kind of services… 🤔
@7bookem Ай бұрын
Name and shame please. Put them out of business
@brianglobe1 Ай бұрын
This is so out of order he needs to go and HR needs to go as well. Ben please can you put out some contacts details would love to share a story with you.
@markdouglas5310 12 күн бұрын
I admire her fiancé's restraint. My wife worked for a large financial institution and was subjected to low level bullying by her line manager - complaints about her work, belittling her in the office etc etc. So, I said: Do you want me to break his legs? Answer: NO! Okay, I said, let the 'office gossip' know that I am considering breaking his legs and they will let this information slip (3rd party credibility). As he had met me previously, he thought the worst and curtailed his bullying. 1yr later, his boss was sacked for sexual harassment and he was demoted because he was complicit by not reporting what he knew.
@garycurry4600 Ай бұрын
I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through. Much success in your future career, and may karma come back and slap your former boss hard!
@DavidWilliams-cm4ow 28 күн бұрын
How did the guy have so many sexual complaints and nothing was done, legally?
@airsouthwestfan Ай бұрын
Ben, why aren't you talking to these females about ACAS EC and Uk Employment Tribunals? This is where your channel would be the best platform to promote the legal side to defend against discrimination and harassment when it comes to the 'protected acts'.
@Miralee01 Ай бұрын
😮 omg its almost unbelievable! How bad was this!
@Ben-Askins Ай бұрын
Right up there for sure
@jeffreybrown4015 Ай бұрын
If this young lady was my daughter, the boss would have eaten every meal through a straw for six-months.
@ChantelleBrown-fb7gy Ай бұрын
This is in no way as horrible as what she went through but I worked in the medical field and a man who ended up being our boss by default(not a people person) was told by an older grumpy employee that I wore too much perfume and it bothered her allergies ( she would cough if I walked in room) and I never wore perfume just deodorant. He came and found me and said he had to SMELL ME to make sure I wasn't overscented. I told him I only had deodorant on and wasn't going to not wear it so he leaned in and SMELLED ME and deemed me ok. Ugh! He would not have done that to a man. So inappropriate. I was young and let it go but wish I hadn't.
@ehmar Ай бұрын
This is genuinely shocking! From personal experience, most 'private' organisations HR are basically useless... Really think you should move on to another company ASAP!
@rigsbyrigged1831 Ай бұрын
The thing is, people can just come here and say whatever! How do you confirm these statements? Or is this just “trust me bro?”
@iangee3311 Ай бұрын
The directors/owners of the company are legally responsible for these actions/inactions . The manager and HR are just agents of the directors. Huge damage implications for the company if they are reported to tribunal & sued which always end up in the public domain.
@stampandscrap7494 Ай бұрын
My daughter was sexually harrased and sacked by her boss when she made it obvious she would not have sex with him. We took him to industrial tribunal. I acted as her lawyer and actually got him to admit that he sacked her because she wouldn't sleep with him. I disproved every single reason he said he sacked her. With proof from his e mails, or his answers. After litterally taking everything he said apart with proof. I said You sacked her because she wouldn't sleep with you and he actually replied " Yes, but" She was awarded £18,000 but he never ever paid out. He put everything he owned in his wifes name. He is a sleezy scum bag. He now organises shoots for glamour models. Urgh My daughter who was sexually abused as a child, has never recovered.
@natk1105 5 күн бұрын
I really wish there was some discussion of legal recourse. It makes me sick to think that this has already happened 6 times and will continue to happen. Is there no way she can take this further? This is so far beyond a simple apology. It also really highlights the need to have an emergency fund to allow you to quit without another job lined up. Having to stay in that environment for even another day is appalling. And I can't believe they have the gall to demand that she pay for her company car to get valet-cleaned!!
@karinaz8756 Ай бұрын
It’s not funny. It’s actually dangerous to be put in that position. There’s no job worth being treated like this. If you don’t want to come forward and file, quit.
@draftingish4833 Ай бұрын
If something, like this happened to a female coworker I would walk in with HR with them, yeah they could fire me and I'd sue them. and record it, luckily here its a 1 party record laws.
@robertwillhite9077 Ай бұрын
I don't know how different the sexual harrassment laws are in the UK from those in the United States. These are usually taken very seriously on our side of the Atlantic. I know of a couple people in the company I work for who were fired for sexual harrassment and were accused of far less than in this story. With that said, there is still a "good ole boys" network over here as well, and I am sure that a large number of sexual harrassment incidents go unreported as well. But to have six complaints about one individual in the company and have nothing being done. Over here in the US, that would open the company up to tremendous liability, especially with the witnesses that saw it happen. It just boggles my mind what this lady had to go through in her short time with this company.
@daviswhite3591 Ай бұрын
I disbelieve this. I'm American so perhaps there is a different restaurant culture in The UK but this is beyond. I retired at 38 years old from the restaurant industry as a chef. I've done it all in South Louisiana, East Texas, Virginia, Southern California and Washington State. There are only 3 types of sales rep. Food, booze, gear. Not sex. That wouldn't fly far.
@millieoldroyd8821 Ай бұрын
You may disbelieve this. But I can assure you. I lived and still living through that trauma.
@68jroche Ай бұрын
Leave with no notice and go to ACAS to claim constructive dismissal
@LetsProblemSolve Ай бұрын
This is why you need to advocate for single party consent laws in your state if you live in the States. Single party consent means you can video or record a conversation with just your knowledge 😉. I actually believe the states that dont allow it obviously have issues like this and worse in their offices, and that's why they try so hard to keep transparency at bay.
@catsmeow5566 Ай бұрын
Name and shame the companies and the boss! These people will continue to exploit employees like this until they have a big spotlight on them and actually get in trouble with the authorities. The boss was basically pimping her and I'm pretty sure that is illegal. Does the press over there out companies like this? A little story about this corruption in the news and a class action lawsuit might be in order.
@MissCandyTattoo Ай бұрын
I hope they’re ready for the lawsuit
@Finch1412 15 күн бұрын
You know I should be shocked, but I'm not. I've heard so many of these SA stories that this sounds like nothing new. That's the scary thing. This should NOT feel like the "norm" and "it happens everywhere". Well done to the guy offering her help at the end. Top man!
@DavidWilliams-cm4ow 28 күн бұрын
COMPENSATION! This is the only way they will learn or change
@jackywhite880 19 күн бұрын
My own wife suffered this. Not exactly pimping, just offensive passing remarks and - eventually - grabbing her breast and pinching her bottom. "Hey - what's the problem, people - just a bit of fun!" A bit of fun, it transpired, with half the female staff in the place. Trouble was her employer took the same view - or at least hadn't the bottle to deal with the situation. Her boss walked home one evening. He arrived in a casualty dept before he ever got there. She didn't return the next day. The firm denied her wages. An attitude that lasted about 30 seconds after I visited the proprietor's office. Be careful people. Stencilling "Manager" on your office door doesn't make you into Superman.
@mikejacob3536 Ай бұрын
The boss does it because he's allowed to do it.
@obibear123 16 күн бұрын
Report to the Police and your Lawyer!!!!
@DavidWilliams-cm4ow 28 күн бұрын
RUIN HIM. He needs to go to jail
@GMMedic 21 күн бұрын
Sales reps are never protected like other employees. They just consider them private contractors and not really employees.
@darkgatheringwfb5759 Ай бұрын
Girl needs to take it up with News/Tabloids = that way name & shame embrassing the company
@pompommania 10 күн бұрын
I hope she took legal action. It's sexual harassment with retaliation since she took a paycut. Id 100% go for compensation. She did get sexually harassed and these companies only understand money.
@lindastuart2458 Ай бұрын
Holy fudge. Such sleazy behavior. Pimping out the female sales reps and cooking the books.
@Thorinbur Ай бұрын
This sounds criminal. And HR just covering it up... The "boss" needs to be put on some watch list and remove from any position of power. And the company that allowed this and turned the blind. Speachless.
@daiseyjune 24 күн бұрын
@lucyroberts2800 Ай бұрын
She should put the revue up on any site they use for employment because she’s being strong but someone else might not be
@Darsana777 Ай бұрын
Do they not have labor boards in the United Kingdom and laws about Sexual Harassment that are against this and limit this kind of behavior? HR won't do a thing about his behavior so they wont mind when he gets castrated and his hands chopped off for the behavior. It is NOT okay at all whatsoever. That company needs to be sued for sexual harassment.
@nicolad8822 Ай бұрын
Of course, this is illegal.
@pedsrn2003 Ай бұрын
What are the rules in the UK? I the US, HR's response would have led to a visit the DA or State's attorney.
@LovinglfDesigns 25 күн бұрын
That's trafficking and so illegal
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