Were you ever that 1 in 1,000,000? If so, what's your Story? - Reddit Podcast

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Am I the Genius?

Am I the Genius?

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Voice Actor - Ryan Henning

Пікірлер: 351
@gardenshed6043 Жыл бұрын
I once got 6 consecutive Ice Beam freezes in a Pokemon game against a friend. Ice beam has exactly a 10% chance to freeze. Meaning it hitting 6 consecutive times is literally a 1 in a million chance.
@dogcreator7439 Жыл бұрын
@gbg6484 Жыл бұрын
@yes3206 Жыл бұрын
@@gbg6484 you really want to find some arguments
@SQUAKKC Жыл бұрын
@@gbg6484dude wtf
@JHS_MinecraftPro Жыл бұрын
The same thing happened to me, but with bite flinches
@Noivern87 Жыл бұрын
I love how some of these are horrific medical injuries and freak accidents, while others are "A BIRD SHAT ON ME AND MICKEY MOUSE GAVE ME A SPORTS CAR"
@Walnut84 Жыл бұрын
Being crapped on by a bird isn’t even that rare
@aetheralmeowstic2392 Жыл бұрын
I wonder, does the guy who won a Pontiac Firebird drive it now?
@Noivern87 Жыл бұрын
@@aetheralmeowstic2392 I would assume so, why wouldn't they?
@HelloU64 Жыл бұрын
And the last one perfectly threw a quarter into their dads shirt pocket.
@DidiTheCoolio Жыл бұрын
I thought that mickey mouse one was just a example of the weird ones
@jeffreyboggleton Жыл бұрын
Got a football card which you can't get in a normal pack, in a normal pack. The card was Paul Merson Legend.
@BitzerDogTaylorsVersion13 Жыл бұрын
I've been emotionally disabled in the brain since I was a couple months old. This condition means I really cannot control my emotions, and nothing helps it. The Principal already had to talk to my homeroom class about this and luckily they believe me. Everyone else either doesn't know I have this condition or they think I'm faking it. So far, I know only one person thinks I'm faking it.
@spikertaker Жыл бұрын
What does it mean that you can't control your emotions if you don't mind expanding?
@andrewstevens6207 Жыл бұрын
I feel for you bro! ❤
@hihungryimdad Жыл бұрын
Is it like bipolar disorder?
@101k_with_no_video Жыл бұрын
I'm the opposite nearly full control of my emotions other then spontaneous smiling
@BoogeyManXX Жыл бұрын
I was in an accident, got a piece of my brain removed, hemorrhaged, and was in a coma. Doctors were convinced I would die, or would be a vegetable. I relearned how to walk, how to talk, and how to swallow. Now I'm fine-ish. Yay.
@MoodyBluesRequiem80 Жыл бұрын
Chad moment! Keep slaying king! 💪🔥
@BoogeyManXX Жыл бұрын
@@lykos.. I'm wasting away now, all I do is sit at home and smoke weed :( although I'm capable of working. =/
@justprivateinformation2669 Жыл бұрын
“My brain knew what I wanted to say but my mouth just wouldn’t say it.” That honestly sounds similar to selective mutism
@Pigeonistic Жыл бұрын
Idk if this is the same thing but I cannot swear to save my life, I can think it and scream it in my head but I have only ever been able to say one and it’s not even that much of a curse word.
@PabjoXD Жыл бұрын
The most unlucky in my entire life was probably in primary school I was just walking when a kid hit me with a football (soccer ball for Americans) in the face and my head fell quite hard on the concrete. I was disoriented and was hoping someone would come to help me up but the teachers didn’t care about their job and all they do is standing there staring at nothing all day. That is not it though. So I was chilling on the floor dying when I’m about to get up. Two kids were playing basketball and they both threw their basketballs. One of them hit me in the stomach and the other in the head smashing my head into the concrete again. I actually laid there for a solid minute until I realized no one was coming and had to drag myself like 150m to the office ( where you go if you have been hurt ). I felt so disoriented. My mum is a stay at home mum meaning that she is never busy to come get me… except her 2 English lessons a week. So literally out of the week there are 2 hours where she can’t get me and it landed on that. I stayed there dying before I could leave. When I look back on this I laugh hysterically nowadays. It wasn’t a horrible pain it was just extremely unlucky
@dando541 Жыл бұрын
What is wrong with those teachers and those kids
@dogofwar6769 Жыл бұрын
I have one similar to the 1st story. A routine eye exam I got because I was having problems focusing on letters and numbers turned out to be a giant brain tumor that I apparently had been growing most of my life. It just grew in a place where it didn't cause much lost of function. Luckily it not malignant and neurosurgeons were able to remove it with a minimum of function lose. I have since recovered way more than my neurologist thought was even possible.
@MoodyBluesRequiem80 Жыл бұрын
Congrats! 🖤
@ThatAmazingSpy Жыл бұрын
I was expecting story 2 to end with the husband finding out his wife was cheating
@benjaminh.morgan3193 Жыл бұрын
Not as severe as paralysis, but one morning in like high school or college I was lying in bed on my back with my head turned to the side, and when I quickly moved my head to the other side I heard and felt a loud _CR-RACK!_ After that, couldn't turn my head to the left for several weeks. Literally, could turn to the right just fine, but trying to turn left and it just stopped at straight forward.
@heater1311 Жыл бұрын
I could have mugged you by coming at you at the left side lmao
@asapling Жыл бұрын
I had this ridiculous luck on the last day of an egg hunt event on a game I was playing. Back to back I got every egg I needed without fail. I am still surprised about that day.
@Horror_skullgames Жыл бұрын
@QuintonKettleburgh Жыл бұрын
Story 17: Doctor: Good news! We finally figured out what you have! Patient: What is it called? Doctor: ...well, what would you like it to be called?
@Mitzi-chan224 Жыл бұрын
@cantseeshittles4679 Жыл бұрын
The doctors told my family that I would be a tiny, petite baby girl. after 16 and a half years, I can still confirm that I am an underweight but muscular and strong man. With ADHD and SPD (slow processing sisorder). My family was also randomly selected for Neilson ratings to find out what to recommend what to put on TV so thats cool! I also have all my wisdom teeth grown in perfectly fine with no issues.. Idk what else is 1/1,000,000 that's happened
@dusk4974 11 ай бұрын
So they got your sex wrong? Lol. I was a surprise, his from the ultra sound cam.
@mxn0chr0maxic85 Жыл бұрын
"So I was flailing around trying to fend off pirates" Meanwhile the game is breaking
@melaniemorrison2334 9 ай бұрын
In school at 4th grade (I was 9) There was a sign up poster on the board in the hallway for yearbook comittee so I asked my mom if I could sign up and she said yes. A week later everyone who signed up was informed 6 people were chosen out of 60 people. The day after a teacher that we can call Mrs Z walked into my classroom and told me I had got a spot in the YC. She also gave me this ornament which was a camera outlined with glitter saying Yearbook Comittee on the back. I’ve used it for Christmas ever since.
@froggosouls3558 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't call it 1 in a million but I had a fatty tumor grow slightly bigger than a golf ball within 3 weeks. They're usually slow growing. I also found out at 7-ish years old I was terribly allergic to Benzocaine while having eye surgery. The only way I can think of explaining the reaction is imagine all your nerves were jolted awake and on fire. I was in so much pain that the tears that ran down my face felt like lava. Apparently they were out of the anesthetic they were going to use and figured since I'm neither immune nor allergic to Novocain I'd be fine with Benzocaine. I was not. I also got the whooping cough at 8/9. Yes I was updated with all my shots at the time, despite my doctor insisting I must of missed one... he was the one who signed off the paperwork that I had.
@Taich0u Жыл бұрын
I had a false pregnancy. It’s a very VERY rare side effect of this hormonal medication I was on. Basically, something funky happens in your body where it THINKS you’re pregnant even though you’re not. You still have pregnancy symptoms. I had wild cravings, my period stopped, I got nauseous a lot, and my abdomen started to swell. I LOOKED 2 months pregnant despite the fact I am a lesbian and it was physically impossible. Weirdest part was that I KNEW what a false pregnancy was. But I was still totally convinced I was. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life. I went off the medication and it went away. The weirdest part was that it only went away after I had these insanely intense cramps and VERY heavy period. No idea what the odds are, but I’m quite confident it’s very rare lol.
@tessiepinkman Жыл бұрын
That sounds like something nightmares are made of. I don't know if I could've handled it. I have some mental issues that makes me very paranoid sometimes, + complex PTSD, and I would probably "talk" myself into that I must have had sex/someone drugged me and I don't remember it. That's how my brain works (or doesn't work). But I'm glad it worked itself out for you, even though I'm sure you were terrified (and confused) from time to time. What medication was it, if you don't mind me asking? You absolutely do not have to answer that - I know it's a very personal question.
@Maeshalanadae Жыл бұрын
Had a giant cell tumor removed from right above my right knee back in 2008. I’m American and apparently there’s only about 300 cases of what I had annually, so, yeah, I was that 1 in a million case… But I’ve always had bad luck with my well being. Dangerous viral infection as a newborn, epilepsy as a toddler, pneumonia at the age of ten, tumor removed from my femur…same femur broke November of the next year…
@Sam_on_YouTube Жыл бұрын
There's a million ways to be 1 in a million... which makes it fairly common. I have a couple of rare conditions, both about 1 in 100. 1 makes it harder to use birth control, but the other makes me infertile. So they kind of cancel each other out.
@s.opalburnham8037 11 ай бұрын
Infertility very rarely means it is truly impossible to have kids. There is always a chance, however small that you can have a child.
@Vokunos Жыл бұрын
A girl i once dated told me she´s sick and we cant meet up today. went cycling (i am a triathlete) found her with her BOYFRIEND of 2 years (now ex, obviously) like 5 hours into my ride, 120 km´s (thats ca 75 miles) away in an random little town in another country (switzerland, we both are from germany). i will never forget the look of horror on her face when she saw me and the look of confusion on the face of that poor guy she cheated on.
@stevengliha3698 Жыл бұрын
My fiance gave birth to "twin" boys. 2 separate eggs, fertilized two and a half weeks apart. Then about 40 days in the pregnancy baby A's placenta died, so baby a attached to baby b's placenta and both boys were born healthy and well. So 2 babies, fertilized 2 and a half weeks apart, 1 placenta for both and both born successful. Wild..... Just wild
@ryanjensen5897 Жыл бұрын
getting a 315 bench puts you at one in a million. It's really cool cause it's the one thing you can consciously control.
@MrRukrio1 Жыл бұрын
not me, but my mum is a stage 4 stomach cancer survivor. she is for all intents and purposes a medical miracle for still being around to this day, cancer free.
@beatrizhauch9128 Жыл бұрын
Told my doctor I thought the meat was causing all my stomach problems, she told me there was no way because only 0.1% percent could develop it and mostly after a tick bite. I can’t eat red meat, pork or chicken, which also were found in only 0.1% each. Literally 1/1.000.000😩
@koopatroopa7968 Жыл бұрын
My parents had a shetland sheep dog named tipper. The vet said that she had some sort of critical illness and that she was probably going to live for a year tops. She lived for 12 more years… and after that she would always prance around like she owned the place. And if she didn’t get her way she would start pouting; thus earning her the nickname of “tipper tantrum”.
@bradleehill9662 Жыл бұрын
My uncle Don Bovee was 1 of 6 people, ever known to have a blood disease that would make his blood turn into a jello like Substance if the weather got to cold outside. That was a terrible time for him trying to figure out what was wrong
@jessweaver5713 Жыл бұрын
Just to clarify, you don’t need a passport in the U.K. to get a job. I’ve never had one, I was born here, I’m 38, I’ve worked consistently since 18 and studied. You can use other forms of ID. I’ve never known anywhere that didn’t give you options of ID to provide
@cameronvandygriff7048 Жыл бұрын
When I was 4 I had an extremely rare agressive type of brain cancer that was extremely visible on scan and very easy to just resection which is super uncommon for the uncommon type of cancer
@jacindahutton7673 Жыл бұрын
Its the same issue in New Zealand for disabled people, I didnt have a legal form of ID for three years. Im legally blind so I cant drive and passports are uber expensive here. I knew a few people with the Blind and low vision association who had the same issue. Recently the government created a new form of ID, it was frustrating proving I was me but it was obtainable.
@Grenaider 9 ай бұрын
It went from being paralyzed to A BIRD FLEW IN MY ROOM AND SHAT ON ME!
@Gamby 9 ай бұрын
4:38 I’m allergic to potatoes too! I always joke that my Irish ancestors are laughing their asses off
@Kage_Furiku Жыл бұрын
3:33 - that glitch tho 😂😂😂
@trolley661 Жыл бұрын
11:30 I’m allergic to the cold as well! Not so severe but swimming in the ocean gives me hives
@wldt2 Жыл бұрын
I am also in fact allergic to potatoes. I can’t have anything in the nightshade family which is tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes (not sweet potatoes those are different), some chilis/peppers I think, tobacco, and even mandrake. Gives me a really painful rash around the mouth
@horizonkage Жыл бұрын
I studied myself and admitted that my whole belief system was a lie. I admitted to myself, by myself, that I was wrong.
@subscribe_or_I_eat_your_kids Жыл бұрын
I knew this girl who got in a car accident and hit a tree at like 50 mph. After 1 year she is already dancing again. She got on the news and we watched it in class since she went to our school.
@artimator4714 Жыл бұрын
When I my whole class was younger, landing a water bottle was a "One in a Million", and im talking Grade 3 below. At one point in that time, My classmates tried to land Highlighters on top of a water bottle to look cool. This was like in Div 1 times (Kindergarten to Grade 3)
@janus1958 5 ай бұрын
Two incidents, both while at work. 1.They had remodeled and office in the building, and a co-worker and I were moving some of the furniture etc. back in. One of the items was a fireproof file cabinet. I had a hand truck which it took both of us to get it tipped back onto. It got over balanced towards me, and I shifted to stop it. It was to no avail and it kept coming. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the floor, with it in my lap. I was surprised at there being no weight on my legs, then looked beside me to note that the corner of the filing cabinet was resting on a two boxes of floor tiles that had been left over from the remodel. I slid out from underneath. We had to get two more people to get the cabinet upright again. If it hadn't been for those boxes, I'd likely not be walking today. 2. I lived about 40 miles west of Mount St. Helens when it erupted, and while we didn't get any ash from the main eruption, we did get it from the smaller eruption a week later. A month later, we were removing ash from the flat roof at work. it was being loaded into 5 gal plastic buckets, and lowered about 20 ft to people with wheelbarrows. They had been doing this for a while before my shift with a wheelbarrow started. On my first turn, I rolled the wheelbarrow underneath, and looked up to watch the ash laden bucket come down. It had been lowered about 2 feet when the rope came undone. I turned and took 2 steps before the bucket hit me in the head. Luckily, it was not full on, but I was covered in volcanic ash, and ended up with a massive headache and ten stitches. It also happened to be the last day before I was scheduled to start my vacation.
@kofimoon-vv-8279 Жыл бұрын
Story 8: you know the thing bout the brain showing the timeline where you actually survive in a major accident? Ye I'm thinking bout exactly that
@dark_galaxyy Жыл бұрын
I have a phobia so rare and specific that I’m the only person who has it.
@leshommesdupilly Жыл бұрын
See a person with a single heart ventricle, a single atrium and only a mitral valve
@waltrudeharder6333 Жыл бұрын
Another thing I just remembered... I love animals. I have literally all my life. Especially cats, though my parents aren't quite fans of them. Because of this, I've only owned six cats in my life. The one I currently own is the focus of this: he somehow taught me to communicate with cats. I understand almost everything by now and speak/gesture quite fluently. In case you're wondering, I like to call it catspeak, and it's made up of meows, trills, purrs, growls, and many other sounds cats make, as well as movements of the tail, ears, and paws. Anyway, I talk to my cat whenever I can. He's quite talkative, even meowing a lot to my family. The only problem with this weird, great skill is that I need to focus on what the cat is saying to understand it, and I only understand the West African "dialect" which seems to be what my cat speaks (I encounter many cats from West Africa, and I can talk to pretty much all of them, but not cats who grew up in other regions of the world).
@injusticeanywherethreatens4810 9 ай бұрын
i was born with fructose intolerance AND I get serious heartburn from fatty foods so like 90% of foods I cant eat them
@not_mell Жыл бұрын
I have a 1 in a trillion chance story....... being born
@burger7614 Жыл бұрын
i have a one in googol story i got 5.328927528598642e+99 in a random number generator set to 1-googol
@andrewstevens6207 Жыл бұрын
Ngl, initial comment was pretty witty.
@carishaw4143 Жыл бұрын
I thought I was having repeat ear infections and so did my primary doctor. Finally after 3 rounds of different antibiotics with no relief of the ear pain and plugged feeling, he sent me to an ear nose and throat specialist. That doctor takes a look, sees that there is something red and big behind my eardrum but doesn't know what it is. Sends me for a CT scan. I end up having a benign slow growing tumor in my middle ear. If not removed, it will continue to grow and cause hearing loss, facial paralysis and other symptoms. The ear nose and throat specialist said I need an ultra specialist, because these types of tumors are literally 1 in a million.
@fireflights1977 Жыл бұрын
I have a pain condition that is so rare it is one in 3,500,000 and yes that is the truth of it. It's the most painful of any pain condition or any condition that has pain as a result. It has the highest suicide rate as well. It's called CRPS also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
@binaway Жыл бұрын
While on holiday in the UK the shortest route to my destination while in London was through Downing St. There is a small lane at the back which I entered and as I did some security man, never there before, pulled those plastic barriers across this entrance. As I entered Downing St I could see new temporary barriers across the main entrance. Within the next few days the current permanent stone barriers and steel gates were installed. I must be the last member of the general public to just access Downing St and also last person to enter without security clearance. The newspapers said British Intelligence had discovered an IRA plot to exploded a bomb in Downing St.
@ushijimawakatoshi2106 Жыл бұрын
1: In the span of 1 week I was on 2 buses (one school, one city) that crashed because the driver had a heart attack or stroke. Wild. 2: I have an extreme allergy, anaphylaxis, to a completely unknown cause. Bees? No. Food? No. Animals? No. Chemicals? No. Plants? No. No one knows. I've been a subject in specialty case studies, had 40 needles in each arm on 12 separate occasions. All they ever find is a mild grass allergy, and a mediocre cat one. Literally no one knows what happened, but the reaction happened when I was 5 and hasn't happened since.
@5L4P5T1CK Жыл бұрын
For sure not one in a million - but I think very very few people do get back up from massive physical and psychological abuse in the childhood, over being without family friends or job, drug addicted and homeless and even burying a child. But I did so. Never give up. Never ever ever. You just dont know whats waiting for you just around the corner.
@Just_a_ghost713 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't call this 1 in million but my bow legs made 12 retired doctors come back and examine me which I have been apart of their career. The first 4 helped saved my mother after my birth, 4 other ones who did surgery on my bladder surgery during 9/11 and the last 4 from both arm fractures and had a whole other team of (giver take) 6-8 people which 4 of them where trainee. Yeah the room was pretty crowded that day. The funny thing about it all was the the doctors wanted more info on so they sent out an email to all the retired doctors and idk why they all thought to come in that day to see me. This happened back in 2012 but in 2018 I saw my old doctor and he said it was great coming in that to help you and other patients because there weren't that many experts in that day and helped train the newbies so it was a welcome surprise for the hospital staff.
@101k_with_no_video Жыл бұрын
Once when playing war with my brother We got the same numbered cards facing each other in a battle that in itself is incredibly rare, but just a little bit later we got another one making this less than 1 out of a million.
@jasonmarin8187 Жыл бұрын
While in high school, went to a bowling alley for a field trip and during one frame, I managed to knock down eight pins. The only two that were still standing was the seven and ten pin. On my second roll, to my surprise the ball hit the seven pin which shot to the other side of the lane and took down the ten pin.
@SharmClucas Жыл бұрын
I have the terrible luck of always catching anything that would cause lots of pain and inconvenience but look like nothing and not kill me. The rarest thing I had was something called chronic appendicitis. It's a very rare kind of appendicitis where it doesn't swell up and so doesn't show up on scans. It's just as painful as acute appendicitis though, and still life threatening. It's impossible to prove, so I had to fight for months in intense pain to try and get a doctor to do something. In the end I finally got some exploratory surgery where they removed my appendix and even though my gut was all cut up I felt dramatically better immediately after the surgery.
@norrisbarnes6136 Жыл бұрын
I lost my left leg due to dry gangrene and was told it happens to less then 1 in 100,000.
@theratinyourairconditioner Жыл бұрын
Camping one time, slept weird, neck hurt, couldn’t move, parents didn’t believe me, could move after 2 hours, parents thought I was asking it up, neck still hurts over 5 years later, nothing broken??? Somehow not paralyzed, not dead 😅 Basically I was paralyzed for 2 hours and it caused permanent sore neck
@jaredhanchette8474 Жыл бұрын
(I work around heavy equipment) I got my leg ran over by a 15,000 pound excavator and lived to talk about it. Now that’s not the 1 in a million. I came out of that with only road rash and bruising nothing broke and nothing torn. Still hate thinking about it, just happened 3 months ago. Took an hour to get down the mountain. If I was bleeding at all I would have bleed out.
@leolovett1823 Жыл бұрын
3:30 Arg, yer fridge isn't safe from me fer much longer
@TheTrueGamingCatYTJarretRR Жыл бұрын
I have had something (I never got told) growing on one of my veins...it was the one to my brain i was sleeping forgetful and numbish horrible headaches.
@chiclelatina9702 Жыл бұрын
The 1 in a million moment that happened to me was when it was 11:38 PM, and I had a test tomorrow, meaning I had to do a big review for homework and I forgot to do it. In a panic, I then wrote down random ass numbers for every problem. The week after, I get that review sheet back, 100%, I wrote down the most random numbers and I got them all right. There is never gonna be a moment like that for me again
@dando541 Жыл бұрын
How’d you do on the test itself?
@chiclelatina9702 Жыл бұрын
@@dando541 It was alright, I got 86%
@dando541 Жыл бұрын
@@chiclelatina9702 nice
@Sam_on_YouTube Жыл бұрын
I know someone with an allergy to the cold. It is super rare. Wonder if it is the same person. She went to Cornell undergrad, but thankfully didn't have the issue then. It developed suddenly a few years later while living in Israel. She had some ice water and passed out. It slowly subsided over a few years and she's able to tolerate moderate cold now. I saw her a few years ago in Massachusetts. It was summer time though. She doesn't live there.
@waltrudeharder6333 Жыл бұрын
Story 19 is the exact same as one of my friend's aunts! She'd had multiple miscarriages but finally now has a strong healthy baby who will probably be spoiled most of her young life. "Miracle child"? Agreed!
@hyperswag506 Жыл бұрын
Story 2 scares the living hell out of me.
@WPUpioneer Жыл бұрын
A side note on the first story: wanna know why its called a LIVER? cause ya can't LIVER long without one! Ba dum tss!
@gardenshed6043 Жыл бұрын
My dad has a heart condition that even the supposed best heart specialist doctors in the world don’t really know what’s wrong with him. Sometimes, without any real warning, his heart just stops. They don’t know what’s causing it. When it happened the first time he was cycling. Hit a lamppost near a local school. Luckily there was someone at the school from the council there with medical training who was able to do CPR on him until the ambulance came and Defibrillated him back to life. After a couple weeks in a coma and a couple more in the ICU they put in an ICD (Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator). It detects when his heart stops and shocks him back when it does. Since the first incident it has happened 3 more times. Once when on the sofa watching TV with my mum. Once whilst asleep. And once when on a bus. The doctors still have no clue what is causing it. They have to consider that it might be hereditary so are checking my sister and I constantly. I feel like an illness unexplained by modern medicine is pretty 1 in a million. They now bring my dad in to be checked by junior doctors on tests to confuse them with his baffling illness.
@hockypockies Жыл бұрын
that last sentence is funny, but i feel bad for your dad. i hope he's doing well and that you're okay as well. hopefully things can get figured out
@gardenshed6043 Жыл бұрын
@@hockypockies He’s generally fine. But he’s not allowed to do strenuous exercise. Aside from that his life is relatively normal. He goes out on walks a lot to keep fit. But that’s about the extent of the exercise he’s allowed to do. And thankfully the ICD he has in seems to work. I explained how he has had his heart stop a few times after it was implanted and he was shocked back. When it happened in his sleep it didn’t even wake him up, he got a call the next day from the hospital that monitors him and told him what had happened at night. But yes, he does go in to confuse junior doctors. He goes every couple months to help since they need patients for these things. Though the big square lump over his heart where his ICD is is usually something of an indicator of his heart problems.
@hockypockies Жыл бұрын
@@gardenshed6043 glad to know he's okay! i've had family members who have sadly passed due to heart issues and it's good to know that he's been able to live normally for the most part. i did read that entire thing of course, and yeah stuff like that could be pretty obvious. how are you though? any complications?
@gardenshed6043 Жыл бұрын
@@hockypockies Nothing so far for me.
@hockypockies Жыл бұрын
@@gardenshed6043 well thats good!
@The_Bossman7295 Жыл бұрын
I lost all my baby teeth at 5 and got all my adult teeth at 6. My dentist didn't say anything because they were speechless!
@wingerwc Жыл бұрын
I was born ambidextrous and am a bit of a mix and match when it comes to dominant hands while doing stuff. Apparently, when I first started school, I would write with one of my hands, then that one would get tired. I then proceeded to throw the pencil into my other hand and continue writing my sentence. Sadly, my teacher didn't approve of this, so she made me choose a hand, (to be my dominant hand while writing). I chose my left. Being ambidextrous, I struggle with my left and rights, also it usually takes me several goes to find which hand I am comfortable with while doing activities. for example I eat with my left, play guitar with my right, hold rackets with my right, write with my left, etc. Its confusing. (Just so you know, being naturally ambidextrous is a 1 in 80,000,000 chance.
@philippseemann3343 Жыл бұрын
Doc: I have good and bad news, good news, we will name it after u
@MrMega1423 Жыл бұрын
Only 1 in 1 million things I can recall were from video games. I sure have a very captivating, interesting life, don't I? Edit: Oh wait, I know. I'm stupid, how could I forget this? So I was born with a very rare brain condition called optic nerve hypoplasia. Only 1/10000 newborns are born with this. It's basically a condition where your optic nerve didn't develop properly before birth which leads to impaired vision. Usually it leads to being legally blind in both eyes. However I just so happened to get the rarest form of the condition, where by some miracle I have pretty much normal vision in my right eye. Which means I can still pretty much do anything a normal human can. The funniest part though? I also have astigmatism. oh and before you say 'wow you're so lucky that you got the rarest form of that condition it could've been so much worse' Uh yeah no. The optic nerve is just the main attraction of the condition, generally people with this condition have a lot more wrong with their head.
@KARATGAMER-cp7kq Жыл бұрын
You are, most literally, legally blind. As vine intended. I'm sorry for your loss of sight, but the vine man.
@juanmanuelgg Жыл бұрын
Not me but my dad. When I was between 8 or 10 (that will be 2000 or 2002) he suffered a horrible stomach ache and decided to endure it in home. Mom was/is a housewife so she take care of his illness. Using a lot of painkillers he felt better in a very reasonable time but he never moved violently because the pain was still present and having a previous hernia make him very careful at moving. 3 years passed and dad wanted to do something whit some land that latter turn to be his farm. So he buy a strong male horse to help him moving things. This horse was a teenager and one day misbehave, stand in 2 legs throwing my dad to the floor. He landed in his pocket knife that was on his belt so not really stab him, but causes a lot of pain in the area. Worried he went to the hospital and get xrays. 3 big white things appear and they tested him more. Turns out that that stomach ache he endured was an apendicitis, that turn into an peritonitis and spread thought his abdomen. Maybe it was a very slow process or he was weirdly strong to infection but his body surrounded all the strange substance in 3 places that they were discovering that day, my uncle explain them to me, a kid at the time like 3 stones of very dangerous and infectious matter. The doctors explain to us the risks that those presented. The moment that one of those ruptures dad will be having the same complications of a peritonitis. It was also a very delicate procedure because they could rupture one by accident while removing them. The ricks was crazy high and there was a possibility that dad looses his intestines in the process. The were very honest it could mean death o a very harsh living situation in which he will be pooping though a bag for the rest of his life. We are from Colombia and doctors here can be very capable because we had endured a very long ass war (1964-present, 58 years and counting). And dad had maybe the best medical plan in the country because he was an engineer for the national oil company. We all talked about it, I tell dad that I loved him & that he was irreplaceable, and we(mom, aunts and uncles) tell the doctors that we totally authorized the main procedure and all other emergency procedures needed. Those doctors were very capable and also very cautious. They opened my dads abdomen all the way horizontally and retired successfully the 3 stones whiteout any rupture. The procedure was very difficult for his body and he spend a month in the hospital. Lost a lot of weight in the process and looked very bruised but little by little he regained strength. He healed very well at the end and didn't loose his normal mobility, still being very active to this day. I'm lucky to have him around and very grateful. He was truly 1 in 1,000,000. Later in life a friends mom fight a peritonitis for 2 weeks and died, so I feel again the desperation that that massive infection brings. Never really share my luck with any friend neither with this one. It always have been a secret because I feel that I can't give real hope telling dad case to anyone. He had all the kinds of luck for surviving that, having it in his body for 3 years and getting it out cleanly. Peace and sorry, I'm not very used to write in English.
@SilentHotdog28 9 ай бұрын
My friend was complaining of some pain in his stomach, he rarely complains about pain and if he does, he will only give it a low number out of ten. So obligatory "1 to 10 how bad is it?" I think he said about a 3. He took work off for a couple of days as it had gotten a bit worse. Anyway I don't hear from him for the next few days. I think on the 2nd day of being off work, he had been in a decent amount of pain, his mum nagged him incessantly about going to the doctors. So he finally gave in and went, he drove and got out of the car, started walking to the doctors and passed out in the car park. I think he said he woke up after having emergency surgery to remove his burst appendix which had started to go gangrenous and septic. The doctors said "If you were still at home when you collapsed, you'd be dead." Sometimes it's a bad thing to have a high pain tolerance, but lucky he had a worried mum. He is an only child too.
@Daniel-wv7lj 7 ай бұрын
I have a few stories. The first was when me and my brother were leaving a casino, we passed a roulette table that JUST rolled a 00, the next ball was already rolling and it landed 00. We stayed to watch and the next two rolls landed 00!! What made me mad was that I said that if 00 hits a third time then I would bet it. I didn't, and it hit the fourth time but I feel like if I put a bet down, those couple seconds would've messed up the flow and it would have hit lol. My second story was when I was in college. Me and my roommates had class at the same time so we all left together. It wasnt until we got downstairs and were walking that I finally peeped the music my friend was listening to. It was so loud that I could clearly tell what song it was. It was the exact song I was listening to and we were almost at the same exact part. Only about 2 seconds off! Another very short story happened after college. I went on a trip to the Netherlands and when I landed, I had to walk to a train to take me to the town where my hotel was. walking past the food court I spotted a couple who I just had a class with a few weeks prior. We werent friends or anything but one of them had our schools hody on which caught my attention and we recognized each other, had a good laugh about it. A less interesting story I just remembered was when I randomly punted a ball across our gym in 5th grade and it happened to swish into a basket lol we were all going nuts
@HuxianXD Жыл бұрын
My friend and I were near out by the field (This was in middle school) and he just so happened to tilt his head at the same time bird shat, so it dropped straight down into his ear and a little bit in his hair. He had to use the school shower and get it all out, meanwhile I was still laughing my ass off Lol.
@StephenSerio Жыл бұрын
When I was 19, I was hitch hiking and train hopping across the states. When I was in Berkeley, CA, I made a friend named Shaddow. One day after we made some money playing music on the street to grab some food and there. it. was. A running $250,000 Lamborghini Diablo bright neon green with black trim. Driver door open, engine on and learning to be a mechanic in highschool, I also know how to drive manual transmission and have dealt with some what touchy throttles. Shaddow said exactly what I was thinking; “We totally joy ride this.” I looked at him and I said I know how to drive get in! We jump in and it’s like a freaking space ship with so many gauges and buttons to know what to do with (I only have so much knowledge to go off of) but I put it in gear and try to ease it on the road by accidentally losing some rubber which probably what alerted the driver that I stole it. 20mins into the speeding frenzy I was in, the inevitable lights come on. I looked at Shaddow and tell him it’s the end of the fun. Remember I am not from around there and I don’t know anyone with a home in the area so it’s the logical thing to do. To our surprise, we actually double stole the lambo and because we were swift in pulling over we didn’t get anything more than a slap on the wrist and some questioning. So good to be a kid!
@eeveebest11 Жыл бұрын
found 3 full odds shinies in a day. hope that cheers you up
@mr.banana7593 Жыл бұрын
Bruh I’ve found 2 shunts in my life
@eeveebest11 Жыл бұрын
@@mr.banana7593 I have found 10 shinies, a Mankey, a Squakabilly, a Wugtrio, a Buizel, a Lechonk, a Skiddo, two Yungoos, an Alolan Meowth, and a Growlithe.
@eeveebest11 Жыл бұрын
And don't forget my Metapod and Weedle from Let's go, making twelve
@simplypie 9 ай бұрын
I have probably found 30-50 because of legends arceus
@tylerwillems9358 Жыл бұрын
I have a pretty wild one. Amateur golfing with my friend and his dad at about 10 years old. My friend was down for some reason, and at one point hit his ball into a tree and made a squirrel come down onto the course. I was about to hit off the fairway and I pointed at that squirrel and told my friend I was going to hit it for him (joking of course). I took my driver and let it rip. My ball flew about 1 ft off the ground for maybe 25 yards, smashed the squirrel in the back, and made it begin convulsing on the ground. Pretty sure it died. My friend and his dad both saw the shot, and we talk about it to this day. Literally used the words, "could have tried to do that 1,000,000 more times and would never hit it." Pretty crazy.
@Starlight1680 Жыл бұрын
Ok, so, I wanna preface this by saying that sterilization in men doesn’t always mean no sperm count. Sometimes it just means insanely low count. That said: my dad was sterile, mom was on birth control and they used a condom (which obviously broke). 9 months later, I introduce myself to the world. I realize that there’s a possibility that my dad could’ve lied about being sterile but he’s been dead for 20 years so it’s not like I can ask and also, I’m here now so it doesn’t matter. The other possibility is that my mom cheated but I look too much like my dad so I don’t think that happened either. TL;DR: Either my dad lied about being sterile or I’m one hell of an oops baby.
@theevildrblue1212 Жыл бұрын
well, i can move my ear, but only my left ear, unlike everyone else that can move them, which move both. i have six fingers, and i have a toe growing out of a toe. i will consistently get sick every other monday, no matter what.
@Zerokey77 Жыл бұрын
My frist year moving to 3 cities in Texas it snowed for the first time in X number of years
@We_are_the_ones 8 ай бұрын
Almost all the stories: depressing and sad 11 yeah, one number birds pooped on my head found it in my room
@aleeshagilbert1009 Жыл бұрын
Probably isn't one in a million, but we went really up close to the fireworks during the 4th of July two years ago. We didn't wear earplugs or anything, which was mistake, but halfway through the show, I looked down and there's a smoldering red hot firework fuse on the tip of my shoe. I was wearing flip flops and had my toes scrunched up due to cold and I ended up letting it cool off and carrying it home. It's on my shelf. Thought that was bizarre at the time, lol.
@Megaman8880 Жыл бұрын
I one tapped a Tri to Tet Blackstar weapon in Black Desert with no fail stacks because I decided to quit the game. That is about a 0.5% chance of success. Not even close to 1 in a million but boy did I jump out of my chair and freak the hell out.
@chosenselectedpicked Жыл бұрын
One time won 20$ by guessing the exact number someone thought of it was 77
@alphalegend9997 Жыл бұрын
When I was 10 months old I was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy and needed a heart transplant, no one thought I was going to live, 13 years later, I’m still alive, I don’t need much except some pills and occasional tests. If that’s not 1 in a million idk what is
@ScpFanIsHere Жыл бұрын
The potato allergy one is has a 10.1% chance of happening
@starfieldgames5976 Жыл бұрын
so closer to 1 in 9, lol
@vanillathunder11559 Жыл бұрын
If you ever played a video game called diablo then you're familiar with treasure trolls. While I dont know if it's exactly one in a million, I know theres a super super rare, almost non existent chance if you hit the x button just right as you're attacking the troll and he tries to escape thru his portal, you can enter into the treasure troll caves. I have a friend who's been playing it for years and never gotten into it. I played for my very first time and transported us there over 5 times before we were level 10 and 5 more times to this rainbow land in the clouds. Our gold and gems were in the upper billions before we reached level 10. My husband freaked and our friend was so jealous!
@monroerobbins7551 9 ай бұрын
I got histoplasmosis. Pretty normal. Got it lodged into one of my lymph nodes. Less common, but still ok. The lymph node it got lodged in is RIGHT NEXT TO MY TRACHEA. Far less normal. Dealt with this for over a year. Really bloody unlikely. Finally getting treatment for a lymph node that’s four times the normal size, and with having asthma and a deviated trachea, my doc was surprised I went along as long as I did.
@i_like_pandas17 Жыл бұрын
once when i was in middle school at after school daycare, the 'class' was outside on the playground in the middle of a big field, and i got shat on by two different birds...i just thought it was raining until all the kids started laughing at me
@borous. Жыл бұрын
story two sounds like it could be turned into a zombie movie of sorts
@Enjoymentboy Жыл бұрын
I almost killed Mike Meyers when "So I married an axe murderer" came out. He had just done an interview in the CHUM/CITY building in Toronto and he and a friend had excited from the resr entrance onto Richmond St. It had rained so the roads were wet and slick, but virtually empty. Many large white movie trucks parked on the right side and he and his friend just walked right out into the road from between 2 trucks without ever looking. They walked directly into my path and froze. I stood on the brakes and JUST managed to stop in time .. like a few inches from them. One of the guys looked directly at me, gave me a meek grin and two thumbs up. My friend, who was in the passenger seat, all of a sudden blurts out "HOLY CRAP!!! THAT'S MIKE MEYERS!!!" and sure enough it was. We head home and as I'm telling my wife about this she is tuned to MuchMusuc and we see Mike on TV doing an interview about the movie, and he was wearing the exact same clothes he was wearing when i almost hit him. I singlehandedly could have prevented the world from ever experiencing Austin Powers or Shrek. I'm still waiting for Mike to thank me... and a cheque would be nice. 😊
@skibopmdada1152 Жыл бұрын
I’m allergic to most non leafy/non thick-peel fruits and veggies but only when they’re raw. It’s not horrible, I just get a very itchy throat and mouth and my lips start hurting. We’re pretty sure I’m actually allergic to pesticides but I haven’t been an allergy specialist in a while so
@ava_artworks 7 ай бұрын
Well, I guess I’m kinda rare. I’m a natural ginger with blue eyes, have synesthesia. Personally I associate colors with numbers. 2 is red, 3 is orange, 4 is yellow, 5 is green, 8 is pink, and 9 is purple. Oh and I’m left handed and left footed 🤷‍♀️
@imaginations_animations4928 10 ай бұрын
13:50 I swear, when they were talking about this Hailey-Hailey disease, it made me thing of devil fruits from One Piece. I'm sure everyone who's watched it will know why and get the reference. Sorry to those with this disease tho.
@nicholasnguyen5181 Ай бұрын
I once had two legendary weapon variants in call of duty infinite warfare. The x-eon was a good gun
@Dogmations Жыл бұрын
when i got diagnosed with diabetes all of my organs started failing except my heart so that was close
@martinmarcos5340 Жыл бұрын
I was born in utter poverty. My biological mother was a "street worker". Me and my brothers all were adopted by an upper class just married couple who couldn´t have children. I don´t ever dare to imagine what my life would have been if we hadn´t been adopted.
@quaxky326 Жыл бұрын
I have the rarest personality type so that’s pretty cool.
@chosenselectedpicked Жыл бұрын
Another time I learned a random fact about salt not burning the very next day a random stranger asked me about that specific fact I didn't know them from adam
@StinkySewerRat103 Жыл бұрын
One day my dad told me to put on my seat belt. I put on the seat belt but secretly took it off. Then a car crossed a red light and our car was hit and flipped through the air and hit another car. I somehow got the least hurt out of my dad and brother. They always say how lucky I was for wearing a seat belt. ;)
@WRoo69 Жыл бұрын
There is a thing called a “perforated duodenum” it is basically a hole un your digestive system. I had on a couple months back. Found out yesterday it’s a 00.9% chance of getting one
@blue_staf4563 Жыл бұрын
3:32 i cant listen to the story watching whatever glitch that is in the backround
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