Why I Support 'The Greens' | House of The Dragon | ASOIAF

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The Second Son

The Second Son

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With House of Dragon finally out, and with the fandom being overwhelmingly congested with Team Black apologist; I had to come on and formally state why I am Team Green and back their claim to the Iron Throne over Team Black.
Let's have the discussion
#houseofthedragon #houseofthedragonreaction #teamgreen #gameofthrones

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@tobaccoffee506 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand why Alicent is being compared to Cersei. Between her and Rhaenyra, who's the one with the bastard children trying to install them on the iron throne? Not Alicent that's for sure!
@zillagrilla315 Жыл бұрын
I think the reason was because of the books. Remember unlike A Song of Ice and Fire, Fire and Blood was written like a historical text. Meaning most of the personality traits were influenced by the people's bias against both sides and a lot of information was either ignored or forgotten. For example, Rhaenys had black hair in the books so when Rhaenyr's kids had black hair people thought they must have gotten it from their grandma. Them being bastards were just the Greens trying to weaken the rightful ruler's claim. Also compare Jace/Luke with Aegon/Aemond, to decent boys to a drunk rapist and a kin-slayer who started the war. So yeah people favored them because a lot of the Green's actions were considered actions akin to what the Lannisters might have done.
@bob6228 Жыл бұрын
@@zillagrilla315 also Cersei and Rhaenyra's bastards are not the same. Rhaenyra's children have Targaryen blood, while Cersei's children had NO Baratheon blood.
@RubyAPBT Жыл бұрын
Beside being bastards they are from royal blood unlike Cersei who were only lannister and like Alicent child are used to get they family to the throne. Cersei and her children had truly 0 rights to the throne. Rhaenyra children have are more fruit of a bad pair up because Laenor is gay and he could not give Rhaenyra children. It was a bad political match up, but besides that even if the children are bastards like I said they do have roayal blood, had dragons too and they would marry Daemon children so the lines were to become one again (velarion and targaryan. The green side have the major problem that is Otto and the Hightowers, they are very greedy and they are marrying only to get thre trone (like Cersei dad wanted too) while Alicen is not evil at begining, she fall for her father manipulation. Hightowers are extremely hipocrite too becausse most things they blame Rhaenyra for they do worse. Aegon is worse than Rhaenyra in every way, but because he is "family" it's ok. In some ways he is worse than Daemon too. Because while Daemon kill and is evil at least he does like children fighting, (probaly to death). Another thing is it is VERY clear the Hightowers are trying to eliminate all targaryans who are not from their blood. All Rhaenyra children are much younger than Aegon and even Aemond, Otto want to kill them all even the babies. Obviously Daemon twins are target too because they are still too close to royal bloodline. As much as Rhaenyra do not like her brothers she NEVER wanted to kill them like Otto say(since Aegon was born like 18 or 20 years ago?). He is the one plotting all this since even before Alicent marry or have children. (In book she is 9 years older than Rhaenyra and Otto let her take care of Jaeherys.) While Rhaenyra is not good at politics she at least want to do good thinmgs and be a good queen. Unlike her who was barely trained to be a queen, her son is studing a lot to be a good king. Daemon daughters unlike him are very good people. There is Rhaenys to help her too. The only loose canon is Daemon. On Greens we heva Aegon and Aemond as loose canons( Aemond is basicaly a Daemon 2.0 with some variations), Otto and his older brother are like a mix of little finger and varys always planing behind everyones back. Alicent was dragad by her father in all this and became dirty too using Larys. and the other two kids are more like puppets of hightower. The Hightowers are even trying to erase Targaryan culture(what not benefit them, like faith and other costumes) changing the palace, changing all people in higher position to their side while Viserys was still alive. Incesty is really bad but when benefit their side is sudenly ok. ( why spread targaryan blood when thart spread control over dragons too? The King they wanted would marry in family(hightower) to not lose power.
@RubyAPBT Жыл бұрын
It is clear that Hightowers married Viserys to get his magic blood passed to higtowers ang get the throne. He is destroying the Targaryan family from inside it is clear as day, even before Alicent start to seduce Viserys. They only did not maneged to destroy in Jaehaerys reign because he did not accpet any bullshit. Otto did his best to break Daemon and Viserys relationship. Of course Daemon is at fault too because of his decisions, but many of this was lead too by Otto because he know Daemon want his brother respect, approval and admiration much more than the throne. It very weird how Missarya kept encourage Daemon at the party of the " heir for a day" or the egg incident. Otto could had been in cahoots with her since all this time and it is very easy to use a girl to seduce man for sex only, besides he used his own daughter for it too excep it was to marry.
@Zephur0s Жыл бұрын
@@bob6228 Rhae still wanted her bastard Luce to take the seat of Driftmark when it should have gone to Vaemond. But of course, as long as they declare (lie) that Rhaes children aren't bastards then it is so.
@fujiwarakeiichi5882 Жыл бұрын
The first woman on the throne and she chooses her bastards as an heir. Even the conqueror couldn't do that.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Facts. She’s ridiculous and impulsive
@evam9732 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, how could she? Soooo stupid. Its better to put an alcoholic and rapist on the throne.
@tuplat5107 Жыл бұрын
@@evam9732 firstly, go and read the book And secondly, so what he is the rightful king of the Seven Kingdoms by the grace of all the gods
@yamatonadeshiko567 Жыл бұрын
Rhaenyra is also setting up a succession crisis between her bastards and her trueborn children or their descendants.
@yourproof6556 Жыл бұрын
I finally feel free, I found my ppl
@innerpeacefindings671 5 ай бұрын
Rhaenyra Death will be The Most Satisfying one in the show.
@user-dz2hr2nd8l 3 күн бұрын
It wouldn't be because the show is changing Rhaenyra's character so much, she'll probably end up ruling.
@blueunstopple4289 Жыл бұрын
In defense of Otto Hightower I see a lot of people talking about Otto Hightower, and the attitude seems to be universally negative. By how the community talks about it, one would think Otto is the most evil, manipulative, self-serving Hand to ever exist. But I think people are really just assuming the worst of his intentions, and failing to understand the difference between what we know and what Otto knows. I'm not saying that Otto isn't ambitious, he certainly is, but he isn't self-serving. In fact, I would argue he is remarkably selfless, and many of the actions he's taken are actually in the best interest of the realm. "Whoring Out" Alicent One of the main things people have been criticizing Otto for is "whoring out" his daughter to Viserys. But this, I think, fundamentally misunderstands the role of marriage and fathers in this world. One has to understand that in this world, marriage among the elite is a political matter, first and foremost. A marriage is less an emotional bond than a political one, especially for women. In a world where noblewomen are disempowered, women are entirely reliant on husbands and fathers. There is very little a noblewoman not one of the lucky few in the line of succession, such as Rhaenyra, can aim to do except marry a man who will allow them to live in comfort, and through whom they can exert power. From this perspective, Otto has been an incredibly good father, as he has secured for his daughter pretty much the best match any noblewoman could ask for - a marriage to the King. And all Alicent had to do was listen to Viserys prattle on about his miniatures for a while. Alicent is now set for life, despite being only the daughter of a second son, and in the future can wield as much or as little power as she chooses. Again, a woman in this world can't hope for much more than to be Queen to a weak and pliable King. If this is her being "whored out," then pretty much every other marriage opportunity for her would also be her being "whored out." Distrust of Daemon The next big thing is Otto's dislike of Daemon. People trot this out as if it's some kind of gotcha, as if disliking and distrusting Daemon can only mean that he's a self-serving power-broker out for himself. But Otto has literally no reason to trust Daemon's good intentions - we, the viewers, know that Daemon loves Viserys like a brother and would never truly harm him, but Otto doesn't. Otto has no reason to believe that someone as ambitious as Daemon wouldn't murder his brother to take his throne. There's historical precedent for a strong, martial brother seizing power from a weaker, more conciliatory brother: Aenys and Maegor Targaryen. Obviously, brotherly love doesn't take you that far with the Targaryens. Then consider what Otto does know about Daemon. He abandoned his wife, an important political match, pretty much because he was bored of her. He has no care at all for rules and laws, and is incapable of being diplomatic. He is ruthless, as evidenced by his "victory" over Gwayne Hightower, and is capable of brutal violence without compunction. And worst of all, he is ambitious - he wants to sit the Iron Throne, and seems to have few qualms about how he get there. Of course he wants enmity between Viserys and Daemon - who wouldn't? With the information Otto has, it must seem incredibly irresponsible to put trust and power in Daemon's hand. He wants Viserys to distrust Daemon, because he really should distrust Daemon. The Kingsguard The Kingsguard selection is a small scene, but its one where I think people definitely are once again reading the worst into Otto's motivations. To be clear here, Rhaenyra isn't wrong to pick Criston. Commoners have been selected for the Kingsguard before, and frequently rise high. The issue is not that Rhaenyra picked Criston over men of noble birth, it's how she went about doing it. These are knights from key houses, who have traveled long distances just for the honor of serving Rhaenyra and her family. Yet rather than showing each knight the respect they expect, she stops halfway through and loudly implies that she thinks the other knights are unworthy. Throughout that entire interaction, Otto was trying to quietly and subtly steer her into showing her subjects the respect they expect, and generally to get her to be diplomatic. The first thing he says is reminding her of her courtesies - if he wanted her to flounder, why would he give her such advice? And when he objects to Criston, he is obviously attempting to subtly get her to be more polite, and hear out everyone before making her decision. He even goes out of his way to not undermine her in public, by never once even saying that he thinks she has made a mistake out loud. And when Rhaenyra overrules him, he makes no attempt to go over her head to stop it. Otto understands that a King cannot rule by force alone, and needs the respect and support of his vassals. Rhaenyra evidently does not, and seems to believe that her dragon exempts her from courtesy. Dragonstone It's astonishing to see so many people criticize Otto for his actions in Dragonstone without even considering the immense physical bravery it took for him to travel right into what is effectively a territory in rebellion, to personally report the King's orders to his most hated enemy. How is it a bad thing to prevent the King from charging headfirst into a hostile territory, especially when said King doesn't even have a dragon? People have been saying that it was to prevent Viserys and Daemon from reconciling, but again, what reason does Otto have to believe Daemon actually wants reconciliation, and doesn't just want to pull a Maegor. He's just seized the King's ancestral holdfast, fortified it with an army of turncloaks, declared himself heir in contravention of the King's clearly expressed wishes, taken a second wife, eerily like Maegor, and stolen a powerful weapon from Viserys. This is a rebellion. A plea for attention, maybe, but a rebellion nonetheless. No Hand in his right mind would let his King put himself in such danger - because Otto doesn't know Daemon's innermost feelings. All he knows is what he sees. Even if Daemon does want to reconcile with Viserys, would that really be a good thing for Viserys? For the realm? Instead of a blunder or a scheme, we now see a calculated gambit. Otto is willing to risk anything, even his own life, to prevent Daemon from becoming King, or expanding his power, and for good reason. It isn't just that he personally dislikes Daemon, it's that he genuinely believes that Daemon will be a second Maegor. He knows there's a chance that he will die, but he is willing to do that to make himself a martyr, and to inspire Viserys and his vassals to deal with the grave threat posed by Daemon once and for all. Either that, or Daemon backs down, which is just as good. Viserys' unwillingness to deal with his brother, who so obviously covets his throne, is a major weakness. Risking the life of the King, because Daemon might try to reconcile him, and might not want to kill and usurp him would be incredibly reckless. Conclusion There's no doubt Otto is ambitious - otherwise, he would not have risen so high, nor would he have tried so hard to make his daughter queen. However, there's a difference between being ambitious, and being self-service. Otto plays the game, but he isn't just in it for his own personal advancement - he wants power and control, but he also genuinely believes that Daemon is a threat to the realm, and is entirely willing to risk his life to protect Viserys from that threat.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Undoubtedly well stated man! Otto is one of the most misunderstood lords in the history of Westeros. Hands down !
@Health-is-Wealth92 Жыл бұрын
We all wish we had a father like Otto very wise man.
@pucheta9464 Жыл бұрын
Damn, excellent comment, may the seven be with you brother 💚
@blueunstopple4289 Жыл бұрын
@@pucheta9464 Are you Team Green or Black?
@renzovasallo5778 Жыл бұрын
Otto is pretty based tbh
@varunchauhan8014 Жыл бұрын
Finally someone defending team green on KZfaq ! Thank you
@varunchauhan8014 Жыл бұрын
More house of the dragon videos in the future?
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@@varunchauhan8014 one coming later today ! 🐉 “Ep. 7 Review- A Greens Prospective” thanks for tuning in!
@varunchauhan8014 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon I will watch it for sure but tomorrow! It's 11:00pm where I live rn
@jazziyy Жыл бұрын
@yhvvcbhjjggjk-id1re Жыл бұрын
​@@varunchauhan8014 the blacks are the true Targaryens the greens are high tower userpers
@dabhyun1133 Жыл бұрын
I'm team green too and I believe I am a feminist too..being a feminist doesnt mean you have to support every damn women 💀💀 Also Rhaenyra is a selfish brat she is not fighting for any women's right if she was she would name Baela Driftmark's heir instead of legitimising a male bastard and getting them married so her fans bringing up feminism will always make me laugh..Rhaenyra and Daemon are gonna ruin the realm if they ever get the throne tbh
@mg-cx5tv Жыл бұрын
Seriously i don't understand how can people support rhaenyra with the entire feminism thing . she got everything on platter and ruined it . besides atleast for alicent we can say she is not an empowered person due to her upbringing and all that so she didn't challange anything but what did rhaenyra do ? I can't remember anything which this "empowered " character has achieved, she was named heir because her father was emotional and guilty and wanted to make his brother clear he is not heir anymore so not because of any of her capability plus he trained her but her constant mistakes are clear she is still not capable . i am not saying aegon 2 is capable though .
@dipsydoodle2728 Жыл бұрын
Alicent has way more power than you think Otto groomed her to use her femininity to get what she wants and she does from Cole to Larys
@dabhyun1133 Жыл бұрын
@@dipsydoodle2728 I agree with this statement when it comes to her situation with Criston cole but I have to disagree on the Larys situation cause Olivia Cooke and the writers have already mentioned that what happened between Alicent and Larys was sexual coercion search it up it's a form of sexual assault since larys is literally a dangerous man he even creeps the fucks out of alicent this makes even more sense too by the way alicent reacted and zoom they did on her face..but the way the hotd fandom was making memes and calling her a hypocrite makes it even more clear that most of them lack media literacy
@yardknight4953 Жыл бұрын
Besides in the books, Rhae intentionally allows the lords of the realm to maintain male primogeniture to keep them happy though she pushed for her own claim.
@dabhyun1133 Жыл бұрын
@@yardknight4953 exactly man! This is exactly why the whole feminist narrative team black fans have set for Rhaenyra is just plain bullshit! She is not a feminist she just thinks that she is above the law and even above other women in the realm..She literally mocked Rhaenys in the show 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ She even gaslight and manipulate her own father multiple times like a true coward only visiting him when she needed something from him💀💀
@Borderose Жыл бұрын
Aemond's fans compose 80% of Team Green's ranks.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Your speaking facts lol.
@snake_girl_117 4 ай бұрын
Well, he's hot asf, and imo he seems like a good boy on the inside, possibly on the outside
@Jonathan_D12 3 ай бұрын
Show Alicent is kind of based too
@Kuiugcz2 6 күн бұрын
Nah I like Aegon the hottie king
@newdilemma8577 3 күн бұрын
Daeron !!!!
@seastar4194 Жыл бұрын
I am a raging feminist and I am team green. The council of 101 made it clear, that it is the eldest legitimate male who ascends to the throne. That is Aegon. It is the law and Vicerys ignores the very law that put him on the throne over Rhaenys. I would love to see a woman on the throne in Westeros, but the law must first be changed. Just because you are king doesn't mean that you can't break the law. That's what Vicerys did by naming Rhaenyra his heir. Also, Alicent did everything that was expected of her. Rhaenyra does what she wants. She shirks responsibility all of the time. Not a great quality for a leader. Aegon would be a rotten king, and would have to be poisoned and replaced...hee hee. But it is his line that is the rightful line.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
I mean you’re not wrong, even down to the “he’ll have to be poisoned and replaced hee hee” I mean…YOURE NOT FREAKIN’ wrong lmao😂 And even though his “line” didn’t continue, I tell people “so what”? Like that’s how the line of succession works. Male primogeniture continued and the line of succession continued as it has for centuries. But I love how the black supporters cling and make love to tradition and male primogeniture if it means pushes their propaganda that they won the war 💀 LMAO oh how they forget about the eldest sisters and bastards so quickly. And lastly a regnant queen may not have sat the iron throne but let’s not exclude nor forget the awesome women that had regnant power in the principality of Dorne. Dorne has a shitt ton of examples of badass women leaders. The rhoynish ways are still alive and well in Westeros! Lol. Thanks for tuning in! Look forward to reading more of your comments
@seastar4194 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon Look forward to more of your content.
@lovettaoguhebe6143 Жыл бұрын
@sea star I don’t know how this makes sense for me. You mentioned that an order for woman to be on the throne, the law will need to be changed. As king who has final say, he changed the law by putting a woman as next in line for the throne. If that doesn’t change the law, I don’t know what does. The law has now been officially changed with king for Sarris naming a woman air, therefore women cannot be Queens in Westeros. Another king Can then usurp the throne and change back to law, but the law was changed when Rhaenyra was named heir.
@seastar4194 Жыл бұрын
@@lovettaoguhebe6143 Not true. There was a council of lords in 101 AC that chose Vicerys as king over his elder female cousin. Yes, the king can do as he pleases, but by naming Rhaenerya his heir, he did not actually change the law officially. Because he didn't write down a law on a piece of paper and make it official that all women can now inherit according to their birth order, (like Queen Elizabeth 2 did before she died, so that princess Charlotte comes before her young brother in the order of succession) There is no actual instructions as to how a female can inherit and when she can't. There will be confusion about what the law actually is. All of the lords in the kingdom, whose oldest children are girls, will now have a problem. If the Lord wants his oldest son to inherit his title, and he has an older sister, especially one who is married to a man who is not a lord himself, such as a second son, the first born daughter and her husband can make a claim to the castle and lordship. There would be fighting all over the kingdom. Vicerys left everything wide open for uprisings. Just because the King does it doesn't make it law. If that were true, then chopping off heads would be legal.
@seastar4194 Жыл бұрын
Your view of feminism is incredibly narrow. I support Alicent making her own choices. If she choses to be a dutiful daughter, that is her right and I support that. You're conflating selfish behavior with being a feminist. Alicent is Queen, she is running the realm, she is trying to protect her children and she is doing it all as a single parent because Vicerys is sick and useless. Rhaenyra, on the other hand, can't be without a man by her side. She doesn't lift a finger to help rule the realm that she is supposed to inherit. And then she allows her illegitimate son to inherit Driftmark over Baella, ( a female) who should be the rightful heir. And yes, the kings word is law, but there is more to it than that, as I stated in my previous comment.
@delfinagoyena6826 Жыл бұрын
After the last episode i start to back the greens, whyyyyyy on Earth Viserys decided to marry Alicent and having her have 4 more kids if later he's gonna act like they don't exist and defend blindly everything that Rhaenyra does like i would grow to resent her if i was them too lol I think rhaenyra is too reckless and make everyone deal with her decisions without her facing any consecuenses and with Daemon by her side is so much worse idk i just find more easy to relate to the greens in oposition with the blacks 💚
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Couldn’t have said it better myself . Paddy Considine the actor for King Viserys, stated something similar himself. How he ultimately fails his other children, but especially Aemond in this moment of need.
@pg1448 Жыл бұрын
For real. Viserys treated Alicent not as the queen and mother of his children but like a glorified servant maid, to tend to his decaying body and as a mistress he can call whenever needed to get himself off. He never cherised and respected her as the devoted and loyal wife that she was, called her "Aemma" and neglected her sons. But whenever Rhaenyra showed up once every few years to beg daddy to get herself out of the trouble she created, then he was always there for his only child even when he was nothing but skin and bones. I have no idea why Alicent even mourned the guy, she deserved so much better.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@@pg1448 🤌 perfecto
@jjs1300000 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you on this. Aegon would be a better king, I was team black but changed my mind after reading the books again and watching the show. Daemon is literally the worst, he killed his wife and murdered an innocent child. Rhaenyra made bad mistakes, one of them is having bastard children and another is not punishing Lucerys for maiming Aemond. In all honesty, I dislike Rhaenyra and she is selfish unlike Alicent who is genuinely a victim here. She married an older man, who showed no concern that his son was attacked and dismissed her concerns.
@dennist8290 11 ай бұрын
Bruh wasn't Aegon a child rapist who watched little kids fight to the death in brothels? Cheated on his wife constantly and was a raging drunk?
@nhoodjazz 6 ай бұрын
@Hornet9000 2 ай бұрын
In the books Daemon didn’t kill his wife lol.
@jjs1300000 2 ай бұрын
@@Hornet9000 He’s heavily implied to have ordered it
@Hornet9000 2 ай бұрын
So according to the books you can't actually say that Rhaenyra's Children are Bastards.
@mommy-ism Жыл бұрын
Rhaenyra and team black don’t care about feminism or women rights, rhaenyra’s is doing what she’s doing because she thinks that the rules shouldn’t apply to her. She literally gives the inheritance to younger sons instead of the eldest daughters in the books.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Bravo my lord! Bravo!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 but yet they’ll hug and caress male primogeniture gladly if it pushes the propaganda that somehow they won the war. Lol. They were never for women, they were for spoiled boss B energy 😂
@StarrySoakedSky Жыл бұрын
If Rhaenyra cared about women rights soooo much, she would've advocated for Rhaenys' claim aka a woman who was wronged...but they don't wanna talk about all THAT
@lilchaos9212 Жыл бұрын
If Rhaenyra actually care about advocating for women in Westeros, then she should've advocated for Laena's legitimate children to be made the heirs of Driftmark, rather than trying to claim it for her bastard sons and then getting them to marry Laena's daughters, and then tying those two girls to her son and so affecting them due to Jace and Luke who were obviously bastards. The girls were the true heirs as the only legitimate grandchildren of Coryls and Rhaenys, but Rhaenyra conveniently ignored them and shoved her sons in front of them.
@joshuaadams6565 Жыл бұрын
In all honesty what was she meant to do? She needed the support of the high lords to take the throne. If she were to question their own legitimacy and make them compete with their own older sisters then they’d turn against Rhaenyra and her policies. I’m not saying this was her plan BUT she definitely needed to be on the iron throne before changing anything for the women of the realm. She needed to look past the high lords and their tradition of male primogeniture in order to become queen. Then once she has the throne she could help overtime.
@joshuaadams6565 Жыл бұрын
@@StarrySoakedSky As for Rhaenys, she lost the vote. Rhaenyra can’t do anything about that. While Rhaenyra was completely different, the majority of the realm were in support of Rhaenyra and team black. A lot of them actually bend the knee to Rhaenyra while only a few bent the knee to Rhaenys.
@kennethmacalpin7655 Жыл бұрын
On a personal level, Alicent is just a better person than Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra does whatever she wants in the moment with no thought to the consequences, and when she doesn't like the consequences of her actions, she blames other people and acts like she's the victim. Rhaenyra's lies cost Alicent's father his job, but Rhaenyra didn't care. Alicent has every right to be resentful about that. And when Rhaenyra starts popping out obvious bastards, but she's still the heir, Alicent has every right to be resentful about that. Rhaenyra's claim is now a double-whammy of invalid, she's a woman and her male children are bastards. Meanwhile Alicent has played by the (very simple) rules and given Viserys legitimate sons like he wanted, but she and her legitimate sons are still being shoved to one side. It's not Alicent's fault Rhaenyrs had bastards and everyone can see it because she was stupid enough to have them with a black-haired man.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Very well put. I’ve made the double whammy point countless times. I truly think the realm would have eventually came to terms with the ideal of a woman ruler. Much like the principality Dorne. However Rhaenyra’s actions to have illegitimate sons ruined that optimism. As you stated, she could have at minimum; been smart about her adultery. However intelligence isn’t her superior trait.
@kennethmacalpin7655 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon The Dance of the Dragons is inspired by a real-life succession crisis in 12th century England. In 1135 Henry I died without a legitimate male heir, and named his daughter Matilda as his heir. But Matilda was in Anjou at the time and the throne was usurped by her cousin Stephen. For some barons it was about sex, but actually the bigger objection was that Matilda was aligned with Anjou, which was the political rival of Normandy. Matilda landed in England supported by her husband and brother, and the civil war lasted till 1153. The result was she never got the throne herself, but Stephen agreed Matilda's son would succeed him.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@@kennethmacalpin7655 Yes! the Anarchy is one of my favorite succession stories of medieval England. I actually have a video comparing Rhaenyra to the Empress Matilda coming soon! I think you’ll definitely enjoy it. Much thanks for tuning in !
@Cherry-rg6hm Жыл бұрын
That’s not true though. I’m not saying that Rhaenyra is a good person either, because she has her own issues, but Alicent is so much worse.
@kennethmacalpin7655 Жыл бұрын
@@Cherry-rg6hm What do you think makes Alicent worse?
@jacopoabbruscato9271 Жыл бұрын
*Otto did nothing to deserve being compared to Littlefinger or the such.* He always counseled Viserys with loyalty, even suggesting to marry Rhaenyra to Aegon, a move that would have defused the succession crisis entirely. As a father, he ensured his daughter would marry a man who is at the same time very powerful but also kind and good-natured, a husband who would respect her, never do her harm and guarantee a comfortable position for the rest of her life. A true luxury for noblewomen in Westeros, keeping in mind the political nature of marriage in the nobility. Yes, he furthered his own position by doing so, but so is everyone else.
@spiritofarkham1235 Жыл бұрын
Well everytime he smirks it looks like the one littlefinger had.
@TXbornTNpaid615 Жыл бұрын
Well, now that's just ridiculous. He was the mouthpiece of the maesters, who were pulling strings behind the scenes to cuase the implosion of the targaryen stranglehold on the throne
@pg1448 Жыл бұрын
@@TXbornTNpaid615 There is absolutely no evidence for that. How would this plan even work. Otto wanted his Targaryen grandson on the throne and not an implosion of the Targaryen rule.
@davidbranson1367 Жыл бұрын
I love Aegon as a character. When he was young he was another Bobby B, but as a king he got such an amazing development and evolution, the true heir.
@duhman3649 Жыл бұрын
The whole team black argument can be dismantled by the fact that [SPOILERS AHEAD] after Rhaenyra and Daemon sneak past Criston Cole and Aemond's army in the Riverlands, they seize Kings Landing and Rhaenyra finally becomes Queen, but she proved to be a terrible one. While the people of Kings Landing starved she was busy hosting glitzy parties and enforcing insanely high taxes (a little like Louis XVI did). Rhaenyra was so unpopular among the common folk that they rioted and ended up slaughtering all her dragons. The Greens however proved to be competent rulers while they were in power, taking over King Viserys' responsibilities after he became old, sickly and frail, as we saw in the show
@yardknight4953 Жыл бұрын
But it's the Greens who put her in that position to begin with by dividing the treasury.
@lapisblue1229 Жыл бұрын
@@yardknight4953 That was a strategic move that would benefit themselves (The Greens), and a damn good one. The problem is that Rhae is not a good administrator. By staying in Dragonstone for 7 years (give or take a year), Rhae alienated herself from seeing how a kingdom is run. I think she stayed on dragonstone for so long to hide her bastards. The girl has a dragon, and could have made daily trips if she wanted.
@yardknight4953 Жыл бұрын
​@@lapisblue1229 so true. While I understand the whole scandal with Harwin made them move, it was a bad move. It made no difference either because it was still plain to see her kids aren't Laenor's and the addition of her kids by Daemon, made that more obvious. Had she stuck to King's Landing, maybe Otto wouldn't be back as hand and she'd have been more difficult to usurp.
@thorthewolf8801 Жыл бұрын
Not really. Thats a post hoc rationalization.
@youngveteran6368 8 ай бұрын
“Maegor’s teats”
@kellharris2491 Жыл бұрын
I think it's just frustrating that Rhae knew this was always going to be difficult and yet she didn't try harder to have legitamant heirs. She did nothing to make her seem like a good choice to be queen. I mean look at how popular her Aunt was.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
You’re spot on! Yes her cousin Rhaenys was passed over as well. I actually really like Rhaenys as a character. Much more than Rhaenyra haha
@princedaemontargaryen4971 Жыл бұрын
I almost support this except how you gonna have legitimate kids when the dad doesn’t wanna smash?
@redadmiralofvalyria867 Жыл бұрын
@@princedaemontargaryen4971 exactly! Like in all honesty, it would have made sense if they DIDNT consumate the marriage, and she marry someone else
@princedaemontargaryen4971 Жыл бұрын
@@redadmiralofvalyria867 Would have been better option but I doubt her father would’ve allowed her to marry someone else. It’s a bit tricky.
@lilchaos9212 Жыл бұрын
@@princedaemontargaryen4971 It was Rhaenyra's own fault she ended up marrying Laenor. If she had not been so rude on her tour and picked a husband, she would've easily had legitimate heirs.
@scorpioj3 Жыл бұрын
I also don't get the whole Rhaenyra as a feminist icon when she stole Baela and Rhaena's claim to the Driftmark to her own bastard sons who aren't Velaryons. Alicent should be the feminist icon despite her toxic environment and being constantly gaslit by Viserys, Rhaenyra, and Otto (especially when Viserys was more worried about Rhaenyra's rumors than his disabled son) she still manages to be brave and strong to defend her family and her sons. "You may do as you wish, husband when I'm cold in my grave." is such a badass line of a woman not limiting her actions because of her husband.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
You speak the truth my lady 👑
@noahlarose7371 Жыл бұрын
Rhaenyra didn’t steal Baela and Rhaena’s claims to Driftmark though. Vaemond completely skipped over them when he attempted to take the seat for himself, and unless he intended to marry one of them, the girls would not have been able to claim Driftmark at all. Rhaenyra’s proposal to wed the girls to her sons actually secures their claims to Driftmark, and ensures that both the Velaryon name and bloodline continues to pass down further generations while securing Rhaenyra and Jace’s claims to the throne, which was the main point of their petitions.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@@noahlarose7371 vaemond can’t skip over someone when he’s first in line lol. Secondly after Vaemond comes his LEGITIMATE sons Daemion & Daeron Velaryon.(since Corlys son, leanor is dead) and THEN comes the legitimate women heirs(Baela and Rhaena) however instead of following this line of succession Lord Corlys legitimizes his bastard and makes him the heir. Skipping over Baela and Rhaena. He loved his bastards more than his own granddaughters. So no wether you like him or not, Vaemond was actually following the rules that had been set for hundreds of years. It was the Blacks, and the Blacks only who constantly tried to make bastards the status quo over the legitimate heirs.(Rhaenyras bastards son, corlys bastards etc) we were just following the rules while you guys enjoyed breaking them 🤷
@noahlarose7371 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon I’m not saying Vaemond wasn’t right or wasn’t following the rules. He absolutely was. What I’m saying is that you are off point on accusing Rhaenyra of stealing Baela and Rhaena’s claims to Driftmark when only her plan would have allowed them to claim Driftmark at all. Rhaenyra couldn’t advocate for Baela and Rhaena directly because the Hightowers would not have given the girls the seat. They wanted Vaemond as an ally to fight against Rhaenyra’s claim for the throne. They didn’t care about the girls’ legitimacy. Jace and Luke marrying the girls and getting the rights to Driftmark was the only way the girls would have actually got to rule it, given the situation.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@@noahlarose7371 ahh I see! In that case, you’re 1000% spot on ! Apologies I missed understood initially. But yeah while vaemond was alive, there’s absolutely no way the Hightower’s would advocate for Daemons daughters to take driftmark. That literally would have been them throwing away an potential powerful ally. Great points man !
@OP-LCybSTR Жыл бұрын
I back team green bc rhaenrya isn't a trust-worthly queen. She's too reckless and has no regard for consequence.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Very true. Which is sort of understandable being she’s a Princess with a dragon
@OwnYourBaldSpot Жыл бұрын
Cause Aegon is so much better 🙄
@InvaderG Жыл бұрын
@@OwnYourBaldSpot aegon has alicent and otto.
@yanmatheusleal54 Жыл бұрын
@@OwnYourBaldSpot at least he has his mother, his brothers and his grandfather's wits to hold him down for the sake of the realm, who dpes rhaenyra have? daemon? corlys and rhaenys starving-for-power-velaryon?, her children who would kill an infant if she ordered it?...
@dabhyun1133 Жыл бұрын
@@OwnYourBaldSpot Aegon has better council tbh..
@Youand2023 Жыл бұрын
I support the greens mainly because I really hate what Rheanyra children did to Aemond.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Agreed. And even after all of that, Aemond still never played the victim! He just prospered 🐉💚
@animatedink2529 Жыл бұрын
That whole situation boiled my blood when I read it. Worse was how Viserys covered for Rhaenyera and had the tongues removed from anyone who (rightfully) called Joff, Luke, and Jace bastards.
@hhhjjhbbbvhvccjjvuitryhcdfh 2 ай бұрын
​@@animatedink2529so Aemond called them "strong" lol😂😂
@angryyoungman66 6 ай бұрын
I heard that after the civil war it was said that if a women sits the throne again we shall dance again
@mg-cx5tv Жыл бұрын
Even if greens wouldn't be there rhaenyra have made the war inevitable. I don't think daemon would let her bastards have the throne instead of his and her's children so if greens wouldn't be there the war would be between rhaenyra's kinds , her actions made it inevitable in any way .
@yamatonadeshiko567 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. This is what I've been thinking too. I saw people saying that Aegon the younger and Viserys II love their elder brothers. Lol Just because Daemon's children will not challenge the Jacaerys doesn't mean their descendants won't. A lot of people also grew up with their siblings really close but ended up becoming enemies or estranged. It's because a lot of things can change relationships between families.
@gloriaregali9090 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for saying this!!! Also the Realm would not accept a bastard as a King. Civil War would happen even if Jace became the King.
@Miller09095 Жыл бұрын
I just like the Green Dragons better. Vhagar is Godzilla in dragon form. Sunfyre is fantastic. Tessarion is blue.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Hey works for us 😅 💚🐉
@animatedink2529 Жыл бұрын
Sunfyre is my favorite overall dragon for it's beautiful color scheme and when it's the one that finally finishes off Rhaenyra. I felt so sad for Aegon when he mourned Sunfyre's passing.
@nicksmithnutmilk 6 ай бұрын
And Dreamfyre is arguably the most importnant Targaryen dragon of all time by being the mother of Sunfyre , Caraxes , Meleys , Drogon , Viserion and Rhaegal
@Thrawn23. 5 ай бұрын
Don't forget about Dreamfyre
@kimberlyplatt2382 Жыл бұрын
Daemon would have killed all his wifes, half siblings. Hell he might have went after his wife's bastards and made it look like an accident.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Yeah his nephews were never going to be safe as long as he lived. He’s a unstable man
@kimberlyplatt2382 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon Notice that team black keeps saying BS like. " Oh Daemon or Rhaenyra would never harm her half siblings." Meanwhile ignoring all the shit Daemon and even what Rhaenyra did. No videos on that but Team green are the bad guys.
@k.sedits8056 Жыл бұрын
He wouldn’t of omg y’all love to exaggerate
@kimberlyplatt2382 Жыл бұрын
@@k.sedits8056 You're high if you think Daemon wouldn't kill his wife's half brothers. Daemon only care about his children with Rhaenyra.
@benogurok5175 Жыл бұрын
The most valid argument for greens is that Viseris had no legal right to choose his successor. He would have to either overwrite the whole sucession system to Dornish - something the lords would never accept. Or send his son to Citadel/Watch/Faith like Rendyll Tarly did to Sam.
@habes1486 Жыл бұрын
Rhaenyra is just Cersei, but this time the protagonist
@emperorofscelnar8443 Жыл бұрын
It would be historically accurate for Agon the second to take the throne.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Which he did. And after him followed more historically accurate depictions of Westerosi rulers. Legitimate male heirs. Like Aegon lll. Not eldest sisters or bastards .
@emperorofscelnar8443 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon The past was NOT PC, SJW or feminist so Aegon the Second getting the throne is historically Accurate, when it comes to the past you have to be accurate with the times, I’m on the Greens side but only due to historical accuracy, the past was a dark time especially with the dark ages.
@jaredheath3642 Жыл бұрын
The Iron Throne is Aegon 2's, by right. All those who deny that are my foes.
@youngveteran6368 8 ай бұрын
TO THE ONE TRUE KING, AEGON II, rider of sunfyre (THE GOLDEN) , survivor of the battle at rooks rest, the usurper slayer, king of the seven kingdoms & lord protector of the realm. 🗣️LONG MAY HE REIGN 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
@mmjj7685 Жыл бұрын
If I'm not mistaken the great council was called to settle the succession, and it was actually between Viserys and Laenor not necessarily Rhaenys. The reason why Rhaenys was considered is because she has a male heir at the time of the great council. She is the Queen who never was because at time of her father's death Dragonstone was pass to her uncle, Viserys' father. That means there is a precedent that a woman will not inherit the throne in the presence of a male heir. Also, when Viserys' father died Dragonstone was inherited by him and what the council did was solidify his claim to Dragonstone. At that time it was clear that the Iron throne will not be inherited by a woman nor pass to a male heir through her. Viserys made a mistake when he declared Rhaenyra his heir because he broke the very precedent that made him King. That is the reason why we can't blame it all to the greens, to them the law is clear and even to Viserys himself. The difference is he choose to be blind and do as he likes even though he knows that things will go wrong.
@winxclubflora8446 Жыл бұрын
In ep 7 aemond was right and bullied in this scene.they all ganged up on him and started beating him for no reason.beala and her sister were acting like spoilt brats claiming the dragon was theirs when dragons are not inheritance! Also she said vhagar was their mothers but laenas mother didnt have vhagar and yet she got vhagar so its clear it doesnt work that way.the sisters baela and laena were acting like self entitled spoilt brats who started bullying and beating aemond and tbh i expected rhaenyra sons to be better than to support their cousins when they are clearly wrong.vhagar is rightfully aemonds and it was unfair to him.but then again i havent seen this show.. Also i havent seen the whole show only clips sometimes but rhaenyra seems like a bad person who cares only for her own self and is inhumane
@winxclubflora8446 Жыл бұрын
@NibbleWitch their mother had not JUST died it had been atleast a month since her death(it was medieval times and the distance for travel was lot and rhaenyra had to come from dragonstone,the king had to come etc and not the mention preparations for the funeral).and before that deaths during childbirth was common at the time so laena would have also prepared the girls for her own death like every mother did during the medieval times.the girls were atleast 8 and believe me when i was 6 I was in school for many Years already and had more than enough sense not to beat anyone and bully someone. Would you excuse an abusive father in his 30s becoz he had a rough time?no. Cuz everyone has a rough time doesNOT mean u bully gang up and beat someone. Aemond was what 4 years older than them? Honestly they were spoilt brats and the world can do better without people like them. In the books/Wikipedia source beala and rhaena werent written like this the show ruined them
@jjh2456 Жыл бұрын
@yarip9560it took time to get from Pentos to Driftmark.
@winxclubflora8446 Жыл бұрын
@@jjh2456 Exactlyyyyy
@kellharris2491 Жыл бұрын
@@winxclubflora8446 It was the night of her funeral.....I don't blame them for fighting for Aemond at all. As for Rhea's kids they have both been raised that Aemond is their rival. They have all been set up to fight each other since birth. It's the fault of the parents and the situation.
@k.sedits8056 Жыл бұрын
Are you kidding me THEIR MOTHER JUST DIED, IT WAS HER FUNERAL AND THEY’RE CHILDREN. He was really fucking insensitive. I don’t know why everyone calls Rhaenyra selfish blah blah blah she was literally willing to give up the throne until they killed Luke. She said she wanted to protect the realm and the people, and as rhaenys said she’s the only one showing restraint
@dawn1424 Жыл бұрын
another thing about the bastards that inherited lands and holdfasts. They were legitimized by a king. Jace, luke, and joffrey were not
@mg-cx5tv Жыл бұрын
Exactly viewers are arguing that they are accepted by laenor and the king but this is not acceptance but willful blindness and denial .
@k.sedits8056 Жыл бұрын
Y’all know legitimising does have to be “offical” the king saying these are my true born children and acting like they are is enough
@dawn1424 Жыл бұрын
@@k.sedits8056 that’s what robert did. Are ned and stannis traitors?
@k.sedits8056 Жыл бұрын
@@dawn1424 Robert didn’t know💀 and y’all know damn well he wouldn’t of accepted them
@dawn1424 Жыл бұрын
@@k.sedits8056 and how do you know viserys would've? He never publicly announced that he was fine with them being bastards all he did was continue the lie. That means it's still illegal to put them on the throne. Viserys had to go on a rant about horses to alicent. He knows that the realm wouldn't accept the bastards as king yet he persisted in this folly. It doesn't change the fact that Rhaenyra committed treason.
@naruske97 Жыл бұрын
I am team green because Rhae has prove over and over again to be a awful politic, plus Daemon will have power and that is no good news. He may even try to murder Aegon, Aemond and Daeron just so Rhae's claim will not have competition. Otto and Alicent know how to rule, they have prove themseles as great leaders
@tuplat5107 Жыл бұрын
Daemon Blackfyre, the brothers Toyne, the Vulture King, Grand Maester Hareth... traitors have always paid with their lives... even Rhaenyra Targaryen. She was daughter to one king and mother to two more, yet she died a traitor's death for trying to usurp her brother's crown -the rightful king of the seven kingdoms
@jaredheath3642 Жыл бұрын
“It has always been so. I am not…I am not a cruel man, Ser Davos. You know me. Have known me long. This is not my decree. It has always been so, since Aegon’s day and before. Daemon Blackfyre, the brothers Toyne, the Vulture King, Grand Maester Hareth…traitors have always paid with their lives…even Rhaenyra Targaryen. She was daughter to one king and mother to two more, yet she died a traitor’s death for trying to usurp her brother’s crown. It is law. Law, Davos. Not cruelty.”-Stannis Baratheon. "The Iron Throne is mine. By right. All those that deny that are my foes"-Stannis Baratheon. I will side with Stannis on this one, boys. He is the rightful heir, same as Aegon, by all rights. Finally found a based Stannis supporter!
@pg1448 Жыл бұрын
@@jaredheath3642 They are hard to find these days. The worst thing are Stannis fans that think they should support Rhaenyra because she is "the rightful heir" just like Stannis was in GoT. Stannis himself makes it clear that law and tradition are above the whims of kings, anyone who supported Stannis should therefore support Aegon II.
@jaredheath3642 Жыл бұрын
@@pg1448 agreed. I think GRRM wrote dance of dragons to see if Stannis fans would be consistent with their views.
@theduxabides9274 Жыл бұрын
5:39 "Your honour, he supported the One True King, he can't possibly be wrong!"
@hali_55 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s also worth noting that at the Great Council, the two claims that were seriously considered were Viserys and _Laenor_, not Rhaenys. And even still, Viserys won 20:1. That shows you how strongly the Lords of Westeros felt about male vs female succession and how huge the issue of Viserys’ succession was when Aegon II was born.
@StevoStaple Жыл бұрын
If viserys just don't remarry and make daemon heir like originally ... Bro trusted council more then his own brother think about that
@JC-gn7lq 5 ай бұрын
20:1 is an impossible ratio considering how many houses supported Rhaenys (or Laenor in the books), which suggests that the maesters messed with the outcome. It was much better for the maesters to have Viserys as ruler of Westeros since he wasn't a dragon rider (can't melt any castles or burn opponents' lands) by that point and his personality made him easily influenced. There's no way in hell the Citadel and Old Town would be able to manipulate Rhaenys, Corlys, or their kids without their knowledge. Jaehaerys should have simply named Viserys as his heir rather than pretending he didn't have a clear preference. He was a coward.
@amberklaire9419 Жыл бұрын
I think that the only solution would have been to marry Aegon to Rhaenyra from the beginning, or marry Rhaenyra to Harwin or Daemon from the beginning to eliminate the bastard issue. The greens weren't inherently bad, but they all were not great people.
@pg1448 Жыл бұрын
Well that or just simply name Aegon heir.
@amberklaire9419 Жыл бұрын
@@pg1448 Aegon should never have been king. He was not a sane person, he was a rapist who knowingly left his bastard children in fighting pits, didn't want the throne, and didn't like the people. Literally anyone would have been better at ruling than Aegon.
@StevoStaple Жыл бұрын
​@@amberklaire9419 daemon as king
@fallenaeon7084 Жыл бұрын
​@@amberklaire9419 Don't forget the fact that Aegon II himself, a mentally unstabled rapist, DOESN'T WANT to take the Iron Throne from Rhaenyra in the first place.
An interesting discussion. Many of the main characters in this story are morally gray, neither all good nor all bad. That's what makes them so compelling. But since the focus here is on the Greens, one wonders what the Dowager Queen Alicent would say if asked whether winning the Iron Throne is worth the price that must be paid to sit on it. That she ultimately comes to hate the color green is a strong indication of what her answer might be. Food for thought.💚💚💚🖤🖤🖤
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Very interesting take! 🤔
@DaemonTargaryen13 Жыл бұрын
@wm2956 Жыл бұрын
Finally! A green perspective on YT😌
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Sorry I kept you guys waiting for so long haha 🐉
@Ghost-bp7dp Жыл бұрын
I'm team green because of The Kinslayer
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
That’s the man ! 🐉🔥
@nicksmithnutmilk 6 ай бұрын
Which one ? Both Aegon and Aemond are kinslayers
@EJD339 Жыл бұрын
I’m team “everyone is an ahole.”
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
I mean…you didn’t lie. Everyone’s definitely asshøles for sure 😂
@Health-is-Wealth92 Жыл бұрын
Crazy how Sea snake will allow bastards to be lord of Driftmark and he is just allowing it blindly? If the book is written like this I would of stopped reading by now. Great powerful men bending the knee to a women with bastards? Viserys is the cause for this war, worst king. He overlooked his daughter being a Jezebel but cast his brother to dragon stone when he embarrassed him? He was tyrannical king who ruled with emotion and Otto was his logic.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Bro I haven’t heard the term jezebel since I lived back down south haha 😂. But totally agreed, Viserys l was a weak king and man. Corlys is very much like that in the books man. Exactly why he later has to legitimize his bastard to save his bloodline he claimed wasn’t more important than the Velaryon name .
@Health-is-Wealth92 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon do you think that content will come up in the show, or is the show going to be more women power feminism propaganda
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@@Health-is-Wealth92 only time will tell brother . We’ll have to wait and see
@thalmoragent9344 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon Facts, Vaemond was telling the truth and wasn't afraid to say it, a shame he died the way he did but... he was pissed that Viserys was acting like a blind idiot.
@mg-cx5tv Жыл бұрын
@@Health-is-Wealth92 i don't think there is any women empowerment here . queens in actual history if were chosen then it was because of their capability. In my city razia sultan was chosen by her father above her brothers as sultan as she was a capable person and she did prove it during her short resign and might have proved to her father before but what did rhaenyra proved ? She was chosen simply because viserys was guilty and emotional not because of any political sensibility ( it is atleast clear ).
@delevingne8691 Жыл бұрын
Then theres me who supports Team Green because green is my favorite color 😂
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
LMFAO. I cannot 💀
@mokhtarprasad5334 Жыл бұрын
Go team 💚
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@lordbrowning 2 ай бұрын
I support team Green for two reasons 1. Alicent always did her duty for her family and for her king. Rhaenyra always shirked her duty and did as she desired. Rhaenyra expected all seven kingdoms to go along with her being the heir even though she did very little to shore up alliances and support outside her own family and friends. Alicent put a lot of work into getting the best possible outcome for her children. 2. Aemond
@theinfamousplz6983 26 күн бұрын
In the books, it wasn't 100% sure Rhaenyra children were bstards (it was assumed, hinted at because of how Lenor lived, his lifestyle), remember, Rhaenys was dark haired and eyed; so, the children could have taken after the Baratheons; but, like Viserys said (in the show), regardless of their father, they are of Valyrian blood, so, it truly didn't matter... Even after Agone became an adult, Viserys didn't change, making him his heir because Rhaenyra was the lesser əvil of the two...
@miracle9158 6 күн бұрын
They were bastrds even in the book
@Alijamaru Жыл бұрын
Damn right, The Greens all the way. The characters on that side are much more likable as well like Alicent, Otto, Ser Criston, Larys Strong. On the Blacks its just Rhaenyra and Daemon.
@FlexSZN23 Жыл бұрын
Otto, Criston and Larys are arguably the most unlikeable characters in HOTD lol. One is a conivving schemer discount store littlefinger, the other a murderer, and lastly creepy murderer who has a foot fetish 💀
@khfan4life365 2 ай бұрын
I see people comparing Alicent to Cersei, but it's clear that Rhaenyra was more like Cersei than Alicent was. Rhaenyra had three obvious bastard children. So did Cersei. Rhaenyra was willing to wage war to put her illegitimate children in the line of succession. So did Cersei. Rhaenyra had sexual relations with a family member. So did Cersei. The only reason Alicent was fighting was because she wanted to keep her children alive. Even if she didn't want to do it, Rhaenyra would have to kill her siblings so her claim wouldn't be questioned. Robert did the same thing, even though he didn't want to do it.
@echidnaralsei1473 Жыл бұрын
in terms of tradition Aegon should rule. democracy, the common folk want aegon in it. is he the best for the realm? no.
@jaredheath3642 Жыл бұрын
“It has always been so. I am not…I am not a cruel man, Ser Davos. You know me. Have known me long. This is not my decree. It has always been so, since Aegon’s day and before. Daemon Blackfyre, the brothers Toyne, the Vulture King, Grand Maester Hareth…traitors have always paid with their lives…even Rhaenyra Targaryen. She was daughter to one king and mother to two more, yet she died a traitor’s death for trying to usurp her brother’s crown. It is law. Law, Davos. Not cruelty.”-Stannis Baratheon. "The Iron Throne is mine. By right. All those that deny that are my foes"-Stannis Baratheon. I will side with Stannis on this one, boys. He is the rightful heir, same as Aegon, by all rights. Also, Aegon would have been a good king if there wasn't a war because Otto is a VERY good hand. I would place Otto up there with Viserys II and Tywin.
@tobaccoffee Жыл бұрын
Aemond should he the hand, he’s smart and capable
@jaredheath3642 Жыл бұрын
@@tobaccoffee he basically is king when Aegon is incapacitated.
@durrangodsgrief6503 Жыл бұрын
I mainly dont support rhaenyra because she was chosen due to emotion and not logic and the fact that despite having a male line viserys didn't try to have another council because he knew they'd choose his son who had legal children vs rhaenyra who basically had bastards
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@jaredheath3642 Жыл бұрын
“It has always been so. I am not…I am not a cruel man, Ser Davos. You know me. Have known me long. This is not my decree. It has always been so, since Aegon’s day and before. Daemon Blackfyre, the brothers Toyne, the Vulture King, Grand Maester Hareth…traitors have always paid with their lives…even Rhaenyra Targaryen. She was daughter to one king and mother to two more, yet she died a traitor’s death for trying to usurp her brother’s crown. It is law. Law, Davos. Not cruelty.”-Stannis Baratheon. "The Iron Throne is mine. By right. All those that deny that are my foes"-Stannis Baratheon. I will side with Stannis on this one, boys. He is the rightful heir, same as Aegon, by all rights.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@@jaredheath3642 dude your comments are always spot on brother ! You da man ! Haha
@nath_sbk9803 Жыл бұрын
I mean most of the lords supported rhaenyra during the dance meaning they also supported her heirs😭 moreover I think a monarch can legitimize a bastard..
@jaredheath3642 Жыл бұрын
@@nath_sbk9803 Most of the lords supported Renly over Stannis too, it does not make Renly a more legitimate heir, so it is irrelevant. Stannis and Aegon are the rightful heirs by right.
@incatata Жыл бұрын
😭😭😭 i thought i was alone
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
It can seem that way being a Greener ! ! You just have to search a bit harder for the better things in life 😉. Thanks for tuning in! 🐉
@narendranathjagarlamudi3191 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon well said!!
@MsEnglishtea Ай бұрын
I don't, but I did enjoy the video. I enjoyed hearing it from the other side.❤
@tereza1959 Жыл бұрын
I support the Greens all the way, Viserys never changed the rules of sucession, he just named Rhaenyra his heir out of fear of what Daemon could do, if Viserys cared about changing the "patriarchy", he would first change the rules of sucession, then a few months later, name Rhaenyra the heir. Second, Rhaenyra's strong sons, besides being good people, shouldn't inherit the Iron Throne or Driftmark, it's just not fair to everyone that followed the law correctly.
@terellchapman8737 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@marquisereid894 2 ай бұрын
Only one side has commit murder against the kings council, killing innocent in order to strengthen your claim is where the greens crossed the line, bastard children doesn't give them the right to usurp the throne, they should have taken the Ned route, and faced the consequences, find proof, or except your new Queen and respect your old Kings wishes
@LH74 Жыл бұрын
I am a Team Green fan all the way. While yes I believe the firstborn son should get it, because they have to carry the last name. Can women carry the last name? No. Show me any man who is willing to carry their wife's last name.... that guy doesn't exist and if he does, he isn't fit to be a husband, a father nothing. I notice the hypocrisy of Team Black and I see Rhaenyra suffering from "entitled white feminist female privilege". This conflict and divide in the fandom is the same as the political divide we're suffering in real life. This is a moral failing in society when a huge portion of the fandom fail to see their own hypocrisy. I write about Daemon in another comment but let me also state that Rhaenyra is the classic archetype for female white feminist privilege, while they accuse Team Green of "misogyny" they ignore Daemon's toxic masculinity simply because he "simps" for Rhaenyra, their love for Daemon is a misguided psychology because Daemon wields raw physical aggression. They overlook Daemon's brutality and self entitlement because he is submissive towards Rhaenyra and he is Team Black's blunt instrument in wielding violence to subdue its enemies. Their approval for Daemon proves not only their hypocrisy but the fact that any kind of worldly authority good or bad cannot exist without the "male strength" to enforce it. Think about it. If Daemon is eliminated, Rhaenyra has no real power to enforce her position. About Rhaenyra, she acts without any thought of bad consequences just like every "baby Momma" and she gives zero shit for the well being of her bastard kids who are in the state through of no fault of their own, just because their mother suffers from female privilege. "I am a sexually liberated female... I can express my sexuality and fuck whoever disagrees... I can upend the whole system just because I feel like it, 'Cause I gotta be me". That's her attitude.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Really good and valid points dude . Even threw in some I haven’t heard made before . I have a Live Series planned for the channel coming soon; The Green Council; would definitely like to have you on an episode once it starts. “Their love for Daemon is a misguided psychology” needs to be printed on a shirt . 🤌
@feetgoddess1274 Жыл бұрын
thats the most stupid shit i read today, touch some grass. u have to make everything about politics and yeah its true that people dont want to see women in power, this is the reason why war started (eyeroll). plus i see nothing wrong with her attitude, she is just more masculine and open minded. if king can do it whyn women cannot fuck whoever she wants and have bastards? thats just stupid
@Phenix275 Жыл бұрын
Leanor did not have to carry rhaenyra's last name, "their children" would be Velaryons and when the throne passes to one of them their name changes to Targaryen so that they would still have the last name.
@MiguelSanchezDelVillar Жыл бұрын
The male Lannisters of the First Men all died and an Andall married to the female heir and took the Lannister name for him and his family, that thing happens quite often when a House is going to dissapear in times of peace
@k.sedits8056 Жыл бұрын
Did u even watch the show💀 Viserys and Corley had a whole convo about how Jace will take the name Targaryen. I don’t know where y’all get this attitude from cause it’s not present. She has sex like all the other men and y’all take it so far 😭😭
@MrQdiddy85 Жыл бұрын
Rob skips his sisters bc one was missing and assumed dead and the other was captive to their enemies and would have inherited winterfell if he named her his heir
@hirushadilhara7097 Жыл бұрын
Finally the someone sees green's side of the conflict
@justinehelene4831 6 ай бұрын
It's clear Viserys never cared about following Westerosi inheritance laws. He made Daemon his heir and most people accepted this despite an uncle before a daughter is against westerosi succession. And all future targaryens believed women could not be monarch. It's similar to French royal succession laws. Where its always any male relative over a daughter of a king. But I'm pretty sure that didn't necessarily apply to nobles and their seats.
@terrymckenzie9477 9 ай бұрын
I like the Starks more than Lannisters...so yeah going with the blacks. Both sides suck but Starks are the ones that tip the scale.
@griffin3508 3 ай бұрын
By the fact that a whole council was called by the king before her father just to make Rhaenys miss being the sovereign did set a precedence, we support Rhaenyra because of modern sensibilities, but the Greens are certainly in the right. Viserys was a weak king, thus he caused confusion where none should have existed.
@Totes_ma_Goat Жыл бұрын
I've slowly came around to the green team. My biggest thing is how can you support a line of seccession for all the other lords but the crown gets to make their own rules? Plus I can't stand Emma D'Arcy.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Bingo ! You could not be anymore spot on ! This is ultimately what it boils down to. Thanks for tuning in!
@Totes_ma_Goat Жыл бұрын
@@mysingirlity5654 🤣
@wolfdude511 Жыл бұрын
@@mysingirlity5654 ?
@Totes_ma_Goat Жыл бұрын
@@mysingirlity5654 What's funny is you don't even know what you're sorry about? You Just blanket attack someone with hate because you think their ideology is different. Gives off those old ww2 vibes.
@awol6574 Жыл бұрын
@@mysingirlity5654 her personality is annoying
@debamlyabanerjee4067 Жыл бұрын
Yes i support you
@King_Aegon. Жыл бұрын
@closequarters4575 Ай бұрын
In the end the right person sat the Iron Throne and the dragons got killed off. Happy ending.
@TimeandMonotony Жыл бұрын
I'm Team Green just because the Green characters are more interesting and nuanced than the Black characters.
@splashyreacts Жыл бұрын
I'm team dragon. Dragons are cool. Dragons don't start wars over some stupid iron chair. I will say this, I really like how each character is written in the show.
@SpaceViking2000 Жыл бұрын
The realm would be better if the Greens won. We would have another Robert like reign with the Counsel keeping the peace. It would probably mean the end of the dragon lords after time, but since we all know that the Dance leads to the downfall of that anyway
@dchhhadarklight2428 26 күн бұрын
Which side should be supported is pretty much which source is canon which are the books. In the show I support team green out of a combination of pity, Daemon being the worst, and Rhaenyra sleeping around I guess. In the books however lets go down the list which I believe gives team Black the moral and legal high ground 1. Unlike in the show, Alicent definitely spread rumors that a nine year old Rhaenyra slept around, to make things worse for all we know Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey were legitimate blood related children of Laenor. 2. Unlike in the show Alicent definitely has been planning the coup for years 3. By the exact same rules the greens upheld, near the end of the war, the greens would not be on the throne after Aegon II as Maelor was torn to shreads, Aegon II was likely infertile after being burned alive, and the other two sons of Alicent were quite literally dead in a ditch. 4. Literally the entire nation swore oaths and team green killed pretty much anyone who tried to keep said oath.
@sgshumblecrumb6046 Жыл бұрын
Well all know "legitimacy" is a disturbing argument to make, right? That's basically an endorsement of patriarchy. Viserys named Rhaenyra his heir because he saw the folly of obsessing about male heirs after it killed the woman that he loved. There's also nothing actually wrong with being a "bastard" either. Yeah, those changes will be met with outrage, but we never progressed past medieval times by clutching to those type of outdated ideals out of fear, so I don't know why you would support that line of thinking. I'm not saying either side is to be rooted for, that's not that point of the story. I expect George himself would say the same thing. That said, I find being on the "Green" team even more puzzling out of the two. Some of the characters on that side are more morally grey, like Alicient or Aemond, and Haleana is the purest character on the show, but Otto, Aegon, and Criston are about as defensible as Cersei, Tywin, or Joffrey. The black side....they're no heroes, but I can see someone maybe rooting for them like they would for a Stannis type of character. He does bad things, yet it at least feels like there is some sort of code that he has. Rooting for either side is faulty in this story, but rooting for the Green side to me is especially like "wtf?" lol. I will say this about the Black side......the Blood and Cheese incident is where they officially become more explicitly amoral, selfish and petty like some of the Green characters in the show. At least in my opinion.
@caseyhart4999 10 ай бұрын
It’s pretty clear the show WANTS people to be team black considering one of the show runners I think called Alicent a “woman for trump” lol it’s so transparent what they are trying to do here. That being said the blacks are just terrible lol.
@phoenixking9457 3 ай бұрын
Yeah its clear.....but luckily not all fans are dumb to fall for it
@davidbranson1367 Жыл бұрын
Do you gonna upload a video about episode 10?
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Most likely not. But I have other videos on the way brother . So stay posted !
@davidbranson1367 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon Can you make videos with more arguments for the green team? The green are way better politicians, Alicent and Otto are such competents rulers, a Bobby B 2.0 become a great king with the Hightower. The blacks: Rhaenyra is a retard daddy's girl who knows nothing and Daemon is just a sociopath.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
@@davidbranson1367 most definitely man. Those are actually some good video ideas dude ! Some history videos coming to!
@katya9205 Жыл бұрын
@jarlyespinal Ай бұрын
Rhaenyra was next in line for the throne, if she was male her children would be heir to the throne. They were trying to establish equal rights, morally the blacks are just, but by law the greens are in the right. But I say laws are sometimes created to subjugate and control others. Just because it's law dosent mean it's right.
@Dakotastx Жыл бұрын
About Rhaenyra’s kids…they are bastards but I’m not sure that has anything to do with Viserys naming her his heir. The Green supporters sticking to that point so strongly doesn’t help their case IMO
@jjh2456 Жыл бұрын
Viserys named Rhaenyra heir because Daemon was acting a fool and he was quite emotional after Aemma’s death. Basically when he remarried and had a son, that son became the heir and Rhaenyra was indeed pushed aside. The bastards didn’t help matters for her either.
@thorthewolf8801 Жыл бұрын
@@jjh2456 but she wasnt pushed to the side, she was always the heir, Vyserys never changed his will
@johnphilipteguihanon8293 17 күн бұрын
​@@jjh2456 Rhaenyra was the heir though?
@FlexSZN23 Жыл бұрын
Stannis is the one true king by right!!
@tylerbrandon9592 Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure they're going to change the presentation and dialogue next season to sway the viewers to change sides. Both sides were wrong, however the things the blacks end up doing could be considered worse than what the blacks did. Viserys in the show was supplanted by his own court, he should have listened to his brother and married his daughter to him and put an end to the argument before it could be had. But if that happened we wouldn't have such an amazing story to follow
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
You’re spot on man! Thanks for tuning in. Appreciate you !
@monsterxzero Жыл бұрын
Team Green forever!
@Binks129 Жыл бұрын
Imagine backing the team where the “leader” of that team doesn’t even back his own team 🤡
@Rhaenyra679 Жыл бұрын
Team 💚💚
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
All day, Everyday 💚🐉💚
@Rhaenyra679 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon Yes 💚
@9xprincess Жыл бұрын
Remember Robb/Stannis presumed Arya dead and Sansa was politically unavailable. In any normal circumstances legitimate sisters would come before any bastard. Bastards are any one born outside of marriage period. Jon and Edric are not legal member of the family nor in the normative line of succession just because their fathers were trueborn paramount lords. Rhaenyra's sons are illegitimate according to the law and customs because they are not children with her husband, thus making them unfit to be born heirs to either Rhaenyra's claim or Harwin's claim, and especially not Laenor's claim. And you are totally right about the possibility of Rhaenyra ordering the deaths of her siblings and their lines. Your example of Queen Elizabeth I speaks for itself.
@jonstark153 Жыл бұрын
Any mallus here?? Kerala GOT fan grp join avanel reply
@polinat3817 Жыл бұрын
At first I supported the greens too... Later on the crimes they did to each other made me support no one They were both extremely mean with each other and the ones who paid the heavy price of their arrogance was their children especially Aegon's children . Stronger claim to the throne had Aegon rhaenyra had her daddy's support and later on her husband without those two she wouldn't dare to start a war.
@dafaqsmh5484 Жыл бұрын
#тєαмgяєєи 🔥🔥
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
You know it brother ! Thanks for tuning in ! 🐉🔥🐉
@Natbaaby Жыл бұрын
Every time I think about this show, I don’t think either side is correct on who should be the heir to the throne. Because both side has a little bit of hypocrisy in them.
@rebbaonisa6765 Жыл бұрын
It's not about hypocrisy you illiterate rubbish, it's who leads their subjects to better wellbeing the most. Stop being distracted by totally wrong metrics.
@user-vj6ws1op4u Жыл бұрын
I believe in team green supremacy
@TheHardway1916 17 күн бұрын
Also it's implied that maybe those sons are strong 's and not valerians who aren't black so it's not obvious like on the show so they had no DNA and no way to tell so wrong again
@bratori222 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree with this. Every single argument made here is like I'm listening to myself. Well done my friend. Go greens! :D
@ericcalm9924 Жыл бұрын
I agree with everything except Deamon was a psychopath.
@Aemond2024 Жыл бұрын
Incredibly based
@faezon1012 Жыл бұрын
The blacks end up on the throne
@emanuelebizzarri16 Ай бұрын
Everything is right but you are forgetting that Viserys choose Rhaenyra as his heir and never changes idea till death. so the greens were unloyal to the crown and committed treason when they decide to go against the will of the king and conspirate for killing the daughter of the king and crown Aegon. we could say that Viserys was wrong choosing Rhaenyra as his heir and if he nominated Aegon as his heir there would be no war. Deamon is psycho but he would never go in war against the willing of Viserys. the same for Rhaenyra and the Velaryons.
@Ouium Жыл бұрын
>legitimacy >literally going against the legitimate, named heir.
@vargr2089 Жыл бұрын
So i've seen alot of comment's mainly mention Rhaenyra's bastard children as a reason to not support her. Her situation with her bastard children is WAY different to Cersei with her bastard children, Jace, Luke and Joffery all have Valyrian blood, and they are Targaryens through Rhaenyra, Cersei's children were not Baratheon's, as Cersei was a lannister. And as it was stated in Episode 7, Laenor could not give Rhaenyra children, and as her duty was to provide heirs for when she ascends The Iron Throne, she had to get those children from someone, insert Harwin Strong. Viserys as king, gets to decide who becomes King or Queen after him, he knows of the illegitimacy of Rhaenyra's Children and does not care, i don't believe for a second he is 'blind' when it comes to their parentage, cause at the end of the day, they are Targaryen's in blood. Corlys doesn't care about their blood either, they have the Velaryon name and that is all that matters to him.
@tresanders304 Жыл бұрын
lol whatever side daemon on I’m on FOH with that other shit
@stentbeefclench Жыл бұрын
Symbols of 'legitimacy' don't mean anything in a kingdom with selective succession (that is a kingdom where the ruler selects their heir). If you weren't chosen as heir and the chosen heir is still alive you are not the heir, you are a usurper. Edit also the male primogeniture thing, male primogenature are andal and first men laws, the targaryens had primogenature/selective succession, aegon the conquerer chose his first son as heir, aenys chose his oldest son (Aegon the uncrowned) and second child over his first born a daughter yes but the two were married so he basically chose them both. After maegor usurped the throne and killed a few of his nephews he chose Aerea, aegon the uncrowned, over her male uncle jaehaerys. I won't go into jaehaerys' heirs because most of them end up dying before taking the throne but while be did set a president of choosing men over women it was never set as law. This is the crux of the argument at the end of the day president says Aegon yes but law says Rhaenyra
@nicolas0402 Жыл бұрын
It isn't a selective sucession, it's literally just Viserys wanting to put his favorite child on the throne because he regrets "killing" Aemma. Jaehaerys kinda did the same when choosing Viserys, but he did this after calling a great council with more than one thousand lords, Viserys decided to do this all alone
@stentbeefclench Жыл бұрын
@@nicolas0402 it is selective there is no set logic to how the heirs are chosen except for the rulers choice, Jaehaerys chose his niece, kept his niece over his first born child a daughter, then he chose his first born son, then he passed over his granddaughter for his second son, then chose his grandson. Also the simple fact that viserys was able to pick Rhaenyra over Daemon in the first place with practically no uproar kinda proves that succession was completely in the hands of the ruler.
@k.sedits8056 Жыл бұрын
@@nicolas0402 it’s not though. His kids aren’t even alive when Rhaenyra is named so it’s not about her being the fav💀
@nicolas0402 Жыл бұрын
@@stentbeefclench There are Andal and First Man traditions and laws, both put a son before a daughter, and every Targaryen before Jaehaerys followed this set of rules (Aegon, Aenys and even Maegor) And actually, Jaehaerys didn't kept his niece over his firstborn daughter, it's said Aerea was the only one who wasn't happy with Daenerys birth because she woudn't be Jaehaerys heir anymore. Aemon become the heir by Andal law and tradition before Daenerys death, the first time Jaehaerys decided to ignore those traditions is when he passed over Rhaenys and choose Baelon as hir heir, and then he choose Viserys. The key difference is that Jaehaerys knew a civil war would happen if he simply passed over Rhaenys a second time (now an adult married to the richest lord on the realm) and decided to call a Great Council The reason there was no uproar when Rhaenyra was choosen is very simple. By Andal tradition, she already should be the heir, and because Daemon has no friends among the nobles. Of course, Viserys being the head of a family that have dragons also helps a lot
@nicolas0402 Жыл бұрын
@@stentbeefclench In the end, both sides have rightful claims. If you believe a king is above the law and tradition, then Rhaenyra is the rightful heir, if you don't believe then Aegon is the rightful heir. It's just GRRM showing one more time how feudalism and it's sucession laws are shit
@sassybdiy7565 6 ай бұрын
But what does her children have to do with her father naming her heir?
@manofthewest5395 6 ай бұрын
The fact that Rhaenyra's children are even rumored to be bastards is a problem in of itself. It creates a whole new slew of succession problems down the road. Even if Rhaenyra ascended the throne with no issues, as soon as she's dead, Jacaerys' claim will be challenged, creating another succession crisis. Just look what happened with the Blackfyre rebellions.
@Kuiugcz2 6 күн бұрын
I only support them because of my crush Aegon II Well also because daemon is an a**hole
@octoberboiy Жыл бұрын
The only person in the Greens who I feel for is Alicent surprisingly even though I hated her in the series. She put so much work into her her marriage, family the realm and followed the rules and respected her husband only to gain nothing from it at the end. Even her death was sad, after watching everyone from the story due before her. What a tragic end for someone who did right for so long. That said, I still think the King’s word is law and if the King wants his daughter to be his heir then he had the right to do so, but like he had the right to marry his cousin.
@Rhaenyssupporter Жыл бұрын
We can argue over whos the better choice (though id rather support mushroom than choose between the usurper and maegor with tits) but at the end of the day for better or worse Viserys choose Rhaenyra as his heir. We know Andal custom is based on primogeniture, but we also know the Targaryens are not subject to Andal laws and customs through exceptionalism. While Jaehaerys choose to assemble a great council to help him decide his heir Fire and Blood never states that a male legally has the right of inheritance over a woman if the woman was the designated heir, we are simply told that many BELIEVED the male line has the right of inheritance. As for Rhaenyras bastards they were accepted by the King, his designated heir and their father. Their betrothals to their Targaryen cousins meant their Valyrian blood would stay pure so future generations wouldn’t have a problem bonding with dragons. Ultimately while I do see the reasonings behind people supporting Aegon (the council, Rhaenyras bastards, and future westerosi calling Rhaenyra a usurper) the best claim still resides with the designated heir: Rhaenyra Targaryen.
@kevinvest9693 Жыл бұрын
I can't imagine how so many people can watch this show and miss the point. This war caused so much death and destruction to westeros and the small folk. The targaryen family was nearly destroyed and all most all of the dragons which was the source of there power. Both sides are foolish.
@TheeSecondSon Жыл бұрын
Death and destruction is literally the point of war. Lol. And this story is just based on the Anarchy. The succession battle between Stephen of Blois and his cousin the empress Matilda. It’s meant to cause a divide man!😆
@kevinvest9693 Жыл бұрын
@@TheeSecondSon that's not the point. The civil war between house targaryen killed all of the dragon and nearly all of the targaryen and war that could have been avoided by betrothing aegon the Rhaynera. A suggestion by Alicent in the book and Otto in the show. Viseris' weakness and arrogance never thought his council would ignore is wish a usurp Raynera. The great council was clearly rigged and succession is always messy. The named successor is the law because the kings word is law. If we were choosing the best ruler Raynes was clearly the best ruler but the maesters didn't like her and rigged the great council. I believe it's because she was a dragon rider and possibly a hatcher.
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