Q&A: How Do We Know We Can Trust FOSS?
Microsoft Clamps Down On Local Accounts?
Is Chat Control Really Dead?
14 күн бұрын
Q&A: When Do Email Aliases Make Sense?
Android VPNs Are Leaky (Again)!
Proton Just Got Even Better!
Is F-Droid Finally Safe?
2 ай бұрын
@dgeist4609 2 сағат бұрын
"slightly viral" is my favorite oxymoron today!
@Maisonier 4 сағат бұрын
This is a pivotal moment in the history of software development and operating systems, especially considering the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence. AI integration is reshaping how software interacts with users and how applications are developed and optimized. It's a turning point, and people should start making the switch to Linux soon. Personally, I believe Linux Mint is the best option for anyone transitioning from Windows.
@HiddenPalm 7 сағат бұрын
Italians need to stop voting.
@jirib.8280 7 сағат бұрын
That workaround with Shift+F10 and oobe... doesn't work anymore on newer versions of W11 install. Looks to me that only Rufus workaround and invalid email entered like 50x work.
@williamconnelly2571 9 сағат бұрын
Class Action Lawsuit
@johnjakson444 11 сағат бұрын
I have installed Win 10 many times and each time I get a different miserable outcome, its always about trying to remove the shit in the toilet, on the rightside of screen that huge drop dowm menu that only contains 100s of useless story links that forces MS Edge to tell you the 13 most beloved movies about brunettes that wastes time. Its always about spam, spam and more fuxking spam The only good Windows is win7 offline or better still XP or win2000 but that would be pretty hard to install. Vista wasn't that bad either.
@Raven777777777777777 13 сағат бұрын
For now im working on dual boot with Linux but when Win 10 support ends and everything works as it is supposed to im definetly moving to Linux for good. I dont like the direction technology is moving in and it makes me wonder whatever happened to privacy. If this continues we are all screwed.
@More_Row 14 сағат бұрын
It's actually insane all these data leaks. Every day, every week. It's like its just part of normal life that big ass firms leak details constantly.
@Wolfrich666 14 сағат бұрын
im staying with windows 10 no matter what, if things come to worse ill be running virtual machines, its my computer, not yours microsoft, i will do whatever the fk i want with it and you have no power over me.
@silver-box2450 14 сағат бұрын
@Crowder 14 сағат бұрын
The only thing I still use from google is spreadsheets and Notes. Notes are covered with the acquisition of Standard Notes and Spreadsheets should come after Docs :)
@andrerobitaille982 16 сағат бұрын
They want to create the same we don't want a Microsoft like Apple.
@wildstorm74 16 сағат бұрын
So the proton doc's don't have access to the word, PowerPoint and pretty much the Microsoft Office 360 products yet? If that's the case, it's not usable in school settings yet????🤔
@janice-ld4pf 12 сағат бұрын
Sounds like you may be missing the point of . Proton Docs is it's a completely separate alternative from Office 365. It functions like Google Docs, which also doesn't have access to Office 365 products.
@who2u333 17 сағат бұрын
Random side note - I have noticed that many people on many channels are not calling Twitter 'X'.
@vinny-zebu 17 сағат бұрын
Proton Docs is a good starting point but it misses standard features at this point. Honestly, they should just shamelessly copy Google Docs or Word and I would gladly switch.
@pavelgajdik7486 18 сағат бұрын
If you go to M$ support pages regarding how to install RC windows (just tried 24H2 last week) they tell you to use Rufus to create boot media. And funnily enough, when you try create media with Rufus, one of 1st questions Rufus ask, use local account, enable install on non-compliant system, disable disk encryption, etc.
@DeadCat-42 19 сағат бұрын
Im so done with making accounts for things I don't want more accounts , I want less of them
@LeonEdwinsHeart 19 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@Bhethar 20 сағат бұрын
Our data being collected without consent or with sneaky updates to the privacy policy is both unethical and probably illegal.
@BogdanTimofte 20 сағат бұрын
I don't understand the story with the Apple and the Kremlin. Hadn't they announced with great fanfare that they had withdrawn from Russia about two years ago? If all the western companies withdrew like them, it is no wonder that the Russian attacks on the neighbors did not stop... .
@pantarei. 20 сағат бұрын
Now we need a Proton browser that integrates all their services... next step would be Proton Linux distro!
@harleylazy 20 сағат бұрын
Reeeally don't need to put ALL of your eggs on the same basket buddy. Broser? Good, especially if it isn't chromium based, but there are some great distros already, just some desktop packages would be good.
@pantarei. 20 сағат бұрын
@@harleylazy Apple, Microsoft, Google... some people need something similar, but privacy-focused.
@xXstevilleXx 21 сағат бұрын
Thank you for this, I rarely view email, meaning I am mostly interested in notifications regarding security, but I use Proton (paid) and the feature is available. It looks similar to Google Docs but it is clear their focus is on security, privacy and safety since as of writing this the features are pretty basic in terms of what you can do, but you can do basic formatting, select a font (8 at present), text color, style, insert images/links/tables and such but not not much else, for my purposes that is fine... any rate, just some feedback.
@KieranColfer 22 сағат бұрын
Proton Docs was built in collaboration with the Standard Notes team
@ToastedHeadcrab Күн бұрын
Windows LTSC 2019 is the best it has no bloat no nothing its supported by Microsoft longer than Home Windows and it is an older build of Windows 10 so it has local accounts not even Edge or the store is installed just activate it with MAS or even better switch to Linux
@Extravi Күн бұрын
I wish proton docs wasn't pageless
@hedgeearthridge6807 15 сағат бұрын
@@Extravi I hope they will add actual OpenType support. It blows my mind that Google pretends to care about fonts so much and wants to "educate" people about them, yet Google Docs doesn't support OpenType features whatsoever. You want your font to be kerned properly? You want ligatures? You want lowercase numbers or stylistic sets? Too bad! They want you to put words on a page and not to make it look presentable. Although it's not like MS Word is any good, its OpenType support is completely broken and has been for decades. LibreOffice somehow has a better implementation than Word.
@itsthesteve Күн бұрын
Can we just all take a step back collectively and stop using AI face recognition because of its known bias?
@laurencefraser 21 сағат бұрын
I sometimes wonder how much of the bias is the AI (I believe it is established that there is some... though I do wonder how much of That is down to data set/training rather than being inherent) and how much is the people using it. Mind you, that's only one of several major problems with the use of the technology (and, for that matter, the technology itself). There are ethical ways to use it, in theory... there's a distinct lack of overlap between 'people who benefit from using AI facial recognition technology' and 'people who benefit from AI facial recognition technology being used in an ethical manner'.
@fireninja8250 Күн бұрын
Bro literally like 5 hours ago I was looking for a google docs alternative, specifically Proton. What a coincidence!
@emifro 22 сағат бұрын
They're watching you
@Snorlaxiian 18 сағат бұрын
@@emifro who isn't watching these days?
@xXstevilleXx 17 сағат бұрын
I wish not to impose, but since my vocation relates information/cyber security (OSINT/OWASP) doing Intelligence Gather, Recon, Forensics and so, I depend on privacy, safety and security and when working solo I use Proton and conspiracy aside Proton was founded by CERN and they offer really good security, I constantly lookout for exploits, vulnerabilities and so on in spite what some claim Proton is a good replacement in terms of Storage, Email, Password Management, VPN, etc, but Proton's key strength is Storage and Email, also you can route local ISP accounts through Proton by using their servers. VPN wise, not bad but Nord is better. People complain mostly about the dark theme, but I find this biased since you can change this and this new feature (Docs) currently only a standard theme, not dark. If you value safety, privacy and security please do not use free alternatives. Ultimately can only give my honest and sincere 2 cents on this. Ps. Yes Proton includes a bridge so if you wish to use say MS Outlook you can. Very stable and easy to use. Proton's focus is on safety, privacy and security and less so on features, so those who prefer features of the mentioned then Proton is not for you.
@Flynn217something Күн бұрын
Oh no! Who could have foreseen this inevitable slide down the slippery slope? Oh yeah *ME* and ever other "tinfoil hat" wearer who called this when win10 launched. 😂
@l0gic23 Күн бұрын
This patchwork of facial recognition law and privacy law is stupid. Why is everyone sleeping on all these HD "License plat readers" that capture everything better than the cameras that catch people driving in toll lanes and skipping paying to cross a bridge... That company, I can't think of their name, suddenly is everywhere... Spreading city to city like a cancer... How does that happen? Someone might wonder if they are paying kickbacks or something... But all these cities? Long Game? Got something on each person to make them vote yes? Has another company been able to do this? I never even see these solar powered cameras get installed... They just show up, seemingly overnight, everywhere... You literally can't avoid them while driving legally on city roads... 😤
@xerr0n 22 сағат бұрын
id like to know more, can you give me a name?
@l0gic23 Күн бұрын
Hmmm Russia not a fan of Proton VPN... 🤨 its either cause they don't like real VPNs or they think Proton is a Agency cover... But which one?
@l0gic23 Күн бұрын
Way to go Proton!
@mizterdude8058 Күн бұрын
All this tracking is for the coming one world government system that will shortly be here. The difference between governments and corporations is the illusion of difference.
@mizterdude8058 Күн бұрын
All this tracking is for the coming one world government system that will shortly be here. The difference between governments and corporations is the illusion of difference.
@mizterdude8058 Күн бұрын
All this tracking is for the coming one world government system that will shortly be here. The difference between governments and corporations is the illusion of difference.
@robinpettit7827 Күн бұрын
I gave up on dual booting, I currently use a KVM switch and use two desktops. One windows, mostly to play games and a few other things and a Linux Box. I use POP OS.
@robinpettit7827 Күн бұрын
I finally switched to a local account. I almost feel like this may be a disappearing option. I had to do it via the command line. I have no desire to use the OneDrive. If you setup the OneDrive eventually Microsoft will try to get you to pay for a subscription, which is the last thing I want to have to do. After all who wants to pay a subscription? I used to use my skype account. I would like to install skype but if that is a backdoor to enabling a Microsoft Account, I am not doing it.
@KamikazeMedias Күн бұрын
@CrashCraftLabs Күн бұрын
im skipp win11 going ubuntu linux with this new build, just waiting on some parts to finish it. i hope win flounders but with guberment backing they never will
@Sincald Күн бұрын
5:36 I'm aiming to move away from Microsoft mostly, if not completely. I've been thinking about it for years but once I get some new drives to replace my dying ones I'm gonna try making Mint my daily driver
@Therealpro2 Күн бұрын
2:50 the easiest way actually is to use "join a domain" option during installation.
@sagitta9891 2 күн бұрын
Microsoft Account... Have been experienced that nuisance every time I reinstalled my windows 11. It even force me to backup my files to OneDrive sometimes. If it doesn't backup unnecessary files and folders and let me choose by subfolder, I'd not even bother.
@SixonQQ 2 күн бұрын
I just remove the Internet 🛜 and always lets me local account
@papierbndc 2 күн бұрын
after installing windows 11, you will be in the startup press shift+F10 enter "OOBE\BypassNRO" and run it you welcome
@gregmark1688 2 күн бұрын
Given MS' current attitude about wanting to own my computer, Windows 10 is the last Microsoft OS I will ever use. XP lated for years, and so did 7. By the time 10 is no longer usable, I will be switching back to a good Linux distro for good. Screw Microsoft. They have always sucked, and now, they suck more than ever. Goodbye, Bill.
@davidhines7592 2 күн бұрын
this is going to be great to see in the european courts. they already got hammered because they provided internet explorer with windows years ago. now theyre trying to monopolise apps on pc by forcing users to use ms everything, and im sure the european union for one will be taking a long hard look at this anti-competitive monopoly practise
@ticketforlife2103 2 күн бұрын
This is crazy...the Feds should file a lawsuit !!
@bonkmaykr 3 күн бұрын
Taking the tracking off your ISP is just a shift of trust, not eliminating the problem.
@TT-fy6hk 3 күн бұрын
it is not a rocket science to install windows without mc account. I never made one since they implemented that... you make it seems it's so hard that even ones that could do it don't even try to.. pffftttt
@roccociccone597 3 күн бұрын
Oh noooo what will I dooooo... Oh yeah that's right I've not been using Winblows since 2016.
@pjcpspn670 4 күн бұрын
Cant have a lock screen if MS ends the the local account due fact cant sign in w/out Internet just to do stuff offline.