Making the vert melty work!
9 ай бұрын
@roberthiggins1142 Күн бұрын
Does MCR do an event like this?
@ijaripanju3408 2 күн бұрын
When you were wondering about the performance characteristic anomaly that was the 4s I was just about to mention but glad i watched till the end . As you mentioned ,my thoughts also were the tires had a pinch of tranction for that amount of juice .you probably already slapped some all rubber tires on them lil ev's ..if so any change in the performance characteristics?
@roberthiggins1142 2 күн бұрын
That is nasty, where can i find the STL file for that bot?
@dillibabu304 3 күн бұрын
need spec about 9.45 blue motor
@Gunstick 3 күн бұрын
Now put blades on top of the wheels so you somehow drive on the weapons. Sort of droopy, but the weapon hubs are the drive wheels.
@sailork3506 5 күн бұрын
Wonderful youtube. I tried it and got it messed up by labeling motors and wires incorrectly. Went back to basics (motor 1 is motor 1 is motor A and is on left facing forward (port side)). Now it all works like a champ.
@Caliver_174 12 күн бұрын
Hey Pdog thx for the vid but I realised all the guns people used are automatic are there any type of Airsoft guns like a sniper rifle
@Roobotics 14 күн бұрын
Going to agree with others, using an accel for dead reckoning in this application is kind of grasping at straws, but using a gyro also likely won't work either due to RPM! You need to infer your rotation and position from an external source. An IR receiver on the bot would be best, so it can PLL a position and/or PID lock it's own speed to that if needed. It's like trying to prove the earth is spinning while still on it, with no stars and sun to reference, and it wobbles more violently than it spins. If it has to be self contained, and an external IR beacon isn't allowed.. maybe consider what sumo-bots do and beacon off your opponents IR reflection, but the walls will cause this as well, so that's a bit more iffy.
@QuentinRevell 15 күн бұрын
For plastic spinners, it's less about armour damage and more launching the opponent around with sheer kinetic energy.
@bami2 15 күн бұрын
I'm glad you're milling a recess in the top plate for the googly eye
@tarasaurus98 16 күн бұрын
Loved the stream Ben! I've been thinking of doing something like this myself to stream robot building and stuff, so thanks for showing me how it's done, lol
@codyphillips1821 16 күн бұрын
I love these kinds of videos that let you have a look inside to see internal damage and the best way to go about fixing it
@Mw-zg7yq 17 күн бұрын
Hi Ben, I highly reccomend switching to IR over accelerometer to determine orientation. It's absolute positioning means that cracks on the field or wall impacts or rpm accelerations do not cause drift and offset your headings. Also you never ever ever need to deal with the accel calibration bull crap. Its been working great for my PLANT and believe me, I've tried all the methods. I've been through three different revisions of pcbs with different chips including the mpu6050, AXL375, and magnetometers. I've found that sunlight and reflections dont affect my the sensor and its superior detection means rock solid heading and best in class translation
@1kreature 17 күн бұрын
I don't get why you don't use a 9-dof sensor and fuse the magnetometer data with the gyro. You get a fairly good heading check with fast gyro response.
@TeamPanicRobotics 17 күн бұрын
Mostly because there is only one mems gryo on the market that can survive/give readings for 2000 RPM and its $50 per chip and they want a minimum order quantity I think there are prototyping boards for it, but they are more expensive again
@1kreature 17 күн бұрын
@@TeamPanicRobotics That's just it though, gyros are horrible for such things due to drift. Magnetometers however are excellent if you can avoid them being influenced by everything and everyone (bots) in the vicinity. Try calculating a direction vector from x/y magnetometer once in your bot and see. Magnetometers are a tad finnicky to work with as you must calibrate em in your final bot and they may be a bit wonky on metal battle arenas, but should still be orientable once you select a direction. I used to love using InvenSense IMU's (now taken over by TDK and deprecated).
@timomaier8354 17 күн бұрын
Isn't there a problem with high variations in acceleration readings if the bot is not perfectly balanced and wobbles around? Especially with a bot that will get thrown around in the arena by it's own design I would not expect it to stay perfectly balanced after some collisions. So the acceleration readings might change drastically destroying any previous calibration. Just to be sure that's not the case you could move your counterweight in your test-setup a little after a successful calibration to see what happens ;)
@TeamPanicRobotics 17 күн бұрын
Thats part of why I have a heading adjustment knob on my controller to make small adjustments on the fly if the heading starts to wonder
@timomaier8354 17 күн бұрын
@@TeamPanicRobotics I have no idea how the accelerometer works, but if you read out the value every few milliseconds I think the values could vary extremely depending on where on the wobble the measurement is taken. It might be nearly impossible to get stable readings.
@wflagg 18 күн бұрын
put 3 distinct color LEDs on it. Fire each of them at different rates, for instance 1, .5 and 1/3rd so that they create a distinct but basic patter. If visually the expected pattern doesnt show, it would help with knowing if the speed/timing is off. as well as how far off it is.
@ZoeyR86 18 күн бұрын
good heading requires gyro.. a few things I'd recommend.. 1. add a gyro (only used for self start calibration during the first 1~300RPM this is used to find the offset from center of mass) 2. use SPI + IRQ over i2c SPI is significantly faster and by using A. fixed timer interrupt. Or B. input interrupt the RPM calculations will be far more consistent the main clock is held during the delay function + code execution. i suggest putting all of the spinner function into a dedicated loop on it's own clock possibly use DMA+FPU to hand most of the math so the CPU can focus on servo and led signals. If am bored this weekend I will rewrite your code for how it is and some code for how i think it can be better. I might just redesign the entire thing as i can think of a few uses cases for it my self my last and biggest hint the center of the bot and the center of rotation are not the same at speed it will rotate around the center of mass so the accelerometer offset needs to be based on the center of mass. from what i can tell your setup is a bit of filtering 1. teensy 2 2. H3LIS331DL on a sparkfun board I can make you a custom board with a SAMD21G + H3LIS331DL + LSM6DSV16X + USB-C (usb storage mode) + flash for logging test and fight data. it will be smaller than the teensy 2 by it's self
@ZoeyR86 18 күн бұрын
Calculate G for rpm. 1in or 2.54cm from center of mass at 2000rpm 0.00001118 x 2.54 x (2000)² = 113.5888G's = a max rpm of 3750 if the lis331 is set to 400g max. If you ditched the vertical for a steel cable with a mace on both sides for a 18in total diameter when spinning at 2500rpm gives each mace 1600x there weight in hitting power just a thought. If each one was 250gm that's a 400kg impact not much in that weight class can withstand that and if that's not enough 3000rpm is 2300x there mass or a 530kg impact. It has a lot of potential
@1kreature 17 күн бұрын
Dude, isn't the board he joined to the teensy a gyro? LSM6DSV16X is gyro and acc. H3LIS331DL is acc. Why?
@ZoeyR86 17 күн бұрын
@1kreature the board he is using is accel only no gyro. The reason is dynamic range The accel he is using is a good unit it can measure upto ±400g where 99.999% of units max out at 16g most gyro top out at 2000dps some will can get to 4000dps That's degrees per second and even 4000dps tops out at 666rpm. It's the restrictions of the gyros that force us to find other methods like using centrifugal force to calculate rpm. I still think adding a 940nm iron detector in the side of melty and a bright 940nm led light. This interrupt will let the bot correct for drift in real time keeping an extremely tight heading lock.
@1kreature 17 күн бұрын
@@ZoeyR86 Wow, I did not see that! Thanks for correcting me! Using just accell is hopeless. In fact I'd cheat and also use a IR and light detector so I could record a "360 waveform" of my surroundings and use that for an extra fusion sensor reducing drift. The magnetometer has same effect and can be samples 8000 times a second (MPU-9250) and 2000 rpm is only 33.3 rps giving 240 readings per revolution. More than enough for navigation.
@1kreature 17 күн бұрын
Btw, InvenSense/TDK is a bit vague on if (MPU-9250) magnetometer can actually be sampled at 8000 sps, but some other models can.
@nv7213 18 күн бұрын
You should make a fully surface mount board to make it even smaller!
@TeamPanicRobotics 17 күн бұрын
Thats on my list to do for sure, but I want to get it working first
@Alfiewow 18 күн бұрын
Would you ever try using something to measure the hz of the vibration of the bot to work out the current RPM? Appreciate that this is totally unsolicited but I thought for something to reliably meltybrain, it should be able to reliably identify the speed at which it is spinning in order to always maintain a direction. The calibration seems like a bit of a bandaid fix because the bot is always going to be under different conditions. It seems like the best way to have to avoid constantly recalibrating is to just collect RPM data somehow?
@TeamPanicRobotics 17 күн бұрын
collecting the RPM data is the goal of any melty design I tried in my old system reading the wheel speed and interoperating the RPM but wheel slip makes that noisy Yes the calibration is a bit of a band aid but I think if done right it will only needed to be calibrated at the start of each event
@MrCarrellScience 18 күн бұрын
Do you have any way of tracking rotations per minute? Are you using this as part of the melt program?
@TeamPanicRobotics 17 күн бұрын
Thats what the accelerometer is for, by reading one axis, you can find the centripetal acceleration, then you can use some maths to work out the spin speed
@MrCarrellScience 17 күн бұрын
@@TeamPanicRobotics I guess I don't understand the read out. I thought the accelerometer would show a constant force once up to speed, and I don't know how you calculate a fluctuating rpm from that value
@Roboticlay 18 күн бұрын
Delicious progress! That's so freaking cool. Good luck getting all that tuned in!
@rdpeake 20 күн бұрын
Might be worth replacing the surface mount button with something that can't be triggered by accident - possibly a cable that completely disconnects once the board is programmed?
@ZoeyR86 20 күн бұрын
the mems element in the gyro is fractured from shock loads. i kinda recomend putting a few IR photo sensors in holes in the top and bring a bright IR light with you so you can override gyro heading from a interrupt input calculations as a fail over
@ZoeyR86 18 күн бұрын
If your using a imu get some 5lb die springs and mount it on a shock mount you need to dampen the 2000+ G's it's get knocked around by.
@ObviousMimic 20 күн бұрын
Your vids have been amazing for helping me learn about these bots but this melty concept is another level. Really hoping I can make it to havoc as a spectator and see it in action! Will try to catch the tear down if it lines up.
@forceofwillgaming8475 20 күн бұрын
Have you joined the hockey puck of 💀 discord server or talked with the Kasmer family which built project liftoff
@TeamPanicRobotics 20 күн бұрын
I am on the server, yes, but I dont use discord much Also yes I have met the Kasmer's last year at NHRL, we had a good chat about melty software and they let me drive project liftoff. I just havent had time to update my melty software since then, but I'm planning to soon
@wallywallace6318 20 күн бұрын
Have you considered hub motors for the weapons? That could add simplicity and save weight in your system so you can use beefier motors
@TeamPanicRobotics 20 күн бұрын
I have, the original idea for both versions of the spinner melty was hub motors, but I have not had the time to R&D one
@kylekuffrey 19 күн бұрын
Some of the Just Cuz hubmotors may be a good option.​@@TeamPanicRobotics
@thegreatstapley 20 күн бұрын
Perhaps press fitting a titanium shoulder bolt in place of the motor shaft might strengthen it a little?
@TeamPanicRobotics 20 күн бұрын
That is a good idea, might have to see what brushless motors I have that are best suited to shaft replacement
@williamhoover1515 20 күн бұрын
Do you have a gyro or accelerometer board?
@TeamPanicRobotics 20 күн бұрын
not in this version, but soon
@JohnHartono 23 күн бұрын
Would you kindly share the schematic?
@TeamPanicRobotics 23 күн бұрын
This was a prototype and still needs some work I might release the final version when its done
@michaelhazzard4901 25 күн бұрын
I think the solution to your switch problem would be to replace a push button switch with a simple screw switch a little Loctite to keep it from turning itself and there you have it no more accidental pushing
@TeamPanicRobotics 23 күн бұрын
the button is not needed. I cut it off
@nicolasguanoluisa552 28 күн бұрын
love you bro, you save me
@scotty6435 Ай бұрын
Could you reduce the amount of hot glue? For electrical insulation the amount seems excessive and their heavy. It won't do much for stress relief or shock protection, maybe a paint on "electrical tape" could shave off another gram or two?
@markg890 Ай бұрын
I'm not a builder (yet) Have you thought about tying weapon speed to throttle to try to counteract the wheelie? Unless I'm mistaken it should provide some counter-rotational force.
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
I have thought about it but decided against it for 2 reasons 1) the flysky radio I use is very basic and coding that mixing in would be a pain (and I dont trust it to fail safe) 2) I want my weapon speed to be independent of drive, all going well the weapon should be at 100% as much as possible
@Kinekitsu Ай бұрын
Time to zoom🏃💨 *Sonic X theme song*
@bluecavemen Ай бұрын
I’m doing something similar to your on a hoverboard. I downloaded a firmware the right stick only work moving left and right to go forward with backwards ( both wheels move simultaneously) . Not sure which mode I should go into? Without overthinking it. And I’m still not sure what mix does exactly in my case … just in case you ask I have it connected to the ch1/ppm
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
I'm sorry I dont really understand your set up or know enough about hoverboards to be able to help you with this
@bluecavemen Ай бұрын
@@TeamPanicRobotics i tested your thing out it doesn’t work on my hoverboard wheels. I thought it would work but it doesnt. It’s because it both plug into a circuit board. Rather independent the firmware i uploaded to it on GitHub is only programmed to run backwards and forwards simultaneously
@DieCastoms Ай бұрын
as others have said, you do some remarkable work. May I recommend the youtube channel diorama111 and others like him who build fully radio control cars that are matchbox / hotwheels / "HO" / 1:87 scale, with full working lights and some even have working parts like tractor buckets and trailer landing gear, etc., in some awful tight models.. you may find more hints and tricks and tips and maybe even inspiration too
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
I just checked out one of diorama111s videos, the custom servo using a reflector and a lead screw is interesting
@user-gj9mk5km6d Ай бұрын
You should name the the bot "Sombrero" because it looks like a sombrero when it spins up.
@amadensor Ай бұрын
My control bot is running n20 3k RPM motors. It is ludicrous speed.
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
DAMN! thats super fast
@amadensor Ай бұрын
@@TeamPanicRobotics if you are at Open Sauce, you can try it at bot bash.
@bami2 Ай бұрын
That thumbnail is just perfection
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
Glad you like it! I was worried people might not click on a blur
@razer259 Ай бұрын
Seeing This Is A Party continue to evolve really makes me smile. 😄 Hope those new TPU wedges are up for the task. Just curious... how do you think they will fare against, say... ground-scraping titanium forks? 😉
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
Hahaha one way to find out
@DM-lw6qx Ай бұрын
On a 4wd tank it's a but more complicated.
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
Nope, same set up on the transmitter Just in the tank, hook up 2 escs per channel (or two motors per esc if you are running brushed motors) Much much easier to do somethings in hardware then try to over complicate the software
@forceofwillgaming8475 Ай бұрын
Do you have the weight to add a wheelie bar to the back to keep it from having the front end rise off the ground
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
maybe, but I'd prefer to add the weight to the front. It means I have a bigger weapon and means I'm not adding geometry my bot can get stuck on if its upside down or on its back
@liquifiedwater3581 Ай бұрын
this is tangential, but could you reinvestigate smeezus drive? i was thinking that pointing the face of the wheels inwards to the middle and using normal wheels would help with the control. this drive could be nice for building since wheels act as armor for both the bottom and sides.
@roboman2444 Ай бұрын
I've always been interested in using a gyro for robot stabilization. Some bots could definitely benefit from it, even bit 250lb ones. I think it may really help horizontal spinners that tend to zoom off to the side as soon as they turn on the weapon motor.
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
I've heard of people doing it, would be interesting to see if the weight cost of adding a gyro is worth the drivability increase
@roboman2444 Ай бұрын
@@TeamPanicRobotics Probably more important for 1lb or 3lb robots. Still tiny and twitchy enough for it to really help, but large enough so that a few grams of extra electronics wouldn't be a huge issue. I was wondering since that Malenkis integrated receiver/esc would be really trick if they also threw on a small gyro chip. Some of the 1/28th scale RC car electronics do that.
@k1ll3rvc Ай бұрын
It's a speedy little ankle biter! It'd be cool to see a drag race between the 12k and 16k motors, if you have the spare electronics for it. That or a wheelie competition. Maybe beyond the level of involvement you want/use, another way to reduce wheelie-ing would be to spin up the weapon as you accelerate forwards, using the torque reaction to cancel the wheelie. I guess this could maybe be done with mixing, but probably a lot of faffing/testing to get it working right, and probably need a base level to spin up from (so sit at 80% normally and spin up to 90% during acceleration for example). Interesting as an idea, maybe not practical.
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
A drag race would be cool to see, hmmmm
@TimInertiatic Ай бұрын
Weren't you looking at adding a second weapon support on the other side with a bearing or was that a different bot?
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
I did that in my mini orbitron build I've been considering it for TIAP, but havent fully decided yet I was worried I didnt have the weight for it, but that seems to not be an issue anymore
@Omnimetatron Ай бұрын
Really hope to see This Is A Party giving the other bots the runaround and getting in some more side/rear shots now it's had significant bump in speed. The next fights should be very interesting indeed.
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
Fingers crossed! As long as I can keep it controlled I think I'll at least be on par with my opponents this time
@polarationmotion948 Ай бұрын
Those wedgelets remind me quite a lot of ablative armour. Have you ever tried that on an antweight?
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
Not intentionally no I've used TPU before and it basically is ablative armour, especially if printed with enough walls and infill
@coreylawrence567 Ай бұрын
I love Turnabot motors. I especially love them being marked with the speed. So much easier than the bag of random rpm motors.
@TeamPanicRobotics Ай бұрын
Totally agree! I was surprised by the power I got out of them and those engraved speed numbers are going to help for sure I think I might end up using them a lot more
@coreylawrence567 Ай бұрын
@@TeamPanicRobotics They are pretty much all I use in 150g and 1lb bots anymore. I had given up on N20s until I found them. Plus they are a great family and sponsor our competitions so we can give out prizes to the winners.
@BlitzRobotics Ай бұрын
yes i agree, gear motors have nice tastes