Is Binge Eating A Choice?
5 ай бұрын
@franziskafrimberger2629 5 сағат бұрын
All hits home 😢
@rickstorzy463 5 сағат бұрын
@juliemoore6957 9 сағат бұрын
I totally relate to this. A new insight! Thank you!
@cdg_claudio 14 сағат бұрын
I don’t know if you are aware of his Buddhism and meditation background. This in a way is how he explains how getting rid of desire and are aware and accepting will help you. Just in the same way that Sapiens could be named “Lessons by an historian that meditates two hours a day”. When you know this, the book is way easier to understand. It pairs well with “How emotions are made”, by Lisa Feldman, on the predictive model of the brain. There are many people writing about contemplative science and how meditation helps you to free yourself from the automatice predictions (system 1 - top-down - diet culture), and step into a bottom up (responding instead of reacting) mode.
@harukostein 17 сағат бұрын
I eat once a day for almost a decade but I have serious issues that are impacting my life negatively. When I see "binge eating" in your titles or thumbnails, I always think "hmm, I'm not a binge eater so this is not for me" :D Am I wrong to think that?
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 6 сағат бұрын
Not wrong at all! You are the expert of your experience and you can use whatever language or concepts that make the most sense to you
@harukostein 5 сағат бұрын
@@TheBingeEatingTherapist Thanks for the reply. let me put it a different way. When you use the term "binge eating" does that mean you are not targeting people who only eat once a day? Or, who is your target audience when you talk about binge eating?
@nancymik6508 23 сағат бұрын
I feel like your are a sweet friend with an adorable accent ❤❤
@noonmanji2086 Күн бұрын
I can relate to “the I’ve blown it” mentality! That’s me!!!! Ok, I need to break out from this by saying…what makes me think I can do it tomorrow if I struggled with today? It’s ok to eat more someday, it’s not the end of the world. I have to be kind to myself 🥰 Thanks u Sarah ❤
@lisashannon9381 Күн бұрын
No addict has control.. Any alcoholic at AA will tell you, it is impossible to recover and still drink. You have to accept you will never be a moderate drinker. Yss, everyone needs to eat, but we don't need any junk "foods" at all
@aryanakurillo3536 Күн бұрын
You did a fantastic job of explaining things and did a great job at making this video. Thank you for sharing your knowledge to those of us who need this education!!
@aryanakurillo3536 Күн бұрын
I say "I lack self control. I lack discipline. I haven't found a motivation that's strong enough. I have a dependency."
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 5 сағат бұрын
I have this video on discipline: but I'm currently planning a video about willpower that may resonate with you
@Itz_NotMe14 Күн бұрын
i am 14 years old. i have gained weight in the past year Like alot of weight. i am struggling with alot of other things aswell and eating helps but i cant stop and i dont know what to do. i just want to loose all this weight and i cant.
@user-ff5ey9dh7k Күн бұрын
Please put this in a book. It's life changing. Xxx❤
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 5 сағат бұрын
That is the plan 🤫
@asd_ratio Күн бұрын
I don’t restrict myself but I can say that sugar is cancer unhealthy all junk foods so we should not eat actually because it is harmful for our body brain cells insulin blood sugar. But I cannot say no also I am trying to cut sugar then I am being binge eater to chocolate dessert But it is not because of diet or losing weight. It is because harmful 😢😢
@asd_ratio Күн бұрын
I don’t restrict myself but I can say that sugar is cancer unhealthy all junk foods so we should not eat actually because it is harmful for our body brain cells insulin blood sugar. But I cannot say no also I am trying to cut sugar then I am being binge eater to chocolate dessert But it is not because of diet or losing weight. It is because harmful 😢😢
@hannadragon6858 2 күн бұрын
I already ate stuff I didn’t really want to. I haven’t overeaten yet, I know it will come cause there is chocolate and ice cream in the kitchen. I had such a good week I don’t want to ruin everything now :(
@stellalegolasnevolous4666 2 күн бұрын
I don't feel safe being skinny 😢
@eheld27 2 күн бұрын
I’ve just realised after watching this video I’ve actually got a eating disorder I always think back when I was shredded I had a 6 pack and everything but that’s when I was stress free had no kids and had plenty of free time. Now I’ve got a son been made redundant 3 times in 1 year and stressed to death about money and still trying to chase that body I once had a few year ago and it’s just not happening
@kathrynaston6841 3 күн бұрын
I am going to turn off my computer and KZfaq viewing at 10 and read until bed time.
@kirkster501 3 күн бұрын
Just stumbled across your channel. Your video completely encapsulates my problem almost as if you were speaking about me, grieving the end of the meal. I've never left an empty plate in my life, I can eat everything in huge amounts. I'm not "fat" but have an almost unstoppable appetite - I can literally eat all day long in amounts that many think impossible. I have gotten away with this habit for years but it's catching up with me and I need to address it. I've bought your book for some help and inspiration.
@RealityzBIGGESTfan 3 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏿
@lutra-lutra 3 күн бұрын
I will try your advice tonight. No phone, no online shopping and let's hope the urge to eat all the ice cream from the freezer will go away
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 3 күн бұрын
Let us know how it goes!
@chefstravels8429 4 күн бұрын
I am struggling with my weight and really trying to train my mind not to eat just for the sake of eating. I try to eat healthy now and find it helpful. Great vid. Cheers
@kasarassudas 4 күн бұрын
I am addicted to sweets! I never overeat on other foods but sweets!
@densedecisions4568 4 күн бұрын
9:22 This one's a good one. Yesterday, I had a late meal because I was on a roll doing other tasks; the socially acceptable time slowly passed me by, and my parents called me while I was cooking. Yesterday I cooked too much, and I was low key too tired/peaceful (-positive story!) to eat it. I am kind of a tornado in the kitchen, but without resenting it, I nourish my soul. After deciding to put back leftovers, I'll (snack on it, while in a balance of) have a preset meal for today.
@densedecisions4568 4 күн бұрын
5:06 Do you consider making an intentional decision a form of progressive overload to become resilient to decision fatigue?
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 3 күн бұрын
I may not have used those words, but yes, I think that gentle intentions can help guide decisions that may otherwise be overanalysed (leading to mental fatigue) and some decisions ahead of time mean fewer decisions throughout the day, which saves mental energy. The important piece is to understand your own temperament well enough to recognise when this starts to feel like a lack of choice that triggers a rebellious response
@ArnfinnRian 4 күн бұрын
There IS a way out of this food eating thing! There IS! I call it the battery pack! Not quite there yet, but I will make a battery to keep the sane people (the non cookers like us) out of that hated kitchen.
@qualyy 4 күн бұрын
Thank you❤
@qualyy 4 күн бұрын
Thank you SOOO much. Each time I've heard about the binge eating I struggle with, when searching for an answer, I didn't really felt like I was able to finally managed to possess the knowledge that can ACTUALLY help me. The points you mentioned were really mindful, opening the parts of my eyes that saw them yet didn't know it. I love how you explained it all, I love how I was able to relate. Even just for those short 13 minutes. My journey, or, as I should say NOW: me being in the state A was a common thing I couldn't really get a grip on. I let it go too much, not knowing what to do even when I desperately tried. I want to make sure to be in the state B more for now on, I hope not to feel so horrible ever again. Once more, thank you miss.❤
@butterpecan447 4 күн бұрын
i have had food issues so many years, i havent a clue real hunger, real cravings, appropriate amounts, and I really dont KNOW what i really WANT to eat. I found that restriction completely is the only thing i do! Doesnt matter what i weigh, i feel out of control unless i just DONT eat much. Just enough to survive. That is safe for me.😢. These videos help so much to try to understand all this.
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 3 күн бұрын
@keithcitizen4855 4 күн бұрын
Does this make sense I top up in reverse which has led to intuition good eating- ( ref last part of your video)
@elisechenda3210 5 күн бұрын
You have completely changed my life Sarah and I'm only just at the start of this healing journey. I can't thank you enough and please come to Australia so I can meet you and give you the biggest hug. <3
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 4 күн бұрын
Awww 🥹🥹❤️
@Tontoquienloleation 5 күн бұрын
Stress made me go down the slippery slope of binge eating. After a whole year of not tracking my food, I stopped having those big binges, but I was still overeating. Then when I finally got a break from both my job and side job, I started losing weight. I've lost 6 kg since the beginning of May and now I have the eating habits of a normal person 😭😭😭 I don't want to go back to work, I'll gain all the weight back.
@mynameisisabella2399 5 күн бұрын
im so grateful for your videos, im struggling so much with trying to be mindful but i disassociate so much when i eat
@laurindaellis3099 5 күн бұрын
I noticed you said 3:00 pm was when you started noticing a sugar craving. I sometimes have cravings that usually hit from 2:00 to 3:00. This happens on days that I don't have a big meal. Days that I eat a good amount of food and more protein than carbs, I don't get the cravings in the afternoon. I'm thinking, I may not be eating enough at lunch.
@ThembeMchunu 5 күн бұрын
Is it a good idea to have certain systems in place to avoid a binge? Each time I am in my kitchen home alone, I binge. I want to just have the freedom and disciple to not binge when I am around food, but I find that I can only go days without bingeing if I stay away from places with lots of food. @thebingeeatingtherapist
@kristidavidson8945 5 күн бұрын
You just honestly get it and have a very clear and helpful way of articulating the internal struggles that I identify with so much. Thank you. I would like to add something that helps me anticipate eating less and making it a positive instead of a negative. When I do this, it is helpful. I know I will be going out with friends to eat Mexican food. I know it’s going to be delicious and we do this once a month. It used to be an episode of overeating that I used to anticipate with pleasure. It can be scary now when I don’t want to do that and difficult to not do it. So I spend some time now anticipating how it’s going to be delicious and because there is only so much room in my body, only so many bites are actually enjoyable. The first three bites are ‘10’ delicious. The next three or four bites are ‘7-8’ range. As I have maybe 5 to 10 more bites they start to fall down into the ‘5’ range. I know at that point my body will have had enough and if I continue eating that the bites will be 2s and 1s and maybe even negative numbers. So the overall grade point average of deliciousness just falls the more I eat. I do grieve the end of the meal, but if I’m honest, I become more aware that I’m actually not enjoying it anymore. I really want to stop and not kill it with low quality less enjoyable bites. Thinking of it this way helps me be happy to let enough be enough. Still not easy but this process helps me. Just offering it in case it might be helpful.
@lisaaamoun3520 6 күн бұрын
This has been so helpful. I’m slowly improving. I can actually see my progress. I never thought I could get better but I am. On a binge day I say I’m just having a bad day. This is temporary and I don’t need to panic. Then the pressure is off and I do better. I try not to plan food because that triggers me if I focus too much.
@jordanwayman545 6 күн бұрын
Your videos have/are helping me through so much. I had no idea I even had an eating disorder for so long but I’m slowly uncovering it and it’s all starting to make sense. watching your videos has validated a lot of my feelings and made me feel less crazy. Thank you for sharing xxx
@sadieannegracebrewer7582 6 күн бұрын
What wonderful information on here in the comments we should start a meeting we need you all!!😃
@sadieannegracebrewer7582 6 күн бұрын
Oh my goodness the Lord just led me to your channel. You are great. I have to tell you there's been more times of fear of running out of food lately than ever before and it's been tripping me out because I start to raid the kitchen. I'm already an over eaters so it's terrible because I am panic binging. I've always been the type of person when the stress going on I lost my appetite and all of a sudden in the last year it is done a flip. All I wanna do is eat when I'm stressed. I work out all the time I am diagnosed in therapy once a week, I go to my AA meeting four years clean and sober and this year I have a year as a non-smoker. I sure don't need this to become another vice and I'm really getting concerned. Thank you so much so far for your information. I've only listened to five minutes and 19 seconds of your video.
@lucysnowe3571 6 күн бұрын
Yes exactly...get into the part of the brain which allows choice really making your own choice. Accept that the addictive desire will still be there and accepting it
@Healysol 6 күн бұрын
Thank you so .much for this video ❤
@AlphaFitness-Health 6 күн бұрын
Nutrition is so important! Thanks for the tips. 🥗🥑
@tammymasson2343 7 күн бұрын
Very helpful!!
@gahaiaqueen4923 7 күн бұрын
I'm 16 years old girl and I had this problem for years I use to eat fast food 3 time a day now I'm trying to only eat once in a month it's really hard for me but I'm trying
@nibz2350 8 күн бұрын
Hi would this also relate to watching and eating at the same time? I wouldn't classify as binge eating, but definitely extra eating, and enjoyable....thank you for your helpful videos :)
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 7 күн бұрын
It can be and there can be a bit more to eating with a screen. I have a whole podcast episode on it:
@amyfrancis9423 8 күн бұрын
Thank you Sarah for this podcast. I can't tell you how many times I read Geneen Roth's books and that was in my 20's! I am now in my late 40's and still struggling. What did you think of Geneen Roth's retreat? I would love to go to one but they are always out of state and expensive. It's summer time and I hate wearing shorts and swimsuits. Yet I am working as a group leader in a day camp. I am doing this for my youngest to go to camp. I end up wearing the almost dreaded capris because it's what I sort of feel comfortable in. I will be 50 in a year and a half. Why can't I just get over this binge eating mentality? Thank you.
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 7 күн бұрын
I highly recommend checking out this conversation I had about Geneen Roth and her work: Both of us have been on her retreats, gained some insight from her work, but also have a couple of concerns about her messaging at times
@bobarasmith 8 күн бұрын
Sometime I feel like my biology is also scared of my own psychology. I've restricted my own food in the past on and off, so I can also see how my appetite my try extra hard to obtain as much food as possible in case my shame tries to cut off food again.
@TheBingeEatingTherapist 8 күн бұрын
@em945 8 күн бұрын
Thank you so much!
@susieanderson1782 8 күн бұрын
Sarah, this video (and your others) are so wonderful. I hope you had a good time on the yoga retreat. The writer Kate Manne in her latest book Unshrinking has a similar idea to body allowance which she refers to as "body reflexivity". xx