Dawn of War | Warhammer 40K's AWESOME RTS
@AllWorkAndLowPay 4 сағат бұрын
omg can not wait for this
@phoenix.8679 4 сағат бұрын
If they just sold me the full game (story mode), preferrably hard copy for switch, I'd pay full price for that. I know that's not very 2024, but I like to own stuff.
@euariaeu8873 6 сағат бұрын
this si gacha..games like this ruin.the fun for me..if they can make alchemist code run on ps5 or xbox offline no gacha they can make money on it.and the game has the best story wasted on gacha and online
@borjankosarac3645 7 сағат бұрын
Look at that sinker, sallow face… Does that *really* look like face of a heartless traitor to you? :-) Always loved cavaliers, and my favoured promoted class is either Paladin or Great Knight. Also liked the Halberdier line; it’s unfortunate that lance infantry isn’t often used, they ought have their own crit.-happy specialist class like the Sniper/Berserker/Swordmaster… I really like when the games actually do stuff like “sword armour/lance armour”, or “axe/bow cavalier”, etc. like Tellius did. It really diversifies the units beyond just their stats, and even giving them additional weapon types at promotion regardless of whether you can choose them… I think something like a combination of that and FE8’s branching classes is ideal. It seems “Engage” kind of did that, even if they inanely removed advanced Pegasus riding classes (for one thing). But that and “Fates” largely did away with gender-locked classes (still weird what 3H did WITH them…); FE14 was also really inventive with the new classes, it’s too bad stuff like Ninjas and Kinshi Knights (another dark horse favourite of mine!) have yet to return so far.
@borjankosarac3645 9 сағат бұрын
Ahhhh… Twenty years, and I’m still amazed at Novala and his audaciousness. His plan is flimsy, and it relies purely on breaking Eirika’s spirit through wanton cruelty and deception; that he thinks he could usurp Riev’s position is the height of folly… Frankly, Tirado’s assumed scheming is actually far more effective, as he’s actually adapting and devising contingencies when his plans fail; even their respective demises really contrast and show this well.
@railow15 11 сағат бұрын
Finally, KZfaqrs giving atention to SoC, this niche game needs to grow!
@borjankosarac3645 11 сағат бұрын
You like Kyle, too?! Huzzah! Who do you Support him with, if anyone? The GBA and Tellius eras of FE had *way* too many good cavaliers, which is the double-edged blade to end them all; it means there’s plenty of options to account for whether your levels are good and to vary playthroughs, but it also means you’re not going to use them all consistently due to wanting unit variation. My last FE7 run, I got to use Kent and Sain both until the penultimate chapter; conversely, my FE8 run I tried to use everyone but Forde, yet ultimately… Well, my plan to ship Seth/Natasha went up in smoke as she ended up A Supporting with Cormag (who actually kept in), and Seth was getting benched more until the end; Kyle the Paladin did get use until Chapter 19 (paired with Lute), and Franz became my Garm-wielder especially during Chapter 20 (and A-Sopport with Gilliam)… It was still a pain to pick a team for the last chapter as I had like, 20 well-trained units; Franz yielded his Sacred Twin to Ross the super-journeyman, but it was a good run in all. After all, Garcia had Audulma and a B-Support with his son (and he was maxed with Neimi, who was using Niddhog last chapter after Gerik the Bow Knight had a run with it previously… He Supported Joshua, incidentally). Also, neither of the twins got a romance; Eirika got Tana, Ephraim got Forde (and Kyle to B) just so I could fill the log.
@RusyChicken 12 сағат бұрын
All these comments seem to be failing to grasp that two things can simultaneously be true. This can be a great game while at the same time gacha and F2P gaming can be a horrible cancer that are causing the industry to shift toward producing garbage.
@borjankosarac3645 13 сағат бұрын
“Why, going to the seaport town of Serafew of course!” - Titanium Legman, referring to the town *literally in the middle of the continent*… Never change, Thomas. Never ever change.
@yagami999913 13 сағат бұрын
Tactis Ogre : Reborn has just too much quality content for me to care about any other tactical RPG other than a potential Final Fantasy Tactics Remake/Remaster
@borjankosarac3645 14 сағат бұрын
It’s kind of funny how the Archer class doesn’t tend to have great Strength growth in FE especially. I mean, you mentioned teaching archery; you know full well that upper-body strength is crucial to using a bow effectively. Not that I expect them to be more powerful that blunt-force, but why do so few have say… 40-50% growths? Or am I just not recalling correctly what I read of specific characters…? I might be honestly. The only game that potentially overdoes the bandit chapter(s) is ironically, FE7 during Lyn’s story; that only being the case because Prologue to Chapter 5 deals with some manner of them, but I liked the breezy pace of that and don’t especially mind the arc.
@borjankosarac3645 15 сағат бұрын
“And by capital, I mean country.” Don’t know *why* that flub amused me so; maybe it’s that I know you so confidently get a word wrong in the text while reading the lines, but do correct yourself if it’s your own words. ;-P This chapter just reinforces how brisk the plot of “Sacred Stones” moves; when a lot of the later games seem to paradoxically spend too much *and* too little time in progressing the plot, this one throws us immediately into the conflict. We feel what the characters do, with Eirika barely getting a moment with her father before she’s spirited out of the castle and soon after her second real fight she’s told he perished… Because the story doesn’t dwell on it overmuch it doesn’t feel like it’s trying to manufacture how we feel; similarly Eirika doesn’t really let Fado’s death slow her down and refocuses. Fittingly the rest of Act One isn’t as rushed, but that’s because her journey finally gets going on her terms; for several chapters the plot and world gets introduced to us, learning of its current state just as they do. Anyone who says FE treads its own narrative tropes too much doesn’t understand that when done well, that’s not cumbersome in the least. It’s not groundbreaking but it has some really memorable bits, and it flows really well. :-D And Franz showing off; plus right after Eirika grew some good stats, he kind of follows... at least it was Defence though! But I’ve found one thing he and Seth sadly share, is poor Resistance growths; they’re definitely best not tanking Magic enemies unless you were absurdly lucky. And from experience, even resets for level ups aren’t the best bet; my Franz as a gear knight had at level 20, just 10 Resistance. :-(
@borjankosarac3645 15 сағат бұрын
Heeeeey, Tom! Listening to your commentary gave *me* a huge grin, too; not that I expected any less. :-D I just finished my own run on Eirika route, itself being dragged out by wax and wane in motivation (and life). But it was fun, and fulfilling; and I just did another Prologue in which she got every stat *except* for Speed. Somehow… I really wasn’t expecting it; it’s practically her best first level and Speed being her highest growth I’m not concerned that she won’t cap it. ^.^ This will definitely be fun to catch, and see how it plays out overall! ;-P
@anyroad5455 18 сағат бұрын
This game makes me sad, and this new information makes me even less interested in it. If there is truly no reason to participate in the gacha, then why is it there? I’d rather they charge for a full single player game with no gacha and put all their efforts into that instead of splitting it. The poor dialog and small party size are also marks against it in my book.
@RusyChicken 12 сағат бұрын
It's there because the gacha spenders are subsidizing the free campaign for everyone else. How is that not obvious?
@FlipCanon23 22 сағат бұрын
Would the StormHawk axe be considered a “storm” skill to use with the storm talisman?
@fairtoki1685 22 сағат бұрын
Being gacha game where you spin for a new characters made me think the story will be super shallow. 😢
@TitaniumLegman 13 сағат бұрын
Story will be separate. There's no pulling for characters in the campaign, it's traditional recruitment. Only gacha stuff is in the online mode.
@Saigaiii 23 сағат бұрын
I only hope it can get more optimizations. I can get close to a ~30fps on steam deck on low settings and turned off shadows. It’s so damn fun
@Kalagni1000 23 сағат бұрын
Should be titled "Quick Death Tier List" 😂😂😂
@yagami999913 Күн бұрын
The first Darkest Dungeon was shaping up to be one of my favorite games ever. But i ended up not enjoying the rogueLITE nature of it. DD2 being a rogueLIKE with meta progression systems has me very excited for the console release. Definitely a day one purchase for me.
@seapeajones Күн бұрын
Oof. F2P and gacha. Hope it turns out good, but not holding out much hope when even straight tactics titles have been pretty bad lately.
@AqilaRarasati-yq9lx Күн бұрын
Interesting 2 side of mode, i don’t really like gacha overall bcs of i want to play the character but gated by gacha and taking lot of time to farm 1 character, the story mode is interesting one gated by keys, hopefully this keys is f2p friendly, idk why they don’t go like HsR route, no need to gate story by keys(if things go south they can gate it with money)
@geeklukeg Күн бұрын
As long as the game is good and the required investment to play it through 3 times is less than 60 dollars I will be happy. If I am getting quality time out of something the creators deserve compensation, regardless of media. Even if that means typing out a rambling comment durring a set of KZfaq ads. 😊
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
You're a real one sir, thank you.
@BTrainStudio Күн бұрын
I'm really looking forward to this game. Hope to see more videos on this!
@DMT-ix9zj Күн бұрын
This is a mobile gotcha game which makes you a paid shill............J/S
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
Would have made a video on it anyway, because I like the game. Don't be an ass.
@FabschOblivion669 Күн бұрын
This thing is a Gacha? If so, hard pass.
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
@@FabschOblivion669 it's two modes. One is online gacha, one is a single player traditional campaign w/some roguelike stuff.
@michaelmarks161 Күн бұрын
In either story mode is there a limit to how many characters you can recruit
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
@@michaelmarks161 I haven't seen an upper limit yet.
@michaelmarks161 Күн бұрын
@@TitaniumLegman thank you for your reply
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
@@michaelmarks161 any time! 👍
@multidinero Күн бұрын
No one makes a free to play game without it trying to dive into your wallet whole hog. I don’t care how pretty or how innocuous it looks or feels. The gacha mechanics aren’t lying when it says “Gotcha!”. I’ll pass personally. I only pay for my games once and done. The rest of you guys can do whatever you like. Flowery words mean nothing when my money is concerned.
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
@@multidinero correct, that's why there's a whole online gacha side of the game.
@RusyChicken 12 сағат бұрын
Just because they are trying to dive into your wallet doesn't mean you have to let them. Personally I get a ton of enjoyment out of these free games at the expense of others who do want to pay.
@reneepineau631 Күн бұрын
As gacha games go, I feel like Another Eden was the only game that pulled off the truly-free-to play thing without things feeling like a sleazy attempt to pitch you microtransactions (the soundtrack involved Yasunori Mitsuda, too, so I couldn't *not* try it) If SoC winds up with a model more like that game, I'll probably play it 😊
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
@@reneepineau631 fingers crossed!
@gotaplanstan Күн бұрын
@@reneepineau631 Octopath CotC has too, and it's also the closest thing to Another Eden in the playstore
@danmillar6323 Күн бұрын
I loved this game so much, and you're right that Dark Crusade was the best with that risk-style map. I'm quite tempted to go back and reinstall it now
@NvrFinal Күн бұрын
any samurai, monks, ninja like FFT?
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
Haven't seen samurai or monks yet. Ninja are sorta in in the way the reapers work. But there's a lot of classes I haven't seen from the other nations.
@AgentZ46 Күн бұрын
I love Spike Chunsoft games so I'm super looking forward to this! I'm surprised you haven't made any videos on Expedition 33 though. Any interest in covering that at all?
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
I want to, I'm just waiting for a little more info to drop. We really only have that first trailer thus far, right?
@AgentZ46 Күн бұрын
@@TitaniumLegmanThat's fair. There's small snippets of info on the website for some of the characters but for the most part yeah, just the trailer.
@Protoman20xx99 Күн бұрын
Didn't catch if you mention it but you can bring in 3 Gacha charcters as is into every replay of the story mode.
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
Ahhh, interesting.
@felipeduaardo Күн бұрын
Does it have autoplay?
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
I haven't seen an option for it.
@RusyChicken 12 сағат бұрын
It does, yes, at least for the resource grinding stages.
@jamie6091 Күн бұрын
FTP hyper monetised mobile game 🤮Love the graphics though on this but hopefully the FFT remaster gets announced soon :)
@drtiki247 Күн бұрын
I feel like if you enjoyed Triangle Strategy or FFT; playing through the non-gacha side Spiral Destiny is an absolute no brainer. A free, multi-branching story that encourages reruns. I was lucky enough to get into the short 1 week of the final CBT, I can't wait for release. I'll be meddling in all aspects of the game (gacha and non) so glad to see more of your content covering SoC!
@gotaplanstan Күн бұрын
Jeez sorry dude, so many toxic people in the comments already 😔 Fwiw, it's always nice to see you hyped about new games. Looking forward to more content on the game as it nears its launch, and then post launch too if you're enjoying it!
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
Oh it's all good, I expected it. Really I'm just hoping that I can clarify the whole deal with the single player so people who might have been turned off of it give it a shot. And yeah, I'm hoping I can make a much of content about it. Fingers crossed!
@BaneGaiety4848 Күн бұрын
In the Embrace of Mesmer Flame.
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
It's very roasty toasty in there.
@ageup7493 Күн бұрын
Stopped watching when he said “gacha”
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
@@ageup7493 your loss
@Oolong_Bagged Күн бұрын
Yeah I'll continue watching but, hearing gacha is a GIANT GIANT red flag. We'll see what else he has to say but, I'm not optimistic. Gacha is a plague.
@ageup7493 Күн бұрын
@@TitaniumLegman sorry, but nothing good comes from gacha. And im sure behind your sponsors you know that too.
@gotaplanstan Күн бұрын
@@ageup7493 I've made as many lifetime friends from gachas as I have from MMOs. Like TL said, your loss 🤷‍♂️
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
I was praising this game and expressing excitement for it long before I got a sponsorship. I always played and enjoyed Genshin Impact and Fire Emblem Heroes. Don't make assumptions about me when you're talking out your ass chief.
@othergrimm6592 Күн бұрын
I tried the demo, but...the gacha elements make it garbage for me. Not interested.
@CsStoker 2 күн бұрын
So much potential wasted on gachashit
@sunekoo 2 күн бұрын
P2W gatcha game = hard pass. A shame cos it looks good too.
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
You're missing the point that the campaign isn't even connected to any gatcha systems. They don't exist there. It's just a straight up campaign beyond the keys to unlock chapters. You literally can't pay to win.
@mobius4247 Күн бұрын
@@TitaniumLegman gacha isn't just the pulling. It's the UI and random rewards for shit spamming you with 20 blue crystal shits.
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
@@mobius4247 if that was true you could find all sorts of games on the market with no gacha mechanics that are apparently gacha
@mobius4247 Күн бұрын
@@TitaniumLegman there are games with moronic mobile UIs and they do also suck. But that doesn't make them Gacha. Just like a dog having 4 legs doesn't make it a cat. Your argument is close but not quite there. Glad to have your take on the game though. It's a good video and you do make good content. Keep it up!
@seancarter1014 2 күн бұрын
Absolutely love these games. It’s sad that there aren’t more. Played Final Fantasy Tactics and Front Mission 3 like crazy in High School.
@sephirothchild 2 күн бұрын
No, thank you. I'll just stick with Final Fantasy Tactics.
@darkestcloister 2 күн бұрын
hear me out; leveling-up and upgrades are often a place where Gotcha game exploit players for money. Also, at times leveling-up and upgrades are the solution to winning and not actual game-play strategy. I'm starting to think I don't want leveling-up and upgrades in a tactic game
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
The thing is, there's literally zero connection to any paid boosts or anything in the campaign it's exclusively standard leveling. Looking at the online Gatcha side, different story, but my focus is the campaign so I'm not too worried about it.
@mobius4247 Күн бұрын
Just look at Fire Emblem Heroes and how fuck-awful that game is vs other games in that franchise.
@Mhantrax 20 сағат бұрын
They are completely separate, so much that how you build your characters use completely different systems. On the gacha side you have a simple tech tree. In the single player you either get them from certain quests or you have a training yard where you choose between actual skills (reactive, passive or active) or a different set of passive skills. In the gacha you choose which weapon you equip on a unit and you choose to raise the weapon's level and break its level etc. in the single player there is none of that. You can craft weapons in the forge or get from a quest, but there is no upgrading them.
@carnackketral9904 2 күн бұрын
I have played the demo to death already. I keep trying to argue with the anti-gacha hate mob in the message boards too. Glad to know it is finally getting released. been hyped for the past few months. Hopefully the monetization is not too egregious, Like tower of fantasy or Genshin....
@adisander 2 күн бұрын
If the keys are never a barrier I'm a bit confused as to why they exist in the first place. I'll remain skeptical on that point.
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
It's the biggest potential problem, gotta see how it shakes out.
@Jabberwokee Күн бұрын
Indeed. I’m interested to see how this is actually implemented long term, as I can’t imagine they’ve created an entire system to gate progression only to make it so progression isn’t… gated?
@DerekElden Күн бұрын
If it’s anything like how keys are implemented in Genshin Impact, Their primary function would be to slow players down to promote longer-term engagement. A full 50 hour campaign can be beaten in a few days, which will cause players to leave sooner than the dev would like. Additionally, If players complete story contact gradually, gives the dev time to release more story content without the players losing interest too quickly.
@RusyChicken 12 сағат бұрын
Like @DerekElden says, it's not that they are "never a barrier" it's that they are only a barrier if you progress faster than the devs want you to.
@aronnax898 2 күн бұрын
Fantastic video!
@brokenfang-io7pm 2 күн бұрын
best warhammer videogame!!!!
@lamhamzzzzzz 2 күн бұрын
spam a few hours of fun, get bottlenecked by real money requirements, and walk away with no regrets! same as usual
@shawnw86 2 күн бұрын
I've never gone from Excited to unexcited so quickly before.
@TitaniumLegman Күн бұрын
@@shawnw86 why?
@gotaplanstan Күн бұрын
​@@TitaniumLegmanthese people are incredibly toxic. They think they are credible sources for discussing addiction, even though none of them have any psychology education. And when called out for spreading misinformation, they resort to personal attacks. They're Dunning Kruger Effect victims.
@6thstanza700 Күн бұрын
@@TitaniumLegman I'm guessing phone gatcha. Because wow. That blew all my excitement out the window. Waste of music talent.
@JaguarPaw1318 Күн бұрын
Atleast try it first? There's a demo on steam.
@gotaplanstan Күн бұрын
@@6thstanza700 it definitely helps your opinion to have credibility when you don't even spell the genre correctly 😆