Christian Universalism: Wheat vs Weeds and Sheep vs Goats.

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The Orthodox Universalist

The Orthodox Universalist

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Christian Universalism: Wheat vs weeds and sheep vs goats.
What about the separation of the righteous and the unrighteous? Does this separation lock a person into an inescapable fate after death?
Addressing the article “12 Questions for the Would-Be Universalist,” Released by The Gospel Coalition in December, 2022, and written by Michael McClymond.
Discussing universal salvation. Following the universal King.

Пікірлер: 57
@ELM-ee8bt 6 ай бұрын
I'm a "moderate" Christian (too conservative to be progressive and too progressive to be conservative) and I'm a Christian Universalist. I love that this is a belief that any Christian can come to and isn't tied to one style of Christianity. 😊
@GoldAndSilver988 Ай бұрын
I'm unorthodox in many ways, including being a Universalist after coming from the Annihilationist viewpoint.
@seven-in2je 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate that u aren’t confrontational but have a strong desire to share the truth. Its a good strong attitude and shows u submit to truth. Which also shows humility and its nice to listen to your videos. Im an ex jw and just had an awful conversation with my jw parents. They so cocky and arrogant and show no submission to truth, just their feelings. Its really refreshing to watch your videos after that so thank you.
@orthodoxuniversalist 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the encouragement! Glad you found channel and appreciate you sharing!
@jamesmccluskey7 Ай бұрын
Great information. My view aligns almost perfectly with yours.
@theguyver4934 27 күн бұрын
Just like biblical and historical evidence proves that jesus and his apostles were vegatarians biblical and historical evidence also proves that the trinity, atonement, original sin and hell are very late misinterpretations and are not supported by the early creed hence its not a part of Christianity I pray that Allah swt revives Christianity both inside and out preserves and protects it and makes its massage be witnessed by all people but at the right moment, place and time The secred text of the Bible says ye shall know them by their fruits So too that I say to my christian brothers and sisters be fruitful and multiply Best regards from a Muslim ( line of ismail )
@tonydangelo778 3 күн бұрын
@@theguyver4934 At best you could say they were pescatarian - but that too is unlikely. Jesus would have needed to eat the Passover lamb to keep the law. He also declared all foods to be clean and made no prohibitions on what could and could not be eaten. Being a follower of Christ is far less about what you don’t do and far more about what you do. Christ said that people would know His followers by our love. if you choose to extend that love to animals by not eating their flesh, that is acceptable. But it is not your place to put others under a law unless you yourself are to follow the law perfectly.
@nikokapanen82 9 ай бұрын
Do you know this thousands of years old philosophical dilemma that all the theologians and philosophers have been pondering about: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” - Epicurus. I was pondering about this dilemma as well for quite some time, thinking that if God truly is all good then He must desire to create an all-good universe without any evil pain or suffering at all, and if He is truly all-powerful then He must have the powers/ability to create such universe. Then what is going on? Why don't we see such a perfectly good universe? Later I got it. God clearly gave me the understanding that He truly is all good meaning that He truly does desire to create an all-good universe and that He truly is an all-powerful God meaning that He does have the powers and the ability to do it, to create perfectly good universe. Yet then comes the catch; because even God Himself must obey the laws of logic, this means that to be able to accomplish such a task and create a perfectly good universe, a hard, time-consuming, and painful process must take place first. In other words, God, right now, is in the process of creating that perfectly good universe. it will take time, but eventually, it will be done. The next order of things will be such where no evil no tears no death no suffering exist at all.
@orthodoxuniversalist 9 ай бұрын
“God, right now, is in the process of creating that perfectly good universe.” Great stuff! Thanks for sharing!
@benc6537 8 ай бұрын
It occurs that ECT represents the victory of suffering and annihilation the victory of death/ destruction. Only in restoration are salvation and life victorious.
@tammywaldner3319 15 күн бұрын
Reading this, I’m thinking about my favourite bible teacher, who puts it Plainly, - GOD gave dominion to man, so in essence He willingly tied his hands to a degree, he cannot lie, so if he then would have taken away our free will & dominion, and start directing every move of our lives, He would be going back on his word of giving dominion to man. Hence, we are the hands and feet of the father here on earth. And Satan is a spirit, and needs a body to do his work, he deceives us, lies to us and enters doors we leave open through sin ( he seeks whom he can devour, and not all can be devoured) anyway, as man had dominion, Satan deceived man and stole dominion from man. He made Eve doubt what God had told Adam ( note Eve was not taken from Adam yet when God told him not to eat of the tree, so she heard it second hand, and therefore Adam was more at fault) . And right away Eve added to what God said, saying He said that even if she touched it she would die, God never said that. So once she touched it, and didn’t die, that confirmed in her mind what the enemy told her with his deceitful suggestion. This is why we should never ad or take away from what God says. So getting back to my original point, man gave away dominion given to him by God, and that’s why He (Jesus) had to come ,as a Man, to take dominion back here on earth from Satan, and unlike when God created everything in the beginning by His words, and there was no evil interference so it happened without delay, now it took 4000 years after the fall of mankind, to get enough people faithful enough to speak all the words ( prophecy) to speak Jesus into conception along with the Holy Spirit ( the word became flesh) , it took so long because now Satan was on the scene with stolen dominion, and therefore God couldn’t just speak Jesus into being here, it took many faithful bold people over 4000 years to bring this to completion. Satan roams about LIKE a roaring Lion, but he’s been declawed and defanged, satan doesn’t make us do anything, he lies to us, we listen and then we become satans vehicle for destruction , the ones whom he can devour, ones whom he can kill, steal and destroy, with strife, illness, all the bad things. We bring it on ourselves, Satan can do nothing without our consent and co-operation. Many ask Why God allows all these horrible things; he doesn’t. We have dominion, or had, gave it away, and that’s how Satan is the god of this world for now. Don’t get me wrong, God Is sovereign, but not in the way religion has made Him out to be. In religion, it’s like he can do what ever he wants, but he gave US dominion in this world at the beginning, it is written that he wants us all to be saved - born again, yet we are not, if he is sovereign as religion decided he is, we all would be. And another thing that always stumped me was Job. That God gave Satan permission to mess with Job, but not to kill him. And that job was a good man in Gods eyes, so why did those things happen to Him? Again, God didn’t condone this, but with satans stolen dominion here, God had to let him, I always wondered why this happened to Job, a righteous man, but he had a sin nature just like the rest of us were born with, and the door that Job opened to Satan was his with his fear, he was in fear daily about his children, and we are told 365 times in scripture DO NOT BE AFRAID, and he went against this clear command of God, it is sin to live in fear when God did not give us a spirit of fear ( Timothy) and that fear if not from God, is from the enemy, and that was the devils inroad to destroy Jobs life like he did. I prayed about an answer to the dilemma in my mind and I know many other peoples minds that I’d wondered about for a long time, and one day a year and a half ago, watching a message by an amazing bible teacher, not knowing the content of that message, 15 minutes in ( and 2 days after asking God to explain why this happened to Job) this bible teacher explained exactly this!! I was thrilled at having this prayer answered so quickly. I’d been a poor excuse of a Christian my whole life, and had just recently starting truly seeking the Lord, and then he was so gracious to give me this answer in two days from when I prayed for it! Anyway I know this comment is all very the place but I’m excited and hope this makes sense and blesses someone who reads it
@thatwhichhasbeen-isthatwhi6575 Жыл бұрын
The poor translation of the Greek noun Aion or any of its derivatives is what I believe becomes a stumbling block for many concerning the duration of this biblical separation. When persons read the word “eternal”, the duration concerning this separation becomes an open and shut book. Yet that clearly isn't the case. Jesus didn't say that the righteous will enter the kingdom “instead” of those who become subjects of the outer darkness. He said they will enter the kingdom “before” them [ie] Many who are last will be first and many who are first will be last. It's interesting to note that every occurrence of the words “Gnashing of teeth” or something very similar to that expression is always within the context of rage and anger. So, if it is the case, which I personally believe it is, that the likes of Luke 13:22-30 and Matt 26:49 occur at and during the judgment, then it doesn't look like every knee will be “instantly” - “forcefully” bowing and confessing Jesus as Lord to the glory of God the Father. In Phillip 2: 10-11, the Greek word for confess is “exomologeo”. Lexicon:: Strong's G1843 - exomologeō Biblical Usage:- To confess, to profess, acknowledge openly and joyfully to one's honour: to celebrate, give praise to etc… Some bible translations render that same word, within the same context, as [praise] in another part of Paul's writing in Rom 14:11:- For it is written: “as I live, says the Lord, to me every knee Will bow, and every tongue will give [praise/exomologeo] to God” [NASB]. Throughout the scriptures, the verb “exomologeo”, when translated as “confessing”, is always within the sense of a “wilful/unforced confession” and I’m pretty sure that persons staring “either eternal conscious torment” or “permanent annihilation” in the face will not be giving God, through Christ, any kind of “wilful praise”. So, as a convinced universalist, my conclusion is this. Something must happen to the attitude of those persons “gnashing their teeth” in anger that brings them to the point of a “wilful confession” of Christ as Lord. In other words, it's my contention that something corrective must be happening [ie] Matt 25:26:- Matt 25:46:- And, these, shall go away, into, age-abiding, >[kolasis/correction]< but, the righteous, into, age-abiding, life. [REB] Lexicon:: Strong's G2851 - kolasis:- Biblical Usage: - >[correction,]< punishment, penalty. Peace
@orthodoxuniversalist Жыл бұрын
Great stuff! I agree that the translation from the Greek has definitely contributed to the confusion.
@nelsonbaker88 11 ай бұрын
Seriously! Thank you brother for making this video! 🙌🏻
@saskiascott8181 Жыл бұрын
Amazing! Subscribed 😊
@jasonegeland1446 Жыл бұрын
My only issue lies within the term, "Christian." I don't identify as a Christian in the way that I did for years. Following Jesus Christ originally had nothing at all to do with whether one called themselves a Christian or some other title of association. It's not about what I practice or call myself (my most identifiable term is "a child or son of God"). The ultimate victory is from Christ to everyone in this world, and not what title we associate ourselves as. Great message, though! God will be all in all! Glad to subscribe!
@user-fp5gv5xh9d 8 ай бұрын
Jesus will destroy Christianity with the other beasts of false religions
@broderickwallis25 8 ай бұрын
Same... People are disturbed by not being, able to lable. So when you say "I'm a Christian" you can almost see their relief. They can happily lable you as "idiot" and get on their day. Lolooll😊😊😊. I refer to myself as a Christian Realist. Totally screws their brain and hopefully provokes the Question "What do you mean"😊 All the best
@user-fp5gv5xh9d 8 ай бұрын
@@broderickwallis25 wow im going to use that one, they will surely cast me into hell for it
@jasonegeland1446 8 ай бұрын
@@broderickwallis25 I'm glad we're on the same page! I agree, it's a challenge to say the least in identifying ourselves in other ways that the majority doesn't for themselves. I think you're on the right track in offering alternate ways to consider things. I try to mix a little of that into most of my engagements. Best to you too:)
@downinthecypressswamp2234 7 ай бұрын
“And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians” Acts 11:26 So what exactly is your objection? Why not just take the same title we all have since the first century? What makes you so unique?
@karolinaszczudlo9871 8 ай бұрын
You brother....are answer to my prayers... I can't believe it! Bless you 💓 came weirdly to "conservative" universalism myself, unexpectedly like yourself, still many questions though,
@orthodoxuniversalist 8 ай бұрын
Thanks a bunch for the encouragement!
@ThreeFoldDivision 8 ай бұрын
Just started my own Universalist channel, or well that's what my first view video's will cover. Definitely rooted in scripture and history..Always interested in learning more. looking forward to watching these videos. God bless
@robertocaetano4945 5 ай бұрын
Nice, i will subscribe.
@deeveevideos Жыл бұрын
1 Timothy 4:10 New International Version 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
@SpareHeadOne-yg3ox Жыл бұрын
I’m a universal reconciliationist I take the sheep n goats and the weeds n wheat to be about people who have not died or been resurrected yet. Everyone will be resurrected to final judgment after these events.
@orthodoxuniversalist Жыл бұрын
I’d love to research that view more. Do you have any resources you would recommend?
@SpareHeadOne-yg3ox Жыл бұрын
I don’t know if any. But you can read the Bible and the Fathers with this in mind. The closest to this idea would be to read papers on the “immanence” of Jesus coming and the destructions he will bring to this earth.
@deeveevideos Жыл бұрын
@transfiguredword7892 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful first video…looking forward to the others! For the sake of conversation, I might consider looking at the parables in some new ways. For instance, instead of pushing their application into the AFTERLIFE, try some other frames of reference. For instance, the sheep and the goats could be a judgment on leadership, wherein the flock was about to be taken from these leaders, as they were proving to be UNFIT shepherds. Likewise, check out Ezekiel 34 and Zech 10:3... “My anger is kindled against the SHEPHERDS and I will punish the MALE GOATS”. Point being, this prophetic metaphorical language already had Scriptural precedent when Jesus used it, and NEVER was it oriented towards the afterlife! So too consider Matthew 23 a bit more seriously as a frame of reference, before seeking to interpret this parable in Matthew 25. Matthew 23 is obviously not about the afterlife, thus perhaps neither is this judgment of the sheep and goats! (Ezek 34:2, 17) And again, what is the purpose of parables? Check out Matt 13:10-13. Because many do not truly consider WHY Jesus chose to speak in parables. And thus we often get misled by superficial surface level meanings that are not the actual spiritual substance or purpose of the parable! As such, even Jesus' closest disciples had to ask him what the heck he was talking about! Meanwhile, I might suggest how those leaders presently teaching Eternal Torment could likewise use a fresh visitation of sheep and goat throne room judgment. For it is impossible for us to fathom the depths of God's Unconditional Love and Boundless Compassion when His true nature is being so mischaracterized and trampled upon by a leadership that obviously does NOT KNOW him, and thus are barring others from entering the Kingdom of His Love!
@loleki737 9 ай бұрын
After studying and accepting biblical universalism, the Lord led me to understand fulfilled eschatology. That is that Christ completed all His Father sent Him to do. This is the understanding that Christ returned in judgment during the first centuriy's great tribulation to bring justice through Roman Beast to apostate Israel and to usher in the new covenant or age of grace. When we note that Christ and the apostles were speaking to that audience and prophesying THEIR tribulations; we can place all in iy's historical context. Christ has done it ALL and is truly the Savior of all mankind! We're not waiting for a return. We are the kingdom and the body of Christ and the temple of God. We hace all spiritual blessings now but when we leave this earthly tent, each of us stands before our Savior and He judges us to righteousness and reconciliation. Then, we will be in glory! Thank you for this series.
@franciscafazzo3460 2 ай бұрын
That totally denies that book a Daniel told you nice to miss him week till the tonight. Jacobs trouble. The bowls of wrath have not been poured out my friend. God bless us both and not matter you. But revelation has not the place where the deliverer is coming from. You have to discount Ezekiel, Zachariah. And I don't agree that jesis this in Jehovah are the only members of the Godhead.
@loleki737 2 ай бұрын
Christ fulfilled the Law, the prophets and Psalms as His Father willed. Christ is victorious over sin, death and the grave. If you are looking at the physical world around you and believe Christ is physically returning to set up an earthly Kingdom, you are missing the nature of His coming and work.
@benjamincook711 Жыл бұрын
Nice video, looking forward to the rest. Out of curiosity, are you Eastern Orthodox? I ask because that's what I am, and am interested in this subject primarily from the perspective of the Eastern Patristic tradition.
@orthodoxuniversalist Жыл бұрын
I am not EO but greatly respect it. The name of the channel is in honor of Gregory Nyssen, as he was a universalist but also chosen to represent Orthodoxy at the First Council of Constantinople.
@1991jj 7 ай бұрын
The fact that you said you are otherwise pretty conservative (especially the complementarian part) is actually very strong adjacent evidence for your case as the most common objection i hear in church is "Universalists are just a liberal progressives!". Makes what you say have alot more weight than most universalists who just happen to also be fairly progressive.
@MrHwaynefair 11 ай бұрын
Awesome to discover your channel through a friend - I'm with you 100% - and subscribed! ❤ My YT channel is somewhat similar in focus - plus more specifically addressing Calvinism (was one for over 15 years) Blessings!
@friedrichaugustiii3114 11 ай бұрын
Very interesting video! I take from your account name that you follow Orthodox Christianity. However i have heard that the Orthodox Churches have taken stances against Universalism (Condemnation of Origen etc.). Could you comment on that at some point in time? Take care!
@orthodoxuniversalist 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback! The name of the channel was actually chosen to honor Gregory Nyssen, who was viewed as a champion of orthodoxy by the bishops at the first Council of Constantinople. He was a clear universalist, yet he was embraced and endorsed widely in his time. I cover him in a bit more detail in the video, “Christian Universalism: Historical or Heretical.” I am not Orthodox myself but have great respect for those who are.
@benc6537 8 ай бұрын
I've never met an orthodox who can even countenance universalism. Hopefully I just need to get out more. They love the fiery vengeance, perhaps for Catholics, who in turn love it for Protestants, who love it for everyone else.
@johnfelisberto 6 ай бұрын
I believe the sheep and the goats and the wheat and the tares are symbolic of the first century believers and non-believers prior to Christ's second coming in which he would judge Israel for their sins and disbelief. And not for us today. 1st Timothy 4:10 etc God saves all especially those who believe.
@frederickanderson1860 8 ай бұрын
Here is a good example, imagine a aircraft that has a serious mechanical problem and about to crash, yet out of the whole passengers, 2 or more are believers of Jesus, yet they don't know about the other passengers, yet a miracle happens and all survive. So did God save the whole people because of the prays of 2 or 3 believers???; how many believers in moments of disasters survive because they are believers and the others not so. Personally this is a very unsound mentality and l believe it's lack of what the true meaning of grace. Many focus on faith and works and love, but grace is hardly understood besides these concepts.
@broderickwallis25 8 ай бұрын
Yes, interesting. While I hope and pray on certain matters, I try to stay sober minded with the scripture in proverbs, or eccl? "Time and unforseen occurrences befall us all"
@christian865 4 ай бұрын
If you take a look at John 14:6 New King James Version 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Doesn’t universalism provide another way other than Christ to come to the father?
@orthodoxuniversalist 4 ай бұрын
Great question! The universalism of the early church fathers (the kind I defend) is completely christ centered. It is not an endorsement of other paths but a belief that one day all men will acknowledge Christ as the exclusive path.
@christian865 4 ай бұрын
@@orthodoxuniversalist so you do still believe in eternal conscious tour meant that involves the lake of fire but rather that all humans whether in heaven or hell will acknowledge him as lord?
@christian865 4 ай бұрын
@@orthodoxuniversalist because I don’t believe in a temporary hell or temporary lake of fire. I’ve heard many people say that the lake of fire was meant for refinement because it has brimstone or something to that regard. But I can’t find anywhere were those that are cast into the lake become saved after some time. However, I’ve heard also that the term of punishment in our English translation isn’t the same as the koine Greek. But until I find out further I’m going to believe what I know is true now in the since of traditionalist biblical doctrine.
@baruchbobo9993 4 күн бұрын
My friend I believe that Everyone will be saved the Almighty is love, I feel you should abandon the term "Universalism" It's just not biblical. Our message or commission is the "Good News" you could qualify it by calling it the Real or True Good News because that's what it actually is Good News for everyone, O what a Savior keep up the good work, you have the Best News every my friend. Many Blessings!😂 ONE LOVE!!!😂
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