How to Deal with People Who Say it's Your Choice to be Transgender?

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It is frustrating and painful to hear people, especially close ones, say it is your choice to transition.
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#gender #therapy #selfhelp
👉NOTE: I work solely with adults and all video content is marked for adults only. As such, the information shared is based from experience working with adults only.
🙋‍♀️Hello! I am a clinical psychologist or gender therapist, specializing in transgender field and I work with adults only. I provide online therapy for California, New York, Texas and Florida residents. My pronouns are she/her and you can visit my website for more info at
👍VERY HELPFUL Trans/Gender resources:
😀DISCLAIMER: Note as a clinical psychologist I created this channel to share information. Therefore I won't be providing or offering therapeutic advice. I am also not a medical doctor. When I speak on medical issues such as hormones or surgical procedures, the goal is to share information, and not to provide medical advice and you should always consult with your medical doctor. Additionally, this channel is for those seeking information, understanding, and to gain awareness.

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@axiom2472 Жыл бұрын
Your insistence in these last couple of videos that people who refuse to absorb the information about trans identities are being stubborn and stupid has helped me give permission to myself to stop making excuses for people. I finally talked to my dad about the awful things he said to me, and we are making progress! It was easier to do once I realized I could just see him as wrong, and stopped trying to "educate" him on what he refuses to see.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
I 90 year old grandmas using iPads to google shit! The ignorance is no longer an excuse when trans issues and trans folks are all over the news, media, newspapers etc. I refuse to promote "education" of cis folks!!!! They are not babies. They have agency and need to be pro active at least to understand how human kind is evolving.
@Ducati_Dude Жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD Absolutely... we have unlimited information at our fingertips... there is no need for peeps not to know the truth...
@FrozEnbyWolf150 Жыл бұрын
Long before I ever knew I was trans, I experienced this when it came to my depression. There were people in my life who told me, "Snap out of it," or, "Stop feeling sorry for yourself all the time," as if it was some kind of choice. They should have known better, as I was undergoing medical treatment for it. Yet in their minds, I was inconveniencing them and making them uncomfortable simply by existing. While it's likely the case that my depression was misdiagnosed gender dysphoria all along, it still speaks to the intersection between attitudes towards trans people and towards those with mental illnesses. Also, if anyone I know is so set in their ways that my coming out will kill them, well, I guess it sucks for them.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing.
@davidstehlik5365 Жыл бұрын
You just exactly quoted everything my parents have ever said to me. Especially the “dont come out to dad, it will kill him”… such unnecessary pain.
@davidstehlik5365 Жыл бұрын
She always found a way to make me feel guilty… “if you tell dad, he will die” when he didnt, she proceeded, “if your grandma sees you in a suit, she’ll die” she didnt, “if you tell your brother, his fiance will leave him because she won’t join to this crazy family” Apparently I’m choosing to ruin everyone’s life haha. Took me a long time to get over that. (And spoiler alert to those going through the same thing - coming out doesn’t kill people)
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Yes its an emotional hostage leverage situation when such things are being said.
@kaiwannagoback5712 Жыл бұрын
If hearing something someone doesn't understand or might not like, would kill them, they're the ones who need to grow up.
@kaiwannagoback5712 Жыл бұрын
@@davidstehlik5365 Glad you called her bluff on all that. Apparently she was the one with the biggest problem.Hope she learned something by other family members' examples.
@draalttom844 Жыл бұрын
Honnestly learned young that if hearing my voice drop kills someone or make them insane, it's natural selection, you can't be that soft in this world
@Oliviacaptain Жыл бұрын
I'm an addict in recovery; and I address the whole "choice" myth when I share my "experience, strength and hope" (as we say in the 12-step program that I'm a member of.) The ONLY choice that I made, was to begin to ACCEPT myself as I truly am. As far as transition, it's NOT something I'm doing on a whim.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@m0L3ify Жыл бұрын
It's also a lack of empathy, and if there's one thing I've learned about abuse psychology, it's that there's nothing you can do to make someone have empathy for you. You can't change the mind of someone who's dedicated to misunderstanding you.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
True. Especially if they really set on it.
@kaiwannagoback5712 Жыл бұрын
You made me laugh for real with the humorous example of someone actually choosing being trans when it comes with so much difficulty and society's negative baggage and reactions. The same exact argument and reaction was done to gay people too in the past, that they were making a choice, and the same basic scrutiny applied then as well: how ridiculous it was to imagine that anyone would choose to be something that could get them so persecuted in society at the time.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Right!!!!! It's like choosing to wear a scarlet letter as self inflicted punishment.
@davinamarshall2780 Жыл бұрын
Very true. I can testify that for many decades I did everything in my power to make this thing I didn't understand go away but instead of weakening feelings kept getting stronger and stronger until eventually I lost control and could no longer cope without help. Bottom line is I certainly didn't choose to be transgender.
@madscientistme Жыл бұрын
I chose transition but didn't choose to be trans xD alot of people ask me what I want to spend money on when my pay comes in but I have to say like "I can't spend them.". So yea, I chose a harder life so I didn't end up dying at 26 years old.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
I so hear you.
@ferninthehouse Жыл бұрын
my partner was so lucky to have his surgery and hormones covered by insurance, but he also didn't have options for what kind of top surgery they would do. so he has the double incision scars even though he wouldve probably been eligible for a surgery with smaller incisions. getting insurance to cover anything in the US is a nightmare but even worse when youre trans.
@diane8996 Жыл бұрын
I hate that we have to constantly justify ourselves. I spent over 30 years trying to justify that I was a man, fighting to be as "masculine" as I possibly could in order to justify that I wasn't transgender. Then I spent 4 years trying to justify that I was a woman, fighting over and over with my self-doubts, fears, and needs. And now, I have to keep trying to justify my existence with everyone else just because I make them uncomfortable. I hate it so much. All my family does support me, but I had a couple friends that were thinking it was a choice for me. I don't know if I have changed their minds, but I have certainly gotten them to think. I used a hypothetical scenario on them where they imagined that they woke up in the body of the opposite sex. Not only that, but everyone around them knew only as the new sex they were assigned, and that everyone treated them like the opposite sex. Not only that, but if they acted like the opposite sex of their new sex, they would be name-called, harrassed, and possibly assaulted. I asked them if they would actually enjoy that. Of course, I got the "haha, I'd masturbate" line, which is a hard barrier for us and perpetuates things like autogynephilia, but I got them to stop and think about what would happen after their lust was satisfied. Could they live everyday like that, or would they fight to change back? They had no words. I also brought David Reimer into the mix. David Reimer was a cis person that was being forced to be trans. If it really was a "choice", then the conversion therapy (along with the corrective rape) he went through would have worked and he would have chosen to stay female. However, as anyone with a psych 101 course knows, he didn't choose that life and suffered a lot, eventually ending his own life because of the horrors he went through, including his gender dysphoria. That again has given them pause and I feel like they support me a lot more.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and I wish you all the best.
@GabbieAbbie Жыл бұрын
my "friend" of 25 years said that I've ruined my life and the life of those around me and it was all "my choice!" and then promptly unfriended me! It's odd because he's the only one, out of everyone that I've told, who has had this view thus far. To argue with stupid is like attempting to play chess with a pigeon
@Genevieve111 Жыл бұрын
Of all the people that I've told that I'm a Transgender Woman, one has cut me off as his friend... I would never have thought he was a bigot... we certainly find out who our true friends are when we reveal the truth...
@GabbieAbbie Жыл бұрын
@@Genevieve111 yes...sadly we do.
@ferninthehouse Жыл бұрын
@@GabbieAbbie you'll look back in years and be glad they're gone because it's better to be surrounded by supportive people rather than assholes
@draalttom844 Жыл бұрын
I would attempt chess with a pigeon someone it's fun to feel good about yourself, and stupid is cute sometimes
@ferninthehouse Жыл бұрын
@@draalttom844 what in the world are you talking about??
@bradleyvanderwesthuizen4271 Жыл бұрын
My partner is saying this to me currently! Thank you for this info Dr. Z. All your videos are giving me life saving info. Thank you!!
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
You are so welcome!
@sarah-marc Жыл бұрын
I didn't choose to be transgender, but I did choose to live with it and not denying it. And I never be so well with myself since I accepted to live with this condition.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
I so hear you.
@Genevieve111 Жыл бұрын
Being Transgender is not a 'condition'... it just you being you... however, it's not 'Transgender' actually, as that is our personality. This is how we've always been. So there is nothing to transition from. So Transgender is an incorrect term. We are who we are. Society has 'Incorrectly' labeled us based on our genitals. They've told us what our personality must be even before we have a personality... that is totally ridiculous. Society tries to brainwash everyone into thinking that vaginas play with dolls and like the color Pink... and penises play with toy cars and can only like dull, drab colors for clothing such as browns, greens, blacks... only vaginas are alowed to wear dresses, skirts and makeup... what BS!!! So many people allowing others to dictate to them about how they can feel, what they can or cannot wear, how they present themselves... those unfortunate people are allowing others to run their lives. My god people get your head out of the sand... stand up for yourself... be who you are, your true self... wear the clothing that feels comfortable and 'Right' to you. Do the things You like... not the things that others say you should like... Unlock the door, step out and show the world the 'real' you... 💕
@draalttom844 Жыл бұрын
@@Genevieve111 arguable, anything that need fixing can be a condition. If you are trans but don't have physical dysphoria the only treatment you need is social but it's still a treatment. And I gotta say as a disabled person pretending it's bad to be fucked up is pretty insulting, I'm fine with being crazy
@KK-fs4zy Жыл бұрын
Well I told someone this "why would I possibly WANT to go through all of this" and I got a reply of "because you just need attention So much, you do extreme things to get it, something like a demonstrative suicide attempt" There is no final reply to this, but just.. Nevermind, it's true, you can't debate with these people.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Nope, no debating here.
@snorgz Жыл бұрын
It is always so wonderful to hear such rational experienced advice... Like with all deep pain control, the only choices are treatments available to you to help mitigate this pain, hopefully before it starts becoming unbearable. Even though these treatments can sometimes themselves be painful both societally and medically, as with all good treatments, they offer the hope of the happiness that those without pain can so easily take for granted.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Very true. Thanks for sharing and I wish you all the best.
@shirleycorning1213 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for pointing that out Dr Z. I transitioned just over a decade ago. I've been telling people ever since I was miserable living as a man and have been so happy living as a woman. Choosing to transition was in the pursuit of happiness. Who would want to stay miserable? I've always wished I was just one of the girls, a heartfelt wish, one I could not suppress or change. I want what I want, I like what I like and I can't change that. Can anyone?
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing and I wish you all the best.
@Ducati_Dude Жыл бұрын
0:59 We have to be 'selfish' in regards to being Transgender... We have to make 'our' happiness top priority... It's either we make someone else happy, or we make ourselves happy. Life is way too short to be unhappy all the time... If someone doesn't like/accept the fact that we are Transgender and desire to present ourselves in a different manner than that what society is dictating, then fu*k them... sorry for the profanity, but that's the way we need to be. It's our life nobody else's... we need to do what makes us Happy... 💕
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Well said! Profanity was very much needed too.
@klunkcow6532 Жыл бұрын
This is the first time I've ever seen this channel but I immediately clicked on the video because the first thing I thought of was Edna?? The Incredibles Edna?? I also love learning more about the science and psychology behind trans so I can better help and defend their rights. Already love this channel
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thanks for support.
@d_lynn421 Жыл бұрын
Had this argument w my mom. She said that I was forcing everyone to change with me, that i shouldn'tmake this choicefor everyoneelse just because i madeit for me. I asked I'd she thought I just woke up one morning and thought, ok... coffee, eggs, oh I think I'll be trans today!? Like no, I chose to stop living a life I was miserable in. I chose to cut my hair and I chose my name and i chose to seek out hrt. But I didnt choose to be a trans man. Its just what I am. I could wear dresses again and stop hormones... but I'm still going to be trans. I'm not forcing them to play a part they don't want in my life. If they don't like Me as I am, that's fine, but they don't get to be a part of my life anymore. That's a choice, I choose to cut off negative people. Being transgender.... not a choice.
@Genevieve111 Жыл бұрын
👏 👏 👏 👏
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
@Davis this is another stupidity I hear "you are making me!" I can't fathom why is it so hard for people to switch to a different name and pronouns?
@fudgesticklebear Жыл бұрын
Cis people are inherently privileged and entitled when it comes to scrutinising minorities. My right to exist is constantly challenged on all fronts and yet we have to placate the same people that refuse to use google.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Yes thats very true. We (myself as cis) take our gender for granted every day and many can't fathom what's it like to have GD.
@EVAKAT Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Z. Excellent topic. The reality is that the most poeple can't understand it and indeed believe that is a choice. My point of view and my answer is always the same: I didn't chose to be transgender,but I chose to support me and proceed with the transition at any cost instead of trying to fit and be miserable for the rest of my life.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Well said!
@Xcorgi Ай бұрын
I told my mother last week I’ll begin MTF HRT this month and she responded “ well what do you want me to say”? I replied “I’m not asking you to say anything. I just thought I’d let you know instead of waiting till I was halfway through it then springing it on you. Then she replied “well it’s your THING so I don’t give a shit what you do”. I replied “ well hope I didn’t upset you”. The. She said “I gotta get off the phone”! Then she hung up on me and we haven’t talked since. The way I see it, if she really wants to talk about it, she can call me back because I’m not gonna call her back not knowing if she’s still mad at me.
@TraderRobin Жыл бұрын
Yup, it's official. YOU ROCK!!
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@TraderRobin Жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD Thanks for removing my reply (twice)!
@Xcorgi Ай бұрын
When I came out as gay 15yrs ago my brother said it was a choice. Then I said to him “could you as a straight man CHOOSE to have sex with another man”? He replied “He’ll no”! Then I said “ there you go. If you couldn’t force yourself to have gay sex then it’s NOT a choice”. You have to be that way inside where you simply don’t have a choice to do that because it’s just who you are”. So now that I’m transitioning, I’m explaining it the same way.
@Felicia1 Жыл бұрын
I had my FFS on Thursday. I think I might be transgender now 😸 I’m 65. Lovin that neck lace Dr. Z!
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Wishing you a good recovery.
@Felicia1 Жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD thank you Dr. Z! So far I feel great and I’m very happy with the results!
@hixmistian Жыл бұрын
It is a very difficult concept to refute. I'm old (60+) and in a long term marriage. I came out to my wife after a lot of soul searching and the result was not good. She was very upset, which I understand and appreciate, but in the months since she seems to have become more understanding and accepting. None the less she is still very upset and regards my transition as, ultimately, a choice. As long as the subject is not being discussed, our relationship seems okay. But if the subject of transition comes into the conversation I can see her face fall and close up and the anger surge up. I'm not sure of the long term consequences. I really really do not want to end my marriage but I am also not certain it will survive.
@hockeyhacker97 Жыл бұрын
2:00... This video was really hard to watch emotionally, but yeah that is kind of what I am currently dealing with right now though I expect part of it is just because my wife hasn't had the proper time to process everything yet. After quite a long time debating wither I was going to finally start caring about my mental health and stop lying to myself and pretending to be something I am not or going back to lying to myself and pretending everything is fine just to keep the status quo, I had finally decided that I need to start caring about my health and that I can no longer keep lying to myself. I started going to some support groups and started seeing a therapist before making a final decision and decided that yes I need to care about my health, so this last weekend I finally built up the courage to let my wife know why I had been so depressed for so long and about what I am dealing with and well the reaction... well it was less bad than expected, not a good reaction but not an immediate bad one either. Well I gave her most of a week before asking her "Hey I am not going to do anything in public because I don't want you uncomfortable but would you mind if maybe I wear some things that make me feel more comfortable in the privacy of our own home, I don't want to make you uncomfortable but it is something I need to do to cope with what I am dealing with", and oh boy the very next day "Oh you are being so selfish, you are getting what you want, I need to get what I want I am going to go on a big shopping spree because it is not fair you are getting what you want, why don't you just wait till you start your new job and see if you still feel the same way after working in your new field for a while".... It is super frustrating but at the same time understandable because it is a huge thing for everyone involved not just the person going through it but for the people around them affected by it as well. I am just going to continue giving her time because I know she knows better and that her reactions are purely due to extreme emotions but it definitely can be draining when hearing that even if you know that isn't how they truly feel.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Ahhh my heart goes out to you.
@evasofsanex Жыл бұрын
Hello! I love your channel. I am a transgender woman, I write from Bolivia, in South America. I am 42 years old. Single with no children. Two years ago I started Hormone Replacement Therapy. In part, I am lucky because my friends and my mother and sister give me their full support. In addition to some other cousins. But the rest of my family acts like I never told them about my gender transition. I visited each of my family members and explained very calmly. After that, they kept deadnaming me and things like that. It's sad when you realize that, usually, the first to discriminate against you are your family members. But just as some people leave your life, new and very valuable friendships are also formed.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Hi. Thank you for sharing from so afar. I am glad you have an attitude of knowing there ARE ppl who will come into your life who are great and valuable.
@evasofsanex Жыл бұрын
@diarmuidphelan9664 Жыл бұрын
I was terrorised and humiliated as a child (5yo) over the years for coming out transgender in my family. I had a sister that was cruel and malicious into adulthood. And it only occurred to me recently since I’ve had a significant resurgence to transition that my mother actually used my sister to harass the hell out of me till I just looked in her face one day, I thought I have to put up with her violent hostile behaviour even more. Ok, I give up. I’ve never really explained how or why to anyone, since I revealed to my mother at 5yo. I went to the gay capital to find my ppl, but in th 90’s, LGB’s it turned out looked down on trans, so no support there. And trans were in the fringe n closeted, no possibility of employment, or they were prostitues. It was like society was punishing them. So put it off and put it off. Now, I’m just trying to find financial security so I don’t have to wait any longer. No one has a say in why, or that I’m moving forward with it. I’ve seen more acceptance for it now than ever before, I think it’s time. It’s taken so long because it’s hurt so deeply, but I don’t want to continue living as I am, and I’ve felt that way since I was a child. Thank for commentary it’s positive and encouraging with that working knowledge, I like your style too, very cool. I want a bob like that:)
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and I wish you all the best.
@brendanayres92 Жыл бұрын
My friends ex use to say it was a choice but he started that debate with me and ended up with nothing to say by the end of it. But sadly your are right they will never change their minds really unfortunate case of lack off.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Yes it is.
@cora358 Жыл бұрын
How selfish do you have to be to accuse someone who is doing their best to be whole and functional despite the hardships doing so introduces... selfish? I get sacrifice to benefit someone else, but what real tangible benefit occurs if you do here? You might make someone else slightly more comfortable? Thanks Dr Z for deep thoughts that deserve pondering.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it.
@tremereowen Жыл бұрын
I made my brother doubt with the biological argument, but he doesn't know I have GD. However, I'd like to bring a question. Recently I found an online lecture from a FtM psychiatrist who basically said all about the BNST research by Zhou and Krujiver was BS but didn't have another theory. This was very unpleasant to me because it seemed to negate a reasoning that has given me some relief in the sense that "this is not something I have done to myself". It is just an internal reflectivo of the same guilt/shame thin, so, in that light, should we accept to ourselves there is no explanation for GD or is it worth to attach to some rational framework that allows us to "win" our own internal debate?
@m0L3ify Жыл бұрын
I'm a Neuroscientist who worked in Neuroendocrinology research. Did they say why they thought the paper was BS? Because just saying it's BS isn't a good scientific argument. What was their reasoning?
@m0L3ify Жыл бұрын
Ok so I went and read the paper and I didn't see anything wrong with it, and I've done work exactly like this. If this paper hasn't been retracted or debunked by repeats by other labs, I'd take anyone's opinion on it with a grain of salt. I find it remarkable that they were able to use so many brains for this study. I've done accepted, published, credible studies with far less. Human brain donations are hard to get. I see nothing wrong with their methods, and they answered questions I had about whether HRT affected neuron count. It definitely doesn't. In my professional opinion, it seems credible. But even if it weren't, that shouldn't cause you to doubt the validity of your own GD. Your proof is your experience. If you feel it, it's real and valid, and that's all you really need to know. You may never win debates with others about it when they're dedicated to misunderstanding you, but that doesn't mean your struggle isn't real.
@tremereowen Жыл бұрын
@@m0L3ify thanks for your reply. Basically, as long as I can tell, I think they said that correlations were not strong enough to proof the hypothesis due to overlapping between sexes in volume of the observed regions. The video was titled "The Transgender Brain. A critical review". Funny enough, the lecturer is a trans man and suposedly an advocate for trans rights. They said "biological approach is not the move" and referred to some findings obtained through neuroimaging about activation of some brain areas as an emotional response that seem to be gender relates, which, without being an expert, sound less solid than slicing brains and physically observe a target area, even less when you add more brains to the sample and results keep being consistent. I'm not a neuroscientist, but I've studied Statistics and Enconometry, and that sounds to me like there's something relevant there, but I'd like to know your thoughts. And yes, the struggle is real, what I don't know is if It a bi-product of something else, self-induced or whatever. Our minds are very well able to trick ourselves. Having hardproof just lessens resistance, because I can dettach and ley go of negative feelings, as shame ir guilt.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
@tremereowen and @m0L3ify if I may; the research on GD is still in its infancy in my view. As a psychologist, what I have been personally observing over the years lends me to assume: 1. there are people who are born with brains/neurological structure (however you want to frame it) in alignment with the opposite sex. This folks often have an onset of what I call physical/body driven dysphoria followed by social dysphoria. This folks often identify as trans binary but not always. 2. there are people who, if we were to contrast their brains with brains of XX or XY or any other chromosomal combo, do not have any differences with their counterparts AND also do not feel congruency with their gender assigned at birth. This leads many to conclude that gender identity as core concept by passes sexual variance and resides in more than your neuro pathways. It is also how you experience yourself and your world in relation to Self. 3. there are people who grew up feeling neutral, ok, or even comfortable with their gender assigned based on chromosomes, but in young adulthood started to experience social dysphoria stemming from societal ways/pressures/presumptions etc that their gender assignment is looked at, perceived, and interacted with. This than lead to dis alignment and for many, is a matter of shifting their gender expression role but for many others, leads to developing physical dysphoria and a need to seek medical/surgical. As you can see, gender origin is psychologically complex as is our psychology. There are very very overlaps with many things: biology, brain chemistry, exposure to potential elements that may cause DNA mutation, human variability, gender variance, etc. What you feel is valid. Can it change? Yes! In fact, change is important as gender for many is far more malleable than we think. Whats important is for you to be in touch with how it makes you feel NOW.
@tremereowen Жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD thank you so much. I guess then it is just about trusting one's own feelings in the actual state of things, but I do think though thunder was explained not so long ago, there was an explanation, and so does GD, or depression, anxiety... There is a physiological process to everything, sure. We can't identify it yet and we embrace the clinical signs, ok, so, the feeling is valid, ok, but for some rationalizing is relieving, it is like "ain't my fault, this is who I'm gonna be, for good, I need to let go", and so, we can "forgive" ourselves. As I said, it is a reflection of other people convictions, and you can't be transitioning and detransitioning, back and forth, indefinitely. I guess I really need to leave home, sorry...
@tori8670 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Z. Do you have any idea why the neurobiology that's developed in utero, as laid out by Dr. Mark Solms from South Africa, isn't part of the conversation? What he put down helped me so so much and I don't understand why what seems to be so obvious to neurobiologist is completely ignored. My brain did not masculinize in utero. Understanding this and some of the mechanisms that can cause this was some of the most important info to help me be, me.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Hi. Great question. Partially because Mark is psychoanalytic and thats more respected abroad vs US where it is highly behavioral/cognitive. But I really dont know for sure.
@tori8670 Жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD Thank you for replying today. In his writing, The Biological Foundations of Gender: A Delicate Balance, it seems to me it is pretty straight forward. Whether he's psychoanalytically-savy is beside the point. Especially, since one of his favorite fields of study is on why people lie. That part just cracks me up to no end. But I get it. Many don't want to know why they tick the way they do. That's also sad to me. Thanks again. Thanks for what you do.
@philycia1220 Жыл бұрын
I want to thank you Dr. Z. I had a traumatic medical procedure when I was a child and didn't want to be a boy. I hide me feelings to want to be a girl and secretly wore girls underwear, panty liners and tampons when going through puberty. I eventually stopped because my step mom got mad I was stealing her period products. Later I joined the Military and struggled for almost ten years in Military. After getting out of military I spent 14 years going deeper and deeper into a dark depression to the point of contemplating suicide. It was only when I reached out for help that through counselling I realized I'd been hiding my true feelings that I don't want to be masculine. So I saw a phycologist and was questioned about how I was feeling. The phycologist referred me to a Gender Dysphoria expert. I've been diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria and now I'm living a better life mentally. This wasn't a choice I chose to live as a man for all my life and it sent me spiraling into a dark depression. I feel enlightened that I can live my life as myself and how I should have lived all these years. I watch your videos because I want to understand more about myself. You have been a great help with understanding myself and comforting my fears. Thank You!
@philycia1220 Жыл бұрын
Oh and as a note Yes I use to be a person who convinced myself that it was a life choice and that society norms was the way things were suppose to be. As it turned out the only choice I was making was self damaging mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Not until I accepted my truth did I begin to heal the damage I caused myself and those around me.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and I am so glad to hear your life is much better now.
@johnjames5988 11 ай бұрын
Dr. Z you should be aware that Epoch Times, a conservative anti trans bullhorn placed an ad or their ad was placed by Google at the intro to this piece. Extremely frustrating and inappropriate. I reported it fwiw. You and people like me who really appreciate what you do deserve better. Not sure there is anything you can do but thought you should know. Now I need to cool off so I can watch your piece. Erf.
@DRZPHD 11 ай бұрын
Ohhh no I am sorry, sadly I can't select which ads they play.
@leamissyoy Жыл бұрын
I can't say it's a choice, it's there in us, we make the choice to hide it, otherwise it's not a choice to be. The real choice I can make is either to buy myself low rise skinny jeans or a skirt. Or the choice between platform sneakers or high-heeled peep toe platform sandals, that's what i could say to someone telling me it's my choice.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@CorwinFound Жыл бұрын
I think one of the difficulties in understanding for people (on this specific issue of "choice") is that there *are* choices that trans people do need to make along the way. To transition socially or not, what name if you change it. When/if medical transition is available what dosage of HRT to start with, what surgeries to pursue and so on and so forth. So many people see transition itself as being transgender. They don't see transition as the social, medical, and psychological treatment options available for people who experience discomfort with being trans. Next time I hear someone talking about choice I'm going to ask them if a patient consulting with their doctor on cancer treatments is a "choice".
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
This are excellent points on how concept of choices made overlaps. Technically it is all a choice, but a choice still arising out of necessity that stems from pain.
@lauragraham170 Жыл бұрын
As a trans partner, having to tolerate people's ignorance and bigotry is exhausting and causes isolation and resentment. The current political tendency for everyone to weigh in on trans people doesn't help. Thank you for your forceful defense of the validity of trans identity.
@toddandrews9829 Жыл бұрын
As someone who's little brother came out as gay 40 years ago, I 'm still not sure that my mother is ready to hear that I am trans and want to complete the journey to woman as a person.
@deroux 5 ай бұрын
They are choosing not to know or to attempt to understand. so yes Stupidity is the term. Great video.
@phoebegee54 7 ай бұрын
They just don't know the experience from the inside so it seems like it comes out of nowhere i suppose. I understand it being difficult to make sense of.
@jefsteele8981 Жыл бұрын
I'm afraid to even discuss this issue with my wife because her reaction to others who publicly transition is that "it is a choice". Don't know what to do with that yet
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
I am sorry to hear. While being trans is not a choice, deciding to be open with your wife or suffer in silence are choices in front of you. I truly wish you all the best.
@jeeves1102 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been having some financial difficulties lately due to cost of transition. Yesterday my mum told me it was my own fault because it was my choice to transition. Broke my heart. The fact that she would never dream of saying my brother chose to be gay makes it even harder somehow.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
I am so sorry this happened to you.
@jbw6823 Жыл бұрын
wish it were a choice. we're built like this. from birth.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
@miyahollands6136 Жыл бұрын
My partner has said this almost word for word! I have recently came out to my mother, but she wants to have a deeper discussion about it, when my father isn't in eye shot! My partner at first, said "your a man not a girl, get over it!" And sent me links about how much money transitioning will cost, or says don't let the neighbours see you as a girl - that'll be imbarasing! But, I have found taking baby steps with the information has helped her a greatdeal. Now; this means withholding information regarding my progress. I will let her know, but she has gotten very stressed over it, so I slowly dribble information, so she has time to progress it has been the best way forward for her. I bought her flowers and said "I can see how this is affecting your head, I am hear for you!". This act has demonstrated that I am not being selfish. Which has allowed her to logically progress the information. Recognise that you have been dealing with this your whole life, but for the vast majority of people in your life - they only start this journey with you from the moment you come out to them. So they have a lot of catching up to do, in order to be on the same page as you. So be patient and drip feed at a rate they cam process. That way they start to see the wider picture and make sense of the pain your going through.
@MaybeGodwillsaveMe Жыл бұрын
Yeah, you need to not be with this person. I have no idea how you think being with someone who won't validate your feelings is going to be healthy for you. I mean the doctor just sort of said this... But let me guess, you love her? lmao
@miyahollands6136 Жыл бұрын
@@MaybeGodwillsaveMe I have to admit, the passed week, my home environment has been very toxic. But, that beening said - drip feeding her information has helped create a more stable situation., hence why I said what I said in my comment. Yes, a toxic home environment is something I don't want to spend any time in and I am quite happy and capable to get the hell out, if it continues down that road. But, I have seen her mental state improve, so time was required for here to process the information. I am planning to transition regardless - its my best way forward. I know that, my GP can see it, work is 100% behind me and my mother is also very supportive. I take that as a win in my book. Just waiting on a date at the GIC and I'm on my way to a new me. Can't wait to finally say hello to my true self.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I wish you all the best.
@miyahollands6136 Жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD Today I went out as my female self, with a friend from work. We went to a park, had a walk around the lake and a very long chat. She could see intensity how I looked much happier and content, when I am presenting as a woman. She remarked how big my smile was, how straight my back was, how confident I looked. A complete opposite to the person she has worked alongside with for the past year and a bit. She said "I don't see him, I just see a very relaxed and confident woman!' She remarked that, when I opened-up to her, she 100%excepted it, but couldn't see it - until she met my preferred self, then she knew I am doing the right thing. She can't wait for the day she finally gets to officially work with her. If my partner can't see what's stairing her in the face, then she can do one....!
@thomasschultz1376 Жыл бұрын
I certainly didn’t chose to be trans… But I managed to keep her in the box with a very busy gig schedule, drugs and overcompensating my unwanted masculinity… The pandemic therefor was a blessing and a curse… I had way too much time and was way to exposed to myself… So my dysphoria hit a peak… I came out to a select few of my friends… Those were telling me that it actually makes sense… They always felt that something was “off” with me… Now I’m trying to transition with a highly visible male public profile and haven’t figured out how… I still have no idea how to strategise my coming out in order to live my life as I meant to live and have a “happily everafter”… I’m still deeply closeted, but bursting to come out… Any idea how to pull this off??? VJ
@Genevieve111 Жыл бұрын
Ya just gotta Do It... take a deep breath and step out the door. It's easier than you think... all the fears lie within you... face those fears and they will vanish...
@draalttom844 Жыл бұрын
People always care less when it's intense you you either go very slowly and get judged everytime or shock them and go all out, both are horribly stressful, I chose full out
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
@VJ it depends in terms of coming out. Many are OK coming out right away, others take it slowly.
@patriciahutson Жыл бұрын
Hi, i was in the same dilema as you now face. High profile MALE profesional hiding from both myself and Partners. I used the Counseling Service provided by Public Health to lay it all out over 3 months then with a Physc which made all my fears Go Away. It was truly humbling for me, so outcome was Transition . Now 26 years after i look back and curse i took so long to face myself. I havnt seen my ex's since 96, no real loss there. Once you face reality its bloody refreshing indeed and i suppose i was on a mental high for at least a year. Drug and Alcohol free, Anxiety free and enjoying the world as ME. So yes its scary but once through the looking Glass Wowee. The wardrobes content replacement was in excess of $16,000 though . Proper clothes that were actually fit for a Professional Female . So i hope you can see you are what i was if that helps. Kia Kaha Wahine Toa UBIQUE
@thomasschultz1376 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the advice… I think it’ll be the best for me to take it a tad slower… Shock treatment has its temptations… But I’d rather finalise my electrolysis first to have a more convincing appearance… I’m not keen on ending up in the sissy or crossdreeser section…
@kyliesoroka7726 Жыл бұрын
This can be applied to anything really. Religion, politics, whether you like to take drugs, whether you're stopping taking drugs etc. In the end these are in fact, making a choice. You know what's not a choice? Whether you are black, white, intersex, an actual biological female or male, born in a certain town/country/city, or gay or straight.
@brucedonnelly5209 Жыл бұрын
If I can understand it’s not a choice for my parents to be connected to spirituality and express this through religion. I wish they could understand it’s not my choice to be connected to gender concepts and express that through being a transgender man. Gender is a part of our human experience.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
I wish that too for so many people.
@americasariesson1862 Жыл бұрын
I’ve heard the “ this will make mom and dad implode “ and “ don’t tell them it will send them into a depression “ ...I had those fears as well because of their age. Continuing to hide and lie and stay away was not longer an option. So I disclosed and see life has gone on - really I am still the one left battling not them. It’s my fight - and my life , not theirs. I don’t expect a lot - and shouldn’t. It’s time I move on with my transition because in the end it’s not them that has to do the work - it’s mine to finish and my job to grow into the trans man I wish to be. A choice ...well , while all the other bio females were playing dolls or softball or smearing themselves in pink - I was pouring salt on slugs in the rain , blowing up ant hills with black cat firecrackers and gathering old 2 by 4s and nails and hammers to build myself a fort ..broke my first yearling at age 11 by myself in the meadow...pretended the dog was a horse and nailed my older brother in the head with a rock 3 times and a bottle rocket ...don’t feel bad for him , he split my chin open along with many other offenses - he deserved what he got. No one who knows me cannot deny the more positive changes - more responsible , stable and independent financially. To thine own self be true. Choose that or you’ll suffer no matter what your circumstances. Thanks Doc! Very strong content lately !
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
When ppl say those things, I feel they are borderline emotional abuse as they leverage your feelings of guilt. Its not alright. Glad you find content solid lately.
@americasariesson1862 Жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD Thankd Doc - I see your point ! Thanks for your support!!!
@Kira-zm7vy Жыл бұрын
The only choice I've made is to NOT live as my authentic self. It's a choice I can no longer make
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
So true.
@cameronstark813 Жыл бұрын
Willful ignorance: I don't know and I'm actively trying not to learn
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
@cameronstark813 Жыл бұрын
@@DRZPHD your videos are beyond helpful. I share them whenever I can with people who are struggling. Ty so much, truly :)
@precariousbyte Жыл бұрын
I see people who say it's a choice as willfully ignorant. The information is out there, but they're choosing to not inform themselves so they don't have to challenge their worldview.. That said, being willfully ignorant is something only stupid people do 🤣
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Hahaha true too.
@BCSchmerker Жыл бұрын
+DRZPHD *Thanks for a vid discussing others' reactions to sexual transitions.* Our fellow KZfaqr +Caroland14 uploaded a vid "TRANS WOMAN is born a GIRL and lives to tell about it, &c." 10 May 2021, alleging herself a born feminine temporarily trapped in a male body. And we know about the +GigiGorgeous success.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing.
@SaoirseCrossdresser Жыл бұрын
I feel like I am Too old to transition, I am nearly 50, plus getting a job being transgender is hard, I don't want to escort, even though I like sex a lot. and I don't want to be on onlyfans, nothing against people doing that, they make good money but it alot of pressure to do content every day, I don't think I could do that.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing and I am sorry to hear of your fears.
@laurabushey2667 Жыл бұрын
When someone tells me that it's a choice, I tell them that the only choice is to be honest or to lie. When someone tells me that I'm violating God's will, I tell them "God made me who I am, and who are you to argue with it (even though I'm an Atheist :)). I'm not sure if it convinces anyone, but it shuts them up. :) I am curious about a biological basis, though. There were a couple of studies done in the late 20th and early 21st century that showed hypothalmic BSTc numbers of mtf transwomen in the "female" range, and the one ftm transman in the "male" range. Apparently, there have been no followup studies in the intervening 20+ years. If there were, please let me know. (Of course, my area of expertise is Economics, not biology or psychology. :))
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@dennisbounds5363 Жыл бұрын
Dr Z are you trans? How did you become interested in helping us?
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Hi. No I am a cis woman. My first client out of the school was a trans woman and I fell in love with the work. I am honestly obsessed with the depth of gender and its formation and can't stop reading/learning about it.
@draalttom844 Жыл бұрын
You can act transphobic and not be transphobic it's not thrown around, just an accurate description of the origin of someone's comment
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that.
@gaylepaschke5591 Жыл бұрын
Being transgender is not a choice. It chooses you. What people can't grasp is the amount of time you basically debate with your self your feelings and why you feel. You seek professional help to find answers and medical reasons why you feel this way. Definitely not a decision you make lightly.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Very true.
@berrysnowyboy5251 2 ай бұрын
Agreed, and to the folks who say to trans people who come out later in life that being trans is a "choice" don't know what it's like to suddenly rediscover yourself and the life you now are able to work for, including the fact that transness was never a "choice" in the first place and that it's something that some folks find out later in life.
@jeffburns8689 Жыл бұрын
Is detransitioning a choice?
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
Great question. I would say no, it is not a choice. It is a need arising out of realization that your gender is something other than what you thought it was. You may choose to de-transition, but the need to do so is still coming from a deep need.
@elmateo77 Жыл бұрын
Transitioning IS a choice. There are plenty of feminine men and masculine women that decide to stay the gender they were born, because they believe the benefits of doing the surgery and taking the medications aren't worth the drawbacks. Being a choice isn't a bad thing, for some people transitioning is the right decision, but you should recognize that other people have feelings and desires too and that there are consequences to your actions. Can't you understand why a straight woman (or man) would be upset if they married a man (or woman) and then that person decided they wanted to be the other gender? I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it anyways if you really need to, but stop acting like your partner is evil for leaving you if you stop being what they want.
@maxgoldsmith9 Жыл бұрын
Your partner is supposed to want you not a gender…
@elmateo77 Жыл бұрын
@@maxgoldsmith9 The general assumption of a relationship is that you're sexually attracted to each other (as opposed to a friendship, where you like each other but there's no attraction or at least no sex). It's unrealistic to expect someone to force themselves to be with a gender of person they're not naturally attracted to, or to just go without sex forever. Especially if that wasn't part of the initial agreement when the relationship was formed (if it was and they knew you might transition from the start that's completely different). It'd be great if they were into your new parts, but they're not a bad person for wanting to move on as long as they do so respectfully. And pushing a narrative that says otherwise is likely to alienate a lot of people, especially straight men who can imagine the horror of suddenly being expected to be in a relationship with another man that they didn't consent to and being villainized for not just accepting it.
@DRZPHD Жыл бұрын
@elmateo77 thanks for sharing. While it is technically a choice, I think we can agree that for trans folks that choice arises out of necessity driven by pain and turmoil. Speaking of adults here who have spend years of trying to avoid doing anything only to suffer. And yes, it is totally OK to be presenting in any gender fluid, gender non congruent way as you say, man presenting more feminine etc., however, for many that doesn't elicit pain. Last, I agree with you a 100% about partners and in fact in my partner series I make it clear that partners of trans folks have every right to decided if transition is a deal breaker for them because for many, gender is essential part of relationship and sexuality. I think it is very bad to turn partners into villains in such situation and am first one to point out. Having that this, in the this video I am referring to partners who are NOT saying "hey I dont know if I can handle this or if this is for me," but to ones who impose their view by ultimatums, "If you do this thats its I am out of here, its me or transition." Thats just not realistic nor fair nor productive. Hope this clarifies.
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