Is it ok with you if I change things (a bit) on this channel?

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13 жыл бұрын

That's my question to you.
Please be honest!!!
And please leave a comment!!! THANX!
By the way: The relationship is over now. But I handled the situation very well. It just didn't work out. And that can always happen.

Пікірлер: 81
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@stevehaylingisland Ok. That's great to hear.
@yarnpower 12 жыл бұрын
Just found your channel and have found it very helpful to understand a family members' BPD. Your videos give a very clear impression of the struggles and way to deal with it constructively. Thank you. On the subject of putting more light-hearted videos here, that would be great as it would show the fun side of you! I am sure the title could make it clear that it isn't a serious one.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@Rubbersoulful Thanks Tom! You have a great February too!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@Chiiiiyo cool! thanks!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@ZoeShepard Thanks!! I'll try to do the best i can.. Without putting too much pressure on it :) Hope you're doing well.
@CandysChannel 13 жыл бұрын
I'm dating a woman long distance who's new to BPD, so it's been really rough! Yesterday though, she surprised me when she told me that she got 3 books on BPD!!! 3!!! I am so happy she wants to learn more about my BPD and it was so thoughtful. Anyway, your videos have been so helpful! You should do more lighthearted videos! Maybe create an entirely new channel but if you upload them here, that's fine with me because it shows you're growth as a human being! You are changing!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@XpinkandsparkleyX :D You're so right. Thank you for this!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@tostrivetoseek Hey Grey, 'because it would say that mental illness is just a part of someone...not an ultimate definition of them. ' That is so true!! Thanks for what you said about my relationship. That was sweet. I hope you'll get better at this too!! All the best, Bas
@tostrivetoseek 13 жыл бұрын
it'd be cool to see the more light hearted side of you and I think it'd be alright posting it on this channel because it would say that mental illness is just a part of someone...not an ultimate definition of them. There's more to you than just that, y'know? All the best with your relationship, it's great to see you are so comfortable with yourself in that respect. Though much improved, it's somethin I still struggle with a lot.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@kitesInSpace Thanks for the comment!! You are right! Can i read your blog sometimes?
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@Dreadedaries that's true. thanks for the comment!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@delicatecrazee :D Thanks Dee!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@Melrudin Hey :D Thanks! I feel more free now with making videos :)
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@TheEmmyR Thank Emmy! I'm just going to try it and we'll see what happens..
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@cal2mon ha ha! Thanks Calum!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@batonamat098 aww, thank you. I'll try to do the best i can with the new videos :)
@delicatecrazee 13 жыл бұрын
I think you should go for it :) I'd love to see more light-heated videos and your crazy arty ideas! xx
@Rubbersoulful 13 жыл бұрын
Have a great February, hope the relationship thrives! All the best dude
@MonacoBlast 13 жыл бұрын
Hi Mr. Bas, I think the lighter side of mental illness rehab so to speak is much harder to grasp than engaging in the misery loves company thing. I've been working for almost 2 years now to think and act as if I were not depressed or anxious. I'm just lately seeing some good results. What a wonderful place I'll be in two years from now. Let your Freaky Flag Fly ! There is a God and yes, he's gay.
@ChenoaDesiree 13 жыл бұрын
@MeAndMyBlackTable I wouldn't so much as consider the response of others, but do it just to be revealing. Ya know, more open. I wish my life that interesting :) Hopefully, in Florida, I'll get that chance. I thought it would be cool to see you just as you are and nothing more. BUT, this is your project and everyone would, most likely, support you no matter which way you go. I'm so curious as to what you plan on doing!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@LisaFraggle Hi Lisa(?), thank you for this comment! Especially the get out of the middle ages part :)
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@composer63 Hello Charles, i think it's best to agree that we disagree..And leave it to that. I truly wish you all the best Charles. Greets, Bas
@FFKHFVR002 12 жыл бұрын
Hello, I just ran into this channel and I think your videos are great, and i can relate to some of the things and issues you talk about, if that sounds right lol. I also agree, people are judgmental and I'm glad you didn't let it get to you. I also would say its a great idea to change it up, and I feel you should go for it man.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@crimsontears85 Thanks Steph! X.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@jdStarlight Thanks Jenna. I hope you'll like the different videos. And if you don't, feel free to say so :)
@Melrudin 13 жыл бұрын
By all means, I'd love to see more fun videos! :) I love your videos in general, so I don't mind you changing it up at all! I enjoy your fun videos as well as your serious ones. ^^
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@xEvAnnie Thanks Annie! I feel that i want to do it all on one channel since it's all me (thoughts, ideas, art, life love, randomness, craziness) and maybe i can write in the title and description box what it is about? Thanks for your comment, really great!!
@raezer 12 жыл бұрын
@MeAndMyBlackTable It is sad so many people are judgement. I live in America, and in a state that hates people like me (bi) to the point that my girlfriend and I where run out of the hometown she lived in and her house was burned down after we left. It was awful, she lost most of her family over it too. :(
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@XxcandystarxX Thanks Candy! You know, on the other hand, at least i now have subscribers who are down with me. So in that way i'm glad about it. Take care!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@stevehaylingisland hmm I feel a little pressure.. (the quality of your black table stuff) But i'm glad that you like the quality of my videos. I'll just try to be myself and i hope people will like that. Thanks for your comment!
@JesusistheWordofGod 9 жыл бұрын
Hi! I know this video is almost 4 years old by now, but I just wanted to say that your honesty is very touching and I'm really happy for you. I hope you are still healthy and happy and in a great place! =)
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@cheerios0are0forever Hey Kylie :D Thanks for the comment. Yeah, maybe i can just make a video and you can tell me if you like it or not. Be honest! :)
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@AtarasBlog Hey :) well, i think i'll try to combine mental health issues with the more artistic approach.. Will be even more work i think but we'll see how it does. Thanks for your comment!!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@PutMe6FeetDeep Thanks George, i'll try to do the best i can..without putting too much pressure on it lol.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@Wokboy2000 Thanks Roger! It will be a bit more artsy i think.
@FDPowerLifter 13 жыл бұрын
do it on here, fun also helps people with problems as well
@Bloomindetroitfarm 13 жыл бұрын
Woot, first view! It's cuz I'm you're #1 fan and I love you the most, my handsome Jacob. I think you should do both on this channel. That way people can see the whole you, I've stated doing it on my channel. Do it, do it! Sooo happy you two are dating now! :) We need to catch up boo. I've been dealing with the ups and downs and increased anxiety when we go out together, but she understands my anxiety. If something minor upsets me, and we aren't together I get very depressed.
@crimsontears85 13 жыл бұрын
Hey, so happy for you and your boyfriend :-) ((HUGS)) and it sucks about the subscribers thing, but who needs people like that? Would be nice to see some videos of you and everyday life! go for it!! Lots of love Steph xx
@stevehaylingisland 13 жыл бұрын
Dont feel any pressure, just enjoy your self. Even if you produce some thing of a dog, you will still be human. I know that being an artist has a high expectation, but if you produce 'less than perfect' I will still be very interested in what you do.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@sassymatazzy Yeah, i was surprised too! Most of my subscribers are from America and i lost almost all of my (not down with the gay thing) subscribers from over there. But I'm glad you are still around :)
@stevehaylingisland 13 жыл бұрын
Hi Bas I would prefer you to be on this channel. I will look forward to your new work. If it has the quality of your black table stuff, it will be great. I love to listen to you as ever. I have no advice about your relationship feelings thing. Maybe your other relationships and connections can ease the pain of your present new relationship.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@LePetitRaphael Leuk zo in het nederlands :) (it's dutch people) Ja, misschien heb je wel gelijk. Ik ben altijd zo serieus en ik wil gewoon wat meer van mijn 'prettig gestort' kant laten zien. Manga is moeilijk om te tekenen vind ik. Ik heb het wel eens geprobeerd. Maar als je het eenmaal doorhebt.. it's awesome
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@XXRavethedrummerXX Ha Ha!! Thanks Pepy! Hope YOU are having a good day too man.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@Tianshi01 Hey :D Thanks that makes me happy!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@MsScarredSoul You're right! SA can be a bitch. Hope you are ok. And thanks for the comment!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@lovethewiccan3fl I love you too Bella!! (I feel the need right now to reach across the ocean and hug you my darling!!) You make me smile :) Sounds like we deal with the same stuff lately. I'll write you an pm with love details in a sec. xxx
@powrxplor69 13 жыл бұрын
Hi, I just came across your channel & I sub'd. Hearing your stories & situations you've been through in some of your vids has been like looking at a mirror of my own behavior. So I want to thank you for having the courage to post these vids! As far as anyone unsubbing cos you're gay...let them go & good riddance. I am a gay man myself & have dealt with that before. Good luck to you & your man!
@LePetitRaphael 13 жыл бұрын
Jaaa, dat lijkt me een heel leuk idee! : ) Het lijkt me het beste om, leuke filmpjes op een anders channel te maken, en wat meer serieuze op deze :) En ik zou heel graag kunst videos van je willen zien =D Mijn passie is tekenen, ik teken voornamelijk manga maar de laatste tijd ook realistish, portretten van vrienden en mensen van wie ik fan ben voornamelijk :P Ik ben zo blij voor je dat je nu met hem hebt~ ^_^ Wat stom dat mensen zomaar hun abbonoment opgeven, alleen omdat je een vriendje nam!:O
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@DJB4R Hey Boris, yeah that's why i brought it up. Maybe i can let people know what kind of video it will be in the title or something.. but i think i'll just combine the mental health stuff with the more artistic approach..(?)
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@heatherdrake Hey my favorite dance partner :) thank you for all the lovely words my friend. You're so sweet. I think it will be a bit artsy but it will not include real art actually.. I think.. :) Talk to you soon. Xxx
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@powrxplor69 Thank you for subscribing! :)
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@MeAndMyBlackTable What I'm trying to say is that I hope that his comments were not directed at me but actually were an expression of something else that is not related to me at all, but he is struggling with right now. If that is the case I wish him all the best with that. Now I hope we can all move on. We need to help each other, not fight with each other. x. (2/2)
@CrystalRainDrop789 13 жыл бұрын
Yea! You should do some fun videos in with the others. Do whatever feels best to you. I can understand needing a break from the heavy topics. That's why I also have a makeup channel and fan video channel :) I don't know why people can be so quick to judge. You are still a good person whatever you sexuality. That's a stupid reason to unsubscribe. Don't let it get you down. I know it's not easy to do with social anxiety but it was so brave of you to be honest.
@ChenoaDesiree 13 жыл бұрын
This is just a thought. Since its going to be another angle, and you'll definitely want to feature those videos, wouldn't be easier to have a 2nd channel? That way you could always have 2 main vids going at once. It just seems like that would be a good way to organize, but its totally up to you. I love the idea, but I messaged that already :) I'll be looking forward to the 1st upload!! Can...not...wait :) Show off yer art!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@MonacoBlast Mr Bas? hhmm lol. Just Bas is fine lol. What an inspiring comment! What about 4 years from now?!! Yeah, i want my videos to be more 'fun' and less me being just me in front of a camera.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@NINARCADE Hey dude, Well i'll just upload one 'new' video on this channel and we'll see what people think of it.. Thanks for your comment!
@jdStarlight 13 жыл бұрын
I say go ahead and do what you want. Even though you did this channel for other people, it IS your channel. I wouldn't mind seeing something a little different.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@CrystalRainDrop789 Hey Kelly, Yeah, i jut want to do something creative and weird and fun :) I know i already posted a comment on your '20 Self Harm Scar Excuses' video, but again: I love it!! You are really good at making videos! It looks great, sounds great, editing is awesome etc. Really impressive!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@mentalhealthhelpUK I love you two!!! Ok, i know, random comment :) But i just do.
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@MeAndMyBlackTable Now we both unsubscribed, let's just do our own thing on our own channel and respect each other ok :) Ciao, Bas (2/2)
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@MeAndMyBlackTable And i'm not just saying that.
@MsScarredSoul 13 жыл бұрын
That really isnt good that people would unsub you because you kissed a boy! Still if people are like that then maybe you wouldnt want them following you. I totally know what you mean about being on your own and social anxiety not being much of an issue because you just dont go out, but when your with someone they may do. As for your other video ideas, I'd like to see them. You are a creative person and therefore it should show through in whatever you do. xx
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@adrienne317 "multi-dimensional MeAndMyBlackTable" :D Sounds cooooll B-)
@xEvAnnie 13 жыл бұрын
First of all, I am really glad for you that you have a boyfriend now. I think it's totally fine that you have a boyfriend and that should never be a reason to unsubscribe at all! That's a horrible behavoir in my opinion and it makes me really sad! I always enjoy your videos and you helped me alot with them and of course I want to know more about you & your life and if there would be something I disagree with, that would be okay. Doesn't mean your videos are not helpful or stuff. Besides I think*
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@composer63 Hi Charles, I'm not treating you like shit. In fact respect is very important to me. For me, respect and treating someone like shit don't go hand in hand. I hope you'll be able to drop this matter now and move on. I know I did. Ciao, Bas
@CandysChannel 13 жыл бұрын
You won't lose my subscription because you love a man! What a silly thing for people to unsubscribe to you for! It's who you are which is great to me because I'm lesbian. I have great empathy and understanding. I'm American and apologize for my fellow American bigots!!
@xEvAnnie 13 жыл бұрын
*being gay or bisexuell should be accepted. Gender shouldn't be such a big deal. Anyways, back to topic. As I said before I'd love to see more of you and I think it would be great on this channel too but as you said, you are an artist and I think an Bas-Art-Daily-Blog-Channel would be even better. However you'll decide, I'll watch your videos! Stay strong, be proud of who you are and at least there will be one Internetperson from Germany (me :-)) you helped alot!
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@composer63 Ok Charles, that is enough. I tried to communicate with you nicely but apparently you are not capable of doing the same thing. You simply can't say these lies about me. I'm going to block you now. Too bad though that it had to end this way. In my opinion it wasn't necessary but you left me no other choice. Maybe in the future we can talk again in a normal way. Bye for now.
@AtarasBlog 13 жыл бұрын
hey i think you should make artistic videos too, that aren't conected to mental health. it would be awsome. but i really like your mental health videos too. aspecialy the one that you did about social anxienty and you where like two people at once. that is soo cool you have a boyfriend!!!!!
@ChenoaDesiree 13 жыл бұрын
@composer63 Well sweetheart, if these things were meant to be a private matter, wouldn't make sense to keep it that way and put it in a pm instead of making scene? Why do you feel its necessary to make to look like your tearing someone down on their page. My apologies for coming off brash, but if someone looks like they're being kicked while they're already down, I'm quick to defend. If you don't want people reading, and making assumptions based on what you've wrote, than don't do it openly.
@LePetitRaphael 13 жыл бұрын
@MeAndMyBlackTable Hahaha, ja die wil ik heel graag zien xD ik zelf ben ook zo'n ''prettig gestoort'' type xD Ik vond het ook heel moeilijk om te tekenen in het begin, maar ik teken het nu al jaren, nu vind ik het niet meer moeilijk : ) Oefening baart kunst : )
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@composer63 Hello Charles, well about the disagreement. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that, here is what I meant with it: You assume things about me that are not true. To give you an example: 'you just left impulsively' or 'before you stopped watching my vids'. These things are not true. But i don't want to point fingers Charles. I'm just answering your question and I think we disagree on things. But let's just drop it. Besides all this I respect your view on BPD. (1/2)
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@ChenoaDesiree Hey :) I've got some cool ideas for the songs. I'll message it you in a sec. About the 2nd channel, well i'll just post one vid and then we'll see how people will respond to it. I mean, it will still be mental health related.
@XxcandystarxX 13 жыл бұрын
i cant believe you lost subscribers just coz you have a bf :/ society these days sucks ass.. i say who cares, do what you wanna do and be what you wanna be =) i think some different videos would be awesome.. but i will watch anything you put up.. i like seeing you smile =) its good to see you happy =) x
@MeAndMyBlackTable 13 жыл бұрын
@ChenoaDesiree Hey girl :) i just wanted to leave you a comment to make things clear because i just blocked Charles so he can't write any comments anymore. I'm not going to speak bad about him because that is not who i am. I don't know why Charles started to behave this way all of a sudden. We never had an argument or what so ever before so it really surprised me. But i also know that he suffers from BPD and maybe that has something to do with this.. (1/2)
@julieisreallycool 13 жыл бұрын
Do it! Im'a email you real quick M'love
@RapidCycling07 13 жыл бұрын
@RapidCycling07 just kidding by the way...i saw a foreign language and felt the urge to be immature...please make more videos...comedy would be great!
@cheerios0are0forever 13 жыл бұрын
I can see why you lost a bunch of subscribers. they see that you have a boyfriend, and they get all judgemental and... anyway I would like to see a video of what you wanted to do before I make any sort of opinion about it. thats just me though. You Can do whatever you want, but i wanna see what you were thinging of doing. love ya! kylie
@ChenoaDesiree 13 жыл бұрын
and bas...sorry for arguing on yer page.
@batonamat098 13 жыл бұрын
heyya !!! i thinks its great that u hav a boyfriend and i hope u r verry happy with him :) but i think it absolutely sucks that u lost subscribers because u kissed a guy i think it would be great for u to make videos that dont realate to mental health although i like the ones u do about mental heath an it would be great if u did a bit of both but i dont think it would matter if it was on this channel or another cos it will still be great!! :) xx
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