@geoffreylee5199 5 күн бұрын
If skirts are set as a kilt, so what. If this type of stuff continues, the story and writing get less and less.
@HorrorSFManiac 6 күн бұрын
Do not put Hannibal and Twilight in the same sentence.
@oriolesfan61 6 күн бұрын
Minidress not miniskirt
@stevenbennett3805 7 күн бұрын
The women in Star Trek were dressed the way they were because Gene Roddenberry was a pig.
@modeler308 7 күн бұрын
...and they wonder WHY 'ST Discovery' SUCKS.
@MindCaged 8 күн бұрын
Goes to show how views can change from generation to generation. How something liberating in one generation is oppression in another. How the style went from prudish to sexually liberated back to somewhat prudish again within a few decades. I think I remember a scene from a gilligan's island movie where they finally got back to the mainland and the skipper was talking about what they missed while on the island and said how the skirts went from down here, to up here, and then back down to here.
@drgdieselfrenzy7707 8 күн бұрын
There hasn't been Star Trek in about a decade. I don't know what STD is, but it has more in common with a sexually transmitted disease than Star Trek.
@adamburgess311 8 күн бұрын
5:02 angular as they show a video of the death star
@Gernot66 10 күн бұрын
After all where is the problem with sexy? But lasciviousness near to pornography seems to be ok? (not in ST but in general) It's not a matter of how much i show it's a matter of how i show it off. A line we crossed since long imho.
@hjxkyw 10 күн бұрын
missing dr. Helen Noel, the best miniskirt user in ST
@mouserr 10 күн бұрын
diving into modern day gender nonsense ruined trek the trek std girl bossed the entire franchise into who cares territory and hopefully it will never recover better to end with the std tragedy than continue th fall with the woke vandalism they imposed on genes legacy
@KipIngram 15 күн бұрын
I don't see how the uniforms have anything to do with gender roles. I'm not claiming the original series presented "really healthy gender roles" - it didn't. But it has nothing to do with uniforms. As you pointed out here, at the time of filming the mini was regarded as a positive statement by independent women. Leave it to us modern folk to find a way to take ANYTHING and make it bad. We specialize in that as far as I can tell. We just love to criticize and condemn.
@KipIngram 15 күн бұрын
They can criticize all they want, but I LOVED THOSE MINI-DRESSES. I was a teenager when I watched that for the first time; I think it's hard to blame me. I had a huge kid-crush on Yeoman Rand. 🙂
@craigburt9209 16 күн бұрын
2nd of these videos I've watched and the last. 1st was full of political propaganda, this one that, and misandry. The non-existent far-right violence and toxic-masculinity.
@Crazyuncle1 17 күн бұрын
The mini dresses and other revealing feminine costumes looked GREAT. Let’s leave it at that.
@billlyell8322 21 күн бұрын
The man hating misandry of this video is mind boggling. Tos has mini skirts because it was popular with WOMEN back then. I know feminazis want you this think women were chained to the kitchen, but that just wasn't reality. If women didn't like it, they would not have worn it. Check you bigoted privilege at the door. Lmao.
@karlmoltzan6196 22 күн бұрын
Star trek was and still is my favorite franchise of all time. I was 8 whem it came out. it was the most progressive tv series. It change TV forever. It had many firsts. Too many to list. It was thought provokes tackling many subjects that were not talked about. It changed scioty inmany was. It still is the onlyy franchise to show humanity as it should be. About the costumes and uniforms well it was the 1960s. Youcan not judge Star Trek by todays norms. And I sent a letter to Desilu studios to keep Star Trek on the air. I love the new effects from the bluray editions. It finally made Star Trek as it should have been but the technolgy was non exitance.
@daimyo2k 23 күн бұрын
I wish they would just leave the "gender and sexuality" out of Star Trek, and just work on making a good show.
@AlexRoivas 25 күн бұрын
In Mad Max 1, one of the real bikers that was in the mlvie was actually Chris Hemsworths father.
@lisanidog8178 27 күн бұрын
To me it was the usual crap. Sexualize women and what better way to do that than to have skirts too short.
@muskerp Ай бұрын
red shirts mean ... I think we all know
@user-bl1hd7sl3q Ай бұрын
Es mi actriz preferida y muy talentosa e inteligente
@erisbob Ай бұрын
Very impressive analysis! No wonder I love this show, so multilayered with attention to detail. Details have more meaning than expected, just like in Hamilton musical. Thank you for this!
@user-bl1hd7sl3q Ай бұрын
Es mi actriz favorita . Hermosa talentosa y muy inteligente.
@kenandbarbie-b6c Ай бұрын
Miniskirts & hot pants👍
@boedilllard5952 Ай бұрын
I don't get the anger. I'm a guy (OH NO) and I like looking at women's legs, smiles, eyes, shoulders, hands - you name it. I think women should wear what they want pants or skirt - their choice. I hate wearing ties and long sleave shirts so I get not all women necessarily want to wear the same thing. I do however wear those when I want to look nice. As for taking women seriously / as competent - I used to think that was the case but in the last decade the huge push towards quota hires pretty much makes me lean towards not competent until they prove themselves.
@AJFisherDesign Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your perspective on Starfleet uniforms throughout the various shows. This is a good overview. As a man I appreciate hearing a woman’s take on the subject of uniforms as you brought up some topics I wouldn’t have thought of. Some things that occurred to me while watching: -T’Pol and 7 of 9 were both treated in an overly sexualised manner when it came to both costume and storylines. I recently bought ENT series on DVD and after watching so many episodes realised T’Pol was being attacked a lot and it was uncomfortable to watch the frequency. - never noticed the removal of rank w sleeve loss in women’s uniforms in JJ Abram’s movies. I didn’t love anything about those films except for the athletic material used in the shirts. On TOS It struck me as odd, as a kid, wondering how lady engineers would crawl around in Jefferies tubes or ladders in a skirt. Didn’t seem practical or discreet. I don’t recall any women engineers in overalls on TOS. I get it was the 60’s but credulity strained methinks. Thanks again for creating and sharing this video. See you “Out There!”
@joseescobedo7899 Ай бұрын
Clothes are best to give off what happening in game and movies depending on the genre comedy,action, romance, clothes sell what happing in the scene looking at dead island two the infected are heavily inspire by clothing people would wear in LA and depend wear you are in the game the infect will look different and then theirs 'all of us are dead' and 'highschool of the dead' they character are wear clothing suited for the setting which is schools uniforms then you look at 'San Andreas' characters all messy covered in cuts and bruises ash and dust after and earthquake, I thought these were cool points to bring into the table since wear talking about clothing in the last of us
@RotalHenricsson Ай бұрын
The more i learn about Jerri Ryan's catsuit the angrier i get. I hate the mini skirts of TOS with a passion but at least they don't make the actors pass out
@meerkat1954 Ай бұрын
I thought this video would give interesting insights into the "seams" of the costumes. Instead by three quarters of the way through it bizarrely devolved into a highly dated 2020s woke era political rant about defunding modern day police officers. Needless to say this video ends up missing the mark more than the average stormtrooper.
@KlaraL-_- Ай бұрын
Their fashion only made the movies look even cooler!!
@tonysu8860 Ай бұрын
Although this video's comments are largely valid in the context of today's American society. I cannot agree at all about the TNG character Deanna Troi. As the ship's counselor she was tasked with the ship's psychological well being but was no ordinary being but also an empathy so she had to be acutely aware of how her presence and appearance affected others. She alone of the ship's command crew could make her own choices of attire and in fact she was expected to make those choices competently. That's why how she was costumed were interesting choices, that a command crew member on a futuristic crew could and would choose to wear bodysuits that might suggest cleavage or display the female form and wear hair styles that might be considered attractive. Surely those choices must be intentional, are those choices manipulative or Innocent? Because as an empathy she surely must have been fully aware how her appearance was taken by each and every other crew member, guest and friend or foe
@zealandzen Ай бұрын
Nonsense. It's not empowering to wear mini skirts. They are not comfortable, as Nichelle insists, because women have to sit with legs tight together, which is not natural. Too much exposure.
@davidthedeaf Ай бұрын
3:52 the point you all need to take away is looking backwards at history and interpreting everything as oppression is a grave error. If you could ask people in the past their own thoughts on matters we read about, they may say they like the clothing, or they are fine with the situation and even that the things we today see as sexist or racist or classist were at the time seen as modern and a symbol of equity.
@danielbergonzi7319 2 ай бұрын
Now I wanna see her with smallpox makeup.
@MaxAbramson3 2 ай бұрын
The saga is really about Ripley rejecting the idiotic mandates of the corporate bureacracy that has no concern for their safety. This deliberate rejection--and teaching others to take the initiative--is what the story is really about. Those offerings that dont develop this theme and arc--or that do so poorly--never make it. An alternative arc would be government bureaucracy pretending to step in with safety regulations only to drop hints that government and WUC are in league.
@lurx2024 2 ай бұрын
If women aren't going to be wearing mini dresses in the 23rd century, then what's the point of carrying on civilization?
@Fyrehart97 2 ай бұрын
I overall liked the video, but you ruined it at the end. No, it is not a bad thing I and many men choose not to dress in a feminine way. Do not try to be so inclusive that you go the other way and pressure people to dress in a manner they do not frankly want to. But also, why did you imply that the only way for a man to be expressive in how he dresses is to be feminine? "By contrast, their male counterparts look far more conservative." How is dressing masculine equal to dressing conservative? The mask slipped there. I choose not stand out by wearing a dress, but by growing a moustache; I remain masculine while being self expressive (much like a certain character in Strange New Worlds). I'll stop beating around the bush: I'm a man who takes pride in being masculine - do not try to imply that is a bad thing; just as it is not for a woman to be proud to be feminine. We're all individuals. You're making a video about Star Trek and used a fantastic quote by Nichelle Nichols and still missed the point: we're all individuals and should be able to be proud of that - including masculine men.
@dinahnicest6525 2 ай бұрын
I don't have a problem with men wearing skirts, but the ones on ST were designed for women and looked odd on men. Scottish kilts look masculine, and so do Roman tunics. A few feminine looking men are OK, but most want to be masculine.
@Tarsier-r9z 2 ай бұрын
Why are we bringing politics into a storm trooper design breakdown?
@gelloyangsteryang6481 2 ай бұрын
I dont get why this isn’t discussed as much. I really wanna get to fashion that’s always ready for survival
@louisegrimhelm3041 2 ай бұрын
Adam Savage's Tested does an awesome series of videos from on the set when he did a cameo. The small details in the costumes are amazing
@John-fn2ln 2 ай бұрын
There is nothing wrong with what they wear in star trek
@tackyman2011 2 ай бұрын
Everyone has such great hair. So much gritty realism.
@Daniel-Strain 2 ай бұрын
Militarized police, in fact, act WORSE than military. Most people in the military are shocked at the lack of discipline and any kind of 'rules of engagement' in over-militarized police forces. Compared to the military, over-militarized police are more like bully children that got hold of their daddy's gun. Police themselves often refer to non-police as 'civilians' - as if they are not civilians. This should be corrected. The special thing about our society is that we are policed by CIVILIAN peace officers - our neighbors. If you ever hear a cop use that word, remind them that police in America are civilians. But yes, the point about stormtroopers in the public consciousness is true. While it is fun to dress up and 'play the bad guy' sometimes, too many kids and young adult fans today idolize the stormtroopers as some kind of romanticized model to aspire to. This NEVER happened in the 1970s. It happens today because our country (and much of the world) has been undergoing a dramatic rise in fascist thinking and influence. It has been so subtle that kids today who grew up in that fascistic society look at Star Wars have genuine questions about who the bad guys are, wondering if the rebels are 'terrorists' and other nonsense. It shows a great amount of confusion clouding people's understanding of the proper role of the military and the police in a democratic society.
@samsonau8205 3 ай бұрын
The strange thing about all of this is, depending on the issue, we promote "neutral" to equalize everything...even things that are difficult to equalize, yet we also promote being different and show individual self. In some ways, it is very cool that the ladies of the day took this issue upon themselves and expressed their ideas of strength and femininity on public TV in the 60s style. That look/attitude was more prevalent on the coasts in the cities more than other places in the US. Personally, I just want people to look sharp on screen. Gender-neutral doesn't have to be boring (I hated the TMP/TNG uniforms, men and women). They still feel very sterile to me...which they are objectively. The modern Treks are a bit more imaginative and creative. In reality, if there is going to be a space-faring time in human history, it will be built along the lines of a military organization simply because the tech/knowledge/training required is going to be very formal and conservative. Every mission will be well-defined. Uniforms will be more practical than stylistic. Shortcuts can't be taken on intellectual or physical capabilities. It's going to be a job more than a cruise. When I saw TNG's holodeck for the first time, I thought it was cool initially. But later, I was wondering why the crew spent so much time playing rather than exploring. On the space shuttle, the astronauts trained for years and years to perform their onboard (or in-space) tasks. Repairs, maintenance, scientific experiments, whatever. I live a civilian life, so it is obviously more fun to watch scifi than work in a submarine.
@cadentubeohara3970 3 ай бұрын
I think only imperial stormtroopers are able to get a warm welcome nowadays because first order stormtroopers after the German dub of the force awakens star killer base speech became a well known thing have now been seen as well nazi soldiers in space
@IuriFiedoruk 3 ай бұрын
Lots of talk, but misses the point of the title.
@EROCK611 3 ай бұрын
Of course the most rewatched part of the video is the aerobics scene where Crusher lady bits are eating her clothes. Must have many men of culture here.
@vincentk3502 3 ай бұрын
There should be a Masturbating Scale for each star trek series. Would be interesting to see the results. 1-10, 10 being the highest.