@shyper17 3 сағат бұрын
You say it KLOOLOO?! Murder me.
@Meatwad787 10 сағат бұрын
Could you do a Meat Analysis? Who am I? What's my connection to The Man in the Wall? How do I know Kahl? Can I control a frame? Why do Kuva Liches say my name? #LittleMeat
@XakuX9 14 сағат бұрын
I think we will get the final mission in Warframe when soulframe is release or maybe we will still get more story’s I guess
@XakuX9 14 сағат бұрын
This is one of the best story mode I play after new war
@valor1omega 14 сағат бұрын
Wouldn't the safest place be the Tenno orbiter? Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't that massive ship(according to the art work for it done by DE it's massive) have a cloaking tech that none can penetrate? Some might confuse the lander with the orbiter but its big. Look up the official DE drawing for the orbiter to see what I mean. Anyways with a massive ship one would think there would be plenty of room for them to stay out of each other's way.
@Sottoth 18 сағат бұрын
Dont worry guys, I will impregnate Yareli so we will have two Warframe babies to double our chances!
@thedarkknight727 20 сағат бұрын
Imagine a WARFAME and The Legend of Korra crossover, set after Book: 4. Imagine after The Tenno helps Korra save the day, he convinces her to aloud him to take a group of people from The Water Tribes, to Uranus where they could build a civilization around Hunhow so they could keep him company, to cure his “solitude,” and maybe even “Made a Religion About Him” to spread Hunhow’s “Mighty Wisdom.” They’re feel right at home knowing that Uranus is a WATER planet. Even better IF WRITTEN that would make both Hunhow and Raava be known acquaintances. I’ve started playing WARFAME after, I finished watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, and The Netflix Adaptation, and I’m just simping for a crossover. 😉
@highwaytoheaven99 Күн бұрын
Imagine a year or two from now, in a future update, our Tenno is in a dire situation, and gets saved by a misterious Warframe. But its not like the others, because it SPEAKS with his own voice, saying "I've been looking for you, Tenno. My name... is Sirius"
@Lucifer.Anubis.HellDumount Күн бұрын
Siege: "Uranus... and all of its enormity." Stalker: "INSULT."
@artrex5481 Күн бұрын
To answer your "is anyone really dead in a world of eternalism" question I have 2 answers, Ballas is currently existing in Duviri, and the 2nd answer, if wally wants you gone, you're gone.
@Cpruett Күн бұрын
Using logic when it comes to the void is hilariously misunderstanding that it is everywhere and everything all at once but only once it touches it. Thus Wally only coming to be after Albert entered the void as prior to that [from the original system perspective at least] He didn't/ did exist. As before that from the Origin system perspective no self-aware consciousness has touched the void.
@Cpruett 16 сағат бұрын
To continue this logic that means it very well could by us ourselves that saves us.
@Tharsis906 Күн бұрын
Hey maybe I don’t remember the lore correctly, but doesn’t the jade light precede the warframes since Margulis was killed before the sentients arrived in the origin system? Could jade have been an attempt to utilize the brutal effectiveness of the light against the sentients but then realized that it could heal as well as harm 21:43
@GraceRoberts-sn5vz Күн бұрын
What was that syandana
@iantruhler701 Күн бұрын
@TheDsIEGE Күн бұрын
I know!!!!!
@mtscsealer1973 Күн бұрын
honestly the idea of stalker just coming after us after the baby falls to sleep is the most funniest shit of all time
@greyskies2715 2 күн бұрын
It's sad because I was saving the leverian until more of em were out to kind of check em all out. When i got that mail it hit me with a guilt bat. Not for the character but for the devs that worked on it. Sorry guys.
@Nakorli 2 күн бұрын
In the dialog about the injured Warframe arriving on Uranus, I believe he refers to the new Yareli Skin. After all, he says he helped her adept and such... doesn't fit all to good to Jade, does it? Apart from that, we know that the Skin is connected to Hunhow, so why not?
@austinguthrie5528 2 күн бұрын
A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one.
@garrettbennett7796 2 күн бұрын
I'm gonna keep it short The question I pose is this: why is Parvos Granum, leader of the Corpus, taking a personal interest in these relatively small things, like relics buried somewhere and of a single Warframe? I think this has to do with the Man In The Wall, and the desire to spread its indifference. It could not get Dante, as he blasted himself to save his friend. Jade herself would not have worked in her state, but her child might've. The Stalker made sure that that would not work now. The question remains, why? The Man in the Wall, to me, seems to want a vessel, with which it will use to get out of the Void and come after us. It could not break us mentally, so it will attempt to do it the old fashioned way. While it does have the big Wall form, it is not exactly easy to move and remain quiet. For another thing, I believe you said it at one point as well, we don't know what the deal was exactly for us as the Operator to get our Void power, but whatever it was still applies now, it just hasn't been stated yet
@rianeduardo2244 2 күн бұрын
Sirius was the name I choose. Being the brightest object in the night sky, Sirius is composed of two objects: a main sequence star, Sirius A (Stalker), and a white dwarf, Sirius B (the child). White dwarfs are collapsars - stellar remnants, products of a star's death. They are what is left once death takes place on these astronomical objects, and that's an amazing parallel to Jade and her child. Even more, white dwarfs are white because they carry the energy and momentum of the former star, like a breath of new life. Such an amazing name.
@jasontodd7031 2 күн бұрын
I've bin sent here by rouga rabid to ask for you 2 to collaborate and make a survival challenge to help them since they don't know the lore of warframe and what they scale up to
@TheDsIEGE 2 күн бұрын
I'm not familiar with Rouga but by all means have them contact me and if we can work something out, who knows?
@rickplayzyt6277 2 күн бұрын
I once came back to my orbiter only to find the man in the wall posted up like the "draw me like one of your french girls" pose. I was not mentally prepared to see my operator in that pose, nor was i prepared to hear a sister of parvos later on say she would turn my operator into a living body pillow for inmates shed lock me in a basement with. Warframe is truly a wild game lmao.
@TheDsIEGE 2 күн бұрын
It's getting pretty personal in this game, lol
@ulfrick759 2 күн бұрын
Honestly I think stalker would hate us even more because we're basically play around inside his dead wife's filled = (scant) body and eventually I think we're going to have to talk to his doctor and say I am sorry but I got to use her Take this from a father
@SmallishPoppy6 3 күн бұрын
Also lotus is missing a finger when the driver is looking after her
@01000011C 3 күн бұрын
That newborn life is very singular. Unique... Like a dish made for a certain entity.
@med7503 3 күн бұрын
I just played the quest last week, and I’m speechless. Even if it’s a short quest, I fucking loved it. I think I am among the players who wanted to know more and a development about the Stalker since The Second War. I started playing in 2018, when I got a better computer and I only knew a surface level about his origins, only knowing he was some sort of a guard and affiliated with the orokin, until the Tenno slaughtered them all, and his drive to hunt all the Tenno, and his involvement in the second dream when we confronted him. All I have to say regarding the quest is that *spoiler warning* OUR MAN IS NOT THE STEP-FATHER, HE IS THE FATHER THAT STEPPED UP AND I’M FUCKING HERE FOR IT
@EmperorAlmaKayush 3 күн бұрын
"Is anyone truly dead in a world where eternalism exists?" As far as I could understand In Warframe, Yes, let me explain: Let's say we have two universes connected with the Void, Universe A, and Universe B, and a person who exists in both universes, let's call them XY. I'm gonna denote Universe A's XY as XY-A, and Universe B's XY as XY-B. Let's say XY-B wants to visit Universe A, for that to happen, XY-A would have to switch places with XY-B, because Universe B can not exist without an instance of XY. If XY-A dies in Universe A, XY-B no matter what they do, can not in any way visit Universe A, since XY-A can't switch places with them. This is directly shown to us in The New War quest, in which, our Drifter and Operator could only talk for a short amount of time, in the Zariman, which exists both in the Void and in our Universe allowing that conversation to happen in the first place, before one of them has to go back to our Universe, and one of them has to go back to the Void. So, that means that no matter what other instances of Ballas wants to get into our universe, our Ballas can not switch places with them, because he is dead.
@TheDsIEGE 3 күн бұрын
The example they give of eternalism tho is not contingent on one or two different void spaces though. As Euleria tells us, we can change the frame, meaning, if we wanted to go back to when ballas was destroyed and change that instance, it's absolutely possible. This example is even portrayed in the shroedinger cat reference, where just like the parents, ballas is both alive and dead, we would just need to be able to revisit the moment, and change the frame.
@ponydragon4304 3 күн бұрын
Kid is Sirius, to honor Jade's will
@montypython5521 3 күн бұрын
Jade Shadows is the biggest plot hole in existence. Nobody in the writers room at DE knows what the story is, what it should be, or what it was before.
@glitchvariable5336 3 күн бұрын
I chose the name Orion because it makes sense given the Greek origins of the namesake, a cluster being named after it and honestly I feel like Stalker may raise him to hunt and this would be in line with name and the stalker but I feel like the namesake Orion will try to save instead of destroying. There may even be an innate bond to the Tenno in the baby due to our part played in its birth of course.
@curtisngl 3 күн бұрын
I'm getting the impression that siege knows my anus a little too well
@crypticloki4458 3 күн бұрын
I just remembered, Loid says "Warframes can't speak" if that's really the case could that mean stalker isn't a Warframes at all?
@TheDsIEGE 3 күн бұрын
He really can't speak though. His voice has been crushed, only allowing him to whisper, something I believe actually ties him closer now to a warframe, and the passage where he says this actually ties back to the scene in the very beginning of the quest. It would seem, when the zariman children attacked the orokin, he tried to fight back, only to be defeated by a tenno in his current form, not to mention we heard Sorren's voice and it's just normal. That change appears to mimic what warframes experienced.
@zerotodona1495 3 күн бұрын
Damn, so Y2K did happen. Lmao! Not like things got better after 2000.
@livingcorpse66 3 күн бұрын
Where’s part 3 of the new war
@zerotodona1495 3 күн бұрын
I just know I love mouth mama. She is adorable and loves to eat. Good enough.
@lucaruxyz1075 3 күн бұрын
The Natural Born Protoframe. That's something never seen until now. I only hope the Man behind the Wall isn't aware of his birth.
@TheDsIEGE 3 күн бұрын
If we're aware of it, you can bet he is too.
@lucaruxyz1075 2 күн бұрын
@@TheDsIEGE crud...I hope Albrecht doing his part to distract him with whatever is going on in 1999 while he gets Arthur and Aoi to the Tenno in time.
@tdm_tdm_ 3 күн бұрын
This was amazing
@TheDsIEGE 3 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@abbylauren1020 3 күн бұрын
I so appreciate the subtle humanity written into the Corpus we’re getting to know in the narrative-Fortuna and Solaris United, Veso ignoring Alad V’s orders to aid the Origin System, now Captain Xeto putting aside her aspiration to join the Sisters to keep a baby safe.
@CruorBlossom 3 күн бұрын
Both Kaleen and Margulis seemed to have been attacked or otherwise disfigured in the eye. Could it be the tenno halucinating the eyes of the man in the wall in their eyes? Or just related in some way? Were Magulis's eyes ever healed? Was it her lack of sight or eyes that allowed her to eventually comfort the tenno? Does the fact that the lotus wears a headpiece covering her eyes relate to any of this? I just have so many questions relating to such a small piece of this video. I'm very curious on yours and others' thoughts.
@whichhatte-persomi 3 күн бұрын
I personally have a bit of a theory for Xeto. Given her actions and her reaction to there being a child on the field, she likely reacted out personal maternal instinct. It's possible she was expecting to be a mother at some point in her life or was, but possibly had miscarriage or lost the child in some other way. This could be me looking too deep into things into what is typically a correct response to there being a child in firing range. But her reaction and inflections seem to potray there being more to her.
@CrystalShork 3 күн бұрын
my votes on it was the warframe but not coming to awareness but as seeing hunhow as a threat. my guess is the link was reset when the chair was charged, a sort of system reset as the chair took over transference duties from lua. this left the warframe completely disconnected. HOWEVER stabbing a sword into it caused the it to awaken, not because of the damage but because of hunhow. we know that when we kill a sentient the warframe absorbs its energy to heal, i think the warframe leeched some of hunhows energy to awaken BUT not as a shadow of its former self but as an infested, at this point the tenno would not have been aware enough to heal its pain. so i think what it did was do the infested thing, it killed the presence that was stabbing it, it tried to kill hunhow. as for why it stopped, hunhow retreated, it didnt have the energy source to leech anymore so it went lifeless again
@CrystalShork 3 күн бұрын
you know i actually wana see umbra only missions kinda like with khal in drifters camp. show that he isnt just sitting in our arsenal but actually doing stuff and when we use him its more like calling in a favor could even introduce it as a mission where we get a mail from umbra but opening it causes him to transference to us and he talks. have a mission where we go to the control room and can swap between controlling umbra or tenno. could be an interesting mission
@TheDsIEGE 3 күн бұрын
That would be a nice addition
@DGEddieDGEtm 3 күн бұрын
I chose Sirius. Sirius was the signal of prosperity and harvest in ancient Egypt, and I do wish Stalker will prosper as his son grows.
@asurabased6081 3 күн бұрын
Weirdly i never felt like Stalker really hated us deep down, it always felt like in his lines in game, he was trying to make sure that we as the Tenno where either strong enough or not losing our way and turn evil, because actually all he actually did was bothing us during missions and telling us shit about not being strong or not being good enough like motivation
@hartantoanggoro 3 күн бұрын
Now you have another reason to hate the Orokin Empire. Ethical is unnecessary in their name.
@RaptieFeathers 3 күн бұрын
I've been calling Hunhow a potentially ally ever since the New War, and it felt so good to be vindicated with this story. The reasoning I gave people is pretty much what we end up seeing here: New War showed how tired he was, how hurt losing his daughter made him feel, how it made him re-think his priorities, and how the Tenno are just as much victims of the Orokin as he is
@herrdoctoroetker 3 күн бұрын
I chose Orion because I fear he will need his father's strength more than his mother's kindness in the days to come.
@Umeshu365 3 күн бұрын
Uh you’re misinterpreting a part of the Hunhow Stalker dialogue. when he talks about her he’s not talking about Jade but Yareli as Hunhow is the creator of the New Yareli Deluxe skin in cannon lore like they added lore to Sevagoth and Hydroids Deluxe skins.
@ReptileInformer 3 күн бұрын
I have emotions, however this will not stop me from enjoying beating the ever loving piss out of stalker everytime he interrupts me while I’m doing something