The Upgrade Sprue Era
3 ай бұрын
Warhammer is an Elite Tier Hobby
The Dark Angels Range is Stunning
The Fattest Space Marine
4 ай бұрын
Why do Games Workshop do this?!?
Leviathan Progress - Blood Angels
@t.m9341 23 сағат бұрын
because they never done it and they need a cash grab.
@triangularbox949 8 күн бұрын
I think you're reading too much into this. Like you said other chapters use this symbol. Like: Liberators, Black Consuls, White Consuls, Raptors, Necropolis Hawks, Iron Hawks, and Emperor's Storm
@Deus888 9 күн бұрын
Crimson Fists are yet another blue chapter. Raptors are more unique in this terms. Also GW likes to throw things at the wall and see what sticks. Making a transfer sheet isn't a big cost for them.
@williamjackson557 10 күн бұрын
Except money has been going INTO textiles, toy companies and high tech during this VERY LONG Ukraine thing, this VERY LONG Israel thing and before that the VERY LONG Covid thing. Money hasn't just been taken out and dumped into gold. These shares are being sold up about as fast as they've been bought. This video is pure propaganda by sulking wokie pushing a narrative. Yes GW shares are driven by the world economy as well as more localised events, but if you embrace that ridiculous logic so is literally every other company and hence, you should never invest in a company since it's leadership and function has no agency and it must all be down to external factors. That presumes that companies CAN'T be driven into the ground by bad decisions like giant retcons for the sake of tokenism despite being massively harmful to the setting that is the company's bread and butter.
@podger_minis 9 күн бұрын
Games Workshop shares are up 12% since this video.... been a very strong month or two for equities in general!
@Theredsunrising 10 күн бұрын
original and best.
@narceron360 11 күн бұрын
I think the way they did the sternguard could work for other units, like devastators and tacticals. The primaris never really bothered me other than the cost of replacing all my firstborn, but now that I have loads of them and that cost is behind me, I guess I'm more accepting, :)
@nikolajvagn5477 11 күн бұрын
2024 and still waiting 😫😫
@metroid308 12 күн бұрын
Just saw this video and I enjoyed it. I do love Primaris Marines, but I also do love the 30k Firstborn marines. I did find the original 40k sculpts a bit "derpy" but 30k is firstborn marines done very well. A small "nitpick" if you don't mind lol When you showed the images of firstborn still in 40k, you showed a pic of Grimaldus of the Black Templars. He actually is Primaris now, alongside Helbrect and The Emperor's Champion. All 3 of them are all Primaris now. Back when GW announced the new versions of the models, they said in that announcement page, that all 3 have crossed the Rubicon Primaris. They kept the old helmets but they are canonically Primaris now.
@clemo85 14 күн бұрын
Blame Pete the Wargamer.
@RockmeHellsing 15 күн бұрын
in mtg we have the same...a new release every 2 weeks, neverending spoiler season so i don have the hobby anymore.
@gabe-k3w 16 күн бұрын
Becouse it’s a racket and combat patrol rules suck
@dariostabletopminatures 18 күн бұрын
8:12 They Look good. CAn you show me how to paint a Powersword like that? So that my Deathwatch can hunt!
@dariostabletopminatures 18 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for This VIDEO! LOVE THE FIRST BORNES. Don't like Primaris! 9:58 NOW in 2016! THE Kill TEAM CASSIUS!
@luketfer 18 күн бұрын
Honestly I think a LOT of mini painters forget that some people literally just don't enjoy the painting part of the hobby. As weird as that may seem. Look if you go "oh I don't play the game or read the lore, I just paint the models", people nod along with you but you say "I like playing the game and the lore, I don't like painting" suddenly you get dipshits crawling out of the woodwork being like "nyah! You're in the wrong hobby!". No fuckwit, I enjoy the mechanical side of the game and I just want to *play* the game. I'm honestly only painting these god damn things to avoid the -10 points penalty and I only need them good enough to do that. I do find it so very weird that you can be into Painting or into the Lore and not the game and that's 'fine' but the moment you're into the game and not painting or the lore then all of a sudden it's a fucking problem. Sorry venting there just because your whole "this isn't very good, it looks like it was done in an hour", so fucking what, it looks fine to me, it's playable, it's not getting -10 points.
@stevenacorn4596 23 күн бұрын
Frankly, I think the space marine on the left isn't aesthetically pleasing. But that's because I tend to prefer any and all artificial lighting to be subtle. The overemphasis on things like edge highlights is 100% a similar product of stylistic meta that became the norm within miniature painting though youtube and boxart, in much of the same vein as the style you're critiquing. To me personally, the overemphisis on slaving away to achieve a stylistic ideal is artistically limiting within the hobby. There's plenty of different ways to paint small plastic, look at scale historical modelers, car modelers, gunpla modelers, etc. What is or isn't finished is completely a matter of subjective expression to an end goal, and goals may vary drastically. There's plenty of problems with miniature painting youtube, but I don't think this is one of them.
@valenotp 24 күн бұрын
Is there a source of info that states which wave or year each 40K model was released.
@LordCommanderJoe 27 күн бұрын
Honestly think they are a really cool concept that GW can work on. There’s so much range and diversity with Space Marines which I think is awesome, typically I play Blood Angels for their melee focussed tactics and their Knightly aesthetic, however I wanted a more shooting focussed army that was more Sci-Fi looking, Tau just wasn’t for me and I really like Space Marines. After watching the Astartes short film, I figured find a chapter that does just that fights like a more realistic unit of super soldiers would. I think that the concept of shooting focussed chapters is an easy win for GW and will get a lot of people into the hobby, plus it gives them something different to the more gothic/medieval vibe that a lot of Space Marines have. Hopefully they actually expand on it and release a book or two to build on their lore or even some chapter specific character or units.
@DarkLolification 28 күн бұрын
I get you for all the video effect, I'm tired of smokes and dramatic lighnting with which we can't see the paintjob. Other than that I think's it's also a good thing to show that not everything needs to be perfect in your army painting, if you focus on the important areas your army will look great on the table !
@Oipwnmw2 Ай бұрын
Are you thick or something? You'd have to pay shipping on top of all those other retailers online so it wouldn't be cheaper buying on their own
@oldmate86 Ай бұрын
I just hope they don’t lose their load out. Having powerfists with inferno pistols is just so damn fun.
@SPuNx69 Ай бұрын
This happens because the audience is getting wider, so newbies find this kind of finish acceptable. For me, as a beginner, clean battle-ready models are already of a high standard. Then comes the parade ready aspect, which is a rabbit hole itself. A very intimidating level of the hobby. I aspire to get better into the more technical aspect of painting, but for now, I'm just happy as long as my trims are neat and the coats are just enough. Warhammer is paving the path for the mainstream consumers to get into miniature painting/wargaming. A large sum of them have never touched a brush or even the daunting task of taking up airbrushing itself. So these are the acceptable standards catering to a mass influx of beginners.
@KossolaxtheForesworn Ай бұрын
spray paint it gold, paint red, paint blue, call it done. put enough extra shit on the screen to make it look better than it really is.
@FleshCloud-ey5ro Ай бұрын
Airbrushes have ruined this hobby and youtubers are the ones riding them. They're useful tools but they're not suitable for painting human sized 28mm models so you get this awful clash of painting styles all over the model. Then they photoshop and do movie style lighting to make them look better on screen. It's literally smoke and mirrors and it completely warps how people interact with painting and miniatures.
@neongenesis7236 Ай бұрын
I personally like the idea that space marines could be just like ,,normal military” -“rational marines” it’s ironically sound unique and logical. Especially in age of temporary rule of Gilliman.
@leeroyjenkins552 Ай бұрын
Gatekeeper stfu, tabletop quality is fine
@chrisdempyful Ай бұрын
I wish they did one for Horus heresy
@fybso3057 Ай бұрын
Im imagining over the 2 years it will be 1200€ maybe but it will easily only be 800 after you sell the stuff that i activly dont want soo
@fybso3057 Ай бұрын
Well i got no pile of shame remaining and i really love the weekly aspect,
@MrStatistx Ай бұрын
There's also the fact that miniatures always look better when in a full squad, regardless of each single models look. It just looks a lot better than it might be
@HolyknightVader999 Ай бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised if GW phases out Firstborn altogether and replaces them all with Primaris.
@djnormalnorman6590 Ай бұрын
I got the death company squad in my loft
@vlad78th Ай бұрын
Who needs nine combat patrols, OPR players. It's right on the money for making nine credible armies on a discount. OPR works with far fewer minis and is a much better game system. You should try it and use the minis you want, get rid of GW planned obsolescence and lousy rules.
@kaihoffmann5370 Ай бұрын
For as a beginner it is Perfect
@vlad78th Ай бұрын
The Raptors are more compatible with the new advanced tech look of the primaris or at least they were before GW were forced to go back a little bit on the space marine design by releasing new scouts terminators and sternguards veterans marines. It is only part of the attempt of GW to make primaris really distinct from firstborn space marines in order to prevent previous customers to use firstborns as proxies for primaris.
@gosuippy Ай бұрын
@LordBillygoat Ай бұрын
Painting guide video when? Please?
@keulron2290 Ай бұрын
I like Primaris assembly and body proportions more, but I can’t help but love and want more Firstborn.
@LifeofSquidMann Ай бұрын
"Please buy Phobos kits"
@jarydf Ай бұрын
@averagecharismabuildenjoye195 Ай бұрын
Almost like white people lol
@jonathanspears214 Ай бұрын
Awesome can't wait to see the army.
@Batlord_Carcas Ай бұрын
I had this concern with how they treated Slaaneshi Chaos Space Marines as well, where they are attempting to demote and downplay the existence event though there is the history of Emperors Children turn to Chaos in books and such, just feels like they give She Who Thirsts the curtain pull whenever the popularity rises more, in exchange for something "family friendly" like a wannabe dark mechanicus daemonhead
@piotrjeske4599 Ай бұрын
Very nice.
@B1ackSwordVids Ай бұрын
Slay the grey! Cant wait to see your Guardians of the Covenant all painted! They will look amazing, and those conversions with the simple head swaps with the ones with hoods are a very nice touch. The outriders look fantastic and really want me to get my hands on a squad of them now too!
@LordBillygoat Ай бұрын
Loving the look, can't wait to see the painting video. You've inspired me to do something similar and save my AoS sacrosanct models.
@SittingInACornerTTT Ай бұрын
Dont buy firstborn if you want to be able to use your models in the next few years
@JT_Williams Ай бұрын
Can't wait to see how you paint that, i want to use this a base for an elite sent of crusader knights within my black Templars. Plan is to contrast it with royal purple robes and hoods from the dark angels sprue.
@morgymomo8535 Ай бұрын
After GWs latest price increase its pretty hard for me to buy new stuff, this is a good opportunity for me to work on my pile of shame, which is actually pretty small now.
@donnyd9268 Ай бұрын
Love the robes on the Outrider
@ericm3327 Ай бұрын
Raptors are fucking awesome, they make more sense to other war gamers as far as tactics and looks wise to veterans and the like. I don’t know but I’m here for it because the lord for them is awesome. They’re also pushing lord for the space sharks as they should