@Noonien96-nx6yj Күн бұрын
Up to this point in the Star Trek timeline, every single android the Enterprise encountered was a source of danger. Who knows about the rest of The Federation, but so far the evidence proves Harry Mudd right. Just because he didnt take time to cite examples doesn't negate his argument.
@Noonien96-nx6yj Күн бұрын
Soock shouldn't pick on criminal convicts for admonishing each other for their harmful activities since their conversation could potentially lead to development of remorse. Spock is guilty of Whataboutia, a form of deflection which cites Whataboutism so as to prevent the discussion of unresolved issues.
@Noonien96-nx6yj 3 күн бұрын
Little known fact:. The USS Enterprise is crewed by 240 men and women, and 800 shadow people.
@Noonien96-nx6yj 3 күн бұрын
Evil Spock knows all this because in the mirror universe his mom is a Chilton's Manual and his dad is a Shooters Bible.
@Noonien96-nx6yj 3 күн бұрын
Spock's time would be better spent figuring out how they wound up in Oregon, rather than pointing out logical fallacies by the crewmen.
@AlbertZiegler069 6 күн бұрын
I remember people saying that if we let the gays get married eventually society would get so degenerate we'd ostracized people for saying there are too genders or that women don't have male genitalia. I remember I laughed at those people at the time.
@jasonluong3862 6 күн бұрын
Catering: Curt Danhauser's wife Laundry: Curt Danhauser's mom
@rickjohnston2667 7 күн бұрын
Nice to see Thelin again. He hasn't been in Star Trek since the animated series episode "Yesteryear." Would love to see more of him in your videos. (Note: It would be great to see him in canon Trek as well, maybe in "Strange New Worlds.") I know that you don't have any say in that, just an observation. 😊
@daveroe4961 7 күн бұрын
Spock is based!
@daveroe4961 7 күн бұрын
Interesting how hypocrisy is usually seen as dishonest and therefore deliberate when this shows you can still be hypocritical through irrrigorous thought and logic. Nice illustration of why recklessness is just as important as intention.
@AC-ih7jc 10 күн бұрын
My FB-addicted Friend: You say you don’t want to use Facebook because of privacy issues, but you use Amazon, so you've aleady lost your privacy. Me: Just because I can't have _perfect_ privacy doesn’t mean I'm entitled to _no_ privacy at all.
@miketalas7998 16 күн бұрын
That Lt Feline Communications officer, I want her, I need her, I must have her............Woof!!! 😍😁🥰😆😝😜🤪
@joelcooper2507 17 күн бұрын
This fallacy was named by Christian philosopher CS Lewis. The Christian worldview provides a basis for reason, because a loving God created an orderly universe. In an atheistic, whose to say the laws of logic will not change tomorrow? How can one even be sure truth exists? Jesus resurrected from the dead. Believe on Him for salvation!
@PlasmaCoolantLeak 17 күн бұрын
"Oh, and Mr. Walking Bear?" "Yes, sir?" "If you want to ask Lt. M'Ress on a date, then just ask her. Don't be so pusillanimous." "Aye, sir. I will do so immediately." "That would be best."
@edwardneufeld4505 18 күн бұрын
This show was syndicated as part of The Groovie Goolies and Friends.
@pigknickers2975 18 күн бұрын
Everyone sounds slightly stoned hahaha
@quentinfields3849 19 күн бұрын
@sebastianweissbarth3385 20 күн бұрын
Thank you for healing the world with this content.
@joshuarosenblum8155 20 күн бұрын
Oh my! 😅
@zetaviodeloryan5381 22 күн бұрын
I like the addition of the scanner in the background. More authentic to TOS!
@pathfinderdiscovery9395 23 күн бұрын
Saucer sep , photon torpedoes an Blue phasers ❤❤❤ hell yea !!!
@MrDanJB85 23 күн бұрын
Well produced as always. I enjoyed the reference to our old friends the Kazinti from 'the Slaver Weapon'. This episode makes a significant departure from the usual format of Spock overhearing a debate directly: in this case, we only hear Mr Sulu's description of the debate under analysis. I think that serves to rob this instalment of some clarity. Sulu's disdainful delivery of the set up, combined with it being so common for a person to over simplify (or otherwise misrepresent) a policy they disagree with, planted in my mind the idea that he might be unreliable in his description of the policy (and I never really shook that, even when Spock says he knows of the situation). The Grassarites' arguments, as related by Sulu display various fallacies other than dogmatism; for example, there seems to be at least a few non-sequiturs before we get to dogmatism per se (the refusal to allow debate). Combined with the fairly clear parallels to an area of current affairs where policies are rarely (if ever) as simple or binary as the carnivore policy enacted on Grasslan II, this felt like we were revisiting the Straw-man Fallacy from all the way back in episode 5 rather than exploring dogmatism. Several Trek stories that tackle dogmatism use the court room format - I'm thinking particularly of 'The Outcast' (TNG), 'Distant Origin' (VOY) and perhaps O'Brian's case in 'Tribunal' (DS9). These all lay out a clear, well supported case for the audience, only for the dogmatic court to ignore it. Some of Mr Arex's thoughts flirt with that sort of 'present a case' structure; I think having him (or another character) advance a more definite, logical improvement on the policy and having a dogmatic Gassarite shut that down would have rendered the logic lesson more clearly. For example, had Arex suggested a more individualised approach (based on prisoners' needs and risk assessments in light of the fatalities) not hearing him out would be more clearly dogmatic, and that is also more reflective of real custody policies that are being analogised. This attempt at a current affairs analogy was certainly bold, and it does evoke the structure of classic Trek; I fear that it was probably overreaching to try and tackle that issue in this short format though. Despite Spock's line about 'group is to be encouraged' this could easily read (and from the comments has been read by some) as a more general dismissal of the existence or veracity of ex-carnivores (and by extension the group that analogises) rather than a comment upon specific policy details and how they are debated. Looking forward to the next instalment.
@Optimistprime. 23 күн бұрын
And Mr. Walking Bear is in breach of regulations and safety protocols.
@KW-gb9cd 24 күн бұрын
It's official-"woke" is illogical!
@victormercado4478 24 күн бұрын
I had this record back in the day. Until now I didn't know they didn't use the original actors and actresses that were from the television show.
@stevenewman1393 24 күн бұрын
@SpaceKingofSpace 24 күн бұрын
Would have expected the episode about dogmatism or zealotry to be about religion, especially given how much TOS loved to tear down false gods and beliefs based on illogical faith.
@zetaviodeloryan5381 22 күн бұрын
Your comment is an example of the logical fallacy of petītiō principiī or begging the question. You assumed that all forms of "faith" are by definition "illogical" Perhaps you should rethink your words. That would be best.
@SpaceKingofSpace 22 күн бұрын
​@@zetaviodeloryan5381 Then perhaps my comment should have read "Given how many episodes of TOS dealt with an unquestioning faith in false gods or beliefs, I would have expected one of those to be the subject of an episode on Dogmatism."
@PlasmaCoolantLeak 24 күн бұрын
"Mr..Spock, don't you have to go annoy Dr. McCoy somewhere else?"
@eliangonzales 24 күн бұрын
Wait, is this the same actor playing Koenig as on the other episodes on the records? I just noticed he pronounced the name "koh-nig" but another episode, the actor says "keh-nig". This is a decades old mystery that MUST be solved!!
@4891MR 24 күн бұрын
God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man kills God. Man creates dinosaurs. Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the Earth.
@Optimistprime. 25 күн бұрын
You just got Spocked, big time!!!
@rsacchi100 25 күн бұрын
I wonder if this trio will get counseling from the Enterprise HR Officer?
@Ailsworth 25 күн бұрын
yet another reason I never understood why lefties like star trek
@Rendelwood 25 күн бұрын
100% facts. This one deserves a 30 minute episode
@Xanthro2 25 күн бұрын
Could y'all do a take on "The message comes from another source, so no cause to give me divorce from this discourse." since I can't say "don't harm the messenger" in its correct phrasing. If y'all ain't already did one that is. ngl, I just pick the ones that interest me or that I am unclear on :D
@thelaughinghyenas8465 25 күн бұрын
This is highly logical. Spock must be aware of early 21st century dogmatism that endangered the defenseless and silenced dissent. It's nice that both Sulu and Arex have seen through this insanity and Spock agreed with them. Thank you for another fine episode on logical fallacies and thinking.
@AmericanJeff 25 күн бұрын
I think you should go back and rewatch #5. seems relevant here
@zetaviodeloryan5381 22 күн бұрын
Strawman fallacy? Can you explain how that fits?
@MrDanJB85 22 күн бұрын
@@zetaviodeloryan5381 - @AmericanJeff's reasons may be different, but for me this is happening on two levels: one is the mixed signals I get from within the film, the other is more metatextual. Within the film Sulu is relating a policy that from his words and tone he clearly doesn't support; that introduces the possibility that he is not faithfully conveying the policy, whilst his various 'errrs' and 'umms' when replying to Arex would conventionally be used to imply that he is making things up as he goes. The policy itself is strongly implied to be a recent adoption - it stretches credulity that a new policy would be still unchallenged once the 8th herbivore is devoured, and the additions about prosecuting opponents etc make the position seem too absurd within the parameters of the story. It is unusual for us to be hearing arguments second hand in this series, which makes that second-hand framing seem significant - taken all together there are some strong 'in universe' signals that Sulu is presenting a 'strawman' of what the real policy is (for me, it was a surprising turn when Spock says essentially 'yep - thats all true'). Separately, there is a fairly clear real world analogy going on here and the new laws and policies on Grasslan II seem really close to some popular strawman substitues that I've seen employed to attack real policy proposals and laws. The similarity to popular strawmen may be a limitation of the 2 to 4 minute format of this series, but it could also be read as mounting a metatextual criticism of those strawmen. Within the 23rd century context of the story its about dogma around ex-carnivores; examining how the story itself it fits within our 21st century social and media context though, a viewer could interpret the whole episode as a 'strawman' argument against trans inclusive policies and/or their advocates. I also want to be clear that my point is that as a piece of meida the episode has multiple, sound interpretations - I don't claim to know which, if any, of those reflect the maker's intended meaning.
@AmericanJeff 22 күн бұрын
@@zetaviodeloryan5381 #66 is clearly a strawman of trans-activist arguments (e.g. "identified as herbivores"). It is based on a caricature of the most extreme positions. Since trans people are an oppressed group, calling out the fringe of trans activists in this way is a way to strawman pro-trans positions in general. While I agree that there are positions that are taken in support of trans rights which are, shall we say, difficult to defend, the fact that this is being featured in this series indicates what are probably deeper issues with the beliefs held by the writer(s) wrt trans issues. There are plenty of other ways zealotry/dogmatism could be illustrated without picking on people who are already oppressed. For example it could have been about the relentless assertion that the US election was stolen or that anti-zionism is anti-semitism, or any number of other current topics. Or even better, it could have been done in a way that doesn't trigger anyone's particular biases
@psoma_brufd 18 күн бұрын
​@AmericanJeff yup, it could've been literally anything else instead of something that either doesn't even happen or where it happens is a direct result of the "debate" not being in good faith and simply leading to hurt. MAGA is a far better example of dogmatism, or Flat Earthers or even the reverse of the trans supportive position, the "GC" cultists, each of these reject any evidence that goes against their beliefs and do not actually "debate" anything. Also let us note that the entire situation presented in the video is utterly misrepresentative of what actually happens in prisons around trans people. Sex offenders are placed in separate facilities full stop and besides in the real world any issues that happen in prisons are a result of rampant mismanagement and nothing to do with individuals. Most issues come from cis inmates and even the guards.
@kingbeauregard 17 күн бұрын
@@AmericanJeff "anti-zionism is anti-semitism" It is, just with extra steps. Zionism is simply the position that Jews need a homeland of some kind. Given how they're oppressed in literally ever land where they're not in charge, to be opposed to them having a homeland is to call for their unending oppression. Just because there are extra steps doesn't change the outcome. It's like how "All Lives Matter" wouldn't be an anti-Black sentiment, except that there's this whole thing we call "American culture" where Black people are treated like their lives don't matter. "All Lives Matter" is an attempt to undermine "Black Lives Matter", which is what makes it anti-Black. BTW, you are certainly welcome to criticize Israeli policies; I do. That doesn't change my fundamental belief that Jews deserve a homeland.
@notpc48 25 күн бұрын
Even when something that is widely believed is proven to be false, many will reject the proof because they refuse to admit that they were wrong.
@general11 25 күн бұрын
Is eavesdropping ethical?
@thelaughinghyenas8465 25 күн бұрын
When you chat next to a mule eared Vulcan who has corrected logic before, you should expect it.
@rsacchi100 25 күн бұрын
@@thelaughinghyenas8465 One advantage about having a Vulcan around is the crew would limit their conversation to their work.
@photocrazy2012 25 күн бұрын
Thank you, in this political climate today it is related to us … again thank you for the post
@S1nwar 26 күн бұрын
Wow even this channel starting to go against disney style messaging
@j.robertsergertson4513 26 күн бұрын
Brilliant 👍
@allyourpie4323 26 күн бұрын
@TheRealNormanBates 26 күн бұрын
CHDanhauser... playing your hand, I see? The carnivores "identifying" as herbivores so they can have access and eat the herbivores? 🤣 And to have _Sulu_ being the one to bring it up? 🤣🤣🤣 Also, is Spock agreeing with Sulu in that, what may be a first, the illogic doesn't pertain to the 2 speaking? Funnily enough, you are seeing a lot of zealots below. Look, lefties: when you start putting people in jail for words, thoughts or emotions, you are not the good guys.
@freesk8 26 күн бұрын
Good one! Thanks! :)
@jerrycarter7843 26 күн бұрын
At least Spock corrected somebody outside the crew this time.
@thomriley1036 26 күн бұрын
Crewmen, please don't drag the politics of Vissia and J'naii into the issue of the overzealous dogmatism surrounding incarcerated Kzinti on Grassland 2, as that would be most illogical.
@Xanthro2 26 күн бұрын
Thank you all so very much for touching on this very subject. I guess this is why discourse must be shutdown on such topics by those in power, to prevent the scrutiny they cant defend against.
@balrighty3523 26 күн бұрын
Alas, I can but like this only once.
@ledelste 26 күн бұрын
Oh I get who is supposed to be trans and progressives and such - but I wonder who in the episode is supposed to be the big fucking straw man
@TheRealNormanBates 26 күн бұрын
I know Kirk is the punching bag, according to Nerdy Instructional Videos.
@j.robertsergertson4513 26 күн бұрын
It's a pity you can't express yourself with out swearing ,huh?
@The_Fat_Controller. 25 күн бұрын
@@j.robertsergertson4513 Yeah, it's a God damned shame people can't fucking converse like decent people. It's bullshit. The OP is a real son of a bitch for this lapse in etiquette. What an asshole.
@STho205 23 күн бұрын
I induct it may be you Larry... Thank you for contributing a character to this proverb.