@thomasferraro479 2 күн бұрын
Hey man, I saw Blind Guardian in concert last night. Made me think of you, I hope you're doing good. I miss the videos.
@davidmiddleton7958 12 күн бұрын
This is an intersting topic. The Valar were active during the time of The Lord of the Rings. Think on this, when Isildur was ambushed by Orcs, the ring fell into the Anduin. Ulmo controls all the waters of Arda, Anduin included, which the One Ring lay in. I suspect that the One Ring's return to the land was Ulmo's foresight. Smeagol was the vehicle to eventually destroy Sauron's ring, while the One Ring exercised it's power to return to it's masters fingers!
@55tranquility 16 күн бұрын
They were chilling out, doing very little as usual. They allowed Morgoth to corrupt Elves into Orcs and basically ruin all the works of the Valar in Middle Earth leaving 'Arda Marred'. From the start of creation to the end of the First Age Melkor was given free reign to do unspeakable evil on the world, when the Valar captured him the first time they let him go, when they finally defeated him it resulted the landmass of Beleriand had been destroyed and sunk under the Sea! Then Sauron in the second and third ages was left to corrupt and dominate Middle Earth. Plus the Valar left Men to fend for themselves while inviting immortal supernatural Elves to safety in Valinor. When Sauron corrupted Numenor, did Sauron get punished? Nope, When the Numenorians sailed to Valinor to try and invade it, something that men were never ever going to be able to do - he enacted genocide on a whole race of people and sunk their entire land into the bottom of the sea! Why not get rid of Sauron instead and give the Numenorians a good talking to and explain to them in simple terms why they cant gonto Valinor and immortality is not the wonderful thing thag they think it is? Or at least say you don't deserve this island you have to go back to Middle Earth, you naughty children, because I'm going to sink it! Eru drowned innocent children, babies, and men because one of the Valar a demi god turned to evil used his powers of persuasion to lie to them that they could invade Valinor - because he wanted to destroy Numenor and the Numenorians so he actually manipulated Eru and the other Valar, and he continued on back in Middle Earth doing evil. The Valar are completly incompetent and Eru pretty much is a dick. Eru Iluvatar never directly punished anyone in Arda, not Melkor, Sauron or Feanor. Not Balrogs, Orks, Nazgul, Nameless Things, or Dragons, not Ungoliant or Shelob - but sunk Numenor and enacted Genocide, bit of an over reaction considering how little was done against actual evil.
@Chevycamaroman317 19 күн бұрын
Hope you’re doing alright man; just found this channel going through your silmarillion series, sad you haven’t finished them!
@yisroelackerman 20 күн бұрын
I love that you did this. People dont know that Galadriel is a figure similar to Melian the Maiar - who Tolkien establishes as her mentor.
@fueledbylove 23 күн бұрын
I like to look at the obvious and let the rest be.. Obviously, the three Hobbits / Ring Bearers crossed the Sea with the Elves with Samwise coming separately of course. Manwe stated the Numenoreans would soon perish if they entered Valinor, thus the Hobbits went no further than The Lonely Isle. Anything else is speculative...like this, for instance: One man, Tuor was granted to be counted among the Firstborn, so those who desire them to live Happily Forever-after maybe that is not outside the realm of possibilities... after all this is a fictional story, write your own ending if it pleases you!
@El-rng8 24 күн бұрын
I immediately come to your videos as i progress the chapters of the book. story is more digestable this way as im a first time reader. thank you for this!
@basknook860 25 күн бұрын
I love the silmarillion and the way it reads. However, i had to read it atleast twice to really make any sense of it. I'm reading it AGAIN atm and even now i sometimes have to stop halfway through a page and go back to the beginning of that page, if not further. I would love to know how others deal with the sheer amount of information/names and with what approach others read it. Treating it like just another fantasy novel clearly doesn't work for me in regards to soaking up and actually "understanding" this glorious piece of text.
@richardfairley9882 26 күн бұрын
I've found this series exceptionally helpful - what happened? I hope all is well.
@ruthm3813 28 күн бұрын
I can't think there would be any point Bilbo, Frodo, Sam and Gimli being allowed to go to the Undying Lands if there was no benefit for them. Surely healing for Frodo. I doubt Gimli met any of the others as according to this, he would be 120 years older than when Frodo left. Bilbo of course would pass away. But Sam would have time to meet Frodo I am sure.
@fairyboy444 29 күн бұрын
will forever be grateful for these videos <3
@fairyboy444 Ай бұрын
the last of the bottleneck is so real 💀. after this chapter, the story is easier to comprehend lol
@fairyboy444 Ай бұрын
thank you for these, truly <3
@fairyboy444 Ай бұрын
this channel may be dead, but nonetheless, thank you! while reading the silmarillion, i have to constantly look at the index’s because of the onslaught of names and locations thrown at me. i get so lost. i will play this playlist while i’m driving or accidentally falling asleep. regardless, i will watch each video, especially the chapter ones, at least twice. just, thank you for the clarification and breaking down of each chapter and major points. truly, you’re an angel <3
@LurkerAnonymous Ай бұрын
Iluvatar: I want you to sing in harmony for me... Melkor: *starts riffing black metal on his guitar*
@Leon-ym9qm Ай бұрын
So very Catholic. Eru, god, Valar, archangels, Maiar, lesser angels. Melkor, Lucifer. Manwa, Michael I’m not saying there are not other influences but come on.
@theeasterling2808 Ай бұрын
well I subscribed am convinced now haha
@strills1234 2 ай бұрын
ulmo a real one fr
@battlebunny1359 2 ай бұрын
I specifically had issue trying to understand Ulmo pulling the sun under the earth? and then the moon following? that whole passage didn't make sense to me if someone can explain
@sainiharika 2 ай бұрын
I agree with their description of Eldar, wise but fell.
@Fossilsaurus1020 2 ай бұрын
I believe illuvitar, who has a sense of justice and love, would never be so cruel as to keep sam and, Frodo apart:) he’s a benevolent entity, going out of his was for people who proved their worth to him:)
@Fossilsaurus1020 2 ай бұрын
How could they not just allow them they happy time they have left, together?
@Fossilsaurus1020 2 ай бұрын
There’s no WAY Tolkien had them reunite, only to have Frodo have passed on already:(
@witchhazel4135 2 ай бұрын
Are you related to Robert on In Deep Geek? Your voices are so similar.
@PleaseNThankYou 2 ай бұрын
How about i watch your new video INSTEAD OF watching the RoP ?
@witchhazel4135 2 ай бұрын
Did the Vanyar ever do anything special?
@jobrown8146 3 ай бұрын
It was only by watching videos explaining The Silmarillion that I was able to get an understanding of it.
@55tranquility 3 ай бұрын
Mortals don't get immortality in Valinor, the Numenorians were tricked into believing this by Sauron. Manwe's message meant that for a mortal living in a land where literally everyone and everything stayed the same and only you aged, it would seem to you like you were aging quickly. Objectively the physical aging process didn't speed up or get put on fast forward, Frodo aged at the same rate as all the other Hobbits back in Middle Earth, it is just the perception of aging in a land where only you age. With that in mind I think Sam and Frodo were reunited, obviously not Bilbo he would have long since passed away. I don't think Gimli and Legolas would have reunited with Sam and Frodo though - as they left Middle Earth after King Elassar died and he reigned for 120 years - dying at 210, which is a shame. Re the aging thing - I always wondered what would be a problem for say a community of men to love together away from Elves on Valinor. They would age together and have children etc so whats the problem. I think the main reason is the Valar really didn't care about men and thought they didn't matter. They had already up and left men in Middle Earth to cope with Morgoth and Sauron on their own while they had gone and invited Elves to Valinor for the reason of getting away from Morgoth. They just wanted their island to be for Elves and not men, Elves were the VIPs.
@sainiharika 3 ай бұрын
the man was driver of fate of Arda. I mean he’s the one who has the most original thinking of all elves, n most farsightedness too. He throws the door to the mightiest of the beings of Arda, lol in Formemos. He like Morgoth is too impatient n restless.
@josabby474 3 ай бұрын
Frodo and Bilbo are more closely related in the Took side than the Baggins side- or more closely related on their respective maternal sides. Frodo’s maternal grandmother was Mirabella Took- Belladonna’s sister. Also, Bilbo’s father built Bag End with his mother’s money. The Sacksville Baggins may have felt entitled to it because they were Bilbo’s closest Baggins relatives; but Bilbo had the right to pick his own heir and since it was built with Took money, it could be argued that legally it belonged to a relative from the Took side. So Frodo did have a better legal claim.
@sainiharika 3 ай бұрын
The best best best channel of Silmarillion 🥹🥹🥹🍀🍀🍀
@sainiharika 3 ай бұрын
Finwe Melkor Ungoliant Manwe and all the Noldor get their instant karma in this chapter
@sainiharika 3 ай бұрын
Melkor is such a master of deception lol
@sainiharika 3 ай бұрын
I hated finwe all along for his enabling Feanor. Bad parent
@cityman2312 3 ай бұрын
I'm afraid that it was something like a mystical palliative care for Bilbo and Frodo and that Frodo would not have outlived Bilbo for very long.
@sainiharika 3 ай бұрын
The best of the best. Thank you so much for this. It’s one of a kind n matchless.
@sainiharika 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Dan & Helena
@sainiharika 3 ай бұрын
I just love your videos. I just feel that associating Silmarillion myth with other myths, like when you said Taniquetil (think of Mt Olympus) takes away from the originality of Taniquetil or the like, I mean I can understand the majesty of Taniquetil by itself by the myth of Silmarillion alone. Why do I need to think of Mt Olympus, like there’s no need for a reference or allegory to another myth. These r my thoughts. I feel Sil is very much authentic to stand n to be comprehended on its own without need for allegory.
@ogaitu5661 3 ай бұрын
Both of your voices are laurelin. Perfect.
@scottfelson289 3 ай бұрын
Can not say enough how great these are
@KipIngram 3 ай бұрын
If I have any complaint at all about Tolkien's Legendarium, it's the inclusion of these "random dark creatures." I mean, we get a CREATION STORY, and it's a good one. But then these random creatures that none of the Valar shaped just "show up." It implies that Eru actually never was entirely alone at all, even before he created the Ainur.
@MustafaAhmed-us1ro 3 ай бұрын
Is there going to a continuation on this series??? We need them back please
@scottfelson289 3 ай бұрын
Absolutely appreciate these. Thank you
@wlh4christ 3 ай бұрын
Hey are you planning on finishing this series? Been binging it.
@ogaitu5661 3 ай бұрын
There’s a fair chance that Tolkien was writing about real past events disguised as novel/ myth…….. he would not never acknowledge such a thing and might explain the strong connection that we all feel.
@scottbest2001 3 ай бұрын
Gandalf loved Frodo (and Bilbo) too much to allow him to go west if it would be harmful. I suspect they lived a blissful life in Aman then received the gift of Eru.
@jose280714 3 ай бұрын
I bought Morgoth Ring two weeks ago, and I went yesterday to grab The War of the Jewels, then I have both... I'm reading Unfinished Tales, and there is narrative presents variations in regard to Galadriel and Celeborn... and even a possible son of both...
@nabjehoid6650 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for these summaries! It is sad that this is the last one of your series, but I'm thankful nonetheless for them!
@ogaitu5661 3 ай бұрын
What happened?
@danielj6897 3 ай бұрын
These videos have been a great companion as I make my way through the chapters on my first read.
@vergitube 3 ай бұрын
it is good to have a quick summary before reading the book itself, as there are too many new names, terminology. thank you for this