Elon Musk - What is money?
2 жыл бұрын
Sam Harris - What is enlightenment
@vitality7285 15 сағат бұрын
I just made a mistake today and utterly wasted money. I needed it to pay rent and stuff, but instead, i wasted it on useless garbage. I felt so caught up in the moment, and i just didn't care about the outcome... but when i saw my account. When i looked back on what i said and did.... i just broke down. I know I've messed up worse than this, i know I've pulled myself out of worse, but i guess what's really got me is that i thought i was better than this. Better than that. I thought i had gotten better and improved as a Christain. But seeing that i again wasted my money... my enegry and time on disgusting crap... i have this overwhelming feeling that I've let everyone i know and love down because i just can't control myself. I know it's not over, and as long as I leave everything in God's righteous and just hands i believeand know ill be okay, but even that thought doesnt comfort the fear and worry that my own hamds will stop me from being the man i want to be. A strong man is not controlled by his impulses and selfishness. I want to be responsible. I want to control my thoughts and myself for God and as God wants me to. I fell today, and it bothers me immensely, but as the vid said. I know what I've done wrong. I need to move forward. To improve. To be better. To anyone who sees this. Dont get caught up in the moment. It happens to us all, and if you did, know it's not over and you're not alone. Im right here beside ya messing up worse than you. I promise. Let's all try and be better for whatever reason you have. For God. For your family. For yourself. Let's learn from today from our shared past, and look toward tomorrow. Today might not have been a good day, but not yet. It's not over yet. It's not too late yet. Let's be better.
@KaneT789. 6 күн бұрын
It's been nearly four years since I last watched this and I promised myself i'd never comeback here in any sort of guilt or regret towards myself but here I am
@Mohamed-bm6yk 8 күн бұрын
You are wrong you are support Israël because they are successful in technology and economy matérialism success thats satanic thinking because hé Saïd you create him from clày and i am from fire you encourage thé fire of Israël to burn thé clay of palestiniens by saying give him hell netenyahu in that tweet
@chankio 8 күн бұрын
what i did wrong was to talk about the future who was winning 2020 election and expose that Donald Trump was going to Win then Joe biden cheated on Election by buying up the MEDIA
@chankio 8 күн бұрын
i didnt talk to them. i thought i had privacy and i had need to express myself.
@motivationalmadness10 14 күн бұрын
I was arrested this month because I let my anger bubble up for months and got in a fight with my ex-roommate. I allowed his toxicity to infect me, and in my dumb rage I allowed it to validate my expression of violence. This arrest cost me thousands of dollars, I got robbed, lost my job, my car was sabotaged, had to get a new place and sustained a bad injury to my dominant arm. It took me weeks to stabilize after I got out of holding and that was only because of how hard I worked and through the goodwill of my friends. I could have easily come out of this much worse but my position in life at the time saved me. I had good credit, trustworthy friends and savings. This will serve as a blemish on my life forever but I am stronger for having overcome it.
@mirjanan.1963 16 күн бұрын
Your wife is a very lucky woman to have you in her life! And you did chose her so she must be really something then, too! ❤❤
@stephenwilson9872 21 күн бұрын
Not light. Thinking it’s good because it sits I. My light
@stephenwilson9872 21 күн бұрын
All fake scum.
@stephenwilson9872 21 күн бұрын
Heaven. I hate all of them
@stephenwilson9872 21 күн бұрын
Not of this dolor system
@stephenwilson9872 21 күн бұрын
Only place I’d rather be. In is. Whatever world it is. In my dreams
@stephenwilson9872 21 күн бұрын
All is true to its nature. And I love it there
@stephenwilson9872 21 күн бұрын
Nothing is fake once in the underworld
@CarAhvvahk 22 күн бұрын
Much appreciation
@krissibee 22 күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson saved my life. I was on the verge of suicide after a deeply traumatic, life-destroying betrayal when he inexplicably popped up on my feed. His lectures saved my life by breaking me out of my traumatised state of life. He is a godsend
@loganbrion1469 23 күн бұрын
Sean Carroll is a real scientist, and Sam Harris is a fraud.
@user-um5wn8ri7s 26 күн бұрын
Take all of your sins, failures, and mistakes to.Christ-Paid in full at the cross ❤
@ericpratt4361 26 күн бұрын
To me, the issue with the experience machine thought experiment is that, per the parameters set forth, being in the experience machine will be indiscernible from the time before entering the experience machine in every way your consciousness could ever detect it. Those parameters make the reality of the experience machine precisely as real as the reality before the experience machine. It would be as though you were in one experience machine and entered another experience machine. Any attachment you would have before entering the experience machine, therefore, would only be an attachment to a different experience machine and would therefore render anything extra we may feel that we feel we would lose by entering the experience machine would simply be an attachment to a prior experience machine. The feeling that there was something more would be confusion and would do nothing to undermine hedonism as a framework within which we can discuss what we should do as what we should do is not inextricable from a false intuition.
@GaryBernstein 27 күн бұрын
Evolution will reward the truth of determinism & punish the lie of free will eventually, bc those that can live well while being truthful & intelligent about it likely has advantages. As more intelligent species evolve, they’ll understand the simple fact of determinism & it’ll be adaptive to accept it & not do 2+2=5 mental gymnastics to avoid it
@drunkonamonday5613 26 күн бұрын
Just for the sake of good natured debate.. Can you elaborate on that? It's an interesting point. (I do have my subsequent arguments that preclude the biology aspect and look from a physics perspective)
@GaryBernstein 26 күн бұрын
@@drunkonamonday5613 as more intelligent species evolve, they’ll understand the simple fact of determinism & it’ll be adaptive to accept it & not do 2+2=5 mental gymnastics to avoid it
@GaryBernstein 27 күн бұрын
Evolution will eradicate the lie of free will eventually, bc those that can live well while being truthful & intelligent about it likely has advantages.
@GaryBernstein 27 күн бұрын
Obviously free will is impossible & unreasonable & everyone just lies to themselves into not getting this obvious rationality
@moviebuff7077 28 күн бұрын
So there clearly has to be a significant response to what happened. You can love your enemies and prayer for your perscutors and seek justice. They are not mutually exclusive. But what is justice?
@GD-tn3ez 28 күн бұрын
No one will stop doing a thing until they’ve realized that they hate it.
@adnan7698 Ай бұрын
Why is this recorded on a toaster?
@joshy2joshy Ай бұрын
Trust is a mutual reciprocal contract, until it is broken. Trust is conditional, in that it only applies until it is broken by one party.
@nathanstamboultgis Ай бұрын
This video has been bookmarked on my tabs for almost the past four years. It's been a while since I've watched it. On this watching I realise how many of the lessons I've internalised and seen for myself. Like Jordan says, the only way to find out is by doing it yourself. Four years later I can say that my life has transformed in more ways than I can ever imagine, I'm blessed beyond measure and I marvel in admiration at the individual I'm becoming. If you're reading this today, know that your potential is so much greater than you could ever imagine....cherish it, water it and watch it grow into the marvellous creation it was always meant to be. Let no one ,and I mean NO ONE make you believe your God given gifts are not to be shared. Keep Shining. Blessings and Gratitude.
@ademulutas9793 Ай бұрын
It is kind of funny how he is giving a treatise on speaking and doing it rather poorly. When i embarked on a journey into speaking i came across this video and it did have some effect on my speaking ability but it remained minimal. i then came across the study of oratory. Even though i am in the initial stages of my study. My investigation have brought me to some helpful authors and books. Here they are Cicero/or another (ad herenium) Quintilian (Institutio oratoria) Any of the dosteyevski books. i only wish to help people on this topic. There are 5 canons of oratory Invention, style, delivery, arrangement, memory. Having a deeper understanding of these concepts will lead you to a deeper understanding of language which will in turn make you a better speaker which will in turn make you a better writer. Type into youtube rhetoricians toolkit for effective persuasion. There is a video which will expand the mind greatly. Philosophy also has a great effect on increasing your speaking prowess it tethers wisdom with eloquence which is ever so important. Being a stand up comedian i realise that these may have garnered zero interest from the video learner. But what i can deduce is that i do embark on public speaking daily and as it may seem that my ideas seem abstract just remember a person can only be mildly corruptible from their current thoughts/views on a topic , keep that in mind when prototyping your interlocution. If you did find this helpful be sure to let someone know or try and teach it to someone else it is the best way to understand a concept fully. If you have no one to teach, teach it back to yourself. i am on insta but if you find anything of increased value please drop it into the reply. talk soon x
@wayneforprezz Ай бұрын
Hey all. Just checking in; 29 years old now. I would've thought that by now, I'd be making great decisions, and learning from my mistakes. Overall, i feel like I have, but like the rest of you I've searched this video for a reason. I feel as though I must own my mistake, and to not expect or even want forgiveness. I did it, its done, and i accept the consequence.
@zeroonetime Ай бұрын
Nothing is free, everything is free. It a matter of free choice, or no choice. 010
@michaelgarrow3239 Ай бұрын
I am in the underworld now. I have had an ax pulled on me, punched in the face, I have had to pull a pistol 3-4 times in the last 2 years. FTW
@TheSonOfGodWorshipsTheFather Ай бұрын
Vengeance belongs to who?
@uhtredsonofuhtred2867 Ай бұрын
This understanding of enlightenment is spot on ! This comes pretty close to how eastern gurus describe it
@arvindm2632 Ай бұрын
Betrayal shock will kill your faith in yourself. Not less than a death sentence.
@DevInvest Ай бұрын
The Four Agreements
@klakalakin8017 Ай бұрын
can't believe I never heard this up to this point, these two are fantastic. good stuff
@darrex999 Ай бұрын
"There are things that we understand about the world as adults that we shouldn't insist our children also understand about the world in the same way." This is _precisely_ why I pulled my 4yo daughter out of the school that, due to a set of circumstances we had no choice at the time of placing her within, when I opened one of her three mandatory school text books and the first words on Page 1 were "God made the fishes. God made the trees." I'd read enough. Months later I deliberately brought about a set of circumstances that caused to get out of that school and into a 'more advanced' privately funded Montessori school where it's more about 'learning through exploration and play'. To me, 'forcing an understanding' onto a newly emerged instance of our next generation is against improving our species, and - in some senses - is pretty violent and is therefore abusive. Telling people how to think, especially a new human whose first 7 years of brain development when the fundamental neural architectures are being laid down, is a terrible thing to do. Hence why I don't do it: I prefer to offer a 'Fertile Soil' and then stand back and watch the new human bloom and blossom in ways I could never imagine (under some gentle guidance of course, when the less desirable behaviors begin to emerge, which I understand where they come from, all part of the natural process...) e.g. to scratch and fight with others in an attempt to secure something for self rather than establish a community of safety, love, peace, and harmony which is better in the long run.
@darrex999 Ай бұрын
'we live in a deterministic world' that has been determined by probability because the cosmos isn't deterministic, it's probabilistic. E.g. at the moment of a human being's conception, the cosmos appears to 'flip a coin' to determine the biological sex that that newly conceived human will become: male (baby boy, that will - hopefully - grow into an adult man) or female (baby girl, that will - hopefully - grow into an adult woman). Who flipped that coin? No one. What flipped that coin? The very thing that we have come from: the cosmos. General 'patterns' exist (e.g. the 'pattern' that is common to all 'humans' and detemine us from being 'chimpanzees'); yet variances within those general patterns also exist: of 8bn humans that are currently living on this planet, we will all have unique fingerprints. And - to take that a step further - every single individual instance of human will have a uniquely different lived experience from birth to present moment, so the internal neural architecture (that is as unique as the human's fingerprints) will also be uniquely shaped as it goes through its 100m changes every second throughout its life.
@Zeeshan-bv7mo Ай бұрын
Yuval Noah Harari is Best 💯⭕
@Stevie-J Ай бұрын
Newtonian and Einsteinian physics do not scale in an intuitive manner. It's a famously difficult problem. Our current understanding of physics is invalid, according to the standards set forth by Sam Harris in this clip. He is a sophist and his arguments are directed at midwits.
@terencehennegan1439 Ай бұрын
That seems a complex roundabout answer to a simple question. Geeez. Ask the same question to Eckart Tolle and you get a simple answer.
@KARLKAM Ай бұрын
He can’t think this and support state capitalism the way it manifests itself, or so it seems.
@KARLKAM Ай бұрын
Great title
@craig5908 Ай бұрын
God JP is insufferable
@ItIsTheLastHour Ай бұрын
That’s fucked up. Saying that an 18yr old doesn’t know the reason why they did what they did. Even a 5 year old knows why they did what they did. Poor kids who have parents who are like this who do not listen to them.
@johnsonosazee6576 Ай бұрын
I think it is contraindicative the formulation of those two words Free - Will. You cannot have those two things cemented together There is nothing like free will because it is not free because there is a juxtapose consequence for every free will decision you make. But you have a will but it is not free. And I think Sam Harris is mixing these two things together and Eric and Sean are both correct. The assumption that at different strata of the human experience, we have the ability to express our ability to will and at some other level we almost because predetermined and determined even if we are not completely. And we cannot understand all of these from the materialistic point of view. Dr. Iain McGilChrist said - The people who tell you you don’t have free will are exercising their free will to tell you you don’t!
@nikosalexopoulos6542 Ай бұрын
How about the holocaust victims? Were they lucky? Wouldn't it be better never to have been? And i can think of some many more similar tragedies... This is nonsense
@ruairi_ Ай бұрын
lol, this is jibberish
@rururet Ай бұрын
Sam Harris's imagination is "mysterious" indeed.
@prtauvers 2 ай бұрын
Brain activity is Deterministic at a given moment, but is contingent on previous circumstances to that activity…there would be no way to ‘predict’ the entire transcript of the show backstage with proper brain scans before the show begins as each utterance is a reaction, contingent upon, the previous ‘random’ external or internal stimulus- therefore unpredictable. The feeling of Free Will arises from the spontaneous choice at that moment contingent on unforeseen stimuli aforehand.