The Bolt Pistol: A Tutorial | Darktide
The Mechs: A tutorial | Helldivers 2
DATA TIME | Darktide
4 ай бұрын
STIMMS | Darktide | A Tutorial
Bayonet Only Damnation | Darktide
@ultrasour7007 Күн бұрын
I agree with you on basically everything up until the bolter. Prior to that you were talking about how we should not just look to lore, but once the bolter comes up you focus entirely on lore. Also, bolters are usually said to have very good armor penetration, they're used against space marines after all. It does change between who's actually writing a story, but generally bolters have better armor pen than any other weapon which we actually see in the game. I also think that tabletop rules should really only be for a basic guide and not as an actual measure of accuracy; in table top autoguns and lasrifles have the exact same profile, while pistols are exactly the same but with shorter range and no rapid fire. Table top and darktide both take liberties to balance their respective games, it doesn't make sense to compare the two. Besides that, i did really agree with your video a lot more than jtc's and thought your balance ideas and experience with these weapons was better, but it's just weird that you seem to switch from concern about game balance to lore accuracy with the bolter, and i also think the lore isn't even as restrictive as you paint it.
@Reginald-sc9tk Күн бұрын
Actually I spend some time discussing lore here because people just keep getting it wrong ad nauseum and suggesting bad things because of it. We absolutely should not be informed just by lore. Game feel and balance do matter. But the bolt gun, as I argue, is already just fine against carapace and even decent against ogryn in carapace But we have to remember that ogryn, lore wise, are in a different league of tough. The charonites were neigh unkillable in the face of dedicated space marine firepower in lore. In lore bolters are not used against space Marines, its such a point of contention in the horus heresy novels that both factions develop dedicated armor piercing rounds in specific loyalists develop Kraken rounds, as I mentioned. Fighting a space marine with a standard bolter is like fighting an armored knight with a sword. You gotta find the gaps. Space Marines were designed and armed according to who their enemies were primarily. Most imperial adversaries use little armor as tough as ceramite nor carapace on their troops. It really wasn't until the heresy that ceramite quality armor became a real and consistent threat. We actually broadly agree here that tabletop rules and lore should only be guide posts for this game but I want to at least be accurate on those details before we jump away from them. That was my core intended point. I hope I did a better job explaining my position at least. Let me know if you disagree.
@ITZBROKENhotDOG12 2 күн бұрын
I dont know this thing sounds like a girl and a boy wtf 😭
@anthonycochran6492 3 күн бұрын
One key to success is to understand exactly how an ambush works. The best ambushes are set as to confine the enemy to a kill box of your own creation. This can be achieved in spirit by using static mortars or the static strike, or also by implementation of a minefield. sufficient protection for the cover element is also a must. If the enemy can turn 90-degrees and chare straight at you unobstructed, you're not going to have a good time. If you can block the path of the enemy, open up from a protected position, then have your assault element turn the rear flank, you can pin the enemy on three sides...and if you chose your ground appropriately, the fourth side can be blocked by an impassible terrain point. Also, many fire and maneuver infantry tactics simply won't work in helldivers, because the AI doesn't respond to covering and suppressive fire...So bear that in mind.
@thunder2434 4 күн бұрын
100 Dudes!!!
@crazylasagna3576 4 күн бұрын
IMO I like the jank ADS on the bolt weapons. You can get used to it, and it fits the hard to use nature of the weapons. I also like it giving some more function to Deadshot, which the bolt weapons pair well with.
@Reginald-sc9tk 3 күн бұрын
I think high and unpleasant recoil is fine but unpredictable jank looks like warp disease
@Heritor7 4 күн бұрын
A couple of days ago I wrote on a note "chain axe, thunder hammer, bolter, flamer" because those were the weapons I wanted to look to be using. Coicidence?
@crazylasagna3576 5 күн бұрын
Fun Combo: The Always Prepared keystone modifier will always refill one bullet for the Hacker shotgun, even if you only get one kill. When combined with the crit bonus from Weapons Specialist you can repeatedly whip out a crit Hacker shot in combat, which is especially effective with Manstopper.
@Damglador 5 күн бұрын
Mechs are not used because they're honestly bad, saying that as a mech lover. Compare Helldivers 2 mechs to mechs in Helldivers (first one), in Helldivers you call a mech and it makes your game easier for as long as you have ammo in it (if you call right type of mech), and as long as its not destroyed, but they're pretty durable, so that's not a problem. In Helldivers 2 mech is not worth the slot, its not much better than just taking a stratagem that you'll be able to use multiple times or another support weapon like commando or eat. Mechs are weak in defence (they still cant tank cannon shots as they were able to in HD) and in offence, cannons have very low ammo count and deal very little damage, same for rockets. Only thing I want a mech for is to go through lakes. There is no fantasy, no power :'( Oh and also, mechs in Helldivers were able to call stratagems, mechs in Helldivers 2 seems to have a spot for a tube from which stratagems are supposed to be launched, but the tube isn't there.
@Damglador 5 күн бұрын
They ARE tanky, so if you're ambushed or something its worth getting in a mech and shooting everything (on bots). But gambling stratagem slot for mech that might be never used is not for me.
@xenophon5354 5 күн бұрын
Link to spreadsheet?
@Reginald-sc9tk 5 күн бұрын
Check the description
@hatstealer4638 5 күн бұрын
Crucis was always bad outside monster deletion memes, but it's been really left in the dirt by the overall power creep of the game, both for the rejects and the enemies. Enemies got more health, so Crucis stopped being able to deliver elite 1-taps, and, perhaps even more significantly, enemy density got cranked out the wazoo. People used to talk about using camera and animation manipulation to "snipe" elites in the middle of a horde with the Crucis special, back in the days when hordes weren't composed of 15 superimposed ragers, but I really don't think that you could reliably pull off such a feat now. And even if you could, it still wouldn't kill the target! Weapons like this frustrate me - realizing that the Crucis can't 1 tap elites anymore and fixing it should take like 15 minutes of work, and instead the weapon has been left to languish for two years. On the other hand, I think it's the only truly "bad" melee weapon in the game, so that's something at least - most weapons are only bad relative to a group of overperformers (combat axe, knife, power sword, revolver, plasma, ciag5, basically any psyker weapon), but still feel good in it of themselves.
@owensthilaire8189 5 күн бұрын
Typical game designers. All they know is the current eras guns because those are in every movie and game out there. Sci-fi guns require imagination and a bit of research. Bolters fire a " hail of mass reactive, explosive bolts". How is this difficult? That sure didn't look like a " hail " to me.
@Reginald-sc9tk 3 күн бұрын
This is a bolt pistol, its not going to shoot a hail. The bolter is full auto.
@spectralspectra2282 5 күн бұрын
I think there should be explosive ammo and fire ammo too
@alexanderalatorre3390 6 күн бұрын
Personally. As a flamer user and lover, I would like it changed in two fold. One, be able to be used on the veteran. Two, personally I dislike the the aim down sights for a stream of flame, I would like it if the special was a switch modes rather than a bash so that I don’t need to aim down sights the rip through a horde with the cleansing fire of the emperor
@catfwish 6 күн бұрын
Misheard that bit at the start as "frontiersman Joe was a happy fodder".
@cryptosporidiom 6 күн бұрын
This is the best gun. Source: I made it the fuck up.
@Reginald-sc9tk 6 күн бұрын
@Epicmonk117 6 күн бұрын
11:00 IMO the thing the force swords should do is have unusual psi-buffed attacks, such as one that drains your victim’s HP to heal yourself, or one that chucks out an energy wave that pierces enemies in a line.
@Reginald-sc9tk 6 күн бұрын
Thats a sick idea
@Epicmonk117 6 күн бұрын
@@Reginald-sc9tk Thank you. I just wanna see psykers do more weird shit. Also, forgot to mention this earlier, but I 110% agree with you on the ogryn heavy bolter. Give the ogryn a heavy bolter already, Fatshark!
@GroBoiD7777 7 күн бұрын
worst wall for pellets testing )
@Reginald-sc9tk 7 күн бұрын
Tell me a better one. I couldn't think of a single bright smoothe wall in darktide
@Cold_Zero_The_Wise 7 күн бұрын
Incendiary spread rounds, low damage and wide spread fire damage rounds would be a nice addition, or gas rounds, mini mine/detonation rounds.b
@Frosthark 7 күн бұрын
I haven't used mk 4 Chainaxe in a very long while - might have to give it another chance heh. btw, could you share the link to the weapon damage spreadsheet you've featuring in the video please?
@Reginald-sc9tk 7 күн бұрын
Check my video catalogue. I have a video from like 2-3 months ago with a title like data for the data God and there's a CSV available there.
@Frosthark 6 күн бұрын
​@@Reginald-sc9tk Nice one, thanks!
@mileator 7 күн бұрын
1:49 the scene has solidified two ideas in my mind: 1. We should be able to be left behind ala Titanfall. 2, we should do away with the ending screen, and have this be the ending screen showing the remaining survivors who got out, with the end stats scrolling up both on the screen in the back, and in front of the survivors.
@theedwardian 7 күн бұрын
The break-action is surprisingly handy. Its damage, spread, knockback, and reload speed are surprisingly all in the goldilocks zone.
@yautl1 7 күн бұрын
I think one of my biggest gripes with the thunder hammers right now is that the special attack has zero cleave. Nothing feels worse than having a rager or mauler charging you, powering your hammer, winding up a full-strength heavy, and then some poxwalker sticks its elbow in the way, eats your strike, and the rager/mauler kills you while you're stunned. Giving it the ability to cleave through a trash mob or two before catching on an elite like the eviscerators do now would make it feel a lot better IMO.
@Reginald-sc9tk 7 күн бұрын
Check out the ironhelm
@yautl1 6 күн бұрын
​@@Reginald-sc9tk heh, goes to show how little I've actually messed around with the weapon variants.
@Reginald-sc9tk 4 күн бұрын
@@yautl1 Its not like its easy to do so.
@yautl1 3 күн бұрын
​@@Reginald-sc9tk In my defense when I tried a stock one out in the psykanium its moveset didn't feel meaningfully different from the Crucis; and I already had both a pretty nice Crucis, and a lot of other weapons I wanted to build too.
@tonyyang2879 7 күн бұрын
Perfect strike and shred makes chainswords horde cleaner, I guess that was what he meant
@Tyneras 7 күн бұрын
I'd make it an achievement unlock. You then buy it like a regular support weapon. It would have no call down, it'd be the ONLY support weapon you drop with already equipped and loaded.
@Reginald-sc9tk 6 күн бұрын
That was my suggestion too from the original tutorial on it
@Tyneras 6 күн бұрын
@@Reginald-sc9tk Democratic minds think alike!
@Ed-ss1uh 7 күн бұрын
I remember when I was new and randomly used this gun because i didn't have any strategems unlocked and got kicked lmao
@xtxownage 7 күн бұрын
So basically Bugs - Act like you're a terminator Bots - act like you're a hulk Squids - run away from energy walls
@ethanwilson7492 7 күн бұрын
i love the hammers i would love for some small buffs
@evanhuizenga8626 8 күн бұрын
I don't see why the boltgun shouldn't be good at destroying bosses. Bosses should be the one thing it is GOOD at. Lore-wise it's not great vs carapace, and for most smaller enemies it's very clunky and inefficient to use ammo on them. It practically screams "boss killer weapon", with its massive recoil, high damage, etc.
@jaredbowman7764 8 күн бұрын
Yeah the idea of being penalized for not being precise with a bolt weapon seems to completely counteract the entire purpose of the weapon. That is when I shoot something with a bolter that is not a massive or heavily armored target, it should explode.
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
@KageRyuu6 8 күн бұрын
If the "Flechette" is meant to be capable of dealing with Hulk's in a meaningful time frame, then what's the point of the Slug or other ammo types? You effectively created a scopeless double barrel AMR. Also, for a Stun Round to have a meaningful impact, it'd have to last longer than 1/10th the time of a Stun Grenade, in which case you've recreated the Stun Grenade spam bug. Not to mention it might be a bit fiddly to design a gun to remember two separate ammo types at once as well as what order they were loaded.
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
Slug should have superior damage to light and medium armor while flechette is superior for heavy armor. Yes its a scoreless AMR. A support weapon that can't mailslot a hulk or leg a charger isn't a support weapon worth taking. I see your point on stuns but its not going to be an AOE. Its a single target stun. I'm not too concerned about that. Code issues are code issues, its just a system. It can be done. How hard depends on existing architecture.
@themonke8714 8 күн бұрын
regarding the special ammo type reloading mechanic... that's a little over complicated. you can get every function you wanted if you just reloaded both barrels at the same time with the ammo type you've selected
@KageRyuu6 8 күн бұрын
I mean I can kind of understand where they're coming from on the Flamer Armor Penetration front, after all if you breath in fire no matter how well armored you are, you're going to die choking. But the big two Carapaced enemies the Crusher and Mauler also have full helmets which could easily have Rebreathers built in. Personally I would want the Flamer to be able to suppress melee enemies except for Infested, Fanatics, Carapace, and Monstrous, after all if you aren't undead, insane, or mostly immune avoiding walls of literal fire is an instinctive response.
@user-vm7xo3ze4x 8 күн бұрын
Revolver is better then bolter? Where? How? Why? Are you high, brazas?! Bolter has 15 staggering AOE rounds. You can kill 3-4 crushers on demand with one mag! And that revolver of yours reloads 1 by 1 and takes eternity to reload. Also bolter can half health beast on zealot. Zealot. And one mag on veteran, of build/done correctly.
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
I'm sorry but the revolver can also kill 3-4 crushers in one mag on vet. But who cares about crushers? Just melee them. 1-by-1 reload with instant cancel is an advantage in favor of the revolver. The revolver can penetrate like 6 groaners and still kill the trapper. Ranged stagger is neat but not more important than one tapping every special in the game on an instant draw perfect aim weapon.
@user-vm7xo3ze4x 8 күн бұрын
@@Reginald-sc9tk fair enough good sir. TBH I din`t know some of what you mentioned. Gonna go watch some detailed info on revolver. Yes, i`m bolter "main", if you can say so.
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
@@user-vm7xo3ze4x Run surgical and Hand Cannon on the Zarona. It is absolutely insanely good. The only reason its not GOAT on Vet is because Columnus IAG exists and has some advantageous use cases. But at least for zealot the revolver is king.
@user-vm7xo3ze4x 8 күн бұрын
@@Reginald-sc9tk Thanks for advice. Colomnus is imposible to feed, at least with randos anyway.
@__Razer 8 күн бұрын
I actually LOVE this idea for a support weapon shotgun.
@__Razer 8 күн бұрын
the versatility of ammo types justifies its place as a support weapon and not just a "big" primary weapon.
@ImperialArmour 8 күн бұрын
Tanner Lindberg sent me here.
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
Thats very nice of Tanner. Hope you found yourself entertained.
@ImperialArmour 7 күн бұрын
@@Reginald-sc9tk I agree with him that you have video editing/presentation skills that is at least above average.
@konan102102 8 күн бұрын
I hope they will add Hammergewehr from Wolfenstein as support weapon. Breaker isn't enough anymore
@dylogysminter 8 күн бұрын
Oh yeah the only 2 DT creators I watch will have beef. Ok to be real I respect you two so much. I dont tink any real beef will ever emerge, but a back and forth discussion would be fun : )
@AtZeroDansGames 8 күн бұрын
This is a Super idea sadly 😥 I don't think the devs have the time or budget to do this. And they like to nerfs more than buffs so they probably won't do this
@arkad2073 8 күн бұрын
Honestly this would make this the funniest weapon in game and it would be perfect. Im all for it tho :3
@VideoVelico 8 күн бұрын
An incendiary option would also be fun! Could be made to mimic dragons breath bullets from real life, where it doesn't do as much straight damage as the incendiary breaker, but it does much more fire damage over time
@gronkotter 8 күн бұрын
Fully agree. I saw JTC's vid and was confused about the chainaxe. Dude use a push attack! The thunder hammer looks even more anaemic with the pickaxes added. My mining ogryn can annihilate armoured elites but thammer can't.
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
Poor thammer ;(
@jpnmasochist 8 күн бұрын
I like the idea of where this is going. But think it could be promoted in three different ways. 1. Make it so you select ammo for both barrels, barrel 1 and barrel 2, and double barrel or single barrel firing options. Radial menu up, down and right. My issue with this is, ammo quantity and value. When one type of ammo is more dominant than another and if loading "status" effect rounds deplete more ammo per shot than another etc. 2. Make it into a supplimentary support weapon on drop via unlock by extracting with it once. Extracting with the shotgun, gives you the chance to equip it before a dive like a 3rd weapon (however it stays in the current form it's in) that's meant to be replaced with a full support weapon 3. Extracting with the shotgun on a helldive difficulty unlocks a new hellpod modifier, named something along the lines of "trench warfare", "super shotgun" or "doom guys" and it gives all divers the shotgun out of the hellpod. Would like to see the shotgun get more love than it does now
@j.w.2271 8 күн бұрын
all your ideas are great but sadly Arrowhead don't have a great track record on hearing player feedback and ideas.
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
I actually think they've done a lot better than most games I've played.
@Sam_but_not_really 8 күн бұрын
individual menus for each chamber is the way to go, with third menu to control "default shell on reload" behavior. We have 4 menus, why not use them. Very nice shotgun idea, i'd love to run it.
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
You are right.
@bonehead1st 8 күн бұрын
Just put 2 ammo selectors, 1 for each barrel (I really need to stop posting comments before I finish the video)
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
I'm glad you had the idea, what if I hadn't?
@MrJinglejanglejingle 8 күн бұрын
Funnily enough, this IS my Tertiary weapon most times. I usually run 3 Destructive Stratagems and a Drone. So, finding this, or any other support weapon, is usually how I roll. I call it OSP, which I learned from MGS back in the day. On-Site Procurement. It also, in theory, makes my Divers less expensive to send out.
@pellsdjuret2373 8 күн бұрын
It should be unlocked as a stratagem when you reach level 150
@Hydrocannon 8 күн бұрын
Sorry to say but Break Action Shotgun is the best Devastator headshotter there is.
@bobleman2792 8 күн бұрын
Using rules for miniature game instead of lore for determining weapon strength is stupid
@Reginald-sc9tk 8 күн бұрын
I dont agree, it shouldn't be the whole interpretation but it provides a functional baseline reference point when combined with lore. It is literally a working game. Just look at Boltgun. It imported the strength vs toughness system almost 1:1
@h4ns_1 8 күн бұрын
Chainswords are brutal AF, thats enough for me. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!