This Makes Men Wait In Line For You
@TheConservativeFeminist 9 сағат бұрын
Abusive men do not care how much respect you have for yourself. They will commend you for it. They will pretend to admire it. But they see you as an object to conquer and some of them are very skillful not just some, sometimes many
@eminebilge7424 9 сағат бұрын
Iyi ki varsiniz ❤. Danke, dass es Sie gibt ❤. Thank you for being❤.
@emilybabych 10 сағат бұрын
@scarlettfrancesca 10 сағат бұрын
I appreciated this video and I think a series could be very helpful. I would also highly recommend that everyone, not just women, actually takes time to have a video call or a phone call and ask at least a few pertinent questions before even going on a date with someone. Know what your deal breakers and your deal makers are. Stay true to yourself and do not bend, even if someone has nine out of ten positive deal makers, yet they still have a deal breaker, that means they are not a good fit for you. Recognize what love bombing is, what bread crumbing is, the different traits that narcissists, sociopaths and abusive people tend to inflict on others. Trust me, it will save you years of tears if you take the time to understand yourself and those around you.
@stephlm79 11 сағат бұрын
Your advice is so clear and concise.. much appreciated 🙂
@senjutipal4867 12 сағат бұрын
my ex literally threatened to off himself if i did not comply to his ridiculous demands, naive little me realized how bad things were quite late. this video could have saved me a lot of pain. i am glad other susceptible and vulnerable kids have such a good resource. boys, beware of those gaslighting girls. i am a girl, who saw a very good friend of mine nearly gone because of a vindictive bitch.
@sarvadnyajoshi1301 13 сағат бұрын
your imaginary daughters are happy daddy!
@ewalichorowicz4614 13 сағат бұрын
Hi Brian, I so like the use of humor in this video. If there is one thing that I am absolutely drawn to in a person, it is a great sense of humor. Nothing can replace that! I agree with you 💯 on everything that you have explained here. Thank you so much for all the great tips on relationships. 😊
@daniellecruz3311 16 сағат бұрын
Wow, you're very wise. Nice pen name.
@angelm6497 18 сағат бұрын
I am laughing at this, despite Brians dry humour. Anyway, I am x military, and I was out with a guy one night and in the pub other guys where playing up gunning for a fight. Of course their attention was on him, just as they started kicking off, I pushed him out the way and had the main aggressor pinned to the wall. I think both where shocked and it settled very quickly with some red faces. My mum told me off the next day, but my instincts just kicked in. And I was told that I had embarrassed him? Yeah, I am not like most women!
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 22 сағат бұрын
This guy at my work he's short well let's just say he looks like the dwarf I Lord of the rings he still has a tendency to make you laugh. Anyway the other day he told me he was effing annoyed with me and he was sick of me. I find them looking at me all the time. I know he likes a girl and he lives with I think she likes him and apparently he said that there's a such good friend that's it. Anyway everybody out there is so different their personalities this guy even told me he's hard to get to know I should have asked him do you enjoy being hard to get to know do you enjoy being closed up does it feel good. I even give him a compliment that he had the cutest face of guys I talked to three guys and within 24 hours. He said thank you I appreciate that. I've even given his girlfriend roommate lots of compliments and she just says thanks. I wasn't looking for a compliments in case you all thought I was I just do and then when it's never reciprocated though I do notice.
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 22 сағат бұрын
I give guys praise even if it's not returned. And then I tell myself stop telling him I don't think he cares about you. I've been told to watch out for the actions not the words.
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 23 сағат бұрын
I loved this.thank you.
@kompal__79 23 сағат бұрын
You're worth listening brian !! Love :)ya
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 23 сағат бұрын
I mean when he knew he was working next to me one day he came back to work it was like he was excited that either we were working out together I guess I put my hands up like hugs he put his hand out with like a knuckle punch. I'm like oh my gosh so dumb. He's like a missionary i hate it. He went on a mission for 3 months he came home early he won't tell me that he also won't tell me why he got a divorce and I can think of a few reasons why. So those two things I want to know before I go out with him
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 23 сағат бұрын
Since you mentioned making things awkward. I sit next to him one time and I felt something there. It was really nice. Every other time all the other times across from each other at the table. I wish he would sit next to me so I don't have to have the awkward gazing at each other's eyes. Or looking at our phones or cross each other.
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 23 сағат бұрын
My heart feels heavy hearing this.hearing the signs n explanations.. cuz if my guy doesn't like me most of us human beings are in deluxe I'll be changing before he ever does. I already have gray hair, I don't have a great stomach. I do work out. I've always been chasing the wrong guy and they usually my age and now this guy is twice my age younger than me. And I really can be really weird to people and he really hasn't seen all of me yet of course and I don't know what to do I see him in 3 days again. I could just ask him out if he wants to go hiking with me.. I can see why I'm single. When you explain things to me I don't even care. I got a problem.
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 23 сағат бұрын
In my life if it seems too good to be true it usually is.
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 23 сағат бұрын
I also had a hardcore crush on the guy at my work at my other place that I transferred from I left because they took a morning shift away from us I wanted to stay there and then I and then I transferred over to this other site and that's when I met Steve. It's like I get to sit across from a handsome guy all the time someone that I like but I'm not I just I'm just not even make sexual jokes with him. He usually seems depressed. Even with his anxiety medicine. He sure loves to I used to love to run. I was experiencing a major crash from a guy at my work who has a girlfriend and I'm like this is driving me so nothing can barely breathe I am so nervous I have to ignore him and he's just sitting there trying to get my attention and I'm like no you have a girlfriend I don't need to give you attention to. I didn't tell him I was transferring I just left I didn't think hewould care. I may never go back to that site. Unless they change the schedule back to morning again even then my other site it's a lot less lifting boxes.
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 23 сағат бұрын
Oh and by the way I've given Steven compliments. I tell him he's handsome I like his hair all the time I'm not going to tell him I like his body you know but I I tell him I like his hair that he's handsome. The last few days I told him that I broke up with my ex again he said that's cool. He seems to be smiling a little more recently. That's so cute to see him smile
@AmyPratt-zx5kr 23 сағат бұрын
Well nobody wants to be my hero. I've given my ex the compliments that every man would want to hear and I gave it to him naturally without even realizing it I always appreciate how strong he was the car he had how patient he was with me etc and he still did not care about the time we had with me. It was like obligation for him to fulfill with me. I'm currently into a guy at my work I'm 47 I think I'm decent looking and cute he is 27 and we sit together almost all the time lunch time and break time. There's often times where I'll leave after I'm done in the break room to go out and the other sitting room because I want some time out there away from everybody else just to listen to my stuff on my phone it's just so much going on in the break room that people can just see you so like to take a break outside where they can't really hear listening to it's just way more relaxing for me. Anyway so I've never seen him check me out I have seen him check out other women that are gorgeous they are in their twenties that are younger than him I mean it makes sense for him to a younger woman anyway.hes 27. He's tall he's in great shapeand the duty of our work there's times where he's in front of me for hours. We are in a line and there's times right directly behind him and my section and I'll just stare at his body thinking how handsome he is. Anyway he also takes medicine for anxiety and it's really calmed him down. He also looks like a mix between a serial killer and Superman. Well a Superman to me. Except I don't know how strong he is physically. I know he loves to run. And he's fast. No I'm telling you all this because I'm just trying to give the author here in my situation. You know I had the major hats for someone in my other work site I transferred to this site and I met this guy there we we we we we we met each other in orientation. So me and this guy have so much in common n some ,not.unfortunately I cannot really make sexual jokes with him because I tried that and he didn't seem to like the comment I made about my sister and letting her husband alone so she doesn't have a kincked neck all the time. Today I learned he has a bubble I said yes she's a big bubble. A personal bubble you know. I said I don't have a bubble unless I don't like you.. So I was at this restaurant with my daughter she's four and I was sitting there just fantasizing about him I'm making out with him the tension may be we might have for each other. I just don't feel as pretty the women that he looks at. I am subconscious for being with someone like him. And at first I thought it was meant to be that we met. I don't know if we have the maturity level I want to be able to make sexual jokes with him. Like for example he was telling me about about trips we've taken separately now of experiences he said he went to sliding Rock in Moab as well I went to the Sand Hill in Moab I like to send him more than the rocks more than the arches. I said the only thing is though is that neither of them are comfortable to make out in. I want to make that comment I don't know how he would take it. So do you think I should make that comment next time I see him at break time and say hey I wanted to say this. Or I miss my chance. Also yeah I don't know what to do. He might like me I think I miss my windows of him trying to want to play video games with my son he told me he was a very selfish person two selfish people isn't good. The other day I offered him if he wanted me to get him a drink of water and a bottle off a table he said sure the next day he offered to get me a donut that that they are offering to break room and I was like oh my gosh this was amazing he actually wants to get me something it felt so good and I was also so nervous at the same time. I told him I'm just trying to be friends long time ago because he also just is getting over a divorce. He had been newly divorced for a month when I met him. I'm like great. I'm ready for making love and he's I don't know what his deal is all I know is I I have more mental chemistry with a guy with another guy at my work that I do with this guy. It's really annoying to me it's actually turn off that I am afraid to be myself and make jokes like that with him or I'm too shy. And ironically when I was we were talking today together the guy that I used to have a crush on years ago that doesn't really hold a candle to him I had gotten in a fight with a guy he's sitting next to. And that's the irony here I was like I want to make this comment to to to to to to Steve and yet I shied away from it . I'm not used to being talking sexual jokes with Steve he just seems like he's been born yesterday or something. And yet he has a a bachelor's degree for heaven sakes.
@roxyrahban Күн бұрын
Hi Brian , you talk about mystery and the early stages of dating. Can you please kindly specify when you consider to be the early stages of dating? How many dates or length of time?
@lesegomisay8179 Күн бұрын
Thank you for this. Its unfortunate that i only recieved this information now. But its never too late. I have been relying on the worst men for strength and support and i know that there are amazing men out there ❤
@KingsleyRich-ew5rq Күн бұрын
Basically live alone, then if he wants to see me then he needs to be the needy one.
@Autumnnabors117 Күн бұрын
Dreads not his style😉
@lisanjohnny1 Күн бұрын
That’s why the energizer bunny will always stay in business❤
@poisonedchalice Күн бұрын
Thank you for this ❤
@MsClaredon Күн бұрын
Thanks for that 🎉
@jnnt107 Күн бұрын
funny of him to assume his daughter is straight and/or his son don't need this /hj
@donttouchmyfries4055 14 сағат бұрын
Seeing as how most people are straight this is a stupid take. And whose to say he won't make one for his son?? Like who tf are you to dictate what this man chooses to make content on? Sit tf down 😂
@maysoliman6220 Күн бұрын
Love this one
@honeyboo7549 Күн бұрын
Yup, more daughter info, and you got yourself a new subscriber 😊.
@menarentlogical Күн бұрын
Oh man I have been through this so many times! I thought something was wrong with me! One of them made it seem like he was he wanted a relationship with me, then after we had sex, he started acting weird. Then we went on a trip together and I met his friends. I thought it meant he wanted to be with me. Well after the trip, he started acting weird again, and then told me his ex gf was coming into town. We stopped talking for like a year, then we rekindled. I thought he was ready this time. He even starting calling himself my boyfriend, talking about how great of a dad he would make. He even told me he loved me, but when I told him I loved him too, he "took" his confession back and told me he said it because he was "drunk." He was not drunk, btw. He had only had 2 beers. He may have been buzzed, but he wasn't drunk. Bottom line, I ended up so hurt and heart broken because I really liked him, but he made me feel like I wasn't good enough for him. And I was so confused and traumatized.
@mariannaoosthuizen9639 Күн бұрын
Since WHEN does a woman have to teach her man MANNERS?! Good grief...then She will have no respect for him.
@mariannaoosthuizen9639 Күн бұрын
You cant MAKE someone to be turned on by you. It happens naturally or not. If it doesn't then walk away
@aavvcc Күн бұрын
Are there similar micro habits for those of us in long term relationships that we can keep in mind?
@AbigailSteele Күн бұрын
Makes so much sense, every line. I have almost priced every one of these strategies
@ConnieWilsonbricks101 Күн бұрын
What about men who rob women and steal their money!
@lorrainedaloba7292 Күн бұрын
Damn, a guy asked me once what my type was and I started listing my type.
@Derl-jr9ol Күн бұрын
@mararozsa3756 Күн бұрын
Wish my father my brothers would have tought me.
@jazzonthemoonBACKUP Күн бұрын
"To the right man for you". Except, if you have lipedema and it is visible from a young age, no man is going to think you do matter. I'm sorry for the few women who really crave romantic relationships and are objectively ugly (I can survive both with my asymmetrical face and body because I like solitude anyway but, I know a couple of women who would really struggle). As per "self-respect", if you're ugly they think you're just ahead of yourself- and they will make sure to let you know albeit you're minding your own business. 😅 Post scriptum: Why this suggestion, considering I was listening to Hiromi Uehara? 😂
@sheniaedwards8240 Күн бұрын
REALLY FELT like i was listening to dad
@angelabell7254 Күн бұрын
I find most of the men in my life are honest and open with me. I love that they can be that way with me. Im the same right back to them. It makes for good friendships and much respect for each other. What ever the way things turn out. Or not. I love the men in my life. ❤
@Arisans-bw5xe Күн бұрын
I am fortunate enough to have heard these same advices from YT itself NOT from my father plus from what I could see from all the broken marriages in my family. But unfortunately I started chasing after a guy online after he randomly texted me. I knew he wasn't good for me yet it was too addictive to keep talking to him as he majorly love-bombed me the whole time. And I knew this wasn't going anywhere as I was the one starting the conversation every single time. And when I start talking to him after long durations he was like-" Why didn't you text me earlier?" And I would be like "You could have texted first me instead." And then he hits me with, "Baby, I thought you were busy and I didn't want to disturb you." And I fricking accepted that lame excuse. However one day his account just vanishes from Snapchat and the relief I felt was great. But I still miss him as a side effect of his love-bombing. At least I didn't get hurt in any sort of way as we weren't even dating in the first place.
@puppyenthusiac6994 Күн бұрын
I haven't gotten what I'm supposed to do until the 7th minute.
@angelabell7254 Күн бұрын
There is an old saying. 'love makes fools of us All'. ❤❤❤
@angelabell7254 Күн бұрын
Space is the place ❤❤❤ It's so much better.
@Gloriagal78 Күн бұрын
Yes! Humor is so effective in diffusing a potentially volatile situation.
@user-ci5vk7dt8s Күн бұрын
I'd advise any woman to watch this
@lynngarza3489 Күн бұрын
We NEED to know how men think .