@nilsalmgren4492 21 минут бұрын
Listening to this guy one would believe that we are grafted into our denomination and not directly God's vine. If you disagree with what your church teaches, then you can continue if it does not bother you. Of course you can leave that church and find a church that is more acceptable. This view of the denomination or church hierarchy comes between us and God stems from man believing he is somehow God.
@anya7014 59 минут бұрын
@berglen100 Сағат бұрын
Time babble fun for timeless arrive just skin cross like snake get fresh skins So how can you trust NT written stories about OT written stories called allegories with dark sayings parable flesh and blood have false observations about Luke 17 reminds those mind blinded about Spirit has timelessness observations call flesh vanities repeats time worship earth elements shadow of timelessness light has no sun time tables with galaxy still time slower than this earth spin times faster so Now always timelessness apply same ONE eternal never have any times to exsperinces just time can't solve timely issues with timelessness so you babble has time historic ancient monopoly so good luck quicksand look solid path don't ponder timelessness I AM all things taught by good coach of exsperience get nervously about this Christ in all MAN Neville Goddard will babble your time school.
@GoatSong-l6x Сағат бұрын
This is a great clip. I have enjoyed Richard and Jonathan's Universal History work. We live in a world that has denigrated history for its lack of 'utility' only to find ourselves in the deepest of identity crisis. The light of history, and its 'utility' for the psyche, is being revealed to us through our own hubris.
@EmJay2022 2 сағат бұрын
1:55 I believe that before we can see ourselves as Christians, we need to start by acknowledging ourselves as sinners. Our identity in Christ isn't something we can achieve through a strategic approach, such as affirmation, but it's given through surrendering our pride and going through the process of repentance. I think the larger culture is struggling with this, and we see it on a smaller scale here in TLC. Despite all the talk about "embodiment," we struggle to fully embrace our shared identities in sin and instead try to escape our bodies of sin through novelty seeking, whether it's idealizing relationships through screens, participating in new liturgical practices, or constantly disseminating new information, as a way to cope with the despair caused by our inability to humble ourselves. Even though we may understand sin and repentance theologically and theoretically, we struggle to fully embrace both. We want to skip straight to the ecstasy, and this avoidance of pain creates a vicious cycle of anxiety that's hard to break free from. On top of that, the issue is made worse by the fact that the savior of mainstream trinitarian Christianity is seen as an unapproachable and unrelatable human-god hybrid deity rather than a genuine member of the human race, so we look to the human race apart from Jesus for relief. That never ends well.
@redtrek2153 2 сағат бұрын
It's almost foreign to many strains of Christianity today so I heartily agree with you. The guilt and humiliation and resolve that only comes from personal repentance is the foundation for the goodness that we seek, otherwise the same old futile or destructive acts will continue to be impediments.
@EmJay2022 Сағат бұрын
@@redtrek2153 This is a semantic detail, however, I would argue that it is not the absence of "personal" repentance (which is too focused on the individual) but rather the absence of "Godly" repentance, which depends on cooperation with God through His power rather than one's own willpower. That's achieved through total humility and trust. But again if our faith is directed toward a flawed human contruct of Jesus rather than a historically accurate one, then our faith will be misaligned and referenced back to our sinful nature rather that toward heaven. If we are hesitant to question the traditions passed down to us, then we run the risk of leading ourselves astray.
@BMoore335 2 сағат бұрын
I don’t think American conservative Catholics are able to submit properly to the will of the church and seek a compromise. American liberal Catholics live in the compromise and so do not think it necessary to submit. Rather the church herds these groups together in the spirit of reconciliation and deliverance in accordance with the mission of St. Peter to witness to the evangelization and transformation of those imprisoned in death.
@nyletterpress 2 сағат бұрын
A "different plane of perception" creates a judgement of "morally and utterly lost." cheers
@larrypullum9410 2 сағат бұрын
God is, by very definition, a Universal history - that is, his judgments come, and are seen and known - (hence, the Come and see of the four horsemen of Revelation 6, as our four differing national regions, as well as the four living creatures of Ezekiel 1) - in every newly universal advance of an also once again newly modern age, inevitably brought, in instinctual and nationalistic drives of private acquisition and accumulation, by the marketplace, which destroys a previously directly gathered public culture, and politically reasserts everything in those then unrestrained or class associations purely of the “free market”. Hence, the concluding judgment in Revelation, that thy merchants - (in Babylon as an always once again newly Universal Civilization and Empire, epically grown anew in the wilderness like the US today, or Rome before) - were the great men of the earth, and upon them was found all the blood of the Saints, and of the prophets, and of them that are slain. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, not because it is necessarily a just and righteous nation; but because it comes at that universal height of the nations created by war - (and as with Kennedy, for example, passing the torch in the 1960s to a new generation of Americans, at such then but newly universal heights of Empire, actually created by the Axis Powers and World War II) - and then allowing God’s judgment, as pertaining to “all men” and “all things” in those eternally public “voices”, and therein moral questions, of the Church and State, of themselves, and together, which claim a moral justification by the God of such scriptures they can no longer show or identify - (though such a universal and “common salvation”, they once knew, and have since lost and forgotten it in the Church, itself, so that God recreates the Church at large, in such new Nations, epically grown anew in the wilderness, as said, from originally religious “beginnings”, rooted in just such prophecies of a “promised land”, and “four hundred year vision of the night”, wherein the Lord, of himself, judges such a given new Nation, beginning in a given generation, as observed, coming at those finally universal heights or horizons, implicit to the Most High God of Judaism, as well as to the God of the Universe in Islam).
@ShowMeMoviesInc. 2 сағат бұрын
Ideology was the cause of wars and conflict 20th century, for the 21st century will be identity. It's not something to brush aside, I don't think at least.
@stevemcgee99 2 сағат бұрын
10 years ago I realized that I wasn’t the shamrock and Boston/Chicago cop Irish I was raised to think I was. I can relate to the desire to uncover and understand who I am. A lot of things about my family and father make sense now.
@tgrogan6049 3 сағат бұрын
As far as PVK's ( Plantinga, Tim Keller....) foolish and circular argument against naturalism and reason. Richard Carrier comments: "Boasting Plantinga as his authority, Tim Keller (and PVK) claims that, “If we believe God exists, then our view of the universe gives us a basis for believing that cognitive faculties work, since God could make us able to form true beliefs and knowledge” (p. 140). This is actually illogical. We know for a fact that our cognitive faculties are poor…they do not work very well. So badly designed are they, that it took us thousands of years to invent “workarounds” for our failing faculties, technologies that “bypass” their defects, and help us learn about reality contrary to our biologically evolved inability to do so. Language. Logic. Formal mathematics. Scientific method. Critical thinking skills. Even physical instruments, which correct for countless limits and defects in our sensory and cognitive abilities. These we all had to invent. None of them were communicated to us by God. We had to come up with them ourselves. And because a god didn’t help us find them, it took over a hundred thousand years to do it. That makes exactly zero sense on Keller’s thesis. But it is exactly what we should expect on mine: there is no God." From "Plantinga’s Tiger and Other Stupid Shit"
@FoodTruckEmily 5 сағат бұрын
Insomuch as Christian nationalism means my first allegiance is to a King and Kingdom that is not of this world, that’s what I am.
@ShowMeMoviesInc. 2 сағат бұрын
I think there is an image somewhere in Revelation, but it could be somewhere else, of earthly Kings laying down their crowns and Christs feet. This is what Kings were ideally supposed to be. Sometimes it got really really messy sure. However I think in all of our hearts (specifically the west) because we are all in the shadow (or light) of Christ no matter what, we are still looking to someone to be that channel.
@ProfesserLuigi 7 сағат бұрын
I've often had a hard time with Mr Rolin's universal history as a Chinese person, much as I like it. It seems the Chinese, ancient and great as they are, have very little place in it.
@Clive-us3cl 3 сағат бұрын
Yes, I've often wondered why it's called *universal* history.
@stevemcgee99 2 сағат бұрын
@@Clive-us3cl every definition includes a boundary. “Universal” means everything within the boundary. Interestingly enough I’m now reading Christ the Eternal Tao and in the introduction it suggests that Lao Tsu recognized the uncreated God, as did Heraclitus, both in about 500 bc.
@williambranch4283 7 сағат бұрын
Americans vs Europe? on 4th of July? We left Europe for reasons ;-(
@stevemcgee99 2 сағат бұрын
We left their unfaithfulness.
@alohm 8 сағат бұрын
I suggest Charles Taylor "The Malaise of Modernity". As he defines our position today. I agree and Jung spoke of this malaise - 20% of his patients suffered from this. He found the solution was adopting a religious view in life. That is finding a balance of the old and the new, not throwing out the old for the new unless it was a benefit... To be a modern man is to stand at the edge of a void(potentiality). MetaModernism. Not the one put forward by children in this century, the idea from previous centuries. As was proposed to replace modernity, and which post modernity tried to ignore...
@williambranch4283 7 сағат бұрын
In modernity, we mis define not only womanhood, but personhood, space and time. Confucious warned about this New Speak of Rousseau ... "Reification of Names".
@desolasolalexluna5114 8 сағат бұрын
@Mercyme57 10 сағат бұрын
“He’s got the whole world in His hands…”🙏One love, keep it real. 👊🏼
@Padronfan 12 сағат бұрын
We all project our future selves, but I suspect that when I am on my death bed, I will relish most personal memories of being a good friend, and I will regret most the times which I wasn't. Just a guess tho.
@simonson6880 15 сағат бұрын
I'm confused. Is not the gravamen process specifically for office bearers in the church?
@steveisham8624 16 сағат бұрын
That piece of cake says so explicitly the value of personal, small, in-the-flesh-interaction.
@christianbaxter_yt 16 сағат бұрын
The conversation between Oldfield and Perry added an excellent tone to the ecumenical conversation in “the vista”
@christianbaxter_yt 16 сағат бұрын
I am smoke machines and skinny jeans 👖 💨
@mostlynotworking4112 11 сағат бұрын
Effect for next YT episode. Show Kale the denim!
@lzzrdgrrl7379 17 сағат бұрын
You'd have more charisma if you pronounced it 'corner vEEsta'.....'>......
@mattdoa2 18 сағат бұрын
1:07:26 I believe polyamorous relationships only make people happy at high levels of independence and care for others (community is riddled with issues you'd never find in monogamy or pure sexual non-monogamy. Rhe rate of using people selfishly is high for example). Put simply, comexity level is high but the psychology of it and relationship attatchments applies at individual levels. That Michael dude hits the mark with some of his segments. (I have a little authority here in my knowledge and experience)
@mattdoa2 18 сағат бұрын
1:01:04 best thing for Men - Make communities for men as men. Teach each other to look after your communities and society. Be present EVEN when everyone tells you to go away. Teach everyone how amazing men are together.
@mattdoa2 18 сағат бұрын
54:11 personal insult is the emergence of 2 household income as a baseline for survival in modern society! (Like you said, becoming slaves without realizing)
@steveschertzer5088 19 сағат бұрын
You are a wise man, Paul. People have a lot to learn from you.
@darrenmiller8608 20 сағат бұрын
The gravamen fight is about what it means to be human...a difference in internal worlds. I heard a lot about "honest wrestling" here in the comments and from Synod...Wrestling doesn't always end with strength...Jacob was left with a limp after wrestling with God. The Christians I admire who have really wrestled have some sort of "limp" in their theological understandings but are the most contented and peaceful people I know. I noticed a lot of the speakers at Synod emphasizing "without reservation" were young...
@hunterglenn2787 20 сағат бұрын
I love your spirit here, Paul, while you're commenting on the others, too. Re cancer...I wonder, if you can integrate cancer, then does it become rejuvenating to cause it on purpose? But maybe this is like saying, if you have forgiveness on tap, can sin become a positive. But you might say that if it doesn't create a devil, then it's not God. If it doesn't dissolve its higher-level organization and reduce itself to cells, it's not Jesus giving up the ghost with perfect confidence that the higher-order organization will resurrect itself. And if it doesn't descend into hell, then it's not Christ. I've heard conceptions of God that might suggest this idea that, if it doesn't dissociate itself into a series of cellular alters, each of which provides a different perspective, then it's not creation. And the most distant viewpoint possible, the purest evil - the distance between the two is the measure of the depth perception in the system.
@EliteMedia-kj6dc 21 сағат бұрын
I asked a Christian friend, "Can you pray to God using David's prayer in the Bible"? He answered, "Why not? David is recognized as a prophet by Jews and some Christians. I said, OK, Please read his prayer. Psalm 44 : 23 Wake up, O Lord! Why do you sleep? Get up! Do not reject us forever. Then I asked My friend - Don't you respect your Bible's prayers? My friend was really shocked and asked me to continue this lovely conversation later. But he never did. I always say to him that the Bible is corrupted and Jews and Christians fabricated it on purpose. I hope one day, before it is too late, he opens his eyes, follows Jesus, and becomes a Muslim.
@Matty-Boy 22 сағат бұрын
But pastor how do I get literally saved
@burstangel 23 сағат бұрын
I choose to rest in my box while looking around the box, wondering about this and that but not worrying about this or that.
@BrysonCole-rl2rj Күн бұрын
I thought for a second you were going to eat cake online. Dangerous, especially wearing a beard.
@innovationatwork199 Күн бұрын
Brett…who is supposed to teach this? Let me help you…parents.
@stevemcgee99 Күн бұрын
I had a touch of fame a couple times and both times it didn’t work in my favor.
@stevemcgee99 Күн бұрын
I’m so glad that the trend of the .ly domain influencing brand names has passed. Or at least that I’m so far removed from the industry that I never hear about it anymore.
@Phlebas9202 Күн бұрын
Where won't he be?
@Patrick_Anthony Күн бұрын
Hey Paul, a “silent gravamen” is still lying. Also, it’s not submitting. It’s a way of saying “I know better”. Which is pride, not submission.
@PaulVanderKlay Күн бұрын
No, it's deferring to another. If the cop says you should drive more carefully, is doing so lying even if you think you can drive faster safely? That's not lying, that's submitting to authority
@Patrick_Anthony 23 сағат бұрын
@@PaulVanderKlay In your scenario it's not lying. But, if I have wholeheartedly promised without reservation that I believe I cannot drive faster safely... Then it is lying to say I believe that when I really don't even if my actions (submitting to the speed limit) are the same.
@rossmcguinn2256 5 сағат бұрын
​@@Patrick_AnthonyI like the analogy.