Psychiatric Care Is Not Effective
Discharging Dangerous Patients
BPD And Emotional Sensitivity
Most Common Side effects: Lithium
Is it Still Bipolar Disorder
@khelix23 Сағат бұрын
If you are a woman with periods and you get irritated with mood swings every month, this really helps !!
@doctormudbone4432 Күн бұрын
Picked up some fish oil and will be combing it with my magnesium.
@ciaarariverah5457 Күн бұрын
Most oral GABA supplements are destroyed in digestion and never make it into the blood, and maybe may need to take higher amounts. I found that the GABA with L-theanine in a liposomal liquid formula made by Quicksilver Scientific works great for me. I would not take Gaba in capsule form for sure and I also think mixed with the L-theanine for enhanced effect works beautifully.
@northstar92 Күн бұрын
What a sick joke
@akimccabe5628 Күн бұрын
Ive been on 10mg for 3 years and still skinny no problems
@Jon-tt9bf 2 күн бұрын
Don't take pharma drugs, don't get vaccines, don't talk to counselors. You will get way better way faster
@JoseCarlosDejesus-iw5vy 2 күн бұрын
@JoseCarlosDejesus-iw5vy 2 күн бұрын
Ekss ldkdemz
@annettez63 2 күн бұрын
I cannot find the answer anywhere is or figure out the math I am on 8 mg / 2 of Suboxone how much Oxycodone is that because I was taking 100 mg and I just want to know the breakdown of Suboxone to equal oxycodone
@Strix51 2 күн бұрын
This will only work if the cause of your depression is linked to nutrient deficiencies.
@keyliving3071 2 күн бұрын
Is 25 mg Zoloft safe with 300mg Wellbutrin Sr? (150mg twice a day)
@milanic7267 2 күн бұрын
Is it better to drink paxil at bedtime instead of during the day? thank you
@KuruContinuum 2 күн бұрын
I had severe schizophrenia and after 3 years of aripiprozale I no longer hallucinate and have had minimal side effects except for weight gain. It's really dodgy that you are vilifying a medication which has saved so many people. Psychiatrists aren't idiots- if aripiprozale was so dangerous then it wouldn't be in such high demand... yep, you're no expert.
@chandler-yx4xp 2 күн бұрын
Hi could this work for lasting sexual dysfunction/alteration caused by ssri many years ago? Main problems anhedonia and no normal sexual function ever since coming off paxil years ago (which is called pssd) i have improvement but my sexual function has never rlly been pre ssri level , symptoms as low libido/low sexual sensation/low desire . Now i can "temperoraly" completely reverse these lasting sexual alteration by taking a recreational dose of psychostimulants (dexamphetamine/amphetamine). But its only temperoraly and i am done with stims cause it only works taking a recreational dose and has to many side effects which has led me to thinking of how a selective dopamine agonist could maybe work for me since psychostimulants temperoraly reverses it . Greetings !
@Irishgemini1990 3 күн бұрын
I am taking lexapro and wellbutrin to try to combat the sexual side effects of lexapro. Has this worked for anyone?
@hdrider70 3 күн бұрын
This Drug combination has changed my life! I can function “normal” day to day. And sleep better at night!
@pollynlyubenova8365 3 күн бұрын
Both are literally a chemical lobotomy. Once I escape those drugs I'm never visiting a shrink again.
@lisaalexander1824 3 күн бұрын
Even being on 4 times the dose of Zoloft..100mg. For 25 years WILL FRY YOUR BRAIN by blunting you...obvioysly setting us up for alzheimers
@lisaalexander1824 3 күн бұрын
You are far too young to be a Dr.....😅
@lisaalexander1824 3 күн бұрын
Shrinks are unknowingly chanelling else would evil take ppls minds ??...
@codysanders1923 4 күн бұрын
Worst medication ever.
@antonj7944 4 күн бұрын
is it possible to inject? xd
@doesitreallymatter8010 4 күн бұрын
Why cant we keep anything in USA?? How can we trust the integrity of an other country?
@Scorcher-ii1ty 4 күн бұрын
The myth of partial agonists. Buprenorphine a partial agonist. Disgusting medicine. It just keeps piling up in my medicine cabinet. I’ll stick with Oxycodone.
@krystal1261 5 күн бұрын
I take atenlol and venlafaxine not together, but i hope that isny an issue and i can stay on venlafaxine
@RJS1974 5 күн бұрын
Horrible drug. It’s a chemical lobotomy.
@Jack-V-Man 5 күн бұрын
Yup. On paper it should be perfect. And for a short amount of time it's pretty decent. Probably transitioning to something like Wellbutrin mixed with Zoloft as quickly as possible could be a good alternative
@carolebowers9530 5 күн бұрын
I take GABA and I love it. It’s made such a huge difference for me. it differently relaxes me and calms my nervous system… But then again, the nervous system can be affected by the gut as well not just the brain
@ihague4568 5 күн бұрын
This medication is expensive. Do you know anybody who takes, say 20mg every other day vs. 10mg a day due to the long half life?
@ihague4568 5 күн бұрын
Interestingly, SSRIs like escitalopram still relieve depression (and are no less effective) in rats completely lacking serotonin transporters. SERT is actually lower in depression and tends to rise when depression is relieved. Research seems to point to the modulation of the trk-b receptor as being much more relevant to antidepressant action. I think we're going to find in a few years that the serotonin re uptake inhibition is actually responsible for side effects, not the therapeutic effect.
@exgi76gmailcom 7 күн бұрын
It was designed not to, GABApentin was and it works like all meds that make you feel better should be very short term and simply to pull people out of deeply depressive bouts. Then again we should be able to adjust our consciousness at will but they actually had a medication that the establishment said was a date rape drug even though it was literally all lies and I mean that you will find for a story to make the evening news it’s only with Rothschild bank permission and stolen funds thank you subversion colleges aka Ivy League and Jesuit Colleges (same bucket of deep horsesheet) they did this of course go back and you find real history after real investigation the Church of Iesus was the “Scientology version.001” and that’s why version.01 has Irish names for all the main characters who should have all Jewish names but don’t well where is the world power of Ireland ? That’s correct dead .. it worked and then they changed it to Christ cult because he wasn’t even in Church of Iesus” and who is supposed to be snuffed this time ? The true Jewish and Arabic and Black and Native Tribes oh and all Asians except… Khazar earth on January 2nd 2030 after Khazar backstabs the Christian Zionists (funny because they only claim that so their guards will keep guarding and tax purposes) they believe in nothing go read the Jesuit Oath or left hand path of God. It’s funny because in the end all will betray each other as they have betrayed and by January 5th one withered Rothschild probably Jacob will be stuck in his bunker unable to open a door and he’ll starve to death leaving earth void of all life except the rising Myconid population who using global root systems planned this. Well done Fungus among us ! lol
@xy4669 7 күн бұрын
Correlations are not causations, maybe it is not the food, but mediterranean other factors, like social setting, climate, lifestyle... so food might not be the key object here
@Tr0y0verP0werzU 8 күн бұрын
i received a batch of generic Bupropion 300XL(never brandname Wellbutrin, always generic, my insurance cant afford brand) and on initial inspection, the XL coating on this batch felt like a more matte/rougher finish than the other batches i've received. Other batches were smoother and glossier. This batch absolutely gave me more side-effects than relief.
@dragos03 8 күн бұрын
Hi, for an anxiety-depression mix, depression being probably caused by anxiety , would trintellix along with buspar be a good association?
@ifrankensteinsmonster 9 күн бұрын
What's the data of effectiveness of Quetiapine for psychotic depression?
@Bye.bye.hint.hint. 9 күн бұрын
So, you're a doctor, huh? Might as well be. I agree.
@Bye.bye.hint.hint. 9 күн бұрын
Depressive neuroleptics for psychotic depression and ECT concussive brain damage. Both are profit centers for Filth in Medicine and Social Hygiene. Making it impossible to survive while out of work without agreeing to their favorite methods is disgusting.
@bigmacsauce3752 9 күн бұрын
This guy heard one thing about how it doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier and thinks he knows it all
@1234pixy1 9 күн бұрын
She gives me the ick....
@perfectlyundonecustoms 9 күн бұрын
There is no worse feeling than the feeling of someone very heavy sitting on your chest. While being held in a corner, when you are standing in wide open areas.
@perfectlyundonecustoms 9 күн бұрын
2 weeks after being released from inpatient care, I swollowed 3 bottles of psych meds. By the grace of my highest powers, I am alive today. 😊
@perfectlyundonecustoms 9 күн бұрын
How is Divalproex affected by consuming antidepressants, combined with anxiety meds?
@rogercender7755 10 күн бұрын
Thanks you tremendously!
@Sambo_Doo_D12 11 күн бұрын
Coming off diazepam easily with ot without over the counter pills
@Diashi1267 11 күн бұрын
The thing about autism is that the diagnostic criteria, especially for level 1, are subjective enough that anyone can interpret various behaviors they or others exhibit as being due to autism. Once you start looking at the world through the autism lense you start to subjectively attribute various behaviors to autism, regardless of how severe those behaviors are. Like to tap your fingers? Autism. Don't like working in groups? Autism. Have a routine? Autism. People officially diagnosed with autism say "If you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism". Well if every autistic person is different, how can there ever exist criteria for it as a coherent diagnosis?
@doramc3155 11 күн бұрын
Pharma puppet
@PaddyMcCarthy2.1 11 күн бұрын
You said at [00:50] you should also know the time frame, it might have been easier to note that the timeframe is between 0 and 5 yrs. And then if it helps, draw a timeline on a page, marking both ends, then mark off the following , and label them on your timeline. normal autism (birth to 2 months) Symbiosis (2 to 5 months) Differentiation (5 to 10 months) Practicing (10 to 18months) Rapprochement (18 to 24 months) Object constancy (2 to 5 years) learning this separation-individuation process for me is a bit like learning cell mitosis or meiosis in biology. It is interesting to note that Mahler's deadline for completion of this stage of psychological development was 5yrs of age. I would take it that this is an average of all the kids she observed in her 20+ years of observing them. Also, no stage can be completed unless the previous stage has been completed first, the ultimate goal of which is the emergence of the child becoming conscious of its own existence separate from the primary cargiver/mother. As Shrinks and Sneakers says in the video description, it is also a testable timeframe. Great video! John Bowlby in his WWII studies for the World Health Organization studied refugee children (boys) whose parents may have been killed in the war or they were separated very young, similar to Mahler. IT is interesting to compare the timeframe of Bowlby's 4 stages of attachment theory with Mahlers 6 stages of separation-individuation process.
@sarakhair8139 12 күн бұрын
Does Lithium help with treatment resistant depression?
@danielbegg6968 12 күн бұрын
Appreciate the video, What's the best way to wean off 25mg Sertraline? Have taken for 18 months but have been recommended to switch to Agomelatine, harder than I expected.
@markzirpolo9934 12 күн бұрын
Great dr and explanations should be more of them out there