The Godzilla fandom sucks.
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@Ultimate_Godzillus 24 минут бұрын
Damn I don't know why the fuck the Godzilla fandom started being Sexual and racist (I can't even show my face because of racism) and sexism is also fucked up, like you want them to be Bisexual? Also PLEASE DONT LEAVE THE GODZILLA FANDOM
@Bruffs-poopy Сағат бұрын
4:52 😂😂
@anthonyjordanmoviesandmore2470 3 сағат бұрын
Oh so we're going to police usernames now that's not going to make the community any worse
@anthonyjordanmoviesandmore2470 3 сағат бұрын
Yes some things are not okay but at the same time if you're going to call stuff like toy review pseudo-intellectual then you waive your right to complain about the blowback
@TheGeekZilla 20 сағат бұрын
I’m so glad that you spoke up. I stand with you.
@Valenquill Күн бұрын
Perfection 👌
@Valenquill Күн бұрын
Thank you, Kim. I had the same reaction. Bryan Cranston dying so early in the film annoyed me, just so Kickass could take over? 🙄
@Jay828__ 2 күн бұрын
Can you please be specific. "Jerks & creeps" = people who send inappropriate messages to minors? Or are you including those that engage in discourse you don't approve of? In your initial video you lump the two together.
@KaijuKim Күн бұрын
Jerks= people who pick fights and throw insults at anyone who disagrees with them or doesn’t cater to their specific wants or needs Creeps= People who send inappropriate messages to/about minors. Hopefully that helps clear it up!
@Jay828__ Күн бұрын
@@KaijuKim Fair enough. What about all the sociopolitical issues that are mentioned in the Donny Winters video you endorsed & linked? When chatting about Godzilla do you believe in being civil & inclusive to those who hold different social & political beliefs?
@KaijuKim Күн бұрын
Yes. Differences in social and political beliefs shouldn’t get in the way of being civil and inclusive when talking about a giant radioactive lizard we all love (or anything, really).
@GSTE_ 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for making this, watching this 2 years ago with that clip of the song at the end I think the song is called "eat it". But through looking up that song through this vid is literally what lead me down the path of music and learning to sing. So thanks.
@KaijuKim 2 күн бұрын
Wow, that’s so awesome! Best wishes to you on your music journey!
@GSTE_ 2 күн бұрын
@@KaijuKim I would tell you about some of the songs I sang, but I don't want to sound like I'm self promoting or something.
@torstenheine4100 2 күн бұрын
🤣 ich will gerne wissen was godzilla denken
@Tahri_0 3 күн бұрын
This has been my favourite in the MonsterVerse ever since. It's such a good, intense gritty movie. Love it.
@Zillord2015 6 күн бұрын
People saying “every fandom has it” is just stupid, because that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be called out or changed.
@hybridRace92 6 күн бұрын
My favorite is from Godzilla Vs MechaGodzilla 1974, which is on the ship and Nanbara says “On a beautiful night like this you should be talking about love”, and it’s CLEARLY day time 💀
@Valenquill 6 күн бұрын
Godzilla Vs. King Ghidorah Terasawa: Out of my way, Goddammit!
@kitsunegirlstar1234 6 күн бұрын
What would you rate emi (in the new Ultraman movie)
@KaijuKrusader1 7 күн бұрын
Banana Oil!
@m.valdivia8048 7 күн бұрын
Totally unrelated but your Goji collection looks awesome!
@KaijuKim 7 күн бұрын
Thank you! 😊
@m.valdivia8048 7 күн бұрын
@@KaijuKim You're welcome!
@JoMcMullen 7 күн бұрын
After you were the first to post about this debate I’m seeing at least 20-30 new people on KZfaq I’ve never heard of saying the same thing all of them exactly I know some are real but it all happening in one go I see this as a way to get views in be on the algorithm unfortunately this is what people will do to get money and it’s annoying with them spreading false information about a the fastest growing fan base at the moment
@SomeRandomGuy161 7 күн бұрын
@erikpearl6885 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for starting this conversation!!!
@Kiryuquazak 7 күн бұрын
Mine's are "we must send mechagodzilla" from tokyo s.o.s. And "shut up chamber maid" from godzilla 2000
@jg3000 7 күн бұрын
Wanting a date would not entail being gross. Ultimately no means no. Also one should not target minors. It's important we're clear on what is toxic. And not tolerate it.
@dinoxels 7 күн бұрын
4:52 unfortunately I’ve already seen a bit of this recently in response to this movement, which is highly annoying
@SomethingZilla-dx4tr 7 күн бұрын
another huge problem, toxic positivity. I’ve been seeing it with GxK
@primezilla37 8 күн бұрын
Hey, at least your channel blew up, so congrats, plus, you made a big wake up call for the g-fandom, I mean, that is impressive
@doubleflores8350 8 күн бұрын
It’s time to Make the Godzilla fandom great again!!! That sounded better in my head than I thought it would.
@atlanticg54 8 күн бұрын
I like how you want to have a Growth mindset
@atlanticg54 6 күн бұрын
@@RobinTheMetaGod lol
@CeeyaKing 8 күн бұрын
Gfest needs to make a zero tolerance policy and share it with the fandom and enforce it
@ImpinAintEazy 8 күн бұрын
Never heard of all this going on in the Fandom. But then I only interact with other G-fans on Facebook.
@blueravenfire 8 күн бұрын
yes, i saw my twitter post in the video! yeah, i can agree while we need to call people out more of their terrible behavior we need to be mindful about it and not aggressively attack anyone who we think might be toxic or otherwise we will end up doing the very thing we are trying to stand up against. we can make the fandom better in a more constructive way.
@germanscience7246 8 күн бұрын
I hope this wakeup call leads to genuine improvement in the Godzilla fandom. I would love to see a return of the more light hearted and fun G- fans from the early to mid 2000's
@infinityzer054 8 күн бұрын
i like ALL godziller content...i dont mind what, as long as it exists to be awesome.
@MadDiplo2002 8 күн бұрын
1. Advent of Legion 2. Mothra 3. Varan 4. Mothra larva 5. Melba
@MadDiplo2002 8 күн бұрын
1. Gamera 2. Jiger 3. Mothra 4. King Kong 5. Godzilla against Mechagodzilla 2002 (peak)
@nickhernandez6022 8 күн бұрын
I've been a dedicated fan of Godzilla since the early 90s and yet, I don't find myself all that involved with the fandom online. As one who has lurked around in Toho Kingdom or the old Monster Zero forums and other sites since these sites started, I can say there has been a shift in the attitudes and interactions of fans especially after 2014 specifically. I remember when Godzilla was considered a lot more niche and the fandom was smaller and perhaps more courteous to one another. Less entitlement and hostility. G-Fest wasnt as big but the folks there were all kind (haven't gone in years, mind you). Back then, we had less access to things and we got excited for literally anything that came our way no matter how miniscule. Nowadays so many people have been brought in by the more mainstream presentation of Godzilla and with more people comes more issues in the way interactions occur. I must admit I have no context for much of what is being described in these recent videos that Godzilla KZfaqrs have been posting, however, I do find this to be the case with human interaction in general. I am a behavior analyst/therapist trainer and a lot of what I work on is functional communication. I spend the vast majority of my days encouraging people to communicate in a manner that is socially appropriate but also encouraging others to be better versions of themselves as well as doing the same for others in their lives. I find that the issues being described in these videos are not specific to the Godzilla fandom as they can be found in just about every major and minor fandom nowadays. This does not excuse any of it, but I find the issues to be communication deficits that people are having in the age of the internet. Everyone has phones and yet we are losing our ability to just talk to people properly. We have all these forms of technology that are intended to produce progress and increase communicative abilities and the spread of information and yet it seemingly isolates and divides us more than anything else. People use these devices to harm or insult one another. This forces us to trust each other even less now. We could talk to anybody in the world now and yet we don't know how to talk anymore. We literally live in a time where you can have McDonald's come to you by delivery AND you can press a button that says "No Contact" meaning that if you want your fast food you dont even have to have the bare minimum interaction with a whole other human being to get it. The issue these people are finding are grander than just this fandom or fandoms in general, I feel. In my career, I teach people to emphasize communication of wants/needs, the exchange of ideas, and to place high importance on the idea of trying to improve the functioning of their own practices while teaching those around them to do the same. We must be mindful of other perspectives and basic considerations of others in matters both pressing and leisurely. The argument of simply writing it off as the internet being the internet is not sufficient. Thats complacency with something that is deemed inappropriate. We must be able to communicate and be considerate of those around us. We must encourage others to be better people because the world does not benefit from someone feeling stifled or held back. We live in an age where we love to "humble" people or make people feel like garbage for no valid reason. Even to those we do not agree with or those we do not like, for the sake of progress, we have to encourage people to do more with themselves and others. Do as you will but do as you like. Enjoy your fandom, express that love as you have a right to that enjoyment. Be happy together but also be better. Nobody will ever reach perfection but we should always try to get there to the best of our abilities so that we are always making that effort to be better people and make the world better even if its one small interaction at a time. We have a common interest and that can be a beautiful thing. Despite this common interest, we may be very different people and that can also be beautiful thing. Something bringing people together should be turned into a positive thing to enrich one's life. Model this concept. Look at the way you speak to people and the way you act/behave towards others and make it a point to teach people to prioritize functionality and appropriate communication with others. Its best we look out for each other and make sure we provide a model for how to conduct ourselves as people. This hiding behind the mask of anonymity gives people a false sense of security to bully one another but what good does that do for the world? Who benefits from being insulted or hurt? What is the point of that? What is the point of letting a situation get worse? That's not progress. Remember, we reinforce what we are willing to reinforce and we tolerate what we are willing to tolerate. How we respond to things shows the other person what they can and can't do to us. Make it a point to encourage better behavior from others and make it a point to take care of yourself and each other. Just my opinion. Be well, all of you. Live.
@lohithsatish5137 8 күн бұрын
This world is such a horrible place because of humans and because of this new generation and we all should stop making bad stuff and we must make good decisions
@Manly-BeastStudios 8 күн бұрын
Unfortunately some people are gonna ignore the “do not be accusatory or aggressive…” part of this video. Be kind to everyone, and have tougher skin. This balance is key. Thanks for the video.
@CeeyaKing 8 күн бұрын
This is honestly a sexual abuse and predatory behavior issue and it exists every where. The question is, how is the community going to handle it? When a man says to another man, "Hey, look at that a$$ and I'd love to tap that" and say other similar crap, men need to tell them to reevaluate themselves and their character. That's someone's sister, mother, aunt, daughter... Men and women need to make this kind of behavior unacceptable.
@CeeyaKing 8 күн бұрын
Your suggestion and solution for approaching someone in a level-headed way sounds good and in some cases that might work. However, it doesn't apply to many situations or confronting someone in a good way is going to get negative reactions much of the time. When a victim comes forward in private and it gets out there because the person who knows is upset and wants to protect it from happening to others and to protect the victim from being further bothered by the accused. And then the accused publicly outs the victim, and then things blow up. Everyone is pointing fingers, the victim is not happy, the accused is denying and deflecting. And the person defending them is also a bad guy for trying to protect victims and potential victims. It's a mess. And gfest has been made aware of some of these issues and has said a problem has to occur during the event and the police need to be involved and they won't ban the accused. As a victim myself, not wanting to cause drama at the event, I've kept quiet in the past. I realize my silence at the time is part of the problem. Regardless, that is the way things work. A lot of victims don't want to speak up, and I understand why and in a lot of cases I don't blame them. In other situations, it's important the victim or an advocate comes forward. Honestly, it's a tricky messy thing to try to deal with. All we can do is our best.
@Gojilion91 8 күн бұрын
The road ahead is not easy but can be done.
@PaleoFiles 8 күн бұрын
Don’t blame yourself for setting the fandom aflame. It always has been thanks to the absolute pure ignorance the fanbase always suffered from
@neophantomkaiju 8 күн бұрын
I did not expect to see my video here, but great video overall I feel we can improve as a community!