@ADobbin1 2 сағат бұрын
The SDS are fixed gun emplacements is it not? They don't move and thus are vulnerable to railgun bombardment from basically anywhere in the system because orbits are nice and easy to calculate and you don't need to hit the target within feet. A few miles is enough to smash them. I'm not sure how they could be a serious threat to an attacking force. Pirates and raiders sure, full on battlefleets no.
@blackops9operation75 5 сағат бұрын
I don't know either you are going to make a Red Alert 2 Map Lore or not.
@johndoe-qn2mm 9 сағат бұрын
I can't hear a k name without thinking Kerensky
@robertmurray7279 10 сағат бұрын
Thakns this answered a lot of questions. Double thanks for sources
@AliceBowie 15 сағат бұрын
I love the galactic map with the name of each world. It's funny, a lot of these worlds were settled by one distinct group of people. Could be ethnicity, politicsl beliefs, religion or whenever. For people with a strong group identity, this sounds great. But I'm sure once they got settled in the realized that not having any other cultures on the planet leaves them missing something.
@drowningin 16 сағат бұрын
I want to read a BattleTech book. Which one should i read knowing nothing about any of this? I have been reading Land & Sea by a previous BattleTech author, and wanted to learn more about this IP
@SvenVanDerPlank 16 сағат бұрын
I have a video dedicated to this topic on the channel that'll give you an in-depth answer (assuming you want to start in the first era). If you search BattleTech Novels on YT you should be able to find it. What sort of thing interests you? Are you looking for combat and campaigns or are you more interested in plots and politics? The writing across most of the novels isn't exemplary, but there are a couple authors whose work stands above the rest. It's good enough if you're just interested in some light pulpy science fiction. Every now and again there's a really great one.
@CaptainBanjo-fw4fq 17 сағат бұрын
Lots of fun! I love the space travel in BT. Do you think you’ll go into misjumps more? Perhaps some of the legends from the conspiracy books?
@sergeigen1 18 сағат бұрын
really fun video, i loved all the details
@MrOhidunno 22 сағат бұрын
2:15 Still wrapping my head around all the lore, but It's interesting that the 5th Sword of Light was primarily deployed to the Davion border for this Succession war, but a detachment was sent to Chandler for Operation Kuroi Kaze. This seems like an odd choice to me.
@MrOhidunno 12 сағат бұрын
Thinking about this more: it would have made more sense for the 8th Sword of Light to have fought with the 4th Arkab on Chandler. The 8th were stationed on Stanzanch, considerably closer to Chandler, while the 5th was stationed on Scheat on the Davion front.
@SvenVanDerPlank 12 сағат бұрын
@MrOhidunno Weird movements like that are usually just a case of a throwaway line on one of the old sourcebooks mentioning the presence of a unit in some random battle now conflicting with the more thoroughly mapped out lore in the later historical series sourcebooks.
@MrOhidunno 10 сағат бұрын
​@@SvenVanDerPlankoh wow, first of all, huge fan, love everything about this channel and the work you do. Every video is an absolute joy to view. I saw the line in question in the 2nd succession war Sourcebook for the attack on Chandler, and I'm kinda wondering if a 5th was typed when an 8th should have been. On a monitor with less definition and small text, it's super easy to switch 5 and 8 on a quick glance. (I've done this quite a bit myself.)
@jacobweatherford4696 Күн бұрын
Tiberium twilight doesnt exist this game is just a collective hellucination
@driftpirate7234 Күн бұрын
Excellent topic! We are getting a lot of BT lore now but we are definetly still missing basics. Thanks for your efforts!
@robdead4550 Күн бұрын
I love these little tales of how those not involved in the grind of the Great Houses lived. Were I in this time I wouldn't seek fame or glory on the battlefield, I'd want a place to call my own where I could sit with my family atop a wind-swept mountainside and look out to see the land I could farm or mine or fish and tame; and know that there were few others on that world, and none who would want to bother us.
@Marinealver Күн бұрын
You know the idea of a news and communication agency becoming a cult bent on dominating humanity sounded like such a far flung concept I laughed at it. This day and age however, I now understand it might not just be possible, but ALREADY HAPPENING!
@peterkallend5012 Күн бұрын
You don't want to aim for L1-L3 because their gravitational equilibrium is unstable (like trying to throw a ball and have it land exactly on the top of a hill without rolling down the other side). L4 and L5 are stable (throw the same ball and aim for a depression instead of a hill top, the ball with naturally settle at the point of gravitational equilibrium). Lagrange points are amazing, and incredibly useful in astrdynamics.
@anotherguy7021 Күн бұрын
Great video, very cool and interesting.
@jagdson2701 Күн бұрын
'Previously known as the Alderson drive in Niven and Pournelle's writing; named for Dan Alderson, JPL guru and genius fan/gamer.
@djolds1 Күн бұрын
Beautifully done. Now, can you please arrange for an Invader to make a temporal misjump into the Earth-Luna L1? Today.
@hyndriandelmundo6855 Күн бұрын
I hope add scout jumship , story people inside jumship, salary and lifestyle or economy
@ethanmckinney203 Күн бұрын
Coming from the Traveller background, this was fascinating.
@calebwyman5510 Күн бұрын
Even the Star Trek dilithium works better than that
@calebwyman5510 Күн бұрын
The Fuka Jima drive sucks compared to zero point vacuum energy
@Stradus07 2 күн бұрын
This is one of the most interesting parts of the battletech lore. Everything else is pretty standard sci-fi. Huge interstellar empires, giant robots etc. But the way space travel is handled is incredibly unique and i love it. Watching the old battletech cartoon theres a throw away line where adam says "and now we wait 2 weeks for the engine to charge and do it all over again." I was like....wait what?
@CattyRayheart 2 күн бұрын
nice in universe voice. I am honestly kind of curious about the wobblies and the hansiatic league. there is not that much available on them on youtube.
@anjetto1 2 күн бұрын
I like it. Good
@thomasc.3832 2 күн бұрын
Another great video, it's great to see the inner workings of the BT universe
@mikenonia1763 2 күн бұрын
My wife asks me, are you watching history documentaries... With a very serious look, I reply "Yes"
@oldmankatan7383 3 күн бұрын
For folks watching this before a replay: When you have a double agent, they are much more likely to turn on you if they are dismounted (on foot).
@meilinchan7314 3 күн бұрын
You gotta love how the backgrounds of Red Alert''s briefings get toned down and become less futuristic with each iteration of the game.
@NotMyGoogleID 3 күн бұрын
Can you somewhat expand upon it, and make a video on how a pirate/mercs raid on a planet would go? The process, how long will it take, etc. (and the time it will take for the reinforcement sent by nearby garrison after receiving the sos hpg to get there to help)
@Graemesmith286 4 күн бұрын
F*** it we have to team up with killian then
@mbp1652 4 күн бұрын
About time somebody made this up.....
@b.s.864 4 күн бұрын
OK, found the reference I was looking for about Rudolph Ryan and his fleets of iceships (AKA the Ryan Cartel). To solve the water shortages on many worlds, they would jump giant icecubes between stars. They would cut off chunks of asteroid ice 2km on a side. Tug them out to a jump point. Then a fleet of 16 ships in a precise formation (roughly globe shaped) would jump them to the system that needed them. This was in 2177. (House Kurita Source book p15-17) This should of course be impossible due to the core proximity issue. (this was published a year before the release of D&J so obviously like in so may other cases the details of story and technology had not quite been locked down yet)
@SvenVanDerPlank 4 күн бұрын
There's more about Ryan's Iceships in other sources. All those jump drives were controlled from a command vessel. Each was communicating with each other to create an overlapping field.
@Steven-dt5nu 4 күн бұрын
Where did you find the cut away views?
@SvenVanDerPlank 4 күн бұрын
Strategic Operations rulebook
@foust117 4 күн бұрын
Ginally got around to watching this and, even though you lore videos mention the different jump points, it just dawned on me how much more use of the three dimensional plane the BattleTech interstellar travel lore uses. I think that adds to the realism, because its not just about getting from point A to point B, but rather also factors in the need to respect real life orbital mechanics at the two endpoints.
@monostripezebras 4 күн бұрын
Plot device does plot device things
@Gregnier 4 күн бұрын
what a lovely Monday Surprise! New Sven!
@Khymerion 4 күн бұрын
A small bit of trivia... something that came up when discussing various Sci-fi - the K/F Drive is one the fastest FTL drives in scifi. That 30 LY jump in one week is... hard to match in most of the more reputable sci-fi. It is faster than the Traveller J6 drive (yes, the TL 16 you can never have it fast boat drive), TNG era Trek ships have to burn a full week at low Warp 9 to catch up to the jump ship before it recharges to jump again (not that you can sustain the engines that long), Honorverse ships are having to travel in the Epsilon and Theta bands to catch a Jumpship before it recharges... so unless things move at the speed of plot (Star Wars), the BT Jumpship is one of the best sci fi FTL ships, even with that week recharge times. Puts the scale of the Inner Sphere into a bit of a new light when you start thinking of things like that. Just a fun thing that came up in a conversation. There are faster but we liked those three universes when we were discussing and well, those universes have maps that aren't trash!
@KBraid 2 күн бұрын
yeah despite all that's good about Andor, the time it takes takes to jump between systems felt simply and wrongly way too quick, giving the impression of mere hours when in much older media it felt like it should take days at the VERY least
@djolds1 Күн бұрын
And then there are the in-universe command chains. For sovereigns, warlords and moguls who spend money like water. Thirty light years per HOUR.
@Khymerion Күн бұрын
@@djolds1 Yup, command chains rapid give you communication speeds that in credible. Only the practically time travel fast speeds of say Babylon 5's BabCom (no time delay between Earth and Epsilon Endri) or the insanity of Trek's subspace communications grid (again, no time delay what so ever over incredible distances... but Trek also has ultra-poor writing/able to see into the future with not just FTL sensors but real time FTL sensors that can see for light years instantly when the plot says it can)... but when you are used to say a Traveller game where speed is barely as fast as the fastest jump ship... the command chain trick can get rather impressive. The HPG network, even more so. 60 LY near instant transmissions are incredible, especially the circuit design.
@djolds1 Күн бұрын
@@Khymerion HPGs are another example of a well thought out tech with restrictions, in BTech. The Clans have arranged near-real time Kurultais using HPG, yet it's difficult. Now if we could just get rid of the stupid walking robots, and swap in the fusion powered hovertanks...
@Khymerion Күн бұрын
@@djolds1 Shhhhhhhhh... we are not allowed to talk about Renegade Legion.
@alecciarosewater7438 4 күн бұрын
How are the jumpships manufactured? Are the shipyards automated, and if so it is possible to build new automated shipyards? Can a jumpship tow an unwilling automated shipyard, or explore the galaxy for lostech shipyard upgrades? Is there any part of a jumpship that cannot be manufactured and must be savaged from existing ships? Can a destroyed jumpship be recovered and repaired like any other mech at the cost of a permanent debuff? Can I do anything interesting with the spaceships or they just there as background fluff?
@SvenVanDerPlank 4 күн бұрын
Lots of questions there. I'll try to answer them all. They are still manufactured but much of the infrastructure was destroyed during the early Succession Wars so new ones are quite rare. There are several references to certain components being manufactured in automated factories, but not necessarily the whole vessel. The challenges in building the machines that make those parts is the reason there are still very few shipyards in the 31st century. I can't think of any reason why you would want to move an enemy shipyard without their permission. There's no way to transport them to another system because they're far too large to attach to a JumpShip. But if you want to try, go for it. There's no friction in space, so theoretically anything that can move itself could move a shipyard, but a JumpShip would be the worst way to do that. Because they never leave the jump points, they're only designed with very small boosters to hold their position. They would almost never traverse through a system in any significant way. There are a couple instances in the lore of the much more powerful WarShips use their own hulls to prevent a sabotaged shipyard from tumbling into the atmosphere of a planet. The ability to manufacture WarShips was lost in the First Succession War. When the Great Houses started to recover that technology around 3050, their first prototypes did use some parts recovered from old hulks that had been left drifting for centuries. They didn't have the ability to manufacture the massive thrusters at first so they just reconditioned some ancient ones they had found. As for whether a destroyed JumpShip can be repaired, depends how badly it was damaged. Because of the difficulties of moving a new jump drive through space, it's almost always easier to just build a new one from scratch. I don't know what interesting things you're thinking of, so it's up to you.
@alecciarosewater7438 4 күн бұрын
@@SvenVanDerPlank "Not necessarly the whole vessel" Alrighty thats the answer I was looking for thanks. I've had people try to tell me the setting's entire ship production is automated. They didn't like it when I suggested the possibility of comstar uploading a hostile AI as a way of sabotauging the locals, or sending mechwarriors to raid the shipyard for the tech that I want to steal (not needing the entire shipyard makes that easier!) I keep thinking this is a cyberpunk setting where awesome things happen and the fanbase keeps telling me otherwise because "The ability to manufacture WarShips was lost in the First Succession War." What exactly is the part that is irreplaceable? Is this like the support vehicle rules where your ships have the inferior BAR armor becase no one can build an Armored Chassis anymore? Or is it more like Starsector where you can't manufacture new Ship Components but you can aggressively salvage components from other people's ships?
@SvenVanDerPlank 4 күн бұрын
@alecciarosewater7438 The compact drive cores are the most advanced piece of tech that disappeared first. Though the enormous thrusters are less sophisticated, once the factories were destroyed they had no reason to rebuild them as WarShips were pretty much extinct by then.
@alecciarosewater7438 4 күн бұрын
@@SvenVanDerPlank So what's the point of the warship building rules? Is there no enclave of spacefarers who have the remaining compact drive cores and a lingering resentment for the planet-dwellers? The more I look at this setting the less interesting it gets
@SvenVanDerPlank 4 күн бұрын
@alecciarosewater7438 WarShips are only absent during the Succession Wars era. They are still a part of the setting during the other 650 years of history. They first appeared in 2300 and at their height around 2765 there were thousands and thousands of them. But then a long series of massively destructive wars started to destroy them one by one. The last WarShip battle took place in 2853. 200 years later, the Inner Sphere is starting to recover the technology and so WarShips reappear, though now they're incredibly scarce and precious. The most powerful empires might only have a dozen or so. There are exceptions to that. The SLDF took 400 surviving WarShips on their exodus into deep space, but those would remain mothballed until their return to the Inner Sphere 250 years later. Cultural changes during that period would mean they saw little actual use beyond transport. ComStar also had a dozen surviving vessels hidden in the Inner Sphere. Revealing their existence would have immediately turned everyone against them, so they only reappeared once the rest of the humanity was starting to rebuild.
@derekburge5294 4 күн бұрын
Can't beat a setting where FTL travel and comms aren't just handwaved away.
@JosephMitchell-zw3db 4 күн бұрын
Good job thanks
@matinnesbitt7930 4 күн бұрын
haven't plaid in 20 years forgot about the spy using the truck, spent more then an hour trying to get past a dog that no mater what angle I approached would see me first, finally gave up and went looking for someone to tell me how to get past that cursed thing.
@bermea 5 күн бұрын
This is great, never got a great explanation for space jumping in BattleTech!
@oriffel 5 күн бұрын
@GabrielGABFonseca 5 күн бұрын
I believe you might have made a mistake (by omission!) during the Lagrange point explanation - not all Lagrange points are valid for K-F Drive usage, only the L1 points. This is elaborated upon in _Strategic Operations: Advanced Aerospace Rules_ on pages 122 and 123, which states: "Anyway, the short of it is this: in any set of LaGrange points, only the L1 point-well, a place near it-is a valid jump point. The actual jump point will wiggle around the real L1 point due to the influence of the local stars and planets." Earlier the text explains that this is due to the fact that, of all the Lagrange points, the L1 is the only one where the gravitational pull of the planet and star _actually_ balance out, which is what matters for the K-F Drive to do its K-F-y things.
@SvenVanDerPlank 5 күн бұрын
That line about L1 is a mistake. Just put it down to that section being spoken by a character giving their own presentation. There are countless examples in the lore that contradict that, and as another commenter pointed out, my explanation of L1 is incorrect. It's actually closer to the sun than the point where the two gravities equalise. It's just close enough to the planet that its gravity stabilises it's trajectory into an orbit whereas it's natural velocity would have it fall into the sun. So if what you said was correct, none of the Lagrange Points would be valid, which is obviously not the case.
@jleszuk 5 күн бұрын
Hell yeah, new Vanderplank