The Clone Wars Part 2 Preview
Andor is a Breath of Fresh Air
Better Call Saul is a Masterpiece
Kenobi video preview
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@supersaiyannigga5980 16 сағат бұрын
Bro was yapping for like 40% of this video 😂
@shawn092182 17 сағат бұрын
The reason why the inhibitor chip was easier to find in the bad batch was because Tech scanned Rex as a reference. After that, he knew what to look for. Tech said that himself.
@YosemiteHams 17 сағат бұрын
The animation was very nice but I thought there wasnt a lot of substance.
@Ayahuasca98 17 сағат бұрын
I feel “young Jedi adventures” is more his speed
@lsvids595 Күн бұрын
This one is a miss sheev. You don’t have to hate everything beside the original trilogy to be cool
@jomarcato4894 Күн бұрын
31:40 - 31:51 “oooh burn”
@CharlesBalls69 Күн бұрын
I liked the kanobi show I just act like its not apart of the main series 💀
@bambostarla6259 Күн бұрын
I think the third season of the bad batch is one of the better star wars series as of late, this episode wasnt very good. I found it quite boring and I was disappointed because we hadnt had a filler episode in this season as of yet.
@Vhozhlb Күн бұрын
I said it before, and i will say it again. I love Maul, but, with some minor rewritten, we can not only spare ourselves about him surviving being bisected, but also make Savage and actual character with motivations and development without changing that much about the arcs.
@6thgraderfriends Күн бұрын
Finally, someone who speaks my language. It's also really funny how so many people are like, "Filoni is a genius! He made Ahsoka purposefully annoying at first because he knew everyone would hate her and over time had her mature, so we'd all love her!" That's literally something we call *a character arc.* The reason why Ahsoka's is so prominent is because none of the other main characters have one. It's a basic writing skill.
@jomarcato4894 Күн бұрын
1:27:28- 1:27:39 love it.
@theshoe1391 Күн бұрын
I just want to enjoy the series that I love I don't want to tear it apart like the sequel trilogy please have mercy. Also even if it isn't the greatest thing stories ever made it has so many flaws at least it's still entertaining. Also I agree with what you said even if it hurts me to agree
@chadbrad8100 2 күн бұрын
Better title of the video should be "Things that don't make sense about the Clone Wars" because you clearly said in your video you don't hate the show you just have good criticisms of the shows which makes sense.
@chadbrad8100 2 күн бұрын
Better title of the video should be "Things that don't make sense about the Clone Wars" because you clearly said in your video you don't hate the show you just have good criticisms of the shows which makes sense.
@billjacobs521 2 күн бұрын
I love what I assume is a rank signifier on the guy you showed at like 55:50. I know it's from the Mandalorian but still, it's a piece of construction paper with some gumdrops glued to it, pinned to his shirt. This is like if children from the early 90's wanted to play pretend at being the crew of the Enterprise in TNG and didn't have any means of replicating the small collar buttons. It's so strange how much money Disney has, and throws at projects, yet they will have jarringly cheap props, sets, effects, or just editing, that really ruins it. If anything, it looks more ridiculous when everything else looks good to have something like the hover-vespas from Boba Fett, whereas something that looks low budget across the board, consistently, isn't as distracting.
@nickr1361 2 күн бұрын
The clip at 57:23 where is that from?
@gabedelport4842 2 күн бұрын
season 9 has a steven universe ahh ending
@darthvaper4776 2 күн бұрын
I’m so over Star Wars
@justasimplemanworkinghiswa1569 2 күн бұрын
you gave me a whole new look at this show. thank you
@ricaard 2 күн бұрын
Being able to toss in Ryan is super easy, barely an inconvenience!
@Darkstar-qb3dh 2 күн бұрын
Dark disciple was a great book very much enjoyed the read
@gustavofilho6549 2 күн бұрын
I created my own end. for me it ended on season 5 withou Sam apearing at the end, the rest is fan fiction with some good episodes.
@aidengriffitts3984 2 күн бұрын
I have found I dislike any episode with Padme and/or Jar Jar and/or anything Naboo related
@venomouslizards 2 күн бұрын
I quite literally do not care about Star Wars anymore. I used to at least watch everything that came out know that it will be bad, but I can’t even do that anymore. I will not be watching Tales of the Empire, and will only be watching Andor season 2.
@novustalks7525 2 күн бұрын
Yeah you're definitely not a star wars fan in the slightest
@novustalks7525 2 күн бұрын
If you don't like what dave is doing than you can't call yourself a fan. This man is singlehandedly giving us some of the best and most faithful works since George lucas. He knows what the fans want
@novustalks7525 2 күн бұрын
It's the best show we've gotten since tcw
@death-king1834 2 күн бұрын
A Boba Fett show should have followed the same route as Boba Fett was taken in the Expanded Universe. With him trying to rebuilt back up his reputation as a badass bounty hunter and actually, 'GASP', hunting for bounties. But of course they couldn't do that cause it would be too similar to Mando. Hell, what they did with in the much later EU stuff would have been more interesting, with Boba becoming the leader of the new Mandalorians.
@death-king1834 2 күн бұрын
"He's just content to rule a planet he has no connection to and if anything has brought him nothing but pain" I felt the exact same way of Vader for whatever baffling reason deciding to set up his base of operations on Mustafar. The planet where he got chopped up and burned alive, and was the last place he saw Padme before she died.
@yerderlol9314 2 күн бұрын
I don't know if I agree, let me re-watch the show, I'll get back to you
@DarthTelos 2 күн бұрын
Space wale irreducible complexity. Star Wars is a creationist universe confirmed. Also ironically all man made written creations by their nature only come into being as they are the point of the creator creating them. “Thank the creator”. Star Wars creationism confirmed by failure to explain evolution within Star Wars. Have me on the podcast lfg
@DarthTelos 2 күн бұрын
Hera was shocked by hyperspace wales because she said it was a myth, not one believed now.
@DarthTelos 2 күн бұрын
I agree with most points apart from the religious as usual. (The show sucks). The space wales are force related right? Ashoka travelled in the ship in the mouth, and I always felt the force field of the force coupled with the wales mouths acting as pressurised air locks is why they are able to travel in them. In regards to knowing the location they’d come out, the wales migrate only there, then Ashoka was able to interact with them using the force. Even Russian Orthodox saints in our world have birds, wolves and bears as friends. The phrase “a little bird told me” is even from orthodox scripture. This is how ahsoka felt the will of the wales and ordered creation around her. Holy men and women often order creation around them as Adam did when in his wisdom he was able to name the kinds of animals (kinds not breeds) perfectly in line with the will of God. IF the force balanced means only the light exists because the dark is a perversion (like in OT) then it’s fine to have the force will these events for the Sith to fall. Such as creating the order of things for the wales to help. However… the Mortis trilogy ruins this… if both must be in ‘balance’ then… then I don’t have a clue what the Telos of the force is in such cases other than eternal dialectical conflict.
@DarthTelos 2 күн бұрын
This is why I am Darth Telos. I will always be wanting them to Consult a single theologian or philosopher to establish a Telos for the force… without one it’s philosophically correct in Star Wars to only be a nihilist.
@DimitrisManolakakis 3 күн бұрын
Sounds like a star wars elitist to me Well nvm just for the first 10mins though
@conmacmara2743 3 күн бұрын
Great, I’m pretty sure Star Wars is made by two kinds of people: the ‘this looks cool,’ and is non-offensive guy. And the angry feminist in permaregret.
@emperor_ivan 3 күн бұрын
1:08:00 yeah I agree unwatchable show why weren’t they show
@empathetic4100 3 күн бұрын
The best case scenario is to just make out the pieces and create your own canon from all the available pieces of media
@MildandLazyGuy 3 күн бұрын
Hard to say which show was more disappointing. Kenobi - just awful. Ahsoka - also just awful but Dave? Kinda makes it worse as I expected better from Dave for some reason? I don’t know but damn. It’s like which is worse: Ebola or some other variant of Ebola.
@joseortega9858 3 күн бұрын
It makes it more interesting that crosshair had his chip removed? Nice twist gave him more of a interesting personality and thought process would’ve been boring if it was as straightforward as removing it and he’s good now
@TheBigCarp321 3 күн бұрын
I never once took Ahsoka as zen or wise in this horrible show. I took her as moody and bitchy. My favorite character ruined and theres no clear indication of why. Also, this show should have been just called Rebels.
@NotTheBomb 4 күн бұрын
This is feeling like some rage bait >.>
@yasinniroomand 4 күн бұрын
The Fact is that marvel never understood correctly the meaning of the consequences of the choice you make , i mean come on going back to past means what ever choice you make it will straight change and effect on your future. That means dead will live again , paralyzed will walk again but again you will ruin a lot more things that you didn't even considered it.
@DR.slzzzp 4 күн бұрын
8:45 bro, i thought i was the only one who had that specific issue. they just dont understand, all im trying to do is spread awareness beyond the mortal plane of existence, i just wanted to help. btw rip john smith, but your family JUST DOESNT GET IT.
@DR.slzzzp 4 күн бұрын
filoni deff meat slaps to asoka & thats why he refuses to let her go. hes got some rule 34 relationship with her that he cant breakup with
@theycallmequesoblanco4165 4 күн бұрын
35:07 nice RLM reference 😂