TECHNO-MOTHERHOOD | with Simone Collins
Anatomy of a Transition | with Schyler
Babymaxxing | with Malcolm Collins
The Anguish of Autogynephilia
Cluster-B Blues, with Josh Slocum
@johnbrown4568 7 минут бұрын
The field of psychotherapy experienced its peak in the 60’s & 70’s & 80’s & 90’s. The dysfunction and indeed collapse of this profession accelerated in the early 2000’s and is now at a level of nearly complete professional dysfunction as well as social absurdity.
@Shadeborne 51 минут бұрын
"It's like debating a slide flute."🤣
@bdjt244 58 минут бұрын
Aaron David, innit
@speabody 3 сағат бұрын
A bit of pushback re: feminism and gender ideology. He says that feminism is not a cohesive movement or ideology, or is at least ill-defined, then almost immediately and broadly says feminism created gender ideology, and that isn’t ironic that the child is eating the mother and isn’t that a shame. Yet we know that a lot of (most?) early gender “pioneers” were men- Hirschfeld, Money, e.g. Women, which most feminists are, are conflated with gender ideologists (likely due to recency bias), the latter of which have a fair number of men (pedophilic men at that) in their ranks. The take is either genuinely underinformed or sensationalized, i.e., appeal to “feminism is cancer”.
@adamcullen8777 3 сағат бұрын
Lisa Marchiano's ideas are dangerous to queer people.
@ravenconnolly5368 6 сағат бұрын
this woman rocks. great interview
@Cleisthenes2 7 сағат бұрын
'Where are all the white people?' she asks, with lots of white people visible behind and around her
@KingdomPlans 8 сағат бұрын
Sorry but if you can only be attracted to yourself: and a simulacra version at that, it is not a sexual orientation. It's disordered thinking.
@hancehanson4000 10 сағат бұрын
It's *"pike"* --- not the medieval pole-arm... nor the fish--- but from "turnpike", meaning a main road or tollway or expressway. (e.g. the famously referred-to "New Jersey/Jersey Turnpike")--- So indeed it IS: *"comin down the pike..."*
@FrankQpublic-tn5yg 11 сағат бұрын
This young man has experienced suffering in terms of a person twice his age. I wish the best for him. I think people who have a lot of pain doing some kind of art really helps.
@leopold3450 12 сағат бұрын
Awkward weather chat
@foundation3514 13 сағат бұрын
Talk therapy is a method of smugly exploiting weak willed people out of money while feeling good about yourself. The clients issues which cause them to feel as though the need "help" are directly caused by the implementation of "left wing/even right wing" policies which have undermined society bit by bit over time by removing any needs or responsibilities and interdependence between people i.e SOCIETY. To save psychotherapy is to ignore the the root cause of the issue while supporting the therapeutic state as described by Paul Gottfried. Failure to face this by practitioners is denial leading to projection. If this is where psychotherapy has led to based on it's own internal logic it was a fools errand, well meaning as people might be. It's time for the "therapists" to face reality and yes of course talking is good but that doesn't mean charging people is ethical. If you offer the "service" for free you are removing the motivation to turn to or find friends and family. Watch the cope unfold.
@NinjaKittyBonks 2 сағат бұрын
Your entire comment is a cluster F of a mess, so I am not even sure where, how or even IF i should bother to try and make sense of it. I will say that it is interesting you mentioned projection and it seems that you can only see those with emotional issues, as created by politics and the laws that implemented by them. As for asking that a therapist offer his / her services for free, is to fundamentally undermine the practical reality of one spending the time, energy and resources to sit down with a complete stranger and work with them to seek understanding of what it is that put them in that chair.
@ethanfleisher1910 14 сағат бұрын
Her knowledge is honestly like an encyclopedia of conspiracy facts, it is so wide ranging, like crazy comprehensive
@PoliticalSins 14 сағат бұрын
Democracy ROCKS! (Assuming people are not apart of it) This applies to all systems. 🙃
@camsonnenberg4399 17 сағат бұрын
"They" can't imagine a world where people have self determination and assume that "they" need to control everything and everyone including your thoughts.
@Rhinlord 18 сағат бұрын
Carl fails to understand the purpose of The Constitution. It is an anchor that weighs our culture down and keeps it in line with the founding ideals of our Republic. It is however, not unchanging, as the founders understood that things would change over time. In fact we *have* changed our Constitution many times and there are calls for a Convention of States that only need a few more states to be called.
@Jules-Is-a-Guy 21 сағат бұрын
From what I understand, the chances of finding a non-woke, competent and knowledgable psychotherapist now, or rly for a decade, are/have been so low relatively speaking, that unfortunately ppl as a general rule should just not do this anymore imo. Hate to say it, but also, it was a young science to begin with. (I mean...except for Leslie! Rofl).
@NinjaKittyBonks 19 сағат бұрын
The problem that most fail to understand, is that referral services are compromised, so people need to do their OWN vetting. So, if a referral to [fill in the blank] therapist is recommended, one needs to spend the time to go to website and socials to see what he / she is saying, recommends and who is it that is engaging with them. Then, if that person seems to check out, make an appointment and do more digging, PRIOR to getting into any issues they may need addressing. . Of course, unless one is cognizant of how captured the industry is, he / she may not be so careful and end up being sold a bunch of garbage. The genuine therapists were taught how to listen and guide the patient on how to heal themselves, where a captured one was never trained / learned proper skills, so not going to be helpful.
@NinjaKittyBonks 21 сағат бұрын
Great to see more and more therapists speak out about the corruption of their industry. No doubt each has and continues to pay a HUGE price for it, so we need to give credit / hear ❤
@NinjaKittyBonks 21 сағат бұрын
[😼 <------- no idea to whom such a gesture as this would be made 🤔]
@helenablavatsky9136 28 минут бұрын
@dp2120 22 сағат бұрын
I agree with her on most things, but I’m not sure how it’s Americans’ faults that other countries take on our policies.
@Lisa0713 23 сағат бұрын
Is she AI? There is clearly something strange about here face and lips. I could be crazy, I do have a flu .
@BenjaminABoyce 22 сағат бұрын
She had a glass eye
@reremagor 23 сағат бұрын
How did I miss this one? Very happy to see this collab, excited to watch.
@danjaasma2305 23 сағат бұрын
Also, Ben, when the bots start trolling your comment section (as they are) you know you’re doing good work. Keep it up.
@danjaasma2305 23 сағат бұрын
Noice, Boice. Another banger calmvo. Courtenay, thanks for your openness. Have you familiarized yourself with the Symbolic World channel?
@VM-hl8ms Күн бұрын
my dearest nutsies, ukraine comes into all of this because you are all dominated by your right brain hemispheres (acting on emotion) and russia knows this. lenin needed ukraine's resouces, hitler needed ukraine's resources, stalin needed ukraine's resources, soviet union needed them, now putin needs them, but you blame what you are told to blame.
@davidsprouse151 Күн бұрын
"woke" is the scapegoat du jour. They've done this for millenia. Counterintuitively.......there's a correlation between intelligence and attractiveness. 😍 In a national child development study in Britain they found people rated attractive had a mean iq of 104.24 and unattractive people had a mean iq of 91.81.
@miroirs-jumeaux Күн бұрын
Hello and welcome to _Calmversations with the Boyce of Reason,_ I'm your host Benjamin Boyce, and today's _calmversant_ is returning guest Courtenay Turner - she runs a media shop, she talks a lot about what other people might call conspiracy theories…
@ddz1375 Күн бұрын
When the ability to think and reason is diminished or eliminated all that remains is emotion. Emotions are easily stimulated and manipulated by outside stimulus. Whoever controls the stimulus controls the mob.
@rmv4646 Күн бұрын
5:46 why does anyone think men need help or should integrate into different behavior? Men have it figured out. Fathers or father figures must be in the picture as role models. Females talking about how they want men to behave is interesting and wrong. We are the way we are, women are the way they are. Females are not the moral authority of the two sexes. Women are not correct about men. Men should work on being better men and women should work on being better women. Men are the ones making the sacrifices. When i was in the Military, we ran miles and miles until we tired enough to focus. Boys have an energy that females can not possibly understand. The further into the masculine spectrum you go, the more you will find this true. The gap will widen until we are going in opposite directions.
@Augusto9588 Күн бұрын
Yes Benjamin, no one ever used reason and logic before 1800, let alone apply them to practical questions such as politics. How can you even think without liberalism? Basic facts might try to disprove you, but Aristotle and Aquinas were liberals! Peak midwitery
@Augusto9588 Күн бұрын
"Liberalism makes no sense because X and Y" "well, you just used liberalism there! Checkmate, chud!"
@Northstar.131 Күн бұрын
Chatham House Rules
@hengineer Күн бұрын
Even deeper than the Frankfurt school, goes back to Gramsci
@ScottishAtheist Күн бұрын
Boyce, honest question, what benefit does this bring your channel platforming an utter raving lunatic? It's like a knock off Rogan when you has great guests on one day that actually have something interesting and insightful to say, then the next fringe crazies. It's like she walked straight off a psyche ward. Absolute fruit cake.
@miroirs-jumeaux Күн бұрын
@jodieiscool9351 Күн бұрын
wants to educate people that AGP is like a flasher etc...but invited him into the conference??? I'm still trying to ascertain how I feel about Gen spec. I'll have to do some more research. If Gen spec are stopping the deepening of girls voices and the slicing off of they're breasts then im in support
@nataliebutler Күн бұрын
I'm getting strong crazy vibes from this womens perspective on heartmath (perhaps strong misunderstanding is a better way to put it). It's simply biofeedback which measures heart rate variability. Greater HRV is beneficial for health and an indicator of positive emotions. If more people accessed more a loving state more of the time, that obviously wouldn't be a bad thing. We know scientifically that people attune to each other in all kinds of ways. Global coherence means a cascade positive effect of this natural impact people have on each other. Take a look a the world around. Do you like the way people behave or could we improve? Heartmath simply helps people access greater emotional maturity (which also benefits health). Of course people will be more understanding of each other and more cooperative if they are more emotionally mature, but it's quite a leap to go from that to imaging we would become like the borg hive mind.
@FrankQpublic-tn5yg Күн бұрын
Ray has intellectual honesty combined with empathy and tact, it takes a pair of brass balls to walk away from a ideology and lifestyle that he so heavily invested in braving the slings and arrows of the TRA gang, rock on bro
@jamesmack9598 Күн бұрын
This just sounds like unhinged schizo-rambling.
@ScottishAtheist Күн бұрын
She's definitely on something. She's pretty i'll give her that, but I feel like if she shook her head quickly you'd hear rattling.
@randmorf Күн бұрын
@no-one-knows321 Күн бұрын
What's wrong with a one world culture... your kidding right?
@debib4596 Күн бұрын
I'm a fan. I find him quite knowledgeable on many topics, articulate and easy to listen to. I wish you both the best.
@loring5784 Күн бұрын
They chose Ukraine for its vast mineral resources and access to the Black Sea. They chose Lahaina, Hawaii to be their flagship fifteen minute city because of its natural beauty and remote location making it a easier idea to sell the public. However, most fifteen minute cities will be stacked poverty stricken ghettos. They also sealed the island, compromised the advanced warning system and prevented access to water to insure maximum casualties so there would be very few people left with claim to the land.
@lolalaise4530 Күн бұрын
Loved this! But I must say I debate and rationalise breakfast choices daily lol and I love having the privilege to do that.
@gabrieloak9852 Күн бұрын
I was looking forward to this. But with mention of satan, as if it was a real thing, I turned off. I can't take heed of anyone who has Abrahamic mythology as one of their foundational beliefs.
@Knuck_Knucks Күн бұрын
The metaphoric reality of Satan is real. If an institution is designed to counter humanity, it is Satanic. Human beings, speaking in metaphors is also real. 🐿
@miroirs-jumeaux Күн бұрын
🎵 _You can serve the devil, or you can serve the Lord, but you gotta SERVE SOMEBODY_ 🎵
@johnkrstyen7351 Күн бұрын
You can't get over the fact that by Satan, it just means evil or evil ideas. Stay in your close-minded bubble.
@johnkrstyen7351 Күн бұрын
Had you of listened longer in the video at the hour and 27 mark she explains she does not follow a specific religion.
@gabrieloak9852 Күн бұрын
@@johnkrstyen7351 Yeah, but no... That's not what she meant. I know this kind of guest and their mind is polluted. Everything has to have something to do with the Abrahamic mythos.
@saracorbin1152 Күн бұрын
These names sound like "Behavioral Research Institute" -- shut down in RI in the 80s for abuse.
@nacetroy Күн бұрын
Around the 1:05 mark, Benjamin asks about resistance to this mind control and propaganda. Resistance, it would seem, and this is why James Lindsay or Wokal frequently repeat these points, kind of naturally occurs when people make truth and authenticity their beacon and highest priority. Granted, sometimes easier said than done, but the mass hypnosis occurs through emotion, trauma, fear, but also through our individual striving to live up to some ideal, yet we often don't ask ourselves if these ideals are even worthwhile, legitimate or, if meeting the idea, or beneficial. A quick example of which many may now be aware, was the push for recycling and green energy or practices. Sure, who wouldn't want to work to keep the environment nice and close to pristine, so, dutiful citizens went to increasingly complex hoops to recycle, drive an EV, or vote for solar/windmill energy. Since their roll-out, it's become increasingly clear that recycling is a scam, EVs may create dangers worse than gas powered vehicles while the productive life span and usage of solar or windmills are likely worse for the planet than many other means. So, it's good to remember also, that a lot of the propaganda is not only a way to get people do do elite bidding, but also is a project for creating new narratives and financial "solutions" that concentrate money and wealth toward a small group or vanguard.
@Gumbatron01 Күн бұрын
One thing that didn't get a mention that I think deserves mentioning are Nudge Units (aka Behavioral Insights Teams). These groups of psychologists were used by Western (mainly five eyes) governments during COVID to actively psychologically manipulate their populations into "doing the right thing". Their primary tactics were to induce fear and shame in the population in order to increase the uptake of the jabs and compliance with the draconian non-pharmaceutical measures. These units were and are undertaking what is effectively military grade psychological operations against their own citizens. Their methods and tactics tie so well into the rest of the topics discussed that I would be incredibly surprised if there were not a link.
@saracorbin1152 Күн бұрын
She reminds me of Mae Brussell!
@stevem815 Күн бұрын
Would have been better if she'd crammed in more information. My brain didn't quite melt.
@dovydenaspdx Күн бұрын
"Right is might, it's sharpness cuts through time."
@Gumbatron01 Күн бұрын
I'm not sure on the Tuvalu issue. I'm Australian and have heard literally nothing about that. Also to note, Tuvalu is not sinking beneath the waves, as the climate alarmists would have you believe. It, like the vast majority of small islands (particularly coral atol islands), are growing as per the findings of the team led by Gennadii Donchyts of the Dutch Delft University of Technology in August 2016 in Nature Climate Change: “In the past decades, the atoll islands showed no signs of physical destabilization in the face of sea-level rise. 88.6 per cent of the islands were either stable or increased in area, while only 11.4 per cent shrank. Remarkably, no island of more than ten hectares in extent lost size. These results show that the area stability of atolls and islands is a global trend, regardless of the rate of sea level rise.” That's not to say that what she said is not correct. The chances that the Australian government and media would collude to keep the Australian public in the dark are close to certainty.
@tubester4567 Күн бұрын
I havent heard of it either but in major cities around half the people are immigrants so nobody is going to notice them.