A (Very) Belated Andor Review
Halo - We Remember Season 1
4 ай бұрын
Star Wars - It's about time ...
Ahsoka and the Crimes of Dave Filoni
The Working Jellyfish Thanks You!
Why Do People Hate Disney Star Wars?
@hubertwaliszewski5740 Күн бұрын
To be fair Ahsoka survived already in Season 2. It was shown that she was alive just like Vader.
@TheGamegurusChannel Күн бұрын
I don't think having your villains say the past is dead let it die kill it if you have to and then having the triumphant return of the legacy character saying that they will not be the last Jedi, does not mean that the director wanted you to agree with the villain
@sarasunshinemt4444 2 күн бұрын
22:54 You get ALL the upvotes just for having Mass Effect 2 Mordin's rant about the Collectors in there. Bravo, sir, you are CLEARLY a man of culture! ❤
@vicrackingup2 3 күн бұрын
They try to brain wash people into their ideology by using mainstream franchises but people are rejecting this left and right and they won’t stop!
@hawkstringfellow 3 күн бұрын
Chewbacca dies 😂😂😂 in the star war novels the prequels were fine I love them because lucas helmed them
@grth-is6xv 4 күн бұрын
Predictable writing, no attachment to any of the characters, and no one dies from lightsaber wounds anymore. Thanks a lot Dave Filoni
@larzkruber822 5 күн бұрын
She can´t die
@bethanywallace8575 7 күн бұрын
OMG. Thabk you! Sequels were supposed to be the end of of the Skywalker saga, but there's no Skywalker even in the third entry other then, you could argue Ben, but he dies so.who cares. I would have preferred they kill Rey off and Ben survived becauee he's a Skywalker/solo, I literally didn't give a hoot about Rey after the last jedi
@gregv2k 7 күн бұрын
EVERYTHING. Everything makes Andor worthy of one’s time. It’s light years ahead of everything Star Wars has delivered since ROTJ.
@Ti-JAC 7 күн бұрын
Condenser version of this segment.. leave WOKE and fazi feminist out of the franchise.
@celia1888 7 күн бұрын
I really don't get the problem with bricks and screws. Bricks are like....an incredibly common part of human development (not always for homes ofc). Like using rocks and stacking them on top of each other is an incredibly common thing (goes back to the Bronze Age at least). So a human settlement using them is more normal than the fact that Cassian wears a very basic coat in ep 1. As for screws, they're part of the Star Wars Aesthetic since the OG trilogy ? Like it's not new. As for the actress talking about her character, I don't think that's a mistake at all. It's how it's portrayed. You're supposed to understand her frustration (+ the creepiness factor of some of the stuff that happens to her), but realize that fighting one fight without fighting the others is meaningless and like most fights in history a lot of people were thrown under the bus despite having the same fight (white cis gay men vs every other queer, white women vs woc, ect....). But she couldn't exactly talk about that so she misdirected the subject.
@xXSirKRXx 7 күн бұрын
Dave turn to the dark side he became a sith
@xXSirKRXx 7 күн бұрын
13:50 and thats why SW is dead to me. I knew with the second of the prequels it was dead to me without the retcon and removal of them and disney star wars and start anew, or its dead. and its dead
@metalanarchy5186 8 күн бұрын
Because it is awful and they hate the long time loyal Star Wars fans it is that simple
@celia1888 8 күн бұрын
As a fan of Rebel the only thing I'll take from Ahsoka is the actors of the Ezra and Sabine who fit very well aesthetically. Though tbf I'm part of the people who think it should have stayed in an animated format (if only because I think Luke and Ezra should meet. It would be hilarious as they're both very much agents of chaos. Also the parallels but mostly the chaos thing). One of the things that failed in Ahsoka is that Rebels, and Ezra in particular, was created with so much of the original trilogy in mind (twin moons/Twin Suns, halping the Rebellion form as a fully coordinated force and not just separated cells ending in a first major victory against the empire that lead to starting with a big victory and ending the empire, passing the torch from the old Jedi Order trying to grapple with a different world to someone who is not really impacted by its culture, ect......). While it can definitely exist outside of the original characters' life, if there's one show that could definitely pull off actually having crossovers with them, it's rebels. There's definitely a part of its themes that'd probably best be developed if they did meet (though ofc them not meeting can allso create a nice tension). And yet despite the fact that the executive always want to put parallels and references and cameos where they're not needed, they missed out on the character and stories created to parallel Luke ? Anyway, the fact that they didn't try to deal with those parallels that were ALL OVER REBELS but brought back cheap fanservice from all over the place shows such a lack of interest in actually writing a story about these specific characters. I personally liked the idea of the world between worlds in the part where it forces Ezra having to make a choice (they could have done it differently but I liked it), Ahsoka being stuck there would have been interesting with what had happened with the Daughter and what not. But ever since the tv shows started, Ahsoka was just a shell of a character, so that wouldn't have happened and the world between world, or Thrawn or any of the elements brought back are very much the same (like most of the show)...tho tbf Thrawn was already watered down a bit in rebels I'm not even gonna touche the Fallen Order/Survivor of it all (I do defend the 'you're like a sister to me' though as its how they were written by the end, I mean Sabine was never interested but by the end Ezra wasn't really interested like that anymore).
@jonassmith2479 8 күн бұрын
I think it’s funny watching conservative Starwars fans watching the most leftist, Antifa starwars shit ever made and then completely missing all those themes is very, very funny.
@weareharbinger914 9 күн бұрын
They didn't adapt it faithfully. Thats the problem. The actors do well, which is a nice change, and it certainly looks Fallout, but thats it. The story is nonsense and how things function seems entirely random. You have power armour which is both incredibly powerful, able to bust through buildings, but cannot kill one person and can tank bullets like nobodies business or is taken out by 1. They also ruined ghouls, for some reason and completely ditched the story of Fallout for a much, much worse one saying capitalists nuked the world to...make more money despite there BEING NO MORE MONEY! China fires the nukes and they fired first because they were losing, thats the story.
@johnmanole4779 10 күн бұрын
20:14 how do you know the ncr is dead and not reduced to a smaller size?
@bassplayer2011ify 10 күн бұрын
When it comes to Fallout Lore if you know the events of the resource wars and the factions that were vying for power after the bombs fell. You know all you really need to know. Digging deeper is entirely optional. And when it comes to the games most of it is in the form of unmarked quests and locations. Like Replicated Man in 3 or Remenants in Fallout New Vegas. You also have all terminals, notes, and environmental story telling.
@jordanjeppson6601 11 күн бұрын
Personally i never saw the new movies and stuff as canon to begin with, i always have and will continue to believe that the majority of the EU is true canon
@johnmanole4779 11 күн бұрын
Can we make a petition for removing Dave?
@xorbyc8149 12 күн бұрын
I think Bad Buch is an ok show tbh, its first season was kinda dull, but second and third are really up to standard. Only the art direction is far behind, I really miss those sick location and character designs from the clone wars, they were one of a kind :(((((
@shafalipatel4050 13 күн бұрын
All this just tells us is that Henry is more lovable, humble and passionate. He is really funny too!! James Gunn is the cause of pain. Henry has gone far and will succeed in the future! True willpower and strength!! 💗💗
@tiggytheimpaler5483 14 күн бұрын
One thing i hated is how people keep saying the disney verse is dividing fans, it isnt. There are fans of star wars, fans of star wars who like the stuff that doesnt cobflict with the og canon, and the disney fabs, the majority of which didnt become fans until disbey took over. Most of the fans of the disneyverse ive met are largely fans because of either co sumerism or Kennedys open admittance to her having political agendas behind her decisions We should have gate kept hard. It's also like how when the prequels came out all you saw was how "divided" the fan base was but honestly, all i ever saw was christicism, not out right hatred of the films. And this was among people who had star wars tattoos before the prequels, before being a nerd became marketable
@tiggytheimpaler5483 14 күн бұрын
My phones sperging out so I'm not fixing these egregious misspellings
@tiggytheimpaler5483 14 күн бұрын
I never understood why Han and Leia would name their kid fucking Ben. It makes no sense. They either barely interacted and were mostly hostile to each other (hans experience) or never even met him and just knows he was a friend of her dads. Luke naming his kid Ben makes way more sense simply because even though their time together was short, it was very personal and practical
@patrolpilot3756 14 күн бұрын
I've never understood how one can go from "Kill Everything!" to "I Am The Spy!" Were these films literally written by pre-teens?
@patrolpilot3756 14 күн бұрын
It's not even garbage I can laugh at. It's just sad.
@bassplayer2011ify 14 күн бұрын
4:22 will with that recommendation, I shall return.
@ben8698 15 күн бұрын
To put it simply the material Disney is putting out is garbage and the fans get blamed for everything. There’s no love put into it anymore
@TrenchMan93 17 күн бұрын
Dude this show sucks even for normies. This show is so fucking boring it hurts, how is it an alien war show is so boring?!’ With all this money and effects its a waste of time. Its awful for halo fans and boring to general audiences.
@elijahgomez9250 18 күн бұрын
Working Jellyfish: Sir, permission to leave the bay? Real Halo fans: For what purpose? Working Jellyfish: To give paramount back their bullsh** 🤣🤣
@moiragreyland 18 күн бұрын
We are being expected to accept that men no longer act or think like men, and women no longer act or think like women. It is absurd.
@Scottagram 18 күн бұрын
Last ten minutes of this vid got a little weird with the women
@xdivinematrix9291 18 күн бұрын
I was soo excited when The Force Awakens came out. Probably the last time it was good at the time but in retrospect i cant enjoy it anymore. I almost fell asleep at the last jedi then never even seen rise of skywalker..
@robertjameslabonte4905 19 күн бұрын
It's going to be getting in an end let it be Lucas was smart to sell it but it should have been left be it's a complete two trilogy story they didn't follow George's vision for the third trilogy and they ruined it it's their own fault so so there was only six Star wars films Disney's fanfic
@bradroberts4202 20 күн бұрын
Maybe some of those clumsy stormtroopers should see a space optometrist! 😎✅
@marcusbrothers5221 20 күн бұрын
The lack of a single vision with a continuity that isn't retconned is why the older content is superior
@Tarquin2718 20 күн бұрын
As soon as mostly woman dictate anything SF it is going to be horrible. It is not called Science for nothing.
@noneed4me2n7 21 күн бұрын
Yeah I liked it. Been a fan since the first game way back. It’s easier for me to separate head canon from the games versus the show. Plus as a bonus the people working on the show seem mostly competent, and above all to give a shit.
@elmoninjaking94 21 күн бұрын
For such a small account, your production quality, polish and communication are spectacular. Literally better than most giant channels
@workingjellyfish 17 күн бұрын
You flatter me, thank you skipper. I try my best to give each topic the attention it deserves. Star Wars is / was very important to a lot of people, myself included. I hope the video reflects that.
@wesdablazer1991 21 күн бұрын
Maybe if they knew Star wars they'd know not to f with the lore
@IntergalacticPirateRadio 21 күн бұрын
My first foray into the Legends EU was the Knights of The Old Republic games. It was down the rabbit hole from there. lol
@markburroughs5100 22 күн бұрын
Because they are pure dog-shit! I grew up loving Star Wars, this is not Star Wars, its just utter rubbish!
@inmjoh 22 күн бұрын
The easiest thing to point to in the hatred of Disney Star Wars is they constantly destroy the stakes and achievements of previous entries. The crew of Rouge ones deaths and the entire original trilogy conflict were all to restore the Republic. When we see the new Republic, they are inept, weak, and generally horrible at governing. All of the sacrifices were to put these clowns into power? Obi-Wan says to Yoda that Luke is their only hope. Yoda responds "no there is another" refering to Leia in The Empire Strikes Back. This makes the stakes of Lukes choice to leave super high. They only have 2 chances to ensure the Jedi don't go extinct and the Sith are defeated. The stakes are completely destroyed in Disney Star Wars as their last hope is now Luke, Leia, Ezra, Sabine, Asoka, Reeva and so on. Any one of these characters could train new Jedi. Anakins fall to the dark side involved killing younglings with his light sabre until Disney Star Wars. Reeva is stabed through the chest twice and lives, Sabine is stabed through the chest and lives, the Grand inquisitor is stabed through the chest and lives and so on. So the younglings just needed medical attention now? The stakes and meaning of that action are greatly dimminished as they keep showing people survive being impaled. Many sacrifices were made to get Grogu to the Jedi in season two of the Mandalorian, only to have him right back where he was with Din at the beginning of season 3. All the struggle and sacrifices to get him to the Jedi were for nothing and could have easily been avoided just by asking Grogu what HE wanted. I could give more examples, but if you constantly destroy the stakes and achievements of the previous entries, why should people care about the stakes and achievements of the current entry?
@TheMonkeygoneape 24 күн бұрын
Matt Berry was great casting, especially after being wasted in Boba Fett
@SkidzTheSlayer 24 күн бұрын
So sad to say it but, RIP Halo fans. Sad because I love this show but can’t help but just feel jealous a little that we couldn't have this for Halo.
@FlyingCircles 24 күн бұрын
The lead staff cares more about WHO made the work than the QUALITY of the work itself. What's the good of being the "first female XYZ in Star Wars history" if you're only contributing to embarrassing cash grab content. The true absense of bias is caring ONLY about the content itself, and praising its creators no matter who they are IF the content deserves it
@Spillow-C 24 күн бұрын
the show just works, yes, but its mid, its the adaptation that Fallout 4 deserves.
@jbyrne5009 24 күн бұрын
The Irony of Ending your video about how well a show understands the themes of FallOut with the sentence “God bless capitalism” is beyond funny
@KeaganExtremeGaming 25 күн бұрын
Personally I enjoyed Ahsoka. I would put it in b if I was to make a tier list. Ended up watching it twice since on my first run I have only seen the first season of rebels as that came out when I was starting to watch current tv less and less with a rewatch after I watched all of the clone wars and rebels. The show does not give enough context for Sabine, Ezra, Thrawn and Hera so while you can enjoy it without knowing that much, it would be better if you have more context. The world between worlds really does need to get properly explained since I had more questions than answers when I got to that episode in rebels. It also bugs me how Anakin was confused about the siege of mandalore despite Anakin lending Ahsoka prat of the 501st for the battle. compared to the rest of the Disney Star wars Ahsoka is a good series, far better than the sequels but not as good as andor or the mandalorian. I honestly hope they somehow turn around the course of how star wars is heading back to where the sequels get retconned (which I didn't even know was a popular theory until I saw your other video about disney star wars) but since it looks like they're going to double down on the sequels with the Rey movie I'm doubtful. I would honestly be happy if they just remade the sequels to have better writing. I found the force awakens to be boring when I recently rewatched it, and the other two had some good parts but they definitely need some rewrites since they're a mess. They could probably use the abridged versions from the newest lego game as a base to work from tbh.
@CC-S6-01 25 күн бұрын
It's been a long running theory that vault tec started the war, and it makes sense to me that they would. Vault tec's end goal isn't money it's control